5 Simple Pitching Tips To Pitch Like A Tour Pro (30-50 yards)

In this video Forbes-featured instructor Eric Cogorno is joined by Golf Digest Top 10 coach Martin Chuck…

To share 5 EASY pitching tips you can steal from the tour pros…

That give you a bulletproof short game.

Get 2024’s Best New Wedge For Amateur Golfers… the ONE Wedge, a High-Performance wedge from Golf Digest’s Top 7 Coach, Martin Chuck, that fixes the root cause of mis-hit pitch shots… from ANY LIE on the golf course.

ONE Wedge

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hey guys in today’s video we’re talking about five simple tips that you can add to your game to pitch like a pro out here with me today Mr Martin Chuck great to be with you appreciate you being here you bet have the pleasure of Martin Chuck one of the best golf coaches in the world coaches tons of golfers at his golf schools and I know Martin and I were talking we see a lot of the same issues that you’re facing right with this sort of 30 to 50 yard shots so we were talking hey what are the five best things that we could give to you pretty easy to do that you could Implement to get that clean contact right that consistent result Time After Time absolutely and I know for a lot of us bartin if you don’t mind taking a step in there the first of those five really the most important thing right starts with the setup and the feet width right don’t we always see that all the time we see super wide stances and and and then obviously everybody thinks I better just be you know stable and and then they can’t they they can’t make an athletic motion it’s actually pretty good from well I got the club on it you know played hockey all my life right hand eye coordination but no I think I think number one how about just stance width mhm you know a narrow stance with a ball in the middle of a narrow stance I love using a t-square and so I always say to the students if you just put a club head Dimension between your heels with a little bit of toe flare for a bit of stability now you’re Off to the Races because this you know this helps you the Simplicity of pivot without being wide and having a you know laterally move so much and jeopardize low point so I think number one coach what do you think narrow stance little little bit of foot flare and so the club head between the heels is like a check yeah that’s it and then notice you probably get about two Club heads when you have just a casual foot flare I like the toes I hate seeing pigeon towed because then it limits the hip mobility but when the toes are flare a little now a little easier on the hips to rotate and relocate to a finish and Martin kind of the like you said that the basic idea is like if we’re only trying to hit the ball yeah 30 to 50 yards we don’t need power we don’t shift you don’t need this big offsetting relocation move to smash it so this is a situation where it’s a narrow stance flare feet balls in the middle of that then you’re pretty much Off to the Races right there with that make our life easier which I think brings us to point number two along with the narrow stance is where the ball position is yeah yeah so you know when you look at this situation I always joke with my students to say okay here I’m going to move the ball way up in my narrow stance now I’m going to move it way back in my my narrow stance so the the laugh there is if you just have a narrow stance with a bit of flare and the golf Ball’s somewhat centered in that that is kind of your your home base now can you have it back a tick if you want it to fly a little lower maybe up a bit if you want it to pop up a bit more sure but just the basics of one Club length between the heels little flarey feet ball in the middle that covers one and two pretty nicely doesn’t it I like that a lot and then you know the third thing and Martin has so many good wedge videos I think I might have watched them all and I’ll off often times you’ll say the phrase uh I believe it’s rotate and relocate yeah rotate and relocate so George nson my coach Canadian Legend he was always about beginning with the end in mind so all these shots so we have a 35 y here okay 35 yard little shot I want this ball to maybe fly somewhere over 20 yards so it you know it’s kind of beginning with the end in mind how much energy do I need to rotate to relocate to kind of hit this finishing form cuz this is where I’m going no matter what okay so I’m going there and as the golf ball’s in you know down here and I’m ready to go I’m energize it what I feel appropriate rotate relocate and I hit my brakes okay and so that was a nice little outcome a little strong but you see how everything is to this position nothing’s just head down let the club pass you by in fact I always I I have a fun thing with people I say I would argue there’s no follow-through in these shots and people always go what are you talking about I say well watch if if a follow-through is defined by this kind of event when I rotate and relocate my club is traveling and my body is pivoting so the club is really never passing my midline okay so it’s always a sense of this finishing form before I even hit the shot so that rotation relocation so we’ve kind of covered three things now narrow stance slightly foot flare ball sort of in the middle of that okay the energizing of how a club moves as we rotate and relocate and hit our finishing form that’s a critical thing and so is the relocate part is part of that yeah gosh that was so well said there the the relocate is you’re almost you’re relocating pretty similar to where you were it set up yeah into that spot yeah so you know when you look at it too it’s it’s pieces I guess number three a bit more detailed so when we get to a golf ball we’re sort of bent over to the golf ball a little bit of hip hinge the club is not resting on the ground okay it’s always a part of but just I just say kind of tap tap tap find your radius find your Arc height okay we don’t want to set up with kind of soft Loosey Goosey arms and everybody thinks that’s great but you want your brain wants the structure it relies on the structure and so if you learn how to put the club in your good hands get the club up in the air find a radius find an archite that can tap tap tap now you’re after to the races and then you know that when you rotate and relocate you know you’re not in the same forward flex position you were to dress yeah okay which I think leads us into Point number four beautiful nice transition thank you point number four and number four is good chippers and pitchers of the ball actually have some standing up into the fin you know what so we’ve we’ve had this discussion when the club is traveling down the body is going up say that one more time when the club is going down the body is going up and that it’s so funny the people that struggle they almost feel like that’s blasphemy yeah yet they struggle which is the funny one right and so once they realize that when you watch a good chipper you know this wedge shot really you know when you watch this they’re able to transport their comfortably long arms through this Impact Zone so for arms to be comfortably long can I be crowded to the ground I can so the sense of narrow stance flare feet centered ball location finding your radius tap tap tap and then as the club’s going down my head is starting to go up and the ball gets gathered up outcome is decent I’m in my finishing form rotated relocated and so we’ll have a lot of students just one handers just kind of feeling this sense of pushing up as they go into their finishing form mhm that’s a big one and like just as for them to see the bad of the not standing up hang down of course well I think that’s from well-meaning friends that maybe maybe can break 90 and they’re they’re considered the golf expert for that new golfer and what do they taught they got taught to keep their head down Y and so they’re in over this golf ball and they basically are one of these and you’ll catch the odd one correct and somebody might say hey way to go let’s go play golf but really we need this sensation of developing a bit of energy that can go to a finishing form rather than the sense of staying down and freezing the chest I I always notice with good pictures that the chest is always moving to this finishing form it’s never a stall where the club passes by and that’s my argument for the no follow through it’s just a play on words yeah because I want the chest to keep moving so good and then as we do that obviously as we’re our body is turning back and through a lot of golfers will see will really make an attempt to try and keep the club straight back straight through and our tip number five is that you should be swinging the club on an oh yeah yeah so you know we these sticks are convenient so let me just go ahead and use these for a second you know so when you look at these like this really illustrates if I have a golf ball down here and now you can kind of see this arcing shape like nothing’s going straight here what has a straight outcome is this delivered face will be straightish enough and the blink of col the ball at the bottom on the way to the finishing form so there’s really you know there’s no over twisting it’s just it’s a simple sight on game where we have a back up it in instantly simultaneously down out Gathering the ball to a finishing form and this is basically something up here that is tipped over and I tell you what if people can realize that there is a face and a like a gentle relocation and rotation of this like this face doesn’t travel straight back straight through it has a subtle opening rate of closure that gathers the ball and when I’m finished that’s Square that’s not a manipulation of trying to keep something square and I we see that all the time too and I think Martin too just has a visual like from the down the line you say the in terms of the relocating and rotating yeah when you relocate and rotate on the way back that arcs it in you know it and then when you do it on the follow through that Arc it back in as well right so from the down the line camera you know it’s interesting we we’ll have a we’ll have some fun with people and we’ll say you know as they go to hit a little shot so they’re finding the radius narrow stance you know choosing some energy as I hit this little shot from the down line camera you know we’ll say look man no hands meaning that that camera right now can’t see my hands okay so they can the camera can see my hands now but as I’m rotating up here look on No Hands cuz all I look like is a rotated body now you know with my hands are you in my body’s in the way of my hands it’s not something where I’m trying to steer it straight or anything gosh is good Martin I feel like we could do like literally 50 wedge videos I think if we can hit we’re going to hit one more and just I’m going to recap them as we go okay five simple tips right yep absolutely the feet are close together narrow stance yep little flare roughly one Club head between yeah one Club head perfect love that okay and also you know I didn’t notice how these short shots it’s not a full I’m not my full Dimension away from the ball I’m cuddled up on it a little bit I’m a little closer to it okay narrow stance flare feet absolutely positions in the middle in the middle keep it simple is my stance Way open nope very Square none of this stuff yes see do a lot too I know I think you know people like the idea of open stance helps them see the target line but then the problem is the arms run off there’s that idea of trying to hit it straight rather than Square almost makes you feel like you’re this inclined Circle I like that feet close ball middle then we’re going to focus on where we finish rotating relocating we’re going to allow the head to gently lift and go up yeah go through for sure go you know I I see my like as this ball gets gathered up there’s I’m standing up yeah you know I feel like there’s upness to it right like there’s nothing down rotate it enjoy the shot let the ball respond off the face and you’re going to do pretty darn good club goes in a little bit of an arc so good I’m enjoying this we could do this all day long it’s fun guys obviously when you’re pitching technique wise is most important you need to swing the club well right but as with all of us there’s margin of error okay there’s certain shots that are easier and harder certain clubs that make your life easy and harder if you didn’t watch we’re going to put our previous video up we explain the one wedge and the benefits how important the balance is the weight in the handle we’ll put that link below we’ll put Martin’s info down below highly suggest you go to a golf school if you can get in with him as a busy man um thank you guys for watching as always any questions leave a comment down below kick click that like button subscribe appreciate you guys watching hey it was great appreciate thank you


  1. Didn’t mention most weight on front foot back and thru.. very important. Also how much of a divot, if any, should you take?

  2. How bout what degree and when and why? Seems I never hit my 60* lob enough from 30-50, hit my 50* gap too much

  3. The 2 greatest coaches who can breakdown any golf swing in seconds, and make me understand exactly what I need to do for a proper golf swing, Eric said it, I can watch these 2 coaches all day, so much knowledge about how my crazy mind thinks about golf. haha. Thank you Eric and Martin , as always , I understood everything needed for a proper pitch shot ! outstanding.

  4. The finish , if I practice that part will that help my full swing finish with the other clubs. I just struggle with the full finish , great tips too.

  5. Literally the only pitching/chipping lesson that has helped me – practiced this today and the results were very encouraging to say the least – thank you guys!

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