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30 yr BOND COLLAPSE, Copper EASY BET, China SILVER $36/oz, PPI Increasing, Commodities

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30 yr BOND COLLAPSE, Copper EASY BET, China SILVER $36/oz, PPI Increasing, Commodities

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hey everyone hopefully you’re having a good day my name is Andy my channel is finding value today we’re going to go through Twitter see what people are share on social media I’ll interject my financial opinions as we go through it generally related to three different topics wealth building Commodities Andor Financial topics so let’s dive in there let’s take a look and see what people are sharing uh if you want to follow me it’s _ finance and if you want to join our community finding is where I dive deep deeper into these topics deeper into uh the individual companies and how to play this commodity bull market that we have enter so coming down to Z4 Energy Research natural gas power burn power burn is the electrical generation uh from natural gas electricity generation is at 41% of the share of the United States in the first quarter of 2024 it was was 35% in the first quarter of 2022 Coal Fire generation at 15% versus 21% in 2022 so um n gas is stealing market share away from coal in the United States for electricity generation it is the largest contributor to electricity uh for power generation it is natural gas by a long shot um we’ve got nuclear there nuclear has also uh come down from 19% to 18% is what I see here and then we’ve got here’s the pi location nuclear 19 Natural Gas 41% so coming down we got Peter cof he says out down 45% greatest 4-year 30-year treasury loss in over a century so 30-year US Treasury Total return index since 1919 and we’ve got a 45% loss since April of 2020 which is the greatest four-year loss in over a hundred years in the bond market and what that deals with is your interest rates inflation and interest rates and people wanting our bonds combination of those all those things Uh Kevin Graham says there’s six proposals for data centers in Alberta Canada so um this is natural gas demand and if they all went ahead these facilities would consume about 2,000 megawatt of electricity with most projects refined through the approval process said Ryan Schofield uh asos’s manager of load forecasting and Market analytics the Varco there’s three large AI data centers have been proposed for the langen high river and Spruce Grove areas each needing up to 400 megaw of electricity massive data centers worth billions are coming and Alberta wants to lead Canada in attracting them you know what else is up there um natural gas and the companies that I am investing in uh are in that General location so I I kind of like this I like this setup going on here here’s Bob Coleman he says silver investors listen up here be careful listening to promoters and gold dealers spouting out terms like shortages and banks that are ready to collapse due to their short position if there were absolute silver shortages we would be in back radation or seeing much lower efp premiums than we are today when you see these terms being used it is normally in conjunction with trying to sell a service or a product so I wanted to get that out there and that’s what Bob’s opinion is that there’s no problem with the naked short position and that we’re not necessarily seeing silver shortages uh at this time in his opinion cross border Capital interesting chart economic recovery led by Asia World shipping activity index and the crb commodity prices heading higher here over the past few months uh so maybe we do have an economic recovery I thought we were going into recession I thought unemployment was going up how does all of this fit together uh a lot of moving parts and it is very Dynamic and changing at all times the macro landscape and the fiscal spending and liquidity coming into the markets very difficult to get right um I know a lot of people on the website in the Discord channels uh the midweek or sorry the the question and answer sessions on the weekends that I do uh a lot of us look at all this data it’s very hard to make uh really good ends of it and where potentially the data is suggesting that we are going and that’s where technical analysis and sticking to buying things that are cheap and undervalued are very uh worthwhile because if you can take a patient approach and you buy all of the assets when they are cheap with large margin of safety or you’re aggressive and you’re trying to buy inflecting you know inflecting company where they’re inflecting from losing money to making money that’s where you get kind of the largest amounts of growth um we have to we can see that in the technical charts and looking at some of these macro picture views you’ve got all this conflicting data where it gets real Mucky at best to see where we could potentially be going but if I were to guess and I’ll just throw a guess here I don’t think we’re going to see a recession here soon uh with the two-year yield not falling that’s kind of where I look so maybe we are strengthening and maybe commodity prices are strengthening with an economic recovery led by Asia where we see higher prices in Commodities yet again coming down to Oliver Gro it says we’re going to need so much energy for the tech Revolution this is hungry hungry robots World estimated electricity demand in 2026 which is really not that far away so dedicated AI centers we’ve got cryptocurrencies and we’ve got conventional data centers uh and the demand difference is almost 100% increase in electricity demand in terawatt hours from a little bit over 400 to a little bit over 800 uh that is crazy that is absolutely crazy and how much electricity demand all of these things account for here in such a short period of time this is going to get real interesting on where this energy is going to come from I don’t think uranium can can scale that fast I think we are going to hit natural gas like no other here JP Morgan CEO Diamond says chance of stagflation is higher than most people think yeah I think there’s a lot of people in the stagflation camp where we could see inflation with a Slowdown in the economy very high likelihood and that’s what stagflation is Peter Schiff says investors shouldn’t buy dollars or sell gold because nominal treasury yields are rising yields are only Rising because the federal government has lost control of the national debt and the FED has lost control of inflation this is bearish for the dollar and bullish for gold in Peter schiff’s opinion what’s your guys’s opinion on this um are we going to see gold and yields go up together we have noticed that there’s been a disconnect since 2020 and gold generally followed where bond prices would go but the disconnect is bond prices are going down and gold is going up and I think Peter’s probably right here we could see yields go up and gold go up together Robert says oh this is Robert Friedland um forwarding this along he says copper longer term is the best commodity out there says Carl’s Jeff Curry it says copper long-term is the best commodity out there in his opinion norstar producer price index looks ready to lift off along with money supply hold on to your hats and what the producer price index is uh is it it’s the producer prices on the front end so think commodity prices what it does it goes through a producer price index and then it goes to the Consumer Price Index on the back end so this is kind of the leading indicator of inflation and you can see the big moves here the falling wedge and then another breakout here in 2020 and then looks like here that we could potentially be breaking out again to the upside of this of this wedge Amy Nixon says this time is different and we’ve got basically the overlay of the Consumer Price Index today uh overlaid on the 1966 to 1982 um replay move and if it does follow similarly to that we would peak in 2028 and that very well could be the case um I could easily see a peak in the late 2020s very wel could uh Isabelle net says margin debt so margin debt is borrowed money to buy stocks so margin debt continues to rise remaining below extreme levels this reflects the optimism among Market participants and has the potential to drive further upward momentum in US stock prices so if we look at this this is Margin Call this is margin debt expansion versus contraction so the S&P 500 you can see that there’s some contractions in margin debt and it correlates pretty well with the S&P 500 going lower right now we are going up in margin debt so people are taking on more margin and it has been increasing over time uh Logan says it’s all true but it has gotten us off Savage savagely unhealthy low levels of inventory so we’ve got 37% more inventory than last year of National single family homes but uh what he’s saying is this is completely unhealthy down here and we need to get to some inventory levels that are more healthy and we’re still below 2017 2018 2019 and even 2020 in our inventory absolute numbers so yes we’re going on up uh and we could be getting to healthier levels resi Club says over the past 40 years one second he says over the past 40 years us home prices have sared a staggering almost 500% biggest home price gains between March of 84 in March of 24 so these are over the 40-year change in Statewide home prices you can see where the largest gains occurred in the um the United States and it mainly occurred uh in the west and on the East Coast so East Coast and West Coast or mountain range and to the West has been the highest increasers so that’s what it looks like there over the past 40 years D duret says who runs barter Town silver closed at $3 3623 tonight in Shanghai and then we’ve got a kilo at 1165 which is that 3623 an ounce the current premium is 12% uh in Shanghai versus New York Stock Exchange uh which is 3223 is what we have over here so big difference in Shanghai versus New York so here’s Eric he said the fame medals analyst David Jensen just said on Palisades radio that SLV might blow up because there’s not enough above ground physical silver that is available for trade anymore what if gldd also blows up Jordan once said that the creation of GLD and SLV sucked a lot of liquidity out of the miners because before GV andv people had no choice other than the miners to get exposure to the physical Metals other than holding the physical medals themselves what will happen to the miners if GLD and SLV blow up and physical medals also become unobtainable for the plebs they will fly baby I said this on my pin Post in 2022 where he said he said gold price revaluation will screw over most people in the world except for a few physical gold owners because it is an act by central banks and sovereigns capturing productivity from common folks to write off their debts and finance government most small investor Peeps are invested in miners which are physical gold proxies when physical gold becomes difficult to get or unavailable and GLD gets exposed as bull crap miners will fly because they are the only Gateway for the Mass public to be exposed to physical Golds upside that is his uh Northstar he’s got it as the producer prices or the PPI rate of change increases the upward pressure on gold silver precious metals increases we are in a clear bull phase right now regardless of any short-term pullbacks so we’ve got an indicators in the Bull Run for the eight-year rate of change for the producer price index we’ve got a downtrend line that’s broken to the upside clear breakout we also coincidentally have a breakout uh for gold pricing which follows or leaves whichever one leads follows the producer price index you can see that in history we’ve had these other simultaneous breakouts of gold and the PPI rate of change uh and then the big mass of 1970s bull market is in full alignment with the eight-year rate of change for the PPI so it looks really good for a potential move higher in gold silver and uh other precious metals so OE s Hansen says Commodities are firing at all cylinders or sectors this month with gains being led by Nat gas silver and wheat developments that apart from subdued crude and fuel prices support the sticky inflation Outlook note mostly based on bom total returned subm indices so huge moves uh this month or month to date in May in a lot of different uh commodity sectors big big moves for for the month another one with Oliver he says the best Bulls are The Quiet Ones and what we’re seeing here is the Commodities the silent bull market that almost nobody cares about Commodities outperforming so far in 2024 major cross asset performance rebased first January of 2024 so since January Commodities have outperformed basically everything debt credit rates USDX and equities Commodities are outperforming it’s good that’s where we’re at and hopefully they continue to outperform like we’ve seen with the PPI above uh gold is slowing down at this possible 133-year breakout line uh needs three reactions to properly morph into existence I’d say the lower risk higher reward entry is right above that see the rocket ship and this is gold versus inflation we’ve got the 13-year breakout line morphing into existence and it’s starting to try to break out here uh at some point it’s up against resistance trying to break for gold versus inflation and that is a high correlation to what the gold and silver mining companies do it follows gold outperforming inflation the CPI adjusted gold price so to speak I’ve got the silver squeeze cup and handle projection for the big pattern what do you think and that’s what I posted here is this big move to the upside of potentially $530 I think I went over that last time so that’s where I’m going to end it guys uh so give me a thumb up for the content subscribe to the channel subscribe to the website if you like and uh that’s all I’ve got for today so hopefully have a good day guys catch you later this is finding value


  1. so happy that massive AI will contribute its share to global warming …. we need more ….

  2. I know nothing about trading /investment and l'm keen on getting started. What are some strategies to get started with?

  3. Gold moves to the strongest Economy ….and this is china, and they do "QE" with lower rates. So there is no disconnection when in the West the yields go up and gold goes up .


  5. Hina silver is 36.
    We have never gone over 32 in one year.
    I have worst silver stock AG
    All I need is 8.44 in AG and I am out

  6. Considering a young mid income, short term minded person with constant need for cash, are these still worth investing into? I am new to all of these and have incurred so much losses, I am beginning to think I am not doing what is good for me but just following people blindly.

  7. Wow! What a great video. you so well articulated. Monetary and Fiscal policies should work hand in hand to have a full effect, but we live in an era where government just doesn't care, it will spend and double-down and spend more and more.. it just doesn't care, and it would debilitate the monetary policy. The sad outcome will be likely BOTH the transition to a digital dollar CBDC that will give ultimate control to the government thus shrinking even more the independence of the central bank. At some point the central bank will have no actual meaning left. Honestly, it feels we're not too far from it already….. I would buy Bitcoin and buy hard assets like gold /silver as a store of value while also actively trading…The only wild card for us investors is to actively engage the market by trading, it's about playing it smart and steady during trading…managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 732k in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Kerrie Farrell, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape…

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