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Baltimore Ravens Draft Class Film Study BREAKDOWN with Cole Jackson from Road Graders

Glenn brings Cole Jackson in from Road Graders for his breakdown of all Baltimore Ravens draft picks. What does Cole’s film study tell us about the kind of Ravens these guys will be?

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here with my co-host of the day Cole Jackson from road graders uh if you guys have not done so please go over to road graders on YouTube hit the Subscribe button and Cole will help make you a smarter football fan but Cole how you doing this evening I’m doing good I’m I’m living up to the name I’m out on the road right now I’m pulling a Jimmy Jimmy uh Jimmy couldn’t join us from his car so I thought hey if I’m co-hosting I might as well join you from mine and you know and the crazy thing is he’s literally just circling his neighborhood like not even going anywhere just I’m just grading the road over here we’re just grading the road simple as that that’s all it is but I I’m I’m super excited to have you on Cole because I know after the Ravens made their selections you were able to you know go back and and take a good you know deep dive and look into into what these guys are going to be bringing to the Ravens kind of how they fit this team and what their role might be um so if it’s cool with you let’s just start kind of going down the list now I I’ve been keeping up the last I saw you were up to Devin lery have you gotten to the seventh rounders yet can you speak to them yet so I seni Kane tape doesn’t exist I don’t know what it was about Purdue football um I I can’t get my hands on it so I don’t know if I’m going to be doing Kane I’ve done a little bit on Nick seac um but I just haven’t put the video together yet but done everybody else published video um they were longer than my normal usually I do like 10 15 minute videos these were you know closer to a half an hour I went pretty deep on them put a lot of work into them so I do definitely feel pretty good about about the breakdown so uh yeah I can speak up to Nick’s AAC with with pretty good confidence good good and you know I’m gonna go back to front here I’m not going to start off in the first round because I think that’s uh that’s too easy just to start there so we’re going to start near the back and kind of work our way towards the front but first and foremost shout out to Mr topper in the chat appreciate you uh joining us J Danny appreciate you guys coming out as more people continue to roll in here uh but all right well let’s start with uh so is Nick seac I mean I look I I think we needed a backup center that that’s certainly a guy I think would have would uh needed to add to the team after after losing muster this past off season but what you see from Nick is he just a center who can only back up Tyler Linder Bal in the event of an injury or does he Pro provide any versatility as far as some guard work that’s a tough one because when I watched him I really see Center I see AER SK set and that’s mostly what I’m expecting out of him so I I I kind of flagged it when we did our pre-draft show as a bit of like a sneaky need I guess it’s kind of like no one was really thinking a center and I think that’s because Patrick McCary can play all five so like on game day I would expect Patrick McCary is going to be active Nick seac probably won’t be but with this pick I think they’re signaling like we want a clear backup center and just to put it into perspective when Tyler Lind Brom did have to miss a couple games it wasn’t the Patrick McCary show at Center they went to muster and that’s because they want McCary as that you know six-man and mostly for offensive tackle depth with um the injury history of Ronnie Stanley so that’s how I think they were showing us their cards by saying you know we see McCary primarily as a tackle a guy that can obviously play all five in a pinch but primarily an offensive tackle and we need a true backup center with Sam muster gone so I watched him I the the thing that concerns me most about his game is lack of functional strength I think that’s why he went later than normal um so it’s it it’s kind of tough to project that to guard and and at the center position you’re working a lot more combo blocks um you’re not usually you know responsible for one-on-one Drive blocking situations just with the way the numbers work and splitting the line in half um especially in a Zone blocking scheme which Nick seac fits really well um I think that’s one thing that I really noticed with this draft they went it just it feels like it’s the end of the Greg Roman era they went away from the big monster physical offensive tackles um or offensive linemen and they went with the not not as not necessarily small but smaller lighter much more athletic and with the pick of uh rosengarten and Nick seac they really showed that so I personally think he’s he’s a center I think he’s you know you develop him as a center he’s going to be your emergency backup for a seventh round pick can’t go wrong with that if if if he has to play a couple games like must muster did and he doesn’t turn into a liability like muster did last year um that’s a win as a pick to me so I don’t see him becoming a starting guard I don’t really see him developing as a guard but you know we’ve also seen guys come in here and and develop like Bradley Boseman right who who was able to play some offensive guard so um you know I wouldn’t rule it out but I think he’s a center okay that’s fair and I think I think the Ravens like you said probably drafted him with that as you know with that in mind not not really trying to ask him to do too much so with a sixth round pick if you can get I mean a seventh round pick if you can get a quality backup center that’s a win Joseph says we’ll Keat and Mitchell be ready by week one I guess that’s the question right like any chance so okay so if that’s the if that’s the case then it’s Justice Hill and it’s it’s uh Rasheen Ali backing up Derrik Henry so I I think that’s a a competent group certainly Justice Hill showed that he’s he’s a competent backup and can get things done but they’ll be waiting to see Keat Mitchell back in that lineup using that speed and explosive explosiveness right and I see no no I have no interest in rushing him we kind of saw a guy like cam Acres who they tried to rush back I can’t remember if he was was an ACL or an Achilles it was a so like the Achilles is this is a stupid com man but the Achilles is the killes hill of running backs right like it’s been very hard for those guys to actually get back and be productive Katon was an ACL but you’re talking like a you know week one and that’s like a N9 to 10 month turnaround that’s a that’s a tough ask um and I don’t like we saw Dobbins come back he struggled a little bit dobbin’s knee did kind of explode he had you know the meniscus was involved in the ACL and the MCL and I don’t think I think Katon was pretty clearly an ACL so that will help his recovery but I’m not interested in rushing him he’s a young player I would rather him get healthy after dealing with all of these you know JK’s coming back and now he needs a cleanup surgery and you know he not 100% like let him get 100% he’s he was undrafted free agent we have Team control for like four years get him healthy before you bring him back I love that I love that absolutely and that’s why Ali’s here right because he has that home run speed that you’re looking for he has that Breakaway along with Derrick Henry of course um all right well let’s get into it then the head scratcher the biggest question mark of this draft the only knock in any draft grades that I’ve seen is this next pick and of course that’s Devon lry quarterback out of Kentucky in the sixth round number 218 I watched your film breakdown uh Cole as usual it was excellent and I I guess my question is uh first of all does he fit what the Ravens want to do and could he ultimately develop into a competent backup in this system I just think if Devin L’s playing for you like they Tyler Huntley as a backup always felt good because they didn’t need to change their offensive system right like they Tyler Huntley can do the read option stuff he can you know throw in the Run he can run himself he can scramble so it was like he’s obviously not nearly as talented as Lamar Jackson but you didn’t necessarily need to change your play calling now keep in mind for years we had Joe flacko who you know he get some get some Wheels when he needed to but Ty Rod was backup right and I remember PFF Gordon mcginness the he’s the Ravens fan the p F Gordon um love following him and he is a PFF guy but the PFF did a little work on basically what makes a backup quarterback successful and basically their argument was having a scrambling or or like a quarterback who can run as your backup would raise their their floor a little bit because worst case scenario they can get some yards with their legs right whereas if you bring in a pocket passer who’s not as competent they can’t run if they can’t pass what’s your offense really doing right so that was kind of always I always like the idea of having like a guy like Tyrod Taylor even if he didn’t fit your offense and so Devon L is like the anti-thesis of this where he you know Lamar is a mobile quarterback who can do everything and now our backup quarterback is a pocket passer versus a guy that can also run so I think it’s just an interesting spin on it but I just found watching what he did successful and I really tried to highlight this in my film breakdowns was he works really well off of a strong Run game and specifically off of a Zone Run game and it it reminded me a little bit of Ryan tanah Hill um with the Tennessee Titans and tanah Hill could kind of run himself and ly has a little bit of athleticism but it wasn’t like he was a true threat with his legs like the the threat was Derrick Henry and the way they could use play action off of that game and you know that’s why I really focused on the play action in the breakdown because that’s going to be like the question is if Lamar Jackson goes down God forbid what what happens right and so the answer is it becomes a Derrick Henry show and hopefully our Run game is good enough and Devon Larry can do enough right or Josh Johnson um so you know I do think he can develop into a competent backup because I don’t find he turns the ball over a lot I thought he made smart throws he’s he has good velocity in his ball you know really good over the middle of the field like there’s a lot of things that he’s good at he just is so inconsistent outside the numbers that as a true pocket passing quarterback where the pass is going to drive your offense I just can’t see him ever becoming a starter he was way too inconsistent and I mean he was in college for like like I remember he had a yeah he had a breakout 2021 year and he just played this last year like think about that so it’s like what prevented him of taking that big leap into the NFL over the last three draft Cycles right so um that’s kind of what my biggest concern with him is um but I do think he can be a functional backup quarterback where your run game is going to drive your offense so I mean and that’s most backup quarterbacks so usually you’re not bringing in a backup quarterback that’s a good enough pocket passer to play through the pass or else they’d be a starter somewhere so um I I as I watch this film I like the pick a little bit more because what he does well he does really well and I think you can at least put a game plan around well I I I guess my whole thing that would kind of confused me is that when they asked John about the competition at quarterback and if there was a competition at backup he said no Josh Johnson is our backup quarterback and Will Remain the backup quarterback so essentially you took a six round pick and you you took a guy who will not you don’t expect to help you at all this year even in a pinch in case there was an injury to Lamar because that job is Josh Johnson’s as it stands so that’s why when people are like man why are you being so critical it’s a six round pick those guys don’t typically help you that much as first year anyway it’s like well maybe not as a starter but on special teams in spot start Duty a sixth-rounder absolutely could help and he doesn’t even have the opportunity to help on special teams and he’s not going to have spot start Duty unless Josh Johnson were to get hurt as well which I find unlikely um so that that was the head scratcher like this there’s no way this guy helps at all this year right I don’t think so like I then again at the same time like the Ravens have always been you like one thing about him is he is an older quarterback so if he’s not going to help you now how much more can he physically develop like you’re just hoping he becomes a smarter better football player um but like he’s not perfect thank you I’ll come get them sorry it’s all good it’s all good let me see I’ll get to Roby Dell’s comment here up DK I don’t know why I did that uh Roby says I think with the problem with Huntley was he tried so hard to be Lamar and it hurt us hopefully this guy can be a good backup being his own man well I guess that’s a hard I mean I could see why you would say that but also just some of his game kind of mirrored a lot of what Lamar did just a lot slower version of it uh and a lot less talented version of it I don’t I don’t think uh what you got going on here Cole you there you go there you go it’s all good um I don’t think he was trying to imitate or necessarily a copycat of Lamar I just think their games kind of overlap like Cole said similar in in in style just you know one was a heck of a lot more talented and had a had a lot more ability than the other uh I wish Huntley man I I mean I I I wish he was just a little bit more conservative with the ball in his hands as a runner and a little bit more I wish he would trusted his receivers a little bit more as a passer I think that was my my whole thing but uh good the good thing is Huntley huntley’s out of the picture and I I say the good thing because I think he got a lot of criticism here and I don’t I don’t know if he could have ever erased the memory of him trying to go over the top in that Cincinnati game and and cost the team to win I think fans would have just I mean any other mistake they would have kept bringing that up so I’m glad he’s got a fresh start somewhere else and and we’ll thank T Tyler Huntley for what he did here in Baltimore but um yeah hopefully this guy can be his own person but man I just don’t know how much he’s going to help us but Roby I certainly appreciate the generosity appreciate the super chat um but all right let’s move on from Devon Larry and the head scratcher I’m excited to talk about rashim ali because I I I I like the potential of what he can bring especially as that home run threat out of the back field he showed some patience in the video breakdown again guys if you haven’t seen it go over to Rog graders got individual videos for all of the first six uh the six round picks and it looks like Nick seac is his video is on coming uh but Rasheen Ali what you like about him what didn’t you like and how do you see him fitting in at least in in his rookie season yeah he was a guy where you know I looked at his analytical profile and I’m not a big analytics guy like I try and pay attention because sometimes there really is some stuff you can uncover but I’m always going to kind of lean into the tape right like the tape’s gota got to tell the story and basically he had terrible yards after contact numbers which means you you know basically if he’s being tackled he’s he’s going down um he wasn’t breaking a ton of tackles he didn’t have a lot of charted Miss tackles forced it’s not really his game but what is his game is he’s a true Zone Runner and I like that again looking at what the purpose of this offense is what they’re trying to kind of make this offense into is an offense that has kind of the Zone Run game as its base and so in that regard I think they got a guy that really fits what they want to do and and uh it makes a ton of sense so in that regard defin like I loved his patience I liked his vision um you know he he has that ability to you know if it gets stacked up on the plays side he’s got a one cut ability to cut it back um I thought he made really smart reads or wasn’t really too many times in in zone where I kind of thought like ah he doesn’t really you know he’s not setting his blocks up well so he did all those things really well he’s got good pacing with the ball and what I mean by that is you know he’s got a good ability to kind of gear down while a block sets up and then hit that one cut and and accelerate and and get some distance and so one thing I did notice is he was much more impressive in his 2021 tape than in 2023 and he suffered an injury in 2022 and barely played that season so I think that injury was still bothering him through throughout 2023 because he was much more explosive um even his yards after contact to just miss tackles Force numbers were better in 2021 so it really begs the question is he gonna get healthier was that injury one of those injuries that you know impacted his ability so that’s really what I’m kind of interested in seeing in his development but in the sense of someone to come in and be able to take some reps in zone behind Derrick Henry it was a perfect fit so I like the pick um I didn’t like the player as much throughout his film and basically my takeaway was like there’s a reason he was a fifth round pick right so um you know I think I wanted to there was a lot of hype around him and I loved him as a as Prospect and like it’s like any any guy I watch I only get to see so much from some of these later round guys so as I dug in more I just started to kind of be like ah you know like there’s just too many opportunities where you know he he’s getting taken down by ankle tackles or you know guys not getting their head across him and he’s not able to break those tackles and that’s what I worry about at the NFL level is is he gonna be able to make those tackles so he can use his speed in the open field or is he just going to be you know he he basically he gets what the offensive line gives him and he’s going down at first Contact all the time so that’s really what I’m interested to see in how his game develops but in terms of finding a guy to come in and run this offense like literally run in this offense um makes a ton of sense so I love the scheme fed now I know one way a rookie can find themselves struggling to get on the field is if he can’t pass protect so what you see from him as a pass protector he’s doesn’t have a lot of functional strength he’s not a big guy um I think he processed well well I love to use the cut block I I tweeted out a cut of them because or a couple of them because it was I just thought they were funny um like he has one where he literally flips a guy uh but in some of the opportunities where he had to step in into like a pseudo tight end and kind of take a player off the edge I just found he didn’t have the functional strength to hold his own but I like that he was processing well and I like that he was physical enough to kind of Step Up on guys it’s just going to be about can he get bigger can he get stronger yeah and it’s funny thing about it is when they say what they want to look for in a guy and then who they ultimately end up with it doesn’t always align like they talked about what they want from a running back and they all said well we want a guy who can who can force Miss tackles that can make guys miss in the open field and then they go to get a guy who analytically was you know well over a hundred ranked in that category of making guys miss and forcing Miss tackles so it’s kind of interesting that uh coaches talked about that before the before the draft going and getting a guy who can do those things and then they end up with a guy who can’t but I kind of saw a lot of a lot of that from Justice Hill when he was first here looked like he would go down a ton from arm tackles didn’t put up a big fight now he runs way harder it seems like so maybe that is something that he can learn as he as he gets a little older and gets a little bit bigger and stronger and further in his career maybe he can start to at least run through the arm tackles but as far as making guys miss in the open field I got to imagine that that’s something that uh is kind of born in you like can you really like make yourself have more wiggle or is that just something either you got it or you don’t a lot of it is physicality a lot of is physicality and like I think he’s got the speed and the agility and I I think is processing pretty good so a lot of it’s you know setting up those arm tackles right by using your vision in the open field to find running Lanes um but some of that is like when you’re getting arm tackled it’s just how hard are you running how hard are you turning your legs how much are you meaning into physical contact that sort of thing and that’s not me trying to call him soft because I don’t think he is but it’s just kind of the combination of all those things so it’s all going to be about whether he can you know take better advantage of those opportunities gotcha yeah I mean look he’s a fifth round pick like you said for a reason Travis Rumple said did Cole put Jimmy in the trunk again what’s up guys keep up the great work yeah he did and in fact I think he’s currently going to get the shovel and lime from the hardware store I don’t know what this guy this Canadian Walmart guys got you now now what makes it a Canadian is the greeter super courteous when you come in is that what makes a Canadian he’s not a greeter he’s a hugger that’s so good I love that you get the Walmart hugger yeah you can’t do that down here that [ __ ] that’ll get you in some trouble um but all right as we continue to move we’re gonna move into the fourth round and uh pick 130 overall TJ Tampa the cornerback out of Iowa State who by every pre-draft ranking was a top 100 player and some had him even in the top 50 and so to see him slip to 130 the certainly the Ravens were excited to see but I got to imagine he did slip for a reason so once you were able to look at the tape and and kind of see what the kind of player this guy is what’s he bringing to the Ravens here Cole yeah so I’ve been a little negative on the we started at the bottom of the draft so don’t think the negativity is going to continue I’m trying contextualize these guys where they were drafted but new toaster for the trailer just so we can see it um so uh so uh this is a guy that I I love this tape I I I really came away like Dame Brugler had him as his 56 ranked Prospect and so when you see him go 130 it’s like what the hell happened and he is one of those guys where he ran a 4 45440 which I think like if you look historically it’s one of those guys where they’re not going to work out like they didn’t meet the threshold of the average uh NFL level quarterback right or quarterback and so this kind of stuff happens you know we’ve seen guys slip I mean Terell sug slip because of his athletic testing numbers right and look how that worked Kyle Hamilton yeah and uh Kyle Hamilton’s another great example so I’m not saying TJ Tampa is gonna become an all pro but he plays a lot faster than he tested and uh he’s just one of those guys that plays with immense physicality I think he has a little bit of safety slot Corner ability that he wasn’t really asked to do as an outside corner at Iowa State he was mostly on the outside playing that role so you know that’s a bit of a projection but his skill set really shows an ability to do that now one thing he was really physical in coverage and this is where you can lose some of the Nuance right so he’s very physical in coverage but I he was a terrible tackle so it’s kind of one of those weird things right where you think those two would kind of go hand in hand um but some of that again can come down to processing and uh some other pieces so that’s something that I’m really interested in seeing how it develops I think it’s something that again could have been contributing to why he fell in the draft and uh it’s just something he’s gonna have to improve on so again not a perfect Prospect definitely some stuff he needs to work on but his ability to you know to to read route and uh be able to get physical at the stem of the route it’s something that I could see him being a little bit of a penalty risk early in his career because they I don’t know some of his some of his contact points in college football were borderline illegal contact and it’s like how’s the NFL going to call that but that’s just going to be an adjustment period for him but we’ve seen so many physical Corners um you know have success here and have success in this system especially with his ability to to press and release and again I think his play speed is much better than uh his testing numbers would have suggested so I’m really not too worried about that aspect of his game so really looking forward to seeing how that develops but love this film yeah I I I love the the part where you point out the way he uh can get his hands on receivers disrupt the timing of the routes between the quarterback and the receiver certainly in the NFL game that timing is so precise that if you can if you can jam a guy if you can you know get a guy off his off his route by even just the smallest of margins that can totally destroy a play but at the same time kind of conversely to that if he misses with those with that six s reach and he and he misses with those long arms he doesn’t necessarily have that catch-up speed uh to go and run down a guy is that correct yeah it’s basically it reduces his margin for error so if he’s going to be impressed and I think one of those clips I showed it specifically impressed so he missed his punch it looked like it I think they went with a quick count and he just wasn’t ready so he throws his hands out late and he just completely misses and then he ends up a full two steps behind the receiver so that’s it’s kind of like when we talk about arm length with offensive lineman it’s kind of the same concept where you know I don’t really buy into a whole lot of like you know you need this measurement to be successful like I’ve never really thought that way it’s not the way coaches look at it it’s just I don’t know I don’t see a lot of usefulness in it but I do ree it does reduce your margin for error so if you’re slower you have to be a lot more precise with how you use your Technique so that’s again it’ll reduce his margin for error and uh it’s something he’s going to have to adjust to as a pro yeah no doubt no doubt I know you talked about the the fact that he’s surprisingly not the best tackler when it when you look at how physical this guy is when you consider a six7 wingspan would certainly uh help a guy uh to to get a guy on the ground it looks like it helps Kyle Hamilton I mean his wings man looks like nobody can get around him it’s insane but also what you point out was is he doesn’t always have the wherewithal to make sure he’s forcing that run that running back whoever it is ball carrier back inside if he is the outside contained guy which in many cases could be that outside corner you know especially if these guys are bringing guys in tight to the formation and and you are finding yourself as the outside guy you got to force them back in but I got to imagine this is something he’s going to learn as he continues to grow his game like do do you are you confident that he could develop that part of his game and become better at tackling and just supporting the Run yeah and again it’s it’s weird right because we just talked about like I just said he’s really good at processing routes and then now I’m saying he’s bad at processing the Run game and it’s like it’s those things where it’s hard to use kind of buzzwords in a in a Scouting Report without explaining the nuance and that’s why I like diving into this stuff so deeply um I think one thing is he’s just going to have to become overall all more physical in the Run game like we’ve seen so many times where Kyle Hamilton will step outside and get his hands on a like a wide receiver trying to block if they’re running like a sweet play or an Ender round or that sort of thing and Kyle’s so damn physical that he’s getting his hands up so fast that he’s able to shed those blocks and make tackles and I just found him more passive and I think it’s that passiveness where he’s essentially trying to run around the block and so if you think about if someone trying to edge you outside and you’re trying to run around that you end up you’re helping him going right into where he wants you to go right and then you’re sealed and so I just think that overall it’s kind of an aspect of physicality where he has to kind of you know want that physical contact where he’s not going to go where the offense is trying to push him so I it’s weird because I find he doesn’t struggle with physicality in the pass game but he does struggle with physicality in the Run game so he’s going to have to figure out whatever that disconnect is and then Bridget basically no doubt no doubt and I hopefully uh he has the you know has the competitive nature and work ethic and and all those things that go into to making those things uh getting those parts of your game better uh but let’s continue in round four move up a couple picks to pick number 113 overall devontes Walker wide receiver out of North Carolina and I I know a lot of player or a lot of fans were hoping that the Ravens would go after a wide receiver in the first three three rounds or even the first two rounds uh they finally get one in the fourth round and another guy where if you look at the scouting reports and the the draft pre-draft rankings I mean almost universally everyone had devontes Walker as a top 100 player to get this guy where they did at 113 looks like a steal uh but I also know of course anytime you’re a fourth round pick there’s there’s going to be some areas in the game you need to work on but it just seems like this guy checks a lot of boxes when it comes to the Ravens would you see from uh devontes Walker and kind of his fit here with the Ravens yeah it kind of goes back to what I said about the way they’re looking at offensive linemen they seem to have some specifics they want in the receivers they Drafting and so last year we saw them pushing I mean we talked about it in the post games on Tuesdays here we talked about it a lot where they were trying to push the ball downfield to Rashad baitman right that’s how they wanted to get him involved is as basically a vertical threat and you know that just isn’t really r baitman game and it kind of played that where he just didn’t have success and then you know fans are pretty hard on him and so what do they do they go out and draft one of the best deep threats in this in this draft class you know not only does he have the Deep speed the four3 speed but he also has the ball tracking ability he was able to make the big play so again another guy where I have some there’s some specifics I’d like to see him improve in his technique specifically he’s kind of a deep ball speep catcher where um you know he’s he’s he’s one of those guys that wants to catch the ball over shoulders into he doesn’t want to put his hands up and High Point the ball he doesn’t want to hands catch those deep balls he wants to scoop it so that means that anything thrown behind him or thrown as a 50/50 ball you can’t scoop those especially in the NFL he wasn’t even able to scoop them at the college level so it’s it’s one of those things where if he wants to have success that’s going to be the number one area that he’s going to have to improve is not just having reliable hands he did have some drops but like his drop rate was 5.8% which for a deep thread isn’t that bad like there’s some ugly drops on his tape but also nothing like I don’t know everybody has drops a flowers had drops I think their drop rates were the same um so I don’t think it’s just naturally bad hands I think a lot of it was concentration but then some of these deep options where I need him to to turn around be physical be aggressive and get up for the ball with his hands rather than trying to scoop it so that’s one thing that I specifically saw that I’d like to see him improve but I mean I just I I love that they’re going out and finding guys that fit what they want to do on offense it’s like Todd monin carved out his identity and now Eric dasta is building a team with players that fit what he wants to do and so that’s what I think is really exciting about this pick yeah and and when you I I don’t like hearing a guy doesn’t naturally High Point a ball uh because I don’t know if I don’t know how much you can really work on that like I I don’t know if they’re going to be able to coach him up to to a level where he he naturally goes up and high points the ball like some of these guys I think that’s something that’s a lot of times just born in you but what I did see Cole and correct me if I’m wrong because you know you obviously watch a lot more film than I do but what I did see from him is it looked like he had late hands as a receiver like he doesn’t in engage his hands until the last possible second which which does delay the quarterback’s reaction to try and get his hands up in there did I did you notice that and I misre because it looked like he had late late hands as a receiver can you hear me am I back yeah say that again late I heard late hands and then it all cut out yeah like to me he looks like he has late hands so he’ll bring those hands he’ll he’ll he’ll he’ll start that catch process at the last possible second to to to not tip the corner off that the ball’s on its way did am I reading that or did you notice that as well you know what I never looked at it that way that’s kind of an interesting like are you talking on some of the shorter routes shorter routes but even the long routes like it seems like he doesn’t engage his hands until the ball is almost right on top of him which doesn’t allow the corner to react in turn by seeing his hands come up just seemed like some people just have naturally late hands it seems like that that’s a great point and honestly this is why I absolutely love watching film with other people cuz I never look at it with that perspective but I I completely get what you’re saying and it does kind of make sense because the reason I asked about the short routes is um I thought that was one thing they really underutilized in his game at UNCC also like I think Drake May is gonna be good but the lack of timing on the Deep routes to him he left like Drake May left so many yards out on the field just by not getting the ball out on time like it was so slow as release is so slow oh my God it was killing me because like you had some plays where he’s just dusting these corners and like I mean to the point where he dusted Nate Wiggins on a play like he’s got that type of speed um but on on some of these short routes I just found they cheated off him so much and he would run quick Slants or you know those quick in-breaking routes really you know like he just had a lot of natural separation because they’re protecting against against the Deep ball which is kind of his strength so it makes sense um but I did now that you kind of say it I do agree like it did feel like on some of those his hands were coming up pretty late and you know if you kind of think back through some of those tight routes you know the corner wasn’t really trying to play the ball so that could very well be a reason why so I think that’s a great Point yeah yeah that that’s uh that could help the lack of High Point you know the the natural instinct to High Point the ball but do you look at this guy as cuz everybody kept saying I keep hearing Tory Smith is a good comp is that a is that a fair comp I think that’s a good one I I kind of liked Marquez Valdez scandling and I know that’s kind of scary because especially when you go back to well when you go back to those Green Bay offenses there was just so many ugly drops and you know I don’t think he has bad hands quite like him but he was a scoop sketch he was a he is a scoop catcher he is a deep ball guy and he’s a guy that’s you know his Prim AR role is to stretch the field vertically and have enough respect from NFL defenses that you can’t just like I remember miles boyin he would run nine routes and nobody gave a [ __ ] like because nobody no nobody thought Lamar was gonna throw him the ball and we never did throw him the ball um so it you know I think of that and then you look at a guy like mvs and defenses do give him that respect because he’s made so many Splash plays and when I think about kind of his production next year I’m not going to judge it by yards catches touchdowns I’m really going to be looking at those 20 plus plays how many explosive pass plays did he contribute to this offense I think that’s going to be a good judge for his impact as a rookie um so I you know Tory Smith’s a good one but I just think Tori could do I don’t know if he’ll be able to do as much as Tori could if that makes sense yeah Tori certainly made so many big plays for us there’s no doubt about it let’s just hope he picks up some of the penalties that Tory used to pick up for us as well we’ll add that to his you know grade at the end of the year uh but yeah looks like a nice pickup there let’s move on round three number pick 93 overall they go back to Penn State to get an edge Edge player Adisa Isaac this time former roommate I believe of ADA daf o or at least Ada daaf helped welcome to the program uh I I I again I watched your breakdown on Adisa as well and I guess my curiosity is like how does Adisa find himself on the field you look at when you look at what’s currently in that edge group room you know while they did lose Jevon Clowney they still have a DFE o way they bring back Kyle vanoi ajabo I mean I guess it’s kind of who knows but I think they have a lot of optimism around David ajabo Malik Harrison turned himself into a pretty pretty good Edge player at least on on first and second downs and then they got tavius Robinson you know Canadian boy I know you know a lot about uh those Canadian football players but Malik Ham’s still there who had a splashy training camp and then didn’t do during the regular season like what what’s the fit like for Adisa coming here and and how does he get on the field I think that’s going to be the tough thing because he’s very much like a developmental rusher and I think you kind of already have that and you’re David ajabo right like I know fans are down on him and you know I’m not gonna try and sell someone on like you can’t you can’t prove anything if you’re not available so I mean like number one let’s just get him on the field he had so much development that he needed to do that simply not playing it’s going to be tough for him to I guess turn into the guy that we thought we were drafting I think that’s going to be difficult um so and like Adisa Isaac’s kind of the antithesis of odaf O where he had good sack production but he didn’t have great overall pressure numbers o had great pressure numbers but didn’t get any sacks literally in his last year had zero sacks so it’s that debate of sacks versus pressures and you know fans debate what’s more important than what um so you know I’m really interested to see how he develops but I the thing that worried about him me me about him is he wasn’t he wasn’t as power like he wasn’t powerful enough to be a true technician power rusher you know kind of like a George carus coming out like I didn’t see that type of player and he’s not quite athletic enough to be a speed rusher in fact a lot of the time where he tried to bend the edge and just kind of you know run the hoop and and and use his speed to get around I just thought he was pushed out the back of the pocket that’s kind of the negative I focused on in the film breakdown I did so the question is like what is his game as a rusher and I think he’s gonna be you know he’s gonna be the backup to Kyle vanoi as the Sam I think he his run defense when he was on the strong side of the field was pretty solid so I think that’s something that could get him on the field where he’s not kind of playing that weak side against you know offensive tackles I think he can do a lot better against tight ends he can do a lot better when he has more room to operate he’s not you know oneon-one having to you know set the edge physically like that I think he works better in space and playing on the strong side of the field will kind of naturally give him that um and then what he needs to develop is just a very concrete Rush plan because you know there’s nothing that he does in the pass Rush game extremely well but he is a high motor a physical guy um with enough athleticism I think to get there but he’s going to need a very solid very thorough Rush plan that has a mixture of power and speed rushes and then it’s all going to be about how he works within that one-on-one matchup with an offensive tackle to kind of set those plays up so I think he’s going to be an interesting player to study I’m pretty low on him and so naturally he’s going to be the one that hits and becomes a good player you know so um you know I think he’s going to be a lot of fun to study yeah he he’s uh he’s an interesting pick in the sense that like I I don’t know naturally how he’s going to get on the field quickly but I do think Kyle vanoi is is a guy you don’t necessarily want out there for downs one and two don’t want to get get him go going out there against too many rundowns but uh yeah Adisa Isaac I think Chuck Smith look it looks like he’s got the work ethic he’s got the motivation and we have the coach coaching staff so he can kind of absorb enough of that information and and and learn enough from Chuck Smith let’s hope he can get on the field but do you find that high motor guys Cole have a higher floor just because they’ll just run themselves into stats I think it’s a good point like I I remember this was the conversation about George caraus when he was coming out of um Purdue and Kansas City drafted him he was your quintessential you know kind of power rusher good hand Technique No No Bend to him at all but he just worked his balls off every play and made constant plays and now as an NFL player he he’s one of those guys he’s kind of like eight to nine sacks a year y um good run Defender he’s just he’s solid right like he can be a starting caliber kind of reminds me a little bit of Kyle vanoi like not an elite producer but a solid solid player that can only help your team and I think that’s really what like if you can be a good run Defender you’re going to be able to get on the field look at Malik Harrison best example look at tavius Robinson last year what got him on the field when we went through um you know down the stretch when we wanted to kind of rest guys up for playoffs tavius Robinson was able to come in and eat a lot of early down work so that Clowny and vanoi didn’t have to do that and that’s a you know fourth round rookie with very limited pass rush skills right now um was able to get himself on the field and a lot of that in tav’s Robinson’s game was being physical working his ass off working blocks that sort of thing so I do think it gives you a high floor to get on the field because naturally it’s going to make you a more physical player and it’s G to make you a better run Defender just through that you know through that physicality so I do think it does help but in the pass rush game like we saw from tavius where he didn’t really have anything um I I to be a good pass rusher you you can’t just outwork offensive tackles in the NFL you have to have the skill so I think it can get you on the field as a run Defender but it’s not GNA make you productive as a pass rusher yeah she’s gonna develop the traits gonna have to learn the skills no doubt about it well let’s move on to round two pick number one or pick number 62 overall Roger rosengarden out of out of Washington we had somebody on who’s covered this guy met him as a a sophomore in high school we had him join us uh last last show and man I mean could not have been more complimentary of Roger just says you know the ceiling is All Pro that’s that’s how good this guy is that’s how hard hard he’s gonna work but I again I’m here with Cole Jackson guys of rad Raiders I loved your breakdown of him the thing that impressed me Cole is is how advanced he is as a pass protector and how he can mix it up against against these pass rushers he’s not just you know going to come out the same way he’ll come out soft and he’ll come out and attack you the next one like he’s not just going to wait for you to come hit him he’ll come get you as well but talk to me about what you saw from Roger I know you had a long I think it was over a half an hour breakdown on this guy had I think your most total game time there’s like over three minutes of game game footage what what did you see from Roger and and and where do you see him you know fitting in with the Ravens yeah just to put that in context so I was over like three minutes of clips and each clip is like nine seconds eight seconds right so we pulled a lot because there’s a lot to look at and I think that really speaks to him um and his abilities and you know the I tweeted it as I was watching him I was like he’s just so fun to watch and his his quick set ability is to be this Advanced as you know a college football player like that’s really impressive like to be able to start in you know take two two kick steps in a in a vertical set and then come out and attack quick like that’s not easy to do and again we we talked about margin for error he has pretty short arms and where he got himself into trouble was using those aggressive quick sets and you know if he misses his hands he doesn’t have the margin for air to recover because he’s just gonna get you know long armed by guys so I think that’s something that I could see him having some struggles early in his NFL like I I fully expect him to start week one at right tackle if he’s healthy so you know I I think he’s going to hit the ground running with the Ravens and I could see him having some early struggles but I think he’s going to absolutely take off as an NFL player just because that is such advanced stuff and the fact that he doesn’t have to come in and learn that Tech like a lot of the guys we’ve talked about so far we’re talking about like we need them to get better technically we need them to get better technically I don’t really see that in his game like that’s not really what br needs to get better with he is very Advanced as a technician and you know a lot of it’s going to be he just needs to impr improve his functional strength give that guy a year in an NFL wait room and that’s where I think he’s gonna be able to take yeah yeah no doubt now Cole I think uh there we go okay you froze for a second I was making sure you were actually done uh saying something now also what he mentioned uh I guess I should give this gentleman at least the the courtesy of telling you his name and speaking to it uh Scott eckan who’s again followed him since he was a sophomore in high school he talked about the underrated part of his game or he thought the G the part of his game that would surprise people is the fact that he’s going to be a good run def a run blocker once he’s asked to do more of it he just wasn’t asked to do a ton of it uh but was complimentary in in that obviously his ability to work in space to get to the next level would you see out of him as a run a run blocker and could he could he kind of unlock maybe some of the Playbook that just wasn’t at Tod monin disposal because he didn’t have a guy that could do all these things yeah very athletic right and a guy that you know when Washington did run and I completely agree they just simply didn’t run a lot but when they did they like to use you know the Zone Concepts they like to get him out in space he was so good as a puller um you know we’ve seen Lamar abs abolutely explode on teams as uh on on some of those counter plays and when you’re running a counter if you can have a good pulling tackle it’s GNA go a long way in because your tackle is usually your second puller so your first player is either going to be the center of the Guard depending on the look of the defense and that’s kind of your kick out block and then your tackle coming through and that’s who the quarterback’s following when they keep it on a counter bash play and uh you know Roger’s ability to be that athletic compare that with you know people don’t really see it with Ronnie as much anymore because he’s been so hurt but if you go back to when he finally got healthy at the end of the year and they got him in out in space as a run blocker he was his athleticism really showed and that’s something that you know Morgan Moses wasn’t that athletic um so you know Rogers ability to match that type of athleticism Implement that zone scheme I think it’s going to go a long way and really carving out what Todd monam wants to do in the Run game so I think you know I think in terms of functional strength I think again that’s his biggest weakness that’s something he’s GNA have to improve um so if he gets into opportunities where he has to drive block a defensive lineman I think that’s something that’s just going to naturally take a little bit more time to develop but his ability to get out in space be technical um use Smart angles that sort of stuff I think it’s going to give him a really high floor as a run blocker so I I’m really excited to see how they can Implement Zone blocking when you have Ronnie Stanley at left tackle Tyler Lind B at Center and him at right tackle like that’s a really good kind of three-point attack um for your Zone blocking scham yes athletic guys no doubt about it but also that athleticism I think will help like you mentioned Tod monin likes Sue and and really expects to be able to leave his tackles on on islands and doesn’t want to have to help with a chipping tight end or a back out of the back field he wants to leave those guys alone the slow footedness of of a guy like fele made it unlikely he could ever do that against miles Garrett TJ Watt and denil Hunter and all those guys are in the AFC do you think he’ll be that athleticism will translate to where he can leave that guy on an island absolutely and you saw it clear as day in that Washington tape because like they play out empty nonstop they rarely had a tight end in tight let alone a tight end Stang in the block um and like we talked about they threw the ball a ton so I mean he had he I think he had the second most true pass opportunities in the NCAA last year so he’s a guy that’s battle tested and you know even though he was a right tackle protecting Michael pennock’s Blind Side because he’s a left-handed quarterback so not only does he have the responsibility of playing in those kind of fiveman protection looks but he has the added responsibility of protecting a blind side so I I really like you know just how battle hardened he already is he’s going to have that experience doing what he’s going to be asked to do in btim no doubt he’s exciting I tell I I might be most excited about what Roger can do here and it’s kind of funny because it’s a tackle and not one of the more sexier positions hey that just means I’m starting to brainwash you guys so I love that’s it that’s it absolutely but let’s move on to round one number 30 overall Nate Wiggins cornerback out of Clemson uh another pick where you know at least by what they were saying they had him much higher on their board than number 30 and I think a lot of people did as well but as far as how he fits here and how he’s going to fit in at least as a rookie what do you see from Nate Wiggins Cole oh my God can this kid run like it is absurd uh again another guy that I just had so much fun watching his tape because I and I I talked about this when I was on with RG3 on on on draft night he’s a guy that when you watch his tape he can cheat like we’ve been talking about margin for error now this is a guy they can play some really high-risk football because his margin for error is so high he has that ability to turn his hips and run faster than 90% 99% of the guys on a football field because of how fast he is in a straight line so what that gives him the ability to do is play a lot more sticks coverage play a lot more you know playing the stem of routes a lot more physically and a lot tighter because if it ends up you know being being a double move um you know being a shake route that sort of thing he has the speed to catch up and be able to make plays on the ball so um the only thing I really had a concern with in his game was him getting his head back around to the ball and some of those deep throws that’s how he you know when devontes Walker made a big catch on him I think it was like a 206 yard 36 yard catch and you know he got North Carolina to like the three yard line it was almost a touchdown um it because Walker Walker did kind of push off on him but it was because Wiggins just didn’t get his head back around to the ball and that’s the one area where I’d like to see him develop uh you know he he’s definitely a thin guy he’s not very you know he’s he’s more wiry than than bulky but he plays physical as hell um there wasn’t a time where I thought he was getting out buled so I’m not as concerned about the size aspect but he’s just he’s the best cover Corner in this draft Maybe quinon Mitchell maybe but I just think in terms of true coverage skills anticipation you know playing the stem physically the speed to carry routes long like he just doesn’t really lose and there there was no real weakness in his coverage abilities so um you know I’m really excited about this kid I think you know he’s coming in and I think allows the Ravens to be a little bit more creative in how they use their DBS um you know Marlin can move into the slot a little bit uh you know we talked about TJ Tampa potentially having that ability I just think they can be so multiple in the looks they show and that’s really what when the Ravens have had an elite defense it’s because they’ve had the versatility and having a true outside coverage back or quarterback with a guy like Brandon Stevens who has that same ability to you know run long be athletic as hell be physical I think it just really adds to what you can do as a defense so I love it it’s one of those P it’s a true BPA pick we talked about it a number of times when we did our mock drafts leading up to it you know it might feel like a bit of a luxury pick but it it was he was very clearly the best player available um a position that wasn’t the most needy but had enough need that it warranted a first round draft pick so I I don’t think they it was the best pick they could have possibly made in my opinion wow I love to hear that and I love to hear uh when you talk about his athleticism and the fact that he can play a riskier brand of football than maybe those who don’t have that athleticism but it also reminds me of a quarterback who they say you know his arm is so good he can make throws that even if he reads it a little late because he’s just got that kind of Cannon but I also know that those quarterbacks can sometimes get in trouble by trusting their arm do you think this is something where Nate could maybe get himself into trouble by playing too risky of brand of football and ultimately give up some big plays yeah I think he’s going to have to adjust because you know everyone at the NFL level faster right it’s just it’s a faster game and I would expect that’ll be something the coaches focus on like I don’t think you’ll see him taking those types of risk early in his career um but that’s really what his ceiling is his ceiling to be that true cover cor Corner that can you know play that risky brand of football that’s what the best corners do right and that’s really that that that step he’s going to take from a solid rookie to getting into that all pro territory you know something like we just saw from K Hamilton where Kyle Hamilton this year just put it all together right like we saw the flashes we saw what he could do um at the line of scrimmage and then this year he just took that next step where he’s making plays down ffield you know he’s crunching guys he’s making plays on the football uh you know doing all the things he did in coverage that’s what I think Nate Wiggins can do very early in his career is really take that next step from you know a solid player a starting level player to being an allpro pretty quick like I think he’s I truly think he’s got that ability wow I I love to hear that I I know a lot of people were concerned when they saw the fact that he he’s not the heaviest guy but I will say I think the Broncos just set the record I think they just they signed an undrafted wide receiver that I believe was 145 pounds I I I sent the the clip of it to DK and Jimmy in the group chat but I believe he broke the record he was either 145 or 149 pounds what is he a NYE old dude it’s crazy he’s like 5 foot eight receiver with return ability uh so look it could be they could be smaller okay he could be even thinner but you talked about the physicality and and does that physicality show up in the Run game and as a Blitzer as well does he have some some ability there yeah I I didn’t have any issues with him in the Run game he had a decently High not decently High had pretty trying to remember what exactly it was and I’m mixing it up with Tampa but I can’t remember the exact percentage but his he didn’t have a low Miss tackle rate so I think he’ll miss tackles um but you know it reminds me of that old Dion Sanders quote where you know he said you’re not paying me to to make tackles you’re paying me to cover and that’s what I mean like he’s a true cover corner and that’s kind of his brand of football um I don’t but you know I think of some of those Corners that have come out of Clemson recently and they really instill physicality in their Corners if I think of Andrew Booth Jr that came out to two years ago to the Vikings I believe in the second round one of the most physical Corners I’ve watched in the last few years and so there was never a time in the Run game where I felt he was playing soft or not taking on contact kind of some of the things I talked about with Tampa where I had some concerns I didn’t see that Wiggins game um it was just you know naturally some of those arm tackles with you know his lack of weight that’s where you’ll see you know Miss tackles happen so I think that’s going to happen until he gains a little bit of weight but he also has a ton of opportunity on that frame to add weight and I’ve seen a lot of people compare him to Emanuel Forbes and I just he’s such a more he’s such a better processing Corner than Forbes was coming out last year Forbes was Forbes was a lot like uh like a Trayvon Diggs where yeah he had all the interception numbers but he also gave up a lot of big plays and that was kind of Forbes game in college where he played that really risky brand of football but in a completely different way he was R playing risky the way Marcus Peters plays risky where you know he was trying to jump routes consistently that’s not the type of risk I saw Nate Wiggins taking Nate Wiggins was taking plays being physical at the at the stem of a route um versus trying to jump the ball so it’s just a completely different type of risk that they’re taking um but I don’t have the same types of concerns that with Wiggins that I had with Forbes and I think that’s the only reason people are making that comparison is because because of the weight like Forbes didn’t struggle as a rookie because he weighed 165 pounds he struggled as a rookie because he was having a trouble processing in in the pass game and that’s something that I don’t think wigin struggles with so I’m not as concerned about it yeah that’s good to hear Roby dbel appreciate again your generosity he goes on to say Wiggins and Stevens on the outside Humphrey in the slot that’s how you get your best players on the field Cole thank you you talk smart informed football without being pretentious Glenn you a goat appreciate you Roby you’re the best you’re the man um but do you look at that as the starting alignment week one or soon thereafter where Wiggins and Stevens are your outside corners Humphrey finds himself kicked into the slot uh what do you think about that I definitely agree that it’s the easiest path to get your best players on the field because that if if you were to ask me what’s what’s going to be their best five DB alignment in let’s say week 10 you know after we’ve gone through some of these uh he’s gonna have rookie struggles right so once you know the rookin but and I think it’s so funny to think back to Kyle Hamilton if you go back and look at his um preseason he missed like seven tackles in three games and I was like oh [ __ ] like what’s going on here and now he might be the best tackling DB in the NFL and so a lot of that is just catching up to the speed of the NFL right it’s master game um and a lot of Miss tackles in today’s game with the size of backs and receivers they’re not necessarily coming from you know being run over like the Madden truck stick doesn’t really exist anymore a lot of it is really processing and you know guys playing really well in space and you know using elusiveness versus using you know physicality so um I think if if eventually those the best five DBS will be those three corners with Kyle Hamilton and Marcus Williams so it’s all about how you organize the defense to get them on the field um so I think in that regard Marlin has played well in the slot when he’s been asked to do it the Ravens just haven’t asked him to do it as much as I would have ever expected I would have expected him to be in the slot way more than he has been um so you know was that them not having the outside quarterback options to have the flexibility to do that or is it something that they just don’t want to move Marlin inside I personally think it was the former I think they haven’t had the depth and outside quarterback like this in a long time and so that will give them that flexibility to play with Marlon Humphrey in the slot they can also you know I they’re gonna bring in a vet safety I was told they were getting pretty close to something with Eddie Jackson um which would make sense in that kind of Gino Stone rule where Kyle Hamilton’s playing up Gino’s playing split safety with Marcus Williams um you know the connection between ran and Edy Jackson from those Chicago defenses I think it all makes a ton of sense um so we’ll we’ll see if that happens but you know that will give them a different look where they can you know play their cornerbacks based on the matchup you know if they have if you’re playing a Miami you’re gonna go with your more fast outside quarterbacks that’s gonna get Wiggins on the field but then maybe you want to have that extra cover safety play Kyle Hamilton you know in the box so it’s just going to give them so many options when they’re healthy to play so many looks on defense which was what was so successful about the Ravens last year that three safety ability and the ability to mix things up and move Kyle Hamilton around like a chess piece when you have a guy like ran Smith as your middle linebacker like that’s where a defensive coordinator is just having fun just you know being creative with how they deploy guys yeah and I think a lot of people are sleeping on just how deep this cornerback room is now with Nate Wiggins and and uh and then of TJ Tampa joining the team because people forget Arthur Marlette played some really good football for them last year he’s back don’t forget the physicality that Guy brought to the slot I mean holy smokes the way he came up uh sniffed out those flat plays came up supported the Run uh just overall super super physical makes you kind of wonder where where a guy like Jaylen armor Davis still fits into this group when you when you consider all the talent he’s got a maybe Leap Frog to get himself onto this team could be an uphill climb here but I think you’re right adding those outside guys man I hope I see see Marlin in the slot more often I think he’s just dangerous there as a Blitzer helping the run I mean we know what he can do in coverage and then yeah just keep mixing up Kyle Hamilton Mix these guys up man it’s G to be an exciting exciting team and I’m gonna ask you one last prediction here Cole because they talk about Eric dasta was right and saying look some of these guys are GNA be better than we thought and some of these guys are honestly going to be worse than we thought uh who do you look at of the guys we talked about tonight who who are you putting the most confident in as your as your guy that has all pro type of ability and then who are you putting your your most likely to be a bust uh hat on uh I would say most likely to be unproductive I’m gonna go with Rasheen Ali that’s GNA be my least like like that’s just where I see a path to him just not being a productive NFL player um so I’ll go with Ali and and for the most productive I’m actually going to go with Roger rosengarten because I really see a path in this style of offense where he can kind of be you know an all proo like I I can see the ability obviously I can see it at Nate Wiggins but rosengarten I really see it I love that I love and that’s the guy I would have picked certainly as all pro would been Roger my I I guess my most likely to to to to be the least productive I’m going to put Adisa Isaac in that camp just because I just I I don’t know I don’t think he has a skill set that’s obvious enough to leap for all the guys in front of him and so he I hope he proves me wrong but that’s the guy I’m gonna put as my lvp right now but yeah Roger man gosh is that guy freaking excited when you broke the when you showed how just Advanced this guy is I know they had they won the award of the best offensive line in football we talked to that gentleman who’s been covering him for a while he said that they have the best if not the best offensive line coach certainly one of the very best offensive line coaches and that guy raved about Roger so man and he’s going from that guy to J D I can imagine jod D was loving watching this guy and and all the versatility he brings um man it’s GNA be an exciting exciting year to see these young guys can’t wait to see him H but Cole I just want thank you so much I mean look out here running errands it doesn’t let it doesn’t stop him he’s out here getting stuff done ladies and gentlemen and I will say look like you drive a little safer than Jimmy Jimmy’s a bit of a he’ll make moves that are a little bit suspect he’ll go over the double yellow he’ll cross over to the shoulder to pass the guy on the right he doesn’t care but you look like a safer driver Cole I’m just a good friendly Canadian lad but no seriously thank you so much for having me on to do this you know I love talking tape and uh you know I I hope I hope I know my audio video quality wasn’t as good as when I’m down in the office but uh hopefully you guys in the chat you guys enjoyed it hope it wasn’t too distracting me going to buy a toaster in Walmart in the middle of kind of our film review so um you know as always thanks for having me on and uh yeah seriously keep Jimmy off the road like come on you know kids out here exactly he’s Reckless bro I self-driving cars I think are made for Jimmy because they know this guy’s a little crazy uh but thank you again for joining if you guys haven’t done so go over to road graders on YouTube uh subscribe make sure you uh you know drop a comment hit a like Cole Jackson will certainly appreciate it and he’s earned it um Cole thanks again for joining us that’s it for us tonight folks we will be back soon though uh so make sure you turn on the notification Bell so you can keep up to date on all your Ravens news and have a good night


  1. Love him in college at 170 how fast will he be at at 195 cause not nfl starter at 170 Wiggins could be great though we will see his frame can add weight

  2. Kyle Is the best slot corner In league but the saftey talk needs to stop can’t pay him like a saftey

  3. Thank you guys, great discussion and looking forward to pre-season. The CB room will be interesting to follow; Armour-Davis and Williams were really limited by injuries so far, will they get knocked down the depth chart??

  4. Driver Safety is see. Not only is it illegal to talk on the phone while driving he's podcasting. F…'ing Idiots.

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