Golf Players

2008 Masters Golf Tournament – Final Round Highlights πŸŒοΈπŸ“Ό

Relive the excitement of the 2008 Masters Golf Tournament with this broadcast featuring the dramatic final round. Key moments include birdies, bogies, and the emotional family celebration that follows victory.

Air date for this broadcast was April 13, 2008.


β€’ Opening tee shots and commentary
β€’ Key putts and approaches on Amen Corner
β€’ Climactic final holes
β€’ Family celebration and green jacket ceremony

This video was rescued from a VHS cassette purchased on eBay from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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vision of a man named Deacon Charlie Nicholas’s last words to his boy Jack son don’t think it ain’t been Charming tiger took an improbable dream imagined first by his father and delivered to his dad a perfectly awkwarded script that is still being written AUST has celebrated the careers of almost every legendary name the game has ever produced Generations defined by those who won the [Music] Masters fathers forever remembered and sons who are now fathers it’s simply The Circle of Life at Augusta on this Master’s Sunday you can see the pride in a Father’s Eyes Larry sneaker’s boy Brandt could be walking in the Green Jacket footsteps of his golf hero Tom [Music] Watson yo Goan imman no doubt is feeling those same emotions as his son Trevor tries to follow the same path as his Boyhood Idol and fellow Countryman Gary player Bobby Jones built the foundation a journey born in the Heart from a father to a son Always by their side again you come here once nothing like being able to come back and experience it one more time and we are at the first this was a moment ago emman long with his third trying to check it right into that back slope try to curl it in close so imman with troubles right away with the opening key shot now snaker play his third Jim nanson Nick FDO the CBS golf team here at Augusta National plays it into the bank here nickin go down to the touch now around these greens today this par five only 219 out Nick massive TR to get down around the corner can he find a way over the bunker and no and that’s going to leave a Georgia Masters tournament stirs the soul a spiritual replenishment that started 74 spring times ago and yes we are on the precipice of more Masters history but beware of these windy conditions that will torment the tournament contenders all day long that invisible yet undeniable intangible that can flx even the most strong-minded resilient players in the game gusts expected to be at times exceeding 30 mph gusts temperatures in below 60 and a little chill in the air and I’m sure that’s the case right now with a feeling for Trevor imman trying to gather himself at one we’re live this but for park that’s a good two in a row for the open Champion corner but he was playing with Stuart s who knocked it in about 4T and made birdie so he’s pulled even with tiger at minus 5 has s this for parer backs up one right away a one full little slip and gets magnified and uh he’d be quite delighted he’d be delighted to get this in get the first out of the way and get down the second hole and uh start breathing again he was not feeling real still confident with his putting he said coming into around Nick looked a little shaky at this part of his game before the second side he turned it on and had everything on go the rest of the way this for Boi well I feel the greens were very different yesterday morning that’s a big one and it’s a five driving to his home here in Augusta the one he’s rented for the week of last night leaving the grounds I got a phone call from Ernie El’s double Countryman wishing him well let’s go up to two sink fine angle the second hole he’s paired with Bo Weekley in our feature pairings again woods and sink now are both at minus five with Stewart’s opening birdie and flesh makes par at one as does Casey they’re eight and seven sneers drop back to join flesh at 8 and imman now at minus 10 Tiger’s third shot at the second just a moment ago the last two masters right here on the greens and change with just one stroke that confidence gets rebuilt but not here Stuart sink now has a chance to sink was not one that that just kind of jumped to mind now suddenly he gets in the Chas beholds this one that’s aart action at 14 and David FY over at 15 burn lanquist the Hall of Famer at 16 the leaderboard that you see have had a combined if you will 70 in 2005 shot the whole playing short today with the wind helping 257 yards on this second shot 40 yards further back than Tiger Tiger will not take advantage of the opportunity and for Casey Mr bunler would have run all the way around left to right he has a very difficult length bunker shop coming up takeway good shoulder turn and that was a good contact now down slope once he gets on the putting surface going to be a real challenge just in that second cut maybe minimizing the spin he can get on the Chip Shot these two players not able to take advantage of being able to reach this green back on the T battled it with the first wind two and now to the 1D team and tiger has the driver attacking this short Par Four beautiful short par for this big nest of bunkers down the left side they have to avoid we head back to two it takes his time picturing the shot he’s trying to hit pole turns right to left so this shot swing right left helped by the wind and then carry to the down Stope and get some extra run to reach the green and two from there now stico paing but these two two good t- shots a closer look at pink dogwood this a chance reach the Green in two look at the opportunities for awkward ho location way back long bunker shot got 25 yd back he was trying to throw it up high found the front bunker this the easy not get the trajectory the spin just right get the first bounce as he expects he [Music] going wins against not helping key shots and are well set up at the second so you may say something stupid I remember you didn’t do that but I could see in your eyes at the time all all the emotion and you were making an observation earlier that you see it right now and the faces of imman and snaker it’s for me it’s all about how you maintain your intensity through the whole week or your emotional state you you want to would otherwise call it you know and for me we got very different characters which is quite fun you know I’ve got Trevor as you can see from his face he’s usually looking quite serious what’s going on inside we don’t know inica seems to be you know a happy go-lucky attitude and and even Paul Casey’s ask his caddy to you know keep it light you know in between shots tell me some stories you know get away from golf so you see all these players are trying something to keep themselves on that nice level kilba and Sunday Augusta the weather has now stepped in the breeze has got up and on this on this unbelievable day you know the most pressure packed you know Sunday in major golf on this golf course then the elements coming and boy is it going to be tricky for him steep flesh just touched little right to left break didn’t get it started online so no birdies from the final group try and get it to bounce forward and then check beautifully play you want to get it past the hole there it’s a Tre for his P leave it just underneath back at two no problem for Paul Casey but uh with his power in the wind conditions disappointed not to to have a birdie second shot for automatically beway metalwood but downhill downwind and a lot of roll on the green once you get the ball squeeze it through that little Gap turn the bounce a firmer bounce and that would have been very nice but on in two Eagle pot this is third drove it way way left short for two but an excellent little right will it come back didn’t look as if it was going to we’ll be hoping for a perfect lie in the bunker try and set up a and they did have a struggle at the first hle they’re trying to come back way right off the T just couldn’t even attack the green and set up a nice pitch and aart for a par but we failed was a very wide t-shot this wasn’t hard on the wrong level how F this G speed he coming up and over the ridge skips on quicker than he expect so two Bogies for the final group even though it’s just not five for 2018 what a start for Stewart sink to but uh above all else it’s can be patience you even even though I hadn’t been in a situation before that’s what uh what everybody been trying to do out there stay patient and realize you’re going to have a couple bad holes and kind of rebound from it make some birdies when you can and more than anything else I’m going to have fun you today’s the great day this is why I practiced for my whole life and so I’m going to go out there and try to win this thing and I think having fun on the golf course is what comes from that back into the wind hold it against that breeze just over the bunker oh and a beautiful shot what a start for driving accuracy in greens and regulation hasn’t been in a bunker so far this week noide bun that’s the amazing thing David just one somewhere special maybe one or two in the obvious holes you know he waited a long time to pick his moment to hit that and that’s uh that is really just epitomize the week that he’s had good swing he was happy with it it’s just not the right result FR out so many times go back to two has all those little idiosyncrasies a lot of movement this guy you you know and it’s he’s concerned that there may be a pit at the Masters Tournament [Applause] [Applause] instantly tied with imman had to sneak it past the Fringe and it was not slowing down was it but in it goes beautiful he does enjoy the game TR the birdie chance just for imman a beautiful shot Sensational there P what a shot barely gets it over the lip third nice little save there for car St flesh remain behind them at the 30 good Scot for py robbery two going with the driver try and carry that bunker and I don’t think it did back at four tiger to save power from the bunker just this week I think he feels really short changed and it’s it’s the result it’s it’s just so frustrating everyone else is under the same pressure and you need a little luck Grant sniger makes that putt on number two that putt was going off the green you know so it wasn’t a great putt it was a great result and those are the things you need that’s quite a change of strategy uh Ian is he yesterday yes he did I think they’re trying to fire it so far down the left side there over the hill like this gives him so much better angle of attack here at this back line listen to the raar here three at the second for br looking for his first Masters in just his second appearance here check on the second bounce ohly short maybe a little chunky there CL just the N against the back of his neck and the follow through beautifully relaxed but that’s in the bad spot and there even more done held of the flag and he will be hoping that that’s in the up slope now flesh two behind oh go I guess he just climed that seem upset with it with the time so we go ahead to the fifth and coming off bogey needs a little Stinger about 280 yards but a one hand and again frustration oh that’s going to here yeah voice there of Scotty Vale his trusty companion there so many shots here little low cut off finish there little low bounce one bounce flat spot but blind shot I’m sure T is just trying to and he fails to get up the top of the Ridge and that once again will be oh a brutal putt that’s up that Ridge which is almost waste high and that will be it he’ll have to putt that 10 or 12 ft left of the flag as he would play Oh deep Flash the clean line the Fairway here chance to put some spin on it oh well done from there hopefully on the UPS slope this time what that’s just about to save double bogy exactly what he didn’t one his second shot and third shot fornea leav themselves long puts nice relaxed grip there Nick looks very good comfortable on the putter yeah these first few holes are you and the players they got to deal with you know their body feeling very different hand but yes it can be a little disconcerting if you’re feeling a bit nervous as we go to four doesn’t turn and that’s an evil evil start PA Cas he’s played so beautifully all week yes it’s a wonderful expression isn’t it he really really has taken a book out of sorry a page out of Tom Watson then once he is set he goes just the straight to two this is how he handles it Steve flesh with a very very good three hanging in there this what on that left side and this is a long go with par well this is even bigger problem to try and feed this down there and leaves once again treaded downhill left to the hole good is he going to hold the impossible one so many times he’s done that and this time one turn short look at that with the toe toe without a bir here wind is going to stop it from cutting oh and that’s a oh wow that’s nearly on the ni Sunday issues this year play with tiger at San Diego this is how close tiger came going extra Club try to work it on the wind and he he’ll definitely take that I think what everybody else has been up to yeah take it on the green here that’s up the hill she’ll be able to manage a two there so Trevor imman just hanging onto a tenuous one shot lead pretty much everyone on on that first page off to a rocky start in the last round of the match or the king in the golf as Arnold Palmer was introduced by austa chairman Billy a man respected around the world Mr Arnold Palmer Arnold the t is your ladies and gentlemen the 2008 Masters has now officially begun thank you clear windy 25 mph winds bigger gusts only four of 45 players are under par today and by the way we’ve already had two superb rounds in now they may have beaten most of this uh high energy that’s uh again whistling through the trees Jimenez had 68 and heat slum 69 already as he drove it wildly and it led to an opening hole boat that’s unlucky that that ball did not settle more in the middle of that bunker and that would lead to a bogey for sneaker coming off his Eagle at the second all Casey with that delicate second shot just trying to get it over the edge failed May double pager with the miscue close range at that very hole the fourth to make a four aogi and he’s plus one for the day settling in on the T at the sixth and the whole playing 175 today eight iron for Tiger Woods into the breeze wonderful terrific there so far they got 14 yards over that reach directly in line oh good shot ni impressive managed to land it right on [Music] iron oh you don’t want to have no that’s where you don’t want to leave aiming for birdie Good Woods there we are well he began the b six back he’s now five hold that ner just a shot behind at the minute very quickly done very nicely done that’s great nerve really a straightforward C but it’s almost like a we have a second there like a match play situation that I saw that in the paper this one I couldn’t believe it was hard to believe nobody um tiger actually shot 70 in his first round and uh you know we’ve had some great rounds from Jack M and Ray Floyd sitting the low scores a wonderful save so well both these young men have shown Great Character over the last four days you really would expect you know them to melt under this kind of pressure so far so good to the fifth and Casey cannot afford to spill another shot but he does yeah unfortunately he he’s left to right of this week are so difficult to track have seen so seen more Miss on the yeah in these brutal conditions he’s playing 50 yards playing its full length but today the te moved up going for his low stinger fairway wood turning it right to left to hold the Fairway that is nicely positioned and with the whole location today let’s go back to five it’s Trevor emman The Leader by one surprise going a driver but happy get a shot from everybody beautifully done I changed it FLH who has played remarkably well in the first three rounds and playing well today and he is safely on changed it so it’s like a more like a platter up the the right side how do you like his move through the ball Nick he’s looking very free I mean you either have a very insided 18 Paces on the right hand side toe passed away in 1967 at austa the the Kian rebounded from a previous year’s loss to Jack Nicholas in a playoff to defeat Bobby Nicholls by one stroke to win the Green Jacket Master’s Champion Gaye Brewer was 75 and remembered this week by all of his friends in Augusta main tour over there the CEO of that tour much like say Tim pchum over here for the PGA Tour besides actually his brother Mark besides right here in the state of Georgia at Columbus State University he is the golf coach his brother older brother a real symmetry between emman and Ander they both had older brothers who really excelled in this flag anything right will be good to carry up the 14 up the 14 Paces oh my goodness how fabulous is that that is the of the day at the fif yeah you know about this he won it at the sight of this year US Open he wanted a straight behind so then he came here in 99 Augusta that got him in the field and he got to play with his Boyhood hero har let’s first go to S 148 yards left for Tiger ideal play just a little bit long and left of the flag it’ll funnel back down toward towards the hole he doesn’t carry it far enough let’s go back to five you know though Peter everybody in the field feels that I mean it’s not exclusive to any one player and uh you know neaker take it now that’s a brilliant response this looks like 18 yesterday yeah that’s two of the finest shots you will probably ever see it five good friend since he was just a couple years old is a linebacker for the Chicago Bears named Hunter Hillen Meer one time they were playing a a football game in the parking lot before a Vanderbilt game and he broke Hill me’s Arm playing football and now he’s in the NFL let’s go to six 15 yards out after a huge Drive favorable hold location at 14 we expect to see birdies today coming back this is very good [Music] this is great first eagle of the week at the 14th and Watney finds red figures today that is the 15th Eagle at number 14- six well this is Paul casc and did we have the ball moved for the second time look like it moved and Paul called Mike hey out the rules official remarkable Nick for the second time this tournament we’ve seen this happen I know this is Dreadful can you imagine and it just shows you how it’s on a pre precipice isn’t it you can’t can’t even replace it on the exact spot back to seven and the chip for birdie for Tiger you know when I was talking Jim about his frustration I’m not sure that he’s handling the emotional part unfortunately if a player has grounded his club and then the ball moved he is then deemed to have caused it to move and the ball has to be replaced back into the original position at a one stroke penalty this is Casey he was in the bunker back to five that was the biry viid sliding by for snaker very well and you that keeps you in that great mind he’s only he’s looking every time trying to make finish up on six well it was Michael Thompson who called The Penalty on himself at the 15th earlier in the tournament he was playing with Ben CR and at the time he imposed that penalty he was right on the cut line and so now we’ve seen Paul Casey all the uh Mike the RS fish around so it’s a boy for back and you know Vern the way the conditions win intensifying we may see yet again today well obviously the course I I think it was that humidity Factor it was extremely low when we had that little update on the weather something around 30% and that will dry these greens out that may cause them to get a little bit Rusty on the top any Trevor a fabulous three on the fifth extend his lead get back T night after theyy old Trevor imman in his arms I mean this would be tan amount because you got to understand the idol worship the mman has even to this day for G player it would be it would be like finding a picture with Jack Nicholas with Tiger Woods in his arms you s hole makes his [Music] four wonder is is hurting needs a big that was a seven iron and that was well done that’s a great shot downwind if he finds the Fairway this will be good but that that’s going to come back a little bit too hits the tree try to cut it around that tree and run it up through that little opening between the bunkers Ricochet is off the tree and we’ll have to wait and see where that one ended up back to six no not enough challenge many seven well same situation a little bit more of an opening on the other side of the Fairway he likes to go up and over and he comes up well short so the challenge of using a driver off the te and the decision is not paying off for Steve flesh let’s go back to six and the leader Trevor emlan and a critical par effort now for three Bogies and eag through sixs to eight a very important shot for Tiger Woods 264 to the hole hang time on that but even then well maybe the wind against even tiger well well done he only lost only lost one there his string of six straight Pars in seven hole conditions difficult three shot lead for Trevor imman not playing that length today you have to get it through that shoot with your t- shot catch one of those trees and you could be in W that sort of thing just depending on your projection now there’s no choice now Trevor emman with a three shot lead going with a fairway wood he’s starting it down left side it’s going to be okay but you know with a free shot lead Nick this thing got easier and harder both at the same time for imman I mean physically it’s easier because he’s got some shots to play with mentally it becomes a little bit more difficult to decide what to do I quite agree when I I thought bet he wasn’t expecting to have a three shot lead now you know you start thinking well and people around you was suddenly start think well this is the guy who’s going to win it buts a little for him physically more difficult he’s got to hit great shots to recover but the decisions become simpler he’s going with a driver well the gallery like it all right down the left side good position good angle toward the hole quite a bit right hoping the slope was going to bring it right to left into the [Music] W too much spin you’re right think looking land further up disappoint quite far enough but was well executed and just digs in stop quick really turn away went way left with an Adine here from the T nothing much happening Phil Mickelson yesterday let it slip that 75 wasn’t what he was after really had a good chance after just two days thought he would be right in the mix here this afternoon perfectly position in the Fairway tiger did tap in for at eight then can knock it down and he Pi him up short too much trajectory the wind can carry it to good acceleration of his body through the shots oh that’s a lucky break there well played shot but that SM ball could have bounced up and rolled back it doesn’t it rolls forward and he has an excellent opportunity for birdie at seven now Branch ner only Wars a little bit of an up SL to these are liking to go much higher with this shot and not enough carry you’re right that may gone too high and then the wind buffers it over he can do all birdy attempt unbelievably that hangs out to the right off tigas never be forgotten goldby shot a final round 66 and appeared to be tied with the [Music] venzo but Roberto returned an incorrect scorecard he had made three on 17 but signed for a four alas allowing Bob goldby to win the 19 68 [Music] Masters just so difficult to get much spin on the ball from these bunkers 89 Ys for flesh one yes birdie just backside the right Edge wow HS San makes this C have a five shot lead I know that wasn’t in his game plan when he was visualizing how this day would unfold mck feldo I don’t think he envisioned five shots after something but right now this for birdie to get to minus 12 arms that was quick theall he suddenly thought about I am leading the master going to say it your I know I can handle this and I and I can continue I know this feeling because it happened to me later in my career the shoulders just can’t move the arms go he grimaces a little bit but uh I think he pretty much knew that that was not a very good stroke Le uphill teaser towards the front maybe 15 yards further for than they have been if it was a power fade and it’ll find that huge bunker down the right hand side and now he needs to get a good line there in order to advance B it to the top of the hill otherwise it’s a very difficult thing famous flag location the top of the force front is 10 and the flag is on 11 so literally a yard to work with why is he playing safe and get that oh no it’s is it finished well we’ve seen many other we were talking about Target is frustration but we’ve seen many other player played the shot though it obviously can be done but Tiger’s just a couple of Paces out on each shot go the back to eight Steve flesh po just as beautiful as the pit shot and the lovely birdie go the arm quickly across the body and up the left hand side so he might have a challenge getting to the top the hill is a short of the flag and it’s got to guarantee it hops forward yeah he hit it into the bank and it one of six left-handers a record enter in the Masters Tournament this year he came into this tournament ranked 107th in the world ranking got into the Masters by finishing in the top 30 on the American money list coming started over there and try break it so he’s looking at this is easy when he makes the impossible one he almost did it five be on the high side here second shot of the P five make good contact Miss stay up not enough those toar get it to [Music] here that is not good at all caught it heavy and a very very difficult part up and over a ridge p this one sling it around the corner up on to of thees to release that a difficult lie they got uh Max roll out there’s your drawer that look fabulous you need to visualize that first though got to see the line that you wanted TIG you could send this is a slightly downhill lie so you heard me a few minutes ago flag only on 11 so it can be done there you go if you land it right on the number that’s a fabulous shot in 1929 and he first learned the game playing right-handed because that’s how his father Jerry played the game while watching his own who was left-handed strike the ball that Steve decided to go Lefty when he was a young boy get up a little bit tall he only one or two yards over the that hump to be a nice Rhythm that’s Ming coming over the hill then within 4 ft is going to be a good part but it’s not that still went for it with the draw but Grimace oh it hasn’t come back and up high in that bunker oh my goodness that coming across there back eight Med having trouble he’ll have to settle for par oie bogy birdie and was atus three into a TI really ride around the corner see that one disappear too much left I think there’s more room there you think y just fine goes that’s how you get a real fade entered this final round Nick number one in the field in driving accuracy and number four in driving distance for the week that will be a fairway hit but it’s in good position up the hill look out think Tiger’s the ball came back off that back Li and settled in the base of the bunker yeah sinks ball into that shadow of the went a longer carry more spin didn’t get it enough this this green really feeds off nothing wrong with the stroke or anything but maybe got a little fraction too close or maybe he thought he could throw it up hard with a lot of Spin and get that little bit of bite but there’s a very low humidity today 30 only 30% and these greens are drying out every minute it out and try if you could get it pin High Safety First here he’s got got to plan plan the Chip Shot scuttled it down the Fairway think trying to gauge it just right what you’re going to get off the pine straw is not yeah right foot gone looking dug in everything hits it fat and then it Smothers it the pine straw goes over the top of the ball and so that’s the it’s like trying to play a bunker again the chest has stop moving the arms are going faster so he unfortunate to say Trevor’s in trouble right now keep your eyes on the ball and extra second on CTS remember what’s happened here at 78 and just like steart sink tiger is going to make a th sideways at this point a natural fade [Music] so starting to ride at it yeah good smart shot very close to the spot a little that’s very well played team winner at the Western open a couple of years ago defeated tiger in that one by two but he is a world class player Nick and was interesting last night I was in the company Curtis Strange and he said a lot of guys on tour will tell you the two best swings in golf belong to tiger and Trevor yeah agree with that totally and as you were talking earlier he’s done an awful lot of research I sat with him a good three or four years ago we were in we were in I believe playing in South Korea and he wanted to sit down and he asked me every single question he could think of about you know how to prepare for tournaments how to prepare for Mages and he did then I believe only about a year or two ago did exactly the same thing with Jack ncla sattin so he’s basically done all the research all the preparation and he wants to put it you know to be kind of cover no stone unturned I guess we basically should say he ended up moving over here and living with a family in Lake Nona area of Orlando right now here’s sneaker for par and he needs it how can that happen well done well there will be bad breaks around the corner and he loves it probably going to be the easiest shot he’s going to play on this back n g once again today no birdies here so far tiger with the driver rip it down the left side and avoid those trees that he so famously found last last year that is ideal find the resolve that surf late yesterday after all in corner all three legs and then back with three birdies over the last five holes pretty high eh that’s so she doen and it still is you believe it’s been inside of 4T but par for the 40-year-old playing in his fourth Masters he tied 17th back in 2004 his best appearance and Mr birdie and the right hand bleachers other told me last night he would sling the bag over his shoulder and he’d walk down to the club and practice every day find a good solid draw I’m doing bad two solid shots I’ve seen so many tournaments lost by great players through the year now there are no players in the last 20 grou 20 people who are under paring two exactly right must must take the right Club here and keep it right of the hole needed one more Club just a national that’s as breathtaken for its beauty as it is for extreme nerve-wracking difficulty it’s been 50 years since writer Herbert Warren wind coined the phrase for approximately the second shot of number 11 the hold of the captivating 12 and the t-shot at 13 way back in 1958 wind was searching for appropriate name where the critical action had taken place that year the Arnold Palmer won his first green jacket he Bor the phrase from an old Jazz recording called shouting in that Amen Corner yes 50 years has passed but the stretch has never lost its luster it continues to be the mark of many Triumph and victories as well as bone crushing defeats for the rest of this tournament and the following 50 years as Champion aen Corner story will be told again and again and I know founder Bobby Jones course architect Alison McKenzie and Herbert will be very pleased what they do oh he hit something oh no that was high enough just caught that little that didn’t help FL beautiful nice smooth swing he’s been saying all week how well he’s played driven the ball better than he ever has before and he also said I might tell you that when he’s playing well and feeling confident he feels like he can win any sure his man Scott Bale has cleaned up that area around the C on the 03 PGA gives him that glimmer of hope this is not going to beain for these two players the time went for something new you know Nick he has struggled with putting in his career one time actually went to a long putter which pretty unpopular with some of those closest to Le for birdie 3 [Music] now that’s a roar that’s a tiger roar Sensational stuff there at the 11 Tiger Wood under through aim in corner for Trevor imman that is very very good going indeed 223 yds keep it to the right of the hole oh excellent shot excellent shot there for Steve flesh oh just a little cut off S9 there for Tiger keep it out of the [Music] wind oh actually that’s not too bad Bo driven the ball well this week right up the top in distance as well as accuracy as it shows it can be [Music] done just about six feet for eagle and if he makes that he goes to two underpar and into a tie for fifth a tad aggressing that bunker on the right side that’s the ideal spot just off The Fringe grey excellent up and down there for Tiger good save shot from the T thought it might have been a little better than it was but still for his part remain eight under and boy is power a good score on that hole well done into a TI for Fifth and anything and everything can happen over these final few holes flesh Big Shot here b r Creek Tom WIS once hit five in a row in here on his way to making a 13 back in 1980 and he never hit a bad shot either let’s go to 13 and the keyot that’s headed up toward the trees that will most likely be a layup from there we’ll have to see exactly the position he’s in Wind coming hard from the left on the t-shot difficult to turn it back to the left back to 11 second fortica was a long way to hit an iron down that’s over at 13 that’s the the ball of tiger that’s the Flight of the shot just trying to get it to turn over a little more Peter costus will tell us later that uh the wind really howling back down there and avoiding Ben Hogan also said that if he ever saw him on the surface here he’d hit a bad shot you can see both those guys just making sure they didn’t do anything stupid that one was a little worse off well back on the other side further back than the ball drop to cross the point that at last cross the margin of the hazard oh that’s a beauty well done good safe shot with plenty of spin underneath that tree is where tiger chip it down and if he hits a career shot and get bang it he could and now he’s going to have to try and cut it off of there otherwise he could bounce on down toward the the hazard or toward the second he’s to set the angle very quickly with his hands going back if he flattens it out it all coming down he could hit that tree and whiff it even he gets it out of there beautifully he’ll have it down probably in a neighborhood of uh 100 105 yards well done doesn’t come back from El Back in 88 let’s go back to 11 stic oh boy that was a fiery bbery five for flesh that just goes to show it’s right at the bottom of the depression that’s where the drains are nice lie four one seen today one time T the lead beautiful done absolutely wonderful and the tough South African seeing if he can become the second man from his home country to put on the Green Jacket he idle Gary Clair has three four others have finished second in the last half a dozen years or so that was unbelievable great stuff manages to to control the that’s what he might have can you teach me this follow through Peter please he made a lot bigger swing there than I thought he capable of yeah exactly that tree in the middle of your back SC most most guys would have noticed that all right let’s go back to 12 and the shot of his life the extra Club a little hold off safely to the left but a little long may hang up in that Pine story he dodged to Bullet back at 11 can he dodge another one here that’s a serious problem because his feet had be so far above the ball and I think that bunker comes in just when you thought he was going to put the pressure on God Peter I was going to say after he made that one before he’s not going to miss another short one on this nine now those were those were I mean you rarely see him miss that all right the wind wasn’t howling too much when he hit that quite calm okay middle of the green i’ love to have a heart H it fat though didn’t he well he was aiming well left he was just trying to get it just onto the green I think from that lie yeah I understand that’s such a difficult stance you know with a four-shot lead just avoid the double bogey right let’s just watch the ball in the club here slowly yeah definitely caught the debris there well behind the ball big wide stance Ball 3 ft below his feet that was a very difficult shot last thing you want to do is Catch it thin and Scamper it across the GRE into Ray Creek just in The Fringe about 30 ft down the hill very quick put breaking left to right two puts for bogey go to the next see there all lots of little staming there all the little debris from the pine straw them the flowers surrounding this beautiful green ran netica now see if he can make up for the bogy 11 yes the big one for Eagle at two remember the chiping a couple of days ago on Six from the green for a birdie unbelievable stuff let’s go to 14 tiger second shot 174 his reaction he’s not pleased with it that will go way down the slope he kick himself for that because that’s one of the flag locations where it gathers if you get it right and that’s uh the play has been about 15 ft to the left of the hole location kind of funnel down but tiger well to the right all the thoughts going through Trevor’s mind right now decided to pitch it he was Rock Steady there 5 to 40 ft big left to right swing and see it now and in the heart great to see these two young competitors doing so well and he needed that obviously to make up for the bog 11 but he’s got to be thinking now if Trevor with this breaks a little more to the right than it first appears oh that was Rock Solid a little unlucky there with the t-shot but it didn’t roll back into play a smart second just left it left of the and he leaves it short to pull him to within three shots long bid for birdie starts this left likes it bends down to pick up the tea you know in 1985 Curtis Strange came to 13 with a three- shot lead the same as Trevor imman made Bogey and eventually finished Two Shots behind burnhard longer this was earlier bran sneer boy they just skirted the trees on the left and now he’ll be fine go down into the pin St drop a shot re Amo the lead is still three flesh when second position and tiger was surprising actually the farther down the right side he can get it the better he’ll be virtually identical to where tiger W Woods was moments ago turn over catch the Ridge and there it goes Gathering momentum the difficulty in this scen can be brutal aiming it at the bridge expecting it to go left but it doesn’t and that has to be weighing outs just a little low flight he can catch this the Contours of the green and PN it toward the hole you can hear us Peter Exactly SP they’re saying oh no no he started this one out to the right as well oh no almost wasn’t that yeah and I mean you need you need to have the shot there where you can hold it off on that right foot it was fairly solid it wasn’t bad I thought it came up a little bit earlier than what it really did there it’s going to be past the hole but not by much well played very well played come on be the right yardage come on be the right yardage looking for it to roll back down right there he knows great goer but allows you back downhill and that is his first reput green all week tiger makes B to 14 and flesh makes bogey at 14 it is playing as the second easiest hole to 15 today let’s go there now 265 has to make three well the worst play to needs to give himself that opportunity and he has done it well played these holes that we have ahead of them and the conditions they’re facing even a four shot lead is not safe that was just never had an opportunity that was misread Mish hit and uh wow he had a chance to save his par yeah Peter that’s that famous spot on the professional only his second Masters overall seems like we were just saying the same thing Nick about uh couple hours ago on the S but he had that aimed well out to the right it was never going to break left influenced by the slope in the middle of the green but a five shot lead with five holes to go on going go just going to wander off into that that zone you know he hits it to five or six feet there it’s not a bad shot at all just hasn’t been on at all all week and this is the 14th te Trevor emman and one by one his pursuers have fallen away I just want to be safe here the ho at Augustin National without a bunker there’s not a hazard here just trying to let it sweep along the this yesterday second crosswalk straight up the green at the flag just be careful just to keep the spin off it oh well certainly was yeah he was looking good for a long [Music] time back to 14 and Brant snaker for 189 we share second Steve flesh go just beyond the green both driving accuracy and greens and regulation that’s and he is 6 fet from bird it has been the most exasperating of days for Tiger W is a pretty thing to to see nialo I really do love that Tracer that is fantastic isn’t it it’s a great idea of how the players manve the B Tiger Woods at 16 we put a stopwatch on it the ball held up for 1.8 seconds but that was three years ago and he went on to [Music] win Gathering some speed that’s pretty good seriously good we move right to left that’s okay that was that there what aggressively defensive type of good picture in his mind 15 wouldn’t you just know it so he will drop back and tiger sley shares second with flesh and sneaker that is his eighth bogey in 14 holes and ‘s Lead is now six shots four holes to play our leader that’s how things stand Trevor emman and this was a moment ago this is Stewart sink for birdie that helps at one point today Stewart sink was Among The Challengers got off to a quick start but it’s not been kind in the back after Bogie’s at 10 and 11 but he is those two no water in play at 17 the second not hugot yesterday he’s well up on top of the hill again today but not in the position on the leaderboard that he was hoping for we go to the 15th T and really the last uh chance for a nightmare really but Trevor El uh a share of the lead or leading on his own L it up left it is but it won’t matter that’ll be in the shadow of the Big Pines on for a while he was something Bo squeezing in there a little fly over Shadow and all green out in the distance s and Bridge on just to the left of the Little Pond in front Pond behind at 16 Fairway sloping from right to leftman just in around here with this kind of a view I’ll punch it around the trees let the slope take it from right to left to do this you don’t want to go through them coming downwind out of the RO was always going to be difficult and that is going to be a very very difficult 30 but up and over the Ridge at 16 just to give everybody a thrill misses that one also very surprising on the second nine for Tiger back to 15 s Al with the layup well over on the right hand side Banger there I’m about it perfect very very difficult shot and look at this didn’t get it deep enough in the green and the ball always goes in the water when it comes off this part of the front edge we had a little rain and there’s a tiny little flat spot right there so you need a little bit of luck now and then but you can’t say that’s why Trevor emman is six shots in front he has played superbly from start to finish right now a country with which I’m very familiar spent a lot of years down there in the winter fantastic place to play golf all be watching this was earlier at 16 and this was Steve flash out of the bunker the best you can hope for is keep it on the green just On The Fringe and FL was done that was a moment ago R three he’s going to drop out of that tie for a second flash with bogey bogey the level the green playing a pretty good bunker shot and there is is blowing toward third shot St there nicely done I think Trevor will be really watching that one hard able to give a good indication how the ball will right in the lease yeah now he’s he’s not coming off such a severe down slope here and he’s just got to resist the temptation to you know there’s a natural urge you just get it over that last bit of water that’s in play water hazard 16 really not in play for these players today this is really the last potential nightmare he has a little bit of room he could land at three or four PA is Shor of the pin and if it takes a hop and goes three or four path trying to carry at 85 yards yep that’s just fine with the natural tendency to overd a little bit little fist pump he knows that’s the last real obstacle by his four he has a six fre to play little smile from n Wallace let’s go to the 18th oh boy you never see tiger over here eight he deserves that still a smile on his face you got to love that boy tournament was played it was enlarged into a pond 51 years ago and the hole cut to the left side traditional Sunday placement back left and as usual the patrons encircling this uh wonderful Amphitheater you can see this in 2 and course the traditional Sunday uh po location use that Ridge and then watch it funnel [Music] down one of 11 holes in one here at the 16 and Nick I’m I’m betting what do you think 20t to the right of the flag oh ah that’s surprising see what kind of lie he’s going to have in that bunker never expected to see that ball to the left and flag and the wind uh I was going to say but with a six shot lead I wasn’t thinking of it but it’s very important the yardage across the right hand corner of that bunker to me that was the most important something’s happen you know I’ve just said you know a shot you know it makes this shot genuinely difficult because if he misses this well over to the right which would be the tendency of course sort of kneejerk well then you bring maybe triple bogy into play well let’s look at him well the solidate burn that will definitely be landing and now picture right now in the bottom left hand corner I guarantee that just to to make sure he doesn’t blast it too far and it hangs up on the high side well that’s what he had hoped for with his two shot well it does make things exciting because that’s more than likely going be a five so back back to a three shot lead and if snica can make something else this was earlier at 18 Zack Johnson finishing his reign as the austa Champion actually something you keep to life he’s been a good one let’s go back to 16 shot well as he still on the te I thought we might have the musical handle in a coronation March up here with that five shot lead but instead uh the Applause not quite as fervent but it will gather now as Trevor imman approaches the 16th well dramatic things do happen here on the second L on Sunday and let’s go to 18 and this a moment ago tiger second shot and it’s a good one the hand with Stewart sink they B shot 72 sink made par here at 18 this never found the magic just a fraction off it seemed all weak with his immense skill when you’re fraction off though at Augusta you’re a mile away this was sink’s run at birdie will Nick get given Tigers position in at 283 Min is five and nlman your figuring is going to make double at 16 that will be a three shot balance there to get in I mean obviously his priorities now is a power down 17 absolute an absolute must just to give him some breathing space of 18 let’s go to 17 and Steve flesh is for a par he is struggling and very frustrating did now four consecutive Bogies and the double bogey at number 12 horrid back nine we go to 16 and leader Trevor as he has a three shot lead with two holes to play well not little lengthy this has been a Brand sneer Adventure on this Sunday had that eagle on the second hole but on look at the back nine we’ve got bogy birdie boy boogy birdie B into alliteration has been a heck of a memory but the Leader by three moves to the 17 Z and there is no water in play at 17 there’s no water in play at 18 but you still have to hit some nice shots avoid some trees and let’s have a look dramatic animation of the seven 17th the Eisenhower tree Looms on the left hand side cannot ignore that and what’s interesting is how much uphill this t-shot is you know uphill the further you can hit it off the tea the better the view of the green by this front right bunker run off the right don’t expect many players to be over the back today the first round Hol location made this hole the most difficult on the cour there go a good t- shot but uh perhaps plenty of nerves to deal with the travel look very cool coming through that second nine beautiful nicely underpar as I said the most difficult hole in the course in round one he’s leing as if he thinks it’s too far right have a free swing well I figured if I played the you know the last seven holes probably three in a par um I might be in it uh but I just couldn’t I didn’t make any putts all all week and uh didn’t make any 13 the the short effort that you couldn’t convert and then 14 you make bogey there yeah all all week I was struggling with with dragging the blade through I wasn’t wasn’t releasing it wasn’t getting over spin I can normally do and um you know consequently you know you can’t start the ball on line you can’t start the ball on line these screens you’re going to pay a price so you’re three back what will you do now uh I’m going to go up there and eat a little bit um I’m a little hungry right now and uh you know more than likely I mean I mean Trevor’s playing well I mean just had one bad hole I mean he should be able to get in the clubhouse all right tiger thank you very much Tiger Woods finishes up with a birdie at the 18th five under par currently three shots back this was Tiger’s reaction the birdie went in just he said now you go in I’ve had enough of this place this week well you can replay those puts though from 13 through 16 maybe just pick one of them what a difference it would look like right now given melman’s disaster over at 16 but still free and emman as usy reported free swing coming up on the second shot down today and every single shot he’s just testing you in look where he’s got to aim to feed this down to this final hole I knew that was there in sui had a simil type Sunday start at Oakmont last June at 43 that day in the first nine Sunday when he was in contention today 41 out all right usy back to you it’s a 79 same story shot last year to open the Masters Tournament then fought back to a top 10 finish this year he closes with that that number let’s go to 17 go smile he knew this was going to be problems and Dey got to concentrate now things have slipped away on the second nine lots of ragged shots amazing that uh Gary player’s last win last of his three was before Trevor Illman was born and it’s surprising that we haven’t had a South African winner look at this we’ve we’ve had some very good play by South Africans Ernie runner up twice retif runner up twice Tim Clark was a runner up Rory satini last year was a runner up but none of them have managed to pull it off since Gary Player in 1978 some extraordinarily good South African players protecting a three shot lead only has 126 yards to go yeah I like maybe not quite as strong as it was earlier but certainly pushing the ball on he’s coming out of that second cut won’t get the spin that he would prefer doesn’t want to flirt with the front bunker yeah he must take that out of play Peter if he lands a close flag high and it stop within you know five or six Paces after flag High maybe a little left is is safer than going straight at it a little heavy tell a little heavy so now he’s got maybe 15 ft of sand to negotiate get up the hill a little bit and uh don’t hit it too short and a little right of the cup because it will roll right off the green anything long and left he could have a putter in his hand take that bunker out of play he thought it was just going to squeeze over a lot of pressure on that reaction shot therey yes he’s uh a lot of stress already I’m already thinking just how narrow is that t-shot at 18 it may have been the fact is in the first cuts and the ball was just FR higher up the blade one or two Bru with a little bit of apprehension as well just didn’t fly downwind as well could could have got KN there but yeah he needed to translate all that and just play even up in that far left hand corner would have been absolutely fine you know usy he won a big event in Sun City back last year the Gary Player Country Club and bogey the last three holes to finish still one another struggle to the close for him and meanwhile that’s deep flash here at 18 with a closing par what do you think he takes out of this week Nick oh like many of them it’s all been an incredible experience and to be thrown in the dpen and have to play on a on a major weekend and especially playing on Augusta Sunday is is a very special experience which I’m sure they can all you know build on for the future back to 17 it’s n to play first so lots of time for ilman to think about his third shot this is a shot if he doesn’t reach the green it may well roll back to him nice play nicely play let’s have another look at the leaderboard and the scores today not one of those seven players under par Tran protecting the lead a three shot leaders three over power today h much earlier in the day the low round of the day by far a beautiful 68 Nick what in Orleans a couple of years ago was under par but very few players under par but now a testing shot for him on I just wonder if he could finish in Gary Player star and hold a bunker shot that’s right that’s what Gary was so famous for and I’m sure Trevor is the all South Africans are are great bunker players but he needs probably his finest right now he managed to do it under normal circumstances just a simple Splash upot but uh with a green coat a green jacket on the line uh a different story well played well played but that 18th is still he is really you’re thinking about everything open stance open blades let the flange of the club ride through the sand that was a real classic thump he rehearsed it without a follow through because he wanted to just get the get the club head to go past his hands to make sure he released it to see in this med all his ups and downs just to stay tied to third with st single finished plus five for the day still tied for third the course stretched out last couple of years we had some very windy conditions today and tough scoring now important maintain that three shot lead Grace is a very player and all of them I’m sure cheering them on for one more [Music] ho mentioned his parents a few times Jun and Johan they just moved to the state’s pole time 3 weeks ago and they they moved in with Trevor in carita they decided our children are over in the states we got two grandchildren now they’re son Mark as a young baby we want to be there you know to have this as a family shared experience it’s been for the family a lot of sacrificing to get this Prodigy to this point they knew he had special gifts since about the age of five yes I’ve I’ve watched Trevor play for many years from way back in South Africa like a look of resignation the shot was Wayward spits it out a little bit that Trevor has a sister Melle all the family behind Trevor at this moment his wife Carmenita their little boy who was born at the Winnie Palmer Hospital in Orlando and they really grapple with should he go compete at the 2006 Open Championship you played well I was there I played a practice round with Trevor he says everything’s fine back home there’s nowh the baby’s coming I canly open then go back and then literally the next day he’s on a flight and the baby was born he was guaranteed it’s at least of weeks away and was able at the last minute to Hitch your ride back to the states with commissioner Tim fin what an exhalation yes they love that one and that’s really perhaps been the greatest strength of the week for him driving he’s found the Fairway here at the 72 hole on his way with the green Jack of the Master’s tournament that three shot lead Tiger Woods 72 battled all way few glitches on the second nine that we didn’t expect 72 for him snica he’s had his ups and downs a beautiful 68 for Miguel anel Jimenez the Spaniard on a tough scoring day Nick Watney W underpath Stuart applebe was also under par very few rounds under the power of 72 P Champion mik we 74 to today and you can see from very talented players shooting some very high scores today United States open Champion Cabrera a 74 to finish plus4 Jim furick a 77 look at some of these scores Johnson Wagner who just won in Houston to squeeze into the Masters makes it to the last day and I’m sure had a fantastic experience and a couple of past champions on that last page and Nick it was a real challenge so throughout 18 holes today wasn’t it the setup of the course and the wind oh exactly Peter it’s been brutal I mean it’s really been buffeting and the temperature dropped so you know just just above 60Β° and the very low humidity which obviously changes the surface of the grass and the guys have had to battle and the famous Sunday pole locations which have been so difficult but Trevor Inman has basically driven the ball better than anybody his a cumulative of driving distance and accuracy he will beat Everybody by Miles and that’s been his absolute number one Club this week with a little right of it either from right hand side first cut probably unable to go for this last flag stick on the front left corner traditional position meder needing somehow to make Birdie the tie second he’s birdied it the last two days will settle below the ridge here it comes what a good action right there Nick well you did pull up a miracle shot I think I guess it was the the Monte color bust just go for it and it and it and it did come off Trevor now has the luxury of using that bank just a couple of Paces behind the flag stick and uh use that as his buffer and uh oh my goodness about that what are the golfing Gods trying to do yeah one last little obstacle here just to get your attention well yes that will sun will take the front of bun play thought careful couple of options a little bit fat it would but I think he’s can intentionally now play for that Gap there play away from the front left bunker and squeeze it through my goodness how’s that protest you on the he sent his second hole and opportunity to win your first major in in the Green Jacket G player said probably the finest Striker he’s ever seen since Ben Hogan and he just needs one more perfect strike now that’s the spot that’s better than Trevor well here it is how about to face that but he knew exactly what to do come down a fraction steeve for power through un fortunately had the buffer and now they can enjoy this most famous walking Golf and I’ll quickly add that I in one of Trevor’s famous words I’m absolutely delighted for you mate Behind the Green another June father brother Mark who lives here in Georgia B coach at Columbus State his wife Tracy the family has gone all over the world to make sure that this youngest child of theirs was able to reach their full potential they moved to the states at one time and make sure that their gifted son was put in the right hands and this time in fact when I look at him Nick I can’t help but think about what he’s been through in this past was a year ago at this time in fact when he took ill right around austa week lost 22 pounds to a virus that really kind of wiped out his summer and there you see the family harita and the little boy Jacob almost 2 years old but and after this virus really took all the strength last summer it was late in the fall they discovered that he had cancer he had a benign tumor in his rib cage area but that cancer scare once again gave Trevor a chance to really sit back and understand just all the god-given talents that he had and really realized that he was born with this special gift and talent at golf made him focus a little bit more run a little bit deeper in this goal to be truly what he said he was going to be before he was even 10 he said he wanted to be the best in the world and now brand sneaker has this punt to share second with tiger he quit playing t-ball at the age of eight to take up golf he told his parents the same thing he wanted to be the best and this is one of those learning experiences to today his favorite gol for growing up he worshiped Tom Watson he played the first two days here with him Tom Watson had to go through a little bit of that stretch to learn how to be a closer and this is Brant’s first brush with what it’s like a mjor championship pressure introduce this week the whole new Legion of fans for high third tiger is going to have his fifth runnerup finish in a major including two straight years here and all that talk about a grand slam this is not going to be the case for tiger and the only man that can even think about it will be Trevor emman when he gets the ball in the hole here in a second let’s see if he can create one last [Music] memory it’ll be good enough [Music] and Nick we’ve known him for a long time and to reach this status that is reserved for so few yeah I know it doesn’t surprise you the’s name now is on that list of maor winners well it really doesn’t Jim I’m Absolut delighted for him he a incredible hard worker I as I spoke earlier he he’s sorted the advice or the little insights from many a champion for years and years now and put it all together and now he becomes a champion as well and and guns to prove it at the if you will and his deep connection with Gary Gary was born 18 months after the first Masters was ever played in the fall of 1935 and Trevor was born about 18 months after Gary won his last three ja now he takes on that South African spirit and Excellence for one into the Next Generation I’m sure there are a lot of early wakeup calls in South Africa if anyone went to sleep that is [Applause] where it go bro4 [Music] you can’t help but look at them all and just know the sacrifices like every parent of every Champion has ever gone through to get their son to this point the extra job the extra trip the driving away to some key Junior tournament or amateur tournament in the imman family case they even for a brief while move to the states to make sure their son was able to maximize all that he had all of that leading to this special day and look who’s wearing green Daddy’s going to be weing green here in a [Music] minute can’t help himself okay we can stand play even a little bit here and he mixed it up with the gallery all day long congratulating right now [Music] look at this pkon sportsmanship got another one of the great virtues of the game all thumbs up for Trevor who shares the first round lead with Justin Rose hept on that lead every night had it alone Friday night Saturday night and go into Sunday night Whole New World Harry ha there from the PJ of America is double cheing that card better be careful this on the 40y year anniversary of Theo Mista has produced the first time major winner now for the fourth time in the last six years from Weir to michelson’s breakthrough win his long at long last win in’ 04 to Zach last year and Trevor today most difficult day for scoring everyone had to battle moments of adversity second guessing questioning as these wins continue to play Mind [Music] Games final check of the 45 qualified here for the weekend well he got that phone call last night from Gary Player take your time keep your eyes on the ball and extra second on the putts there will be bad breaks but I know you’re going to [Music] win Trevor imman a wash in the realization that he is the Master’s Champion he’s headed to Butler cabin where he’ll soon be presented the green jacket here at [Music] austa that would lead to a first hole bogey had this punch for bar one managed to make that next one for a five but at number five imman started to regain his composure smiling at this one as he should best shot of the day at the fifth one on to make that for birdie at nine now he had missed Huts at seven and eight he needed this curled it in you think that was big how B the one and 11 just as he’s starting Amen Corner this for par abely his day then the third shot at 13 now yesterday at 15 we know that he got away with one but how many times did we see him play these wed shots the rest of the way precisely spot on led to a birdie and then as so often has been said Gary Player perhaps the best bunk of player the game has ever known and he showed a little expertise of his own leading to 17 a final full part as well to close out the three shot Victory Neil gives him the Carmenita Jacob and Trevor will be celebrating for so long there’s the leaderboard here at Augusta again the top 16 and ties get invited back for the 2009 Masters and just look at these names they’ll all be back including Nick Watney who shot a fine 71 today Tai 11th it’s now time for the Green Jacket presentation and we send it to Butler to Augusta National chairman Billy P all across America and millions more around the world for your loyal support of the master we realize that it’s your support that makes us one of the world’s great sporting traditions and I want to thank my friend Jim nass Jim and all your colleagues at CBS whose considerable passion for the Masters is evidenced every day by the Excellence of your work we truly appreciate it we appreciate that thank you Billy Jim and I are about to be joined momentarily by by Two Gentlemen with big smiles on their faces last year’s Champion Mr Zach Johnson whose honor it will be momentarily present the Green Jacket to this year’s Champion Mr Trevor imman Gentlemen please join us there Mr Trevor congratulations congratulations very proud of Z Trevor congratul for a great well done please have a seat gentlemen we have a few questions to ask thank you thank you Billy and Trevor it just wasn’t easy out there for for anyone today what was it like with all these conditions and that final day pressure well Jim it was just so tough and uh I was just trying to be tough you know that’s all I kept saying to myself was just hang in there and play one shot at a time because you know there’s there’s a disaster around every corner as I showed on 16 but uh I was just trying to hang in there and uh you know I can’t believe I did it you know you got a phone call last night from Gary player who told you in a message I know you’re going to win what did that mean to you well me awful lot you I’ve played it to my whole family on speaker phone but uh you know Mr player has been at me all week from Tuesday since we played together telling me to believe in myself telling me that I’m good enough to do it and uh you know when I got that message from him last night he did tell me to keep my head still on my putts as well but uh you know it was just a really special moment and I’m glad that I pulled it through for him today I couldn’t help but just take in that scene of the entire family your mother your father your wife your little boy your brother your sister-in-law and the sacrifices a family makes for you to get in that chair here today what has it taken to get right here to be the Master’s Champion well more uh more you know I don’t think we have enough time for me to explain it to you you know it starts with my parents who made so many sacrifices when I was a young boy you know driving me to golf tournaments and making sure that I played in the right tournaments and taking out extra mortgages to send me overseas so you know them as well as my brother and sister who had to make so many sacrifices so that I could go and live my dream uh you know then obviously my wife who’s been you know we’ve been together for 15 years now since we were young kids uh you know um we’ve had some interesting times but uh you know this makes it all worth it and you can see it in your eyes it’s very clear and it’s time Billy for the Green Jacket Zach if you would please do us the honor I would be happy too man thank you so much congratulations thanks you bet congratulations thank you so much we appreciate it very much thank you what a tournament week here in Augusta Thursday we opened in fog and today we bathed in sunshine and no one more so than Trevor imman the youngest child of June and Johan yes there was fith there always is yesterday at 15 that certainly gave us a big punch but how about the Fate at the age of five in the arms of the man he idolizes to this day a man who called him last night to say I know you’re going to win and now they both possess the green jacket on a week when the mentor kissed the sacred sod exiting the Augusta stage this life has just become all that he wanted it to His Wish has come true Trevor imman is the man at the 2008 Masters Trevor congratulations [Music]

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