Golf Players

I’m Going to Believe That I’m the Best One | The George Bryan Story

George Bryan’s path in golf is a fascinating one with many turns. Everything he has done was to help him with one goal. Make it to the PGA TOUR.

Watch The Q at Myrtle Beach. April 23rd. On Play Golf Myrtle Beach’s YouTube Channel.

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I don’t even remember how I didn’t get into it my dad is a PJ Pro and two three years old one-year-old like he would just take us me and Wesley to the golf course with him I think I’ve spent more time on the golf course than than anywhere my first ever tournament was when I was when I was 7 years old and I almost want a tourament down here actually in Myrtle Beach I think it was um golly I can’t remember the um Arrowhead I believe and I shot like 10 overpar lost by million but that was my first taste of like real competitive Golf and from that day I think I’ve been hooked Wesley and I I think we were we were enemies from age three when he was born when I was two so from Age Two to let’s call it 14 we were enemies every everything he would do would try to get under my skin I would try to to get under his skin as well and when we were on the golf course it was no different we wanted to compete and beat each other so badly after I’d say after college we never had those like upset moments we would be upset if we lost but like we didn’t care as much cuz we truly just wanted each other to like play the best they could and we became each other’s like biggest fans Brian Rose came about because we were two boor kids I was out of I ran out of money playing professional golf and Wesley was you know recently graduated college um and we saw two kids on the internet hit a trick shot out of midair and we’re like dude that was number one on Sports Center top 10 like they don’t even look like they play golf we can do better filmed it put it on Facebook and a lot of our friends and people Church like oh my God that’s so cool like we’re like huh like we don’t have this many friends many people that watch this video like way like we don’t have that many friends so let’s maybe post another one and we did that and that it kind of went viral outside of our friend group and this was 2014 and we were like man this is two videos in a row people keep seeing saying how cool it is let’s just like like Dude Perfect is doing their thing and they’re doing trick shots they don’t do golf maybe we could be like them in the golf world and and we just started posting and things kept snowballing in 2014 um you know that leads in like to us creating content for I think Golf Digest was our first big shoot getting a YouTube channel in and like just kind of going viral within the golf world there was not really anything like that on the internet we kind of had this Vision to like maybe this one day we’ll help our PJ tour career or like PJ tour dream and fund it and a year later Wesley is going through Q school and getting his corn gr tour card and a year later he has his PJ tour card all from us kind of goofing around and filming some stuff on the internet what we do is cool and we enjoy it it’s fun people are watching it like we can help the PJ tour we can like bring some eyeballs or whatever so it’s cool that like they’re starting to acknowledge us and like really want to lean into what we what what we got over here and um it’s been fun fun to be a part of not not every YouTuber comes from that like so they don’t really get to experience like this like level very often but I think like getting us all together competing and showing the world like this opportunity is is amazing mentally if I can just tap into what I had last year believe in myself then yes I think I’ve proved myself that I can compete I’m going to tea up Monday believing that I’m going to be the best one and have a chance to win [Music]


  1. You have to be one of the best people that I've never met.. You have a great soul bro! I also think you're one of the best golfers I've ever seen.. Yes Wesley pulls off some good shots but you are consistent And that is very necessary to succeed in golf the greatest and toughest game ever! You have a lot of people rooting for you bro and Wesley too

  2. George, I must say… I believe you have everything it takes in golf and in humanity in general… to reach as far as you want to go.

  3. G4 I have so much respect for you because you have so much respect for your Dad and still want him helping you with your swing. Your parents raised both of you so very well and I love both of your personalities which are so very different but still you’re both very kind and supportive of each other and those you play matches against.
    Keep up the Great content and I wish both Wesley & yourself nothing but the Best on your journeys
    Cheers Rod from Vancouver Canada.

  4. I hope all the YouTube boys show up. Cause if they all stink and fill out the bottom 8 spots, this will not happen again. Rooting for you guys.


  6. Damn this dude has been on the golf course since he was 7! If you do anything for 30 years your gonna be good. I've been playing for 7 years I've got a long way to go 😅

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