Golf Players

DAY THREE | Afternoon Session Highlights | 2024 World Pool Championship

Extended highlights from the 2024 World Pool Championship afternoon session on day three in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Matches featured:
– Jayson Shaw vs Johann Chua
– Ko Ping Chung vs Darren Appleton
– Joshua Filler vs Hsieh Chia Chen

#9ball #pool #matchroompool #nineball #worldpoolchampionship

[Music] really hard to push out without giving up a pretty easy play does he have a long rail bank here on the one that he can play a two-way two-way shot probably just pinch him behind the nine and eight that’s the shot I saw right there you see how he held the Q ball that’s and you know that’s what we get back to trying to play to win a little bit a two-way shot and now this rack could go one way Shores like maybe be a kiss shot on the nine here does the eight easily pass the eight does play could have used a little better position but should be okay wants to dig on this Q Ball come out two cushions Jeremy Jones picked out the shot Jason Shaw saw it as well length of table Bank the entire back and with that Jason Shaw eagley draws First Blood against yanu could tuck this one under Ah that’s not his best and the one needs to travel and a couple times Jason’s kind of pulling the trigger a little quickly here and wasn’t his best in Yan Chua with an opening yeah I think when he does that when he plays a little too swiftly for own good to me over the years that’s an indication he’s feeling nervous I know he did that in the early stages of the Moscone he kept last year in a few matches he bed in of course but early on yeah he was awesome in that mcone but and the thing with me with Jason I don’t mind when he gets down on the ball quickly you know he has that Rhythm it’s actually when he’s down on the ball and kind of pulls the trigger you know a little abruptly where the problem Li and that’s most players more of the routine things and talk about that with players down the line a little bit but uh not with the top guys so much and the way this rack is gone Jeremy just underlines reminds us that at this level a small safety misjudgment and you can pay a heavy price yeah absolutely and of course Chu had to gamble on that thin one ball on the side I wouldn’t say fortunate to get on the two I think he deserved it really but has made a nice clearance sense Filipino players are most represented here in this 2024 World Pool championships I think very deserving as well your hand wins the rack he nominated the push out unlike L Hong duck last night effectively costing him the match yeah I feel his pain I’ve of course had a pretty instrument Al foul at the wrong time in the mosconi and understand it happens to everyone and I kind of was wondering about that push from Jason there and you know sometimes you push out to something that’s going to be pretty obvious but you feel like you’re going to have a lot in return you know whether it be a kick or a jump that’s not the case here of course well executed by Johan shua little surprised there at that pushup extension cool and we know the Filipinos in general well known for their kicking abilities yeah it was a rather surprising decision that you called it before even contemplated it yeah and of course I was always taught you know Nick vonner is the one who told me several times you have to push out really trying to have the best percentage to get the push out back and that was never in question there I’m not sure what maybe hit the left side of the two let the Q ball go into the eight that’s the only thing I can imagine maybe try and create some luck the Seven’s going to help him out here trying to cover up the pocket or at least somewhat and this two ball does slide in got to pinch the Q ball back a bit tough shot that’s for sure both these players uh H the ball so nicely and their timing is so good that’s what opens up the pocket a bit able to play little shots each of them with a tough two ball in that lower right early in this match and you know what places extra Jeopardy on this match whoever is defeated will go to lose his qualification to take on Alin a spent a little time in bed last night looking at all the possibilities oh my wow almost just like his opponent that we talked about in the last frame or maybe it was the one prior that went down on the ball he pulled the trigger a little quick well that was a very poor miss that kind of mistake it wasn’t a certainty but it’s the kind of part you expect Jason Shaw to bury yeah he knew it right away as soon as the QQ ball left he could see the eyes open they widen a little bit the head came up a little fortunate with the snooker but Johan shu is happy to be at the table and great hit there reverse spin on the QQ ball the three dead in the face holding the Rock by the way we went over to table two didn’t we for a while to see how Chris Milling was doing well the man with gout is doing okay he’s three to up on a laa shap of Singapore yeah yaps missed a couple pretty easy balls so far trying to settle in Jason’s going to go with the jump here I wonder what kind of shot he’s going to play I mean if he tries to hold the QQ ball banking the three away easy to scratch does he try to play the three into the six and swing the QQ ball back around that’s what I was wondering about the jump versus the kick and I just saw a scratch kind of coming either side of that three ball start the CL I don’t know about this one same pocket as the missed four ball previously hurtful and the table rolled true it Pockets definitely tightening up but that one shouldn’t have gone and it didn’t uhoh the bounce here did get it just caught the seven a little thick to the pocket is that what I saw that’s the only way the QQ ball really has that route well looking on the bright side at least he didn’t scratch which looked a possibility when he first fall to the seven yeah Jason’s thinking he’s got a duck here he’s got to chop the eight put the eight on the bottom cushion he’s attacking though so low percentage wow what a shot eval speed’s going to be okay that’s why they call him Eagle ey folks Jason I must say the eight ball there was simply brilliant from Jason Shaw what a shot an early candidate for shot of the day he leads by four racks to one and he’s set his stall out there yeah I mean you can take filler you can take them all right there and you’re probably at about 20 to 25% making that ball and working the q ball into position so yeah some pretty special stuff there from from Sha foul strike all in hands that was extraordinary the the one ball and the KE ball went into that middle pocket within a a nanc to each other yeah that’s a little unfortunate wasn’t hit poorly five just slivered the QQ ball and of course Jason’s starting to get the break together and well man looks like he’s going to run the QQ ball off the right side of the two so speed control very important nice touch overall play golf with Jason and uh in Scotland have you ever played with him Phil it’ss at a mile does he oh an absolute mile at least more admiration for him now they had me by 70 80 yards most of the day all right this uh beautiful safety and good decision is going to open up a shot for eui I think the rack does play it’s not easy I think everything is is doable the 67 combination of course momentum wise this is a really big wreck yeah especially because it seems both players are starting to tune in on the breaking in and it’s been a tough table to break the balls on this week and that’ll be the table that delivers all the title and the and the cash and everything everything else that comes with it I could get a little kiss on the Cubo here it’s going to probably kind of drag it softly like that t know what it is with with left-handers in sport but they are so often aesthetically pleasing to watch and Sh falls into that category really straight here was in perfect position or somewhat straight he in perfect position on the six to gain that proper angle nice and tidy no big shot I like the little extra time here as well now do you go forward with high inside very missable the stun across very missable as well he’s going forward my [Music] beauty really Jason connection there on the nine to take a two game lead crucial can he go into the eight he doesn’t really want to baby this got to hit it light yeah that’s why I say I wouldn’t want to baby it but again don’t mind him getting down on it quickly but did he kind of pull the trigger a little quicker just like earlier it was a bad Miss but it’s actually turned out well extension called yeah you can’t be negative here if you Yan got to pull on some positive vibes make a good kick shot at the pink look at this he’s going to play off the point not one you see very often that’s a hard one to do right I mean you know it’s a fun shot and all and and again I’m not saying it’s not the right shot at times but he had options there normally you would shoot that when there wasn’t any other options overall and to add insult to injury the six ball went down making Shaw’s life with the dish just that little bit easier yeah absolutely sh would have wish a few more went down during that foul the only reason you shoot that if you’re yoan is if you fear you’re not going to execute otherwise you know he kind of felt like that was a guarantee I would suspect and know like you said the Filipinos believe in what you’re seeing and what you can do they kick at the ball as well as anyone on the planet Shaw has been the better player I think he’s fully deserving of this now healthy lead Jason sha wins the r in fact he’s doubling up on yanu definitely going to attack I think I say definitely could lock him up behind the three pretty easily but I think you got to go here so twice now when he’s been playing at very quiet Pace he’s missed balls previously he got away with it but not there and I tell you you’re never going to you know put Jason as any kind of slow player or anything but you know you got 60 seconds after the break and this isn’t about hindsight and not really someone who plays on that too much but you know just kind of recognizing how big a ball that one ball was especially with an open run behind it six racks to four so can cheer maintain some momentum turn up the heat Q ball ball ball in hand so they’ve each had a very unfortunate kiss one that we see a lot Crossing back over the nine maybe come two rails for the seven in the side that being the brown seven a little awkward doesn’t necessarily want to elevate the back end of the queue and really dig even though he may have to like he’s going to try stun two rails to get a little cut on the eight he held it in goes the nine ball utterly reliable from Jason Shaw this is a much better performance than his first match days ago chance to put a lot of heat on his opponent think pretty good touch there yeah the the seven ball he should have potted that was in rack five but the the four ball he missed in rack four that was unforgivable yeah absolutely just trying to create a little more on the Q ball to get back across and just took his eye off the paint should hit this think it’s going to do much for him though also on the hill Francisco Sanchez Ruiz 84 now over Kyle amarat he’s one six on the Trot a nice shot there you know it’s always a funny shot to stun the ball when the two balls up plus you have to come in a tight angle inside that purple five so good stuff there from Shaw one screw shot here on the three should get him in position to advance to the final 64 still six shots remaining but it take this down Phil I’ll just roll this in lay on the side rail should be pretty natural to play the five now remember the pink he missed when he played it lighter just a few games ago got a big role doing so but think you just got to take your medicine there might to take a little more distance here V Jeffrey Roda 95 in his first match Jason Shaw this a little more comfortable and undoubtedly more impressive Jason sh given the quality and the CV of yan Shu Jason wasn’t a sure thing to win that match but he did anyway and in the end I think he will come out of it with a lot of confidence and trying to use the balls in the center of the table like to take that one again that’s about 3T short just look at all them balls in the center to not get the hook there there you see he’s nowhere near the hook it’s kind of a big pocket isn’t it if as long as he hits the rail here Dave this ball will go in off the brown [Music] seven play to Perfection that that won hurt Appleton because it was such an easy safety shot and I was just Bing him up as well he’s one of the best safety players I’ve ever seen also what you were saying there Dave as well the early racks they just settle you in welcome to those of you joining us on day three of the world pool Championship here in jeda this is the first rack of the match between Co ping Chung and Darren Appleton for a place in the last 64 and Co is surely going to take it there’s the nine yeah it was a safety error actually from Darren Appleton that led him in and Co looking very assured to take the opening rack he is slightly jacked up to hit to rail a ball needs to hit a rail after contact and he hasn’t Julian’s not spotted this do knows he said foul foul shot Bing is one of the most professional sporting players please start the clock on the circuit pretty much like everyone Julian just had a a little bit of a brain freeze there just to confirm the rule after contact a ball must hit a rail or go in the pocket for it to be a legal shot interesting shot coming up here I think he’s going to send the QQ ball into the nine and the green six hopefully stay on that blue two that hens the cluster oh that delightful Dave what a shot he played there yeah very deaf touch that wasn’t it nicely controlled in terms of the weight as well as the [Music] direction well that was a chance but not to be yeah is this match just starting to slip away I know it’s only 3-0 but King Chung looks to be hitting the ball pretty sweet to [Music] me you still expect him to pop this cuz it’s near the rail got to play a good Q ball might go three rails with a Q ball a position on the green six extension called well this is going to come around and finish absolutely spot on it’s balling hand territory that is Appleton will know this sat in his chair he’ll be thinking my opponent looks to be queuing well very well everything’s just Landing perfect yeah it’s the first rack really where Appleton’s had even a half chance he had that chance at the two wasn’t to beat not the the intended pocket he was trying to slide past the night well this is about as dominant as start as you can get really he’s look really good in every R making very very few errors if any at all cooping Chong 40 up in this race toight Appleton’s going a ball close got the QQ ball running forward as well to leave distance but I believe coping Chun can pop this ball yeah another example as I say things just not quite running for him on another day covers the potting angle previous match Jason Shaw these big shots in the rack just like ging Chung he was getting down in he was knocking them balls in the big shots in the rack you make that big shot the rest is just connect the dots in nine ball not a lot no it’s been about as one sided as the the rack score line suggest oh there you go well you’re always looking for a turning point aren’t you a potential one and this could be it yeah but once you really fall behind like this you know pressure is going to be solely on you every ball you play and of course Darren’s handled the pressure throughout his career as any as well as any human really got to dig on the QQ ball a little bit you a little awkwardly with the long bridge off the side rail got to make sure this doesn’t push get a little thick hit oh he’s actually hit it thin lost the QQ ball as well he hasn’t shot a lot of balls in this match but knowing Darren I think kind of pulled the trigger here quickly when he was down yeah the problem is six n Dan was under more pressure to make something happen there this as I said earlier I mean every ball when you Trail by this deficit is really you feel like could be a match ending mistake and big nineball here though extension called on the fence on how he may shoot it you got to believe he’s probably going to dig on the QQ ball that way he can let the stroke out a bit well that really I think the most disappointing rack of them all for Darren Appleton the one he was closest to winning but like the previous six it’s gone against him so koping Chung presses on to 70 surely he’s going to be the man who puts his place in the last 64 as we go oh wow and he raises the hand what a way to finish so coping Chong takes out the match with the golden break in the last rack but before that he played absolutely brilliantly Darren Appleton had very little looking and it’s a completely one-sided victory for the US Open Champion koping Chung can he add the world title to his CV well he’s in the last 64 and he’s got every right to be delighted he’s the winner nine racks to nil it’s a whitewash so call we’ve talked a lot about Joshua filler to break his opponent Shay CH Chen 30-year-old from Chinese taipe who beat sad alres 9-2 in his Opening match he had a pretty good career has Chen highlighted by run to the quarterfinal of the US Open in 2022 filler is a student of the game so he’ll be well aware that this is no walk in the park Chen’s also a former quarterfinalist in the Asian nine ball championship and he reached the last 32 of the the world nine ball I.E this event two years ago no that’s not a difficult shot but he hits that shot just so pure just but he is we have a lot of good Potters of course we do isn’t at the top of that list well show me who is Joshua filler wins the rack yeah nothing wrong with the emotion out just hope at some point if ellot does shout someone’s not on a hill hill n ball in the arena there was an occasion a few years ago where we just come off air and he was still playing and he won his match and he shouted but it was an expletive and we were very relieved we were actually not showing it take care with this one yep whenever you’re jacked up and you’re striking down on the QQ ball upon your delivery it’s easy just to put a bit of unwanted spin on the on the CU ball yeah in that case you saw it right hand side flick the the three ball wide to overcut it well like our previous match it was one-sided this one has got off to the exact same start indeed it has Joshua filler the r has the intimidation factor and The X Factor he leads by three racks to nil in no time see Chen it’s your choice yeah svb survived a little scare there it could be a bit funny playing on one of them tables Phil you know I thought I was sitting next to someone who was talking to themselves carboys all of these years of experience in the commentary box and he didn’t turn his microphone on well I’m going to get you for that one Phil yeah I thought my headset sounded a bit funny that’s like missing a straight nine that really is a a rookie mistake for someone who loves the sound of their own voice kicking at the one just misses it tried to wh it a little bit he won’t be happy with that though at this level the players please start especially when the ball’s over the the pocket Phil you know the players the fancy potting them you can see it in his face with filler he’s one of those players like so many greats he wants to win every single rack he takes it as a personal front when he loses the odd [Music] one ball is going there this corner it’s not going to go in though two balls open he can pot it don’t know what angle he’s got to get on the red three just wants to be a bit careful here though things have gone his way in the start of this match obviously we’re 4 Z up still 4-1 but 51 or 42 going into the break just gives you something to think about well he’s queuing down here throwing the ball back this is missable well must have miscued Phil yeah he’s looking at the tip he’s miscued yeah that Telltale sick sound and sometimes that can undermine confidence especially if he’s got a shot of of a a similar type and after the way dismantled Bernie regalario yesterday 91 andon rager finding much more difficulty in breaking down Alexa pasel who is 54 up here it’s a 59 combination Chen wins the rack and Chen is back within a couple at 4-2 no higher than the young German books his place the final 64 th will be back this evening one more chance to qualify could have been worse that’s worked out okay feels like this match has all been filler but just these last couple of racks just started to get a little bit sticky out there involved in this round would they take a peak as to who they would play if they lost the match in question I would think some do maybe some don’t extension call I know it’s the old cliche isn’t it just focus on your match ball at a time and all that but as long as he’s got an angle here he can get himself on this nine if it’s straight well he’s going to be playing the n in left Center we’ve seen a few balls missed in the middles nine ball pool players are so used to playing balls in the corners be okay though yeah he easy he’s going to pull to just one behind with this this ball getting on the 80 time foul time foul he must have extension Sur oh he’s used his extension wow oh please start the this is the problem this is why at the start of the event Phil I do do like the players who have played in moscon cups and played in a lot of world n b t Arenas because they managed the shot clock so good there was no descent whatsoever from Chen he realized his mistake much like the failure to nominate the push last night from Leong it’s just a mental lapse and a very expensive one it seems yeah clearly he said extension but he didn’t have an extension he’d already used it and then the beeps went off he hadn’t hit the Q ball in time it’s a foul filler with a let off though because this should have been his opponent clearing the table to tight up instead filler he about to steal a rack the only thing the Chen extended was Joshua filler’s lead certainly looking like it was going to get tied up at 44 but Chen forgot to play his shot in the alloted time which resulted in the time foul yes if they just joining us he thought he got an extension in the pocket in fact he’d used it in that particular rack and boy what a difference it has made 73 filler it is two more required now let’s take a a quick trip over onto table two where the end might just be nigh at 77 the Albert Manis Chang Jin match suddenly became certainly looking like it was going to get tied up at 44 but Chen forgot to play his shot in the alloted time which resulted in the time foul yes if it just joining us he thought he’d got an extension in the pocket in fact he’d used it in that particular rack and boy what a difference it has made 73 filler it is two more required now let’s take a a quick trip over onto table two where the end might just be nigh at 77 the Albert Manis Chang junin match suddenly became nine balls close oh it just caught the jaw oh kicking two rails nearly flukes the nine in the side pure that was pure I seem to say this every time we commentate on Joshua filler but I think it’s worth repeating we talk about different aspects of the game about temperament tactics Q action all that kind of stuff plenty more besides But ultimately if you can pot that’s what you need that’s the the most valuable currency yeah you need to pot well and you need to have good Q ball control because let’s say if you’re not like a strong Potter you know from distance or them tricky ones let’s just say you’re just a little bit lower rank than the top boys if your QQ Ball’s good it means you get less tricky pots and you might say this is just a wee bid tricky all I fully expect it to be rifled in me and drink for Joshua filler who is now on the hill Joshua filler rack 12 Joshua filler to break on the hill leading eight racks to three the nine balls moving is it going to go in the center it’s another match with a golden for the win Joshua [Music] filler for the third time on the main table and match is concluded with the golden break Joshua filler knocks in the nine with his first shot in rack 12 and he defeats Chen by nine racks to three it was all very different after the time foul from that point filler pulled away he looks very dangerous to me here’s another look it’s the Q ball off the side rail banking the nine into the side pocket for the w


  1. I realize these guys are not seeded, or high seeds, but they make fundamental errors, and basically hand the match to the Fillers of the tournament, hmmm…

  2. 9 ball game really needs to improve with some kind of algoritma that makes 9 ball difficult to pot on breakshot

  3. Thank you Karl for correcting Yates’ moronic comment that ball potting is the most important thing in pool. It’s obviously the cue ball control that makes the best players the best. Can Matchroom please just sack Yates and have Karl, JJ, and Frost rotate on commentary? This is why World Snooker has Hendry, Parrott, Taylor, etc commentate on snooker and Rob Ford just does the MC duties.

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