This ‘Hidden” Transition Move Will Transform Your Swing Forever!

Unfortunately you are always going ti struggle and battle with your swing if you don’t get this part of the golf swing correct, the transition!

Moving from backswing to downswing is something that great golfers to exceptionally well, but often amateurs struggle with, and in particular one aspect of this key move.

In this video i will teach you in simple steps how to really master the transition on your golf swing giving you more flow, better timing and ultimately improving the quality of your shots right through the bag.

It all comes down to when you ‘load’ in your golf swing, load too early and it can be very difficult to recover from, great players load later and this video will teach you how to do that.

As always i’d love to hear your thoughts so drop down to the comments and ill get back to you as soon as i can


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00:00 Introduction
00:13 Understanding Lag
01:14 Tiger Woods Key Move
01:45 Tennis Ball Drill
03:20 Secret Transition Move
06:48 Wide Takeaway Move

I’m going to share with you what I consider to be almost the secret to increasing the power in your swing whilst also improving the Rhythm the timing the flow and the overall feel of your go this is such a key move there is certain things that lead and certain things that lag so if we’ve got the top of my club which is the grip and we’ve got the bottom which is the club head for me to have this club moving with rhythm and flow the grip is leading the club head is following and when they change direction they don’t change direction like this because that wouldn’t have as much flow or Rhythm the grip will change direction first the club head will follow and then the same thing will happen in this transition when I do that it feels like it’s perfectly timed it feels like there’s a great Rhythm there and it feels effortless and smooth that’s what should be happening in your Go sing so when we look at the down swing sequence what do we see well the lower body leads the upper body the upper body body leads the arms and the hands lead the golf club that’s what the great players do I want to talk to you specifically today about the upper body and your arms I’m going to do a little demonstration in a minute which I’d love you to do but let’s take a look at Tiger I want you to show Tiger’s transition and what you can see is that there’s almost a phase at the end of his goling where his shoulders stop turning back they begin moving towards the Target or begin their downwing phase as the arms continue moving away from the golf ball they’re continuing their back swing movement so what we can sort of say there is in transition Tiger’s shoulders are moving sort of almost back towards the target when his left arm is actually going more into his chest so try this for me I have got half a tennis ball you don’t have to use this but this is just going to give us a really good visual for this I’ve just taken a tennis ball and cut it in half and if I just took my normal setup I’m just going to place that tennis ball just here on my left chest I’m going to put my hand down as if for got a golf club if I drop the tennis ball it’s going to fall to the floor okay there’s nothing there to hold it but watch what happens if I take my lead arm and I move that lead arm across my chest well when I let go of the tennis ball now it’s held in place because my lead arm has gone you know across my chest it’s holding it there so what we can sort of say is that in Tiger’s transition he is moving that lead arm across the chest which would hold that tennis ball in place now I’ve done lots of videos fairly recently talking about how the arm should be moving down this way and the dowsing okay this is key this is the move that’s precedes that so don’t want to get confused once the arms go into the chest then they need to accelerate down as I’ve discussed in some videos but I’m talking in this one about the Rhythm and the timing so here’s what happens in Tiger’s golfing he’s going to make his back swing move his lower body is going to lead his upper body then his upper body is going to lead and his arms are going to get squeezed into his chest as you can see here that would be me squeezing that tennis ball and then the hands lead the club head and when he does that he gets this beautiful sequence of events and obviously he’s got one of the best go sings out there so what’s the key move what’s the secret move well let me show you tennis Ball’s here if I let go it drops okay when do we want that lead off to go across and squeeze the tennis ball in transition this is the lag that we need so what we’re going to do is as we go back I go here drop the tennis ball it drops my arm hasn’t gone across my chest yet so what tiger will do is he will basically keep this relationship very similar very similar if I was to drop the tenis ball it still falls to the ground but then as he starts his down swing that follows we get that sequence of events where his shoulders begin to go towards the target his arm goes across his body and he squeezes that tennis ball so it would look something like this and that’s what creates the flow and the Rhythm so many golfers that I’ve worked with recently and and over the years don’t have that sequence they have a very different sequence they have what I call the frozen shoulder so when they take a setup to the golf ball this shoulder doesn’t move and when that shoulder doesn’t move where is our Focus Club Head Hands what are we trying to do with the club we’re trying to get that club up and around our body so what happens is we focus on the club the shoulder doesn’t move what have the arms done they’ve going AC cross my body so if I put that tennis ball in place and I make that poor move where the shoulder doesn’t rotate and the arms go I’ve got the tennis ball held I’ve squeezed that tennis ball so my arms have moved across my body and early in the back swing so what it means is that when I get to my transition I can’t have that movement I can’t have that sequence of events where the arms get sort of Left Behind and we start with the body and the arms get squeezed into the chest because they happen too early okay so if I show you from here that closeup you’re going to see as as my arms go tennis ball is squeezed then my shoulders turn but I’ve Got No Room I’ve got no lag that I can tap into so what happens now is we have to start we have to apply the power with the hand and arms and that tennis ball drops so the poor move that I see all too often is arm squeezed as the tennis ball early drops the tennis ball early what I would love you to do is squeeze that tennis ball late and hold it and drop it post impact now I appreciate that’s quite a difficult little drill to do because you’ve kind of got to hold it in place but I would love you to do that try and get something it could be a TEEG it could be something small it could be a golf glove place it here left hand side of your chest in fact I’ll show you as a as a close-up so here okay and I’m going to rotate my shoulders notice how my arm isn’t going across but as I transition then I squeeze it then as I accelerate my arms it would drop Target side of the ball that’s the move I want you to practice the one I want you to avoid is the one where the arms go across early hold that tennis ball then the arms would accelerate too early drop the tennis ball okay that’s the poor sequence so here’s another little drill that I’d love you to try which is going to help you do that because when we see the great players do this it’s all in the takeaway it’s all in how they move away from the golf ball it’s all a case of getting the shoulders to move and keeping some width early on if you lose that width early on it’s incredibly difficult to recover from that this is just some rubber tubing you can get this anywhere doesn’t have to have handles on it in fact it’s probably better if it doesn’t have handles on it but I want you to basically hold one end with the golf club and that’s going to be well clearly for me a little tricky okay you can’t take your normal grip but you can get pretty close okay and you’re going to stand on it okay and I want to stand on it so that it’s pretty okay so there’s a little bit of slack in it but not too much okay so what I want to try and do in my takeaway is feel like I put as much tension in this band as I can okay so how would I put as much tension in that band as I can well basically I need to stretch it as far away from that Lea foot so watch what happens if I do that kind of frozen shoulder arms go across okay yeah there’s a little bit of tension there but not a huge amount this is the really poor move which leads to say lack of power lack of flow I can feel a little bit of tension in that band but not much versus that’s a very very different feeling for me I really feel like I’m stretching that band away and how am I doing that well I’m turning my shoulders and I’m keeping that width early on in my goaling look look at my arm structure look at my trail arm there’s a little bit of Bend there a little bit of flex but it’s wied okay my arm has not gone across my chest yet this is the key move and I can really sort of feel the difference between those two movements that feels weak it feels narrow it doesn’t feel like I’m putting any tension on the band versus this okay have a look at RAR that takeaway what you going to see this right arm pretty straight right arm on top lots of width the arms have yet to move across the body once we’ve got this wide move here now we can start to sequence and we can start to get that perfect sort of body sorry legs lead body body lead arms arms lead club and if you can do that if you start to get that sequence event you tap into power that previously wasn’t there it’s natural power because it’s done through physics it’s done through sequencing and you also get what I said at the start you get the Rhythm you get the timing you get the flow you get the feels that you want which is a smooth goling an effortless golfing it doesn’t feel rushed it doesn’t feel over too quick all those kind of horrible feelings that so many of you will experiencing so how do you then take it through to goling well very simply you do those little exercises you kind of get an idea of what you’re trying to do and then you go ahead and repeat it this is the key move right from takeaway I’ve got to get this width I’ve got to stop this shoulder freezing in these arms going because from here I’m narrow then I’m going to turn I’ve got nowhere to go so how do we do it we go wide and then we start with the lower body and everything else should follow


  1. You’re the best, Chris! Thanks a bunch! I get what you’re saying and demonstrating in these lessons!

  2. Not one of my favorites, the message got lost when you kept showing the wrong way so many times. What I perceived is the shoulders should turn while keeping the clubhead on a wide takeaway. Elastic band drill made sense the tennis ball not so much. Getting the lower body moving toward the target is critical. The step drill you demonstrate in other videos helps a little. I really enjoyed the video that inspired not hitting the ball but rather getting to a position… very helpful in fact quite brilliant.

  3. I"m finding that the slow complete takeaway….done with lead arm as straight as possible…gives me time to adjust mentally to the downswing….and it so often turns into a great solid shot. I think the transition at the top cannot be rushed.

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