Golf Players

DAY ONE | HIGHLIGHTS | 2024 World Pool Championship

Extended highlights from the 2024 World Pool Championship opening session in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

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some really cracking matches to open up a great matchco have a great match alaly to win that that could be useful well r one is underway and this looks like a good break you know he’s found the one ball in the side he’s got an open look at the blue two as well kicking off the side rail here if you H this right he could po this in the bottom left corner okay he’s going to leave Ruiz in but there’s a bit of distance here doesn’t matter who you are doesn’t matter what you’ve won in the very first rack a shot like this is missable well that’s a a nerve settler if ever there was one not just potting the the green six ball but right into the heart of the pocket right camera two coming towards you here stand by two just the B and the balls in the pocket til down a bit on two til down we go stand by two and two stand by one one stay there to come left a little bit if you can left a little bit by next the defending Champion is off and running it was a good pot on the six but they are playing fairly generous he’s lost a QQ ball here though he’s a mile away from where he wanted to be and that was strange because he he caught the ball the seven there quite thick and yet he still overran as you say by mile extension Co well he went for the bank shot don’t blame him but there’s always that outside chance he would get away with it that shows you how close he got to the bank what’s he left though can he cut this eight ball in no he can’t well if he does it’s extremely thin yeah and he’s missed on the way up actually could have been worse yes the pot is on but as we continually said when we were at tord for the UK open knocking balls into these centers has to be so accurate a pot like this has to be so respected FSR about to double his lead there goes so wed alaly made a mistake on the eight ball and Fs which is coming up in the Philippines in October Asia against Europe now that was a little Twitchy one not the best of Strokes that he wasn’t fluent through the ball he actually moved you saw the shoulder go into the the shot and that’s why he overcut the the purple five ball here are yeah very edgy there five doesn’t go but I’m wondering if he could play the carum can he send the QQ ball into the nine hitting the purple five first maybe running the to the nine to PO the nine and steal the rack good call call and a very good shot from W alaly so Francisco Sanchez Ruiz misses the five ball to Center and he’s made to pay his lead is reduced to only 2-1 1310 in last year’s final never got to pop the the winning nine ball because Sufi surrendered after the the eight went in can’t imagine though a bigger contrast in host cities KSA Poland it was February last year freezing cold snow on the ground snow and ice all week here in jaditz un broken sunshine and very warm temperatures over 100° Fahrenheit today is and the record temperature here well it’s hardly believable big favorite to pop the eight ball even though there’s a bit of distance ball control he’s got to worry about the record temperature here call Fahrenheit 1256 that is warm yeah it’s a little bit Keen that Phil I wouldn’t fancy your chances much in that heat well I played golf in Death Valley once in 122 but after nine holes I was close to death actually little bit shorter Pace he’s down quick though is he playing the bank he’s missed the bank he just seemed to rush that for me just get down very quick yeah with a 30- second shock clock you should not be hurried you shouldn’t be certainly that hurried this looks easy but it isn’t believe me Q ball near the rail full length you don’t want play it too hard in case you hit that left rail but if you hit it at the right pace it should still go in if he catch that rail can’t hit it too hard though this looks okay oh it’s right in the middle Phil that was the epitome of smooth no sign of upper body movement of nerves as he played that shot he delivered the queue efficiently smoothly and the nine ball went in to cut the deficit to only three too that was impressive because when you’re in a situation where nerves can come to the four the tendency in Q Sport is to hit the balls a little too hard he resisted that tendency well they come here don’t they on a high the Filipinos because they played Chinese Taipei in a head-to-head match Builders the battle for Asian Supremacy that finished on May the 29th so very recently and it was in Chinese taipe the home side LED 3-1 after the first day 53 after the second day but the Filipinos pulled off a clean sweep when it mattered on day three winning all four matches to win 7 five this just keep wed in the distance from Ruiz now 42 if wed wins the rack you feel like you’re involved in a in a scary little match here in round one but 5-2 with ruiz breaking that feels okay for the World Champ yeah had the chance didn’t see early in this rack but missing the the ball he missed to Middle pocket entirely understandable even the very best find difficulties with these extremely tight targets Francisco Sanchez R wins the r not the cleanest of pots on the nine ball but in it went and Francisco Sanchez Ruiz the defending Champion now leads 5-2 while he’s contemplating let me just tell we’ve had our first result of the championship Conrad yushin of Poland has defeated wi Anan of Vietnam 92 how about that for a shot how about [Applause] [Music] that well that was thin that was very th and look at the QQ ball comes round for a shot on this red three watch out brown seven this needs to slow down he’s [Music] okay overdone it he’s overdone it but look what he’s left he’s not left anything easy FSR poted a really good six ball in the opening rack but I think this would Eclipse it as the the best pot of the contest yeah you almost want to play this as thin as possible because if you overcut it he might find that top Rail and then the CQ Ball’s going to come near the nine oh he’s found the middle bag oh look at this f look at this it stopped Absol absolutely perfect maybe just caught a hint of that far middle pocket jaw just FSR three balls away from being on the hill [Music] that is not the shot he played he tried to get behind it J bump it out into the center as he landed straight on the bank it seems he has he’s missed it Phil just not not quite clinical enough the Second Bank he’s missed he also missed a double on the nine in rack five to the same pocket youve used it you’ve used it well Le alaly asking for an extension and being informed by the referee that he’s already used [Music] it there’s a little bit of Skilling news in the extension and the more you play on the TV tables and these wonderful events the better you get using it wisely don’t waste it on a silly shot a lot of players actually use it on the push out and they often think well you’ve had a minute after the break how much time do you need save it for the big shot in the rack the big pot or the big positional shot yeah I couldn’t agree more I think there is a tendency to definitely use the extension a little too early in racks and maybe Sanchez Ruiz wins the rack aly’s confusion has influenced the result of that rack either way Francisco Sanchez Ruiz is not complaining he leads 8-2 the defending Champion finds himself on the hill Philly would have had to have felt a little bit edgy that’s only human nature you know coming out here into this brand new fabulous Arena all eyes were on him as defending champ it’s all about getting the W yes I think the freedom is now back in his qarm I think he understands that the job is effectively been done playing with lots of side and backs spin the last few shots it was a predictable outcome but you never know in the World of Sport what might happen and I think it’s fair to say that against Kyle amarat next he will have a a tougher test yep here comes the QQ ball job done phase one done for Ruiz get the W get yourself into that winnner qualification match Francisco Sanchez Ruiz wins the match his first matches defending world nine ball Champion it is AOK for FSR it wasn’t a walk in the park he only LED 3-2 but in the end he came through comfortably enough convincingly Enough by nine racks to two last decade or so there used to be a lot more top British players at the the highest level but so many of them have just faded away a lot of them still playing but a lot further down the rankings and some of the familiar names not involved anymore but he endures and has been the absolute standard Bearer for the British game even though he is now based on the other side of the Atlantic and has been talking recently about moving to this part of the world I think he is considering relocating with his family to Dubai yeah flew through Dubai coming here to jeda haven’t been there in 20 plus years and what a what a city that has changed Jason you’re going to see him not only the stroke and the technique but a very nice flow around the table and you know travels with his wife and children they’re on a long trip this is the start of a two-month trip here for him on this side of the world I think him staying in the states though has really kept him in that uh you know that that game or or that type of game that maybe some of the British players have fallen off at times so Jeffrey R scratched off the break and Jason Shaw took care of Matters from there very swiftly he’s into a 1-nil lead bit of a challenge to face here yeah he’s falling nice and natural on this bank with the GRE green six over the left corner so should get this oh he’s banked it way short a little timid he looks really anxious out there yeah you can see a little tap of the chalk couple Taps of the chalk so got to understand there’s going to be some early misses more now than they like I future matches and and of course Shaw straight to the table to deposit that ball he will have spotted obviously that his opponent has got a little bit of early anxiety and he will want to pounce on that and add to it yeah wor of course we have two streaming tables in the main table here and these haven’t been played on near as much and that’s the difference with experience and that shot where Roa ended up short on the purple five got to understand how the ball reacts on certain shots and of course the Philippines very humid conditions and they they learn how to grip the ball a little bit more where here you have to let it roll a bit more naturally that’ll build some confidence there anytime the ball’s near the rail and you have to come with a draw stroke can easily be missed did miss the two from distance early in this rack but all the is it’s pretty much Perfection so far from Jason Shaw I think Jason alluded to that in his interview they could have played each other in tford a few weeks ago these two talk about a nervy shot that’s got to be hit lightly yeah early in the event especially with a few mistakes those are the types that uh that are probably the most unsettling and you got to give it to bongers at the UK open he beat a lot of great players and really kind of made his name there at the UK open yeah handed up in the quarterfinals a nice touchy one there with maximum inside spin know and Jason’s kind of style around the table of course is what makes him the Entertainer he is on the pool table and of course a superstar but if you ever get to spin a lot of time with him which I have you know away from the tournament and whatnot he really is a sensitive guy in the in the manner that he wants it so bad I mean he really does want to win big tournaments big titles that’s what it’s all about for Jason I think we saw that perhaps more than ever at the Premier League last year in Leicester when he was in the final I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look so devastated to lose a match as he was after a finishing runner up to Francisco Sanchez Ruiz although that’s said Alban ocean ran him a close second in Hanoi after he lost a Shore he was inconsolable at the end went off into a quiet Corner well you’re in my brain early here in this tournament Michael cuz I was about to bring up the same thing about that open Final and I think more than anything when that one for for Alvin it’s how it started and how the score line was and how it changed so passed up his earlier chance back to the table with another one and really has all the look of an opportunity he really can’t afford to pass up op is still battling away there against Jeffrey ignasio as you can see over on table one he’s one behind now at 76 I guess the 13th rack was a very long one it was 75 for some piece there a lot of tactical play there in the third rack as though ignasio could be about to get to the hill here copen the champion remember nine years ago sh Von in the final tell you I watched filler practice a couple different times thinking about players that won this title and it’s been a while it’s been a bit for filler as well he looks very very focused oh Osio you can see on the SPL split screen landed a little on top of the just like that that wasn’t hit perfectly but it had more speed going to the pocket which creates more slide now going to be a favorite on a jump shot and I tell you we have the good Vantage Point here of being able to see a lot of tables and I see a lot of mistakes by Johan Chu as a big favorite in his match of course we’ll keep you updated but nerves are high here early Michael think he’s got a piece of the pink here but I don’t know if it’s poble you were right JJ copen has got one back there so Trails 87 now against Jeffrey ignasio Jason did have the pink so even better on the jump to be able to hold the Q ball for that small gap between the eight and nine got to run a bit it’s going to get enough and as far as Osio and cop you got to feel the pressure is probably on back on ignasio now after having a huge lead well Jason Shaw had a prettyy huge lead lead in this match it was 4-0 Jeffrey Roda got back into it with a couple of racks but Shaw reasserting himself here in his characteristic fluent style excellent jump shot along the way making the pass holding position was the key to keeping this together Jason back on track he leads 52 three and seven got a nice hit off the purple five Jason may be snookered here even if he has a little piece of the blue two may elect to Ste kick behind it going to the short rail extension called the said he had a very good World Masters Jason Shaw in Germany back in April beat acius Yap 91 and was 73 down to Shane boning ended up beating him 108 did eventually then go out in the semi-final and I hate to say it but I feel some frustration really creeping in with Jason that scratch shouldn’t be too upset about it besides the scratch he hit the ball really well in that last rack and very surprised he didn’t kick behind that that blue two there had to be a pretty low percentage shot trying to to cut the two in and this is a chance to make it four racks out of the last five really ask some serious questions the former US Open champ the momentum has definitely shifted maybe a little fortunate at times but Roo definitely looks more settled in make it really a ball game geffrey rhes firmly on the march here and what looked like it might turn into a landslide has now become a real contest he’s only one behind now it’s 54 to shore Jeffrey Roda has not been level at any stage since the start of the match but barring something very unexpected in the next couple of shots he’s going to be now been talking about the fact he was 4-0 down in this match don’t forget he was also trailing by five racks to two and just as we were about to say three racks in a row to level the match he left himself a little more Awkward on the nine than he ideally would have wanted as a result he’s missed it could that be the biggest moment of the match oh wow Jason a pressure shot on the nine played it with so much Pace missed it and it’s just shot across the table well what an extraordinary 20 seconds or so that was all round Jeremy yeah absolutely and I think just the way Jason QED the nine told me he was still frustrated I think normally if he’s feeling good he levels out that wasn’t straight the nine ball could have leveled out and just kind of smoothed it in but haty a former World semi-finalist himself 74 then to Shaw oh well he’s made the one in the side but not by conventional means and look at this on the two yeah that QQ ball will get a look it was going to go right in the side if the one didn’t get in its path and now look at the results behind it just a chip in on the blue two with the three near Jeffrey Roa as far as getting punished on a nine ball he missed a big fluke and now possibly two breaking runs right after Demitri yongo of Switzerland has got it done at last against rku ROM payan yongo the winner there by nine racks to five now rku tell you’re always impressed I know he took the loss there but Demetrius fness he can play the last few years he’s had some nice results the Swiss are they carrying three players in this event or just two I think it’s just two yeah him and Michael Snider I think yeah really surprised we kind of lost Ronald regle we we haven’t seen him much in the last Maybe a year and a half a stay off of straight here this Ball’s going to slide a little bit so again after a miss nineball and it looks like a thorough punishment to get to the heel for Jason Shaw with a very doable nineball Jeffrey rer now facing the prospect that has Miss nine a couple of racks ago might be his last shot in this match because he hasn’t been back to the table since it’s consecutive breaking runs for Jason Shaw very eventful so far remember he was 4-n down oi he’s just regained the lead at 76 against Daniel marcial back here on the main table these could be the last moments JJ yeah really after that nine ball that was fluked in and again pays to hit him they say and he put some Pace on that nine and found another pocket it’s been pretty good stuff from Jason two breaking runs not the best safety from Roa but like Jason should finish this match off and get a little bit of a breather here on day one well it’s all going to end quite abruptly really as we said wasn’t that long ago that Roda was one ball away from leveling at five all this is close to a scratch I don’t know if the side is really in play but if he puts a too much Pace maybe one rail on the upper right corner oh it kicked a little should be good though Jason Shaw Jason Shaw will need to play better he’ll certainly need to break better if he’s to finally become world champion for the first time but the bottom line is he’s through he finished the match off strongly winning four racks in a row to pull away for a 9-4 win over Jeffrey rer Jason Shaw advances


  1. Lol didn’t even clap for FSR on really difficult position play but claps for their guy making a ball on break😂

  2. I wonder how much the Saudis are paying matchroom.
    Yes, pro pool needs more backers, but honestly, I don't think Saudi $ is the answer

  3. Superstar Jason Shaw still loosing weight, is looking better and better. Only needs around 8kg less than he s ready to go on a "Model-Stage" again. Strong guy !!

  4. Investigation needs to be launched into this SFR frame , this is not how this man plays , has he taken money ? His demeanor says it all

  5. The worst pool video i have ever seen. Can hear the music, the breathing, the static, camera operators talking in the back, the editing is bad, the players missing balls a beginner would hit…

  6. So how many matches have been played on Day 1? Your "highlights" including two of them. Sorry, topic missed.

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