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New Twist Threatens Future of Brett Favre Welfare Scandal Investigation (BREAKING)

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In a shocking report from AJ Perez of Front Office Sports, we have learned that Jody Owens, the lead prosecutor for the Mississippi welfare fraud case and Hind County DA, had his office and business raided by the FBI earlier today with no indication from law enforcement on why the search warrants were served. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

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Hello, it’s Brett. NFL Hall of Famer Brett Favre is facing questions tonight of whether he knowingly took $5 million of state welfare money to build a new volleyball facility for his daughters team five years ago at her university and his alma mater. And let me give you my definition of success, or my description of success. It shows that Brett Favre asked the head of a nonprofit handling welfare funds, quote, if you were to pay me, is there any way that the media could find out where it came from and how much? You know, I think when we’re all a lot younger, we think of success as strictly on the basis of how much money you you’ve had made, accumulated and what goes hand in hand with that is. Stuff Farves also an outspoken conservative, an ally of former President Donald Trump. There they are on the golf course together. Thumbs up. New text messages show the pressure former NFL quarterback Brett Favre was putting on. Then Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant, five, requested money for an indoor football practice facility. So you’re successful because you have fancy cars or big houses, diamond rings, jewelry, flashy suits, things like that, when in fact that is certainly not success. Eventually, the former green Bay Packers legend is accused of being part of a scheme that funneled welfare funds to him and projects where he had a vested interest. However, Favre is not alone, as the state’s largest ever public corruption case involves the misappropriation of more than $77 million intended for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Success is doing something that you’ve. Always wanted to do or have. Searched reached for and goals that have been met. And in the process if you’ve been fortunate enough to make make money Buy a house. Have children. You know, there’s there’s many descriptions of success, but that’s doing something that you’ve wanted to do and doing it the best that you possibly can to. Help recruit a player for his college alma mater, the University of Southern Mississippi, in 2019. The funding in question from a grant program intended for low income families, the governor responded to request use of these funds is tightly controlled. Any improper use could result in violation of federal law. The Mississippi welfare scandal has had many twists and turns from journalists like Anna Wolfe breaking so many stories inside the story. In May of 2020, he came out with a report that said that Brett Favre himself had received 1 million in welfare payments to basically under a promotional gig to promote the welfare program. Okay, so all of that came out in 2020. Not a lot of fanfare, not a lot of national coverage. Right. Fast forward to this year and we are learning, sort of there’s been sort of a trickle of information, but we’re learning more and more here recently through text messages, both that I obtained and that have been entered into a court filing, that show kind of how far was discussing these deals with with welfare officials. So, you know, he was he was aware that this money was coming from the Department of Human Services. He was working with John Davis on, pulling down this money and his the way that he spoke about it was really like, I’m trying to save myself some money here. – Can y’all please help me out? – And to name others? A.J. Perez of Front Office Sports, Ashton Pittman of Mississippi. Today, the people at the Mississippi Free Press, the Clarion Ledger, I mean, the list goes on and on and on. On the ground. Seriously credible reporting and journalism that has happened in order for us to learn all of this information. It is the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe versus Wade. And our next guest, Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch, represented her state in the Dobbs v Jackson case that overturned Roe. And she joins us now. Lynn, it’s so great to have you on today. Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch, who has been at odds. There was a. Period, clearly, where powerful people were benefiting from TANF funds here in the state of Mississippi. The first time that I knew that Brett Favre had some sort of intersection with our investigation was when an investigator walked into my office and he said, I need you to watch this video. State auditor Shad white led the investigation. It was a video of Mr. Favre promoting Prevacus product, which was a nasal spray that was designed to prevent concussions. And my first question was, what does this have to do with welfare money? And the investigators answer was, exactly what does it have to do with welfare money? With State Auditor Shad white, A.J. Perez of Front Office Sports, a must follow for his coverage, wrote in his column on February 5th. And outside law firm was handling the welfare scandal case, not A.G. Fitch. It’s the largest public corruption scandal in the state’s history. But Fitch has been hands off from Perez. When Fitch caught wind of Auditor White writing a book on the scandal, she pulled A.G. Lawyers from defending him in his defamation case brought by Farve. White’s own lawyers and his office are serving as counsel, the Clarion-Ledger added. Fitch failed to sue FA for everything he owes, and then sued to stop me from trying to get the money back to just let me do the job, even if you won’t. That line comes after Fitch, a Republican, announced a suit against white fellow Republican in an effort to try and block the auditor’s effort to recover misspent welfare money from FA. Then there was this. – I wanted to at least collect the facts. – Former US attorney. Brad Pigott was hired by the state to find the money. How is Brett Favre getting money that’s supposed to get kids out of poverty? It’s a mystery to us here. We had a tens of millions of dollars sent by the country to do the thing that we need done the most, and it was squandered. In July, he issued a subpoena to get more answers about that volleyball arena, including any communications between the university and former governor Phil Bryant. What happened to you after you filed your subpoena? I was terminated, which. Should raise alarm bells everywhere, Piggott would tell the New York Times, I believe I was fired as a result of a pattern of orders from the Mississippi governor’s office concerning protecting an entity called the University of Southern Mississippi Athletic Foundation from any responsibility in this matter. Previously, Pigott had been working for the Mississippi Department of Human Services, the agency. And see that distributes Mississippi’s federal welfare block grants. A state audit in 2020 found that as much as $94 million in federal funds may have been misspent in Mississippi, wrote the Times. Mississippi Today added the state welfare department fired him. He was contracted to claw back millions of misspent federal funds from dozens of people in Mississippi’s sprawling welfare scandal. Just last week, Piggott had scheduled depositions with key players in the scheme, including former NFL quarterback Brett Favre. Piggott said the Mississippi Department of Human Services and the attorney General’s office were aware of his intent to subpoena the athletic foundation days before he filed. I am sure they can find a loyal Republican lawyer to do the work, said Piggott, a former president. Bill Clinton appointee, Robert G. Anderson, executive director of the Mississippi Department of Human Services, said Piggott was fired because he filed the subpoena without consulting with the agency prior to. However, Mississippi Today obtained an email showing the Piggott sent a draft copy to the agency’s lawyer and the state attorney general’s office ten days before he filed it. Now we have another shocking update. This is Jody Owens. He is the lead prosecutor in the welfare scandal from Perez once more. And a huge story with front office sports. The feds carried out searches of the office where he works as the Da and a nearby Jackson cigar business he owns. An FBI spokesperson confirmed to Fos that multiple search warrants were carried out, although the reasons for the raids remain unclear. Perez got a statement from a spokesperson with Owens’s office, who said this morning FBI agents came to our offices. We are fully cooperating with their efforts. The county DA’s office is fully functioning and continues its work on behalf of the citizens. That has been and will continue to be our primary focus. Currently, we have no further statements. FBI spokeswoman Marsha Lawson would give a statement of her own. The affidavit in support of the search warrants has been sealed by the court, and so I am prohibited from commenting further. There is no threat to public safety. Wlwt’s C.J. LeMaster, Anthony Warren and Holly Emery would put in their write up that a source told them FBI agents would also visit Jackson City Hall, where they communicated with the mayor’s chief of staff. A bit more background on Owens via the Associated Press. Before first being elected as a Da in 2019, Owens had been the lead attorney in Mississippi for the SPLC or Southern Poverty Law Center, a liberal leaning group known for bringing lawsuits over issues including civil rights. Owens ran as a criminal justice reformer, saying he would focus on prosecuting violent crime while looking for alternatives to jail in prison for nonviolent offenders from the Clarion-Ledger once more in a separate 2022 incident. For the record, Owens was accused of pointing a firearm at Joshua Townes of Hattiesburg, who told police he was visiting his lady friend in her apartment on Pearl Street when Owens entered the apartment and pointed the firearm at him, according to previous Clarion-Ledger reporting. The woman was reportedly an employee in Owens office. Owens denied all allegations at the time. In September of 2023, Da Owens successfully prosecuted John Davis, former executive director of the Mississippi Department of Human Services, for misspending public welfare money in the state’s largest embezzlement case. He pleaded guilty to five counts of conspiracy and 13 counts of fraud against the government. A federal judge indefinitely delayed Davis’s sentencing in January 2023. Currently, while information is scarce at this moment, all right, we will update you when it becomes available. This does not implicate the Da. In anything because we don’t know why he was raided. There could be a false alarm of a raid because we have seen those. It could be completely unrelated to the case. But this is just something that happened. And when we know why, we will let you know. Let me end with this. As you know, you could, subscribe and you can follow us and follow me on the social media channels as you see fit. But there is a TNT documentary on Brett Favre called Rich and shameless. They asked me to be a part of it, and I was. So if you can and are willing, go check it out to support their work. Thank you.


  1. What does anything he’s vomiting answer the question
    why he took money from the poor
    Food for your success
    Sounds mighty white

  2. Rather than use misappropriated State Government funds, Farve could have used some of his NFL paid millions.

  3. Success is surely not stealing from the needy to line your pockets with taxes money meant for poor Brett Fave is a criminal and heshould be prosecuted

  4. Back to orange man bad agenda 😂😂orange man had nothing to do with Brett's Deviant actions It was not provoked by meeting on a golf course with orange man😊 😂😂😂 Yes Brett needs to do prison time😮

  5. Mississippi collect federal funds buts doesn’t spend them because the poor shouldn’t get any benefits from taxes. So this money was just sitting there, what’s wrong with spending it on a few pet projects?

  6. Brett Favre is a country boy at heart and a legend to many who grew up watching him play and win. Anyone country is not gonna get the chaos that comes with being a star with tons of money in a small town.


  8. Crooked politicians do8ng everything they can to cover thier crimes against citizens..
    They need to stop talking about criminals…they are the same people. Now firing people try9ng ro do thier jobs.

  9. Scum, literally taking food out of poor kids mouths. They should all be in federal prison for stealing federal $, very simple

  10. To me what proves you have success in you life is not fancy cars, homes, or suits! Its how you conduct yourself in life with doing it with ETHICALLY AND WITH MORALS! PERIOD!!!!

  11. These people prey on their base, knowing that they are gullible idiots. Don’t worry, Brett your supporters have the attention span of a gnat.

  12. If this had happened to a poor, especially AA person. They would've been under the prison building a long time ago

  13. Success is not stealing money for your rich friends, especially not funds that are earmarked for the poorest among us😡😡😡😡😡😡

  14. Farve is unfortunately a first class citizen in MAGA world taking from the POOR TO BUILD A BUILDING FOR HIS DAUGHTER!!!! How far he’s fallen he was a great QB but since he’s a pc of 💩💩💩

  15. Disgusting!
    Give the money back to the state funds with interest, and make him service 1000 hours of coaching to underprivileged!

  16. This is why president Biden is spending money to reduce student loans so that funds from Powerball & Maga millions go to education funding and not other things. Most of these loans had high interest rates or promises for universities that were broken.

  17. Tuis guy is free. Meanwhile, the African American prosecutor who took money from her own retirement account is being prosecuted because somehow she os not poor enough to take money from her account.

  18. So sad, fall from grace. Just like trump he needs to be prosecuted and if found guilty then he needs to pay the price.

  19. I think of success as how much money you can swindle . Hell let me see you do that and not be a republican or democratic politician !

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