Golf Players

‘Some good, some bad’ from Rory McIlroy’s Memorial Tournament Round 1 | Golf Central | Golf Channel

Look back on some of Rory McIlroy’s best shots from a 2-under Round 1 of the 2024 Memorial Tournament — as well as some of his worst, many of which uncharacteristically came with the driver. #GolfChannel #GolfCentral #RoryMcIlroy
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‘Some good, some bad’ from Rory McIlroy’s Memorial Tournament Round 1 | Golf Central | Golf Channel

[Music] let’s take a look at the uh Adventures of Mr Rory mooy it’s on the 12th kind of an up and down day to this point at even par and this is exactly what you cannot do at the 12th is come up short mooy with double bogey was two over at this point looking like he’s cooked maoy next hole is second laid well back off the te hit three-wood he had been struggling with the driver I’m surprised he didn’t just take it over that bunker uh but he knew what he was doing with a seven iron approach getting better and better maoy with birdie moving him to one over couple holes later part five 15 really didn’t like this decision until he executed it I just didn’t think there was anything good that can happen but you can tell the way he kind of club twirled that three-wood he liked it and as he should have aggressive play out of the rough carrying the penalty area and sets him up with a look at Eagle he would two putt for birdie get back to even and the Run was on part 3 16 and hit just a beautiful iron shot into 16 it’s such a difficult part three but having that momentum wanting to get it back under par he took it on Birdie on 13 Birdie on 15 birie on 16 mooy Fairway at 17 finally started finding some Fairways and he was able to just get aggressive with his iron [Music] play and downwind 17 played a little bit easier than it normally does especially with that whole location but he made that look really easy so Rory’s card it was two over through 12 and then four under his last six tallied up for two under 70 that included 30 putts on the day and I mean he bogey a par five he made double on the 12th and somehow is able to get in under par so some good some bad what stood out to you well I mean Rory maroy has lived his entire career inside the top five in total driving today was abysmal with his driver especially starting out I I just it’s so rare that you see him make the amount of mistakes that he did and we start here on the sixth Rory’s been hitting this sort of power fade lately and to me when he was hitting this fade this was clearly off the toe that’s the only way he’s going to hit this shot when you when you hit a fade the Miss if you’re going to miss the center of the face is off the heel and that will promote the cut that was a toe pull here on 10 this is off the heel you can just see how sloppy his transition is with that club coming out but since he caught it off the heel it worked out he kind of skanked it down the middle of the Fairway um but he clearly didn’t have command of the center of the face which he is usually so brilliant at he looks so defeated on that t- shot even though it’s found the Fairway and then on 11 again trying to take it down the creek line into Power fade you can just see this thing sniping left lands left of the creek that is a a 20 yd Miss to the left of where he’s actually trying to hit it um it just it was not clicking and then on 15 another example of a heel miss that works out but again let’s go the club sloppy in the transition uh he would go on to make birdie from this position but we’re so used to seeing Rory uh holding that finish being balanced in his set up and in his follow-through position that it’s shocking to see him have so many loose swings and you know you and I are on the call in Canada last week and we saw the same sort of thing Friday with his iron play he went out and fixed it after the round Friday and looked great on the weekend so I’m sure he’s out there on the Range uh fixing that driver swing and he’ll come out tomorrow and probably leading the field in total driving and he had put all the puzzle pieces together for Zurich and N Wells Fargo didn’t play his best at the PGA Championship was top 15 that week but seems like now it’s like he has that one day where it’s just a little off and we haven’t seen him put all four days together like maybe a quail we haven’t and it it’s concerning a little bit that we’re seeing these swing issues but what I like about Rory and his commitment this year to playing more golf is that he’s ironing out stuff as he’s going so by next week at Pinehurst I expect him to be uh firing on all cylinders and what I love about the best players in the game Scotty does it uh morawa they all do they can have a bad day like Rory did with the driver and still somehow Birdie the four the last six and shoot 200 under par where most human professional golfers will turn that into a 74 five

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