Golf Players

Joaquin Niemann Plays A Ridiculous Prank On Us | Side Gig with Dan Rapaport

We went to our first LIV event in Miami to be on the bag for Joaquin Niemann during a practice round. He showed us what LIV golf is all about while playing one of the funnier pranks on his temporary caddie, Dan.

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we are here with walki nean we are here at Trump Dural wo’s going to walk us through his thoughts his feelings we’re going to get to know each other along the way yeah oh that was nice that was so nice o be the one be the number be the one baby yeah good shot in there all right YSI first shot we are on the board it’s initiation I just wanted to let you know were you doing that on [Laughter] purpose we are here at Trump Dural right a live golf event we are at Liv golf Miami we are here with Walkin Neiman who has been the best player on the Liv golf tour so far this year this is our first time doing this at a live event it’s got the stands up it feels very official are you ready to continue the form that you’ve been in this season well welcome uh yeah I mean I’m ready I think well it’s hard to say that I want to keep doing it I’m gonna still doing it every time but yeah I mean I’m I’m ready for it you’re ready all right so we’re gonna do what we do on S W’s gonna walk us through his thoughts his feelings we’re going to get to know each other along the way and uh the record is two under so all right is a tough gol of course the wind is B it is a tough go of course it’s windy but we’ll try hopefully you’re on your best right now I will I will I’ve been doing mental reps all morning the wind is tricky so you got to kind of give me the right direction eh I’m here for you [Music] all right this first hole it looks like it’s what 310 to that second bunker 309 to that 307 car to the second one 275 the first one and 307 to the second one so it’s it’s just driver just where they’re where Patrick re is standing and the wind is off the left wind is off the left and you like to cut it a little bit well I like I like hearting high draws and high cats low draws like low cats so whatever whatever the shot calls for so what would you how do you make that decision and what would you do here whatever I do I mean I feel like what it feels more comfortable for me of the te and from here I like kind of like with this left to right wi I like hitting something kind of pretty straight if anything like two or yard two one or two yards of fade you know of the left side and let the wind just move it so you decide on the te you won’t make the decision like before the round starts yeah well not before the round but during the practice rounds and if the CH if the wind changed I would just adjust from that like if it was right to left right now I would probably hit something so typic like to ride the wind yeah if it’s left or right you like to play something you don’t like to try to hold it into it well depending on the shot I like kind of like both he’s basically telling me that he can do whatever he wants with the golf ball just really however however I feel comfortable over the ball you know over that shot all right we’ll see how it goes should get there in two today I think we’re getting there in two just a little cutter this is setting up for you beauty right yep oh wow look at that you hit that good yeah I hit it good perfect how are you yeah I’m good I feel like it’s a it’s a good time to be walking nean you’ve got two winds under your belt where’s your where’s your mindset at these days yeah I think like I mean last tournaments that I play was three weeks in in Asia three weeks out there feel little longer than you know like just cuz it’s like so different yeah different you got a few days to adjust from the jet lag and so yeah I mean I took three three weeks off kind of didn’t do much the first week I tried to kind of Disconnect a little bit I went with my wife to to Bahamas for a couple days when did you get married uh September last year I’m June of last year June of last year newly wed well done how did you start playing I start playing when I was 3 years old kind of it was funny I mean like you see I got some pictures when I was I was still wearing how you call it the diapers diapers yeah and I was walking around with plastic clabs you know yeah like were my dad was a golfer but you know like not a not a good golfer just like a normal weekend uh weekend player who was sh 90s hundreds so so you beat him when you were like six Yeah well yeah around there so I yeah I pick it up around there 3 four years so I came to my first Junior world you know the I mean the junior San Diego when I was probably seven so you were good at a young age yeah I was I was good in Chile I was [ __ ] whenever I came out to the states and play so 252 how far does four iron go in the air 230 230 there’s some good wind behind you think you could hit a four iron off that kind of left bunker and Let it bleed in or you think I love that yeah I think if I hit it high with the four he probably carry so you you like to work it you like to bring it up and bring it down yeah I love to move the ball around this is four this is your four yeah so yeah I don’t have four well this is my fourr when did you make that switch uh I think it was on the playoffs right on my last year on tour I struggled a little bit with the long irons cuz I don’t have a super high shot you know so it’s hard to hold the greens so it’s hard to hold the greens with this CL it’s like a pitching wedge of 230 yeah spinning way more yeah all right so you’re going to start it with that left bunker yeah left bunker cool feel much wind right now it’s it’s a little bit down how far will that carry in the air 230 with 230 you think it’s enough I mean that front bunker is not a bad spot I like it from Front bunker yeah yeah spinning a lot huh go okay front bunker so are you mostly 60 out of bunkers well no I’m using more every Club right now I mean I like where I see now I like the 56 kind of like a chunk and run yeah it’s got to take that slow left right not much spin on it just let it release get going get going no it’s a little short of that Ridge yeah you raking this or no I think I’ll rake it it’s part of the job isn’t it you can just leave that there yeah no worries wal I got you thank you I got you I think it was better if a seven wood instead of four IR on it it didn’t it didn’t feel like yeah cuz it was quite short landed probably 20 yards short kind of like a lot of room left too is that a caty air yeah catty a number one one number one it’s just the first fall so you make this putt and you’ll never think about it ever again and and when you read putts are you looking at the whole put are you looking at a Apex so on on this kind of path where is like more break and you know it’s kind of like pretty fast at the end I like to see in kind of the whole Bach of the pad yeah you know like whatever is everything what is doing and I and I will pick a a spot where I want to aim which will be like around here and yeah I mean I’ll first I’ll do is I’m going to aim there look at the point then I’ll look at my hole and then I just hit it love it turn turn turn ah good roll got to finish all this oh yeah everything ball down ball and hole baby we’ve got a leader board normally they’ll they’ll give me these on Tuesday we got a leaderboard I got to protect the field so I noticed you kind of move your right forearm is that to avoid getting too far like left this one yeah yeah I kind of I tend to get this one on top a little bit like [Music] this so it’s 316 into that bunker on the right you like driver just down the left side it’s 290 carry on the left you probably get that with the wi yeah carrying the left one I’m going to try to finish it where the know the LI golf is the L I was looking at the shack but I think it’s same SP let’s go in between them okay I like that that’s nice about live they’ve got these big letters for you to aim at oh yeah so I’m going to hit a Hy dra then this is the bomb right here start leg up the number two and bring it to the shack yeah oh that was nice that was so nice so that that’s what you get to watch all day you just you’re just like good shot I noticed that you uh I feel like you used to hit like you move it around more with the driver than you used to it used to be a lot of like dead straight low ones I I I used to hit a lot like that low cadd One MH I still use it a lot but I’m more confident now with that high draw so I mean did you find that it was difficult on courses with long rough cuz like if you miss the Fairway yeah like if you’re playing Tory Pines and you hit like a little low pull it’s going like 2 240 yeah it was getting on the rough and W get any run you know so it’s 85 front is this tree in the way it’s on the line might be able to get it over just you think you thinking over from here yeah I mean I’m thinking over where Patrick is you know just come on the right side of this CU if you go low it won’t hold cuz if I hit if I go low it’s not going to hold so it was 85 so it’s 105 to carry that bunker on the left 105 and the pin is what one 113 sorry let’s say 114 think I can land the 10 108 it’s going to come in high so it should should sit we get 56 up I mean normally I get it like 112 but I’m going to go straight up so it’s going to go a little shorter go pretty good yeah it went a lot higher than I thought it went really high cuz I was looking like just over the tree and it went way over the tree that tree was no issue not not dissimilar from the last hole not easy pads eh all these are on the on the right on the slope yeah so this thing’s got to be coming from up here right here yeah screens are nice it’s not a nice way to start with this type of pots you got to earn it out here oh yeah go it’s going to go with the wind now it’s going to go with the wind now come on it was close it was that’s a pro right there those are the putts so yeah I mean it even made you tired those are the I four footer you got to aim almost a c outside good practice for next week yeah there are a lot of brakes there it’s a lot of brakes and you got to hit it kind of super dead speed all the [Music] time when you were growing up and you were playing for fun and stuff would you would you like finish out like finishing everything yeah like I remember when I started to play tournaments my dad was like I’m not giving you putts anymore yeah like one one thing we do a lot you know back back home we play a lot of games with with Mito christoo and few other with Carlos Alber a few guys and yeah I mean we we’ll give them this kind of P but like a three four footer where you know he’s going to break and it’s a tough P we’ll make them P you know CU yeah my dad was telling me to to finish yeah because if you if you pick them up when you’re practicing you know you want to say oh I shot 70 I shot 69 but then you didn’t then you go into a tournament and your your knees are weak this series is sponsored by Fireball Fireball whiskey he’s laughing Fireball whiskey this is only possible because of Fireball whiskey and there is nothing better to ignite the night to take your round to the next level we usually do them on the first te and when guys make birdies we didn’t do one on the first te and you haven’t made a birdie yet so I’m behind that’s on me we’re going to do this one now we’re doing birdies oh yes nothing like a fireball shot in the 85 de Florida Sun I love my sponsors what’s the run out of the last bunker it looks like 308 you like driver you like you don’t like three without the left bunker no so here’s the thing with the driver I can hit you know that one that it went like 330 on the last one like he didn’t kind of like that low cut that I all right player sees a shot you got to let him go right just sit back and and enjoy oh he’s pimping it there it is so how how far will that fly versus a stock 3-wood probably this one will go a little shorter you think so yeah pretty pretty close I mean that one was pretty close of hitting a three-wood but with three-wood if I hit it there I get a kind of us it more of the right side you like to have it starting away from the water and not even yeah kind of going that way it’s interesting that you like to work it so much because I feel like with the kids nowadays they like a lot of them learn you hit one shot over and over and like the math says that that’s but you’re kind of old school yeah like whenever I play for example like with Bryson I feel like he’s he’s so good at hitting one shot you know it doesn’t matter there’s water there water there the win he’ll hit the same shot and and it’s always super super accurate you know yeah I mean I’m the opposite I feel like I I need to see it on my eyes and I need to kind of work it out and and and and feel it and so when you were playing like a course like an easier PGA tour course I don’t know you ever play Palm Springs I play once okay so like a place like that there’s no wind there’s no real rough there’s no real benefit to shap in it like crazy would you still do it yeah I probably still do it yeah sometimes it’s just the way like the whole sits you know you’ll see a bunker on the left side and you kind of like feel nice of getting it at the bunker and cting you know yeah or sometimes the other way just a different just a different way to see the game yeah uh we got 140 to a back pin it’s right to left but it it feels like it’s hurting I agree so I don’t know what your wedge probably goes 145 W if I hit a straight shot with the wedge the wind just move it shoot 148 shot shoot get there I think it’s perfect all right I like that feel like it’s more into eh you like a little a little baby nine yeah I like the baby nine all right so I’m going to hit it at the pin and cutting kind of like a 50 shot so this one’s going to start at the pin yeah got it come on wind oh oh good number good thing we hit the nine yeah F like he was more into for this so that was just kind of a push yeah a little bit probably not that committed I feel like I was a little bit left and how can I get you more committed well just tell me that’s the right Club okay hit your shot you need a little you need a little are you familiar with the the saying TLC TLC yeah no what is that tender love and care tender love and care you need a little TLC as a golfer you need you need your guy to tell you I love it this is the one just a little boys there to remind me you know yeah this is a this a better look yeah it’s easier than the the first two glad we don’t have a overaged left to right or I mean I don’t see much I see right to left do you see left to right at the end or no I see a little bit left to right it doesn’t I I actually think it might be going a little right over all oh I feel like he’s going to go little going to go left I just yeah you’re the professional I’m going to trust my intin I like that go go oh was it breaking in it was break well I think it was going to miss just right it did go left though a little at the end yeah so you were right have you had that uh old school answer putter forever yeah this is a classic probably yeah [Music] [Music] forever this is a good hole eh I’m glad I’m not hitting this shot okay 230 is it seven wood hurting I think it’s hurting off the left I mean you want to hit kind of the lower forearm but I feel like I can hit a low seven wood i s yeah I can hit I mean seven wood if I hit it normal flight it’s going to go 245 no come on wind it’s in that bunker I think came back into it got a work from there tricky shot dude jeez little bit of a down slope but not terrible yeah I think it’s pretty into the grain so it’ll be kind of soft you feel like Bunker play is one of your strengths well it’s getting there got a bad bounce kind of released it uh it like hit the collar you hit it nice prob I needed one more yard to hit the the ABS loope yeah I just got a bad bounce first time you you carrying a tour bag or what no everyone’s had a tour bag except for minw it’s uh like inside right no I like your it’s kind of around here you think it’s you think it’s outside the edge yeah is that where your feet are telling you yeah I could see like just outside right Edge yes a little bit outside didn’t breing much you hit a good pot yeah I hit a good partt was close to the edge kind of like the grain was kind of holding it all right little adversity here we go all right let’s go I believe in you thank you driver send it oh yeah yeah it’s it’s 294 to the back of that bunker so you can just launch 294 off two right isn’t that what that means 294 to carry hold on right edge of the bunker I mean right edge of the left bunker is a finish or it can bether right can be a little left of that left okay as long as you’re inside that tongue okay as long as you’re inside that tongue thank you yeah oh left turn left might have a good angle from there F it’s not bad it’s probably still Fairway yeah that’s nice if that’s your Miss can I ask you a question yeah do you think if do you think that the I don’t know if negativity is the right word but do you think that the spice has helped you like focus a little bit is that possible the spice of whatever is going on yeah what’s going on in Pro Golf and like you know you making this move and obviously people say what they’re going to say like do you think that that’s has it been a motivator it was when I noticed it though cuz it was it was weird like I I mean I the first time I I mean the when when I just came to live I mean obviously there was so much Cate going on like I’m I I love to get in on Instagram and and watch videos and and see what’s going on obvious 25 yeah yeah and and yeah I mean whenever I got up there I like to see cars you know I like to see golf stuff also and everything I see on golf it was you know talking [ __ ] about us and talking [ __ ] about me and whatever and people saying this people saying that did that surprise you no it didn’t surprise me but you know I knew I was going to happen I knew it was going to happen I knew I was I didn’t have to pay attention on it but in a certain way kind of kind of hurt me a little bit how could it not you’re a human I mean the good thing I was I was surrounded with you know good friends good people I mean I had my team also Carlos Sebastian Mito like there was so much kid like I felt like I was getting on the golf course and still start hitting bad shots and I almost start believing that I’m a bad guy you know it was kind of weird yeah and this game is tough for that because you have time like on this walk right now to just sort of think I feel like if you’re playing soccer or football for you guys you just like go and you go and you’re playing and like but golf you have enough time to where your mind is going to wander I’m trying to just worry about me that I’m I’m doing good you know I’m doing the work I’m doing everything I can to to get better and that’s kind of like the mindset that I have once kind of came here and it kind of went a little bit away because of all what was going on all right Waco you know what I would really like a fireball shot for who for me yeah and do you know how we get to a fireball shot bires yes you’re a professional golfer you getting up I’ve got it we’re on the fifth hole and we’re at zero so and Eagles too by the way all right I I’ll make my best we have a decent chance right now this is a green light special 77 yards 77 yards I’ll just listen to you eh you want to just listen to me yes okay you got the experience come on we’ll see it’s yeah it’s 59 front 7 27 flag so I think you want to hit first bounce like 72 I love it yeah I’m going just just straight just right at it and if it if it bounces a little left that’s that’s the spot 72 shot then you like that yep down down down look like it’s landed pretty soft yeah it landed soft that was one of the things I noticed when I first started going to PJ tour events was like how how much lower you guys seem to hit your wed cuz when you’re a kid you want to throw everything up in the air and spin it back and you think that that’s like really sick and it is pretty sick oh yeah you grew up I remember I grew up and when I whenever I got my new 60 for birthday I I’ll get a knife I’ll start like scratching the the lines to get more spin good shot in there thank you you’re cutting right to left a little bit not much though I I don’t see you don’t see more than it’s inside there I don’t I don’t know if it’s freaking left like even at all feel like with the grain it has I I feel like if anything is going to go a little bit that way I could be talked into right right right center I wouldn’t even put on the edge I I love that just around here yeah all right YSI first shot we are on the board did it break a lot no just like you said just like I said you just listen to me out here buddy yeah I wouldn’t steer you wrong you think it’s three w at the right short of this one was the to the bunker 292 2 280 282 on the left edge of it might hit a straight three wood if anything he going to move a tiny bit to the right just a stock one though yeah good swing thank you that was nice that was nice uh did you get your fireball shot yeah I already took it didn’t see it I already took it 179 is that right yeah 179 dead into how far does six iron go 6 iron goes 195 96 I kind of like six iron what we got 1 179 I like that I don’t even think you have to take anything off it yes so 180 we can pitch it three short let’s say maybe a little off it cuz if the wind dies down I’m going to you’re going to hit like a 90 shot 80 a 90 shot but a little bit more flighted I like that o be the one be the number be the one baby yeah good shot in there very very nice I would love for you to make this pot oh it would be I was thinking about the Hing one but yeah it would be nice to make these twoo six iron to what nine ft yeah I think it’s I think it’s outside the hole just outside the hole green green is the opposite though but I don’t think it’s going to hold it that much you like Edge or outside it I like it just outside can I have the ball details details come on yes sir yes sir it took its time breaking it took it time it took yeah I thought he was going to stay left that’s a hell of a birdie young man it’s a good three yeah no no no no no I’ll catch it okay throw it you got it you got it oh wow imagine broken finger out for the Masters I thought about it on the way you don’t want eyes you going to watch this I got eyes you going to watch this one cuz you didn’t watch last I didn’t saw the other one good thing is not hot how about three in a row it be three in a row should be four shots you won’t do it three in a row should be four shots you’re not you’re just not going to do it we’ll see he got three already no yeah three [Music] don’t say anything don’t say anything are they are they starting to kick in or no what the fireball though they’ve been here buddy left to right win left to right and helping a little three 320 run out on the right edge of the green hit kind of like a baby draw at the seven which I think is going to go pretty straight you don’t they it to run out With the Wind I might go just left then or you like hitting like a higher a big I mean not a like a straighter shot to the left bunker and let it cut to the seven I kind of like that okay I’ll listen to you okay oh K left it’s trying to cut get a lie do you think it’s in that bunker that bunker Is Not Great probably should have let you do what you wanted to do yeah but he don’t want me to make a very so I just no I want you to make birdies my friend birdies birdies are our friend for sure okay so Golf Pride is one of our sponsors oh really but I use the grapes so I noticed these are the Velvet ones right yeah they have the how you say this T whatever they have on the back here like uh you know what I mean that’s what you like yeah I love it yeah have you had those grips forever yeah I always I always had with the yeah the same grip since I was say probably 13 14 yeah so you it didn’t make sense for you to go to college because you knew you wanted to be a pro the whole time right yeah I always knew and I knew if I was going to go to school I was going to do one year and then I was going to left cuz I felt like I got more to lose if I go to school I mean already I was already number one and then did you you played good right out of the gate right didn’t you yeah I played you had a couple like top 15 my first invite was San Antonio I finished top six Ty for six I think that check was probably like 200k 200 and I yeah I remember you know whenever you finish on on tour you s the scorecard you got the paper there with the how much money you win and percentage and and I as I as I think it was Montana there and I ask him this money or what is f x Cup points or money 200 200,000 I’m like is that in US Dollars yeah and I play with Andrew Putnam and I don’t know who else was and they they were looking at me and I was just smiling you know 155 actual all right it’s going to come a little bit lower so let’s say we can land it close to 40 I think 40 yeah like 40 I think you want to land it on the green or just short on the green okay yeah I think 40 even 45 doesn’t hurt sit down oh needed some win [ __ ] got to work now little pool little pool yeah so you grabbed the 56 so you don’t I’ll try to do the same chunk and run let’s go well unless I got to landed next to the pin right now I’ll go with the 60 but I feel like I think with the wind it’s going to it’s going to Skid forward i l the 60 okay do it come on do it great Putt and by putt I mean bunker shot I got a chib in now then great bunker shot had a boy thank you inside right inside right inside right that’s what dreams are made of oh yeah very nice right in the middle good safe thank you I’ll take that for here It’s Tricky hole Yeah are you used to it to carrying the bag or it feels heavy you think what’s that it feels heavy or you’re used to it it’s a little heavy yeah but I’m having fun I’m you know I’m drink I don’t like feel it that much yeah I mean I mean it’s just just drive at the American flag isn’t it just right probably the there’s water there so you like driver at the like just driver her at the middle bunkers middle bunker there just right maybe feel like maybe it’s the low one with the wind can’t hit the low one but the wind is off the right so I feel like I can I like the low one whatever you whatever you like walk I like the low one okay sit on that line it’s fine right might be short ah just missed it I not just by big miss it big miss it happens it happens to everyone this is pretty windy it is windy but you probably practicing this stuff a lot cuz you live in Florida yeah it’s been like this almost every day last couple weeks so yeah how’d you find out about the special exemption oh they I was in om man playing practice round and my agent was trying to call me I’m like what’s going on I finished practicing I called them back and they yeah they told me that they’re super happy happy and excited that that is the right decision of getting an invite and the way I’m playing so it was it was pretty cool it was I mean I felt like I I did all that kind of PID off a little bit so it was when you were going around the world in the beginning of the year like I obviously I did it because of that for a reason to try to get in my world ranking but I I needed to play some golf because I was starting to play good and I wanted to see that you want to keep it going yeah all right it’s not sitting up no it’s not great right I got a 219 here clearing on a straight line with Patrick is 160 and the front the front is 199 D I know this shot you I hit at four Iron by four iron you mean hybrid no four iron you just call it that four iron do you feel like how do you feel like it performs out of the rough versus the four iron actual four iron oh yeah better thousand times better yeah yeah for iron here I don’t think I can carry the water and this one I feel like I can land it almost on the Green yeah good shot perfect green side bunker bunker that’s kind of exactly what we were talking about good shot he was going though yeah it does cut through that it cuts through that nice it goes nice yeah 60 from here 56 60 I think I’ll stick with the 60 this is a pretty standard bunker shot yeah OHA what happened no s good shot give came out good though did it come out differently than you expected yeah it just feel different bounce good shot trying to get me drunk tiny be right to left I hesitate to even say anything on this one okay that was a dying speed that was a gentle speed gentle speed gentle speed nicely done all right that brings you to 200 you know what that means that um you’re tied for the record tied for the record so it’s you know it’s like yeah good thing we got an easy hole right now nice little what 2 [Music] yeah it’s good way is it going forward it’s a new one this a new one yeah first week first week I’ll break it in for I’ll break it in for you how’s the weight on it it’s heavy is it yeah if I had to do a scale of light medium or heavy so it’s a I would probably put heavy yeah really I mean I don’t you want to pick it up feel like you’re going to tell me it’s dead light I’m going to feel like a real wuss I feel like it’s I don’t know yeah that is become heavy it’s quite heavy right I think you know what I think it’s like you’ll never forget T it’s a t initiation oh this is I’m going to have torque branded into my shoulder after this round T initiation this wanted to let you know were you doing that on purpose [Laughter] are you kidding me I didn’t want to say anything I didn’t know it I was dying the whole round dude I don’t want to say anything my back’s been [Music] cracking you’re taking advantage of the new guy huh it’s a listen it’s a classic tactic it’s a classic bar picked it up on five and I’m like whoa this is heavy hold on De by the way you’re missing a shot I got to do one right now how many Uncrustables you have in your bag are you 11 years old smells good right so what are your you [ __ ] what are your uh did he the same to my trainer did he when he CAD for you they’ll do the thing I don’t know why oh my God 208 into some into some good wind probably has to be seven wood right I four iron doesn’t get there like I want I want you to hit dve I think we got to hit we got to hit a golf CH here it’s kind of similar to the other part honestly straight in eh I would play it straight in I’m going to go all or nothing it’s the only way to do it wo oh get down you beauty get right what a golf shot oh that was good thank you that was really really really good chance that’s a shot I’m hitting cam Smith with that shot you see him where is he oh there on the right yeah yeah that’s or or I’m hitting it at the the umbrella over there on the left I was going to ask you so your golf swing you have a ton of side B everyone always talks about your side bend your side Bend I was talking to your trainer before the round and he was saying that you start it early and so it’s not as hard on your back how do you feel like are you concerned at all about like you know your health and stuff you’ve seen Z torus we’ve seen other guys have kind of back problems yeah I feel like I think it’s all about listen to your body and I and I never had any any trouble with my my back never never felt anything but that’s also because I mean I’ve been I’ve been working out since I was 13 I’ve been on golf specific golf yeah so I always try to do the best I I can to cuz I know is my body is my is my work I mean it’s it’s everything that’s that’s that’s your money maker so I I always I mean that’s something that I really been focusing the last couple years is my body and being healthy and eating well drinking a lot of water and just water yeah yeah they cook for me back home so yeah that’s something that I been working a lot on it do you work out before you play not work lift yeah I this year is starting to lift before before the rounds not not every day but most of them probably 80% unless it’s like a 7 o’ T yeah well we don’t have that anymore that’s right you don’t really deal with that dude so I got like a nice routine cuz I I I play like at 12: or 1 so I get in the morning around 8 I’ll go work out have a big breakfast and then do my routine for warmup so it’s it’s kind of nice that Rhythm that is nice I didn’t think about that yeah early mornings are a thing of the past yeah all right this is to win this is to win nice it’s going to be pretty it’s up the hill it feels like a little bit into the wind a little right to left and then it’s definitely coming back right at the hole right coming back yeah yeah you think overall it’s like just outside right Edge yeah I like that yeah I think it’s quite slow the last8 Ft okay you liked it oh my God just a little too much speed I think a little too much and he couldn’t break at the end wow you were ready you were ready to go I thought he was going in well done all right 200 seems to be the number oo that was close good plan that was a lot of fun thank you for doing that you got to uh you got to grade my cad skulls thanks for uh I’ll say six out of 10 six out of 10 I feel like you were good with numbers and distance and win and everything but it was the little details like you know like Drop in the back you know it’s it’s sideways you didn’t have the towel yeah but other than that it was was it was good the important things it was good thank you for doing that thank you for Liv golf for having us thank you to Trump toal and we’ll see you on the next side gig


  1. I love this shit. Dan is the man, always throwing out great and interesting questions… unlike Riggs!

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