Golf Players

Tottenham exits, Conor Gallagher, homegrown needs, Spurs transfers and a kit rant

Discussing the latest news around Tottenham Hotspur and the summer transfer window.

hello everyone alist gold here apologies I’ve got a little bit of a giggle SL smirk going on I come into this having just watched Paul gas Gaza explaining uh why he didn’t think he probably would have been any better off going to man united and Alex Ferguson controlling him um it’s really funny I can’t repeat what he said but have a little look for it he did a he’s done a podcast with uh gin Alan sheir and michah Richards it’s very funny I don’t normally start off a video talking about other stuff that other people have done but I I made made a mistake of coming into this having watched that just seconds before I hit record and it is still rattling around in my brain making me chuckle um it’s very funny it is very funny but Tottenham hbur I guess that is Tottenham hbur Tottenham hbur passed with gazer and Galler Lin but we’re talking about Tottenham Hotspur now Tottenham Hotspur future and actually I suppose a little bit of Tottenham hot spur past because Spurs have announced some departures from the club um Ryan CES and jaffet and ganga have or are both being released it’s weird because it’s kind of described as have been released but technically it’s at the end of their contracts which is will be June the 30th Spurs have decided not to take up the extra year option on both of those players uh so they’ll join Eric D and even perisic of heading off at the end of their contracts this month um um obviously Eric Dyer heading to Bayern permanently and perisic heading to haiduk split so or in Academy as well just to mention them um Tottenham was under 21s you’ve got Charlie cers and Billy heaps are heading off Charlie cers at the end of his contract uh Billy at the end of his I think his third year scholarships come to an end as well under 18’s players Kieran Morgan and Han wiof King as well funny little story about Charlie King uh Charlie King Charlie Sayers U funny not that funny but I was meant to interview him um two years ago during the last time Spurs went to Korea uh a couple of years back I was ready and waiting in the the team Hotel I was actually stood in their games room talking to a couple of the the media people there and uh Charlie never turned up Charlie um I think a combination of the jet lag and Antonio con’s mad training sessions out there Absolut absolutely did him in and he slept through the entire kind of I think it was afternoon I was there no no sorry morning it was morning it was just morning it was maybe 10 or 11:00 in the morning uh and he slept right through it and um well that’s certainly what they told me anyway nobody could get hold of him and trying to get him rise raise him from his bed um obviously they wenten in the room with him but I’m guessing someone maybe tried to knock on the door U it was going to be this really nice story as well cuz his South End born lad uh South End to Soul it was his whole kind kind of story was in career um he’s still so young though he he’s only 20 years old I’m sure he’s going to have a a career in the the game ahead of him um he had a really serious eye injury uh Charlie did and um thankfully kind of came back from it but uh but yeah I trying to think we hav seen him in the under ones to recently haven’t seen a little while but um hopefully goes on and has a great career I wonder I think that probably would have been his only outside outside of the Club interview up to this point um but it was not meant to be um hey as someone that’s often slept in myself absolutely U no issues with that whatsoever um so yeah but the players CES and tanganga you know my feelings on cess um I’d have love to have seen him make it he’s got so much talent he has but we just know the hamstrings the hamstrings were just such a killer for him in in that uh I think I’ve got the number 57 Spurs appearances in 5 years it kind of says it all of course he was on loan at hoffenheim for a season as well where he played the fair chunk of the games there but just those hamstrings um I still think he’s going to have a a big career ahead of him um my hope is the feeling certainly is that these two surgeries had one on each leg will absolutely kind of make these hamstring problems such a slim chance of them happening again so hopefully hopefully he’s all right and and goes on to have a decent career and and uh I’m sure there’s well I know there’s a fair few clubs looking at him um whether that is on a short-term deal or a pay you play deal something like that um but I’m sure he’ll be fine he only turned 24 last month he’s still so young this is a crazy thing he was such a star at such a young age um he’s got his whole career stretched out ahead of him still um and if anything whereas some of these kind of players that start really young and then kind of burn out because they played so much football with cth yes he’s had injuries but actually the rest of his muscles hopefully he won’t kind of suffer from that burnout because you know they haven’t been used as much I guess is the only way to put it left a nice message on social media said left the messages If he if he left it on the answer phone said Spurs thank you I would like to thank everyone associate with Tottenham hotb football club I joined at 19 I have met some very special people along the way that have supported and guided me from my teammates to the back room staff and to my coach is thank you I’ve got memories and friends for life from making my debut to scoring in the Champions League I’ll always cherish these moments unfortunately things didn’t work out the way I or the club wanted during my time here it broke my heart that I couldn’t play in front of you a lot more I want to wish you all the best for the future thank you CIS um yeah which is it’s a classy message from a player who I do I I know fans and no doubt people within the club would get frustrated with with players that suffer from injury problems that just there’s nothing they can do about it you know Eric Lamela was the same it wasn’t something that he was able to control unfortunately just sometimes people’s bodies and maybe it was because he played so much football at so young you know he was 16 wasn’t he when he came through at Fulham uh and maybe at that point overuse of those hamstring did it maybe but uh yeah it’s just so sad and see him briefly against berley in the FA Cup when he wasn’t even meant to come on and just got a little issue from that and then he came back again in the under 21s I was watching that game um on I think it was on Spurs play wasn’t there and just the sight of him going down and then oh it was awful just seeing him by the side but he just knew and he knew that something was wrong very badly wrong because he’d been there before um but fingers crossed that these two um operations that he’s had will um sort things going forward for him because yeah I only want the best for him I’ve interviewed him a couple of times he’s a lovely guy and yeah just hasn’t deserved what’s happened to him really in his career since that incredible start to life in the game uh with jaffet jaffet actually did surprise a few of us because Spurs did that old classic which you’ve heard me say before where they announce when someone signs a new contract or assess his case when they sign this big long deal and they talk about the number of years they say it’s up to you 2057 and then you realize that actually I know that’s a very long contract um you find out that the final year they included it even though it was actually an option they had which I guess technically is their right to do because they have that player contracted until that point if they choose to do so but for the rest of us we kind of I got wind of cess didn’t I a couple of was it a couple of months ago or a month ago that his was actually was a couple of months ago I got wi that he would be out of contract this summer and then we got win properly 3 or four weeks ago that he’ um was told that they were not going to take that option but with with jaffy it was probably a bit more of a surprise mainly because of the interest in him uh that there’s been um and I can understand some people questioning like why then why would you not extend the deal but there’s different sides to that I mean I’d imagine that the clubs interested in him are well aware of his contract situation and are probably thinking well we’re kind of we might as well wait a year or we’ll wait till 6 months or whatever and then that gets to the point where Spurs probably thinking well you know it’s not as easy as signing up sell him it doesn’t really work like that you’re taking a risk then of taking another 12 months worth of um wages on your wage bill um if if you weren’t able to to offload him to a club that quickly and let’s be honest Spurs do struggle to get players off the book so they have taken that decision with quite a few players in recent years have just deciding to let them go and I guess with someone like jaffet he’s been such a club servant he has he’s been there for so many years despite fact he’s only turned 25 a couple of months ago and I always felt with Jeffy he suffered from two things one was being versatile on homeg ground that Spurs would just often keep him around as an option in case everyone else was injured and there were a few seasons when if he’ gone out on loan I swear his development would have really skyrocketed at that point but it just didn’t happen for him um I guess a little bit like happened with Skippy in the last season um and I think the other issue for jaffet has been injuries um knee and back mainly have been the two I think it was back that he he’s had some issues with um and mainly that knee um but I’ve been so happy for him this season because orberg was a tough loan didn’t play a single competitive minute for them came back went off to milw and had just the loone probably the best I’d imagine the best six months of his career um it’d be interesting to see if he says that I would imagine it has to be because he went there he played week in week out he was a favorite was one that the manager Neil Harris wanted to play every single game he was wanted and that’s such a huge thing and he responded in kind by playing superbly scored a few goals and absolutely helped sweep mil up the table it was a key integral part of that um under under Neil Harrison yeah honestly only good things for jaff here again another player I’ve interviewed a couple of times um and he’s a very yeah lovely chat loves Tottenham um um appreciates what they always did for him and now I guess it’s just time for him to head off I was just going to double check that there’s been no um message from him yet I would imagine he’s preparing something because he’s obviously has been at the club for so long this is the thing with doing doing a video there’s a couple of things that anything can change at any point um and the other thing of course is that little things like that can I’m just double checking no nothing yet um I don’t want do him a disservice by saying he hadn’t done something yet and he actually had so yeah he’s um that’s two players that one homegrown one Club train that go as well um which of course within itself creates a couple of issues mainly for the club trained um because with jaffet going and Harry Kane and Harry Winks leaving last summer suppose only got four senior Club trained players now um Brandon Austin Alfie whitean uh Oliver Skip and Troy parrot um which yeah I mean of those obviously Brandon Austin signed a new 5-year deal so he’s sticking around Alfie W’s got a year left but whether he stays this season with Vicario forer Austin and you’ve got Josh key Luca gun two really good young Keepers is another thing I don’t know what happens with Alfie whitean um you got Oliver skip who desperately wants to play first team football and there’s a lot of interest in him this Sumer summer Spurs got a real decision to make with Skippy because you you could keep him around for the club trained aspect but you’re probably absolutely putting a roadblock in his career um because I think I said this in the last video or or one of the previous ones I think you send Skippy off now for a lone season somewhere and I think he has an brilliant season I think he absolutely kicks on his career massively we saw him do it in Norwich and I think he plays for a team maybe a lower half premier League team just at this point in his career and I think he has an absolute Bond store of a season um so as much as I like him and as much as I think he’ll still have a could have a big part to play at Spurs if they wanted him to I think for him to get out of the club right now is the best thing for him um I asked po coo he’s given me kind of two slightly not different answers but different kinds of answers I asked him about a month month and a half ago about Skippy and he said the club will make the best decision for the club um which was quite kind of interesting that kind of almost hinted towards the club trained aspect but then a fortnite ago he also said that he sees Skippy as part of his plans next season although he did add sure why not which is a little bit like yeah you kind of I don’t know that terminology slightly took it out of that for me um but yeah we’ll see what happens with with Skippy and then obviously the last one of that bunch is Troy parrot he’s been having a great old time as Troy um scored again last night um winning goal for Republic of Ireland against Hungary did a near pitch long Sprint um and put the ball in the net he say almost made a mess of it his shot wasn’t the greatest but it did Squeeze under the goalkeeper and kind of go in he did have another player running alongside him I initially thought you could have passed to him but when I kind of watched it back it was a bit no would have been offside the other player the other player to kind of check his run almost so he wasn’t probably the option that it looked like if you look at it quickly uh but yeah scored a goal scored the winning goal and that is another goal for him uh two days after he scored a Hatt trick for celsia Rotterdam against NSA NAC baa in the uh playoff final second leg that they had the playoff uh promotions relegation/promotion playoffs technically in the Dutch Football um so yeah only two days between the game so he did come on late in the game Troy but still had a massive impact he was so unlucky in that playoff game as well because he was man of the match took him back helped take them back from 6-2 down from the first Le against braer to 66 and then the visitors scored another goal late in the game and that meant excelsia were relegated and braad went up so with Troy uh AED alar are currently showing the most interest in him they want to keep him in the era divis um teams in Italy Germany and a championship have all shown in interest over recent months but alcomar from what I understand are the ones that have probably showing the most uh keenness interest whichever you want to call it um obviously Troy scored 17 goals last season in the Dutch leagues um yes you could say 10 of them came in the playoffs against teams in the the second division but still got to put the ball in the net 17 goals five assists um and that’s for a team even the 10 goals in the area deisy for a team in 16th Place who got relegated that’s still far more impressive than people I think are given him credit for because obviously people just write off the the era DEC they’ll do that on one hand they’ll write it off and then they’ll say someone like gimenez um at fire Nord yeah get him in and it’s like well how does that work out um but you know you imagine you you stick I mean alar finished fourth in the the era deisy stick Troy parah in the fourth place team the name of their stri has gone out of my head he was someone that was linked was SP I think he’s a big is it Greek player who scored a lot of goals for them um but you know put Troy in there I think he gets 20 plus goals um and I think he probably would have done that for fire Nord as well so that’s not to do down the achievements of anyone else it’s if anything it’s to Big up Troy and say you know 22y old playing for the team that got relegated in 16th Place in the league still scored 10 in the main season then another seven after in the playoffs I think he would have done very well um so we’ll see what happens with him it’s just never really worked at Spurs for him entirely has it was such a big Prospect poch gave him a game I think was one game was it in the League Cup Mourinho gave him a couple of games in the Premier League and in the FA Cup um and obviously there was that really awkward when he missed the penalty against Norwich in the FA Cup Mourinho was bit harsh on it all saying C that’s why you don’t pick a kid it was all like it wasn’t the greatest way of dealing with it uh despite the fact that he’d actually been quite good with Troy and giving him his debut and S seeking him out after the game giving the match ball and and all of that um but yeah obviously had loans at milw ipswitch MK Don Preston and then headed off to excelsia his hope he’s told me this before um and and I’ve heard this from people around him even more recently his hope is to break through at Spurs that’s still the dream for him um only made the four appearances for the club but I just don’t know if it’s going to happen I just don’t um I’d love him to get an opportunity to have a little um run out for Posta cogo this pre-season but there’s a part of me that Wonders that if there’s a deal to be done where the Spurs end up getting it done um a little bit earlier than that because you know he’s a player that you’d imagine Spurs stick a healthy sellon Clause there like they did with Marcus Edwards whether they put in even a buyback Clause um just to make sure in case he does go on to be a real talent but yes of course personally as a club trained player as a real talented young player I would love to see him have a season in and around the first team where he gets to have a few minutes here and there but I just feel like Posta cogu likes Dane Scarlet although he probably needs another loan again um and also they’re looking for a striker this summer as well so is there going to be the the chances for Troy to play the football he needs to play I don’t know but uh I do like him as a player he’s got for goal I always remember people telling me when he was young and this was even when Harry Kane was there that Troy was the best finisher at the club that was what they told me three four years back it was a while back um just because he was just a natural born finisher as it were um I like him his technique superb I think that’s why he’s kind of found almost like found his place in the area DZ and that’s not the same as people saying they found their level uh it’s more finding his place in a technical League that may well be in Italy or Spain he could be terrific as well um he did a good little interview after the goal for Republic of Ireland last night where he spoke briefly about the loan um and he was yeah kind of saying similar things that he loved playing football there he could the technique and everything was was there it suited his game nicely um so yeah yeah it’s um we’ll see it’s one of those where if you’re Spurs he’s kind of on the rise at the moment but maybe if they don’t feel that he’s going to break through true for them maybe you take the money and you take the percentage of anything that comes in the future on him uh so yeah so where does that leave Spurs with the whole club trained angle you know if let’s say Whitman Skip and parrot could all potentially depart which would be kind of a bit mad um if you’re not aware I’ve said this before but if you’ve missed it so in European football Europa League for Spurs next season as a minimum eight other clubs 25 man squad for the competition must be reserved exclusively for locally trained players uh four of them are Association trained so have played in the uh English FAS competitions and four have to be Club train so come through that club club train technically means those who are on the club’s books for three entire Seasons or 36 months between the ages of 15 and 21 so what some people have suggested which technically is one way of doing it um although it’s a bit of a waste of a way of doing it is that you could promote some of the young players uh um from the under 21s and say look here you go here’s our club trained players but the thing with that is you’re kind of wasting spots there because those players are already eligible to be on the b list um the b list is for uh like Academy youngsters essentially who have been there I think it’s three years since the AG between the ages of 15 21 I can’t remember what it is 15 18 1521 one of the two um so there’s all of those players that people would probably suggest for the role could can go on that um or on the b list anyway so you kind of yeah you’re almost you you almost might as well just leave a blank space which you can is another way of doing it again you’re wasting a spot um oh someone else pointed out which is true I think there’s Max Robson in the under 21s is of that will be of that a older age group so technically could be uh included although he has trained with the first team at times but I would be surprised if he’s uh would be part of first team Affairs next season you never know um I’ve watched him a few times this season he’s played well um but whether that would be a bit of a leap for him at this stage now I think he’s let was typ it in I think he’s 22 but I want to get that exactly right don’t want to show any disrespect to Max I’m pretty sure he oh he’s 21 right now but he turns 21 during next sorry turns 22 during next season uh I wonder where might actually fit into that b category maybe maybe but either way either way he’s not technically would be classified as a uh a senior um a senior professional player at the club uh first team player if you know what I mean so yeah so what are the other Solutions well the other solution would be that you’d go and sign someone who was originally at your Club a club trained player um I think I’ve seen some people saying about non Madu at Chelsea I don’t think think he actually would qualify because I’ve Got a Feeling Again I’m going to double check I think he left Spurs before that period that would have um had him he signed he left Spurs at I didn’t realize he play the under 18s at 15 um so he left for PSV in June 2018 yes he was only 16 so I don’t think he would have qualified anyway as a club trained player um the other one some people suggest is car Walker Peters I was always a big advocate of car Walker Peters so I would uh I would be more than happy to see car Walkers come back at K Walker KL Walker be great car Walker Peters uh as a backup for the Pedro porro why not I’m trying to think whether he could play the inverted nature of the the fullback role and be in Midfield I don’t know but that’s one thing that some people s suggested I mean certainly from my knowledge I know that Spurs are keeping an eye at least on the situation with Marcus Edward this summer as a potential option uh I’m not saying it’s a move that’s definitely going to happen and no approach has been made to sporting as of yet or certainly when I last checked in it hadn’t um but he’s been considered as one potential answer to that problem is the way of putting it I think um so that’s not to say it’s going to happen it’s not going to say they’re going to follow up any potential thoughts on it but definitely the club have considered him as a possibility so if you’re not aware who Marcus Edwards is um 25 now which just makes me feel so old and shows how long I’ve been covering Spurs for now he left Spurs 5 years ago um he had terrific potential incredible Talent on the ball uh this amazing low Center of ability uh uh low Central gravity when he would dribble with the ball poch made that Infamous comment kind of comparing him to having the early uh traits of a young leono Messi I still remember his press officer’s face at the time going no just see a motion trying to put his hand across his mouth um and then he very quickly went oh and Eric Lamela like Eric Lamela and it was like yeah headlines are written now I’m sorry I’m sorry Marino it’s already been done um but ultimately Marcus would only go on to play 15 minutes of a couple of days later fin enough in the League Cup tie against Gillingham when yeah it looked very cool it looked very good he sent one shot just over the crossbar I remember now um and he I looked very bright but that was kind of it it never really went on from there poch would lat to right in his in his book about Marcus having some behavioral issues um and yeah I mean he’s admitted himself he had a fair bit of growing up to do um that’s probably the best way to put it he said that himself in an interview after he left so he kind of bounced around a little bit before he left Spurs he went to Norwich on a bit of a a disastrous loan that didn’t end up working well for him um then he went to excelsia where Troy’s been in last season that one started off a little bit I think he was a bit homesick and then halfway through that season season absolutely hit the ground running and I think a bit like maybe with Troy that Spurs decided at the end of that season okay now’s probably he’s not going to make it Spurs but he’s on the Rise um and they sold him to Victoria he went to Victoria and um did well there was snapped up by sporting and Ruben Amon got his hands on him and really helped develop him last season he had a brilliant season his first full season at sporting 26 goal involvements 51 games 12 goals and 14 assists two assists and two goals in the Champions League you might remember one of the goals came at the Tottenham hbur stadium and that one-1 draw um and this season hasn’t been as good uh still had six goals and nine assists so you know 15 goal involvements 44 matches and Sport helped sporting win the Premier Liga title it just the second half of the Season didn’t really work out for him he had an illness around the turn of the year and when he came back he found Francisco Francisco tral just having a great run for and couldn’t really get his rightwing slot back from him um so yeah most of his appearances from there on for Marcus Came From the Bench this season and there was one he came off the bench against Porto um it was a mad game he came off the bench later on got an assist helped them come back from 2-0 to 2-2 down and got himself sent off a butting heads with the the Porto Winger galeno um Marcus has made no secret of his desire to come back to England at some point um and from what I understand he would be happy to come back to Tottenham and Spurs I think there are a number of clubs looking at Marcus as a potential I think Crystal Palace have been reported as another one that have been looking at him as well I think with Spurs another aspect of it is that they have this financial advantage when it comes to Marcus because when they sold him to Victoria they did so with a 50% sellon clause which obviously a big old Clause it’s kind of one you’d be hoping if they sell Troy they put in there um and when Marcus moved from Victoria to sporting rather than Spurs cashing in they agreed to let the uh release Clause move on with him so he went to sport him with a 50% sellon Clause to Spurs then when Spurs signed Pedro porro permanently that’s difficult to say um they negotiated sporting that uh went down from 50% to 35% for Marcus as part of the the deal so technically sporting and not desperate to let Marcus Edwards go they’re quite happy with him as part of the squad amaron obviously is remaining around and he likes him Edwards has got 2 years left in his deal from what I understand sporting value him at around5 million uh which is before further add-ons um which would obviously lift that price tag a bit higher than that but I guess if you’re looking at with Spurs having 35% sellon Clause they could that would take the initial base figure down to around 9.75 million before the add-ons are whacked on so you can see why it’s an idea that isn’t the wor worst in the world in terms of um fixing that home hom glown homegrown issue there’s definitely that there and that’s could be a helpful element to it but then I guess I think it also depends really on what happens with Spurs looking for more high-profile if you want to say it statement signings that people have spoken about that they’ll have their eye on this summer you know obviously there’s been links with Nico Williams Atletico bilb Danny Elmo sorry at leig Albert Goodmanson at genua was another one although technically he plays more centrally as a bit of a support Striker kind of yeah through the middle but he can also play on the wing he’s another one they’ve looked at this year the Crystal Palace pairing both fantastic players Michael Alis and um Eber e um obviously e again able to play more through the center but can also do a job out wide uh Barcelona’s rafina as well they’ve all been linked so you can understand Spurs maybe rather than looking to sign verer and um Marcus Edwards for a sum total of around 10 million pounds you can I know some people go that’s exactly what I want to do but I would have thought more they would look for a high-profile big upgrade first um and you know some great names among those and I’m sure there’s many more as well um there’s been talk that e and Elise say have’ got some kind of release Clauses but both quite complicated ones that people have spoken about I haven’t heard too many details of those but I have seen it being mentioned and reported by a couple of people um what I do know is that everyone has kind of spoken to around Palace seems to believe that they’ll only let one of their big three go the big three being um is Alis and gay um and it’s a funny summer this one isn’t it because you’ve got the euros and that is going to be a pain in the backside for teams if they can’t get a deal done early and I wonder whether for e and gay whether they their involvement with England you’d imagine both lend up in the the final Squad whether atast say’s got a little bit of a leg up on them because he isn’t at the Euros he is in the uh preliminary Olympic French Squad that tiar onri is named uh with John Philip mateta actually also Palace who is obviously an overage player but um yeah I’m intrigued to see whether that gives Elis a leg up if they are to only let one go obviously the way football works if people come in with big um offers and and let’s be honest if there’s if these release Clauses there are a way of triggering them they may be hugely expensive release Clauses um like I say this is outside my area of information I’ve seen other people saying about these release Clauses um and and some people telling me that they involve lots of different boxes that need to be ticked and things like that as well it’s not as straight as Bon here’s the exact amount of money kind of thing um but yeah I guess if those were be able to both be met it would be outside of palace’s control I I don’t know I don’t know I think that’s one of those we’ll we’ll find out more about as time goes on um in the next couple of weeks or so but yeah back to Markus Edwards he could be quite a cost effective additional option I guess on top of any other potential ones you could bring in this window and I guess it depends also on who else leaves Brian Hill we’re expecting to leave um out of that group too so yeah I’m I’m I’m fascinated to see what they do with the Winger areas uh whether they go for a Winger and a striker which has been moted or whether they go for a striker who can also play out wide you know you’ve got someone like richardon can also do a job on the left um or the right actually so whether they go for another player like that who kind of ticks both boxes in one maybe um all indications originally were that they were going to look for a Winger and a striker so we’ll see whether they find an effective way of doing both and then maybe you could bring in someone like a Marcus Edwards I don’t know it’s an interesting one for Marcus Edwards as well because he will want to play regularly which he wouldn’t certainly unless he can force his way in at Spurs to do so but also maybe on a not an ego level that’s the wrong way to put it but on a um a self kind of fulfillment level he maybe would have some unfinished business at Tottenham and feel that he deserves to be a premier league player so yeah we’ll see we’ll see I I wouldn’t uh the other option obviously for for Spurs is that he gets sold elsewhere and they just look at it and say no we’ll take the 35% thank you very much and put that towards someone else so yeah there’s both ways it could go quite easily there um what else we had we had more Conor Gallagher talk this week because there’s suddenly a lot of chatter yesterday about Aston Villa making their intentions known of being in the race as it were for him um Villa I’m intrigued by that um because Villa obviously have had some Financial fair play issu themselves they’ve been quite vocal the people at the top there in interviews talking about how they have to try and find a way around those there’s I mean Champions League football will help them but obviously surely that would be on next year’s accounts rather than this year’s been a lot of talk about Douglas louiz heading out Juventus being the main people looking for him um Villa apparently open to selling him this month because of their financial issues but then that makes you wonder if you’d have to sell him to be able to sort out your books why would you then go for Conor Gallagher who is being valued at more than 50 million would put you straight back in the same situation again so surely Villa would have to look at gallaga as an option after the books are closed for this financial fair play year yet Chelsea are looking if they’re going to have to make a sale would be to cover in that same period before the end of this month so I don’t see how that tallies up and that makes me wonder whether Spurs are truly serious about going going in for him whether that’s something they can use to their advantage uh it is a lot of money though it is and my voice went so high because I was very excited about that um yeah like I say they beli to want more than 50 million pound for him even though he’s only got a year left in his contract a lot of that I think will come because of Mason Mount Mason Mount you might remember went to United for I think it was almost approaching 60 with the add-ons and he only had a year left on his deal as well um and the feeling within Chelsea is that Conor gallager is their captain and some say a better player than Mason Mount obviously hasn’t worked for Mason Mount since he moved to United but with Gallagher I like Gallagher I do I do actually really like him I know he’s had a few people that kind of I just don’t feel people give him enough credit I think he’s a really good young player um and like I’ve said before to be the captain of a club at what is he 22 something like that it’s you’ve got to be some player and watching the England match which was just so dull on Monday night I actually felt Gallagher for me was one of the standout players I think he was really impressive um and I can see how in a poog system he would absolutely fit in beautifully um but yeah like I say his his status at Chelsea is is really strange because he’s shown no real desire to leave yet they’ve got this contract situation with him and also the fact that as an academy player he would be pure profit for them he would show on their books in terms of trying to sort that out but he has spoken in recent days about wanting to play for Enzo Moresco moresa next season so I don’t get how it all tallies up it’s almost like the club kind of thinking yeah we’d like you to go if we can get this money for you and he’s like well I don’t really want to go but no no you’re right mate very strange I mean they’ve also got Trevor Chala as well who um has had a hamstring injury which kept him out for the bulk of of last season uh Spurs like him as well um he’s been valued around 30 million because he’s still got four years left in his contract the issue I feel with Chala I think he’d be really good for Spurs however £30 million would be quite a lot for your fourth choice Center back of that group because you’ve obviously got Romero vanen and drasin and also if I’m Trevor Chala I’m probably looking at him thinking why would I move from a situation at Chelsea where I wasn’t going to maybe start every game although obviously Thiago Silva is leaving why would I leave to go to a club when I’m probably only going to be playing European football for the first half of the season at least waiting for someone to get an injury so yeah this is the thing there’s so many times and I’m guilty of it myself as well and I know we all are as fans of of kind of saying yeah you just go and get that person pay the money and you kind of think yeah but what about the players’s view the player might actually want to come there’s sometimes there’s players like you look at someone like um I don’t know anyone at Villa would be a good example right now I’ve seen a lot of people saying get this player from Villa they’re great why would you leave Villa right now I mean Douglas Luiz we’ve just been talking about he he would I guess for a for a team like Juventus maybe or Arsenal I think have been linked with him but if you’re at Villa right now next season you got Champions League football and they’re on the up under unai that you know apart from obviously they started a bit towards the end of the season but yeah it’s it’s not as cut and dried as it we all kind of love our club don’t we and we feel like why wouldn’t you want to play for our football club Tottenham hot Spa but it doesn’t really work like that in the real world um but yeah I’m intrigued to see what happens with Gallagher I wonder whether the Villa um involvement might be a good thing for Spurs it might kind of force Chelsea’s hand a little bit then of course we talk about players maybe not wanting to come to Tottenham but what about the clubs wanting to deal with Tottenham if I’m Chelsea Chelsea got a history of not really wanting to deal with Chelsea got history of not really wanting to deal with Tottenham uh whether that changed in this new era with the the the owners that like to spend their money uh um I don’t know but it’s yeah maybe they would only agree to a deal with Villa but then maybe they’d be in a certain point Come the end of the month we’re a bit more desperate maybe that’s what Spurs are holding out for I don’t know we’ll we’ll find out with gallaga I would be stunned if Spurs don’t get involved in some way it may be just simply to go how much no you’re right it might that may be the extent of the involvement but for a player that they clearly like and Posta KLU clearly likes you would think if there’s a way to get him I was trying to think of some of the other players so they signed Madison had a year left in his deal didn’t he and they got him for 40 basuma was a year left in his deal get for 30 so they are willing to spend quite big money on players with a year left but that over 50 million would be a whole new ball game but then you could maybe argue uh what is he is he 22 or 23 now let’s have a look let’s get that right on that gu guy he is I’m pretty sure he’s still 22 no near he’s 24 there you go shows how sometimes you think a players a certain age and he’s absolutely not um yeah he’s 24 years old turned 24 in February so yeah he’s not a he’s not a kid but he obviously is is younger than um uh Madison and basuma were and is an England International as Madison was uh is um but also the captain of Chelsea so maybe you can understand why they pay a little bit more but um yeah keep an eye on that one let’s see what happens with it and uh yeah be interesting what happens with Villa cuz like I said the financial side of it Douglas Louise situation looks like they getting Ross Barkley as well um yeah yeah I mean Villa are a very attractive place to go right now I can understand that but um I would think if Spurs spoke to him and he had was told by Chelsea he had to go there there’s two very appealing options there I think really um elsewhere in the Midfield I really interesting feel like that Antonio con uh heading to or has now been um confirmed as the Napoli boss um that’s going to be interesting having him back in again Christian stellini going as his assistant as well and a couple of the other coaches that were at Spurs uh obviously wish the best of luck to them um and you got Jose Mourinho at fenerbache as well now I wonder whether that helps Spurs having two former managers that know their players quite well um and whether they want any of them to go with the immediate one that kind of Springs to mind is Hy beer because Conte likes Hyer so did Mourinho Conte would call him hobby um I do wonder whether if hoia Napoli is a terrific Club ferachi obviously it’s um probably well I think it’s fair to say the league is not on the same level as s are so maybe Napoli would be the bigger Prospect but or the better the more attractive Prospect for Hy but uh yeah I was just trying to think of other ones that might go there I mean Emerson was a potential one but looks like AC Milan are probably the keenest on him right now um yeah let me know put in the comments below let me know our other um players that you think that con really liked um and Mourinho you know who knows maybe I them would like to take Skippy on like they both really liked him as well and predicted big things for him so uh yeah I’m sure there’s others I’m not thinking about that would probably fall into that um maybe Ben Davies maybe Ben Davies could have a bit of an a next chapter of his career if he decides that he wants to head off he’s only got a year left of his contract as well um yeah yeah I just just crossed my mind that those two managers now in in place in situ I wonder whether that actually helps Spurs um you can just imagine does anyone want tongi anyone want tongi can’t imagine the either of them do um Mourinho probably got the best out of him at Spurs but it was always a roller coaster ride is probably the best way to put it um and obviously uh tongi has been in turkey last season and while he won the league contributed very very little to that indeed um but yeah what else we had this week we’ve had the kits the kits came out sorry the kit the home kit not the kits the other two are coming um in the the near future the home kit came out I quite like it it’s all right it’s one of those where I think it always looks better when it’s actually on the players um it does take me back to the Martin Joel era Robbie Keane Edgar David’s year the lasagna gate season that was the last time they had Navy sleeves as inure navy sleeves yeah it’s all right I like the fact that Navy shortz are back I do I I know some people like the allh look I prefer that to be a special look the European nights under the lights look I don’t really want it to be the everyday look I do think you can have too much of a good thing um you know but it’s it’s an all right kit it’s fine the thing for me and this was the thing that I just if you want to feel old look at the price of football kits today honestly I don’t think I ever felt as old as as seeing that um they’re just they’re just disgraceful Absolut disgraceful um I mean we’ll talk about it in a moment but the first time we’ll see this kit the club have said is the preseason fixture against hearts on Wednesday 17th of July oh that reminds me they’ now finally confirmed the team kayle fixture in Korea the first one which I think is on the 31st of July if memory serves me right um so they go from Japan to play that one as the first game and then Bayern as the second game and in buy again when they come back uh but yeah the first time we’ll see it the clubs say is the hearts fixed on Wednesday 17th of July technically I think we’ll see it before that the under 21s will play um at um Enfield town in their first friendly which is on the 13th of July on Saturday usually that’s when you see the home the new home kit for the first time even though they’re away Enfield often wear a change kit or I think last year wore one from a couple of seasons ago um and technically I’m pretty certain Spurs will have a at least one if not a couple of uh behind closed doors training ground friendlies so you may see them put out photos from that in which you’ll probably see the the new home kit on on them then as well um I mean the other alternative technically for the nfield game for the under 21s is if the awake kit were to come out by then last year it didn’t come out until just a couple of days I think before the brenford game uh the first game of the season so whether it’ be available by then I don’t know but I think it would probably more likely to be the home one that was what they wore last year um but yeah the price oh my goodness the price I I could rant about the price forever £85 to buy just a normal normal as they call it Stadium shirt oh my God it’s so much money and if you dare want to wear the actual Elite one or authentic one some clubs call them the players wear5 it’s just insane so if you want to be one of those full kit as people sometimes call them um you know some like I’m myself I like to buy the shorts I don’t actually buy the shirt much anymore I normally will get a training kit just to play five as side in but I might buy the shorts to kick a football around in um but the shorts for the stadium ones the elite ones I don’t think are available yet but the stadium ones are £45 for a pair of shorts I know I sound so old and kind of counting my pennies but 45 quid for a pair of shorts and the socks on their own are 18 so if you did want to be a full kit a as people call them it would cost you just for a stadium version of £148 and pushing £200 for an elite full kit but that’s just for adults I worked it out because I thought about it what if you’re a family right um and you’ve got two kids let’s say and they’re both kind of a little bit older um so Spurs home youth shirts are £65 youth shorts are £33 the socks I can only still find the adult prices but they would go down to children size 12 that’s 18 you can get full kits for 3 to 8y olds that cost £55 and for infants are 50 I’m guessing they don’t get called full kit if they wear them um but yeah let’s say you wanted to buy you and your partner wanted to buy uh a shirt each you know just a stadium shirt let’s say each just um and you’ve got two kids let’s say they’re 9 10 years old and you want to get them the the full kit because they play football at the weekend as well and you want them to be able to wear it so I counted it up how much it would cost you as a family of four two shirts and two kids kits 42 £42 you could go on a holiday for that it’s just insane I don’t know what’s happened to football prices and and well just all around I know but kits as well and that’s not even that’s before you even shove on the names and numbers on the back it’s just mad no wonder people have son and SAR on their back cuz you get kisi you’re broke if you’re not already just crazy thank goodness you haven’t got like kind of some really long like GRE I mean Posta cogu is going to be pretty lengthy on there not that you’d probably have that on the back of a shirt but I just you can see you can see I’m annoyed because my voice gets all High and screechy um I just feel like it’s not that long ago that I I used to because my birthday’s in August so I used to ask my wife for um a spur shirt for my for my birthday one that I would wear for football um that was years back it must be because I said this to her yesterday I was having my moan I’m doing exactly now to her and she was like really it’s that much I swear I used to get for you though about 40 quid and that must have been maybe that six seven years ago maybe it just shows how old I’m getting but uh it’s just crazy and the thing that I think winds me up almost as much as the price is is the fact that it’s every year now they change the kits it used to be every two years um and then that that got ditched because they realized oh look how much we can make if we do it every year and not only that we’ll have three different kinds of kits we’ll have training kits and everything there’s a training jacket what you should go get now it’s 130 quid on its own it’s just oh it’s mad and look I should stress this isn’t just about spur set prices about Nik setting prices because the new away England shirt is £85 as well it’s a very nice shirt there’s a half second where I oh I might get that I looked at the price yeah no it’s 85 quid as well um but you know loads of people are going to buy them same these spur shirts uh the England shirts people are going to buy them they’re going to be wearing them at barbecues and whatever Junior Euro watching the thing I looked around at what else has come out at the moment in terms of other kits it’s only Spurs Arsenal Liverpool Man City that I could find thus far um if you’re interested Arsenal’s new Adidas home shirt £80 authentic one 110 shorts 38 or45 for the authentic ones and the socks 20 Liverpool who are Nike as well 80 quid for the stadium one 125 for the elite 43 for the shorts or 63 for an elite pair of shorts 63b of a pair of shorts the world has gone crazy uh socks are 18 Man City the champions of all all things well also apparently suing the Premier League uh according to reports um their pummer home Journey jerseys £80 authentic 120 shorts 38 and socks 18 so is worth noting and I don’t know why this is that all of those teams their shirts were £80 the cheapest one for adults why is the Spurs one 85 pound why Spurs have got no reason to charge more that’s just mad those other three teams have finished higher in the table in recent years and won those trophy things how in the world would a spur shirt be more valuable than theirs don’t under understand that I don’t know whose decision that is whether that is some Club part of it or whether it’s Nik thinking that I don’t know whether the amount that they sell of someone like Sonny’s shirts I don’t know but it is it’s just it’s The Grubby side of the business I don’t like and it just feels like supporting a football club now it’s it’s become like a luxury thing rather than just a way of life and I hate that and that that’s the same with the the season tickets that’s the same with the match day tickets the same with the kits um just everything about going to football now it’s you know I’ve seen people saying it’s been kind of taken out hands of the people and it’s just become this luxury thing now and look I know there there’s some American fans that told me I don’t know what you’re moaning about NFL jerseys are that much or more and they are I’ve looked at them I’ve bought an NFL jersey myself in the past however unless I’m mistaken and please tell me if I’m wrong um NFL jerseys last more than one season um that they’re definitely more of a uh two maybe three seasons maybe four in some cases um I could be wrong please let me know or maybe just people like to just stick with their Jersey they bought um but I can understand with Premier League ones why people start to turn to dodgy versions of them and cheaper sites and things like that because it’s become so ridiculously expensive to buy them um it is mad and also I can understand why people maybe go for the retro ones and wear their older shirts for longer now because you just kind of think why you know I could spend that money on so much else um and look again people say don’t want it don’t buy it it’s your choice I get that but people are going to it’s just that that’s why it is a cycle it does keep feeding itself because people do um I saw on the Spurs website like you can I can’t remember some of these companies that do it where you spread your payments and you think I don’t know I always thought that was for stuff like computers TVs washing machines and stuff what at one point did we have to spread payments across to buy a football shirt I don’t like like it I just don’t like it at all I really winds me up um but yeah look I guess it’s all part of the money that feeds into clubs I mean the night deal that Spurs have got till 2033 it’s a long time left of it30 million pound a year reportedly they get from that one of the longest football club deals in Knight’s history when it was extended in 2018 um I know Spurs fans kind of grumble about the kids and night kids to be fair they used to Grumble about them when there were other ones as well Adidas and and Pony and I don’t remember humel being gr Kappa that was another one wasn’t it Kappa I remember them as well um one thing they definitely Grumble about is the red AIA logo I look I get it I get it do I like having a big red logo on the front of the shirt no especially as someone that used to own part of I used to have a like a sleeveless hoodie that I’d wear over a t-shirt of part of Spurs brand that was called Never red so I don’t know have a club that had a brand called Never red ended up having a red logo I get it but we’re 11 years into the AIA deal now and it’s like still I get people will say yeah but why is it red I’ll tell you why it’s red a bit Roy hudon thing was um it’s because AIA paid Spurs 320 million pound deal that they signed in 2019 until 20 the end of 26 27 season to have their uh sponsorship on shirts and everything it’s like that’s 40 million a year so that’s why you’ve got a red AIA and yeah is it selling out I guess it kind of is I suppose but Spurs are getting 70 million pound a year from Nike and AAA towards the shirt stuff um £320 million over the course of eight years you’re probably going to take a few grumbles I think that’s just kind of unfortunately the cost of it all and like I said they will sell these shirts everywhere around the world um Sonny’s obviously is incredible for the club in that respect as on the pitch but also off the pitch as well and you know we’re all heading sorry the club are heading to Japan and South Korea I will be there in Japan and South Korea as well but I know that I will go there and around that Stadium on the match day and both Japan and uh South Korea it will be flooded with spur shirts there will be so many of them the new ones as well and I guess that’s what it is as it was when Spurs went to um uh Singapore Thailand and Perth last season all the new shirts were out and they were there um it’s interesting Spurs haven’t been to Australia Australia America for was it 2018 I had back-to-back tours in my first couple of years repointing Spurs they haven’t been back since it’s just because they’re cashing in on the Asian market from Sony you know they they’ve done since then Singapore twice Shanghai Thailand [Music] um and yeah this year Japan and Korea so Kore twice that was it um and obviously the postao side of things as well with um per Perth and Melbourne so yeah you can kind of uh you can see yeah you can see why they do it it’s just a shame for the American fans because I know many American fans and they’re so incredibly passionate about the team as well and I’m sure they’d love to have them back but uh yeah that’ll happen but on the shirts we’re not far off getting 100 million 100 million who knows one day shirts I can see it in the next 5 years I’ll be if I’m not dead through Spurs Associated um kind of heart problems um I’ll be talking I’ll having the same rent about1 pound shirt of cross the1 pound bar I’m sure it will have um what else we had this I’ve got to stop talking about shirts because I’m just getting more and more annoyed about it uh the fan Advisory Board um met at the end of last month their uh minutes have now been published from that um not the most interesting agenda in the world as someone that used to as a young local news reporter back in the day had to cover the likes of um you know Town Council meetings County Council District Council yeah some right old boring uh Council meetings I had to go to and I still read this fan Advisory board meeting minutes and I was like just a little part of me died it was not the most interesting one and actually they’ve also introduced a new thing in it where they’re now not going to attribute any comments within the minutes to any particular person it’s just either going to be the Fab the fan Advisory Board uh the fan Representatives or the club y it’s it’s like let’s try and take any last drop of clarity out of this that we possibly could that Muppets like gold will report on um one of the few interesting things within it there was obviously the fans um having their say on ticket prices and be annoyed about consultation there was all that in it uh one of the things that I noted was the um they were asked about the potential investment into the club you might remember I’ve got it written down here when Spurs did the financial results in May Daniel Levy said the board and its advisers Rothchild and Co are in discussions with prospective investors as Spurs continue to need to continue to invest in the teams to undertake and undertake future capital projects so the club requires a significant increase Equity base so the club asked in this meeting um on any update on that potential investment to which the minutes read I read them out for you all the Fab asked about potential Equity investment referenced in the financial statement and the club confirmed there was nothing further to discuss at the current time there you go that’s the exciting update you’re all waiting for um I have obviously noticed that in the last week or so there’s been some social media links uh linking Spurs with the American Investment firm MSP Sports Capital taking over a sizable but minority stake in in the club if you’re not aware who MSP Sports Capital are they they own or they’ve got a stake within five clubs across Europe they’ve got a big old stake in McLaren racing um which I think they got about four years ago most recently they’ve been linked with Everton mainly Everton I think they were looking to take them over that didn’t happen then when 777 Partners take over collapsed in last week or so they’ve been linked with them again um from people I’ve spoken to within Spurs they’ve really strongly and I can only stress really strongly shut down any suggestions that the club are currently in investment talks uh or or in talks with MSP Sports Capital about investment um yeah I mean that’s not to say it hasn’t happened but that would suggest to me that if any exploratory talks did take place they didn’t reach any outcome that suited both parties because yeah the word coming back was quite strongly shooting that down um so yeah it may just be look I’m sure I mean even that ly comment above that I said um that suggesting they were in talks so we’re at this stage now what a couple of months on from those um Financial results and nothing has as of yet been announced which suggests they’ve spoken to a number of various people and just haven’t been able to find something that suits all parties so I’m sure we’ll get many names come up uh many companies uh and yeah and and more and more uh we we’ll no doubt until they actually find something that floats their boat the other little thing I was going to speak about because I found it quite interesting myself was Hugo did an interview with Le perisan he’s uh plugging his book that he’s got out at the moment um and within it is lots of stuff about France his career as a whole and Simon America now he also spoke about the final 12 months of his time at Spurs um starting with coming back from the World Cup after losing the World Cup final against Argentina and Qatar it’s just quite interesting so I’m going to read out those kind of quotes around that for you he said in January after the World Cup I knew it was going to be difficult I was going to have to grit my teeth but I planned to rely on the collective I’d already experienced some down moments in my career cuz we can’t always be in the sky we’re still human when the team is doing well and the performance is there individual failures are not noticed but there my teammates were in the same state of psychological fatigue as me and and it got to me I took refuge in my work thinking that things would be better in February except that when my Sensations returned my body gave up the first time after I received the knock during a match against Man City I felt my right knee twisting it was a tear of the external ligament 8 weeks off and the second just a few weeks after I returned to the field in April 2023 attended in my hip this injury initially psychological Mark the end of my season and then he spoke about the end of his time at Tottenham and he said it was a combination of several factors the team was lacking results and the coach con it would have been then under pressure was losing patience therefore the group dynamic was negative Tottenham were coming to the end of a cycle and so was I during my first injury break I only wanted to come back and help the club achieve its goals but after my second there was no longer any issue I knew that Tottenham wanted to recruit younger players especially in my position summer was approaching and I was no longer part of the plans when the championship resumed in August 2023 the coach informed me that would be Posta kogo that I would no longer enter the field I would only be a training player I was pushed aside I had become transparent those eight months without playing were complicated since I’ve been playing football when I started the age of six I’ve been thinking about the upcoming match planning for the next goal when all this collapses we no longer know how to make any sense of physical effort why hurt ourselves why push yourself to come back however I was not unhappy I took the opportunity to spend more time with my family and it did me good I was able to celebrate my father’s 70th birthday and go to see my brother playing laav against PSG it would have been impossible if I’d been on a team sheet at Tottenham one day I know football will stop for me I will perhaps miss the adrenaline because it is a drug but I’m not afraid of this little death as I call it in the sporting World there is an afterlife and I can’t wait to know it too so yeah very poetic from Hugo um very poetic indeed but um yeah I kind of feel like that’s been a bit of a different tone the other ones I don’t don’t really feel he is moaning too much about Po’s decision because he’s spoken about in other interviews and there seems to be quite a mutual respect between them it was just made very clear from the start you said you want to leave you wanted a new challenge it’s taken you 6 months you haven’t found one yet obviously eventually found the the move to lafc but at this time we’re looking at Vicario we want to start the next chapter here you’re kind of part of the older chapter and you want to leave anyway so I don’t think there were any kind of hard feelings about it it just I think the words there maybe a little bit more passionate sounding because of the way he was talking but I just thought they were quite interesting uh talking to goalkeepers just wanted to very quickly say what a brilliant experience for Josh key Josh key um you’ve heard me speaking about him in the loan roundups and stuff I’ve done in the past um six months or so first half of the season did brilliant stuff for the under 21s at Spurs he was part of their unbeaten kind of first half of the Season or so then he went to Barnet Josh and had a terrific loone spell there helped them into the playoffs in the National League um and then he’s had this great moment where he came back and Republic of Ireland John OA um they called him up um to be part of the the training um with the senior Squad Republic of Island was brilliant uh so he spent I think it was about a week with them amazing experience for a young player um was he 21 year old so what a great season all those big strides he’s made and now an international kind of uh break where he spent with them and then he headed off with the under 21s I think it was for Tuesday night they had games against Croatian England I think it was um or is I think they’ve played Croatia they’ve got England no sorry I think they’re playing Croatia on the 7th and England on the 11th but he was joining up with him on a Tuesday that was it so yeah yeah really exciting um for for Josh it’s fantastic as well it’s been some really good interesting little International bits with with him with Troy Mikey Moore obviously with the under 17s England under 17s at European championships having a great time um and you know we talk about kind of young players and opportunities and stuff next season obviously for Mikey we intrigued to see what happens with him he’s so young um and and what that kind of means for him and what minutes and Tyrese Hall’s another one as well but uh I think I’m doing a Q&A at the end of this just just a quicker one cuz I’m that I’ve spok for quite a while but um I feel like having a quick glance across and with some youth questions I’m not going to tread on the toes too much of that um elsewhere what have we got just kind of thinking about Strikers really and and I was just looking at some of the kind of the the links out there and obviously there’s still a lot links we know Spurs do like Santiago kimz at fire Nord um he was at the Spurs Stadium wasn’t he a few weeks back watching a game um there’s a lot of talk that they like Rodrigo munz as well at Fulham who’s kind of had I guess this big season for him um always a bit of a worry isn’t it when someone’s had one good season he may go that’s the gamble I guess he could go on and have a terrific season just build on it um but yes the stuff’s G quite quiet on even Tony Ian Tony uh recently maybe because of the England squad involvement and everything to do with that and the Euros coming up um I really like Dominic sanki I think he’s a terrific Striker um and I can really see him up front of a Spurs going a lot of goals but how achievable he is is another thing um would obviously also be Association trained for for Spurs not not Club trained of course uh Alexander eak I think is is is going to be out of out of probably Spurs range this summer because probably you wouldn’t leave Newcastle for for a Tottenham right now uh whereas maybe you would if it was an Arsenal something like that and I know that sounds horrible to say but you hopefully know what I mean um yeah supp been linked with loads of Strikers um the one I keep hearing seevas YF and nezri um who’s had a really good season La Liga um again bit of an older player I think he’s 27 maybe um when Spurs kind of sign Strikers they don’t normally go at that age range although richarson was what 25 26 um there’s a couple in Germany sahu gassi at St om M at Frankfurt they keep getting pushed out there as well again I’m just kind of saying the names that have been pushed around at the moment G jarez garez jarez isn’t it Victor jarez Sporting’s had a brilliant season he knows English uh football very well of course although his release Clause I think is 85.8 85.5 million that’s a lot of money um um yeah someone’s got to go for him this Summer you would think the other one is gone quite quiet other than Roma linked with him was Jonathan David at Le um yeah he’s had a couple of terrific Seasons now in a row I I’m surprised no one’s kind of gone for him the Canadian he’s uh looks like some player really but uh there’s a lot of options out there and I’m sure there’s more that uh we’re not even aware of there’s younger players out there that Spurs could also look at um but yeah let me know in the comments kind of which players you would kind of most like to see come to Spurs up front uh gimenez seems to be the one that kind of people keep telling me his name um when I kind of ask around about stuff and he’s one of the ones that Spurs like again it’s the era deisy isn’t it as I said right at the top about Troy parrot it’s it’s it’s a jump it is a jump um and whether he’s maybe got the more physical game you know um is he Mexican I think he is um whether he’s it’s got something a bit different Dutchman coming from the area divis I suppose you know flashbacks of big old Vinnie Vincent Jansen but uh yeah I’m fascinated to see what happens with the uh the striker situation because they clearly need someone it’s whether you go big on that position or you go big on a Winger who could also play through the middle um you go big on both who who knows who knows if uh Spurs know they’ve got to back poster Cog we’ve got to get the right things and like I said he’s very comfortable really comfortable his EXP question about the uh the plan that’s in place we just need to see how it unfolds now um and and obviously we’ve got to be aware that it’s June the 5th it is very very early still um and I think Spurs will start to kind of heat up in their transfer activity in the second half of this month um as they look to get players in before preseason starts whereas right now I think there’s going to be quite a bit of posturing and I do feel like the euros and the copper America do cause a few issues as well in the process of players just being wrapped up in there and sometimes International managers like say no there’s no transfer talk at this period you’re fully focused on that um so that may play its part as well right do a quick Q&A with some of the ones that we’ve got I’ll try and fit some in this one and some on to the next one um Clifford Phillips 4070 asks are any of our plethora of youngsters likely to fill any of the squad roles we’re looking to fill I’m thinking Alfie Divine in Midfield Jamie and will L here as backups for the forward line I would love to see it um as excited as we all get about transfers I would also love to see some of these young players put into these positions my biggest issue I feel for Alfie this summer is going to be a young Swede called Lucas bergal um Lucas Burwell played his last game for y Garden um at the weekend they lost to hammerby I think it was 3 nil he was going off to Sweden under 21’s duty but actually got an injury in he we withdrew I don’t think it’s anything serious but um yeah so he now gets to kind of fully rest really for the next month which after he told me didn’t he a couple of weeks back I’ve got two preseason two um and now he actually gets to have a proper break he told me he was going to go off with his family and girlfriend for a couple of weeks holiday but now I guess he can extend that a little bit more uh which is probably a good thing for Spurs too but yes I do think Lucas is going to play in a similar position to Alfie uh with Alfie I guess you know we talk about the club trained element Maybe as a player I think he’d be a he’d be fine for the be list now um so whether again that’s wasting a spot if you use it but but also I kind of feel like with Lucas coming in maybe that’s a good chance for Alfie to get another loan Jamie Donley and will lcia I would probably think loans as well but again I do think the key time for all these young players is preseason I think it’s getting in there in front of postu those early weeks when Les International players are back the games against QPR and hearts and the behind closed doors friendlies games that they’ll have at least one uh is is getting the eye of him really uh will probably needs to rest up his aching body as as Jamie’s had a bit of a knee problem as well towards the end of the year I think both of them could do a resting up their bodies and coming back strong um I would imagine with Jamie definitely alone I would think would be unless he absolutely tears it up in preseason which I would love to see him do he’s got the ability to I think Al loone would be better for his development I know there’s a lot of interest in Jamie uh and with will yeah similarly um there’s been interest in him too but I wonder with him maybe he’s the one as a young striker you keep around as a backup if you did want to uh CU theise I think is going to have to go on loan because of the foreign player numbers if you want to register them um and I think Dane and Troy it’s it’s interesting what they’ll say to Dane and whether Dane the idea would be as a player for this season um as a beist player able to play in that Europa League and maybe be told look you’re going to get more minutes in the Cup matches to to develop yeah it’s it’s it’s worth looking at it’s it’s it’s I’d love to see young players I think George Abbott will probably come along quite nicely this Su uh this season as well whether that’s on load or whether that’s with the first team he’s very versatile a lot of good things I keep hearing about George made his Premier League debut at the end of last season against Leeds um and he’s had a terrific year second half of the season the captain for the under 21s for most of it so uh what else we got here um Ln 361 do you think Alis Andor E A are realistic targets Spurs certainly like them both um I get the feeling that at least they maybe seems to be closer links to Chelsea wasn’t it they almost signed in before is a certainly we know that Spurs uh have liked him for a while um wasn’t he a game as well I think he’s been I think base who are the his a the agency that represent him have got a box at Spurs and there will certainly talk about him being at Spurs and watching a game that’s yeah like lots of players do that it doesn’t always mean stuff I know I said that about himz earlier but it is something that players when they’re in the country or don’t have a game they’ll come and watch a game because it’s an amazing Stadium as well obviously Bas having very close links with Spurs is another thing um you know Posta cogo’s agency uh Madison’s agency son’s agency sar’s agency Poo’s agency many of the youngsters I just mentioned I think Jamie Donley’s as well maybe Alfie Divine too um yeah quite a few of them so that may play a part but like I said earlier it’s probably one or the other rather than both of those leaving um unless like I say if those um release Clauses aren’t too complicated maybe that’s uh that’s where something uh happens there you see I occasionally looking over at my laptop which is down there because as I’ve said before doing these in the transfer window are such a nightmare I’m doing this slightly earlier than would normally record it which leaves me massively open to the danger of something breaking this evening um newswise which it could easily do so yeah but hey just have to do another one um what else we got vjet Thomas 7939 ask do you think we’ll be looking for defenders in this transfer window or do you think we have enough depth with drin Davies and Ashley Phillips and possibly dorington uh po Saidi wants another Center back so someone else will be sought um Ashley Phillips I would maybe imagine goes out on loan dorington he’s had uh surgery I think was his hamstring so he’s going to be out for a little while probably back at the start of early kind of start of the Season uh you would think that would make him then a candidate really to be one of the options I guess for the bench Ben Davies I’m still intrigued to see what happens with him year left on his deal POA really likes him probably doesn’t fit the inverted fullback role but is very versatile across the backline as a squad player I guess it’s down to Ben Davies what he wants I think he’s at that stage in his career where really Spurs probably look to him to see what he wants to do um what else we got maharan Pendragon asks are we still interested in Nua haven’t heard much about him recently obviously they they did Trail him for quite a while um and got close but brenford went for him then that kind of fell apart um yeah he’s had an interesting season really because obviously everything that happened with him as well um yeah I don’t know Ona um it would seem odd that they would suddenly drop that interest I would imagine there’s still interest there but you would think brenford would be kind of front of the queue if he is become if he does become available again this summer clubs look at him um must admit I haven’t heard much on him but that’s not to say it’s not going to be the case Michael cd1 guu asks I’ve heard Spurs interesting salanki is one of the options for a new Striker as wonder if that’s still one on the radar as far as you know what are your thoughts on his potential signing I’ve already kind of covered that i’ really like Dominic seleni and I think he would score bucket loads at Spurs um but like I said I haven’t heard anything recently about him but he would make a lot of sense if they did make any kind of move for him as a a homegrown player not Club trained but homegrown um and a very good player I think he’d be a cracking kind of uh signing if they were to go for him um user JD 7fb 5ct to f um asks will luuka gun or Josh KY be part of the first team squad next season I think bearing in mind you’ve got Vicario forer Austin maybe Whiteman I think you can probably afford for Josh key to head out and Loan again um I know there’s a fair few clubs in the football league looking at Josh um I would imagine that would be the case and then Luca G probably another season with under 21s unless a loan offer comes in um as I’ve said before if you get a loan offer for a goalkeeper you probably want to take it uh for a younger one just to get them some development time because they’re so rare goalkeeper loans what else we got um Chris Hoy probably not the Chris Hoy you said and remembers moments clubs where he felt the team got his ideas and it became Instinct at what point uh do you think that happened this season he’s kind of hinted that it was the Chelsea game um when they went down to nine men and they still played in the way he they they thought he wanted them to play um so yeah I’d say that’s probably the game um what else we got TPO Hotspur ask what are your thoughts not Angie’s thoughts on offering Delhi some kind of root back I’m a bit old for Romantic Dreams but if it makes sense or do you think Bal might be a similar player he is a similar player that’s a great shout for Delhi Delhi needs to just step away from the glare of coming back to somewhere like Spurs Deli needs to kind of rebuild start again reset he’s got this lovely brilliant uh Target of the World Cup um being back in the main kind of stream for that but yeah he needs to rebuild find a club uh and and start over again in a way because look he’s been at Everton he been in Turkey as well he hasn’t played a lot of football if any um I think yeah he needs to build himself up again rather than Chuck himself into the kind of chaos that can be Tottenham Hotbar right now um virtual Knight 2702 do you think Tottenham should promote the strikers in a Youth Academy rather and buy one as we have some brilliant players Like Scarlett parrot and langit I would love them to do that but they are looking for another Striker so um I I would love to see one of those three given an opportunity to try and impress and I guess it’s down in down to them to take whatever opportunity they get um what else we got it might be a decent place to head off there unless is one that really catches my eye before we go um Lisa Wilkinson asks what exactly is a statement signing always wondered I guess it’s a signing that makes a statement um a big money sign signing I suppose that lots of other clubs would have loved to have had I suppose that’s a statement signing but it doesn’t statement signings aren’t always the best signings in a weird way the the correct signings are the best ones the clever signings are the best ones um you know Mickey vanen yes he was around4 Million but he wasn’t seen as the big splashy most expensive option in that position and he turned out to be a brilliant signing so yeah it doesn’t always work that way um Adam Harris ask are you surprise Spurs on for lyd kill or toen ad rayou both homegrown and free agent seems like a no-brainer to me they liked both they tried for Lloyd Ketty last summer um and actually they did have a go for tosen as well but um Fulham weren’t looking to let him go at that point I think with those two players again it’s about game time and as I said earlier about Chala Fourth Kind of Defender um Lloyd Kelly played a lot Bournemouth who want to play a lot uh looks like potentially Newcastle to Ado looks like it’s going to be Chelsea I mean it’s very close to being Chelsea um again you’d hope well in his mind he he’ll be hoping for a lot of game time there I just wonder whether that’s that little thing for Spurs we’re not quite on the level of hey we’ve got Harry Kane want to be a striker at Spurs it’s not that kind of thing U but it is a case of you’d have to really bet on yourself to squeeze into that team um right last one we going do this one uh Michael Hamilton ask on Lucas bergal where do you think an will play him in the number six eight or 10 position I think number eight um having a watched him myself in the flesh um and having obviously seen lots of uh clips and bits and pieces of him as well on top of that he’s really is a number eight he caning 68 or 10 very very well but I think in the Posta cogu system number eight will suit him perfectly um I’m very excited to see what happens with Lucas he’s won a I’m trying to temper my expectations because he is coming up from it’s a massive jumping quality of the league having watched it myself um there in um in Brahma Pana against y Garden but technique wise Intelligence on and off the ball um and also physicality U that’s got to come on a lot but he is still it’s got a good foundation there I’ve got a big hope that he makes a more immediate impression than we expect he’s a young player so it’s going to fluctuate and he’s going to have kind of periods of going up and down but I do think we’ll see him you know settle in a lot quicker than maybe you would expect younger players to do um that that’s my hope I’m not going to put pressure on him because you know some people around him told me 6 months is probably the amount of time he needs to fully adapt or at least adapt a fair chunk of what he needs to but I do think um he’s going to be very excited so yeah right I’m going to head off there as I said anything could break within the next couple of minutes or so just as soon as I I’ve got this all good period of of uh it takes about an hour and a half sometimes more to publish these it just takes a while to uh to get into YouTube system and it does all its checks and things it does as well um and in that time I’m always like don’t anything happen please um and occasionally it does and it probably will tonight because I’ve talked about probably jinxed it haven’t I but there you go but I’m going to head off and enjoy the rest of my evening um we got through loads we had a good old chat about loads of stuff in that one and you heard me rant about kits sorry about that right time to head off um I’ll try and do another one maybe at the weekend if I can if there’s enough to talk about if not it’ll be early next week and uh yeah as always stay healthy stay safe look after yourselves I shall catch you later goodbye


  1. There are Chinese sites that sell replica tops for around £20, and they are excellent quality, as good as the real thing. Not that I would advocate that of course.

  2. With our homegrown quota issues and Emerson likely leaving. I can't help but thinking Skippy could be converted as a great back-up for Porro? Much more cost effective then KWP for £20 mill surely?

  3. Interesting about the shirts, I was at Real Madrid recently and the elite shirt was 185 euro!! The normal one was 125 euros!! Here in Portugal, club members get a 10 per cent discount on all items, including shirts. Also they don't have 'elite' shirts. The base one is 90 euro. I still think they should rotate home and away every two years but its never going to happen. Football is just a business now.

  4. The kit prices are a total con and the answer is quite simple, don't buy them. Children have to learn you can't always get what you want.
    And don't get me started on the scandalous environmental impact of producing these clothes.
    As you can tell by my fractious mood, I have a dental appointment today!

  5. Gallagher wants to stay at Chelsea. Doesn't it end any speculation about him ? And if Chelsea is forced to sell why would he came to Spurs ? And on top of that we, at Spurs, often complain about players not giving their all for the badge so I do think that Gallagher, with all due respect, would probably go through the motions get his pay cheque and get back to Chelsea as soon as possible.

  6. Ali, how does the cash injection from ENIC get factored into PSR? It may not longer apply because of the time it was included but seems like a tool other clubs could use as well as a temporary solution. Thoughts?

  7. Skipp's 24 in September. If you're loaning out players at that age, they never come back. Really, 22 should be the borderline for loans. After that age, you're just postponing the inevitable decision.

  8. As always, thank you, Ali for your excellent updates. Not sure where we'd be without them. Happy summer one and all. 🌄

  9. Julian Alverez wants to leave city – if we were indeed actually looking at isak and been priced out by newcastle, do you think alverez could be a genuine option?

  10. Couldn't agree more with the kit rant Alasdair! Been saying it for a couple of years. I remember the summer 2020 kit release, when the pandemic had just started and people were being laid off left right an centre, and spurs were asking nearly £100 for a shirt! Made me so mad!

  11. People won’t keep paying absurd amounts of money for textiles. There will be a turning point. Maybe they should try winning something before doing the madness with these things.

  12. It seems people are listening to your podcast Alistair shrinkig and repackag it and trying to earn a living off the back of you

  13. Not sure why people buy the kits every year, but prices for pro sports as a whole, especially the NFL are outrageous. NFL jerseys rarely change. If they do, it may be once every 5-10 years.

  14. Son & sarr on the back cause if you get kulusevski on the back youre broke 😂😂😂
    I remeber only paying an extra £5 on my £35 turquoise spurs away shirt with giovanni dos santos on the back back when i was 13 .

  15. I bought my soon to be 3 year old last seasons away kit for £20 which will last. Madness that anyone would pay £55 for a child’s kit let alone £85 for the adult shirt. Games on!!

  16. Hey Ali – to confirm what you said about shirts in the US. The Marathon Edition Red Sox jerseys are over $200 at Fenway park. Insane prices.

  17. Gallagher is awful no idea what you like about him i guess he runs around a lot.. thats nice but 50mil worth of running around alot with 50 mil worth running down the wing from Johnson is yet again spurs wasting money

  18. It is absurd to pay that kind of money for a kit. I totally agree.
    As for the complaints, I can fully understand that. If they can't put the AIA in blue, I would love to know why? Do they not think that they might even sell more shirts if they did that? Also, the designers that they use must wait until they have to put their ideas forward and then spend the last hour of that deadline coming up with a new one. It would be acceptable if they touted 3 choices, for example, and went with the popular choice. At least we wouldn't be able to complain en mass.

  19. 85 quid for fan shirt or 125 for player shirt is disgusting especially when you look into how cheap the cost of making a shirt is its daylight robbery , so much for the cost of living crisis clubs dont care as long as they make there money . plenty of sites to buy em on the cheap though cough cough lol

  20. ive not been to watch spurs play since champs league run to final simply because i can no longer afford the cost of the ticket or how hard it is to get one and travel which makes me sad as a fan that use to go home and away all the time from the mid 80,s but as you say the everyday working class fan is being slowly priced out of going regular

  21. a prem proven forward should be main focus toney/solanke i reckon but then if that looks unlikely you cast the net further gimenez / openda etc cant see us shelling out on gyökeres tbh

  22. Thanks for the rant about the shirt prices! I’ve not seen anybody moan about this and I thought I was going crazy. Why are they so bloody expensive??????

  23. Regarding the Red in the shirt, would that be down to the fact some or all Asian countries consider the colour Red as lucky?.

  24. Latest from Tottenham “Will Add One More Attaking Player” should have known. What a crock, so no new striker then if we get Eze

  25. I wait until the end of the season to buy a kit when they are discounted and I just get whoever my favourite player was that season (VDV this year)

  26. Hi Ali, thanks for the video. Not sure if you know but your initials of Alasdair Gold is the chemical symbol for silver AG. Who knew? 🤷🏾‍♂️

  27. Absolutely agree about the kits, Ali. When I was at school, my parents used to buy me shirts and even full…kits. I had a few Spurs kits, a Brazil one from the '94 World Cup, and a couple of England ones (one being that awesome strip from Italia '90). My parents definitely weren't rich, probably on the skint end of things if i'm honest. Still managed to buy me these things. It's completely mental. Especially with kids, having the shirt of your team means an awful lot, definitely was the case with me.

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