Golf Players

The Opening Drive – May 17th, 2024

00:00- DEVELOPING STORY: Scottie Scheffler was detained by police outside Valhalla — Cardinals start a three-game series against the Red Sox tonight — NHL + NBA Playoffs

17:30 – Former PGA pro Jay Delsing breaks down the incoming news on the Scottie Scheffler situation

42:40 – MLB Storylines

55:53 – TIOLI

1:02:50 – Battlehawks RB Jacob Saylors joins the show after his big 3-TD week and breaks down this weekend’s matchup in the BattleDome

1:20:27 – Fresh Take: Lets take a look at this homestand…three vs. Boston, three vs. Baltimore, three vs. the Cubs. What’s one thing that fascinates you about each team in this series?

1:34:45 – The Fight

1:50:40 – The Cardinals are at the quarter mark for the season–what has been the most important story to their problems?

2:05:20 – Rush Hour Reset

2:18:32 – They said whaaaaaattttt?

2:33:55 – Former Cardinal, ESPN, MLB network analyst Xavier Scruggs on the Cardinals hitting issues, the impact of a hitting coach & what he sees with Goldy’s problems

2:53:50 – Rocc & Roll

one ESPN is driven by Auto live from the car shield studio this is the opening drive on 101 [Music] ESPN good morning everyone and happy Friday from the opening drive on 101 ESPN in St Louis with Brook grim and Dan mclaughin and Matthew Rocko I’m Randy carer it is great to have you with us it’s 7 o’cl your time check brought to you by Clarks and Jewelers and officially licensed Rolex Jeweler and obviously a very busy morning coming up if you’ve been listening to unsportsmanlike from the ESPN radio network Scotty Sheffer the number one golfer in the world detained by Louisville Police this morning as he was trying to enter Valhalla Golf Club a pedestrian a person who was heading to the tournament have been hit by a bus outside Valhalla Golf Club passed away at the scene so our thoughts and prayers are with with he and his family but according to ESPN reporter Jeff Darlington who witnessed the incident Scotty sheffler was trying to get into Valhalla Golf Club he was trying trying to drive around to the crash scene on a median a police officer instructed Sheffer to stop but he continued to drive about 20 10 to 20 yards towards the entrance at one point an officer attached himself to the side of sheffer’s car this is according to to Jeff Darlington Sheffer stopped his vehicle as he turned into the entrance at Valhalla Golf Club and after about 10 or 20 to 30 seconds sheffler rolled down his window to talk to the officer the officer grabbed sheffer’s arm this is the number one golfer in the world and pulled him out of the vehicle according to Darlington the officer reached inside the vehicle to open the door and once sheffler was pulled out he was pushed against the car and placed in handcuffs and Jeff Darlington of ESPN has the incident at least shuffler being taken away on his his ex feed at Jeff Darlington good morning to you guys Dan your first take shocked uh and I wonder if he can make his tea time and where do this take the tournament he was scheduled to tea off at 8:48 uh Eastern so 7:48 about 46 minutes um I I don’t know and I can’t remember a time and I’m sure it’s happened multiple times where guys over sleep or they get stuck in traffic to make their tea time and just rush to the opening tea and and not have any time to warm up I’m sure that’s happened it has to have happened it happened with John Dy here a little different circumstance yeah I I just you know what does the tournament do what’s the PGA Tour do you you have a specific tea time that you have to be on I’m very curious about what this means for his golfing for not only today but the rest of the weekend it seems like there were other golfers who were also trying to do the same thing or did the same thing and so it just makes you wonder exactly what the full scale of the scene looked like of course thoughts and prayers to the person who passed away this morning and the family members that were involved with that I’m just curious to know the full scale of what this scene looked like I’ve looked at some of the video you could tell that there was a heavy police presence but maybe he just thought since some of the other drivers were going through that he could go through as well and here’s Michael Collins of ESPN as you know the the caddy uh who is now a star of ESPN and he was also around the scene and mentioned exactly what you said Brooke that some other golfers were trying the same thing we have just been informed by the PGA of America that play will begin at 8:35 a.m. here local time that’s a 1 hour and 20 minute delay but they have told us that play will Begin Again 8:35 a.m. now when I got down here to the grounds the first thing I did was go over by the putting green and I saw a player and a caddy putting and I said hey tell me about the troubles that you had getting into the course and he said we got here about 5:45 myself and my caddy were in the car together and we did the exact same move that Scotty Sheffer attempted to to do and that was go around traffic and turn into the golf course and when the security or police officer saw the car in the markings on the side of the car they just waved us through with no issues whatsoever didn’t have to roll our windows down or anything and sheffer’s car according to reports was marked the exact same way Courtesy car I’m sure handed out by the folks of the PGA of America which is typical when you go to any tournament the players are giving a a courtesy car it happens here at the Ascension Charity Classic by the way J deling will join us at at 7:15 normal time at 7:30 I’m sure he seen something like this before in his 30 plus years on the PGA tour I just don’t remember it ever happening with the number one player in the world that’s won four the last five events I really hate that this happened you wish that it didn’t have to escalate but it seems like this was just a scene where there was a lot of stuff going on and sometimes things can get confused and there’s a lot of misunderstandings hate yeah a lot of stress I hate that it escalated to this moment Jeff Darlington of ESPN was standing at the entrance to Balla Golf Club when he witnessed this going down I can also tell you that a police officer did tell me as I attempted to uh approach the patrol car that had Scotty Sheffer in the back of it uh there is I I made clear he he I believe thought that I was perhaps Scotty sheffer’s with with Scotty Sheffer I made very clear that I was with the media he said there’s nothing you can do he’s going to jail so there there wasn’t obviously an awful lot of thought put into and I mentioned the stressful situation doesn’t seem like there was an awful lot of thought put into trying to find out who exactly this was well it’s interesting the quote on and then you heard the clip there it says you need to get out of the way the officer told Darlington quote there’s nothing you can do Scotty sheffler is going to jail so did he know and I’m not saying should get preferential treatment depending on the situation it is what it is but did he know this is the number one golfer in the world that you’re ready to detain going into his events I was going to I I told Matthew when I walked in I said by the end of this day that cop is going to say why couldn’t it have been Brian Harmon or somebody like that or just Joe Smith exactly why do I have to deal with this yeah so it it’s a it’s a crazy situation down in Louisville and I’m sure that there will be a lot of scrutiny today uh on the actions of the police officer and the police department that’s not the first controversy that Police Department’s been involved with in the past so I would guess there will be a lot of scrutiny today and now you when you think about the Tea Time the the the start of the tournament being pushed back yeah an hour and a half his time was 7:48 St Louis time so you would think that would be moved back an hour and a half too his particular team tea time so 7:48 St Louis time 8:4 maybe he would be able to make a 918 I don’t know but then after being detained like that you would worry about just his mindset going into I don’t know the rules of I mean this is such a unique circumstance and normally with golf you got your tea time and it’s incumbent on you to make your tea time but with the circumstances at hand with the PGA of America say you know what this is this is such a ridiculous situation that we will will break the rules so to speak and move him back his tea time um it is raining right now too at Valhalla so you know maybe quote unquote we have more of a delay than we thought was going to happen I I don’t know the answers to that so here is the Jeff Darlington I believe we have it now the Jeff Darlington video from Valhalla and so what he’s doing is following along as the police officers are ushering Scotty sheffler toward a police car and it it appears to me that Jeff Darlington is is trying to explain to the officers and they don’t want to hear anything trying to explain to them exactly who they have in custody here’s the the audio from the Jeff Darlington video on X guys guys guys dude uhuh step back back up I’m back I’m back guys what do we I’m staying back right now right now he’s going to jail okay okay he’s going to jail and it ain’t nothing you can do about it period i there’s there’s nothing you can do about it okay I now you do you have question I’m a I’m media I’m a reporter okay that’s all I’m just I just want to make sure that’s okay but you need to step back over here now no problem you got it okay okay so again we don’t know exactly what the situation is and what Scotty Sheffer would be charged with if indeed he is charged I would be shocked if he was but it does seem like the the cops the the police officers were not handling a stressful situation particularly well doesn’t seem like there was much interest in the facts at the moment so I want to ask Jay if you miss your tea time no matter what the circumstances then are you disqualified you know does that take you out of the tournament you would think that this gets handled and once the dust settles things will figure their themselves out but does he have a chance to make that tea time that’s that’s something the PG America with such odd circumstances we’ll have to figure out and by the way we do have uh there’s no at least no known video of what happened but we do know from all of the people that witnessed this that Sheffer was going very slowly as he approached the entrance to Valhalla Golf Club and as we know the police officer reached inside the vehicle when Sheffer rolled his window down here’s Peter Burns of ESPN after speaking to authorities I asked an officer I said while we were waiting they go hey you know what’s it look like we’re trying to get into the broadcast facility and they said here’s the situation as you know that there was a uh fatality accident earlier we’re investigating that and then quote some blank tried to run over one of our cops and he was fairly agitated when he told us and I followed up I said well is that person now obviously we did not know who that person was and now we know it to probably also you maybe be Scotty Sheffer him saying I asked has that person been removed from the premises and they said oh that person’s going to jail there was an agitation um from from that officer who I do not believe is in the actual in the altercation itself but at some point that’s how it was viewed at from from that officer um in in that line of communication so there is Peter Burns of ESPN saying that a police officer from the Louisville Police dep Department told him that Scotty Sheffer the number one golfer in the world tried to run over a Louisville cop I guess we’ll find out more as this morning goes on um I I’m very curious on the golf side of things is what this does for the tournament what it does for Scotty Sheffer most importantly I I feel awful about the fatality that is uh been reported that is first and foremost but from the golf side of things from the sports side of things uh which is where Sports show again the fatality is number one in this thing but um very curious what the PG of America does with this unique situation a situation I don’t think any of us have seen I can tell you this in traveling with the blues and the Cardinals and being on team buses I have seen where there might be a protest going on and you’re trying to get to the ballpark and you’re just stuck that’s the way it goes and you know this is something that Scotty shuffler obviously is in the middle of and it’s a developing situation as we go along this morning and I can only draw from the experience of just watching the PGA Championship that we had here at St Louis at the B Reef Country Club there’s police officers that are very aware of what’s going on at the golf course but then maybe when you have a fatality happen in that situation there’s police officers who are coming in who maybe aren’t fully aware of who the golfers are or even the mark cars that situation who needs to get in and out and maybe it sounds like he went over tried to get over in the median and things just really escalated from there so there’s a lot this seems like it just looks like there was a lot that was happening at the scene of that my hope is that we’ll learn more as the day unfolds by the way the Cardinals will play tonight opening a three-game series against the Red Sox at the Ballpark 7:15 start it’ll be big game Gibby Jim Kyle Gibson going for the Cardinals he’ll be opposed by Brian Bellow of Boston and Boston has the best team earned run average in the sport all right a lot going on obviously at Valhalla and we’re going to talk to Jay deling normally we’d get to Jay at 7:30 but we’re going to talk to him early he will join us next Jay deling here on the opening drive on 101 ESPN e e e back in the day when Danny Mack and I were taking Communications courses at Lindenwood it was a great campus and it was a great place to go to school and it still is at but here’s the thing we didn’t have division one sports and now you can discover your Roar at Lindenwood home of NCAA division one Lindenwood lion Sports and over 50 student clubs and organizations you can apply today at Lindenwood or schedule a visit at it really is a fantastic institution Lindenwood is has been around since 1832 and it’s been educating the St Louis region for almost 200 years and they award over $30 million in scholarships and grants every single year and that along with the cost makes it one of the most affordable private universities in the region they have traditional and online programs for every stage of your academic Jersey journey and if you are somebody who likes the campus experience if you want you or your youngster to head to a place where there’s a great Vibe they have great Sports and it’s a fantastic academic experience go to Lindenwood learn more and schedule your tour today at e e [Music] Brook grimsey Danny Mack Randy carer and the opening drive on 101 ESPN Scotty sheffler now has a mug shot out there so apparently he has been arrested and uh so that doesn’t bode well for his ability to play in the PGA Championship today arrested and we don’t know what the charge is but after an incident where he was trying to get into Valhalla Golf Club was stopped by police officers they reached into his car opened the door and pulled him out uh he apparently according to the police was defying their orders to stop as he like other golfers was trying to get around he was driving out a median trying to get into Valhalla we don’t know all the facts there isn’t video of the situation yet and so what we know is what you just heard but we welcome Jay deling former PGA Tour Pro into the conversation as we do every Friday morning here on 101 ESPN Jay good morning how you doing I’m doing well you guys there’s never a dull moment in the world of golf is there holy cow this is crazy and we do have a uh a mug shot of Scotty Sheffer in an orange jumpsuit by the way booked at 7:28 Eastern this morning so uh about 50 minutes ago officially booked and now we do have a mug shot and if you have a mug shot and if you’re wearing the orange jumpsuit I’m presuming that you have been arrested so Jay we wanted to get you on early to talk about the golf aspect of this and first of all if Scotty Sheffer let’s just ask about the PGA could the PGA Tour move his golf time if he were able to go later today well first of all guys when there’s so much to unpack here but if he was if if that mug shot was taken at 720 eastern time that’s 620 our time um so that the reason why that’s notable is because because of this fatality the PGA of America set all the tea times back an hour because of the bedum and the chaos and people not getting able to I mean Spectators volunteers nobody could get through when there’s a fatality I guess the the these roads were completely shut down okay and so the PJ of America has has backed those tea times up it’s raining down there now and um there was an uh an update that I guess the the entire delay is going to be an hour and a half now typically speaking I got into the PJ Championship down in Shaw Creek back in the 90s because Ken green misre his tea time and didn’t show up I was the first alternate I was standing on the tea a guy Taps me on my shoulder like you’re in and what I and I knew one thing that once I hit that first shot they couldn’t take me out so iint it up to the te I threw my one iron down on the ground and I just slammed this thing down there somewhere and I was in the field but what they what because of the extenuating circumstances here and I don’t think anything like this has happen but the tournament committee does have some leeway they have some leeway I’ve been texting like crazy down there trying to figure out if he’s going to be okay I can’t imagine what the charge was I can’t imagine but you know Brooke you brought this up just a few minutes ago what’s your state of mind like I mean this is the most mild-mannered guy on tour we’re reading things that says the PGA Tour may have a Scotty Sheffer problem because the fans you know are looking for somebody that’s a little more robust and a little more charismatic and a little more you know in your face and that’s not him I mean it it what happens when you when you go to these events and Danny Mack you live close to B reev and you sometimes moving the traffic patterns make it worse I know that sounds crazy because there’s studies done and everything but you get these traffic patterns and most people are used to a um a road going you know this is a two-way Road I’m going to work whatever whatever and it just can really Jack things up and a lot of times these police officers can be really overzealous and with the fatality this morning everybody was running on 10 everybody was running on 10 so it’s really super unfortunate I I can’t imagine this cop seeing the decal on the side of his car and you’re not I don’t even know Scotty shuer had ever had a damn speeding ticket so I have a hard time imagining that he was going very fast but obviously he’s irritated somebody in blue down there and it’s not going well so this is just a full-on disaster for the PG of America you have a horrific uh accident that kills a pedestrian world number one really seems to be just a a beautiful human being being detained by the police uh it it’s I’m not sure Jay if you’re the PG of America you could uh have a worst scenario and a nightmare I I want to go back though to the golf aspect of this if he’s released which at some point I guess he will be can the PGA of America with these kind of circumstances say we know your tea time was at X but we’re going to move it back 5 hours or 4 hours um because of the the mitigating circumstances that they’re under can they do that golf wise with something like this Danny it’s never been done before that I’m aware of but they do have extenuating they have they have overreach they have all the power in the world to do whatever they want especially now the PGA of America because this is a major is not a um a PGA Tour co-sanctioned event so PGA Tour rules don’t have anything to do with this this is all on Seth wall and Don Ray and Jim lton and and Nathan Cs and all the all the leadership at the PJ of America so um I don’t know you so guys there’s a lot to take in here because Scotty’s not playing by himself you know he’s got a group you’re you’re GNA say if you go ahead and make this precedent and say yeah we’re GNA push his tea time back an hour and just you know push everything the tea times are usually 10 or 11 minute intervals in a major so Scotty Sheffer goes off at X you know this morning and they’re going to say we’re going to push him back an hour or so and see if that if that matters I mean no one’s Scotty Sheffer he may just withdraw I mean he may just say I I’m I this is this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me which I’m sure it is knowing him and um he may just say I I mean I can’t even think about golf right now I’ve got a do I have a criminal record what’s the implications do I need an attorney I mean you start you start peeling away some of the levels here guys and it just gets stupid you have to wonder too in a situation like this if the golfers caddies and coaches could bypass and Inter Valhalla and maybe say no guess but we’re going to try to get the tournament going and that’s something to consider at this point too but we just don’t know the circumstances of which this was handled so I I want to go back to the golf aspect of this too Jay because that’s where your expertise lies if if he walks into Valhalla what would it be like to have no warm-up as a PGA professional and just say hey you’re on the tea and and go for it you know that’s got to be his call again I mean it what really matters is his mental state after being treated like this after obviously he he I mean if you’re going to ask him he probably would have thought man I should have done this a little differently or I should have got out of my car and identified myself I I I’m not sure it really depends on on Scotty I mean he hasn’t played this is this is the what fourth s he hasn’t played in three weeks he’s obviously not showing a whole hell of a lot of rust he shot four under par yesterday holding his second shot his first Iron shot as a new dad in in tournament competition he made a two on and so I I I just really don’t know I don’t know him that well um but there’s so much going on I I don’t know this whole um arresting sort of situation what what is it how long are you detained and probably each state has their own rules and you know I’m sure um there’s not a whole lot of people in that police office uh uh that that really care about him making a tea time right now I really don’t think they do otherwise you know somehow cooler heads could have prevailed and someone would have jumped in there and said hey guys wait a second this is the he’s not the only guy that’s done that I promise you there were every single player was pulling off the side of the road and trying to get into Valhalla and it it um yeah it’s just really really difficult there’s just a few there’s just a few many too many um details that I’m missing that I I can’t quite speak to but there’s not it’s the the entrance to Valhalla is not like a six Lane Road hey hey J I I want to interrupt you because this came from James Colgan of he said if you’ve been at Valhalla this week you know the traffic flow outside the course has been a disaster waiting to happen two narrow Lanes going each way corded off by like 2,000 halfhazard cones no real signage just a lot of confusion and he points out that there was an accident yesterday too yeah it’s it’s it’s just it’s just just amazing I mean that’s a lot of times guys when you go to these historic golf clubs they’re isolated a little bit they’re usually one in two-lane roads that go in there and so when you try to put on a major championship excuse me it’s it’s really really challenging and then you you have something terrible like this happened this I mean somebody lost their life today trying to go to the golf tournament man that’s that’s really difficult we I did see this once you guys when I was playing at Crooked Stick at the PGA Championship in 1991 when John Daly won we had someone struck by lightning in the parking lot after play and um and lost their life so it’s obviously slightly different but when someone’s you know life is lost the whole the whole production pretty much comes to a a hall and justifiably so do do do players have Jay and especially like in the tiger ERA with tiger specifically do they have police escorts do you see that a lot I know with you know professional sports that I dealt with with baseball and and hockey and and whatnot you’d be in a bus there’d be a lot of times a police escort do do individuals in in golf get that as well oh yeah Danny we’ve seen tiger hell Danny you didn’t need a police escort you had Mike Shannon just up just get out and move the cones in the barricade he was America’s guest there’s no doubt about it guys I just got a text from um Don Ray who’s the vice president of the PGA of America and he said it’s all good Scotty’s all I said Scott is okay Scotty’s going to make his tea time are we all good and he said all good but keep praying that’s what he said so that’s I just got that Randy is you got that Interruption from from James I got that from Don and so I I can tell you that the pga’s highest priority is trying to trying to put this thing to bed as quickly as possible and and and get back to golf man it it’s a it’s been a tough time well getting back to golf one of the things I want to throw to here is that Jim will be on your show from 8: to 10: this Sunday and he talked about broadcasting here in St Louis I’ll never forget what that scene at Bel ree was like as Brooks and tiger battling down the stretch it it was beyond description this town has a great love affair with the game I just wish we were there more often and I trust there will be more big events coming soon but St Louis has stated its case what it will do if you bring it they’ll be there I’ve loved being able to broadcast several times from B Reef uh I even missed the days of covering the Rams I had a final four in St Louis 2005 it’s a great Sports Town undeniable and I’ve I’ve got some some great memories there and hopefully I’ve got a few more to be made and that’ll be nice to see in the BMW Championship coming to St Louis in 2026 and Brooke you wanted to add it to this too yeah just one last question I have for you just kind of Switching gears a little bit because as you said there’s always so many stories surrounding the PJ tour currently right now I know that you heard about Roy mro’s comments the other day where he talked about Jimmy Dunn and his resignation what do you think about that and what do you think this means moving forward for the PGA Tour and for Liv hey Brooke I hope it’s not Jimmy dun’s birthday this week too because he’s probably gonna announce that on Twitter or some other thing I mean his timing is just so it’s just so bad I mean if that didn’t scream self-serving Brooke nothing did I look Jimmy Dunn is a a movie a Shaker in the golf world everybody knows it he’s a member at Augusta he’s a member at seminal he’s he’s that guy but that guy has to come out during the week at the PGA Championship and tell us that he’s uh Superfluous and not going to be involved in any of these uh negotiations anymore give me a break man the PGA of America’s been busting their butt to run a championship they got a I don’t know what the purse is almost $20 million I know that they had to come up with an extra five million that they didn’t have you know to to suffice the the purse requirements and and then he comes out and says that I just H Brooke it just it it just stunk to me I mean I I also read an article about from Jordan spe and Jordan spe was thrown in shade at the PGA um also at a championship and I’m just like what in the heck is going on it it a major championship and it just sounded really entitled and Jimmy Dunn seemed really self-serving to me I mean I’m sure Jimmy Dunn doesn’t like to be criticized but I just and I’d love to hear what he’s thinking but why did that have to come out period in the headlines and why did it have to come out the week of the PGA Championship and Rory oh sorry not it didn’t mean to cut you off but also Rory Mao is very close with him as well yeah and and um you know there’s I’m not in those rooms Brooke and there we we’ve got some smart people in there but Jimmy Dunn wants to be in the middle of everything I I know that I I did some I made a couple calls in some some texting to some friends and and he’s just that kind of guy you know he loves to be the center of attention loves to be I’m the you know he’s the one that quote unquote started this negotiation with the Saudis he’s got a relationship with the Saudis and and things like that and he’s also Brook though the same guy that lost I don’t know how many employees in the tragic you know 911 uh massacre in New York City and said you know that if he could see the Saudis his face he’d kill him themselves and now he’s you know wanting to be the point guy to deal with it so anyway a little bit off track there but not not a huge fan of what Jimmy Dunn did this week and the whole Rory thing about being on the board not being on the board it’s just it’s just man it’s just a lot of drama let’s just get back to what what are you shooting what I always loved about golf you guys is if you all went out and shot 70 and I shot 71 I knew exactly what I had to do I had to figure out a way to play better all this drama and stuff is is is really difficult to to meander through hey Jay I know you like Xander shley a lot I like Xander shafley a lot but until he goes wire to wire with these great starts I’m GNA have to see it to believe it are you that way absolutely Randy and you know he’s been really Frank about his performances especially in the players championship and he said you know his uh his D he and his dad had like a three-word motto for what it it was commit it was execute and it was accept and he said I have not been executing when I need to execute and by the way it’s not like he stunk the joint up down at at at Quail Hall on Sunday he shot 71 on a really really difficult golf course but when you’re playing out on the PGA tour in order to win you have to keep your foot on the gas I mean Rory mooy played a stretch of holes from number eight to number 15 eight under par guys eight under par that’s two Eagles and birdie and the others and so it’s it wasn’t like he was terrible but to your point Randy this is this is who he’s hanging out with these guys can all play and he’s gotta he’s got to get over this little hump and I really hope he does I think it’d be great for the game and I really like him personally Jay thanks for coming on early we do appreciate it quite a story this morning with Scotty Sheffer being detained at Valhalla Golf Course after a traffic incident and people will be reading about it and hearing about it all day and we appreciate your Insight thank you of course I’ll I’ll zip you some texts if I get anything that’s that’s important appreciate it thank you and if if anything really big comes up we’ll call you back okay right on thanks Jay Jay Del with us we also are now starting to hear from some of the other golfers Michael Kim who’s on the P tour he just tweeted out I assume Scotty thought that there was a a small issue causing some traffic and with a courtesy car cops usually let us through ahead so we’re not caught up behind unnecessarily Scotty was probably thinking I just need to get to the course to start my routine on time obviously with the circumstances the cop was on edge and not letting anything go and I really think that of course we’re going to get more details across today but I think that that is more of a realistic take on what’s going on here you had a fatality this morning really just want to emphasize that I hate that that happened this morning with that pedestrian it seems like they were trying to cross in an area that was meant for buses things get hectic you know when people are just trying to get to different places and then you have the cops who are familiar with what’s going on with that day everything surrounding the golf that are very privy to those sit situations including the courtesy cars but then now that you have the fatality other cops are coming into the situation and it seems like things just got really heated and escalator from there yeah I hope it’s just a giant misunderstanding and I don’t blame the cops don’t blame Scotty sheffler it’s just a huge um misunderstanding with this and I think the number one thing is is yes it is the number one golfer in the world but there’s a fatality and maybe this is something they had to look at even yesterday as you mentioned Randy there were issues with the traffic and their issues getting into the golf course and why wasn’t that rectified going into day two knowing the situation that they had also rainy weather that’s part of what they’re dealing with right now so you know you can sit there and say there’s a lot of blame to go around but I I would imagine that if cooler heads prevailed and you’re using common sense that this is a situation where the cops are not at fault and Scotty sheffler is not at fault and it’s a giant misunderstanding and I I hope that’s what happens here coming up with the Cardinals opening a series with the red tonight we’ve got some quick MLB story lines for you and then at the end of the hour take it or leave it also today on the show we’re going to talk to Jacob Sailors running back from your St Louis battlehawks they play on take on DC Sunday at the Dome and we’re going to talk to Xavier Scruggs in the 9 o’ hour as well but coming up some MLB story lines on 101 ESPN e e e change up your fantasy game and win big just like I did last night on Underdog fantasy with their new pick them product right now now in Missouri pick them Champions you can pick two to five players from at least two different teams select higher lower on the player stat projections pick your entry fee and you’re going to be entering a game alongside other underdogs as long as you hit your entries you’re going to be walking away with your winnings just like I did yesterday I had about a 10x to win but because of the way the game I was in not a lot of people made their entry so I actually won about 11 and a2x on my original entry and so the smart thing here on this next entry is going to be to fade me cuz I haven’t won two in a row in a while so fade this pick do not follow it cuz yesterday we were able to get a win I’m going to go with lower all around the bo again on an NBA playoff entry here’s the thing it’s Friday there’s some golf going on maybe you need to change up one of your golf entries from yesterday because it looks a little bit different today so maybe you want to switch over to some Cardinal baseball maybe some NBA I’m going to go with NBA we’re go lower than 33 and a half points rebounds and assists for Tyrese Halbert and lower on the points rebounds and assists for Jaylen Brunson that’s 45 a half and lower on 26 and half points rebounds and assists for the big man from Indiana miles Turners and lower all across the board on halberton Brunson and Turner in that NBA playoff game Underdog fantasy super easy to play and even easier get started just go to their easyuse mobile app or at Underdog sign up with promo code R and Underdog will give you a mystery special pick to use on your first pick of entry and a deposit offer right now our entry is 6X you add that mystery special pick you’re going to take the entry up 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NCP e e this is Rock here with your sports center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny LOL autolex Cardinals back in action after a day off yesterday starting a three-game series against the Boston Red Sox 715 first pitch tonight it’ll be the righty for the Red Sox Brian beo facing off against the righty for the Cardinals Kyle Gibson beo on the season for the Red Sox 4-1 with a 3.13 ra Kyle Gibson 2-2 for the Cardinals with a 367 ra last night in the NHL playoffs the Rangers over the Hurricanes 5 to3 they come back late in that game after being down 3 to1 to finish off that series with a 42 win the Canucks over the Oilers 3-2 in the game and they’ve also taken a 3-2 lead in that series that is your sports center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny LOL Autoplex see them at Chevy together we drive are you kidding me [Music] time for some MLB story lines here on 101 ESPN Brook Dan and Randy let’s start with Brook Grimsley oh guys did you see what happened last night with the Dodgers and the Reds now with the light shining brighter in La it wasn’t some of the names that you might think of with the Dodgers that were the stars of the show it was actually Ellie DEA Cruz four stolen bases in a single game did you guys know that that was even possible now in this day and age I didn’t think it was it was possible either especially against the Dodgers Tyler glass now was on the mound for that four stolen bases for Ellie deight Cruz he now has 30 so far this season in comparison the Cardinals as an entire team they have 21 stolen bases combined is he the most exciting player in the game today no doubt about he’d be in the conversation Y and and I guess Otani who he was playing against last night would be one of those but David Bell lets him do his thing I think that’s the the approach Brooke to me is the most important thing you have to allow athletic players to use their athleticism had the Personnel let it rip yeah it’s just exciting to watch I went back and watched it he is so fast supposedly he’s the second fastest in the league after with Junior but then after watching that I’m like are we sure about that can we can we time these guys next to each other and see how it goes but I mean he’s such a young exciting player to watch and when he’s doing things like that it just feels like 80s baseball and that’s what I’m sure the league was wanting when you make the bags bigger and he’s taking full advantage of it yeah more offense and I’m going to stick out west and it’s the Dodgers what a shock they’re 29 and 17 they’ve given up four or fewer runs for nearly three straight weeks so they’re pitching staff even though they got hit with another Tommy John yesterday doesn’t matter they will replace him and they’ve got more guys coming but I went with the investment of show Otani they have tapped into the overseas market and every week they’re getting a new sponsorship to look at the investment of 700 million and there’s even some talk of maybe just saying why not just leave him as a hitter don’t worry about pitching next year his bobblehead Knight saw seats going in the $3 to $400 range and it backed up traffic into Dodger Stadium which is an issue anyway but when they’re talking about backing up traffic to LA you know it’s bad CU they’re expecting back up traffic anyway so I’m looking at the investment in shohi and just the Dodgers and their dominance right now in Major League Baseball and if the Dodgers are getting the biggest star in the game to go and greet a kid and provide a bobblehead and an autograph jersey and a suite if the Dodgers are doing that with the biggest star in the game shouldn’t every franchise be doing that with their biggest star I think it required in the Players Association with the agreement with the team and with Major League Baseball that players are required to go and maybe make one or two events throughout the season but that doesn’t mean that they have to show up at you know said uh box and do something like that or do something where they sell that partic like name image and likeness is part of the bobbleheads and all that kind of stuff but I’m with you Randy you want to grow the game you want little guys to get involved little girls to get involved make them accessible for autographs and pictures and sometime five minutes 5 minutes before a game go sign autographs and the Cardinals do a magnificent job of connecting with kids and connecting with the the public they’re really good they’re at the Forefront of that they’re fantastic but when when Jordan Walker comes back or if you have Mason wi sitting at the podium someday have or have a have a kid at the podium for make A- wish kid or whatever it is have Mason win show up and walk up to the podium and say hey and you know give the kid a bobble head and an autograph Jersey and stuff like that I love that I love that idea and I think it’s smart yeah great job by the Dodgers I could not believe that line when you were talking about that I saw the photos I was like what in the world is going on here oh bobblehead night which people do get very intense about bobblehead nights I’ve seen it here in St Louis but I I kind of want one I I’m interested to see I’ll go look while you while you do your story Randy to see how much those bobbleheads are going for online because you know there’s a couple on eBay this morning and here’s the thing they were giving away 40,000 of them but they made 1,700 with the gry Road Jersey they were surprises nobody knew about them so those are going for like $800 the the 17 if you have one of the Grey Road Jersey ones they’re going what did you find it 380 currently on E for the white jersey that’s amazing you know a lot of times fans will go in on a bobblehead night and literally go in give their ticket grab the bobblehead and out they go they’re not even there for the game yeah eight tickets sometimes get the bobbleheads and walk up guys there’s a piece up at by Kylie McDaniel friend of the station and the headline is how the Atlanta Braves have built a model MLB franchise and I think we can all agree that they have and they have developed they’ve drafted they were able to steal uh Ronald aunia in the international market and keep him from other teams same thing with Aussie alz uh they they have brought in the right players and they’ve developed their young players one of the things that’s not in the article though that I think Atlanta does really well their bench coach Walt Weiss is a 14-year major Leaguer former Major League manager their pitching coach Rick cranet has been around forever and it has a propensity to develop young pitchers Kevin sitzer was a great hitter in the major leagues for a long time Tom Goodwin their first base coach was a great base runner and outfielder for a long time Matt Tu esopo their third base coach was with the Mariners for three years played a lot of games they have a catcher they have a catching coach uh in Atlanta named Sal Fano who played 11 years behind the plate we remember watching salano play the Phillies I think yeah he played maybe for everybody yeah but he he caught 11 years steady man yeah uh but Eric Abu who’s their Bullpen coach was was in the majors uh they have a hidden consultant a new guy so he doesn’t really fit the mold of the other guys a hidden consultant his name is Chipper Jones who stops by to help out the hitters now and then I think he’s good what makes the Braves a model franchise is not only their ability to evaluate but their ability to develop at the major league level with veteran coaches people that have been there that have done that that understand what it takes to succeed at the major league level congratulations to Alex anthopoulos and the Braves they really have built the model organization so we of course don’t know the full scale of the salaries of all those guys but we all know that with major league baseball coaches they’re not getting paid a lot of money so how are you getting these guys to buy into sacrificing obviously a lot of time maybe not the best pay but to be a part of this organization gimm rats people that love the game love the game AB I remember going down to spring training and watching the the Giants remember Jim Davenport Jim Davenport was like 85 years old and he’s down there with the white hair he’s down there in spring training helping people out you know and what you need I guarantee you every single one of these guys just loves the game and they love the competition every day I think the other thing that the Braves have done is have consistency in their lineup and what I mean is that from a financial aspect and how they built their roster they took some chances on young players and gave them long-term deals and I I think that’s part of it too is is the consistency with that Brian Snicker will throw out a lineup and it really it they had the fewest changes in their lineup a year ago from 1 through nine it was just your plugin of one this guy’s four this guy’s seven this guy’s nine you know occasional day off but they kept those guys in those spots it’s been that way for a couple of years and why because they’re locked up to long-term deals and Dan it’ll be that way like you say the long-term deals three four five more year years aunia Michael Harris Austin Riley Azie alz Matt Olsen uh Shawn Murphy behind the plate both catchers Murphy and uh Travis Dar darno yeah uh Max freed is going to become a free agent after this year but they gave Strider the big money they they they’re going to give apparently uh and I think it’s a role of the dice but they’re going to give Chris Sale a new deal they have done a really good job of developing and keeping their young players and getting them better you haven’t seen those guys regress how do you think that they’re keeping these guys healthy and I’m looking specifically at the position players is it because there is something to having that defined role that you’re not moving around as much that that could possibly be a factor in that I think so I mean in this day and age of moving lineups all over the place and I I I’m not a huge proponent in doing that but it’s part of today’s day and age of baseball I do think though there’s something about plug andplay and that’s what Brian Snicker has done let’s face it guys the the number one thing that they’ve got is Talent you know and the coaches are a big part of that too I I think they they sustain it and keep it in check and run a good Clubhouse so that’s something thing that when you have a veteran staff that’s the other part of this Randy is that they they keep order in the clubhouse too if things get a little r those are the kind of coaches that can say hey I’ve been there done that man and you’re out of line and this is what we need to do fun teams to watch all the teams we talked about whether it’s the Reds Dodgers or Braves baseball’s fun right now all right coming up next to get your text into the ear Comfort Service text line 314 399 9646 314 399 yo you know on a day like today with what’s going on with Chef guys I I don’t know I mean you might put the Yoho well I just said it oh I should have said you know the yeah but now I just got to do it Yoo thank you Dan no problem until you L next time what one put it on the Shelf e e e e e e or take it or leave it want to say something we put it out there if you like it you can take it if you don’t set it right back get your text into 314 399 9646 and give us your take it or leave it brought to you by Gloria Lou realy visit Gloria hasthe and start packing that’s my final author take it or leave [Music] it Brook Dan Randy and Matthew time for take it or leave it on 101 ESPN more car trouble for a Chief’s wide receiver we know what happened route to Rashid rice down in Dallas day line Kansas City Xavier worthy the chief’s first round draft choice had his car stolen from his Kansas City apartment and they haven’t found it yet take it or leave it every single Chiefs wide receiver should just be given a Prius with his contract a Prius hey I’ve seen some of those Zoom a little bit before so you never know that it depends on the driver but not going to get stolen a lot don’t knock those Prius I’m just saying that that’s a nice practical vehicle for a young Kansas City receiver man they’re having some tough luck aren’t they they are they’re having some tough luck yeah Prius might do it where yeah there goes a Prius down the road we not to worry about that baby exactly I’m going to take it but one definitely is better than the other situation wise going to say that losing your car I mean you’re having your car stolen is bad but then that situation with Rashi rice he kind of crashed it two cars two cars yeah exactly that was a bad situation so take it or leave it guys no player has stolen at least 100 bases since Vince Coleman in 1987 take it or leave it Ellie DEA Cruz will hit the century mark this season if he keeps this pace up it would be around 103 I’m going to take it I’m going to take it we just went past the quarter point of the Season he’s at what 30 30 okay so that would do the math that takes him over would be very close you know you wander down the stretch guys get the hot summer months where he at in games where’s he at physically but yeah I’m going to take that I think he does it which would be great for the game if you’re the Reds and they aren’t having the best year it’s a good way to sell tickets absolutely come see this guy play yep I would there are a few players that I would pay a ticket to go watch solely for them he’s one of them me too I I agree all right take it or leave it the NFL looked at Taylor Swift’s concert tour and scheduled a Chief’s game accordingly because Taylor will be in Toronto the Chie and she’s on tour in Toronto the Chiefs will be in Buffalo then sure her concert series is the no November 14th to the 23rd in Toronto Chiefs at bills November 17th oh totally take it yeah has to be right right H supposedly now I’m going to have to leave it because they say that that was not in consideration but it is a little suspicious the timing of all that you better take it Brooke okay fine I’ll take it thank you I got bullied into it to convince you I had to definitely bully you into this NFL have you seen too during her tour currently that she has actually changed one of her outfits because she’s very well known for the outfit colors that she wears and she usually sticks to the same ones she changed one recently to the chief’s Colors oh I like it I do too by the way take it or leave it did you see bulletin apparently official Ben Affleck has moved out he and JLo breaking up did see that take it or leave it A-Rod is back baby [Music] I’m take it maybe she’s a big Minnesota Minnesota Timberwolves fan maybe she’ll find herself in the first row coming up in the next series in Denver yeah all right Matthew you got a a text or two or do we he doesn’t want to do it he just wants to go right to a commercial yeah I was pretty much planning on just going trade to commercial from this oh yeah we got to get to Jacob sailor so uh we’ll get to Jacob sailor battle Hawks running back next time 101 ESPN e e e e e he run it up the middle sailor spinning his way into the end zone for the touchdown andaron flushed out on the Run hooks up with Sailors and he gets the touchdown first and goal inside the 10 at the seven here’s Jacob sailor following a block bouncing off tacklers and into the end zone his third touchdown up a day it’s the opening drive on 101 ESPN in St Louis Brook Grimsley Danny Mack R carer and those were the highlights of Jacob sailor last week in Birmingham the running back for the St Louis battle Hawks is fourth in the UFL in rushing yards and he joins us now on the celebrity line on 101 ESPN Jacob great to have you with us thanks so much for your time this morning how are you doing I’m doing well y’all top of the morning to y’all thank y’all for having me on the show man giving me this opportunity we’re excited about it and we’re excited about you guys having a chance to make the playoffs with a win this week against DC I would imagine that the team is thinking about that get get that win at home and make it into the playoffs absolutely absolutely um playoffs is our main focus and uh getting that home field advantage in the playoff is that’s really what we’re focusing all you just talked about home field advantage we call it the battle dome here so battle dome advantage of course I’m sure you have heard that just as a player being able to come and play in the battle dome what is that experience like and do you feel the fans energy and does that channel into the game 100% there’s a I I don’t know the statistics but there’s at least two or three penalties in a game that that I feel is credit due to the fans in the in the DM you know disrupting the opponent’s offensive flow getting them to jump all sides on defense you know it’s just all around one of the most electric places I’ve ever played and be able to to wear the blue myself you know I’m I’m humbled and honored to have have such a a fan base behind me you know I came from a small school so to be able to play in such a pack B it’s it’s a blessing I wasn’t sure I ever would see myself in this position how close are you do you think getting to the NFL because you you’ve played in the league you you’ve had a chance to improve your game and probably some deficiencies in your game you’ve got some pluses in your game but how how close do you think you are to making an NFL roster you know um I I honestly I believe all of us are are just one one step away one play away from making that making it back to that that stage and uh you know I have the utmost confidence in myself and my the team that I got behind me and also just the team I got with me on the field so uh you know only time will’ll be able to tell the truth though Jacob sailor battle Hawks running back with us on 101 ESPN and Jacob you’re playing for the number one offense in the UFL and obviously you guys are are very talented but if you could describe to us why this offense is so good in your mind what is it um I think uh I think this off offense beats with one heartbeat I I I honestly do M starts from the head man with Coach Beck and our offensive coordinator Bruce and and everybody else you know just kind of follows into the line and we all kind of are working towards the same goal and you can feel it in the in the room every single day what about for you and just personal goals with what you’ve been been able to accomplish this season how has that felt for you it’s a it’s a extraordinary blessing you know I came in the first game of the season first two games of the Season didn’t have much productivity so from there I was just looking to have some sort of impact uh for the team whether it was with a ball in my hands or or not in my hands so I just I’m grateful that we started getting those wheels turning to where you know I can start these last couple weeks I feel like I’ve been helping the team you know get some of these wins and you know I’m just blessed to have some of the teammates that I do it’s always great to hear the backstory of of players that are close to the the NFL and you mentioned you came from a small school but how about your influences to getting to this point you’re playing professional baseball or excuse me professional football you’re not far away from being in the NFL so who are some of those influences along the way yeah um most definitely my my running back coach and my head coach uh at East fantasy state was uh coach Gary DS has NFL experience at the running back position as well and uh coach Sanders he’s just an allaround he’s a legend of a coach coach at Tennessee when they have pay Manning had a national championship he coached at Florida State when they had jamus Winston d cook and won a national championship so having some of those type top tier coaches and role models in my life really they they planted seeds in me early in my college career and just over the years watered it and continue to watch watch it grow and develop and the the player and the man I am now so I I owe a lot to to those two coaches in specific but um I have a tremendous amount of respect for all the coaches I’ve had every step of the way I really do feel like God laid out each of my coaches in front of me for for a different reason cuz I I’ve had a bunch to gain from each and every single one of them hey Jacob obviously you’re a running back but your defensive coordinator also came from East Tennessee State Donnie Abraham so do you have a different sort of relationship with him because the backgrounds are there uh I would ID say so absolutely yeah it took about two weeks before I even had a clue you know who he was to be honest but uh I I think I came into train one day where one of my college shirts on and he recognized it he was like what’s that stand for I told him East Tennessee State and he was like No Way D that’s where I went to too and in our introduction me and Coach Becks talking about all uh his stats interceptions from the NFL you know just a tremendous career that coach had and he was telling me he was from East East Tennessee I’m like dude no way I was like I was testing him I was like what city is is ETV in and I was like was her mascot stuff like that you know he passed all of the all the questions flying colors man and kind of from there that that kind of started our our relationship because as a offensive player and a a defensive coach you don’t really interact that much so that kind of fueled it and ever since then yeah I believe that me and me and Coach Donnie have a great relationship you know that that goes further than off the field as we’re both in that on the Martyr that’s cool I asked Butler about this last week because I think a lot of fans just want to get to know you guys a little bit better so outside of football of course what are some other things that you enjoy to do enjoy doing yes I have a I have a almost 11th month daughter I say if it’s not dealing with football then there’s more times than not dealing with her but uh uh I’m a family man family oriented through and through uh come from a very small family in the woods of Tennessee so uh I actually have it tatted on my chest as family or God above family above football and those really are my pillars in life it’s great to hear that and it’s such a great outlook on your on your career too and I I you know is Brook said we’re trying to find out more about you guys how about favorite players growing up who did who did you enjoy and who do you model your game after yeah uh lean thas man the number one running back in my opinion just uh on the field off the field just love the guy and then besides that you got people like Reggie Bush that are just you know electrified from start to finish um even uh Troy palalo I played a lot of Defense growing up I actually got recruited to the college I went to for a defensive back but that only lasted about a week before they switched me over to running back so um yes those are some of my top guys right there I would say so Jacob you mentioned your 11-year-old daughter and you’re running back you’re fast and have good moves who’s who’s quicker and who has better moves you or your your daughter who’s mobile now it’s definitely me definitely me yeah she still she’s still working on it she’s not there yet um me and her mom talked about it all the time uh her mom always says that she gets her speed and stuff like that from her so I like to let let her have those small victories good okay uh tell us what you expect from DC this weekend yeah you know um they’re coming off a loss uh they’re gonna be fueled up of course coming into like you guys said the battle dome now I feel like every team that comes through there plays one of their best games so you know U we’re looking it’s another game another week it’s it’s always about us even even the weeks prior to this uh some of the losses on our schedule I I feel like the opponent yeah they might have played well whatever but I feel like everything’s kind of in our our control when it comes to to where we want to be at the end of the year and our destiny um so yeah that would probably be my answer and and Jacob I would think when you guys look at the body of work you’ve lost two games both Road games you lost one on the last second field goal and you had a chance to win the other game you were you were down four had the ball with an opportunity to win at the at the end so you’re a team that doesn’t get blown out you must feel pretty good about the way the season is unfolding absolutely man I feel like we we’ve been tested through and through uh time and time again and I think I think this is just the team ready to go down the stretch and get a championship Jacob great to have you with us good luck on Sunday against DC over at the Dome and hopefully we can bring it home and I know tickets for the UFL Championship are going on sale and we’d love to have you guys here at the dome for a home game to try to win it all absolutely I’m looking forward to it all right thank you Jacob have a great weekend y’all do the same thank y take care Jacob sailor running back for your St Louis battle Hawks so you said your uh you’re going right I will be at the battle doome on Sunday yes this is an important one when and playoff stand yep 11 in the morning game um how much and Randy you’ve been around football all your life as a fan recovering this and be honest about this how far away are are when you I mean You’ got a Keen Eye you’ve been around it for a long time we’re not coaches though but how far away are some of these guys you think for making an NFL roster it’s really Dan I I think it’s the difference between a 4440 and a 4540 it’s that close SL if if hem Butler doesn’t get hurt in Camp last year he makes the Steelers sure right I I don’t know about sailor I I I I think there’s just you have to be uh a different breed to be a running back in the NFL you have to you have to either be exceptionally fast or you have to have that combination of size and and good enough speed but I think there’s a lot of players in this league that could have played in the NFL the problem is once you get to 2728 and you still haven’t played in the NFL I think your your chances are pretty slim it’s also seems like it’s right place right time right situation has a lot to do with it you talk about be in a different breed man to be doing this not making a lot of money you better be hungry right and that’s the one thing I I noticed just how hungry the players are which is cool to see yeah I can’t believe Jordan teamu who is the first battle Hawks quarterback he’s the quarterback for DC now I can’t believe he hasn’t played in the NFL because he’s got every attribute that that you would look for he’s got the arm he’s got the mobility he’s smart he’s a leader and he he was in Kansas City for a while but couldn’t make their team so again quarterback is is a different animal all together but I do think there are guys in the uh in the UFL that will wind up in the NFL the difference between a Rams crowd outside of the size in their Heyday and what you’re watching right now what do you think it’s like there’s no comparison the Rams crowds were unbelievable these people go nuts this is the hard hardest of Hardcore fans at Battle Hawk gemes They are football fans but when you go back to the greatest show on Turf I it was the greatest crowd in the NFL yeah age I remember I I still got the I I’ll put it up on my Twitter page cuz I I haven’t in a long time but one time the Chargers came in here with their head coach Marty Schottenheimer who coached a decade in Kansas City where they put up on their scoreboard the loudest venue in the or the loudest stadium in the National Football League and Marty Schottenheimer came in here and said I’ve never been in a venue as loud as this one the Dome was the loudest place so it’s and our fans were awesome it was incredible you couldn’t get a ticket you remember oh yeah you couldn’t I remember walking into a playoff game against Green Bay and a Packer fan because they thought they’d be able to come in and get tickets and a Packer fan comes up cash in hand says I’ll give you $1,000 a ticket cash in hand and I didn’t even think about it I just walked right past him said no I got to get in there so if they make it to the championship game you think we’re getting 50,000 yes I oh 100% yeah you think so yeah having the championship right here at the battle dome if the battle haw are there yeah I think so huh interesting not if Randy when when it Randy come on coming up here on 101 ESPN our fresh take uh three versus Boston three versus Baltimore three versus the Cubs what fascinates you most about each team in this series e e e hey everyone it’s Brooke here and this year we decided it was time to make a major upgrade to our home by updating our B we have this house in you City it’s over a hundred years old and we love it but we never exactly loved our main bathroom so we decided it was time to make a major change and we reached out to one of our great sponsors here of 101 ESPN and that is EMB Granite em granite’s team visited our house for a free consultation and they came up with the vision of how to really transform our bathroom my favorite part of working with em Granite was stopping by their amazing showroom to explore their large selection of inst stock Custom Countertops all their different cabinet options and of course I loved picking out the new colors for a bathroom JY was the one who was working with us and she was just so great she came up with so many ideas that fit within our budget and that’s what they’ve been doing there at em Granite for over 20 years turning Visions into realities so schedule your free consultation by calling 314- 64593 or go online at EMG or stop by their showroom today and make sure you mention that I sent you e e a fresh perspective on today’s top stories this is fresh tip presented by lyndenwood University real experience real [Music] success 821 time check brought you by Clarkson Jewelers an officially licensed Rolex Jeweler Cards Against the Red Sox Orioles and cubs this weekend and guys here’s what fascinates me about the Red Sox especially after hearing Greg aminger yesterday talking about how they rarely throw the for seamer anywhere anymore I want to know how the Red Sox have the best ER in baseball and the best starters ER in baseball I’m fascinated to watch them pitch this weekend I really do not understand it whatsoever either and also we’re going to see Brian beo who is another interesting arm in this situation he recently came off the injured list and he’s been doing really well he has a 3.13 ra currently and as they mentioned just came off the injured list but I don’t know what is working for them formula wise but it is working currently I want to see Tyler O’Neal you know his return to St Louis I want to see the Ovation that he gets I want to see the power maybe that he provides and going against his former team how motivated he probably is um that to me is the storyline of this series The Return of Tyler O’Neal to St Louis healthy which he could not stay healthy in town but for me seeing the Red Sox seeing them coming in it also conjures up memories of seeing them in postseason play so that’s one of the things I like about inter league play but uh seeing Tyler O’Neal come to St Louis y I feel like we’re going to see the revenge tour now something of note with Tyler O’neal He did hit his 10th home run of the season on Monday but prior to that game he’s kind of been scuffling a little bit at the plate he was hitting just 143 with no home runs One RBI over his last 10 games he struck out 18 of his last 35 at bats 2 it kind of feels like we’re setting up for him perfectly to maybe get back into things here what kind of reception think it’s a standing o you think so oh yeah from Cardinal Nation yeah it’s interesting I mean yachty always knew when to step out in front of the plate and I don’t know if contras was told by his teammates when he got to St Louis stand out in front of the plate with certain guys that come back because it’s not always done in every organization and then you have Herrera or PES tonight would they have the the forethought to say I need to step out in front of the plate and maybe their teammates need need to remind them to do that and if you have a ticket going to the ballpark I’d be curious your reaction to seeing Tyler O’Neal too yeah I I’m intrigued by that yeah yeah uh for the Orioles who will be in town during next week you can make an argument we talked earlier about La D Cruz you can talk about O’Neal Cruz you can talk about Julio Rodriguez you can talk about Jackson chrio I can make an argument that adley Rutman is the best young player in the sport and that’s what fascinates me most of all of the young players on the or he’s the one I’m most excited to watch play he just had a walkoff too and I’m looking forward to seeing gunar Henderson as well the last time that Baltimore was here we had heard that they have this incredible farm system that is probably they said probably 12 to 16 months away and man do they ever I I like watching youth in the game the exuberance that young kids bring to the ballpark and by all accounts from people I’ve talked to you’re going to get that when you watch the Baltimore Royals come through St Louis gunar Henderson was on my list as well for the Orioles because he’s a young exciting Talent he’s already hit 12 homers this season and they’re neck and neck with the Yankees when it comes to the division lead so there’s a lot of competition going on there and really it has a lot to do with these young Stars also of note Corbin Burns as advertised yeah I it’s is anybody surprised about that whatsoever he has a 2.83 ra currently through 47 and 23 Innings pitch with Orioles right now the thing I’m disappointed in I really wanted to see Jackson holiday me too he homed again yesterday in the minor leagues and I’m sure it’ll be a brief time for him as he’ll he’ll dominate AAA baseball but it does show you the difference between Triple A and the major leagues it does you know the talent pool and how they pitch you you know major league pitchers generally speaking don’t miss spots no and if they find a you know a deficiency in your game a weakness in your game they will expose that and it’ll be exposed in a hurry and I don’t believe they’re doing this I haven’t seen it if they are but this is the 80y year anniversary of the BRS and the Cardinals in the World Series I would have liked to have seen some Throwbacks for the Browns and the Cardinals I would imagine they’ll do something just because of bildt’s connection to um the Browns and ownership and his dad running that team I have one of the great pictures of my collection of and I don’t have much in my sports memorability I I don’t keep a lot it doesn’t does something for me but one of the unique things I have is builda wit as a bat boy standing next to Babe Ruth it it is I’ve seen that photo amazing photo and he personally signed it to me and uh it’s one of my my treasured keepsakes of uh of if you do collect certain things and I made sure it was personalized so I don’t wanted to think like oh it’s going on eBay I I couldn’t care less about that I just wanted it from my personal collection and I I think that’s just fantastic and we had Jay deling on the show Jay ding’s father was the pinch runner for Eddie gell and a lot of people don’t know that Jay ding’s father played Major League Baseball and when they had Eddie Goodell uh commonly referred to as a little person now to make sure that you’re right he walked on four pitches and Jay delsing was or Jay delson’s Father Jim delsing was the pinch runner for Eddie Goodell so there’s a lot of storylines to St Louis with the Browns obviously and and the Cardinals yep and then when the Cubs come to town next weekend the Cubs are just getting incrementally better under Craig Cil and I just want to see how I saw them in spring training and I thought they were playing good clean baseball and they have really nice defense when you look at uh what they was Swanson and ho up the middle and uh when Bellinger’s in center field that they’ve got a really solid defense up the middle I think they’re going to get incrementally better and they’re pitching better than I thought they would I’m just intrigued and fascinated by the overall Cubs Vibe this year and oh by the way the Cardinals in that series will unveil their City connect uniform so that fascinates me too oh I very fascinated I’m also nervous about that because I’ve seen what I believe I don’t know if it’s true or not of some of possibly what it looks like maybe it’s like the L with the arch it feels like for sure the arch is going to be somewhat involved with this I was told by an executive that yeah if we don’t have the arch that’ll be a big Miss so basic yeah the arch is going to be in it has to be in it doesn’t it yeah can I give you another thing about the Cubs that I’m watching I’ve talked a lot about shoda imaga but somebody else who’s not getting a lot of headlines in their St rotation is Javier Assad he is really really good he tossed six six scoreless Innings the other day he’s allowed four hits in a walk while striking out seven Assad has now allowed two earn runs or fewer in all nine of his starts this season which has allowed him to comp compile a 1.49 erra he’s not getting a lot of attention because shotto imaga is also very dominant but do you guys keep noticing a theme with each team that we talked about it’s dominant starting pitching and that is really setting the tone for the team there and the pitching for the Cubs overall has been good they have an RA that’s under four so that was where I was going with this is the the Cubs pitching for real and I guess we’ll get an up close look with that but Javier Assad imaga um they’ve got Jameson tyion who’s only made five starts Kyle Hendricks has made six starts so I mean there’s some guys at where they’ve been banged up and found a way to to pitch and to pitch well so looking forward to seeing the Cubbies come to town and I wonder if uh next week it’ll be Memorial Day weekend I I wonder if Bush Stadium will be packed I’d say yes I would think so too I bet you get good weather Memorial Day Weekend kids out of school Cubs in town regardless of how the Cardinals are playing after the first two series with the Red Sox and the Orioles my guess would be that place will be packed I would think so all right that’s what we’re fascinated about with this nine game 10day home stand coming up Matthew do we need a fighter today yeah okay yeah we do if you’d like to fight then you can send in a text 314 399 9646 314 399 yo and maybe if you send in that text to Matthew with your name and the word fight Maybe you will be chosen to fight me next I’m 101 ESPN e there’s so many great things in our community and one of them is open up just around right now it’s an unbelievable setup that they have at the South County YMCA they’re partnering partnering with the Cardinals and the bonfice foundation to build an Adaptive state-of-the-art sports complex that includes a miracle League Baseball Field an inclusive playground and multi-purpose field so kids and adults with disabilities can play sports and working with the Cardinals the Y is excited to share that the field will be named the Paul gold Schmid field and there’s an opportunity for you you to get involved right now the Y needs your help it’s not too late to become a founding donor and leave a lasting Legacy the Y has launched its Community fundraising phase and while every gift counts there’s some really cool recognition opportunities for you starting at $500 for you or your company to have your name at the Paul gold Schmid field please consider making Sports Avail available for all so that children and adults with disabilities can play ball and experience the joys of being on a team it really is a a great opportunity for you but also for youth with disabilities in our region to play baseball and other sports due to the fact that there will now be an Adaptive facility in our area to learn more go to GW that’s Gateway region GW e e e this is Rocky with your sports center update brought to you by celga Heating and Cooling right now following the developing story from earlier today Scotty Sheffer has arrived at Valhalla his tea time coming up in just a little bit under an hour Adam shefer though reporting on X Scotty Sheffer faces charges of second degree assault of a police officer third degree criminal mischief reckless driving and disregarding traffic signals from an officer during traffic he was released again at 8:40 a.m. eastern and has arrived at Valhalla Cardinals are back in action starting a three-game series against the Red Sox tonight last night in the NBA Playoffs the Timberwolves shocking the nuggets with a historic 45o win and they have tied that series at three games a piece that is your sports center update brought to you by s Heating Cooling an independent American stand heating and air conditioning dealer [Music] welcome back to the opening drive Brook Dan and Rocko here and it is time for the fight and our fighter today is Kevin Kevin how are you doing good happy Friday Brooke how are you oh I’m doing great it’s nice and sunny outside it’s beautiful today are you going to do anything outside today Kevin uh work oh well hopefully there’s a window where you can see see how sunny it is is this your first time facing Randy in the fight it is not oh how did you fair before how did you do uh I beat Randy first round then he got me in the second round all right well good luck to you today let’s see what you can do is the weekend is here as Brooks said the weather is great and we have a Sprite Kevin on the line that has a chance to take down Randy so here we go with question one the first four Decades of the NFL were dominated by just a few great passing teams which old school wide receiver is the only player to lead the league in receiving touchdowns more than six times doing it nine times is it Raymond Barry Don Maynard or Paul Warfield Don mayard is that your final answer there Kevin yes Danny Mack it is okay Scott sheffler Scotty here we go more news with him but that’s all right Scotty sheffler has a top two finish or win at three of the four majors which one is he missing is the PGA Championship US Open or the Open Championship uh let’s do the PJ Championship all right on to question three we go who is the last naith Player of the Year Award winner go sorry let me just start back from the beginning who is the last nay Smith Player of the Year Award winner to go on and start for an NBA Finals winning team is it Fred Van Vleet Andrew Wiggins or Anthony Davis let’s do uh let’s do Wigan all right question four over the last 10 seasons which is the only NHL Franchise to win the president’s trophy in back-to-back seasons is it the Washington Capitals the Boston Bruins or the Tampa Bay Lightning uh Ste the Brewing okay how you feeling Kevin absolutely terrible Danny Mack oh no why do you feel terrible I don’t think I got any right but we’ll see you never know like we said it’s a nice bright sunny Friday even though you are having to work today maybe you will be able to enjoy it a little bit later on here comes Randy with his grapes green grapes we have had people ask before what grapes he gets specifically it’s always green is there a reason for that uh uh actually i’ I’ve brought in red grapes before but um green grapes I just like them better you know what I don’t like is the cotton candy ones you know people people say oh you got to try them I don’t really love them really why uh they just they don’t taste like real grapes to me that is true they definitely taste like not great say hi to Kevin Kevin good morning how you doing hey Randy good morning to you how are you sir doing great thanks for listening thanks for playing we do appreciate it very much and happy Friday happy Friday to you ready for question number one I am ready I I don’t want to start with two let’s start with one there you go the first four Decades of the NFL were dominated by just a few great passing teams which old school wide receiver is the only player to lead the league in receiving touchdowns more than six times doing it nine times I’m going to go with Don Hudson from the Green Bay Packers that’s right off the bat I’m uh you had uh Eloy Crazy Legs hirs he wasn’t around that long uh you you had Tom fears who’s good player good player but not nine times Don Hudson Green Bay Packers they I think it’s called Hudson Hall their practice facility I’m going to go with Don Hudson who did not catch passes from Brett farford I thought it was crazy legs so I’m wrong yeah well I don’t know I I said that was just my suggestion well it’s not on there so don’t worry about it just pull back the curtain a little bit all right you ready for question two I am Dan Scotty sheffler has a top two finish or win at three of the four majors M which one is he missing top two finish at three of the four so uh he won the Masters uh you I’m going to go that the open I’m going to say that he doesn’t have a top two at the open he’s he’s an American more comfortable on our soil I’m that’s just a guess on my part but I’m going with it question three please who is the last naysmith Player of the Year Award winner to go on and start for an NBA Finals winning team I’ll do the little Lifeline here Brooke Fred Van vet Andrew Wiggins or Anthony Davis uh Fred Van vet was Toronto played wi you toss State he did yeah I I did that uh Valley we used to do the the madness here that was that was a good team man he good player I’m going to go with Andrew Wiggins though I’m going to assumed that he won the Nay Smith player of the year before he was the first pick by the Minnesota Timberwolves and uh I’m going to oh actually was first picked by the uh by the Cleveland Cavaliers was he not and got traded for LeBron and then played for Minnesota I’m going to say and Wiggins has won a championship more recently than van vet and then more more recently than ad so if indeed Wiggins won and I’m going to say he did I’m going to go with Andrew Wiggins okay over the last 10 seasons which is the only NHL Franchise to win the president’s trophy in back-to-back Seasons president’s trophy he back-to-back 10 seasons since 2024 uh logic would dictate here that you go with the lightning I don’t think the hawk did it uh they did in 2014 but I don’t think they did in 2015 was not the blues um you know uh Pittsburgh they wanton a couple of Cups but I don’t think I’m going to go with the Tampa Bay Lightning as a role of the dice all right Matthew do your thing please all right this one’s going to be a little confusing but we do have a winner in today fight a little bit confusing but I’m going to explain why don’t worry about that one ring that Bell the winner and still champion of the fight Randy carer the fight is presented by Golf Discount of St Louis with the most experienced Club fitters in town why shop anywhere else I’m sorry Kevin Randy carer took you down 2 to one today it was a close fight fight was a tricky fight today but rainy carer got you today I’m sorry I appreciate it guys happy Friday of course Kevin kin and let’s let’s go through the questions and the answers first one was was where we had an issue here first four Decades of the NFL were dominated by just a few great passing teams which old school wide receivers the only player to lead the league in receiving TDS more than six times doing it nine times here’s the thing I just wrote down the wrong Don on accident the questions I knew it’s Don Hudson I wrote down Don mayard which is the answer I had highlighted cuz I had a dawn down cuz and that was the correct answer that Kevin correctly put down answer the question that I had down correct it was Don Hudson not Don Maynard that’s just me writing down the wrong Don Don mayard ended his career with the St Louis Cardinals yes he did that’s very that’s very correct uh don mayard don Hudson excuse me not Don Maynard I just wrote down the wrong down on that one that’s a that’s and you know really big faux paw for an Italian too fox pass um yeah fox pass exactly so we’re giving Randy that one because he just had it off the rip on that one I just put down the wrong down Scotty Sheffer top two finish in three of the four majors he has obviously two wins in the Masters he is a top two in the PGA Championship in the US Open but it’s just tied for eighth is his Open Championship record so that’s the only one he’s missing last naith player of the year award to go on and start for NBA’s finals winning team Andrew Wiggins did not win the naith player of the year so it is in fact Anthony Davis in fact the nasmith player of the year does not play for uh national uh for NBA Finals very often uh Fred Van vet also did not win the N Smith Player of the Year good point it’s not it’s there there’s literally it’s not a good list like it’s it’s Anthony Davis is the only one right now Jaylen br would have a good chance to become the second in the last like 25 years it’s it’s not college players haven’t been succeeding at the same level over the last 25 years like they used to because obviously you got like 15 Hall of Famers who have won the nsmith player of the year and they went on to be Hall of Famers in the NBA over the last 10 seasons the only franchise to win the president trophy in back-to-back seasons is the Washington Capitals doing it at the very beginning of that 10-year run the Boston Bruins by the way have won the President’s trophy three times across that 10 years but those back-to-back ones are only going to your Washington Capital so another win for Randy carer in the fight today you had a clean sweep this week Randy nicely done thank you sir appreciate that by the way Scotty Sheffer as it turns out uh is 63 and 170 with brown hair or brown col uh brown eyes so now you know be so apparently he’s going to play he’s going to make his teag he there it’ll be one of the great stories in sports if he wins wow and he got there around uh so he he would have got there around like like 9 950 or so and tea time was like 10:15 so I mean he’s got so he’s got to have or sorry like 9:15 he so he’s going to have about an hour uh to actually warm up and stuff like that so all right good he’s going to he’s going to rip like a 600 isn’t he what a story yeah and if you haven’t heard if you’re just hopping in your car and you haven’t seen Scotty Sheffer detained by police this morning outside Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville a pedestrian who was on his way into the tournament was struck by a bus and died and so there was a traffic jam and Sheffer drove onto a median as apparently other golfers did but Sheffer ticked off the cops when he did it and so a cop was uh he grabbed sheffler’s car attached himself to the car sheffler rolls down the window the cop reaches in pulls Sheffer pro golfer number one player in the world pull pulls his arm out the window and then opens the door and pulls him out of the car and he was detained and arrested for multiple charges I I will say I don’t think the cop exactly knew that he is the number one golfer in the world it just seems like this was a giant misunderstanding and uh it’s just tragic to see that somebody did die this morning and I’m sure it was just a situation that really escalated it was very tense and hopefully it will all be clarified a little bit later on today by the way second degree assault of a police officer a class C felony along with criminal mischief third degree reckless driving and disregarding signals from officers directing traffic it’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out in a court of law too what a nightmare for the PJ of America you know they’re putting on this tournament and uh they’ve had bad weather obviously the traffic issue the fatality which is the number one story with what we’re talking about here and then it involves the number one player in the world so quite a day in the World of Sports and quite a day at uh the PGA Championship and by the way the PGA Championship just tweeted quote this morning we were devastated to learn that a worker with one of our vendors was tragically struck and killed by a shuttle bus outside Valhalla Golf Club this is a heartbreak to all of us involved with the PGA Championship we extend our Ser sincere condolences to their family so it was a worker a vendor of one of the PGA Championship companies that was struck and killed by the shuttle bus all right so there you have the latest the Cardinals are at the quarter pole a little past the quarter pole here they reached that on Monday but we’ve got our Cardinal quarter pole story lines next on 101 ESPN e e e hey it’s Danny Mack I want to tell you about Stewart’s American Mortgage if you’re someone who is looking to purchase a home or refinance or if you’re looking to consolidate some of that ugly credit card debt maybe you don’t know exactly what direction to go to in any of these things hey let me make it easy for you call Stewie from Stewart’s American Mortgage and he’ll help you every step of the way if it’s a new home you’re looking to purchase he’ll get you to the closing table fast you’re asking how fast how about 10 days and’ll get you the best interest rate possible he also has the bagel loan that can help you out too so what’s the Bal loone if you borrow 200,000 or more there’s no underwriting fees no appraisal fees no title fees no lender fees and no closing cost steuart he is your guy he makes it so easy for you and questions on rates the industry the trends give Stewart a call you can call him directly on his personal cell phone here it is 314 324-4440 314 324-4440 or you can Google the balone nmls number 226 715 e [Music] as the Cardinals open a AME home stand tonight they play at the quarter pole of the Season as the cardinal start this home stand they have a record of 18 and 25 that’s 43 games played of the 162 so we’re a game and a half past the quarter pole of the season so we wanted to Pro provide you with some quarter pole storylines uh Brooke what do you have over there well for me and if you listen to our segment that we had a little bit earlier where we were talking about some of the teams that are coming to town for this home stand I kept talking about starting pitching starting pitching and more starting pitching because starting pitching really does matter and so do things offensively of course and we have talked at length about the Cardinals have and their struggles with runners in scoring position all that different kind of stuff but I want to take a look at starting pitching right now as we saw the other day Lance Lynn he is now allowed four earned runs and three consecutive starts and has not made it through six Innings since April 16th against the Athletics so right now the Cardinals starting staff has a combined 4.72 ER which ranks 25th in the league now put that in combination with what we have currently with the offense which right now is still bottom five Ops in all of Major League Baseball it combines for what you’re seeing currently with this Cardinals team right now in the results I’m going to follow up with your starting pitching and then I’ll get to mine if you have gray Gibson and Lynn who are all brought in as free agents they made 22 starts and collectively their erra is three and a half now the Cardinals are only 11 and 11 in those games because they don’t score a lot of runs offense has been maybe the number one story at the quarterway point where I think though to advance the story is they’ve got some cracks there that we’re starting to see emerge to your point Brook and then the back end of the rotation when you have M michelis and you got mat out and Liberator now put in and Thompson you know if you combine that it’s 17 starts in ra near six so that’s been for me one of the story lines the back end of the rotation trying to fill those gaps four and five um on a positive note I’m going to go the bullpen and the bullpen was much maligned a year ago whether was blowing games or just having leads and they couldn’t hold on for the the the the bullpen to continue to have success last year it just didn’t this year from the seventh inning on they fourth overall they’re third in the league with a 297 erra you’ll take that third overall in save percentage and 14 and0 when leading after eight Innings and they haven’t blown a save so on a positive note if they can get the starting rotation to get through six or to get through seven they’ve got pretty good uh pretty good chance to win those games so the bullpen is my story line and my story line is this I I anticipated that the Cardinals were going to get better from a pitching standpoint did I think they were going to have a top five ER in baseball no but I thought that they could be top half I really counted on the offense improving from last year when they were 19th in baseball in runs scored and one of the reasons that I anticipated Improvement was because I thought the young players would continue to ascend but Jordan Walker who was superb in the last two months last year as you know in in 20 games only hit 155 he didn’t hit a home run as a matter of fact he only had uh four extra B extra base hits five extra base hits and he had a 497 Ops a 497 Ops for Jordan Walker before he was sent down and Nolan Gorman who hit 27 home runs last year only has five homers 15 RB this year with a 191 batting average and a 640 Ops that’s two young players with a ton of potential that I anticipated would improve that have regressed and I think those two along with and my other storyline is obviously I think for a lot of us Aron AO and Goldie not producing the way that we anticipated they would but I thought that ronado and Goldie would maintain I thought Gorman and Walker would be a lot better and unfortunately they’ve been a lot worse here is the importance of power in the game the Cardinals have 32 home runs that’s it if you look and I I looked at this last night 10 of the top 12 home run hitting teams are above 500 that’s just the way the game is played today and right now the Cardinals are hitting just 210 at Bush Stadium their last in runs batting average on Base Ops third fewest home runs hitting under 200 runners in scoring position I mean I can throw the numbers at you they’ve got to be better offensively would you two agree with me that the Cardinal’s best offensive player is Wilson conteras yes yes and they’re missing him 100% now we’ve talked about Allie burlson has stepped up in this situation where you have that abs with absence with wils gueras but looking at Nolan Gorman specifically what do you think is part of his regression is there anything that you guys are seeing right now for him he just looks a little bit lost at the plate I would say it’s buttered popcorn missing out on buttered popcorn I why did I know that you were going to say that of course that was the big story going into the season is that to help with his back issues don’t say it Randy to help with his back issues Dan what what’s going on today we we already did the fight two freaking years at this point What’s going on there Rush about a week back they said what hey uh also Xavier Scruggs is going to join us I can’t wait to hear from X but yes there was a lot made about with his back issues that he changed his diet going into the season and now it makes you wonder should you just go back to that Diet before because I know he still had back issues but seems like this is something that is just lingering for him moving forward I think you got to just live with what you have which is probably an average around 200 to 250 and walks into a bunch of bombs that that’s and he’s going to strike out a ton his strikeout percentage is around 40% that’s what you’re going to get maybe Dan what he needs to do is try Mike and Ikes which is a delicious movie candy and it’s got some of the stuff that he’s missing it’ll it won’t cause back issues but it’ll enhance his power is that what you think you like Mike and IES I uh green box Mikes The Originals they’re okay they stick to your teeth they’re better than Dots Dots stick to your whole body yeah I mean it’s okay it’s not my favorite candy mine either but I think they’d be effective for him is there anything better than movie theater popcorn it’s fantastic and just loaded up with butter you know though gluttonous you know what’s really gluttonous though getting the movie theater popcorn with the butter and then you get a box of Junior Mints too or put M&M’s on oh the popn that’s a play Brooke that is oh that is the plate you guys really are gladness mhm big time let’s go get a big Coke and some I said look great Randy I said do you ever look at that Instagram that I sent you called snack something I can’t remember what it is and it gives you all the updates on the latest snacks I send that to Randy so we can keep up to date on all the different snacks that are going around following do you guys think a storyline with this team too is their fundamentals I I think they’ve been better yeah yes you know I I think that’s part of what’s Happening too is that if they could just hit I mean back end of the of the bullpen is good uh fundamental I was looking at this they’re 12th in the majors third in the National League with 10 defensive runs saved they run the bases at times not always but at times it’s been better than a year ago it’s just can they get any hitting right you know can they hit at all I mean they’re just not hitting and the lack of hitting prevents them from being aggressive it’s hard to run when you aren’t on base or you’re trailing in games right you know a lot of times if you’re down three or four runs you’re just not going to steal bases you’re going to sit back and try to do some damage I think at the end of the day though I here’s the thing people talk about the Panic bus I thought this would be a 500 team at the beginning of the season I still think they’ve got a really good chance even though they’re seven games under 500 I think they could be a 500 team so I’m not going to panic if they aren’t a division leader because I really didn’t anticipate them being a division leader I think they are what they are I I think they number one the young players need to ascend I think that’s a huge part of this the ones that I talked about the team would be a lot better and Brook to your point for all of the Innings that the Cardinals bought with their free agents the overall production not great no and that’s the issue there I’m just very curious to see Lance Lynn when you’re talking about Innings eaters he has to get deeper into games but also miles michelas hasn’t been great for him really this season especially to this point and sunny gray Sunny gray has been great but these last two starts for him have been rough now do I think that that’s going to be what’s going to happen to him the rest of the season of course not but really sunny gry has been the only bright star of your starting rotation currently other than Kyle Gibson who definitely has progressed and has done really well for the team here lately now he is what I think they envisioned for the back end of the rotation and how things were going to work out and what I said in December if you put Dylan CE at the front of this rotation with gray and Gibson then you really got something here’s the crazy thing in the Wild Card the Cardinals are two and a half out I mean just get around 500 and you’re going to have that shot I I’m with you I thought this is a 500 team maybe two below two above um this is more than I thought at this point in the season this far below 500 and being eight games out in the central I did not see that happening I thought if they could survive the first month and be let’s say 15 and 15 then I felt a little bit better about what I see right now and this is I tell you what this is a really big home stand beginning tonight and you’ve got good teams coming in in terms of the pitching of the Red Sox against a team that hasn’t hit in the Cardinals we talked about Baltimore being young exciting playing well in the American League east and then it’s always fun I mean when the Cubs come to town it always gets crazy so it’s going to be fun one more note for you as the Cardinals do come home 12 and 14 on the road 6 and 11 at home 210 at home yeah got to be better here absolutely coming up the latest on the Scotty sheffler situation at the PGA Championship it’s coming your way with our Rush Hour reset on 101 ESPN e e e hey everyone it’s broke for Decor interiors and jewelry I know that Mother’s Day has passed but that doesn’t mean that the gift giving has to stop so you should go visit my friends at Decor interiors and jewelry it’s in Chesterfield at Olive and woodsmill road right when you walk in you will be blown away by all of the options if you don’t already know I know that it’s in the name but I just want to emphasize here it’s not just jewelry there they also have a contemporary furniture store so it’s two stores in one the owner Joe he is such a kind guy and I promise you he will treat you like family that is where I actually got my wedding ring and I wore today just so you guys could see it I get compliments on it all the time and I actually went by their store Rec oh thank you you see everybody shouts it at me I actually stopped by their store recently because I had to get my wedding band and I got sidetracked because Joe and I spent an hour just looking at everything that they have in stock right now beautiful diamonds the best in town they also have so many beautiful gems as well and Joe always has a story with every single one of his items he really does know his stuff and so does his staff they always take the time to educate you on your purchase so why not have them help you find the perfect gift for the mother in your life go stop by Decor showroom today and make sure you mention that I sent you Decor always unique always affordable e e e apparently there had been a traffic accident or maybe even a fatality down the road and that had changed the traffic patterns and he was unaware of that and I think the officer that was directing traffic was maybe not part of the the uh the event traffic detail and so that’s where the communication miscommunication arose and that’s why we’re here that’s the voice of Steve Rines he’s the attorney for Scotty Sheffer who was arrested this morning making his way into Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville for his round at the PGA Championship there was a fatal accident a shuttle bus hit one of the vendors for the tournament and that person died so there was a chaotic situation outside the tournament venue bhalla Golf Club Sheffer was trying to drive in and prepare for his tea time and he was driving on a median was stopped by a police officer pulled out of his car put in cuffs and led away and arrested and Sheffer now has released a statement to Jeff today he’s warming up as we speak um I think he’s in a grouping with wendam Clark and Brian Harmon M you imagine what the conversation is with those three going into this second round of the PGA Championship and then also kind of setting the scene it’s bad weather you’ve had a fatality you’ve got the number one player in the world having been you know detained by police it’s a nightmare for the PGA of America but I I think the number one thing we got to remember is that there’s been a fatality in this and that’s where most of the focus needs to be is that someone passed away and it’s tragic that that is the biggest thing here and Randy didn’t you say earlier that there was a statement that was put out by PGA by the PGA Tour that this was somebody who was working with the facility yes it was a vendor for the PGA Tour so either somebody that was uh involved with concession sales or merchandise sales some something either somebody that worked or was selling those materials and the statement that you read just based off of what it what he was saying there it really does sound like this was a big misunderstanding because things just happen so quickly this morning and it’s so hectic when you have a death on the scene like that you have cops who are familiar who are already set up there who are familiar with the facility everything that’s going on with the PGA Championship and they understand that because we’ve talked about the marked vehicles that the cops knew about that but then when you have the death that happened then you’re going to have cops come in from different areas who maybe aren’t as privy to that information and so maybe he thought that it was fine for him to go on and it seems like he thought he was being directed in that way and it just escalated from there but anytime that there’s something like that happening a death like that things are always going to be very tense and it just seems like it just is a big misunderstanding Rich learner is a reporter for the Golf Channel and he said told by tournament organizer mayor of Louisville now involved along with the PGA of America officials that Scotty has been quote world class in how he’s handling it that with the loss of life and ensuing chaos quote everyone is deeply saddened so not shocking that with Scotty sheffler he would try to handle what is a terrible situation with class and as you might imagine emotions raw this morning Peter Burns of ESPN told by an officer that some blank tried to run over a cop and that blank obviously was Scotty shuffler and this is more Steve Rines right yeah this this this is the uh the second half uh we didn’t have the audio for this is the second half of Roman this is the attorney for uh Scotty Sheffer this is the second half and this backs up Brook’s point about just just being a giant uh you know misunderstanding so he says he was proceeding as uh due to the combination of event traffic and a traffic fatality in the area it was a very chaotic situation he was proceeding as directed by another traffic officer and driving a marked player’s vehicle with credentials visible in the confusion Scotty is alleged to have disregarded a different officer’s traffic signals resulting in these charges multiple eyewitnesses confirmed that he did not do anything wrong but was simply proceeding as directed he stopped immediately upon being directed to and never at any point assaulted any officer with his vehicle we will litigate this matter as needed and he will completely be completely exonerated the new thing coming out in that statement is that one cop he this orar now says one cop said you can go this way and another cop either didn’t hear that or simply disagreed with that direction from a from a different cop and then reacted so it’s the case is not Scotty disregarding the police’s instructions it’s him disregarding one police’s instructions because he was going off another police officer’s instructions which is the definition of a misunderstanding either way you want to look at it however you want to look at it fatality MH a major number one golfer in the world and terrible yeah and by the way he was arrested on charges of second deegree assault of a police officer third deegree criminal mischief reckless driving and disregarding traffic signals from an officer directing traffic you very well could have been disregarding one officer’s directions and following another officer the way things sound those are those are slew of charges so it’ll be interesting to see what develops and I’m sure that they have body cam footage so we will be able to get that because we had somebody text in earlier and I find this fascinating as well I didn’t know until the PGA Championship was here in St Louis that the golfers drove themselves to the event and I thought I thought that was very interesting that they did that would the caddy have been in the car with him to be able to witness this incident think that some are are with them and a lot of times it’s a Automotive Group like Buick for all those years would Supply Vehicles like they Supply vehicles at the Ascension Charity Classic and you think about the shots television wise of a top player getting out of that car it’s advertising for them they support the PGA tour in this case the PGA of America and those cars are supplied to the players Brooke one of the all-time bizarre and Wild Sports stories is that on 911 the PGA Tour was here the BMW Championship and on that Tuesday Tiger Woods is told about it on the golf course and they shut down flights so he couldn’t fly home and they canceled the tournament so tiger grabbed a Buick he was a Buick spokesperson at the time and they provided the the complimentary Vehicles the the courtesy vehicles for the players he just took somebody’s Buick a courtesy car and drove home to uh Orlando Florida that’s where he lived at the time and I’ve always thought about you know like here we are September 12th 2001 somebody in a gas station in Paduka Kentucky is that Tiger Wood You’ be so shocked wouldn’t you you’d be like no way this is real this isn’t really happening he’s a very and the thing is is I don’t think that he’s has such a distinct look to him that you would know that it’s Tiger Wood oh you know I could just imagine the black pants and a red shirt coming out in wait a minute that’s Tiger Woods that’s by the way that was the beginning of the Tiger Woods Foundation which has raised millions and millions of dollars in to help kids inner city kids uh all kinds of children that need help and schooling and whatnot but on his way home he was driving and started thinking of things that he could do and so that’s when the the beginning of the Tiger Woods Foundation began on his drive home from St Louis to Florida so there was some positives that came out of that if you’re looking for one I just always kind of assume it was a little bit of fake TV when you had the shot of them coming out of the car because I knew that there was some sort of sponsorship so I was like oh surely they’re not driving themselves to the golf course in these situations but they are they are they are now we know that he is partial to Perkins Pancake House right it’s just oh here we go but here’s the thing Dan you mentioned yesterday that if it wasn’t Tiger Woods if it would have been Joe Smith rather than the greatest golfer in the history of the world he may have had his leg amputated right or his foot amputated yeah so would he have switched his Allegiance from Perkins to IHOP oh Randy what when did you think of this one because I’m just curious I feel like this is what no you didn’t you’ve been thinking about that one all night haven’t you okay they said what uh we’re going to have Xavier Scruggs on the program and we always ended with rock and roll as you said Randy rock and roll yeah coming up we’ve got they said what next time 101 ESPN it’s time for a DraftKings at Casino Queen Redbird report on 101 ESPN we Grimley here for your redb report the Cardinals are back at home and will open a nine-game home stand starting tonight with the first of three games against the Red Sox first pitch is at 7:15 with Kyle Gibson getting the start for the Cardinals across eight starts Gibson’s 3.67 ER is his lowest since he posted a 3.61 erra in 2018 with the twins the Cardinals will see a familiar face this weekend Tyler O’Neal making his return to Bush stum since being traded to the Red Sox this past December O’Neal hitting his 10th home run of the season on Monday but prior to that game O’Neal was hitting just 143 with no home runs and One RBI over his last 10 games he struck out 18 of his last 35 at bats prior to that too the Cardinals will host the Orioles and cubs during this home stand the Redbird report is presented by DraftKings at Casino Queen play Stay D at DraftKings at Casino Queen e e e e if you’re sitting around the house this weekend and you’re talking and you say you know what we should downsize or you know what our family’s grown we need to get a bigger home and you’re going to sell your current home you need to get in touch with Gloria Le your home sold guaranteed realy at 314 325 6888 314 325 6888 and Gloria is going to help you through the home selling process and she’s going to get you the most money and the timing is going to be exactly what you want it to be because when you pick your agent you know they’re all going to have experience but you want to proven agent with a proven track record and that’s what Gloria has and she’s going to set it up so that maybe if you want to sell sit in your home and keep it for another six months you can do it but she’s going to have the buyers to get the most for your home Gloria already has the buyers with over 20 years of buyers in an exclusive database looking to buy in your neighborhood and in your price range that’s how Gloria Nets you the most money and creates the highest demand she sells for more and sells faster when compared to your average agent call Gloria l 314 32568 88 if you’re Cons considering selling your home or just visit Gloria hasthe what bro what are you talking about man what you talking about what the hell are you talking about what you talking about do you actually listen to yourself when you speak or do you find you drift in and out what you drum about I’m out man [Music] it’s time for it they said what Brooke Dan and Rocko and Brandy here and it’s time for they said what so a lot of PGA Tour talk today because a lot of stuff is happening but there was also something else that happened this week Rory mroy is one to never really shy away to talk about how he feels about a situation and he continued to stay true to who he is this week voicing his displeasure on Jimmy Dunn’s resignation from the DJ tour policy board on Monday after months of stalled efforts to produce a merger between the tour and live here’s what Rory had to say about that honestly I think it’s a huge loss for the PGA Tour if if they’re trying to get this deal done with the piff and trying to unify the game um you know Jimmy was basically the the relationship the the sort of conduit between the PG T and and piff and uh you know it’s been really unfortunate that he hasn’t been involved for the last few months and I think part of the reason that everything is stalling at the minute is because of that so um it is it’s it’s really really disappointing and um you know I think the tour isn’t a worst place because of it so we’ll see we’ll see where it goes from here and we’ll see what happens but um you know I would say my my confidence level on something getting done before last week was as low as it had been and then you know with this news of Jimmy um resigning and and knowing the relationship he has with the other side and how much warmth there is from the other side um it’s it’s concerning Rory by the way is known to have a very close relationship with exactly now who exactly is this Jimmy Dunn character in this he’s a big Financial guy on Wall Street and he also has been the one behind the scenes really orchestrating the framework for a possible merger so now that you hear what Rory has to say about that and you know that Jimmy Dunn resigned and we heard what Jay delsing said earlier about it he was pretty frustrated with the fact that he did this going into the PGA Championship to kind of send more of a message of inserting himself in this that they want something done where are things going between the PJ tour and live well Jimmy Dunn wrote in his letter of resignation that he hasn’t been asked to help in any negotiation since June of 2023 so it’s been almost a year since he’s been involved in negotiations he said he’d vote alongside the player directors when time came but he also wrote quote since the players now outnumber the independent directors on the board and no meaningful progress has been made toward a transaction with the piff I feel like my vote and my role is utterly Superfluous it is crucial for the board to avoid letting yesterday’s differences interfere with today’s decisions what I take out of that is that those players that are still ticked off at the guys that left for Liv are in his mind preventing a merger and he thinks he I guess he doesn’t think that they should feel like they do in not allowing players that left for live back on the PGA tour with no repercussions I’m with you Randy 100% is that maybe he’s saying we need more business Acumen at the table and players can have their say but let’s get business people that have done this been there done it let them be the the ones that facilitate some type of deal and also the timing of it is terrible because good business people Sr is a billionaire because he’s got no emotion The Good the best business people aren’t emotional and these players are going to be emotional about what has happened so do you think there should be more business people involved yes for me yes another thing he wrote I think You’ have input from the players but let the business people make the decisions ultimately Jimmy Dunn wrote in his resignation letter unifying Prof professional golf is Paramount to restoring fan interest and repairing wounds left from a fractured game I’ve tried my best to move all Minds in that direction in that he’s exactly right so sure Jordan spe who’s on the board he’s on the policy board uh Justin Thomas those guys Mor whomever they might be mad at John ROM and Brooks kepka and Bryson Des Shambo but they also have to recognize that golf is in a much worse place without those guys participating in their tournaments how about John ROM coming out this last week and saying yeah I still support the PGA I still support what’s happening here and this is the PGA of America there’s a difference between the PGA Tour and PGA of America um but essentially saying I support what’s going on here and I felt like saying how can you support that when you left for and and go take the money that’s fine go if that’s what you want to do go take the money but to sit there and say I support and I feel the support of them is uh outlandish because you left you went to live and I I think that he felt there would be more players that jumped with him and maybe that he could be a deciding factor to bringing this all together and clearly that has not been the case sometimes in our industry electronic media people think they’re more more important than they really are and they move somewhere else and they realize that maybe it was the vehicle rather than that person that was driving everything and it seems to me like John Ram is one of those people that like he thought that he was so important that his move would transform everything no he’s just he’s just another guy he’s no different than keer Des Shambo he wasn’t going to be able to change what happened with Liv and piff in Gulf I’m still just kind of confused about which direction this whole situation is going are we getting closer to a merger or is this just putting you further away from it we have Jim Nance on the show this weekend and I asked him about the uh the state of golf and he he felt like we’re getting closer to and I’m paraphrasing here but you know getting closer to a reunion of these and how they make it happen like he said I don’t know how they make this thing happen no one knows but it does seem like there could be some momentum going and again I’m paraphrasing but some momentum that’s you know going in the direction to unify and I don’t know how you guys feel but watching the PGA of America put on the PGA event yesterday to me it felt right like we have Live players that are in this you’ve got dambo who had a pretty good uh first day you’ve got others that didn’t John ROM started out very poorly and then finished at one under but it felt like okay the band’s back together and as a fan of this game that’s what I want that’d be like taking some baseball players and taking them out of the league and they say well we’re going to start start our own league and you’re watching the Cardinals not facing Tyler O’Neal tonight or somebody that you enjoyed watching and they’re out of the game I mean that that would be no fun that’s why I kind of have a little bit of a hatred towards Liv because you did split up something great it it’s kind of hard for me I do want a merger at the end of day because I to your point Dan I want all the greatest golfers in the world back together but then it also kind of makes me hate live a little bit that they cause a little bit more of the separation to begin with where you do have this split amongst the players so much animosity amongst them who but by the way you’ve got Rah you’ve got Kea you’ve got Des Shambo you’ve got DJ who’s what 38 39 now right aside from those four is there anybody else that really moves the needle on live if they came back to PGA you’d say oh that’s a different does Patrick Reed do that no on a for me he does because he’s a great villain he is a good villain he’s a great villain I I just don’t I I think we’re talking about so and they’re they’re great and they’re important and they’re charismatic and their faces of golf but I just uh Harold Varner is it’ be great to have the diversity right but in terms of winning golf tournaments he’s not going to make much of a difference Taylor gu yeah it’s he’s just not no he’s not going to move the if we’re in the produce department with Taylor G today at schnooks do we recognize him I probably could but no one else would nobody else would down but maybe the rest of us would struggle a little bit it’s not like seeing Tiger Woods at a gas station randomly I I think Phil is past his prime I I don’t think Phil is going to be a factor I’m just I’m running down Bubba Watson at this stage of his career no is he going to be a Difference Maker I I think there’s maybe four in all of U all of live so but they’re four important ones so if you can get them back you take them I wonder what it’s like at the the the major championships do these guys get cold shoulders you know the Live players from those had stuck around they got their money and now they’re getting a chance to play in the majors and so they’re getting their cake and eat it too a little bit I think it depends on the guy probably though some people do give him the cold shoulder so hey coming up next we’re going to talk to some Cardinal baseball with Xavier Scruggs I was texting with Xavier the other night and uh obviously he’s seen the greatest of the Cardinal fan base and was telling him about what we got going on this weekend and he also has an interesting take on the loss of Wilson contr we’re going to hear from Xavier Scruggs of MLB Network MLB Network radio next on 101 ESPN e e e e hey everyone it’s Brook here for the face and body spa in Salon guys it’s time for you to focus on your own self-care as we get ready for summer I want you to check out the face and body for men you can rely on face and body for hair removal weight loss body sculpting skin care as well as PRP treatments for your hair growth this past weekend my fiance and I we actually went to the Brentwood location because he’s actually testing out laser hair removal for the first time on his back and it was super quick and easy I actually timed it it took 15 minutes from when we walked in there and then when we left for him to laser his entire back and they said it would be a couple of sessions before he sees results but it was just super super easy to do and according to him he said it was completely painless and with six Area locations I’m confident that you will be wilded by the experience at the face and body spawn Salon it’s not just for women like me because that’s where I also go to for all my skincare needs it’s also for the men out there of course call them today at 314 72589 75 or learn more at the face andbody that is the face andbody e e e this is Rocky with your sports center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny LOL Autoplex updating the developing story from early this morning Scotty Sheffer is at Valhalla he has actually teed off and he has birdied on the first hole earlier Steve romines his attorney did release a statement to the media part of the statement reading multiple eyewitnesses have confirmed that he Scotty Sheffer did not do anything wrong but was simp proceeding as directed he stopped immediately upon being directed to and never at any point assaulted any officer with his vehicle that again the statement from Scotty sheffer’s attorney Steve romines Cardinals back in Action today starting a three-game series against the Boston Red Sox and last night in the NBA Playoffs the Nuggets get rolled by the t- W was by a record 45 as that series gets tied up three a piece that is your sports center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny LOL Autoplex see them at Chevy together we drive are you kidding me but the one thing about the Cardinals is the narrative a lot of times is Aeron and gold smith right they’re not hitting so nobody else is hitting and I can’t hear that anymore like it it’s got to be everybody has to be held accountable ours Newar I look at Nolan Gorman those guys that performed last year Brendan Donovan those guys Ops all under 700 you can’t just count on two players in the lineup to be the whole team to me Rook Grimley D mclin Randy carer it’s the opening drive on 101 ESPN and one of my favorite guests is the former Cardinal Xavier Scruggs of ESPN and MLB Network as a matter of fact that was from MLB Network and the X-Man joins us now on the celebrity line here on 101 ESPN Xavier Scruggs always great to have you with us how you doing hey doing good I appreciate you guys having me this morning oh we we always enjoy it Xavier and I I want to start with this because uh you have couple of takes number one and uh we all agree with that here and one of the other names you mentioned Nar and Gorman Jordan Walker another guy uh we’ve seen these guys that have performed well in the past and have kind of regressed what have you seen that has caused the young Cardinal players to regress yeah well first of all I just you know the underperformance of some of these guys is probably the most frustrating thing for me because you almost look at last year and you expect to guys to bounce back and and expect guys to bounce back with a vengeance right to take someone last year utle it up and make it that much better um and we just haven’t seen that and honestly the the answer for why it’s been like that it it’s hard to find um you know it’s it’s you can always I look at it this way you can always point the fingers at the superstars on the team or the guys that are getting paid a lot of money to perform but at the same time I look at from an offensive approach standpoint there just has been a lack of discipline there there’s guys that are not doing a good job early enough in the count to put their good swings on the baseball um if you watch a lot of the Cardinal games it looks like it feels like they get to two strikes faster than any other team a lot of the times and and normally a Cardinals team is known for really good disciplined at bats not necessarily the most power in the league but team that does a good job of being able to put the bat to the ball be able to go the other way be able to uh play the game of baseball dictated by situations and to me that just hasn’t been the case and and ultimately that does fall on the the hidden coach to me and it’s just like hey we got to put together better plans and it’s it’s not easy to do but it it almost seems like a repetition of what we’ve seen continuing from last year yeah that’s the biggest thing is that I don’t think anybody wanted see anything from last year X because we didn’t want to see a repeat of that whatsoever I find it interesting that you point to the hitting coach because as you mentioned it is up to the players at the end of the day to execute at the plate so in your experience having played for the Cardinals and played for other teams does the hitting coach really matter that much where it could affect how they perform at the plate yeah I I I think it does I I look at um the the biggest thing is going to be from a plan standpoint and I think as hitters you know it if we’re failing a lot of times we can only do so much ourselves uh because we need some direction and I think if there’s multiple players that have uh whether it’s no plan or no direction at the plate to make the adjustments I think partially that does fall on the hitting coach and I think that you know hitting is hard at the major league level I for I for for one know that firsthand but at the same time you can’t afford to bring in from an offseason standpoint three pitchers in a starting rotation you have Sunny gray who’s been pitching extremely well um you make some of the right changes and then it doesn’t seem like from an offensive standpoint that you’ve made the the right changes and and I’m not saying it all falls on the hitting coach it definitely falls on the players as well but there has to be a plan in place and it doesn’t seem like the plan is going the right way from an approach standpoint Xavier what what did you see with uh with Jordan Walker and why he had so many issues you think early on in this season yeah it looked I actually had a chance to talk to Oi a couple weeks ago right after Jordan went down and and I was you know just as disappointed as everybody else um just because we know the potential of Jordan Walker right and um just there was a specific pitch the the slider on the outer half of the plate that whether it be he couldn’t lay off of it or he was just not getting the barrel to it and that’s a specific physical adjustment that you have to go back and make and they felt like he wasn’t going to be able to get the right reps enough for a confidence from a confidence standpoint to be able to get to where he needed to be um as a threat in the middle of this order without going back down to the minor leagues and and really working on that on a day-to-day basis so um just as disappointed as as everybody else I was but at the same time I’m looking at a young player that has a lot of time um to be a great player and I think once he’s able to get to that adjustment uh hopefully he can come back up and be an impact player uh for the Cardinals Xavier Scruggs former Cardinal with us on 101 ESPN the Red Sox are in town Xavier 20 years since the Cardinals played the Red Sox in the World Series we don’t get much of an opportunity to see them and you a guy you’re you’re a guy that uh through the system you bled you still bleed cardinal red and here we have the Cardinals of all teams with box seats going for 29 bucks against the Red Sox what do you take from that yeah I mean it just tells you about the times right now right it’s obviously tough um you know you want to get as many fans into into the stadium as possible but you have to look at you know it hasn’t been the same product that we’ve seen over a large amount of time so I I I still look at you know no matter what we have to remember that a new team is is trying to build a new identity there’s always going to be young players I look at Mason win who’s an exciting young player um who still has a lot to prove but he’s done a lot of things to show you the flashes of how how really good he can be at the big league level defensively he’s a he’s a wizard um the bat to ball skills I think is special I think he’s still figuring out his process at the plates but he’s held his own um the same thing go for uh Herrera I think you’re looking at a Bright Young ketu now gets an opportunity with the with the Wilson contras injury right um as as devastating as that is you get to start to see some of these other guys Step Up Nolan Gorman I think he’s a guy that we know what he’s capable of doing right but he’s still young at 24 years old so hopefully he understands that he’s helping build this identity of the next nucleus of cardinals that will continue to to perform uh for this team but also look at like hey it’s the Red Sox yo fans got come out because this is this is a Red Sox team that is one of the best in pitching right now too Brian beo is going to be on the mound tonight for the first for the first game he’s another Bright Young star on the other side that people need to be watching hey Xavier I want to get your take also and you tweeted about this when Wilson conteras got hurt but you mentioned how important he is to this franchise how important has Wilson conteras become to the Cardinals right now I mean it’s it’s interesting story because you go back to early last year there was a point in which he might not have been catching for this team at any point so like it just tells you how much work he’s put into it how good he wants to be not only as a hitter but behind the plate uh he’s a leader that’s one of the reasons why the Cardinal signed him after a Yadier Molina you’re looking for not necessar placement but somebody who can bring that same level of leadership and once you go and talk to the players and that Clubhouse you get an understanding of that’s what he has he has that kind of face of an organization type of attitude and mentality so once you lose that it’s it’s not only an offensive loss it’s also a defensive loss now it’s a mentality loss um and somebody that was really the only bright star in the lineup consistently so it it tells you how big that is for this roster now X I’m not hoping that anything bad happens here so I just want to start with that but this is going to be a very tough home stand for the Cardinals when you’re facing the Red Sox Orioles and the Cubs all very very good teams theoretically if things do not go well during this home stand do you see any big changes coming yeah I don’t necessarily s say that big changes are coming I mean these are some tough teams that you’re going to be facing um you know it is what it is I don’t expect all of a sudden there to be changes if if the if the Cardinals don’t win half of these games games I mean it’s it’s going to be tough the one thing I will say is there has to be progression right there has to be certain areas in which you see the team fighting and getting better and and a certain energy and I think you know we just talked about Wilson conteras he brought an energy so I look to other players to step up when it comes to that type of energy when it comes to bringing something as far as um impact to this team and as far as your question yeah I I just I just don’t it happening I mean mosac has said often um you know Ali is the manager of this team um you know they’re they know what’s going on with this roster he’s got to work with it uh I I don’t see changes happening anytime soon if if it’s not a good home stance from a hitter’s perspective and I know you evaluate guys all the time and you know what the hell you’re talking about so let’s ask you about Goldie got off to a slow start now starting to heat it up what do you see the difference with what he’s doing at the plate yeah um I was it’s actually funny me and Mark doosa were talking about Goldie and kind of what we had seen from him and it almost looked like he was kind of in between pitches and we you know power hitters kind of go through these stretches at times where you find yourself in between so and what I mean by that is sometimes you’re sitting back too much on the off speed and you start to get more fast balls and then sometimes you’re aggressive on Fast balls thinking you’re going to get more heaters and you start to get more off speed and that’s kind of where he was sitting in between almost guessing in a sense um but it seems like now he’s starting to get to a point where he’s letting the ball travel a little bit when we think of Paul GOI like he’s hitting bombs to the opposite field that’s when he’s going really well hitting doubles into that right center Gap I think with him sitting and letting them allall travel a little bit which is easier said than done it’s not easy as a hiter to trust yourself and let guys who throw 99 100 miles an hour start to let the get a little bit deeper on you but ultimately he’s so quick with his hands he can afford to do that and I think he just lost a little bit of that confidence in in sitting back and allowing the ball to travel and I think you’re starting to see him do that a little bit better which allows him to recognize off speed better as well Xavier Scruggs mentioned the energy that Wilson contrerus brings to the Cardinals Xavier Scruggs brings it to everything he does in broadcasting including your YouTube channel show and go with X which is a lot of fun I watch it as often as I can you’ve had some great guests and you have a great time taking people behind the curtain no I appreciate that I think that’s the one thing that’s I’d love to do obviously you guys do it extremely well too uh but just giving people a different perspective on the game right as as an analyst I can tell you what somebody’s doing wrong but until I can really learn from what that person uh does on a day-to-day basis for example get getting to sit down um with a guy like Harrison Bader and get to learn his everyday process and now when I talked about him with the Mets and him having a two- hit night coming in the game yesterday I can tell you exactly what his thought process is and his mentality at the plate and defensively so it gives me more of the Insight that I can just give to the fan base it’s show and go with X and you should subscribe on YouTube Xavier scrug is always great to hear your voice and your Insight thanks so much for the time we do appreciate it have yourself a great weekend yeah you guys too appreciate you guys for having me all right my manam see you take care that is the great Xavier Scruggs joining us on 101 ESPN I interviewed him for a radio game one time and um I knew at that point this guy’s going to be pretty good I came in with like two questions he gave me four minutes of answers and they all were insightful and well spoken and uh gracious and that’s when you knew hey this guy’s got a chance in the media and he’s he’s done a heck of a job and a great human being just a terrific person in addition to being great at what he does super super nice absolutely yep coming up we’re going to head down the stretch with rock and roll here on 101 ESPN e e e e hey it’s Brooke here and I want to tell you why I love the Missouri Athletic Club it’s because they’re helping me stick to my big goals for this year two of which are this one it’s to get into better shape I already was in pretty good shape but I really wanted to push myself physically and especially get into better shape right before my wedding which is uh coming up here in three weeks Randy made sure to point that out to me and thanks to Christine over at the Missouri Athletic Club I’m having so much fun working out with her twice a week over at the West location and also they helped me get back into the sport I’ve played my entire life and that is tennis I hit with Scott the other day and it was such a great workout and it was just so much fun working on kind of the fundamentals of the game again and they always provide such a wonderful experience over there and that’s why I love my Mac e so you’re a decision maker or somebody who runs a business and when somebody Googles your category you want to be first right right there at the top of the list that’s something that our friends at 2060 digital down the hall here at hubard radio and hubard broadcasting can do 2060 digital is an amazing social media and website developer that can help you be the top result on Google they can help with your website build and hosting they’re a landing page developer and they’ll provide you with social media management and advertising so that you can connect with your potential clients in a much easier fashion it really does make a difference when you have experts like 2060 digital and not only are they going to help you with your website and social media and the the way that you can connect with your clients but they have qualitative analysis they have analytics that will tell you exactly how they’re doing and how your business is doing in terms of reaching those potential clients you can get in touch with them they’re right down the hall from us go to 101 2060 digital to improve your business e en [Music] roll let’s rock let’s rock [Music] today and roll here on 101 ESPN Matthew what do you got for us well the there been a lot of questions a lot of wondering around what’s going on with St Louis city SC midfielder Edward Len he actually was at city’s press conference yesterday and he actually went to the podium and explained what was going on with everybody about a minute uh about a minute 15 explanation here from Edward L very very honest very uh very open here it was uh like you could say like kind of out of nowhere like my wife has had like serious health health issues and um it got worse and worse and then she ended up having a surgery and um yeah the the truth is now that my wife has cancer um so I want to be like very open about that because I know maybe like at a certain point people people will know and also um yeah this is also a request honestly for for uh yeah my brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world to pray for my wife for for health and uh courage in that time it doesn’t matter like within the club Family Friends Church like we we receive flowers people would bring meals and it was it was incredible like we uh we were so many times dra on to tears because of the love of so many people and um obviously sometimes you think like for myself sometimes you you don’t even know what’s going on within yourself and sometimes then obviously I I talked to my wife the most in that time and the crazy thing is like even that my wife she is suffering from yeah from uh in in with her health issues and she was like most of the time the one encouraging me you know and encouraging each other which is incredible so obviously thoughts and prayers out to Edward Len and his family for this one um I don’t I never I don’t think he really even had to do that but it says a lot that he wanted to to put it out in front street and obviously the support he’s received from the fans and the people inside the building has been incredible and I expect that to continue we will think about him and his wife during this hard time and that is just so brave of him to go out there and speak on this because it’s not something that we need to know we knew that there was something personal going on and of course everybody’s curious as to what’s going on but I think the CSC Bradley Carnell they all handled it really well of keeping this until he felt comfortable enough to go out and speak about it and that is just so brave of him to be able to go out there and speak on that because that is such a hard thing to go through and we’re thinking about him and especially his wife right now during this hard time and I thought it was really interesting what he said I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone at the club for supporting me he said I appreciate this setting to be able to talk so openly about this because I know where I come from it can sometimes be seen as a weakness yeah wow that that was big too because because and Roman berky did did a post St Louis city did a video where they put out Roman berking talking about his his you know his I don’t want to say struggles or maybe even battle but just his relationship with his own mental health and berky also comes you know uh you know Swiss guy who played in Germany comes from a much more you know a very you know a more conservative kind of held back background and so he was talking about how you know it’s different now talking about my mental health cuz I come from a from a culture that doesn’t do it a lot and it’s the same thing Lou is saying as well from the German culture of like we don’t get emotional we don’t put it out on our heart on FR On Our Sleeve like this and so that growth not just you know for athletes but overall just the way that mental health has grown over the last 10 years especially in this country and how we handle it I just think this is a great example of that and obviously city’s been at the Forefront of that for their players and they’re they’re obviously doing a great job in that I’m with you 100% well and it’s it’s interesting we’ve talked a lot about perspective this morning because Scotty Sheffer gets arrested he’s out on the golf course now somebody died in an accident before Scotty sheffler got arrested and Dan you mentioned right off the bat perspective right that there’s a family that’s affected by this and the the ripples of that person getting hit include Scotty Sheffer getting arrested but Scotty Sheffer is a blip same thing with Edward Len we talk about the success or lack of of City SCC wins and losses but there’s a sports man right at the end of the day perspective it is just a game it is at the end of the day I’m glad that he felt comfortable enough to be able to share that and that just also shows the fan support here that he knows that he can share that and that he’ll be embraced because he has been embraced thus far so we’ll be thinking about Len and his wife during this time and hopefully she’s on the road to recovery currently great job today by a producer audio video engineer the one the only Matthew Rocky thank you sir pleasure Brook did you have fun this week yeah good I had a donut three weeks weeks from tomorrow Randy we got next week and then the week after and then the week after I’m trying not to freak out I I like how I like how I asked so I was like I don’t know if I need reminders and now that you’re like counting it down I’m me to start cting down by days next week you’re going to come up with like a whiteboard that’s a good idea no I I shouldn’t have given you that idea Dan what did I just do there oh yeah I coming up on Monday will be uh you know I just I start reading the promos or what’s coming up when you go down that road Randy if you start counting down days I’m going to protect Brooke here and just move the great job today by the great Danny Mack thanks guys this is a lot of fun have a great weekend and we appreciate you tuning in texting in and being a part of the show for all of us don’t just have a great weekend have an American weekend that’s right

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