I bought cleats from Temu

straight from China I wonder what child packag this for me straight up these $115 ones they ass this is a straight Chinese robbery scam they’re feeding you look at this Nike switch it’s literally you you like there’s no hole for the for the L there’s nothing I had to poke a hole you have a knife oh my gosh but when you upgrade to the $30 teu specials here they’re also scamming you but it doesn’t feel as much as of a scam these ones past the it test like if you didn’t know any better from afar and sometimes even up close like they look like a real shoe oh my God bro I bet you these aren’t going to last the game oh wait this is not even n oh it’s a you dude I don’t even know dude from far I was like dude these look nasty and then I come up close actually no they still look pretty good up close hey they not look terrible don’t Hy that up


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