Golf Players


Episode 14 of this series!
This particular student came to me with a 2 way miss, specifically hitting a lot of hooks & blocks. This is quite common when looking deeper that pattern, where his body was stalling out & reacting to the steepening effect he was creating in transition. Enjoy!


Hello, My name is Shauheen Nakhjavani, Co-founder of Nakhjavani Golf. I have been a golf coach for 10+ years, I’ve given over 25,000 lessons in-person & online, and I have worked with many professional players; including Kevin Chappell, Stephen Ames, Darren Clarke, Calum Hill, Yannik Paul, Eddie Pepperell, Jeremy Paul & many others!

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lower back has this very strong concave look to it here uh that I’d be worry about long term in terms of being able to rotate well through the ball it can put a lot of stress on the lower back uh it’s not ideal so just engaging your core to kind of push out that lower back would go a long way I also would like to see a little bit less knee flex and just generally maybe a little taller um you know setup position for example upper body gets very bent over from the upper portion of your waist hands kind kind of retract inside and then the knees have a lot of flex I would love to see this idea cleaned up here um you know with a little bit less knee Flex for example so just setting up a little bit taller getting the upper body a little taller getting those hands to relax under the shoulders a little better uh so matching more the yellow position to the red one I do believe would go a long way for you outside of that everything else in the setup is fine now in the back swing we take the club back obviously grips a little bit on the stronger side with the left hand uh so that’s always going to get that club face a little bit more towed down kind of matching the spine here don’t mind this takeway at all you know left arm a little inside which is good uh no real issues there to the club movement and then really up until this point again a lot of really good you know shoulder tilt is really solid pelvic tilt obviously because of a dress is really good changes in knee Flex hands right in the middle of the chest here a lot of good things going on now when you get to the top I certainly don’t mind the shorter pattern you mentioned the fact of like a little bit of bigger muscles getting a little shorter with the arms and all that in the swing I don’t mind that and I actually don’t mind where the hands are too I believe if you got any deeper than this to be honest it would be too deep for a shorter move if there is anything here uh to me just looks maybe and this might be the shoes but looks like there’s a lot of weight on the toes of your feet maybe not so much on the heels you know the uh the soles of the heels here looks like it’s elevating a little bit you see kind of that shadow would typically tell me that there’s not enough pressure going into the heel of the foot so maybe something to consider changing long term but it also might be the shoes so I’m not going to worry about that too much the only real concern here for me is just a little too laid off with the club and in fact I think this actually matches some of the older stuff we’ve talked about as well where you know Club just gets a little too late off here from my liking and then from there usually you’ll see a steeper transition which is very much what happens with you right when that club doesn’t set down the line enough even for a shorter move of course I don’t want it ever to get like across the line I believe that would be too hard to reroute everything in a short amount of time but when it gets too laid off often times what happens is from that laid off position it’s really hard to keep the club shallow and so coming down you’ll see a little bit of a reaction where the shaft tends to steepen some amount and then obviously as soon as it’s coming down steeper even if it doesn’t look actually steep it’s steepening the direction it’s moving is this way and then from there your body has to react to it and try to stall out the chest and side Bend that’s why through the ball of the hands kind of exit out that way the left shoulder looks a little jammed up and kind of like closed off here all of these things are related to the fact that the shaft is steepening and you can’t really rotate cuz if you rotate with how the shaft is steepening it’s going to work too far out in front of you and believe it or not those pulls would actually get worse so there’s an innate reaction from your body from being too laid off to stall out in order to avoid a pull and then obviously once you stall out and that left shoulder stays closed off the hands exit down the target line too much and then from there it’s just like holding on for dear life usually you’ll see a very very vertical release of this shaft here and typically you’ll see a little too much right side Bend so I think side Bend is good I think it can certainly be overdone and certainly with better players like lower handicaps it tends to be overdone so all I would love to see here really and I actually think this would clean up a lot of your issues if we just got the club a little bit more down the line that would preset the forums in a different position so that in transition the shaft would actually start to naturally shallow out instead of steepening some amount and then from there we would be able to actually get your body to rotate pretty comfortably through the ball I just don’t believe you have the to do so right now cuz the club just gets a little too late off and steepens a little too much in transition and then there’s a reaction from the chest side bending and staying closed off to try to make it work and not just hit it left and that’s why the release gets so vertical it’s all kind of correlated there so if we do some tiny little setup detail changes that I mentioned at the beginning of this and we just get that club pointed a little bit more down the line there will be a much different reaction to the shaft and transition shallowing out and that’ll free up your body to do some different good things through the golf ball but

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