Golf Players

May 29, 2024 ~ Shane, JC, Mike Morgan

Gator Nation are you ready for a LIVE Wednesday edition of PodUp with Matthews in the Morning?! Stay Tuned for a full show hosted by Florida Gators Football Hall of Fame QB ~ Shane Matthews. Our Good friend JC is with us today! Second half we’ll be joined by Mike Morgan from CampusUSA Credit Union! 🐊🎙️

[Music] a [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] hi Siri I’m looking for a new podcast one that preferably is hosted by a UF Hall of Famer uh one that airs every weekday that would bring me everything I need to know about the Florida Gators including news analysis and opinion ions Siri is there such a show have you heard of podup with Matthews in the morning on Facebook YouTube Twitter or any podcast platform oh my gosh why didn’t I think of that UF Hall of Famer Shane Matthews has a show every weekday I’m going to go check it out tomorrow thanks Siri good morning it’s a live edition of Matthews in the morning from the crime prevention security system Studios large enough to serve you small enough to care we’ll have JC we’ll have Mike Morgan from the SEC network join us as well you missed it last night the Mavericks had a chance to sweep uh there will be another game against the t-wolves uh to see who plays the Boston Celtics we had a little hockey going on um not a whole not a lot lot of other stuff going on um JC you’re on the Titan or hotline courtesy a comfort temp what’s happening well it looks like we’ve got another 10 days of just hot dry weather which I love it’s hot every day well yeah but it it usually rains every day that’s great hey QB you know um I’m wondering if youve got your your Oklahoma itinerary all locked up and ready to go central Oklahoma is the place to go to now man I mean you’ve got baseball playing in Still Water you’ve got softball playing in OKC uh it’s an easy trip to Atlanta and then across on a on a Delta Jet and boom you are in the middle of the hotbed of the postseason for softball and baseball and QB you know Oklahoma state is a is is just a great little program that Kenny gaski has has created and you know the former Gator assisted coach and now he’s gonna play his mentor prote in the um no no I’m sorry no no that’s NE brass that’s Nebraska am I right Oklahoma state with playing wal Tim Walt right okay I’m getting my my my Midwest mixed up Ben sass who is your president here at University of Florida he’s gonna get to watch the school where he basically came from Play The Gator baseball team okay now I’m all together and you know that Nebraska baseball team QB that Nebraska baseball team they won the Big 10 Championship uh tournament right and and they’re a very good team that Regional uh is is probably the the most interesting if you ask me I I I think it’s going to be a fantastic Regional with that’s with that Nebraska team and uh and Florida Gators I think it’s going to be tremendous yeah I um you know Nebraska’s starting a pitcher’s nine and0 but the people I’ve talked to say he’s a decent pitcher but he’s he’s not secc caliber pitching but Oklahoma State’s a good team too and well yeah they’re they’re a very good team Big 12 tournament champions I believe so it’s it’s got we’ve got a lot of pedigree there in a lot of success uh getting together in one Regional that’s a tough Regional for the Gator QB I think it’s a great Regional for them because they’re playing in a small ballpark we’re we’re a two three-run Homer type team we’re not a great we’re not a great hitting team for average uh we rely on the Earl Weaver the three run homers quite a bit yes so it’s better than going to Tallahassee who you see every year right these are teams you never see so I’m excited for them we’ll see what happens what a place to be though Cub we got to be ever mindful of those poor folks in the midwest who have suffered through these ravaging tornadoes it’s been God awful and uh you know this is that time of year in Oklahoma for sure I’ve been I lived through it uh going to watch the gator softball team and you know in OKC in in many uh prior Summers and um but this is an exciting time that gator softball team man I was watching that failer game and get you know I know this is Wednesday but this is the first time I’ve had a chance to talk about it because we didn’t come on Monday and I know you were nervous TB I know you were nervous you’re very nervous soft nervous about what about the softball team you were really nervous I mean I not nervous at all I was there JC I know but you were you were like biting your fingernails fidgety and and really you wer no I don’t get nervous about anything um I had no doubt that they would win on Sunday uh it just bad things happen to them well they won I don’t think bad things I think they you know winning is all you’re trying to do there yeah advance and move on and now um we’ll see what happens in in OKC a lot of good teams out there uh you got to get some breaks on once you’re out there I still think ooma’s the team to beat uh Texas Texas is a one seed but they’re they’re they’re extremely fortunate that they’re there they could have lost they they should have lost all three games um yeah obviously they only lost one of them but anyway well they’re tough though they’re good and um I think it sets up for a very exciting tournament eight teams Florida yeah you’re right I I I was shocked to see Alabama be Tennessee to tell you the truth this is not a team that had a lot of success in the regular season and they that game shouldn’t that that shouldn’t even goone to game three I don’t know if you saw it but I watched a lot of softball game one yeah routine ground ball to second base yeah in the bottom of the seventh girl in her transition from filling it to throwing it bobbles it game’s over yeah but nope they hit a like a two three run Homer I think he went into extras or whatever so um that’s game one Yeah Tim says on Facebook live brought to you by mael and law uh quote they just can’t win the big one gator bait author he’s referring to Buddy everybody’s all over buddy everybody I know Buddy’s rooting for the Gator softball team why would they be all over that poor man well cuse buddy doesn’t think it’s an elite program oh we’re still talking about that yeah it was a big big big subject yesterday big topic poor buddy you know give him a break he’s he’s just what he thinks all right no I mean he has his right but he’s he’s way all based because when you go when you go to the World Series over 60% of the time your coach has been here and you’ve played for five national titles in 20 years and you won two that to me is Elite so that’s just my definition I guess it’s it’s not some other people I mean yeah listen it’s gonna be a great tournament but I I you know the SEC is is a great conference for baseball and softball but Oklahoma is just clearly clearly the trend Setter they’re the gold standard in softball but we’ll see what happens anything’s possible anything can happen but you have to you’re right you have to like the home team’s chances and they literally are the home team so they sleep in their own beds couple YouTubers here Michael uh brought to you by quality diploma says I want Tim to get revenge on the Stanford debacle last year hopefully the UMP is not well Stanford if we win and we play the winner of Stanford and Texas yeah uh Stanford’s piter is ridiculous Justice says Tennessee’s piture was obnoxious reminded him of the baseball team two years ago let me tell you something she’s like 62 w i was watching her pitch she’s the pitcher of the year in the conference uh her season’s over but yeah he was throwing 75 to 77 miles an hour I thought it was a misprint so I kept watching the little the little thing up there after every pitch and it was anywhere between 74 and 77 which most girls pitch from 66 to 69 if they hit 70 it’s like whoa this girl was throwing straight gas yeah she gets to watch Alabama play in the college bow series exactly exactly that’s right all right so JC just recapping we’ll get to our Peach Land dental picks for this week but recapping last week at the colonial which was a part of golf course than the damn PGA Championship Valhalla I mean it’s very simple people tight Fairways and rough destroys the PGA Tour player nothing destroy him but uh challeng my highest finisher Was Keegan Bradley who I think was in the top five had a good weekend and then you had Sheffer uh who came in second again um had a bad a bad second day I guess or is it his third day I can’t remember one day he had a terrible day he shot like two over or three over but uh I think was his third day because the second day I want to say he was seven under but regardless he finished his second very happy for Davis Riley Roll Tide and you didn’t even know a few years ago whoy QB I did so know about that no I asked you and you had no idea who Davis Riley was isn’t he the guy wasn’t he the amateur that won on tour this year no who was that no that’s a that kid still an amateur he is okay yeah you got don’t don’t don’t come in here with your swinging elephant shirts and all that stuff when you don’t know a damn thing about the program speaking of that speaking of that the Gator golf team we gave a shout out to them yesterday just came short they had the three easiest holes all they had to do was make pars we made Bogies and doubles and cost us I was texting with JC and Dudley they were devastated I said look I I get it they’ll be back but what I didn’t understand and I’m going to find out I’m G to ask them this okay this golf tournament was held in California Carl’s Bad the host team yeah do you know the host team was it was like um it was a different school from a different place it was the Texas Longhorns yeah yeah on every flag yeah the uh the horns logo was there and I I just like this makes absolutely no freaking sense well yeah I you know I guess they just want to play this in a tournament where uh at a place that’s uh ritzy and there’s never going to be a weather issue and you know they played hard the has nothing to do with what I’m talking hard well it’s just I mean yeah it’s kind of like you’re talking about geography why would a team from Texas host a golf tournament that’s out there in California is that not what you’re talking about that’s what I’m talking about but but but because in the NCA tournament when you go to these different sites the court has the logo of the host school which when they play in Omaha Nebraska they got the blue jay sitting down there because Katon is the okay right but we’re talking about the state of Texas which everybody knows where that is and the damn golf tournament is in the state of California I don’t understand I’m GNA have to ask J I’m just trying to figure out why it was out there at the well it’s there for the next three years well it must be a great place and they must love it and I’ll tell you it played damn hard um for those kids but that’s good I mean that’s I think that’s H really brings out the challenge listen Florida has a lot to be proud of coming off a national championship with a team that’s got a lot of young golfers to advance through re regionals to the NC finals I mean it’s a hell of a program man it’s two years in a row you’re G to go out there and play at the NCAA tournament with a different uh lineup in the second year after a national title it’s great stuff it’s great stuff and JC needs to be pay more I would pay him more money better they better as says on Facebook live John de Dall was three under the last day one over for the tournament while Parker Bell was 160 yeah Parker Bell did have a great week uh Parker Bell will be playing in the US Open hereif two weeks yeah you knowf that is golf it’s golf JC Deacon gets more with less I think than just about any coach in America when you consider that the facility doesn’t have the space or the room for these kids to practice the way these other schools get to practice and so he get more out of less than anybody in America write that man a check keep him around and build him a damn golf course so those kids can practice and play on their home turf and I if if that happens he’ll be around forever and I think yeah I mean you you Google uh if you Google Alabama’s facility they’re building if you look at Tennessee’s golf facility Gators are hoping to be building one I hope so here shortly let hope you build football stadiums you can build golf courses so golf courses are cheaper lot cheaper just go buy some L we got lots of it out here in West laach County you gotta get your your silly County folks to let us uh dig dirt and trim trees or cut them damn things down yeah all right real quick uh Tony Tony sent me he sent me the story I have to read this another time about he said that uh let me find where it was they he says they sent me the story on so they want to make that course in California like Omaha for the College World Series I get that I get you know for for a long time Grey Hawk out there at Scottdale was the place that you know your goal as a golf team is we want to go to Grey Hall you know baseball we want to go to Omaha Tim Walton and the girls have up there OKC’s their number one goal I get that they want to go out to carlbad sure what I don’t get is why the damn Texas logo is on all the flags they’re the host school that’s what somebody’s got to explain to me okay well you you stay up at night worried about that QB you’re well stuff like that is just just is interesting to it irritates you all right so JC let’s touch on I’ll touch more on it with Mike Morgan but uh the SEC meetings are going on in in Destin right now right uh one of the big topics was I don’t know if this is the NCA or the SEC but uh I know every college football coach was against it they were trying to get rid of Walk-Ons um I was thinking about this the other day you can’t you can’t have a football team without your Walk-Ons they’re they’re a huge part of your program but I was thinking about you know they’re getting ready to to supposedly you’re gonna have $20 million to dish out however you want to dish it out whatever Sports I think a lot of these non-revenue sports are going to go away I hate to say it but I think they’re gonna be gone I think you’re right but but if you’re going to you know these guys are are getting paid now there there is no more student athlete that damn word student athlete done in my opinion okay why now do you need 85 scholarships okay why not go to the NFL model 53 man rosters then you can have as many Walk-Ons as you want as your practice squad because you know there’s only about 22 to there well let me say this there’s about 30 players that dress out on a Saturday afternoon that play in the game on average 30 you dress 70 something for a sec game but only about 30 of them play actually walk on the between the white white lines and Tackle somebody or get hit or have an actual play in the game um I don’t know I just started thinking about that I’m like you know why why waste money now on all these scholarships yeah well it’s it’s a tough question um I can just say that you know I think we’re going to have some sort of collective bargaining at some point and almost we’re going to get to a point where they just become employees and I don’t know if that’s right or wrong or good or bad but it’s just uh it’s one of those things I will let me touch on one thing QB and I’ll let you get with Mike I I think Mike would be able to give you a little bit more insight on some of those things you just brought up but again I was watching that silly uh Miami hurricanes podcast yesterday oh you love that show well it just pops up on my screen I don’t know how it worked I don’t really like it but then I don’t turn it off and this guy’s talking about the University of Florida with their intent to defraud Jam he truly believes that the University of Florida is in serious trouble on thiser and I’m like serious trouble how dude I mean in no trouble at all it’s a financial issue and and he’s talking about it being a fraudulent issue where there’s actual like crime being commit I mean they’re going crazy down there talking about this and then this other guy says they’re going 11 they’re winning 11 games I mean they live in delusional World down there in Miami so I Tell You Folks this Florida Miami game it’s gonna really get hyped up hard when we get to August which I know is just you know two full months away but but goodness gracious they are talking about it like the Gators are a bunch of criminals up here and Billy naor’s in big trouble and they’re gonna get Ian this guy Bri I think his name was Brian Walker on the uh on the Kane’s podcast I think I think absolutely nothing happens in this lawsuit zero well he says the intent to defraud is just as bad as fraud and Hugh Hathcock and this Marcus Guy Walker it they just they just really screwed it up and um I I know you you dismiss it but God that’s what they’re talking about down there yeah well that’s Miami that’s Miami for you I’m not hearing it anywhere else uh Tim wants to know JC tell us what the non-revenue sports are well I I think track field is an issue with Revenue cly lacrosse is one of those I would also say gymnastics they may charge for gymnastics now yeah but golf is in that equation uh I’m not sure if volleyball is self-standing I’m not even sure if women’s basketball is so you look at sports like that you know spring Sports for the most part but certainly lacrosse who just got done playing in a final four and by the way Northwestern choked against Boston College they were winning six to nothing and lost by a goal but at any rate the cross and sports like that are going to have you know issues with Revenue just because you can’t draw 10 15,000 people to those things yeah um all right J&J Trucking on YouTube brought to you by qual Plum says QB I heard Billy wants 140 guys on his team at all times have you heard anything he has about 120 140 about 120 is about the normal you usually have about 40 Walk-Ons to 85 scholarships that’s normal um all but I just think in today’s world the game is everything is changing it’s not college sports anymore it’s not student athletes go go to the NFL model it’ll save you money it’ll save you money do they still have to go to class I mean they’re supposed to but if you were if you were banking 50 to 60,000 a month would you be going to class Jon well listen I I do whatever the rules say I have to do but I I think some of those football players I don’t know how much I would do you better listen QB you better listen to your lecturer I I don’t know man it’s true uh I I just wait till my tutors came along and help yeah well I it’s it’s nuts um but they want a part of they want some of those billions and and the courts are letting them have it and that’s the way it goes that’s the way it goes um yes Tim says watch out for title n look Title 9 is Title 9 but I’m telling you I’m more worried it does not look good for the non-revenue Sports in the future unfortunately yeah uh Chris on YouTube brought to you by qualy Plum says any thoughts on lagway Gatorade commercial that aired last night any idea how much that’s bringing him nil wise or what that does for future QB recruiting did you have finally T tapping into Gatorade ties I don’t think so he was the Gatorade National player of the year I feel like if he was playing at Duke he would still probably be in that commercial uh I don’t think gator has any ties to the University of Florida anymore if I’m not mistaken it’s been sold yeah is that right JC yes PepsiCo Pepsi Co company of Gatorade uh QB you know a lot of what these students make or students these athletes what they make a lot of it also comes from their own uh ambition for instance Olivia Dunn the gymnast at LSU you know who hardly ever plays right but she became a um play comp she overnight sensation just because of social media and and people looks like of course and you know she was part of a national championship team and uh now she’s uh all into this pitcher who came from LSU Paul skes we all remember him he pitches for the Pirates he’s a real uh real he’s been a real jolt for the Pirates organization who’s done tremendous things and she’s all over the place so a lot of what these kids make a lot of times just comes from what they can do too to create more Revenue on their part you have to give Olivia Don a lot of credit people like that it’s out there if they want it but it’s also out there if they just show up and that’s what we’re seeing now with College athletics and that’s what this court case is about but there still you know nothing has been totally finalized last night I think Nick Sav said this nothing has been completely finalized as to exactly what’s going to happen or how much you’re going to get it’s still working its way through the system but it is going to change and you know some of these conferences and some of these schools there’s going to be cons validation and you’re going to see the Fox TV Network Conference and the ESPN TV Network Conference it’s going to be like the AFC QB and the NFC that’s how I feel football’s gonna end up for some reason yeah CHR cell on the Titar text line says Shane I am total agreement I agree let’s go to 60 to 65 Scoles and the rest are Walk-Ons or practice squad players even if we have 85 I would use the 65 put my money in those kids and if I signed kids they would play at least on special teams just makes sense to me where nil has taken the game too yeah uh real quick JC before we get you out of here this day in sports brought to you by Campus USA Credit Union put some star power to work in your financial life at Campus USA Credit Union uh this day in 1980 where’ It Go in 1980 did you know this JC 44 years ago who won the NBA Rookie of the Year in 1980 uh I’m G give you I’m gonna give you one guy played at Michigan State one guy played at Indiana State I’ll go with the guy that played at Michigan State uh wrong Larry Bird beat out Magic Johnson for NBA rookie of the year 19 okay wow that was wrong well it was gonna I was gonna guess one of those two I was gonna definitely guess one of those two um you know uh listen this is a this is a great time this is where I I basically end the sports year when we get to these World Series and these postseasons for these baseball and softball teams and I just really I love watching college baseball playoffs postseason and the college uh softball World Series if you ever want to watch so we talk about players getting paid and compensated but if you truly want to watch athletes play for just the absolute thrill of it for just trying to win something and make it a memory that’ll last a lifetime I’m not saying they all don’t do that but women’s softball is one of those Sports where these girls this is it for them I mean after softball’s over in college well there’s a few of them that go play SC Wallace is going play pro but they don’t make much money I’ll give you that but really their life goes a different direction after softball for the mass vast majority of these girls and these College World Series games are just absolutely spectacular I just love watching this stuff and you’ve been banned from OKC QB but I can I I’m not banned I just I had no bearing on the I had no bearing on the outcome of those games but I’m not going back why don’t you like going you didn’t like going I do but here’s the problem when you go you don’t know how long you’re gonna be there yes yes that is the problem same with baseball you know I blew my tv20 PM in the first two days I went 90s with the Gator baseball team Andy Lopez and damn if they weren’t there for over a week and I had to use credit cards it so it’s true it’s true that’s another story but it’s true oh JC real quick we got I forgot we got to do our Dental I’m gonna go first Mike’s waiting to come on I’m gonna take I want to hear Mike’s story about the death meetings he he’s got insight there I want to hear what he’s got to say about that I’m gonna take Tommy Fleetwood okay we’re doing golf all right Tommy Fleetwood what he’s got no chance to win over here all right what he’s in can it’s in Canada oh well that that might be okay give me uh Sam Burns Sam Burns I’m gonna take Tom Kim all all right I’m going to take Taylor pendrith the Canadian you’re taking a Canadian damn right I’m gonna take Shane Lowry and I’m gonna go with uh to finish it off give me Corey Connors another Canadian all right one we get one more pick and I’m Tak us to Heath theala and I’m gonna get I’m gonna get Adam hadwin another Canadian dang you’re going all Canadian the red flag the whole Maple Leaf team they they won’t win the Stanley Cup because Dallas is gonna beat the Edmonton Oilers but they could win their golf tournament so this is their next that’s JC join us on the Titan or hotline those were our Peach Land Dental golf picks we’re going to take a timeout we’ll come back we’ll be joined by Mike Morgan from the SEC network you’re watching listening to P Matthews in the morning from the crime prevention security system Studios we want to take this moment to thank our sponsors who keep the show going and pay the bills our premium sponsors are prime prevention security systems large enough to serve you small enough to care Titan MRI gel’s only locally owned and operated MRI facility meldon law the only official injury and accident law attorneys of the Florida Gators Peachland DL Gator nation’s first choice for dentistry in Fort Charlotte QC kinetics live painfree with QC connetics Campus USA put some star power to work in your financial life with Campus USA Credit Union Comfort temp Comfort is our business peace of mind is our promise Dave and Busters eat drink play watch our grit iron sponsors are UF bookstores Silverback concrete ruse ogre State Farm Insurance f45 Quality Plumbing our touchdown sponsors are Adams Ribs Gator dominoes celebrate Primary Care gator bait media okido America style Cuts Ironwood Golf Course big Mills cheese State McDonald’s of Gainesville 84 Lumber diing signs Banker Sporting Goods if you’re interested in promoting your business on the show call Freddy at 352 284 3733 if you like what we’re doing 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kinetics 352 44550 welcome back to the crime prevention security system Studios large enough to serve you small enough to care ruse ogre State Farm office is a team of dedicated Insurance professionals ready to help life go right with the right Insurance options for you and your family visit ogre give them a call at 35224 1779 we’re going go back to the tit more Highline courtesy a comfort temp this dude’s brought to you by Campus USA credit union he is Mike Morgan from the SEC network good morning Mike how you doing bud I’m doing well Shane how are you pretty good um let’s start with uh college baseball let’s do it uh this is a this is a very fun time the Gators are in I once they got over 500 you know last week a lot of people were like well they you know we were still not sure with their strength of schedule playing for the national title last year the brand and Jack kagon there was no way in hell they were getting left out in my opinion yo you were consistent on that and you were obviously right uh and I shared that sentiment I I I threw out a number on um on uh JC and Morgan and in another show by the way we had we had Vern lanquist on for 58 minutes last week everybody loves Vern Shane I’m telling you if you don’t listen to us for any other thing you know we talk college football year round on that show and JC and I did our normal opening segment I don’t plug it up a ton but I’ll just tell you’re uh you got a very knowledgeable and passionate uh audience that listens to your show it’s it’s a free show just like this is JC and Morgan we get a lot of guests on we’ve had you on of course we had Vern on and Vern doesn’t do a lot of interviews I just happen to know Vern because we won an award the same year and we’re at the same uh building in Salsbury North Carol in years ago and we kept in touch but he was phenomenal uh and you being a golf guy too think about 40 Years of calling the Masters we we talked about that we talked about SEC on CBS everything this was his last year in Augusta too if I remember correctly well he’s retired now period like he’s not okay so he’s fully retired done him and his wife are up there in Colorado and enjoying the good life but uh 17 years of the voice of the SEC on CBS and so many incredible memories and and that coincided with uh the gator great run in fact he mention I said who’s your favorite athlete during that time he said Tim TBO he said that’s that’s my favorite athlete that I covered in the SEC and of course he was the voice of so many signature Gator wins during that time under Urban so it’s worth a listen if you’re a Gator fan I just uh figured i’ I’d wedge that in there but on the baseball front um you know I ran a stat off to you and and on that show and some others about and over the last 15 years or so SEC teams that were 13 and 17 in conference AWA Florida Allah South Carolina Vandy LSU uh and had a top 30 RPI well we know Florida had that thanks to the number one strength of schedule every one of them got in the tournament everyone and so I was curious to see whether or not that was going to hold up and sure enough it did I I just think that the the kagle own Factor if we’re being real about it um you know just like just like the college football Committee just like the NCAA basketball committee it’s not robots determining this thing there are human beings in that room and they know what a great story is KAG Leon’s a great story they know Gary Gilmore of coastal Carolina’s a great story Coastal Carolina got in with not a very good resume I think if they just had robots spit it out like the old BCS Coastal Carolina would not have gotten then but and it helps when you’re athletic director is the chairman of the committee um and so choices like that are are choices made human beings that follow the sport know the SEC and this is not me being an SEC Homer I don’t need to carry the torch it just is what it is the league is so much better than every other league top to bottom now there are teams that are better individually like I could easily see a nonc team winning it it’s possible well it’s absolutely possible seen it happen before whether it’s a an Oregon State or one of the West Coast teams that we tend to forget about uh by the way rest in peace Pack 12 baseball uh but but no I I think Florida got exactly what it deserved to get in but as a three seed on the road and kudos to the committee I hate when we just had the same old matchups Florida Florida State South Carolina Clemson Georgia Georgia Tech you know baseball is not a you were talking about revenues with JC earlier uh baseball a lot of programs do lose money but they don’t lose a lot of money and some actually turn a profit this ain’t women’s basketball where a final four team loses $8 million uh this is baseball where they travel by bus normally not charter flights they don’t lose a ton of money they can afford to travel and and so Florida going to still water that’s a fresh matchup like that’s great that’s that’s what’s more of what you want to see I want to see matchups that we didn’t already see in the regular season uh could Florida win it absolutely here’s what I’ll say about every uh SEC team and and we all know I mean we’ve talked about this is not a great Florida team you are what you are at this point but you can get hot at the right time every SEC team is just relieved to not have to go to another sec venue for three days over a weekend and have screaming fans and just you know it just wears you down so to be able to go to an ACC or a big 12 venue with all due respect to those those conferences and teams it’s a relief and and I promise you those teams that are hosting that are not in the SCC the moment they see an SEC team as a two or three SE they go oh bleep now we got to face this crap this is not exactly a reward yeah there’s no doubt I wanted to ask you so I think it was two maybe three years ago ol Miss was the last team to get in they got hot they won the national title uh LSU is was terrible during the year they played really well in Hoover uh is there is there a team kind of under the radar out of the Southeastern Conference and it could be Florida now I don’t think our pitching and we you know we rely too much on the Home Run Ball but right is there a team that could surprise uh out of the conference that could make a run that didn’t have a great regular season that’s a great question I I mean honestly I think you hit on the team that it could be theoretically and that’s LSU if you want to make kind of an Old Miss a few years ago comp that might be the closest one now I don’t know if they have the same pitching that that Old Miss team did either um look I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think Florida’s built for that deep of a run you know they’re they it’s a great story that they barely got in do I think they could win a Stillwater Regional yeah I think it’s possible do I think they have the the the roster to go the distance and win a National Championship I don’t see that out of this roster I honestly don’t and I don’t know if I see it quite frankly out of any of the 13 and 17 teams from the SEC I just think the top teams this year uh are so good I will say this the pitching this year there there’s a lot of things going on and I’ve talked to a number of people pitching coaches umpires that I know that all agree uh you know there was a sec tournament record hit for home runs the Home Run rate this year is off the charts record setting and I can’t tell you how many off the top of my head but it was a lot staff eras on SEC staffs that were over seven in conference play not over three not over four not over five seven that’s not SEC caliber pitching I think pitching number one is a little bit down this year you look at the projected first round from Kylie McDaniel one guy Hagen Smith of Arkansas nobody else in the SEC that’s an aberration that doesn’t happen number two I truly believe based on the conversations that I’ve had and just watching balls jump off the bat I think there’s something a little bit different either with the bat or the ball or both I just I I think there’s something that’s just a little bit I’ve had coaches tell me like Mike we’re watching batting practice and seeing balls just leave the yard that never would leave the yard before something is just different this year so look for that in the postseason you’re going to see record scores uh Records amount of home runs and I don’t think it’s going to be the same amount of dominate Domin pitching like Hagen Smith’s great but you don’t have a number of Paul schemes like you normally do out of out of the SEC this year yeah good point live a healthier lifestyle with our bow flavorful smoothies and our amazing food Tropical Smoothie when you eat better you feel better we got Mike Morgan on the Titan more hotline curtesy of comfor Temp and Campus USA Credit Union Conor and Ron on YouTube says will the Gator baseball team travel to OKC for a gator softball game while in Oklahoma no uh a they their schedule it doesn’t Co inside plus uh they wouldn’t have anywhere to go uh this Oklahoma if you’ve ever been to the College World Series in Oklahoma City this place is sold out Standing Room old I mean there’s nowhere to go yeah so yeah they they gotta worry about they’re worried about winning uh games uh over there in Still Water that’s right yeah U Mike let’s switch gears a little bit SEC meetings are going on in Destin right now um anything so far come out that uh intrigued you anything said you know from the coaches or what have you well let’s back up you know over the last couple weeks what’s come out which is you know Earth shattering in terms of the college football model and College athletics model I mean we’re basically as you’ve mentioned a number of times this is now professional sports okay we have free agency via the portal we have salaries via nil and now we have salaries via it’s true true Revenue sharing we’re taking that TV money and we’re saying okay 20% of that goes to the college football athletes now how they divvy that up from there is a whole other story and people say Title 9 Title 9 Title 9 Title 9 was designed so for example you can’t have the men’s basketball team taking charter flights and staying in fourstar hotels and then have the women doing a a 10-hour bus ride and staying at a day in that’s what Title 9 was about out in a lot of in a lot of ways it was you’re not just going to treat women’s sports like a redheaded stepchild and you know what Title 9 accomplished that and kudos to that I mean the women that compete at the at the highest levels in the given Sports they deserve the same accommodations of the men however uh just like in the real world the small the allstar small forward for the WNBA doesn’t make as much as LeBron James because it’s just not the same Market uh that TV deal for football is there’s no women’s sport that even comes close to comparing to that so you’re I I don’t buy this well if the starting quarterback makes 1.5 million uh well then that means the the starting uh lacrosse player has to make something no that that’s not that that’s not what Title 9 is you might be afraid of a lawsuit and Cave into something like that but I I just don’t see that and that’s and I’m a proponent of women’s sports my my wife was a scholarship athlete but that that’s ridiculous and anybody with common sense I think would point that out but I do think what they’re talking about in Destin where all this kind of comes into where they are now is that you’ve got Greg sanki the most powerful man in college athletics and when he it’s like EF Hutton when he talks everybody listens and when Greg sanki says in front of a room full of people reporters and athletic directors we’re not exactly sure how this is going to work we don’t have all the answers that tells me a couple of things first off Congress is not going to solve this riddle it’s an election year and you’re not going to get Democrats and Republicans to vote on anything in in agreeance with one another so now how do you get this thing solved without the help of a third party and and that’s where the that’s where the rub is so like the SEC always kind of leads the way and now the Big 10 is kind of like big brother or little brother whatever you want to call it 1 a 1B uh but but those two leagues and their leadership can only do so much they they don’t have the complete autonomy to set the scale like okay here’s how it’s going to go we’re going to do this this is how much money goes to football players this is how much money goes to basketball players this is how we’re going to share this and that we still have lawsuits pending this thing is far from over so in a year where if you remember last year Shane 12 months ago the number one topic of conversation was eight game SEC schedule or n game C schedule and that’s what us as fans we really care about the most we don’t want to hear about all this legal Mumbo legal mumbo jumbo but the but commissioner sanki said I got to tell you something we can’t talk about 8 n game schedule right now it’s it’s going to be eight for minimum two more years this year and the following year and after that we’ll we’ll kick that can down the road and figure it out but for the time being we have to figure out how the hell college football is going to be run and how this whole Wild Wild West thing is going to make any sense and I don’t think they have all the answers nor do they have all the power to implement the answers that they that they actually have yeah I don’t know if you heard me talking to JC I know they were talking about you know should they get rid of Walk-Ons which I think is ridiculous because you got to have Walk-Ons right and I’m a huge fan of Walk-Ons but do you think they should reduce it’s basically pro football now and we’re talking football do you need 85 scholarships yeah now because the development of Mike Morgan coming as a freshman and getting him for three more years that ain’t happening anymore right so why not go down to 60 or 53 kind of like the NFL then you have your walk on program I mean do you think that’s even a possibility or am I crazy to think that well here’s where we’re headed it’s not going to be uh a scholarship number for example it’s not going to be 85 for football 13 for men’s basketball for women’s basketball and the ludicrous 11.7 for baseball it’s going to be roster limits so for example they could just say okay the the the cap is 100 for football okay and then you can decide you can do you can do that however you want you could do 100 bu ride scholarships you could you could keep it at 85 and have 15 preferred Walk-Ons you you could go go back to 75 scholarships and do 25 walk ons I mean I’m just throwing out theoretical numbers but the the bigger number here is no longer going to be scholarship limit they’re not going to have scholarship limits they’re going to have roster size limits and at that point uh you know if you’re a BigTime college football program like Florida is you’re obviously going to have the maximum just about every SEC team is going to have whatever the maximum number is so let’s just say it’s it’s 100 well then you’re probably going to give you know you you’re going to maybe have 85 guaranteed you’ll allow some Walk-Ons and then they earn their stripes and you you turn them into a full writer like a Chris doring type of story etc etc but I I think that’s the the key number now it’s no longer going to be the scholarship limit chain it’s going to be the roster size limit and that’s for all sports that actually helps baseball because for baseball you only have had 11.7 which is a title 9 casualty now if they set the roster limit let’s just say at I don’t know uh 20 well then you could give 20 full ride scholarships theoretically whether it’s through your uh Revenue sharing or through your nil what have you you no longer have to play this silly game where he gets books and tuition and he gets half a scholarship no no no no no no no you the roster limit is all that matters from this point forward all right so this is a very long text I’m gonna try to paraphrase from uh Roger uh it’s regarding the so-called 20 million that is supposed to be have each institution is supposed to pay out to their players now right right he wants to know is that for 20 million for each individual power four school now what about the Troys and Southern misses of the world they get thoroughly screwed um first off they don’t have 20 million to give so no they’re they’re not going to approach that number at all it the power four and quite quite honestly Shane I don’t know if every Power for school is going to be able to do that I mean is Wake Forest going to come up with 20 million between the seat cushions I I I don’t know um you know is Indiana football gonna gonna have that I mean there’s just some schools out there that I think are going to struggle find this whole notion I’ve been to I don’t know over a hundred college campuses this whole notion that everybody enjoys the life of like the Florida the Alabam the LSUS and as we know Florida not that long ago was way behind the facilities this whole notion that everybody is just swimming in cash that’s that’s a fallacy that’s not true there’s a lot of athletic departments and you’re going to start seeing people get fired and I know your average person listening doesn’t care about for example an associate sports information director making 85 Grand a year uh but those people help us when we’re broadcasting and those people have wives and children they’re going to lose their jobs smaller sports are going to get canceled like there there’s going to be repercussions to all this and football they’re never going to mess with the golden cow the the cash cow uh football and men’s basketball they’re going to be just fine but there are going to be casualties with all this because you now even though the TV money has gotten greater you now are taking 20 million off the top to just shell out in in salaries even though they don’t want to call them employees and I have my own theories on why they don’t want to do that uh there there’s going to be repercussions to that but yeah if you’re a group five School the gap of power four resources versus group five resources it is now a Chasm it is it is Monster siiz not to mention all your you know every Max school like has one guy that’s truly capable of playing in the SEC right now yeah they’re going to be plucked in the portal faster than you can turn your head so even when you were you get that two star diamond in the rough recruit he’s going to be gone the year later and you can’t afford to keep him anyway so we now basically I’ve said this before group five is the new onea football it’s really it’s not the same it’s not FBS it’s it’s the new onea and and onea is basically like division two at this point well I’m hoping I know there was talks a couple of months ago about the group of five having their own like playoff situation love that which I think would be outstanding they can still they can still play the big boys in the regular season get a paycheck uh but I think they need to have their own title Silverback concrete build firm foundations for Generations you stand on it we stand by few more minutes with Mike Morgan here on the Titan mrr hotline I want to get your thoughts uh obviously I don’t think we had you on since the lawsuit has come out against coach Napier oh yeah just I think it’s total total just BS ridiculous uh what are your thoughts on it uh first off the the the kid’s father this is like Cam Newton’s dad on steroids right like I mean you you and we we see Bill for like five years but but anytime you have that like it’s it is a a startling experience but in terms of people you and JC were talking about like the Miami show and I’m not familiar with the the show and and nor am I going to spend two seconds listening to it but Florida has nothing to worry about Florida’s not even in the lawsuit this is they’re going after the head coach and it’s a good way to make headlines and uh you know there there’s obviously some some bad blood there and if the kid’s that good why is he going to Georgia so he can sit on the bench and pick splinters out of his rear end for the next couple of years I’m not even sure if he’s going to be a player in 2025 they got some pretty good players behind Carson Beck right now uh so I don’t think much comes out of it it’s a it’s a headline Grabber because we’re not used to former players suing their coach over cash payments for play um I mean so it has all the like juicy things that that that are quick bait and you wanted to headline if you’re a national beat reporter for college football but I think the bigger story is if Florida goes five and one everybody is all happy and they don’t they could care less about this lawsuit if they go one and five or two and three then it’s like you know what uh on top of everything else you got the lawsuit you like you’ll find ways to blame it on Billy if you’re an unhappy Florida fan with the way this team starts off in 2024 yeah I I agree with that I think it goes away it’s no big deal but it will become a big deal if we can’t win any football games everything becomes a big deal when you’re not winning Shane you know that every it’s it’s the fault of everything everything is wrong everybody needs to get fired uh the uniforms are wrong the band is wrong everything is just off when you’re losing and when you’re winning everybody turns a blind eye to all that other chillary stuff and distractions all you care about is showing that you can beat Miami and that pivotal week Zero game get off to a good start because from at Tennessee on that part of the schedule is brutal I don’t think the first half quite honestly is much tougher than any other SEC team it’s the second half where I’m like whoa if you ain’t good you’re going to get humbled a lot in the those final six seven games yeah all right last text here before we get you here this is from Doug it’s an NBA question one of your thoughts on bronnie James my thoughts on bronnie James is if his last name wasn’t James we would never hear about him nor care about him um I talked to the the people that evaluate those kids uh out of uh high school he is he is nothing o you know overly special and this whole bronnie James bronnie James wouldn’t even play for the Gators no no not this past year heck no you know maybe maybe coming off uh maybe coming off probation under Norm Sloan or something no he wouldn’t play for that last year’s Florida he’s an average player he’s like a 61 guard who’s not great at any one particular thing but because he’s LeBron’s son he’s he’s ripping off headlines Here There and Everywhere but there there’s some really good players coming out of the draft he ain’t one of them no not at all Mike good stuff as always let everybody know again how they can listen to uh your your podcast yeah JC and Morgan uh it’s on YouTube so I mean if you if you can put up with seeing our faces which is is no treat but Vern is on we got Vern actually go on a zoom call you know he’s not the most technically uh efficient guy but he was on with us so you can see him you can see some of the emotion in his face when he’s talking about those great calls on uh SEC football or the Masters you know he was the voice of the Dallas Cowboys for like 15 years that was where he got his big break so I mean he’s calling he was at the Ice Bowl he was at the Hail Mary game that Drew Pearson I mean it’s just a magnificent career uh but it’s on YouTube Spotify uh Google play iTunes everything you could Facebook Twitter uh anything you can think of and we do it each and every week we’ll get you back on there for sure want to get uh your thoughts on a number of things Florida football-wise and we’re starting to expand to shows in fact we might even have this particular show as part of the uh the network because I think this show you guys do an outstanding job and it keeps growing and growing well have a great weekend my man appreciate your time we’ll talk to you next week that’s Mike Mike Morgan from the SEC network join us on the Titan Tom hotline Comfort tip Heating in air is looking for an enthusiastic motivated Comfort specialist join our team $1,000 sign on bonus for 90 days awesome benefits and the opportunity to grow with the winning team apply today at Comfort temp Heating and Air Comfort is our business peace and mind is our promise hope you enjoy today’s program we’ll be back here tomorrow same place same time take care [Music] folks for


  1. Go Gators! Beat OKIE STATE! And Shane, I love to "listen/watch Mike Morgan" on your show. He's got that Dan Patrick voice, "the money maker!"

  2. Next time mike is on ask him about what he sees gators basketball doing this upcoming season and their ceiling in the sec and the ncaa tournament especially with Richard and my guy Walter Clayton returning to be the senior leaders. Go gators!!! Thanks Shane!!

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