Golf Players

Gannon Buhr Dominates & Joins The Show, Paige Pierce Impressive Win, Portland Open Recap | EP 73

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3:20 Brodie/Uli Week Recap
35:18 Gannon Buhr
1:36:20 FPO
1:45:26 Wild Story of the Week
1:49:11 Listener Questions

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oh [Music] [Music] what is happening everybody welcome back to another tour life today is Tuesday June 4th we got a lot to talk about Ganon Burr will be joining the show here in about 30 minutes or so to talk about his dominance over the entire field over at p Portland open Paige Pierce a name that we’ve talked about a lot on this podcast is back in the winner circle some new blood Making Moves In fpo to which is uh I think making it exciting for everyone we’ve got Edwin stats a wild story of the week and some listener questions to finish it off before we jump into it uh this podcast is sponsored by manscape this week and I’ve got a fun ad read for you ready Silas for this one hey there beach babes are you ready to soak up those summer Vibes and unveil your ultimate Beach bod well you’re in luck because our friends over at manscape have you covered from head to toe with the performance package 5.0 Ultra this ultimate all-in-one grooming kit is to is set to have you looking and feeling your best in the Summer Sun Trust manscaped and unluck the confidence you need to turn heads this season join the 10 million men worldwide to trust for 20% off plus free shipping with code tour lifee let’s make this summer your smoothest one yet embrace your summer broad goals with allinclusive performance package 5.0 Perfecto aiming for that crisp clean and confident look the updated lawn mower 5.0 Ultra groin and body hair trimmer got a summer makeover it’s waterproof designed for Splashy pool parties and Beach Hangouts surprise your purchase comes with free boxers 2.0 midnight Bravo comfort and style that fit like a dream get 20% off plus free shipping with the code tourlife that’s 20% off plus free shipping with the code tourlife thanks to our friends over at manscape for sponsoring this episode all right youie how’s it going brother it’s good syus did you practice an adre before this week I know you said last week that it was kind of tough no were you ready uh no that the first time I’ve ever done an ad read yeah yeah I’m not let me tell you it’s it’s hard to just look at the screen and read word sometimes it really is especially when you don’t you don’t know exactly what you’re talking about but uh hey manscapes good stuff I gotta keep you on your toes at some point at some point we’re just gonna be like all right syus uh hit him with the ad today I won’t tell you when next time um all right but yeah Julie how’s it going brother uh it’s man still here in Portland you know you know how it is where is it weird out there is it weird isn’t that their thing Keep Portland Weird or it’s weird yes is that I think that’s I think them and Waco or them and Austin have the same saying where it’s like Keep Austin Weird Keep Portland Weird I think I don’t know if that’s true but it sounds right saw it on a mural it’s a little strange out here for sure but move like I only had to move like 10 minutes down the road from my other Airbnb that was nice usually you have to truck across the country but yeah another week in Portland this time over there to Milo it’s going to be fun man yeah a little Milo action a little Milo action I played it today actually we did the practice round and uh there’s a bunch of changes oh really yeah yeah they they put in OB all over the place which was kind of cool and and then I like that a couple different teads um okay one really bad hole one really good hole 18 haven’t figured it out yet I I can’t really like put my finger on it but are they still have just play 18 holes though it’s one course three three rounds okay oh yeah oh yeah um but that was fun it was a little rainy today you know how it gets out here a little weird uh but uh yeah that’s all I got man I’m just Che at the Airbnb got a little nap in about 15 minutes ago that’s why I’m a little slow with the responses you played uh you played well this past week it did well I had two good rounds two bad rounds so it kind of averaged out to pretty good yeah like a good a good round on those courses too also means so much more than a good round another like absolutely like that those courses are ones that you can’t you if you go out and you don’t play well well I mean we we’re going to go down the leaderboard and kind of show it off but like yeah there there’s people that go out and shoot a couple overpar you know it’s not it’s not like when you play bad out there you’re you’re shooting oh I’m only shooting three or four under it’s like no you’re probably shooting over far so um I I I definitely like those courses I think a lot of people enjoy those courses as well my two my two favorite cour well two of the F my favorite courses on tour because I think they’re the biggest courses that we play too but it’s proof that you don’t need just distance to make a big old course good like there’s a lot of shot shaping off the te you know what I mean like to get into position like that I they said something like the average position play was like 430 feet or something like to go like 430 430 or whatever and it wasn’t just like oh here’s a straight shot it was a lot of shaping like get out get on an angle ride that angle for a long time otherwise you’re done yeah I like not a lot of holes you can like really lay up either you can’t just be like Oh I’m playing this one for par today because that’s not going to get you anything because the greens a lot of those greens are so protected with tiny gaps to get in that you really kind of need the distance to to take on those gaps so that you’re instead of like being you know 250 and it doesn’t it doesn’t help you to be 250 compared to 350 it’s the same thing you might not get in there yeah no I I think I think the way they have that course set up you know wa watching coverage and stuff I was like man like that is such a fun course to play I remember how fun it is with uh you you don’t feel like you’re really throwing the same shot over and over again which I I really appreciate I think fans watching also appreciate that and I think the distance on the holes that require that shot shaping is a good distance to where sometimes we see holes where players can throw like a terrible shot and make a 60 foot putt for birdie and that doesn’t happen very often out there if you throw if you don’t throw a good t-shot on a par three or you don’t throw a good t-shot or good second shot into a par four um you’re not looking at like a C2 putt you’re looking like outside of circle two uh because I remember too that course was like you would get a lot of C2 put and you wouldn’t be feeling like you’re throwing terrible it’s just there’s a there’s actually a difference between a great shot gets you into C1 and a good shot gets you into C2 where a lot of times a great shot gets you to 10 feet and a good shot gets you to 30 feet and those kind of are the same so I think it does a good job of like having that score separation out there that we look for in some of these tournaments yeah but like I I think my main point that I wish people would hear more is long is fine just make a shape from some shots don’t just have it to where it’s like endless amount right and left and your height is inless amount and now you go you know what I mean because there’s not a lot there should be a couple holes like that because that is a skill but having low ceilings and shot shaping on big courses it really it really it does like it’s still a huge advantage to throw it super far but it’s not going to kill the you know shorties like myself and if you are going to allow players with multiple lines and allow them to get creative and what they want to throw we need to make these Landing zones more more prominent and like the one that jumps out of me that I think a lot of people can still remember his Champions Cup hole 18 the t-shot on that hole you can throw whatever you want it’s it’s a wide open there’s no you know yeah there’s trees on the left but they’re way out out of your way you can throw a straight shot you can throw a Heiser you can throw whatever you really want on that hole but it’s very specific at where you’re trying to land it if you go too deep you’re screwed if you go to right your angle’s bad if you go to left your angle’s bad so I agree with you it’s like we don’t we don’t want to see holes and this is why I’ve always said like the the holes that we’re just playing straight and far are not great holes it’s it’s it’s just not good I agree I agree yeah um okay let’s move on here I do want to kind of go through a little bit of no before Ganon gets on here so we can set up uh some of the storylines and see what Ganon thinks about everything um so yeah so gon obviously start to finish Absolut dominated the field shoots 10 under the first round 10 under the second round nine under the third round and and then four under but you know you could look at if you’re just looking at scores and not actually looking at how the course played you would think oh he didn’t really play that well six under was the best round on that day the course played much harder and not really surprised there right it was it looked like it was pretty sloppy out there footing probably was a little tough yeah and know all all around and it was like uh some of the holes were super windy as well so like 18 played extremely tough a couple made it made it look really easy but there was a prominent left to right crosswind that really made like that cover on on the right hand side where that pond is that cover was playing pretty tricky a lot of people were laying back which then they had that shot coming into the green or getting past the little null right there made that shot really really tough because you didn’t have that distance so people were playing their second shots to places that they had never played before even in practice and so then going in the green you’re at like 3:30 with a cross one which plays pretty tough so I thought team played really hard I think that also uh that also you know backs up my point a little bit of like hey let’s get let’s get a little creative with where we’re putting these pins and where we’re putting these baskets because getting people uncomfortable and having them play from positions that they haven’t practiced um as much right like I think that’s where we really get to see the pressure and stuff come into it because when we’re just playing the same hole over and over and over again it’s it’s it’s it’s too much Clockwork for a lot of these holes I like it I like seeing where we don’t have to depend on the wind and then also let’s say that last uh let’s say whole 18 was playing like with a crazy 20 mph headwind move the Tad up 50 feet like if we’re a if they’re a ble to do that to like kind of adjust with how the weather is going to be I think that also would make it more interesting because that ho probably wouldn’t play that well into a 20 mile hour headwind play hard they play hard but but everyone would kind of play it safely like everyone throw something overstable and go left of the water like that’s where I was like you know change the change the te’s up you can kind of see a little bit difference um but yeah so so Ganon obviously played really really well well he talked about it in his uh interview afterwards saying that he just threw the disc really well and I think his putting is pretty much consistent like he makes so many putts that we don’t ever really hear him say after a tournament like I didn’t win because I didn’t make putts it’s really just comes down to how well he’s throwing off the te and this course is one of those courses that sets up really well for his game he’s he shot he shapes this he shaped shots really well um and then also a lot of the low ceiling shots off the te require like that Flex Shot is like how many times do you throw that Flex backand out there a lot right TR yeah I tried to throw it a bunch but um didn’t really work out I missed a lot of the flex lines actually um but I would say there’s probably 10 that if you have like a 430 Flex Shot that’s the easiest hole in the world for you you know and that’s a lot that’s a lot of holes that’s so 10 holes combined that’s 20 20 holes you know what I mean yeah over the p over two days or or four days that’s that’s a ton yeah uh Cole ralin very nice kind of comeback from him you know last time we talked about him uh was his you know kind of mistake whatever you want to say him filming himself leaving at um DDO on whole 16 basically said deuces I’m out and then told everyone I’ll see you kind of in Portland type of thing and he came out and he played really well um played really really well putted the crap out of the disc the final round he was making putts all over the place so good showing from Cole and um he probably should have probably should have gotten tied for second but got a solo second because Ricky threw it OB twice back toback on whole 18 not sure yeah not really sure what happened there if that was like a little bit of a lack of uh concentration or did you see his shot on 18 his final shot yeah that skipped like 60 feet to the right it was just a wild skip yeah it was just an absolute wild skip yeah it was pretty unlucky actually on Rick his second shot wasn’t great his second shot no because again like something that that course I think is hopefully going to continue to do is like Fairways are Fairways and OB SL rough is like OB Ruff like there’s a lot of courses that we would have played his shot would have like skipped in yeah but but out there like that’s thick grass that’s left that OB and you’re not gonna if you land everyone knows that if you don’t land in bounds you’re you’re staying obese so U but good performance good performance from him top three yeah and and one thing to point out about Cole Too is he he shot one under the first round so that’s another I feel like compliment to the course design you can shoot one under and it doesn’t completely take you out of the tournament because good rounds are so valuable out there like I think last year Even Adam Hammond shot at two under first round and he ended up winning the tournament so it’s not a course to where oh my gosh a one under I’m so far behind the eightball this is impossible to come back that course allows allows you to keep throwing really really good shots and pull yourself out of a hole which I think courses should be able to do it should reward good play and and let you kind of move up the leaderboard if you play really good A lot of these courses you you shoot a one under and then let’s say you shoot 12 12 12 12 12 you’re going to make a comeback and probably get like a top 10 but you’re not going to be pushing for the win and aside for Ganon just playing out of its mind it would have been a crazy story to see how close everybody kind of was um in Striking this especially going into the last yeah it would have been would have been really excit because I mean starting starting the round it was how much is Ganon going to win by not is Ganon going to win and who’s G to get second kind of thing but the other thing that’s really interesting with this course is um the leaderboard changed so drastically from the first round to the last round so here are some names that uh were in the top 10 after the first round Drew Gibson Randon l Jona Luke Humphries Ty Love alen Harris Bradley Williams Conor Rock Michael grth and then you go to like the final round and none of those guys made it in the top 10 and you have to keep going down to 19th is Conor Rock so it is one of those courses yeah like Bradley Williams got 22nd Drew got 22nd Tai got 28th um Alden got 35th it’s one of those courses that you can’t just be like oh okay so one of these guys is gonna win it’s kind of like what you were saying you can’t just say oh he shot a really good first round he’s probably gonna finish in that like you could you could go out the next day after shooting eight under and shoot one over and then all of a sudden like you just dropped a whole bunch of spots yeah and and and it’s not just off the tea like we keep saying yeah off the tea shape your shot blah blah blah blah you land in circle two a lot you land in circle one it it’s a combined package what you have to do out there you have to throw it good and then you have to putt good like Ganon ran away from the field because of course he threw it good he got a lot of circle one looks but I don’t think he made that many Circle twos the final three days but on the norm you’re get I mean I watched uh coverage three of the days there was somebody on the card who was just at Circle two like Circle just in inside Circle to 55 ft to 50 feet 10 times and it was just monotonous of over and over because they’re throwing pretty good shots but it takes great play all the way around out there yeah and that those are those are some of the most frustrating rounds is where because we’re so used to like if we play good we’re so used to still getting a lot of birdies but out there if you play good you can go through like the front nine and be like I played pretty good and I’m one under like what is going on it is it’s a completely different kind of mental battle I think it’s going to be the same thing this weekend judging by what I played today wow that’s it’s tough it’s tough I mean I played with uh Cole Cole again and German and Nate and two under won the card wow okay I like it’s gonna be like five to six unders again great round you’re going to see people you know 38s 38s could very well win this weekend yeah let’s let’s you know let’s keep let’s keep some of the uh you know let’s keep some of the 10 12 13 Under courses and like that’s fine but I I’d rather most weekends have this more Dynamic course than yeah the straightforward go out you’re going to birdie 12 of the 18 holes and as long as you don’t bogey you’re probably going to do pretty good um all right going down the leaderboard a little bit more here we have Calvin Calvin played really solid finishing um finishing yeah really finishing the top 10 as well another surprise uh there um Aaron gosage big shout out to Aaron gosage goes with uh throws another terrible up shot on ho 18 lands roughly in the same exact spot and cashes the putt love that you I I I didn’t text him I should have texted him to ask him if he was thinking about it um but I’m sure he was I’m sure he told me that night cuz he came over hung out with us for a little bit and he was like yeah I got a little revenge on on the on the hole or whatever I was happy that I landed in the same spot yeah he’s someone that holds that stuff like he he has a very good mind like REM uh memory like he remembers that stuff um Isaac Hard One to forg yeah it is yeah it definitely is and it wasn’t it was it wasn’t that long ago it was literally last year Isaac Robinson with a great showing 21 under for Isaac um this is also to ulie where he starts picking up momentum yeah like getting into that Midwest Idol wild de Mo reserve and then all of a sudden worlds is just around the corner just saying one he he is he is the current world champion just uh keep an eye out because I think he’s been kind of under the radar a lot this season and he should be I mean his performances this season haven’t been great his honestly his brother’s been playing better than him this season yeah um another name that we’re all familiar with Paul McBeth would try to warn everyone all the people that were saying like he’s washed he’s trash he’s terrible like I I just I don’t know sometimes he’s playing his C game right now I’m telling you he’s playing his C game it does not look good I’ve played with him a couple times it does not look good and he’s getting Top’s scoring but he’s scoring which means like he’s starting to figure it out both Isaac’s missing Circle two putts like it’s his job like it’s crazy he’s not making anything outside the circle MC Beth doesn’t look good on the put and green as soon as something clicks with both of those guys like yeah I’ve just never see him in the hunt I’ve just never been on the side of just saying like oh yeah this person’s just really bad now like they’re bad it’s like people have I I think people have their es and flows yeah you could have a couple months where it’s like oh I’m not really playing that great right now that doesn’t mean you’re going to continue to Trend that way so keep an eye out for Paul he’s definitely getting kind of in back into form and if Julie is saying that he’s not even playing well and he’s getting top 10 watch out Andrew mared probably someone that I wouldn’t really say going into this tournament I wouldn’t really put as like a potential top 10 at this course yeah hits a lot of gaps makes a lot of putts yeah uh Nicholas Antilla no surprise here he finished also in the top eight with Luke Taylor Paul Ben Eagle Cory and Kyle what what let me let me see how you okay did you ulie know that if you would have birdied 18 you would have bumped up a whole bunch no I looked at the scores actually on on 18 and and when I saw where I was I was actually tied for 13 okay so you moved up after the fact yep and I saw that okay if I if I make this putt I’m probably still going to be right around 15th Place is what I thought and then it just shuffled around to where a couple people got when the 17 messed up didn’t get 18 and so I had like a 40f footer with that stupid branch in my way on the left side oh yeah and I thought about running it hard but I’m like man I’m bogey free I’m five under the best round so far six like this would just be silly and I gave it like some kind of half-ass bid and yeah I hit I didn’t even get it up to the tray or whatever and luckily it just sat there so I was I was completely happy with the bogey free 500 get me out of there I was gonna say I didn’t know if coming down to it if you saw like hey I’m tied right now with seven other guys at 10 under let me try to jump because that would have been a big pay jump right at a tournament like this if I were to have seen that like in hindsight 2020 yeah I run that putt a lot harder for sure yeah all right um so moving down here a little bit Colton had a great showing too good to see Colton playing some good disc golf uh Andrew pres now again another top 20 just kind of sneaky being around all season yeah very nice for him uh Drew Gibson had a great first round good to see him kind of firing all all on all cylinders again did not have a good Final Round Shot four over so kind of fell pretty far off he would have he would have got a top 10 if he would have played decent the final round um couple names I thought would have done a little bit better out here I really was expecting Ezra to play a little bit better he finishes at 31st um going down a little bit farther down the leaderboard now we’re getting close to the actual cut line which um before we talk about these few players here what were your thoughts on the cutline um with it’s been a topic we’ve brought up a couple times but I think they need to make the adjustment of where it’s just like hey if you make the cut you’re going to cash in the story you’re not going to hear an argument from me man I don’t know how how they’re gonna make somebody play a whole entire round and not give them any money yeah that’s crazy I feel that’s crazy you have a whole day to where you know potentially maybe you get a little refund on on your hotel you get to go to the next stop get there a bit early get a little more practicing uh and then there’s sometimes there’s like four or five guys who are like okay I’m gonna play and then four or five guys don’t make the cash that’s that’s bummer yeah luckily Randon and Matt both tied for 45th so both of them ended up taking cash but um had had they been had there not been a tie at the end someone would have been walking home with no money uh any did you get any insight of what happened to AB the final round there that was I believe his second worst round of his career is an ed that’s an Edwin stat oh I lost volume on you he doesn’t play good in the rain I hear so like he was dreading the final round he’s not a mutter he’s not a m just kept saying he’s like yeah I Can’t Stand in the Rain I I don’t want to go out there and I think it’s a grip issue um he threw it out of bounds on like the first six holes he I think he was second or he might have led in OB Strokes for the whole week you threw nine kind of threw nine the final round which is kind of wild that you can make a if I had 19 out of bound Strokes I think that’s how many he had for the tournament like that’s wild to me uh he had eight going into the final round and then had nine in the final round he might have been second yeah yeah that’s yeah I mean clearly clearly it shows that he has some sort of problem with with uh bad conditions bad condition well with yeah with rain I think I think his cat he like trenched his bag before like on the first te or something it was like a nightmare situation to where his whole bag was like just completely drenched and then it was like okay we’re off oh which is it is there’s some people like that that you just know don’t play I love the horrible conditions it’s my favorite yeah Ricky you know if it’s bad Ricky’s going to be playing good yeah I don’t know what it is but I like the the fact when I see Rain’s Gonna Be all crazy and and stuff the one thing that does frustrate me though is when it’s going to be rainy for you but nice for other people then it’s like more a mental thing to where I’m like oh this is this is so bad this is the worst oh man um the thing I was going to say too is it’s it’s it’s weird because I think how because of how slow disc golf is and you’re just kind of walking and you’re never really getting your heart rate up and stuff like that like I don’t really enjoy playing in the rain but when it came to Ultimate I loved playing the rain loved it yeah yeah so I don’t know I mean it doesn’t bug me too much it’s definitely 100% better when you have a caddy 100% CU having to try to like put your bag and like Brad’s Brad’s clutch in the rain let me tell you it’s you can hand them a disc that’s wet and then you can go throw your shot when you come back the disc is completely dry like having a caddy when it’s rainy is an absolute uh huge Advantage unless you’re ab’s caddy and you soak the entire bad before the rain starts did he like was he I do was he like standing next to the tent where like the tent has like that water puddle happed he’s got like shimu Splash zoned oh my God exactly what happened apparently oh no that’s funny yeah I don’t like windy I would rather I would do anything than not to play in the wind like I’ll take wind over rain all day I’ll take wind over I’ll take them both I’ll take windy rainy cold or all three but I just win no I’m the I’m the worst all three is the the wor worst that’s my favorite thing to play in no no in a tournament yeah that’s the pits that’s the pit dude you just watch people with bad mental games just go oh yeah of course you can see people crumble but like you can’t feel your hands I hate that no you can’t you can you gotta have a system though you gotta have MS you gotta have uh you got no no no Ms Ms make it too hot hand warmers oh I need mits if I don’t have MS if my once my hands get cold Julie they’re done like they’re not they’re not getting warm again so dud I was playing who was I playing with that was like Chandler Kramer he’s sitting there putting and the rang is coming down no umbrella no hat no nothing one towel and he’s like kind of playing good and I’m watching him like he’s actually like rotating his putter it was blowing my mind yes while it was raining so there’s no way he’s finding like a well there’s no chance to be fair though finding a dry spot that’s easier though if your hand’s completely wet and the disc is completely wet I think it’s easier to putt than if one is wet and one is dry for some people yes not for me if my if my if my thumb gets wet on the on the disc at any point in time good night but if your entire hands wet and the entire disc is wet I feel like it just it it’s worse for me yeah that would eliminates I think it eliminates for me well now you just throw B every time instead of a hope a hope uh some notable players here that ended up not playing on Sunday because there was a cut of the top 45 we have Garrett girthy Emerson Keith Connor oilly Robert bur all missing the cut by one Vino Miss at Garrett’s final round though that’s the that was a sad story Bernie the last five shot shot nine under yeah he’s got off to such a bad start two over even nine under wow well he is he apparently just can’t play that other course yeah he of the two can’t he can’t play West um other notable names here lonus Vino Chris Clemens Gavin Rathbun that’s a little bit surprising to me finishing 61st out there stylus Schultz Jake Heimer Hometown guy Scott weathers Nate sexon both finishing at even par so yeah I mean there’s there’s a lot of a lot of people out there lot of lot of people out there so there’s going to be a lot of people that missed the cut but uh there you have it and I think we have Ganon now so we will have Ganon join the show what up oh hello how’s it going it’s going are you in like a Japanese um zen garden what’s going on over there uh no it’s just our just our Airbnb it kind of sound like there was a fountain in the background he we lost we lost your uh oh no audio Bubba I think you did something with your uh headphones oh and now he’s gone oh hello oh he’s this guy I remember now this is what he does this is his move he he he likes to build up he likes to build it up right like you can’t just come in and start talking you gotta like say like oh my God I have a story for you and then people are like I can’t wait to hear it yeah yeah he it sound it sound like there was some sort of fountain in the background am I crazy it’s not raining up there is it here with me yeah is it raining right now is there a buzz no I’m saying when he came on or he’s back oh am I good we hear you now yes perfect all right I don’t know what happen sorry it’s okay it’s all right all right well first off congratulations that was uh definitely the most dominant win we’ve seen this season so far and one of the most dominant wins we’ve seen on tour um I guess my first question is you’ve been in plenty of battles where you’ve either had to come back put pressure on people or someone’s trying to chase you down you’ve had to hold him off you know you have a 10 shot lead over Calvin Ricky and Cole going into the final round how what’s the difference there warming up the night before going to bed like give me all the the differences CU that’s got to be a first for you too as at least on tour that is yeah I I don’t really know how to think honestly it was a little bit nerve-wracking um like I was going through a lot of scenarios in my head on like how I could really quickly lose the lead somehow you break your arm yeah you just something stupid like oh I hurt my shoulder on whole 13 I got to play Lefty and I only have eight Strokes or or you know you know whole one two three I go bogey bogey Bogey and someone goes birdie birdie birdie and now they’re back four like I don’t know my head was just going the worst case but then night this the night before you’re thinking all this yeah because it’s like it’s like everyone’s kind of like thinking I have a guaranteed win but like as the player up there the worst comes to mind every time um once I got on the course I felt maybe a little bit more comfortable but it was still like weird like I mean I know Cole was like eight back on like whole six or something and then he made a to get within seven and I was already like oh I’m kind of scared now when I shouldn’t be you know if it’s a battle where I’m let’s say I’m tied for the lead I usually have like no problem at least maintaining the tie you know there’s no there’s no reason to worry so I kind of told myself just I mean I didn’t change my game plan at all I literally nothing changed I didn’t go for anything else I didn’t run or L up any more puts than I usually would I still just played the same because there’s no way I shoot so bad with the same game plan I had going into the weekend so you know I you know it wasn’t a great round but it was only two off the hot rounds so yeah you know if you’re looking against the field it was actually a pretty good round um but uh it was it felt nice to basically have no pressure and kind of just walk in a win that’s always been like a dream of mine is to go wire to wire I think I had the lead of the tournament from like whole eight in the first round and then never never let it go geez what what moment did you let those nerves and let that like your mind wandering of like oh my gosh I hope I don’t blow this like what moment did you basically say like oh my gosh like I can basically just kick the disc in and win this tournament right now yeah um I’d actually well it’s when I parked 15 with my fb3 actually and I Bullseye it with the forehand felt really good there’s some OB on that hole so I knew like at that point I actually only had Cole and Ricky by five CU I kind of just got like a little bit of an unlucky skip Into the Bunker um and you know at that point up five with four to go Anything Can Happen 18’s Eagle B you know maybe if I had some pressure it’d be a little bit tougher um but then I I went back up six and then quickly up seven eight and then one by eight obviously um so I mean probably after that shot yeah yeah um I was going to say that the the t-shot I believe it’s on 15 with like the two trees there yes okay yeah cuz I’m forgetting the part three the little Flex okay yeah 14 that was one where I was like is he just gonna step up and like just chip a forehand like through the Gap just because that that hole can kind of get outrageous if you hit one of those trees but when you’re at the level that you’re playing at and you’re feeling so good like you said after the f after the tournament you were saying that you were just throwing the disc so well that’s you know when we had Calvin on here talking about his OTB open win and we were just being like why did you run that what are you doing like is that kind of the same Vibe the same feeling that you have of where it’s like I’m just GNA keep doing what I’m doing because I know I’m going to execute it and if I start going way off my game plan then I can start maybe losing more Strokes than I should um it definitely varies like sometimes maybe something an opponent does especially if it’s like a closer battle then I might actually change my Game Plan um I remember like in Vegas this year um I was like either one back or tied for the lead at at one point in the tournament and there was a hole I was planning to play for par in the round but uh Conor Rock actually ended up pretty much parking it so I knew I had to go for it so maybe in a situation like that I changed my game plan um most of the time I still practice that shot just to you know pull it out of my back pocket if I need to um but you know on a t-shot like 14 I watched the three guys ahead of me I’ll turn it over too much I actually when we finished 13 I checked the wind because it’s a good spot to see what the wind’s doing on the next hole and so I did that saw it was a head right to left I knew it was going to happen all three of them got slammed and turned into cut rollers and so I threw much more Heiser out of the hand instead of anheiser that way it pushed through the wind got the distance and then it started to flip once it got in line with the Fairway sideways and so you know that that was a really good feeling shot it’s a it’s a gap where when I’m playing that good it’s not that’s not like the thing I think about it’s more about like just where the ob’s at so the Gap doesn’t even come to mind but you know I know I know how it feels like if you’re having an off throwing week or maybe even just having an off day that Gap can look tiny what about like uh you brought up Vegas were you trying to like protect your lead in that one or how did that one kind of get away from you obviously Conor shot a 1090 rated round or something ridiculous and was just birdy in every hole but you keep kind of bringing that up and I heard you talk about it in the um in your uh interviews after your your second and third round did you like learn did you learn a lot from that or or kind of walk us through your mindset a little bit that it was kind of weird like the fin round of Vegas for me I felt like I had played like a 12 or 13 underr there was so many shots where I threw identical to people and I would just get the bad result of them and then I would get i i i a roll away I had a I I think I had like four spit outs that week um on those disc catchers which I usually don’t get um and I didn’t a lot of them were like not even hard putts I felt like um so I don’t know iel like that week I was just getting like a little unlucky on a couple shots that like meant a a lot um but after round two when I was averaging 1080 I had seven strokes on three players that I’m like 20 or 30 points higher rated then so you know I I was relaxed for the first two rounds of Vegas and then when I knew I had that big lead I’m like okay you definitely can’t choke it away now and then play a bad round three and then round four I feel like I played fine um and this is not like a diss to Conor Rock but I wasn’t actually worried about him too much I was more worried about Calvin at that point just because I know like Calvin’s history with this tournament he’s played really good here um and once I Calvin by a good bit then Connor kind of started to creep up and next thing I know he’s like eight down through the front nine just like pretty sneakily with an airball Circle one putt on hole one uh he might hit like the bottom of the cage maybe but yeah just very quickly I lost the lead and I never got it back I got within one you know couple things just didn’t go my way missed maybe a couple like 40 50 foot putts I probably needed to hit and so it sucked losing that tournament by one basically for a second time um it had a pretty solid field Calvin and Isaac were in the field and then a lot of good like like you know 1030 rated Pros so I was I was definitely just trying not to have that happen again you know I was pretty nervous going in round three at Portland because I started off one over through four and I’m like oh no it’s happening again um because round three in Vegas was my rough round um but then I I bounced back I got a birdie and then I got nine of the next 11 holes in that third round and then I even had an opportunity to shoot like a 12 down and actually missed like three holes at the end um but yeah overall I just felt good to kind of secure that win almost after the third round how are the uh crowds out there this week it was pretty solid it was like definitely one of the best if not the best the whole year I felt like in terms of how many people were there I felt like it was a pretty good siiz gallery for like how it’s been recently so it was really nice to see especially because like the weather was really bad um it was good to see people you know take their time out of the day it’s obviously Portland so they’re pretty used to it but still great to see that many people out there you’re muted you he’s the problem now I’m not the problem easy button to hit my guy um I’m curious to hear what what your thoughts are on on on this Brody and I were talking about a little course design earlier not to get into the course design but maybe styles of play do you like it better where you had let’s say you shoot two t on a on a course and you can really pull away from the field or do you like that kind of get 13 14 under every round to kind of stay just to stay in the mix and really hard to pull away from the field do you like you like that because you’re always kind of have an opportunity to win or would you rather a course be like Portland where if you just play good the whole time all of a sudden you can build yourself a big time lead um I mean Portland is like it’s one of they’re both one of my favorite courses um I I think obviously I’m you know I’m going to like a course I’d rather play course that I’m going to play better at and so Portland is like my ideal course if I’m looking to win a tournament because there’s a lot of like especially if your throwing feels good that week you can bite off a lot on some of the par fours get a little bit more aggressive but if you’re throwing good it doesn’t seem risky at all um and I like I think this course makes you game plan really well not there’s like I said there’s not really tight lines but there’s Landing zones that you there’s different ways to get to them you need forehand and backhand out here up shots drives off the te bunch of different angles I thre Hiser flips I thre flat I thre Flex I I think for My Success the best part that I excel at is the far par 3es that are like distance driver shots that you need overstable in accuracy I I feel like even at like 500 ft I get up and down most of the time if I have some some room to work the disc there’s a lot of part 3s out there like 460 to 500 that I’m just you know cranking over a super overstable pd2 or or like a you know one of my new m5s if it’s a little bit shorter of a hole like maybe 380 and it just like I don’t know I felt like you know I have a pretty simple bag and when I walk up to a hole I know that’s the disc I’m throwing and so it just makes it really easy there’s no deciding in the head it’s all up to the player to execute the shots um yeah just just my dream for for if I’m looking to win a tournament are those courses pretty much locked in at this point I didn’t you know I wasn’t there so it’s a little bit harder to see from coverage but it looked like uh the final I believe it’s the West course it looked like it was the same exact course as last year so have they they each had like two tweaks on them okay they weren’t big tweaks okay I like I like I mean because I think those courses are great so I I’m always a fan of like hey once we get a course that’s like solid maybe the only tweaks that we do is maybe mess around maybe with some back basket placements you know the first two days we play the basket here last two days we put the basket over here maybe we change some uh teapad locations for some like make some holes a little bit maybe make a whole a driveable par 4 one day and and then back it up another but um I I think they got to stop trying to like every year you know okay these four holes are completely out we’re putting four new ones in because we got to start building some sort of kind of legacy of the course over time once it gets good which I think those courses are very good yeah I I think like at those like I mean the East course I’d put like honestly like it might be my top in my top five favorite courses on like how it looks it’s fun to play yeah like one it’s fun to play in practice and it’s fun to play in tournaments there’s nothing Floy about it there’s no there’s no gimmicky shots except for maybe what was that you got you got your uh iPad or your your iPhone doing its little effect okay well pull stuff up and yeah that’s that’s kind of interesting yeah um but I think there’s like there’s like one bad hole at the the East course and I know they’re working on changing it um it’s whole 13 you kind of just throw a driver and hope you get through um there is like an out yeah that that hole is not great yeah no not a good hole and you know the course designers know that and they you know they’re working on it so that’s good to see and you know giving feedback and then they’re listening to it it’s important um yeah I mean I think the only thing they can really add is like maybe out of bounds on a couple of the holes to make it even a little bit harder there’s a couple par fours where you can kind of throw it wherever you want a couple par fives where you can kind of throw it where you want um if they want to get even more score separation you could put some OB lining those Fairways and making it you know making those holes just harder because you’re not able to pitch out to an easier spot you kind of got to keep it down the middle of the whole way I think that’s where they need uh the the force carries like I think that I think Force carries are the future of disc golf design I think that is what’s going to really start changing the game now obviously it’s not going to look the greatest because we can’t put lakes and we can’t put heavy rough that you know is what basically golf courses do to force you to have to hit over something but the hole that we just talked about whole 14 at Portland like imagine if there was imagine if there was OB in that Fairway that was um let’s say like 50 to 70 feet long similar to what they did at DDO like what they did at DDO on hold what about European open whole three when three European open whole eight at DDO of you’re basically making it to where now players have to make a decision do I want to lay up short or if you throw bad t- shot now they have to make a decision like do I want to try to get over the force carry yeah I that a lot um Texas States had that too Texas States had that on whole three as well I think three three you have to go for it they have a hole like that here at uh beaver beaver yeah I think they’re slowly but it’s not look it’s not what you think what is that it’s a new hole it’s a new hole where they put the OB like 13 to 12 feet short of the basket on God have you played it yet genon no I know what you’re talking about it’s like it’s old hole two at East or West yes so it used to be big heer around the corner you get in position and it’s like the most beautiful green ever it’s nice yeah they made the co out of bounds that little water strip right there so it’s only like five feet wide no it’s like probably 25 feet wide and then well well probably like I’m okay with that though because that hole was too easy that hole was too easy super far apart three yeah it’s 440 now what yeah yeah I heard like 4 450 and like you can thr the best shot ever and if you come up like one foot short you’re just basically taking a bogey and you clip anything you’re done yeah it’s a it’s a I I want to get rid of it no what hole is this no no no no that’s 12 incorrect um I want him to just get rid of it because it’s a ball or part three without it without the OB oh that’s what I’m talking about that’s like one of the the part three that I like is you can rip a fairway driver super hard or a driver and it’s just kind of like a it’s a it’s a bonus birdie parf 3 but it’s not unfair if you like you take that lb away you know that those are my favorite the problem with the force carries is it’s going to make my lifespan a lot shorter because I’m stressed all the time when I have to think about that that’s that’s what I want to see I want to see where I know you know people have to constantly be thinking about what what they need to do like that’s that is one part of disc golf that we did not take from golf is like let’s not actually have to think about anything oh like let’s not let’s not even make you think about how to throw your shot differently here just throw it exactly the same and here’s a disc that will do it for you like and that’s that’s a whole different other story but if we really wanted to see disc golf get super creative it’s like let’s limit how many discs you can have CU then players would have to really get creative with their shots versus there are guys out there that throw the same exact shot they just change the disc I was I was going to say like I don’t know if I like that I feel like people would be better if they were forced to throw less discs maybe I mean I think I think people on tour back way too many dis sometimes I feel like I feel like if you’re bagging more than like 23 that’s that’s a lot 43 right now Brad out of count 43 of those bad boys we got we got Jake Jake wol at like 75 or something yeah he’s got two gon question with where you are where you are right now how consistent you’ve been playing when you play good is there somebody out there that you’re worried about or do you know at this point where you’re at if you just play good Ganon golf you’re GNA win or are there are their skill levels still out there that that will match that like where’s your mental at as far as that goes I mean the two I worry about obviously are Calvin and ab um AB has a I don’t know they all have their they all all have their like good parts and bad parts AB has that big forehand and he’s you know it’s not just big he throws a lot of different shots with it um Calvin also has a forehand but it’s not that I feel like he doesn’t lean on it that much it’s very usable it’s it’s not like it’s a bad forehand or he Shanks it off and he just doesn’t throw it that much but those two players for sure I mean when AB was really at the beginning of the year I mean it felt almost impossible to beat him but at the same time I was I was keeping up pretty decent I feel like this year specifically I’ve already had a lot of hot hot rounds more than I’ve ever had in my life where I’m just like if I get going on a round you know I’ve had a lot of like 10 70 plus rounds this year already um and I’ve had a couple tournaments where I average really high as well u i I feel like my ceiling is is increasing this year for sure I I just feel like I’m I’m able to get more under par for a tournament than I have been in the past um more consistently like it’s happening more often why do you think that is um I don’t know I think I’m well I’m really comfortable with my bag like I said I don’t bag that many discs and so when I walk up to a hole there’s almost always just one disc that can work for the hole you know I bag three drivers I bag four Fairways I only bag three mids right now two throwing putters and putting PS so have you ever thought about just popping a little like 20 extra ball in there and seeing maybe if you were like what if you start averaging like 11 hundo dude I feel if I like I don’t know I if I have to think here here’s my problem I do have a little bit a goes back to the thinking yeah like well if I throw a shot if I bag a lot of discs and I throw a shot with a disc and I’m between discs I’m on a teapad I’m like I have three discs in my hand I have three disc that can make this shot work then you know maybe I throw it and it flips a little more than I was expecting it to well then it just feels like I it was the disc’s fault not my fault but if I if I only have one disc that can work for that shot it’s from in my opinion it’s always my fault if I throw it bad you know you can still get unlucky win balances and stuff like that or but you really just get in tune with your discs and if you’re like if you’re really mentally in tune with your discs you you can you can go so far in this sport because then once you have a disc locked in then your actual skill of throwing just a disc in general I feel like can be applied to the course a little bit more if that makes sense I feel like you can hey Brad Brad get rid of my disc dude yeah Shing out of there get me to 20 disc budy I can fit my whole bag in my hand pretty much I can fit like 12 discs in my hand I don’t even need to bring it bag on the pro tour but um you know I like I said I I like walking through a hole I see it I know this is going to be a driver Heiser fli it flat and then fade if I need a little distance or if there’s some headwind I’ll just throw my Straight pd2 if there’s no if there’s a lot of headwind I’ll go beefy pd2 so it’s just like super easy it’s my fault if I throw a bad shot I don’t know it makes it makes disc golf simple takes thinking out of it I know Simon Simon does that a lot too I mean he throws that I think it’s a dimension that white and black rim driver he throws a hex and he throws a Tesla like his whole bag and he plays amazing and so I don’t know you can you can look at it both ways that’s just how I like to play yeah keep it simple um so you did bring up ab and Calvin as the two guys that you look at as like your biggest competitors and um you know no surprise here those are the two guys that I would say going into this tournament those were the two guys that everyone had on their Player of the Year ballots right and we’re now halfway through the season so the player the year is only going to ramp up after every tournament people love talking about it so we had uh our stats guy Edwin stats pull up a graphic with u3 and uh a little comparison here so looking at this you have Elite major elite and major wins AB leads with three you and Calvin both have two average finish you actually lead in that category at 5.1 Calvin’s at 10.1 and ab’s at 11 uh birdie rate you lead in that category uh 47.5% Fairways hit you lead in that category over ab and Calvin but you’re eighth on tour Greens in regulation Calvin actually leads in that category at 45.3 but you’re just behind at 44.8 scramble you’re actually first in the in scramble as well at 51.7 your c1x putting is six and your C2 putting is seventh so looking at all these you know you’re pretty much top 10 in all these statistics and you’re only getting beat by AB one win and then Calvin’s beating you by 0 five in Greens and regulations so if voting ended now and everyone that’s listening we’ve got you know 729 people listening right right now and we could all vote what would be your Spiel to get people to vote for you okay um I guess this is all a humble take I guess um yeah no we all you should tell people to vote for you so we all know that I’m putting you on the spot okay um one of the things to look at is I have the lowest average finish by almost double by I think double um that’s important I think staying consistent the whole year that’s why Calvin won play of the year last year was because of his consistency um you know he didn’t have the most wins he only he only finished with two wins on the year last year but he had so many consistent finishes he was always up there in contention so throughout the spin of the year he was always you know more consistent um you know you can look at the elite pluses as a little bit of a bonus when it comes to the wins they’re a little bit tougher to win they do mean a little bit more there’s only three the entire year compared to however many 10 plus normal Elite Series there are um and I mean that’s that’s pretty much it honestly I I don’t know if like the the other types of stats matter too much um but if we’re looking at you know just wins and average finish those are like the top two things that come to my mind what about Majors as far do we have the statistics as far as like who’s finishing better at the the the major oh because obviously major major are the big thing yeah I think Calvin got like six at Champions Cup and then me and ab tied at 10th you think there’s any sort of eye test that should be a part of player voting like oh this guy just like the way this guy plays I like the way this guy throws like the way this guy putts I think I would lose that to both Calvin and a unfortunately I feel like I have a pretty boring a pretty boring game they they both are a little more exciting to watch I enjoy watching them I think more than how I play I play very I feel like by the book I just kind of break holes down I feel like how they were designed um I I do a couple like fun crazy shots you know I had them put that Mando in at casy White open last year um you know we had a crowd so I wanted to do it for fun and it worked it worked which was an even better part but you know there’s certain stuff I like to do like that you know um obviously I have like alden’s YouTube that helps um but I I think on the course they’re a little more exciting to watch than I am I don’t know man watching people make a bunch of long putts is one thing that has elevated a lot of people’s games over the past few years like you think about Ricky Yaki polished off the tea I don’t know scrambling crazy and then his Circle two putting is really what gave him his name you know what I mean because he made a lot of big time putts from Deep c 2 to track down pal Beth when they were going at it you know in those years like 2016 2018 type thing so don’t sell yourself short yeah we have Daniel in the chat says I actually like watching Ganon the most of the three shout shout out to Daniel I I appreciate Daniel that that might be my dad though um does not look like your father just just get throw it out there that is my dad’s name we can never trust the avatars though that is one thing never trust okay he said you can be he said you can be my son I was going to say one thing is like I I am very proud of my uh my one of my favorite stats is the scramble stat um I believe this is my third or fourth year in a row being in the top three in that category I hate that category I I think I think like when category is the worst one genon I I I know I know your opinion on it but I guess just like looking at it whenever I’m in the woods in a tricky position yes obviously being tall helps a lot scrambling also you have to be putting good to scramble well for it to count toward your scramble rate and not be throwing OB yeah so like so but I feel like when I’m in the woods sometimes though I feel like I do a really good job of you know having that that good Vision I guess in the woods really seeing the line I want to hit putting the disc on the angle always giving myself a chance at least so I I feel like that’s something I like when I when I get off the Fairway I I don’t really get that scared because I feel like I can almost always find a way I feel like I have a a good scrambling mind I guess you could say and putting this year I’m I’m happy with where I’m at considering you know I put with the same putter for seven years and I just switched to something pretty different um so you know I’ve been putting pretty solid recently um these last two tournaments have been really good for me I’m really starting to lock in with my links right now so that feels good those are those are two things that stand out a little bit to me I want to see with scrambling genon is this probably would favor you because I I agree you do have a really good Scramble game uh you can throw from all different angles and you’re comfortable like you said like being your height you’re comfortable being able to throw a lot of different shots right you can you can throw above your shoulder you can throw below your knees all that really helps when it comes to scrambling but what I want to see is literally I think scrambling should just be a statistic that looks at when you’re off the Fairway not out of bounds and then did you throw it inside a circle two or not and that should be what it is take away the and you just Chuck it OB you have a wide open 350 foot up shot that’s not it’s not really a scramble correct it wasn’t there’s no there’s no like thinking you’re still just thr of [ __ ] Heiser and then also if you throw like a crazy Flex Shot out of these bushes and trees and get to 40 feet and then you miss the putt you don’t get that doesn’t Al that also doesn’t really show that you’re really good at getting out of those sticky spots though yeah I think they can adjust that a little bit to make it a better statistic yeah I wish they would like release the stats like they had last year I don’t I haven’t seen where we can see those yet that’s try not to you know they just got the cut line it took them it took them about four months to get the cut line let’s let’s ease up let’s ease up here let’s e up some some people have it but they’re not giving it to us for some reason I’m ready for them to get dude my big becoming my pet peeve will we’ll talk about at the end when we ask what your new pet peeves are but right now dude these Circle one Circle two greens hits are driving me more and more nuts every single week they’re driving me nuts it’s not the green bro it’s not the green if you’re throwing a sidearm putt from 28 feet you miss the green you hit Circle one I think Circle one should just be for a rule you can’t fall forward in circle one that’s all we have talking about like uh Ricky’s horseshoe putt he had on like no that’s he didn’t hit the green he didn’t hit the green he’s having to scramble from that little spot right there the greens need to be mapped better sometimes you could hit the Green from 50 feet and you actually hit a green because you have a wide open stroke nothing in the way you make it you hit the green green hit is that the best way to make that putt what I’m trying to think because he had he had to go right at the he had to go right at the tree right he couldn’t go little two it looked pretty hard he almost he could he could have done like a high like sometimes you can do like a kind of like a nose up like Pusher where you push it out of your hand and then it kind of swoops left quick yeah that’s like the only other way I think he could have made it but I don’t know it’s that’s that’s also a tough one because that that like it doesn’t come in play that often you know like yeah 95% of greens if you’re in circle one you almost always have a putt so it’s like I I know what you’re saying I also would like that to be a thing but it’s kind of kind of a weird thing you know there’s a lot of things in disc golf like we I don’t know we we wish we like had I guess or we had a solution for but it’s kind of tricky trick to figure out I don’t think 95% of the time you hit this or 90% of time you hit the circle you have a wide open putt I don’t think so I think that’s false well when you have legs you do yeah but you’re having to straddle out and you’re not doing your regular putt that is also well I guess I guess I was considering that as like a open putt like you have you can straddle to a line sure you can straddle to a line but you don’t have that’s not where you were aiming you have to manufacture a new stance to have a wide open look at the hole you miss the green dude sorry bud that is kind of that he does make a point of where if you’re having to alter your stance to get to a spot to where you can throw a make a putt then maybe that shouldn’t now J it does get weird on with straddle Putters blah blah blah well no no no no I’m saying no no I’m saying it does get weird on like how are you gonna make the whole how are you gonna make the green on like hole nine at Idle Wild that little par three that just a little turnover shot there’s like six six trees inside a circle that are like all over the place like how what does that green look like like a it looks weird like it looks really weird sorry yeah it’s a weird looking green that’s fine guess what there’s some there’s some weird looking greens out there it’s not our fault we’re playing a weird game but uh if you’re having the straddle you didn’t hit the green that’s my that’s my take okay okay I I actually I love a green like that I so I’m a big fan of greens where you have trees about I don’t know you have a circle like that I I like I like greens that have a a you know trees around like 20 to 25 ft from the basket so you know if you throw a shot you get unlucky you hit them you it’s it tests your putting still but you don’t get like screwed there’s a lot of holes we play on tour where they put the the guardian trees that you’re not you’re not even aiming for a gap they put those like 55 short I hate that that that’s my biggest bet peeve when it comes to course design is when you put when you put trees inside Deep Circle two where you’re not actually aiming it’s so far down the Fairway you’re not even aiming at that point just Chuck and hope for the best they have that uh what hole is that at um like Fox Hills the it’s like a kind of a blind shot over the hill and they had that guy there to be our mandatory guy because you can’t even see the mandatory tree anymore oh yeah 15 it’s the one right before Ricky’s disc hit like the umbrella is it 14 yeah we don’t we came can’t even see the Gap there so we’re just like trying to Chuck a shot that that hole too at daglo was also really bad you remember that one where we just Chuck that was actually a fun one though we just chucked it off the hill and then we just crashed it into the trees and we just hoped for it to like Plinko down yeah I don’t like holes that like if you just Chuck a shot if you just if you walk up to a hole and you’re just like yeah I’m just going to throw it that direction that’s a bad design there’s always a better way to design a hole like one of the worst ones is Northwoods black whole um I believe it was six for Champions Cup layout it’s uh it’s old it’s like whole nine usually at Northwoods black it’s right before you got into the open U but it’s an uphill sing par 4 uh it’s after the it’s after the hole with the with the kind of logs behind the basket par three with ob right that presel airball that put in the water yeah okay yes it’s the hole after that so that hole there’s there’s like a very small Gap but the the problem is is that hole is already so hard off the t-shot that if you throw a perfect t- shot I think you should be able to get away with a little bit on the second shot I mean you shouldn’t have to hit a 5 foot Gap and if you don’t you have a 70 footer for birdie like and then you got the same score as a guy who hit first available th to the then the good Landing Zone and then just th got a lucky shot like that’s not fair You’re Gonna Love ho 14 is it 14 hold on oh no it seems like it’s always whole 14 18 17 16 worlds I’m losing worlds yeah 16 15 four no third no it’s 12 might be 12 actually Bo we’ll never find out you’re gonna love it because it’s it’s like not that far of a par 4 like the ideal shot is like a mid and then like a Zone like a putter so it’s not very it’s two placement shots but the uh the second shot they have like a thousand of these like little uh one foot trees but put my hand around it it’s gone but it’s a but it is a perfect like 15 foot wide Gap but to the left it’s all these little one foot trees so if you miss you’re just in and you’re just like having to throw like a little knify guy but it’s like it’s such a cool looking shot walking up to it and just seeing like that perfect I don’t I I like those holes too of where the Gap is like later in the hole not right off the T like Austin that that whole where it’s like that needle Gap bar4 sidearm layup needle Gap all the way there yes yes s on the right that one was okay that one was Gap because it’s not that far of a hole Yeah that that’s it’s almost exactly that hole but it like s is the other direction it’s it’s a great hole it’s a great hole it’s very very nice I’m excited I haven’t I haven’t played out there yet so I don’t know if I played a course in Virginia to me New London is a um it’s one of the most Fair wooded challenging courses like they do a great job of making holes very challenging without it being like Hey we’re gonna stick a bunch of trees in the middle of the Fairway good luck that’s I’m excited that I like that yeah it’s gonna it’s gonna be really fun how’s how’s the golf course compared to Portland uh way different there there is going to be elevation changes which is nice but it there is very little like shot shaping it’s it’s going to be a lot more it’s G to be a lot more Landing zones like no yeah perfect it’s a lot like usdgc it’s gonna be a lot like usdgc where it’s like you need a land your you need to hit your Landing zones to your OB awesome yeah uh the last your wins whole 18’s wild oh gosh course design I relax you don’t celebrate no a little ice cream take your buddies out I feel like that’s what I do I just I just do that anyway I don’t know I mean maybe go like buy a Lego set or something I don’t know I’m sorry I asked you I I was the wrong person going to ask that question little Lego set yeah Lego what’s the coolest what’s the coolest Lego set you’ve ever built well I have two I got the Titanic right now and the Millennium Falcon and those are uh the Titanic’s 9,000 pieces and it’s probably like four feet long is it is it the intact Titanic or the split Titanic it depends you can you can have any way you want it’s in three pieces oh you can’t you can you can make it different ways yeah well you you build it in three pieces and you can put together if you want you don’t have to but then when you take it apart it shows all the rooms inside oh that’s actually kind of sick what what what are the prices of these Lego things okay the Titanic was 600 bucks and the Millennium Falcon was 850 bucks oh my God so I that’s like that’s honestly the only thing I spend money on in life is that and I guess my lodging for disc golf well at least you’re spending on stuff that’s great investment yeah yeah great investment those are going to be worth thousands uh down the ride Road hey you never know you never know hey that’s what people were saying about um beanie babies that’s weird you remember beating babies I don’t I don’t think I was around you definitely weren’t around but I’m saying do you like do you know what those are I’ve heard of them that purple the purple guy the purple bear what yeah there’s a baby the bear Barney definitely not Barney wait what are you talking about Julie the purple Bear yeah they purple bear it’s like I have no idea what you’re talking about um all right let’s pull up your statistics here genon I don’t know we showed this to you last time you’re on the show this is something new that Edwin’s been doing where where it’s kind of like a um it’s kind of like your Madden rankings a little bit so this is based off of oh wait s got it is this it wait how much is that 50,000 baby is that a beanie baby yes I think I think that’s what is it called s what is that called oh yeah princess yeah Princess Diana yep yep yep I’ve heard of The Princess Diana bear no I’ve I’ve heard of The Princess Diana bear I did not think it was a purple bear I did not I’ve only heard of Princess Diana bear I did not think it was a purple bear I thought I was way off and I just was talking some other collectible thing we’re gonna see you on that Antique Road Show uh pulling up all your all your beanie babies and Dan’s Gonna Roll in all his Legos um okay so and you’ll have your baseball cards it’ll be perfect I don’t collect basb C I don’t collect baseball cards um put some respect to my name um okay so these are your Madden rankings Ganon um the highest you can be is 99 the lowest you can be is 70 and I believe wait did I say that wrong low you can be a 75 I don’t know but anyways um this is what we have you at scoring is at a 99 that is based off of actual statistics so these are these are actually off of Statistics the power is the only one that is um subjective and that is at 96 your accuracy is at 95 your scramble is at 89 and your putting is at 87 that scramble up get that scramble up for an overall 95 yeah how was scramble if he’s the number one scrambler for the last three years why isn’t that I don’t think he is the number one Scrambler he said top three last three years I I think Edwin might have better might I think ganon’s stats might be uh incorrect I think I’m not no never do that um but what are your thought my putting my putting is trash too putting’s 87 pretty my my claim to F with putting was I was at 43% Circle two at one point last season and ridiculous yeah that’s I think you might be the only person to ever got over 40 except for me no I think you might be the only person to do that that plays as much as you do mhm yeah that’s C you can definitely you can definitely just play a couple like wooded courses never have to play in the wi with no wind and and maybe pull it off um but yeah that that was pretty nutty so all right uh So you you’re saying the putting and scramble should be higher everything else you’re fine with um it’s kind of hard to see sorry um I think my accuracy could be lower and I think I don’t know I’m not sure what to think about power I feel like that probably about right I’m not I don’t know I mean I can throw 600 feet flat ground I mean I can keep up I just don’t have the extra gear I don’t have 700 like AB 96 is pretty high the there’s only a there’s only a hand yeah there’s only a handful of people that are higher than 96 I think that I’ll take it I mean I I never I never throw that hard in the course so yeah you don’t have I’ll take it I’ll take it um so Edwin just gave us some statistics here you’re actually fourth in scramble Ricky is at 55% and you’re at 51% and when you do the math it comes out to 89 so that’s that’s where you got your 89 oh okay and I think the only yeah the only people we’ve had on here that have higher power is AB and Simon Sim Simon’s a wild card I don’t know he is he is a wild card I agree sometimes he doesn’t throw far and sometimes he does so I don’t even know about Simon anymore did he was he chucking it at the All-Star event that one year though it wasn’t going that far okay Calvin Calvin is Calvin surprised me a couple years ago Calvin lowkey throws really far yeah like he surprised me because I didn’t think he threw that far and then he was just like chucking like 600 plus laser beams he’s got a good 630 yeah nutty um all right before we let you go pet peeves Ganon I know you kind of threw one out with the uh with the um Guardian trees in circle 2 but anything else jumping out at you that’s got your gears all grinded up this is this is not trying to be mean just you know you’re speaking facts you’re speaking facts I’ve had some bad problem everyone has had bad problems with scorekeepers sometimes I get a feeling that they just want to get some free disc off to watch well to be fair to be fair that’s kind of what they need to do because like we need we kind of need them to want to volunteer we’re not paying it I’ve had a lot of really good scorekeepers too but I’ve also had a lot of just like score keepers that like it’s like they’ve never had a phone in their entire life or never even watched disc golf I mean you’ll be 20 feet away and they’ll be made 66f footer made 66f footer like you have to physically put in that distance it’s like I don’t know we had a uh we had a scorekeeper shout out to this guy if he’s watching shout out to him because it was an electric scorekeeper every hole he was like the announcer on hole one and uh it was me Ezra I can’t remember who else it was but he’s like first some T broy and then he’d be like and finishing off Ezra that’s like every hole oh every hole every hole yeah I don’t think I would like that every every any harm he would like he would basically tell us the order every time we we didn’t ask him he would just do it but he would like instead of just being like all right it’s Brody Ezra Isaac and Calvin he’d be like Brody Ezra Isaac and Calvin like all right cool thanks whole 14 here we go um yeah I don’t get to answer to to respond to what you just said I don’t think there really is that much training going involved granted to us we’ve done it so much it’s not that difficult but if You’ never done it before and you’re thrown in that kind of holy cow I’m like having to score for Ganon and Calvin like I could see how it’s like a little bit of a pressure job and if you don’t have that like any sort of training um I don’t know I I think they could do something where it’s like at least you kind of walk them through on how to use the app that could definitely help it’s almost like you should have like a two-hole test and and you watch some players play before and it’s a just to see how close they get because I don’t know obviously like you said we’ve been doing it a while but I feel like if you know the general knowledge of circle one is 33 whatever feet Circle 2 66 if you land barely inside the circle you’re 30 feet if you land mid Circle two you’re 50 feet it’s like that that part I don’t understand how they can be off by like 40 feet yeah there’s the statistics inside the circle are so skewed I feel like I’ve never had a scorekeeper if you’re like you know if you’re barely outside the bullseye that’s a putt like I’ve had so many Bullseye putts in my life this year I look at it and they’re like Paul made four putts inside the circle I’m like what the heck well I I take my own stats now because I don’t want to I want to have my stats accurate at the end of the year yeah Stephen makes a good point too says a lot lot of scorekeepers are uh are being like dragged onto the course like a few minutes before the card right when when you’re in PJ live before about to take score you have your four names next to the four names if you go over it’ll say scores only scores only scores only whatever if you click that box you can do full stats for your own for your name y oh wow it’s really quick it’s it’s just like udis was you just go Fairway Fairway Circle one in the back so it’s not down to the exact foot like some of the scorekeepers are but it’s at least you’re going to get your Greens in regulation accurate and your putting accurate I will say though like overall the tournaments that I have played this year does seem like we we are getting more knowledgeable scorekeepers than we have in the past and I think it’s only going to get better and better and um you know again it’s one of those things of where I don’t think it makes any sense for the Pro Tour to be like hey we’re going to pull $1,000 out of the purse to pay for scorekeepers yeah so it’s always going to be a volunteer job and um as long as like they continue to learn because that’s another thing that we get asked a lot Ganon there’s like people that just like don’t know like when should I ask for an autograph uh where should I stand like there’s just so many people that have no idea uh because disc golf is still such a young Sport and Ezra was telling me a story about one of their one of their uh scorekeepers like didn’t really have a sense of space and so like he would be like lining up a shot and then he’d like look over his shoulder and the scorekeeper would be like standing like a foot away from him and he’d be like he’ be like dude like because and again it’s like that that guy probably isn’t thinking his head like hey oh my gosh look how close I am like this is sick I’m breaking the rules he just doesn’t know that he should be 10t back he probably like I’m I’m getting these statistics right on money like staring staring at your player sees yeah I’ve had a lot of really good scorekeepers too and I always makes me feel good when I I have a scorer you get a good scorekeeper it’s awesome I look back at my round like the dream scorekeeper is like you know they’re quiet for pretty much the entire round but sometimes they’re actually like really cool to talk to if like if they’re actually like a super cool guy um or or girl I had I had one I had a really cool scorekeeper um which I thought was awesome because it’s very rare to have just a female out there doing scorekeeping I think it might have been my first second time but she was awesome too she like just started playing disc golf and was like Yeah I wanted to keep score this is cool nice that’s sick yeah but yeah just like and they you look back your round and all your stats are right and you’re like wow this guy was awesome yeah he he he kept his distance he he only talked a little bit maybe if he had like a question or two but you know other than that he stayed pretty quiet you know got got the stats right there you go perfect scorekeeper yeah Europe was awesome they didn’t get any of them they had one one wrong the whole weekend one statistic it was sweet really they take it pretty professional over there they they for sure do training I bet before before the tournament out there so all right you you want to hit with the final question any new any new people you’re looking at and you’re like I want that no some new players on tour yeah um I wish I catch in your eye I wish I had a list in front of me uh I mean Gavin wrath’s been playing really solid recently that’s that’s so good to see um especially coming after after that injury um Joey buckets as usual he’s been real solid this year he’s always there’s a there’s a running joke in my friend group of just like you know you’re you’re about to tea off on your tea time you check and joy buckets seven down no Bogies in the clubhouse always always every single time um so what about Conor Rock You got to play with him quite a bit how’s his game yeah he’s he’s been he’s been getting definitely a lot better um he definitely sells at Open golf especially if you have heisers he I I feel like he in terms of being well-rounded and like angle control and consistency he can definitely improve on that but if you give him like a little bit of space to throw he’s able to like repeat a shot over and over and over again and so you know I know he played pretty solid at Portland there’s a lot of shots where you kind of just once you feel comfortable with the line you can just hit it every single time um so I think it played to his strengths but he’s he’s I I remember the first time I played with him I was like dang this guy’s got really good form and he’s actually he’s pretty solid so it’s good to see him coming up and he played great under the pressure at Las Vegas so no problem there um dang like I said I really wish I had a list of people in front of me well I’ll I’ll throw this comment in here Stephen throws bird says I watch Ganon putt his final putt for the win up close fire Emoji dude stayed and signed like a true professional youie signed my Brick ulie signed my Brixton card fire Emoji handshake Brody skipped on me hard oh no Brody I wasn’t at the tournament no you skipped bro you skipped him you’re a skipper bro I skipped on him I’ll hit you up next year Stephen I’ll hit you up next year brother we’ll get you don’t worry um but yeah you’re head off to Beaver State fling next Ganon um and then uh headed back to the Midwest yeah it’s awesome um I’m playing preserve and de Mo we got a week after Beaver State off until preserve and then a week after preserve off and then we play de MO but and then I go over to Europe for three weeks for kocal European open and Estonia then flying back for ledstone so it’s GNA be a long like kind of five we stretch right there but I’m excited my first time out of the country and oh that’s right you didn’t go to European open last year and to be to be uh going to Europe but I get to be at home for two weeks before is going to be awesome I get to fly out of my hometown airport so wait does that mean you have a driver’s license now no no driver’s license I got a passport all right well hey that’s that’s a step in the right direction it is listen I mean next year again I might be driving oh whoa hey big news big news what what would be your first car probably Lamborghini I’m kid no probably probably something pretty boring I’m like if you know me I’m just very basic I eat basic food I wear basic clothes I like Legos like a nerd I gu see you just like rolling up to the nearest Target in your Lambo to get the newest Lego yeah no probably might is like I don’t know Honda Civic rolling up hey Honda Civic that was my first car super reliable there there we go that was an option my first car was a Accord Honda ACC cord yeah Hondas Hondas are great my mazarati is kind of nasty though to be honest it’s still it’s still crushing it it’s still it’s still crushing it Kelsey Kelsey keeps getting on me um go go car shopping gon because us being tall it is it is quite hilarious because she was like oh I want you to try this and she got me to try again this little jaguar and I got in and my head was like was like this and I’m like I’m I’m not I’m not driving this vehicle like this is I was like I need to get in something where I feel like yeah I don’t care what it looks like I just want to feel comfortable that’s what matters and the seats got to be comfortable there’s got to be like the right you know not even just enough leg room but the right leg room in the right area it’s just like it’s just it’s horrible some have like decent leg room but your knees jack up into like the dashboard yep it’s it’s it’s rough it’s rough but you know we’re not going to be shrinking anytime soon you need a truck just remember you both need trucks you guys are get out of here what do what ionna do with the truck bed Julie nothing drive it drive put your stuff in there sports um just remember when you drive it off the lot appreciates immediately Ru rule number one don’t get a car ever that is also a Darkhorse plan a lot of people lease cars that is a dark horse plan you just always have a nice nice new car I might just walk everywhere that is that’s definitely a more Dark Horse plan and probably only works in certain cities probably not de Mo but you never know people are saying Carriage horse carriage oh yeah we got some of those in Iowa some nice horsepower yeah so all right G we’ll let you go appreciate you jumping on here brother always a fun time and uh congratulations on uh taking down the Portland open that was exciting to watch yeah it was awesome one my favorite events thank you good luck this week thanks to my sponsors dmania Squatch oh yeah yeah everyone yeah do your shout outs do your shout outs go for it yeah dis Mania Squatch chump chock bags Titan disc golf uh all the fans that came out to watch uh Daniel Daniel your buddies my buddies just thanks my buddies thanks Cole for letting me stay at his house that was SI we went we went one and two in the rallan house wow so that was that was a good week I always up there for Portland open so that’s always super fun we play disc golf and basketball all week um yeah always look forward to it can’t wait for next year all right brother take it easy have a nice night thanks again peace later there you have it your 2024 Portland open Champion gur all right let’s uh let’s run through this fpo division here Julie let’s run through this Foo division so paig Pierce we gotta talk about it we gotta talk about it um what where where are you at on this I’m a I’ll say my side first and I’ll hear what you say all right I’m on the side of like great win she didn’t play well the first round had three great rounds fought herself back into the lead going into uh I believe it was the fourth round right she was four shots back after day one three shots back after day two then goes out shoots the hot round on Saturday has a two-shot lead going into the final round so did it in a way that is challenging right it wasn’t like she was just playing her best disc golf all week and was able to take it down at the end now the field was solid you still had a lot of winners at that field however there was obviously a big hole with the Europeans there was a lot of Europeans that weren’t there so I’m on the side I’m a little bit more in the fence I guess you could say of this of where I think she played well I think this is a huge win for her like I think she needed this I think she needed to feel winning I think she needed to feel like she could do it but and this is where the butt is I I gotta see this now with a full field and I think that’s what everyone wants wants to see what are your thoughts uh my thoughts are exactly what they’ve been like she plays good she’s gonna win I really believe that I think that uh she won in Austin last year I think that was her last win she went over a year without winning she snapped her leg in half and then had a tough time coming back that’s what injuries do with a player like her she’s going to win three four times five times a year like that’s not going to stop with the field that they are putting out at at her I think that she I think she Kristen was in the field I believe in Austin when she won that is that correct she was y so that there’s no problems there as far as her playing good and being able to take Kristen down not a lot of people can do that so that’s where I’m at she throws far enough she putts better than pretty much everybody when she’s putting good uh yeah I don’t I think I think that I would I want to see her this weekend here at the beaver State fling see how she plays um and a couple tournaments kind of leading into the majors and then with somebody like Paige and Kristen that’s that’s where the mark is set you know the major championships European open that’s where I want to see like who shows up type thing yep but this this is a great win and one that kind of maybe shuts up a lot of people that were talking that she and she hasn’t been playing well leading into this but people are forgetting I mean she’s coming back from a serious injury it’s it’s on her plant leg too like it is a serious injury and it’s nice to see her playing well and uh I think we just all hope it continues like that’s what we really want to see is is uh kind of like how Ganon was saying he feels like his ceiling has gotten even better right like he was really good last year but he feels like his ceiling has gotten even better I think that’s what we want to see more um on the side of the FBO field too of where it’s not just oh yeah if I play well I can be in the mix more of like I’m gonna be playing well eight out of the next 10 events like seeing if we could see like a Paige Pierce evina Holland ell Ella Kristen own like a tournament where they’re all playing well that would be awesome it feels like a lot of times we get tournaments where it’s like one or two are playing well and then someone like plays really bad on the the final day and the other one wins it was good to see man and I was curi I watched the the final round because I was like okay how she’s going to do Under the pressure it’s been a long time since she’s been in this position and she’s been playing like not very good leading up to it so is she gonna have another one of those like iffy rounds where she’s bogey throwing bad up shots missing her putts nope locked in got the job done yeah very good um got another Sports Center top 10 play play Anakin uh threw in uh made an ace on whole 16 made Sports Center uh make Sports Center top 10 and um they still made they still kind of threw a little jab a little joke in there but I think it was a lot better than the last time when Nicholas made it so right uh but hey Americans what are we doing we go someone’s got to make top 10 what are we doing Europeans are taking over the sports center top 10 um speaking of another non-american Canadian sopia deneki am I saying that right denki sounds right um is is this a new potential face on the FBO tour I think so I was talking to seon before the tournament even started and he had mentioned like she’s going to play good here so it wasn’t like just like uh nobody’s ever heard of her type thing a couple people have seen her play and she looked good but is this going to be like a like okay if you had to pick one way or the other are you going yes she’s going to be like a Holland Ella someone that’s like is kind of always in the mix or at least has the chance or is it potentially like this is a sananda of where Cananda wins Texas states where all like who the heck is this person her game looks incredible and we all are thinking like she she’s going to be the next person to challenge Christ thear and she hasn’t played poorly this year it’s just she hasn’t lived up to I think what a lot of people have these lofty expectations and and we do that right when we see someone new we’re all of a sudden like holy cow what who the heck is this person so where are you feeling with this person’s game um yeah she’s gonna be good I think top 10 machine okay yeah uh Johnny also said Emily weatherman that’s another that has been uh kind of getting consistently up there too so something that we all love seeing is you know the FP field starting to fill out right like yeah we saw this a couple years ago in no it’s starting to happen FP it’s very very nice all right let’s go to some Edwin stats here Edwin stats the purse this year actually dropped a little bit dropped 6% to 10 18,29 that can be a lot of different things right they they might had to charge more depending on the week for the golf course there could be a lot of things but obviously we all want to see purses Trend upwards not downwards so we’ll keep an eye on that going into next year this was the 11th hardest event um it played uh just out uh just behind Music City open and open at Austin um what else here ganon’s birdie rate of 50% was 10% higher than second ranked birdie rate which was Cole Ezra and Ricky uh this was also the largest margin of Victory win since MC Beth won MVP open in 2019 uh this gives Ganon six elite and major wins since 2022 tying Ricky Waki and just one behind Salon Simon and Calvin wow I did not know that so he has yeah that’s yeah he has the second most wins since 2022 did not know that um let’s see here what else do I want to point out from this uh oh these are some interesting statistics here so AB finished 44th the first time finishing outside the top 20 this year also we kind of mentioned this his final round was plus eight which was oneof his worst round of his career Yulie finished top 10 his best finish since 2023 Idle Wild and you still hold a significant lead in circle 1X putting at 93.02% and well finished fourth at Copenhagen which technically counts you can take you can take that up with Ed um and then Cole I don’t I don’t need to I the same points Cole Cole is 48th Place uh going into round two and finish in second so kind of like what you were saying out there right right just an absolute insane uh insane last three rounds there from Cole all right wild story of the week here um this comes from Michael he said if you guys have a wild story send it into wild Story Tour I been playing golf for over very for a very long time now I say that but I’m only 25 my dad introduced me when I was 13 or 14 years old it was never something I really played it was always something I went out and played with my dad and his friends this particular day we were at Will Rogers golf course in Oklahoma City right across the street from the disc golf course in the police department one of my one of the many in Oklahoma City it’s now shut down and they use the building for storage but on this day it was full in use while we were throwing on whole five two men in large or two men in orange jumpsuits and handcuffs both come running out of the police department across our Fairway up the hill across the parking lot of the park and into the creek almost out of the park and into the nearby neighborhood my dad and his friends look at each other and take off after the escaped inmates now I’m 13 years old at the time I’m trying to keep up with the adults and sure enough they caught both of them it took the police 20 minutes to show up this is one of my favorite stories to tell and I tell it often Michael Bush so he was like he was in like a serious like uh ex what do they call that Escape no they don’t call that an escape they call that a um Prison Break prison break something Julie’s muted no oh um this makes me think of Al this Mak me thinks of Alcatraz real quick what what’s your stance on Alcatraz do you think the people that escaped Alcatraz do you think they survived or they died someone survives someone had to of I think so too because they always they always were on the stance of like it’s impossible to it’s impossible to survive the water is too cold it’s it’s shark infested there’s 100% someone survived 100% and hopefully they come out and write a book or something I’m the sole survivor uh but if you have a crazy crazy story like that and you want us to hear you want to hear it told on tour life send it in our intern David at wild Story Tour um all right we’re going to open it up to chat our chat’s been live tonight we appreciate everyone that’s here watching live with us tonight if you’re listening on Apple or Spotify that’s nice too but uh you know try to jump in live show any questions for chat that they want to throw my way Julie’s way or silas’s way throw them in here now and uh we’ll answer a few maybe Edwin maybe a little Edwin we do have some edwiin yeah if you if you want some Edwin questions too uh I will be coming back at De Mo will be when I will make my return so I’m basically just I just took two tournaments off I just took off Portland open and beaver State Fame be safe The Majestic okay uh be safe Julian Broly hope you guys stay healthy and keep performing that’s from Stephen appreciate you Daniel wants to know are you Brody are you going to do more practice round videos with Ezra 100% uh Eric says Ganon the Winter Soldier Burr is that his nickname did you guys start calling him that no I’ve never called him that kind of a cool name with his last name being Burr uh Drew wants to know if you could get a mulligan on one oh there a great question if you get a mulligan on one shot in your career Julie what would you pick that’s a great question couple really pop up I’d have to I’d have to take a mle again on my whole 17 European open 2011 25f footer up the hill just completely air baled it oh no air balled it and I had it I I didn’t have it locked up but I had a one-stroke lead and or no I I was tied and if I make that putt I have a one-stroke lead going in 18 and I think uh I think I would have been able to lock it down but I air balled it um and I ended up losing it on 18 to Dave felbert so that one that one haunts me uh Joe Rodriguez says Brody why don’t you go to tournaments not to play but to do interviews I’m good on that uh Mal kids Mal kid says when is the best time to get autographs from players this is a great question um after the round probably yeah I would say if when when we’re at the autograph tent best place yeah if it’s tournament days if it’s tournament days definitely after the round or you can sometimes catch players like walking to the first t and as long as they’re not like walking there to get a two-stroke penalty because they’re late uh a lot of people are going to be okay with if you especially if you walk with them like if you hand them a disc and you continue to walk with them and they sign it while they’re walking that’s completely fine but definitely after tournament rounds is the best time how do you feel about temp baskets on stands doesn’t look professional I think about driveway portable basketball hoops oh that’s a good question this from Bill n the sides guy I agree I mean it doesn’t look good totally they should put the Box around it so you can’t see the bottom great question or those trash cans that we used to have you remember those shout out those trash cans oh yeah um Jr Julie mentioned his brother was a pro bmxer was he sponsored by a big bike brand I don’t remember what he he was definitely sponsored by a few like local bike shops for sure um I want to I want to say he had a small sponsorship with a company called Redline that was I pretty sure that was like a pretty big company back in the day had some sort of hookup with there I think that he had opportunity at one point possibly to be sponsored by cocacola so he was he was a big deal yeah he was really good favorite player to play with my favorite oh it changes from time to time like of all time alltime favorite yeah I get mean guess he’s just kind of making it very matter of fact I mean on Tour Tournament setting you know who I’ve really been enjoying playing with lately Chandler Kramer I’ve been having a blast playing with Chandler Kramer it’s been awesome I’ve been playing with them a lot now of all time I would love to I like playing with my brother just because of of the family chemistry and everything and then of course my local group that I really miss um in Arizona we used to play every every Thursday Floyd Campbell um Gary gapper uh yeah good old gapper um we called him 1090 gapper because he was he was pretty good um and then uh Matt and we’d always have a few other people go in there I mean that’s my favorite group ever to play with right there stus who’s your favorite person to play disc golf with put you on the spot uh that I’ve played with or yeah yeah yeah yeah youve played with I don’t know I I haven’t played this golf with very many people I know it’s a small list but who’s your favorite um okay I’m just gonna [Music] say Connor Kennedy there you go yep uh wesy Acres says Brody Hatton on Drop Zones had us thinking about one that we have here on the course you should come out to play here this fall around MVP and let us know what you think hey wesy if it’s not that far away from MVP I have no problem that sounds pretty nice Johnny wants to know most unexpected rage monster in a tournament It’s gotta be Eric Oakley yeah we expect it but yeah he’s no we expect it now but like if you if you’ve never seen him ra knew you’re like wait what just happened um dude decent love the name Brody when is your next Disc Off Pro Tour event always rooting for you you it’ll be de Mo appreciate you brother Edwin wants to know which uh which player on tour has the best attitude never gets down picks others up on the card gosh um wait there is someone that does this me too me too me too let me think let me think gosh who is this person why am I blanking on them they’re like always positive we remember maybe like a raven Nome maybe like a raven Nome okay Raven yeah I like that call I’m I gotta pick somebody now I I just there’s so few and far in between that like who’s like super positive out there you know who I feel like is always kind of positive mtio mtio is a good one too yeah even when he’s playing bad he’s still kind of just like he kind of laughs about it you know that’s a good question that’s that’s yeah um let’s see here how do you think Nate will finish this weekend Nate dos dude this course this course is tough but here’s what I’m thinking hard the better for him yeah exactly I think he’s going to be able to stay away from the bogeys if he plays smart which means he I’m gonna say he gets a top 40 finish pretty pretty good pretty good um Stephen says I played the East course Thursday absolutely loved it final days coverage didn’t look as bad as it really was out there I watched juli play with CK soap janler Kramer drizzle wants to know oh more of a comment but Paige has beaten Kristen head-to-head in the past inaugural Champions Cup in 2022 Paige tracked her down on the 72nd hole after Kristen had led most of the way great finish that is true yeah um uh maros says that AB has your Throwdown so good I guess AB is really good at impersonating your throw he’s good at impersonating a lot of people’s throws hon yeah yeah let’s see what else what else birdie Smith and Paul blueberry right oh Zack Melton Zack Melton’s a good one uh when it comes to positive James Conrad that’s another good one Proctor Proctor yeah I’m starting to see some of these comments now that would have helped actually kale Lisa is a good one yeah all right last question here it’s gonna be a rules question question playing my local C tier this weekend and we had a weather delay someone on another card told me I wasn’t able to putt during the weather delay he said we could only play catch so um if it’s if it’s lightning you can’t do anything yeah you can’t play catch on the course you can’t do none you can’t do anything if it’s yeah you can’t do anything yeah because what other because the only other weather delay that we’ve ever had is wind and that also was like you can’t do anything because it’s too dangerous with the limbs so yeah if you’re in a weather delay you actually aren’t allowed to putt throw or do any of that stuff play catch straight to jail um but you get they normally give you like 10 or 15 minutes to rewarm up I think and then you can literally if you wanted to you could literally practice your putt that you’re about to have like 15 times like you could literally just practice that exact putt yeah um and then they do what like two minutes and then nothing and then play yes sir all right that was fun that was I like I like having everyone in the chat here that was that was a good time we get get a little bit more uh a little bit more interaction there with everyone and still shout out to all of our TLC people uh the winners tonight for edwins trivia which I believe was what was it silus was it like a a Ganon bur disc I think or something right uh I’m not quite sure about the disc but I know it was a gon I know that I think it was I think it was like an FD or something um Ganon Burr fd1 yeah okay uh let’s see here winner today was Philip T shout out to Philip T he’s a new member who just signed up than you Philip wow three people had the right answer but were not members so they got NADA oh sh oh get crushed only to the members shout out to Phillip um any new tour life merch updates on our end stylus oh always y’all are crushing it with the merch sales we’re at 467 pushing 500 that big that’s a big Mark 500 pieces of Mer so that’s crazy only 33 away so go over to Foundation pick up some tour life merch over there go to disc craft check out all the new discs that we have over there sales are hit in the stores all the time so make sure you guys check that Julie’s got J jerseys New Jersey really cool really cool black and white I’m going to be sporting that for the first time I was going to I was saving it for the final round this tournament but then it was so rain yeah yeah so it’s G to be coming out this tournament for sure oh heck yeah but we appreciate each and every one of you this show was awesome shout out to our guest Ganon and uh we try to get more people on we’re kind of at the mercy of people that respond to us so if you wanted to see some other people on the show we didn’t get a response uh but we’ll try maybe next week going into the beaver State fling a lot of cool story lines going into this tournament so I’m excited watching that and seeing how that plays out especially with the new OB I think that’s going to make it a little bit more of a dynamic course where you can’t just kind of throw it wherever and then scramble so that should be fun and uh Julie yeah good uh good luck out there brother thanks man appreciate it that was a fun one thank you guys so much we’ll see you guys next week oh


  1. Gannon is wrong, his game is fun to watch! Incredible what he is doing. Wishing him continued success.

  2. You guys hiring for anything? Denver based but can come wherever. Pod related or dg related, doesn’t matter.

  3. If Chandler Kramer is still putting with Lone Star Copperheads, I can understand why he's not worried about the grip on his putter. The V1 and V2 plastic from Lone Star is extremely grippy when it's wet.

  4. I think every course on the pro tour should have multiple changes every single year. Fans don't want to watch the same tournament every year. BORING…. move the baskets each round… take holes out and put new ones in… every year.

  5. I think having to straddle for your putt is the golf equivalent to putting on a slope. Having to alter your stance shouldn’t technically mean you aren’t on the green. If that was the case there would be a whole new statistic of “putts made off of the green”, and people would be straddling out from like 30 feet and making relatively easy putts that would be considered from off the green.

  6. Why couldn’t tour life be tn after this Paige stuff😭 I can’t wait for Brodie to respond on a pod, he making great points on twitter

  7. The thing about saying we knew Paige was going to come back if she healed up….is that she wasn't looking great before the injury. This isn't just that she's recovering physically. If she can keep up this level of play, this is a return to 24 months ago form kind of thing. Hoping she keeps it up.

  8. It's pronounced Dawn eck uh (like the soap, then the eck in the word neck, then the uh in uuuuuh…..what the hell are you talking about) with the stress on the Dawn. And she will be a real force if she plays. She's a Harvard Chemical Engineer or something and isn't committed to disc golf. Yet anyway. She has a way higher ceiling than someone like Sia. She bombs, forehand and backhand, and has a solid putting stroke. Just a matter of whether she decides to go on tour.

  9. Pauls take on the green is off… this isn’t golf. That’s the main problem is that disc golf knocked off golf statistics which don’t really work. The stats need to be distance to the pin obstructed or open. If we are being honest, there aren’t really fairways in disc golf, there aren’t really greens. Stop trying to be golf, we need average distance off the tee obstructed or not, and distance to the pin obstructed or not.

  10. Glad Brodie brought up hole 14s tee shot, It was such a good adjustment and really shows us how much Gannon knows and trusts his discs

  11. The PDGA should create a scorekeeping certification course on their website. You should be required to complete this course to do the job. It would be easy to design the course. It should include basic rules, requirements, and video examples. It should be very cheap or free. That would still allow for volunteers

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