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Tua Tagovailoa Puts On A Clinic At Miami Dolphins Minicamp!

On this episode of Phinisde The NFL, Reason recaps Day 1 of Miami Dolphins Mandatory Minicamp!

Tua Tagovailoa addresses his contract situation and says “the market is the market” after putting on a “clinic” during the sessions he participated in!

Tyreek Hill also addresses his own contract situation and beings a Miami Dolphins for life!

Plus we’ll discuss all the observations from today’s session, Mike McDaniel’s comments and much more including are the Dolphins further along in contract talks with Tua Tagovailoa than the Jaguars are with Trevor Lawrence?


Time Stamps:

0:00 – Opening

0:54 – Intro

2:01 – Thoughts On Miami Going All In This Year, Hassan Reddick, De’Von Achane, Tua’s December Record & More

19:55 – The Miami Dolphins Are Further Along In Extension Talks With Tua Tagovailoa Than The Jacksonville Jaguars Are With Trevor Lawrence

24:00 – The Miami Dolphins Have Signed 5 Of Their 2024 NFL Draft Picks

26:16 – Mike McDaniel Talks About Tyreek’s Situation, Tua’s Extension & More

32:42 – Jaelan Phillips Jogs For The Local Media Amongst Claims He Has A Limp

33:57 – Jeff Wilson Jr. Wore The Orange Practice Jersey Today

35:05 – Tua Tagovailoa Puts On A Clinic At Day 1 Of Miami Dolphins Mandatory Minicamp

40:55 – Cam Smith Being Mentored By Jalen Ramsey & Kendall Fuller At Day 1 Of Miami Dolphins Mandatory Minicamp

48:05 – Time For The Miami Dolphins To Pay Up With Tua Tagovailoa? + More Observations From Day 1 Of Miami Dolphins Mandatory Minicamp

50:55 – Tua Tagovailoa Addresses The Media About Contract Talks, His Weight & More

58:15 – Tyreek Hill Discusses His Contract Situation, Retiring As A Dolphin, Tua Getting Paid & More!

1:05:35 – Final Thoughts

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#MiamiDolphins​ #NFL #football #TuaTagovailoa

on today’s episode of finside the NFL we are going to recap day one of Miami Dolphin’s mandatory mini camp as not only did everyone show up but we got some interesting comments from TU Tong aloa some interesting comments from Tyreek Hill and some comments from Mike McDaniel that were intriguing as well so we’ll talk about all that plus Tua look continuing to look as sharp as ever during sessions here participated in we will talk about that plus are the Miami Dolphins further along with two in his contract extensions than we may have originally thought plus the Dolphins take care of some of their draft class today man we got a ton to talk about it’s just a tease but it feels like football’s back so smash that like button subscribe if you’re new and let’s get into this [Music] [Applause] the pressure he’s in trouble loses the football the touchdown got it you have got to be kidding me by Jaylen W has a dolphin touchdown and he will score SL that open TouchDown the run from two a t of bya touchdown he’s going deep he got [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go up for it fire to the end Z touchdown dolphin beautiful day to be a Dolphin fan let’s go [Music] what is good F Nation what’s good it’s your boy rezon we are back here for another one let’s football’s in the air you can feel it the feelings everywhere it may only be three days and it may just be a tease but it sure feels like football is back as we are getting a little taste of what training camp will feel like man oh man it’s it’s feeling good right now we got a ton of news to go over today we got a ton of Clips to go over just a lot a lot to go over and actually we’re going to be starting from something that had dropped yesterday and working our way to today guys over 120 of you already in the chat and we’re not even 3 minutes in Smash that like button subscribe if you are new I got to give yall your listen I got to give you guys your flowers all right the finside fam is coming through like I knew all of you would all right the sideline T podast all right first of all if y’all aren’t aware I’m going to have a new show coming this Sunday with me Britney from the sideline T podcast and a few others and it’s going to be every Sunday night at 8:00 P.M and listen we started off two days ago she was at 51 Subs we started promoting her on this channel two days ago she’s already at 330 she’s 170 away from 500 why does that matter because not only do we want to get her to that half half century mark sorry I apologize that’s definitely not a century okay centur is 100 not only is she halfway towards that thousand Mark we want her to go live and she has told me she’s going to go live on her Channel when she hits 500 so the sooner we get there her there the sooner we can pressure her into going live so go over there um show some love all right I’ve got it in the chat all right as usual I’ve got it taken care of in the chat so go show her some love all right go subscribe um and yeah uh go show some love to Britney y’all are going to like what we bring this weekend and trust me on that okay trust me on that all right so go show her some love go subscribe to the sideline te podcast all right and I want to thank all of you that that went out of your way and subscribed to the Dive Bar podcast go subscribe to them as well um here’s man you know it just I I got it just feels good that football’s back it just feels good that it feels like we got something to talk about you know what I mean um man you know I know we got to wait till the end of July I know we’re not quite there yet I get it but just these next three days you know it’s going to be nice to have it have a little taste and if you don’t remember tomorrow I’ll be live by myself there will be no Finish Line tomorrow but I will be live on Thursday with Neil for fin too deep so make sure you guys tune in all right make sure you guys show some love and I want y’all to come out this Sunday at 800 pm. man I want y’all to come out and show some love this Sunday at 8 p.m. I really think y’all going to like what I’m bringing to the table here it’s something different something new something fresh all right so come through show some love all right I appreciate each and every one of you let’s do a quick shout out to everyone in the chat Charles Hilton Joey Lal Ryan AP Taran langover Aladino Mass Kyle Robert Thomasson Pro special Powerhouse TJ coach AJ what’s good homie Chef Jew OG life Brian Walters Jason kek the homie foxing around hooked up Joe I was actually thinking about you yesterday hooked up you hope you’re doing good bro hope to see you around this season dude I was actually thinking about you the other day I was like man I haven’t se I haven’t seen him much right um Bob Oliver Andrew Harris and remember I’m not saying you haven’t been here it’s just I usually only super pay attention to all the names during the shout outs throughout the show I see different names but I don’t know who’s coming in who’s coming out Dolan Dawn Jeffrey Ward Knight night we’re going to talk about that we are going to talk about what you just said and that word you just said don’t worry we get into that night don’t worry KF what’s going on Chris G um Scotty up in here Roger goens cool iguana how are you doing cool been around for a minute too James steel tafo family what’s going on saw the interiew came here dolphin man Jared are you certified Jared let me know Chuck up how are you doing sir guy Chuck tan Al Kil Patrick what’s going on the marbro man when’s the Duff Man GNA show up marbro Denisha how’s it going Denisha hope you’re good Eminem in and out of the chat like he’s Houdini Mudbone BX Russell Swan shout out to all you OG Barry shout out to each and every one of you jalapeno jalapeno Steve are you a trailer park fanboy you like jalapeno jalapeno chips and Steve French G Joshua Evans Tor Dixon Robert cillo stretch five bam split 305 how you doing sir George one of the original ogs George Albanese what’s up Captain Charisma Christian Christian Troy nuke yeah we saw those Justin Simmons eyes didn’t we huh didn’t we we saw we all saw it Isaiah Mullins ggb Chronicles Finn fella Gary skeleton Barney Miller F fet filo Aron what’s going on JJ box break locals Aaron Andrews JJ you need to hit me up bro the the well has run dry up here with optic BL blasters I need megas and blasters shout out to all of you in the chat South Florida Don how are you doing sir big slick rip Larry Allen why is Lamar keeping skipping I don’t know he wants he just wants to he just wants to send the money in he just wants to give back to his Baltimore Community with some money that’s why he’s missing now interesting little tidbit named there in the chat pointed out in the chat yesterday all right um someone by the name of uh Ross Tucker I don’t know who that is tweeted out about let’s win your golf event and then you get you a oneway ticket to McDaniel land and then tagged Justin Simmons Justin Simmons returned with the IM Emoji returned like replied with the I emoji give me Justin Simmons please please please give me Justin Simmons I’m begging you I’m not on my knees and you guys have seen me get on my knees and beg for Jason Sanders to make a winning field goal on this channel before and then I proceeded to kick out the power like a goofball right after so y’all have seen that during the live reaction but I I’m I’m pretty damn close to get on my knees get me Justin Simmons oh my God please God oh oh with the things they want to do with ramsy and and the things they want to do with Javon Holland it’s just going to open up even more please God make this defense just throw listen I’m here for it throw everything and the kitchen sink at trying to get to at least the AFC East champ sorry to at least try and get a division title and get to the AFC Championship game throw everything in the kitchen sink at it baby I’m sorry we learned last year how much HomeField advantage means you got to go out and you got to make you got to put a roster that’s going to win 14 to 15 games and I really think we are like figure we are either a healthy interior and a defensive interior rotation that actually produces away from that or we are depthwise away from that it’s one of those two things because and I say or depthwise because people are going to get injured and you’re going to be relying on depth on in those two areas that’s why I say that so man just get as many Elite highlevel bodies as you can on this team and let’s go throw everything in the kitchen sink at this year I’m telling you I’m telling you go look at that situation over in Buffalo right now they are weakening by the year you had them on the ropes last year they are a weaker roster never mind the ropes they shouldn’t even get there they should be knocked out in in the middle rounds no one every no one outside the media believes this New York Jet hey well no one outside the media in New York believes this jet hey we all know what’s going to happen there we all know we’re going to run through New England and they ain’t ready I’m as big of a drake drake May was my number one heading into this college football season let alone heading into the draft so everyone knows how big of a fan I am of Drake may but we going to whoop that ass at least in year one I do think he’s going to get good by year two year three but that’s all going to be about how they surround him I do not think he went to the best situation I do not think he went to the best situation at all he should if he if Drake May would have meant to if Drake May would have made it to Minnesota I’m telling you Drake May would have lit up the leag in two or in by year two or year three with Justin Jefferson telling you anyways I digress please for the love of God just get the bodies just throw everything in the kitchen sink did you see Hanan reic is stealing their money uh I I saw people mentioning talking about him on Twitter right what is he not show he wasn’t showing up to OTAs or whatever I don’t know was that what is happening he’s not showing up right he’s not and they just acquired him right and he’s not showing up isn’t that the deal what’s going on right now I I I don’t know the joke the Jets to me I I can’t believe people are actually night I can’t believe people are actually putting their eggs in that basket believing that Aaron Rogers is going to get back the MVP form and and the disrespect aan gets while people are gassing at Bree hall right now stop right now aan had a better rookie seasoned and played far less snaps and pre all did and little ridiculous he did show up and the coach doesn’t know why I thought he didn’t show up I thought he was skipping OTAs that’s what I thought I I saw right uh I I after being traded I thought he hadn’t hadn’t attended anything yet um so that’s what I thought I I didn’t know he showed up so I know he has like one year left on his deal right so I I thought he didn’t show up oh yeah he didn’t he didn’t he didn’t okay I see I see you said I mean he he mean he meant he meant he didn’t okay cool yeah yeah yeah yeah I get you I get you uh yeah steal it baby we steal it let’s go take that money listen I got things in the works people all right and I know you’re going to have to deal with me but I might be coming down for that Raiders game and there are talks going on right now be me coming down to that Buffalo game in week nine all right for some bar build Tavern some you know cinjun honey butter buffalo wings and some um beef on wack so we’ll see what happens but man those Jets like listen that’s the thing I’ve said this okay let’s say Aaron Rogers is all good let’s say he’s all good right first of all that offensive line is a disaster he’s going be running for his life on the worst worst field for players in the NFL injury-wise and that’s pretty much known okay but let’s say he’s normal and everything goes right he stays healthy I keep telling everyone this Tua puts up numbers against that defense like it’s not like two is squeaking out wins here that’s why we all saw the discrepancy between Skyler Thompson running the offense when we barely snuck into the playoffs that last game of the season compared to when Tua plays them Tua like torches them right like I don’t know if you saw the clip of s Gardner s Gardner was just talking about us and he was talking about Tyreek and waddle and he was talking about how you just can’t game plan for Tyreek Hill and he made sure to say cuz he’s like that boy jayen W will cook you too like you cannot just focus on one you you got to be on your Ps and qes with both so you know that’s the thing not only does Rogers need to be healthy he’s going to need to put up yards against us and our defense is damn good and our offense they pretty much know how to light that defense up so what are we worried about here I’m not worried about this at all I I don’t get this Jets hype I really don’t I got to see this to believe it man you know I’m sorry the same people who will say oh two of these to show me he can win in the playoffs two of these to show me he can do this that are the same people oh look out for the Jets oh they’re good like look out for the Jets where like what are we talking about the Jets are worse against us than we are in December and January like that’s that’s that’s like guess what did you know tua’s 9 and seven in December for his career did you know that put your hand up in the chat if you knew Tua was actually nine and seven in his career in the month of December let me know if anyone knew that right let me know if anyone knew that and it should be at least 10 and six because if Tyreek killer Tren sherfield do their job in buffalo in cold weather in snow we win that game also if Josh Boer does his job instead of allowing them to convert a third and 17 and then score to end the half we win that game everyone around two will let him down in that game sherfield and Tyreek had key drops that would have been touchdowns in W us a game and Josh berer and that defense did not get out the field on Third and 17 and allowed a touchdown to end the half which should have never happened so two should actually be 10 and six in December if we really want to do some math here just saying but these people that come out here you would think the way these people talk about Tua he’s 2 and 11 in December people seem to forget the hype of that Dallas game when he drove us down that field for that winning touchdown to finish that off same people who will probably say oh we need to go get D just saying I’m just saying that’s that’s that’s the that’s the reality of the situation now if you want to have and on the flip side if you want to have the conversation he’s one and three in January but remember again he’s only played four games in January but he’s one and three and two of those losses are to Buffalo so and only one of those losses has come since 2022 like January 2022 so that means a 2021 2022 season all right so I’m just saying I’m just saying and let’s be honest this whole team has an issue with the bills this is not a two a thing this goes back to the loss in two his rookie year where his wouldn’t get in and the only guy who got off the freaking bus was Andrew vanko remember Tua did beat them and again I go back to that December game Tu actually should have swept them that year if guys around him did his job just saying anyways let’s get into it over 373 of you in the room smash that like button subscribe if you’re new okay let’s speaking of Tua let’s go chronologically so let’s with something that came out yesterday so this is from the NFL insiders again I’ve screenshotted it um a clip from the segment and added the audio to it because these people like to demonetize now so I’m going to play this clip are the Miami Dolphins closer to a deal than maybe we think which is something I’ve kind of been talking about and and this is why so this is why I’m even saying that listen to this I was thinking that it really is an unbelievable like could two have finished season you know can he lead a team to the playoff it’s like check check check and now he gets the big check and I I’m with you it does seem that the two sides have done considerable work on this they seem a little bit further along the Trevor Lawrence extension which I know the Jaguars would like done I know Trevor Lawrence and his agent would like done but there is some benefit to Lawrence from to sit back and say you know what let me just wait maybe tuah who for sure has wanted an extension done this spring that certainly is still possible could there be something done in the next couple days these things can turn on a dime it is all up in the air it is all certainly possible there and for Trevor Lawrence to sit back see what two of got then really get to work on his own deal that could benefit them but I do think the two sides will probably end up being kind of round where the other is in the end so there you go now what have we heard over the last three or four weeks right the Jaguars are going to pay Trevor Lawrence 50 plus million check all right the Jaguars and Trevor Lawrence both want the deal done Trevor Lawrence even talked about it yesterday to the media I believe it was yesterday the day before I believe it was yesterday talked to the media about it check it’s been publicly reported the Jaguars want that deal done soon later check so when Ian rapor comes out here and now says to a tongue of aloa and the Miami Dolphins are further along in contract talks what does that tell you the framework seems to be seems to be worked out like I’ve said because think about it if we know the Jaguars are willing to pay 50 plus million but Rap Board is telling us the Dolphins are further along in contract talks what does that tell you that they pretty much have know the number that it’s going to be at both sides are pretty much in the vicinity of the number I’m telling you I am telling you right now mark my words and I’ve have said it over and over and over and over again this is coming down to the final detail Tails this is more about how it’s structured and guaranteed money that’s what this is coming down to the finer details of the contract if Tua did not have his injury history this contract would be done I can pretty much say that that that I could pretty much say that that like with utmost confidence I’m telling you this is coming down to the finer details it goes back to cam week cam wolf telling us weeks ago right it’s going to come in and around Jared goff’s money why did that hold so much weight that I told you because Cam’s plugged into two his camp and the Dolphins so what did that tell you both sides pretty much know where they’re at in terms of money so it it’s it’s this is coming down to the finer details that’s what’s holding this up and we’ve talked about this right playtime incentives injury protections what it’s it’s different when that comes to defensive linemen Edge rushers offensive tackles when it comes to franchise quarterbacks agents will balk at that agents will hold their line and unhold a position that’s what this is all coming down to guaranteed money and the finer details of the structure of How It’s all structured I’m telling you right now and I’ve been saying that all right so let’s start to get into things today all right um we got a bunch to go over for all of you guys now let’s start off with how the day started off okay in case you did not see it the Miami Dolphins today announced that they have signed five draft picks Muhammad Kamar s Patrick McMorris wide receiver Malik Washington Taj Washington and running back jayen Wright so they announced all what five the two Washingtons and five in total signing now why does this matter and what and I know people are going to be like well what about Patrick Paul what about you know what about chop Okay the reason why this was done all right and we kind of talked about this on the show yesterday right and the reason why this was done was these five draft picks will not change the salary cap for this you know only the top 51 salary cap charges count against your salary cap until roster Cuts so that’s why they took care of that these guys will kick in when the season starts but right now they do not count against the cap but chop Robinson and Patrick Paul will count against the cap that’s why you haven’t seen those deals done yet and again they still have money to clear up two extension clears up money right that that that’s just that’s what happens a Tyreek adjustment re to that contract clears out money for next year and this year too so there you go muhammd Kamar MCM Morris Malik Washington Taj Washington and dyen Wright all the guys who aren’t accounting against the top 51 salaries on the team have been signed All right so they announced that today that was the first thing that came out today um and then McDaniel took to the podium all right and Nick Daniel I mean he he he talked about Tyreek Hill a little bit today right um he talked about jonu Smith today um now in terms of you know what he went over um there was a lot to break down he mean he even T touched on Tua as well all right um now you know personally from where I’m at let’s talk about what what he said about regarding Tyreek Hill today okay so this is what he said regarding Tyreek Hill as the Miami Dolphins begin their three-day man mandatory mini camp Tuesday coach Mike McDaniel addressed the standing of Tyreek Hill as a star wide receiver seeks more money this off season Hill was in the building Tuesday along with every other Dolphins player as McDaniel noted 100% attendance for the mandatory sessions that followed um voluntary OTAs which had several key veterans absent I saw very happy Tyreek Hill just today face to face Hill though did not participate in team portions of Tuesday’s session Hill was the highest paid wide receiver two years ago at the time of this trade from the Kansas City Chiefs to the Dolphins but a number of contracts at the position have surpassed his now one of which was just Jefferson Jefferson’s 4-year 140 million extension with the Minnesota Vikings the star wide out is making 31.3 million in 2024 but has no guarantees in his contract beyond the upcoming season so and then it goes into about how Rosen house what he said to Josh Moser um you know so here here’s the thing like okay um now you know well we’re going to talk about this okay all right um Hill might be limited in his practice activity as McDaniel said the team has to measure his work in drills he’s expected to work out on sideline instead of participating McDaniel was asked why Hill’s contract has not yet been adjusted restructured and he declined answer keeping the focus on football drills Tuesday Miami’s number two wide receiver Jaylen wad already earned his extension Tuesday adding three years to his deal to keep him with the team through 2028 going into his fourth season he’s only expected to expand on 3,000 yard seasons to start his career he’s continued to develop which is great news for the Miami Dolphins McDaniel said I think he’s a big time player that is hungry McDaniel started the Tuesday prester by acknowledging that quarterback T tongo was also with the team for the start of mini camp after he had some sporadic absences during voluntary sessions tongo though may not participate in all team portions of the drills through mini camp as he continues to have contract negotiations with the front office we’re going to have him out there and he’s going to be participating but the depth and really across the board what he’s doing that’ll be more up to him than anything um there you go Tuesday Tu tongo didn’t take reps in the 11-11 setting of practice but was involved in seven on seven um so there you go now linebacker chop Robinson continues to get more extensive Taste of NFL practice as mini camp begins after limited participation during OTAs the past two weeks the first first round pick out of pen State said the speed each player possesses is up another level from college ball everybody on the offense is fast I’d say the biggest thing keeping up with the speed of the people Robinson credited opposing offensive tackles Austin Jackson fellow rookie Patrick Paul for sharpening his skill set during practice we’re just giving each other tools like how I beat him or how he beat me Robinson said so we’re just learning from each other and getting better as a team the six of three pass rusher is one of many fresh faces on Miami’s defense including defensive coordinator Anthony Weaver in his 13year coaching career Weaver helped develop high high level pass rushers like JJ wat Jen Clowney and Mario Williams Robinson said Weaver’s aggressive coaching style is effective for him and something he Embraces he just wants the best for you he just wants the best for the team that’s how I like to be coach and that’s just a blessing to have him as my coach so I mean beautiful beautiful thing to see chop Robinson embracing just totally embracing you know Anthony Weaver and embracing the process already now in terms of hill now we just heard that Hill did not participate today we just heard that H you know McDaniel gave you a cover story right like that that’s basically what he did right McDaniel said the team has to measure his work and drills you know he’s expected to work out on the side that’s because Tyreek told him yo coach not happening I’m showing up I’m here but until I get that it’s a hold in see that’s the thing all these players believe in what we’re doing here they all like playing with each other they all they all love their situation they just want new money that’s why they’re holding in that’s why two is like I said when people were breaking news two and Tong holding out I said no if anything to I literally go back find the receipt I literally said if anything Tua will hold in I said you he probably won’t participate in everything and what happened that’s his second media session in a row where he’s doing everything but the 11 and 11s that’s literally what’s happening because they’re happy with the situation they believe they can win they all believe that it’s better to play out if they don’t get their money this offseason because they’ll just increase their value that’s what they’re all because they know how good this can be and so that’s why they’re all showing up I mean you got other people like Brandon aak who’s not even showing up to this stuff you got Assan reic not showing up the stuff like we talked about so no the everything’s good and go good to go it’s going to be fine all right now let’s get into the stuff let let’s get into some things here okay so we’re going to get into observations and then we’re going to get into Tua addressing everything and Tyreek addressing everything okay so let’s do this so let’s start off with this poor Omar a highlight of dolphin’s first mini camp practice jayen Phillips came outside from rehabbing inside yelled for Omar Kelly to watch him and jogged asking loudly if he’s still limping indeed Phillips was not limping with his stride and remember I mentioned this Brian baldinger also said he was limping too right I played the clip here right we played the clip on uh the Finish Line where baldinger thinks we’re going to take a step back because he’s like you know you got Jaylen Phillips out here limping around Brian baldinger also thinks listen I like Brian Baler I respect the hell out of him but he’s out of his mind thinking the Jets are going to be as good as he’s made them out to be but he he’s another one who said Jaylen Phillips is going around limping around so JP out here absolutely destroying narratives and let’s give JP a round of applause cuz baby we need you week one Jaylen we need you with chop we need you with Mo we need you with sha Barrett we need you with Zack seeler we need you on that offensive line jayen Sorry on that defensive line Jaylen we need you wreaking havoc on offensive lines Jaylen so we need you bro I love it though I love I love it a little sass a little sass and just for clarity in case you didn’t see the man in the orange Jersey today was Jeff Wilson Jr all right Jeff Wilson Jr was wearing the orange Jersey today I told y’all when Barry Jackson dropped that nugget weeks and weeks ago that I brought up multiple times here because we brought up the article where he dropped the Nugget when he dropped that nugget that he said they got no plans to getting ready je rid of Jeff Wilson I’m telling you I’m telling you it’s Raheem Jeff Wilson Jaylen Wright and Devin Anan Chris Brooks is going to go to the practice squad and salvin oad has turned into a camp body that loves living in Florida that’s basically what he’s turning into that I’m I’m sorry that’s going to be the four they roll with get ready for it so let’s get into Camp observations all right cuz we got a lot to get into with just that alone all right just that alone we got a lot to get into so all right Tua delivers another sharp day in limited work you might be asking yourself but reason you know the title of this video says Tua Pits on a clinic da d d d da go look at Travis wingfield’s Twitter and I quote mini Day Camp day is a wrap Tu a with another clinic so I ain’t lying and all this stuff we’re about to show you backs that up Tu a Tong mow continues to sit out the Miami 11-11 work while as Camp negotiates for a multi-year extension but the team starting quarterback was dealing during the seven on seven periods he threw during in during Tuesday’s practice even without the participation of Odell Beckham Jr who’s seemingly rehabbing an underscores injury and Tyreek Hill who’s allegedly on a load Management program for Miami’s coaches tongo carved up every defensive unit he faced in Miami’s Red Zone 7 on seven and other situational periods Tu a Tong belowa handled all but one seven on seven series and all but three of his passes were completions two of those passes were drops from brillan Sanders and Matthew seon uh that’s what happens out here thrown of jabronies again the other was a pass to slot receiver that quarterback s Neil broke up plenty of tongue of Low’s completions were on checkdowns which Devon Anan turned up to do a sing significant damage on multiple plays man I’m telling you he’s going to be a big part of that passing offense this year I have heard big things with him being in in terms of receiver this year they’re going to be Jaylen you are going to see packages with Jaylen or Raheem in the backfield and Devon aan lining up in the slot or as a receiver I’m telling you get ready for it and when it happens don’t say I didn’t warn you and I wasn’t the first to tell you because I’ve been telling you for quite some time the seconde tailback was the top playmaker of the day because his speed made him challenge in open space especially in seven on seven work but tongal threw a pair of touchdown passes to tight end Tanner Connor who spent last season on the Dolphins practice squad the best pass of practice came from Tong of aloa and it was a 25 yard dime in the seam of the defense to rookie tight end Hayden Ruchi there you go Jennifer Forbush where’s my girl at I know you’re liking that one also a not was notable was a seven on seven play where J Wadd roasted cam Smith for a corner route he caught on a touchdown in the back of the end zone hey the kids got to get it the kids got to learn right now I’d rather cam Smith being getting cooked by Jaylen wadle in June than being cooked by jayen waddle in August white also had a nice completion to Waddle on a back shoulder throw that evaded Kendall Fuller’s coverage converting a first down during 111s rever Craycraft also caught a 5-yard touchdown pass in the back of the end zone beating rookie quarterback Jason Mater during 11-11 work which featured Mike White and Skyler Thompson handling all the snaps the defense won the day pass rusher Quinton Bell stopped to check down pass to rookie tailback jayen right in the backfield Zack Steeler tipped a pass at the line of scrimmage during 11-11 period Anthony Walker continues to make plays as he tipped a pass at the line of scrimmage during 11-11 and it was nearly picked off and then rookie pass rusher muhamad Kamar sacked Thompson on a third and one situation from the sixy line exting extinguishing a drive during 11-11 so Mohamed CRA out here making plays continuously and so is Anthony W I’m telling you I told all y’all that that wide receiver core khil Shakir Curtis Samuel you know Keon Coleman they got a bunch of number twos and threes that they’re going to try and make work in Buffalo and I have a feeling it’s it’s going to be a dton concade show and we got the backers that can cover baby I love it injury update everyone was in attendance for the mandatory mini camp work but the usual suspects in terms of Jaylen Phillips Bradley chub Cameron good didn’t participate because of the various injuries Taran Armstead attended Tuesday’s practice but worked with trainers with while when the team was on the field he could be spotted having a lengthy chat with Chris Greer tier tart was the only defensive lineman not participating his absence allowed Bonito Jones Brandon phy to handle the bulk of the nose tackle snaps in Miami’s new defense Chris Brooks has been absent from all of the onfield work during the past three weeks seemingly nursing an undisclosed injury man brother that ain’t good for you tit johu Smith who hasn’t worked in any of the OTA sessions the media has attended the past two weeks participated in 11-11 reps and caught a handful of passes newly signed Senator Aaron Brewer sat on most of the OTA sessions the media has attended because of an undisclosed injury participated in today’s session Jaylen Ramsey and Kendall Fuller who has skipped most if not all of the offseason program were heavy participants Nick needam who has worked all otaa Miss Tuesday session and was apparently working with the team’s trainers that’s another thing too I got to tell you guys I’m telling you uh McDaniel had a lot of positive things to say regarding jonu Smith like he did um you know you know he literally called jnu Smith he said he’s become a master of yak not only because of his Steed but speed but because of his mindset and he talked about there’s always going to be opportunities there for John new Smith man this offense is going to be exciting man oh my God y’all thought we had the greatest show on surf NE last year you’re going to need a new name for this year I’m telling you already I’m telling you already oh my God how can you not be pumped huh continuing on here flipping over to the Sun Sentinel observations we got to go all the different Publications CU we always hear different things right so the Miami Dolphins had day one of their mandatory 3-day mini camp on Tuesday at the Baptist Health Training complex here are some observations including those who participate participated in the roughly 90minut session by the way much of what we saw as a Media Group such as who was deep on kick over turns can’t be recorded because it gives away strategy coach Mike McDaniel said the Dolphins have 100% participation on manyi Camp but a few players didn’t participate in Tuesday’s practice for various reasons chub and Phillips Armstead Hill and obj David long Taj Washington Aaron Brewer tier tart Chris Brooks Nick neam and wide receiver jaquin Burton did not this is interesting David long I hope he’s not hurt patreons and channel members know exactly why I’m mentioning that if you aren’t a patreon or Channel member become one and you will understand why I’m looking at this right here with a raised eyebrow Hill said he wants wants to retire a Miami Dolphin but said he wants to be a top paid top five player in the process to a tangaloa the slim down version went 11 for 12 passing on his first round of seven on seven drills tangoa who such as all of the quarterbacks was wearing the helmet camera was threading the needle on a few throws and overall look comfortable with this new throwing motion which features the rubber band theory of passing that involves more hip action Phillips and chub didn’t walk with a noticeable limp as opposed to the first round of OTAs last month and for what it’s worth both player players sported well well sculpted triceps um listen here here’s the thing all right you know here here’s the thing with that look at why is no one mentioning the call out huh why is why is no one bringing out the call out huh I’m just saying I’m just saying where where where is it so guard Robert Jones oh sorry arm set at a glance look slim down and in great physical shape so there you go all right there you go um guard Robert Jones also looks slim down and in great shape I mean he’s going to be he’s going at be you know what I mean I don’t know what else um quarterback jayen Ramsey was on the field for a few snaps in 11-11 and looked to be in Pro Bowl form no worries there quarterback cam Smith last year’s second round pick got a decent number of of repetitions and seemed to have good awareness when it came to playmaking which was the case at this time last year at one point Tuesday veter Tuesday veteran quarterbacks Ramsey and Kendall Fuller will seen counseling cam Smith so again cam Smith continues to be like a sponge continues it I am like we saw it last year with X and Ramsey and shout out to Ramsey for continuing to show love and nurture this kid right like man I’m just so so man Ramsay’s been such a great leader Ramsay’s been such a great leader all right I I just I I can’t stretch that stress that enough and man cam Smith is really taking in this Seri Series so let’s go and that rubber Band Theory it’s two it talks about and we’re going to play that all right so y’all are going to get I’ll talk about that a little bit more as we go on here so Devon aan who has added bulk via muscle had a sevenard touchdown re reception from tongue Below on a wheel route early in seven on sevens they were the the running backs had a fairly low-key day but they were productive tongoa had a touchdown pass over the middle to tight end Tanner Connor who continues to show above average athleticism the tight ends led by Duram Smite um but with but with solid contributions from John new Smith and jod forson had a fut fruitful day as a tight end show impressive versatility River cracraft the best blocker at his position had an impressive juggling touchdown reception in the corner of the end zone Craig craft who had an injury short in 2023 year has a chance to be an impact player this season Anthony Walker batted down a PL pass thrown by skyar Thompson and quarterback Isaiah Johnson almost caught the ball out of the air overall the linebackers were low-key but they weren’t disappointing s Neil known for his special teams Acumen had a pass break up against Tong of aloa Neil had a few impact plays from scrimmage Elijah Campbell taught rookie wide receiver leag Washington a lesson perhaps unfairly about ball security Washington caught a pass and was jogging back to the Huddle ball Loosely under his arm and Campbell came by and poked it out always secure the ball while on the field brillan Sanders dropped a pass from tongue Below on what happened to be a slant pattern Rickie quarterback Jason Mater had such good coverage on wide receiver Anthony Schwarz that he forced tongo out into a checkdown tongo had an excellent play in 11 I don’t think in 111 I think this is seven on seven when he looked off the safety and then threw to tight end Hayden Ruchi on a seam route perhaps a 15 so Omar said 25 David frin said 15 it was an excellent example of defensive manipulation by Tong maloa Zack steer who had an active day batted down a pass against Mike White as expected Steeler was a standout was a standout interior defensive lineman wide receiver Jaylen Wadd made a nice adjustment to come back to the ball on a sideline route catching a pass thrown by tongue belowa with full ear in coverage we saw a variety of new Blitz packages and defensive looks from new defensive coordinator Anthony Weaver this should be exciting year for a defense that finished number 10 last season and numerous injuries to key players there you go the blitz packages and defensive looks I told you he comes from that Rex Ryan tree so there’s a lot of similarities to what him and Flor has ran or how they think I should say not run um Brazilian soccer player vinus Jr the Superstar forward for Real Madrid stopped by practice Tuesday was a big deal among those who greeted him in his Entourage were Chris Greer Mike McDaniel Dan Marino and obj the Dolphins are on the field for mini cam practices again Wednesday and Thursday so today’s just day one baby today is just day one you got to love it check this one out I wanted to check this article out and this is observations from today but look at the title from the Palm Beach Post time to pay up Tu a Tong woa sizzling Haun during Dolphins mini camp Tu a Tong below is hoping to work out a lucrative long-term extension with the dolphins Tuesday’s mini camp performance didn’t hurt his cause quite the contrary before the workout McDaniel appeared to suggest tongue below might see Limited action right and tungo clearly came ready for action here’s how it went tungo started strong on a series of throws and seven on seven throws from the seven yard line he never cooled off either after hitting Devon aan for a score he hit Tanner Connor for two short touchdowns he found aan for another touchdown a pattern that kept seing repeating itself in drills Tung threw threw a beautiful ball to Jaylen WD in the corner of the end zone he hit jod forson so there you go Jordy forson continuing to make plays he may had a touchdown today he finally threw an incompletion a drop by Matthew ston he lobbed one to River crra who made an outstanding juggling catch in the corner of the end zone to later Tong OFA hit Malik Washington in traffic for a short game so there you go Washington listen he might have had had the ball knocked out going back to the Huddle but he’s still making plays today he then looked at bran Sanders over the middle but Sanders dropped it tungo did not participate however when the Dolphins went to team drills in 11-11 not spoted working with the team was tart chub Phillips long good Needum ammed Brooks Burton Taj Washington tan Armstead Beckham Jr um and there you go Phillips there you go obviously responding to reports last week that he’s still limping following an Achilles surgery broke into a brief jog in front of reporters in a moment of levity to show where he is in rehab and Jeff Wilson wore the orange Jersey today so there you go there are the observations from the Palm Beach post but even they’re saying is it time to pay up he must be looking real crisp if if people are out here off the underwear Olympics saying oh is it time to pay up guys over 566 of you in the room do me the favor smash the like button subscribe if you are new and go subscribe to the sideline T podcast with Britney we’re trying to get her to 500 you guys have got her to over 330 subs from 51 in just two days you guys have added 300 Subs alone let’s get her to 500 she’s going to go live when she gets to 500 we got a lot of content coming including her finside the NFL debut this Sunday with a new format a new show that I have coming it’s a little bit of a Rebrand but it’s a new show in a new format and I think y’all are going to really like it this Sunday at 800 PM all right so go show her some love on the sideline T podcast so let’s get into it so let’s talk about Tua um Tua was finally in front of reporters today today and he addressed his contract his weight and he even talked about that rubber band theory that we’ll talk about okay so let’s get into this uh yeah I I mean I’m I’m not blind to to and I’m going to address what you said earlier tonight in my position that are getting paid um am I concerned about it I’m not concerned about it there’s a lot of uh discussions you know that we’ve we’ve had that um you know we just are trying to move that thing into the right direction where we can both be happy are you involved in it personally does your agent update you like every time there are talks well my my agent updates me but for me I don’t like updates like every time like you don’t got to tell me the little things just tell me things that that matter are we getting to where we want to or are we not that’s it did you think there’d be more progress at this point and well I think there’s been a lot of progress at this point uh from we started there’s been a lot of progress now you know you can ask the other question then why aren’t we seeing you know an agreement well that’s the tough part telling you the details business that’s why you got one side and the other trying to work to that’s it me and mdle so how much did your how much did that contract negotiation have to do with your attendance during uh the first part of offseason program I love his hair by the way I’m not going to lie any of that control what a handsome individual I don’t control my quarterback how they think about that what a numbers that others get around the league as benchmarks for your negotiations like Jared go getting 53 per year well I’ll tell you one thing the market is the market if we didn’t have a market then none of that would matter it just be an organizational uh thing you know tell if that guy got paid that because it’s up to the organization so that’s what I would say the market is the market that’s it are youal not frustrated um so now I’m I’m another word but yeah agitated annoyed bothered um um just just wanting to get something done that’s it just wanting to get something done concerned concerned is that not concern concern is not the right word that’s way off from the word an maybe probably ancy in a way yeah pissed off I wouldn’t say pissed off I mean this is this is the nature of the Beast right this is how it goes what was your reaction to seeing Jaylen W together his name I was excited I texted him we all texted each other Jaylen Ramsey teron Armstead uh reek we all texted each other in a group chat congratulating them got be a FR group text it’s the pro pro B group chat I mean go question here those guys those guys are hilarious I tell you but I’m I’m happy for my boy with what you down to now um I don’t know whatever I’m down to right now what what was the reason behind it uh I felt I felt like I’d be better um I’d feel better quicker on my feet more Nimble all of that what do you feel you can add to your game at that weight um you know probably extending plays more this offseason and then you know during the season training camp all of that stff what have you picked up from working with John Beck two or three things uh just sort of using my my hips getting my hips more involved with my throwing and sort of the Rubber Band Theory if you guys know about that you know about it if you don’t um you I’m not I don’t want to explain right now so I’m not going to explain but it’s sort of the Rubber Band Theory so what he’s talking about with the rubber band theories it’s just activating your hips early in your throw early in your throwing motion that’s all it’s doing right and you know that that that that that’s a big part of it right it’s just coming down to his hips right um so it’s just basically activating your hips much earlier in the throw process that’s all it is so um it’s nothing crazy at all right so um now that that’s that out of the way here’s what when he said another word I think he’s talking about anxious I think he just wants this done I think he wants his money he wants this moved on he doesn’t want to have to deal with this anymore that’s what I think he’s talking about when he I don’t think he’s pissed off I don’t think he’s frustrated I don’t think he’s mad I think he just wants this handled I it’s what I told you guys weeks ago it seems like when they were getting more aggressive when they were ramping up and making things public I told y’all I suggested to y’all maybe two was telling them Hey listen I want this done start start pulling the cores to get this done and what was the first method they do to get that done make the negotiations public for a on a general manager who doesn’t like negotiations to be made public and that’s what were having happen right the hold out with the OTAs that we all poked holes into and then 48 hours they flipped around and said well two was turned down deals right that was to kind of save some face so I think you know athletes first the reason why they stepped it up and you know he listen he also sounds quite optimistic if you actually listen to him right he talked about there’s been a lot of progress made he said concerned is the he’s far off from that word right so what we’re talking about here is what again the framework is pretty much done this is coming down to the you listen to him talk when he’s talking about how this a business blah blah blah blah blah it’s coming down to the final details it’s coming down to guaranteed money and the structure whether that structure regard is in regards to playtime incentives or how the Dolphins structure it to protect themselves in case of injury that’s what this is all coming down to I’m telling you right now it’s the finer details of the contract that’s the issue right now and shout out to the man what a stud right stud on the field and stud with that hair absolutely absolutely beautiful man shout out to the sideline team podcast they gifted another 10 memberships Matt Farms Darth Logan OG Barry Chris Kel Zachary pedre TJ Marshall Nadia fail um Jay shizzy Michael D and caramel Spartan listen it’s pinned in the chat go show her some love that’s the second day in a row she’s gifted memberships to this community we’re almost got let’s get her to 500 okay let’s get her to 500 let’s get Britney in the sideline T podcast she makes her debut she’s at 350 she’s 150 away we’ve got her 300 Subs in two days let’s keep pushing all right so she’s because we want her to go live she’s told me reason I’m going live when I get the 500 so let’s let’s apply that pressure finside fam let’s get her to 500 all right so what Tua listen where this is where I’m at it’s going to play out it’s going to be fine he doesn’t sound concerned at all he doesn’t sound worried so now on the flip side Tyreek Tyreek went in front of the cameras today he discussed his contract he discussed tu’s contract so let’s talk about what Tyreek said in front of and he even talked about retiring as a dolphin again let’s talk about what he talked let’s look at what he talked about get into it get it out the way hold up how are you doing today Ty thank you that’s what I’m talking about going on I’m doing great man I’m Feeling Fabulous feeling healthy feeling viby um it’s great to be back in Miami for another year so it’s amazing man over 585 of you in the room smash the like button it’s a great feeling as y’all can see I’ve been all around the world get getting my ass toward my kids but I’m here in Miami so I’m great right now man I’m feeling good so what about the contract oh that’s what I want to know um about the contract situation you know what um I’mma let my agent do his job that’s his job man um his job is to be great at that and my job is obviously you know to come out here and continue to um do whatever I can to um to um help this team win whether that’s a restructure whether that’s whatever the case may be you feel me but we want to make sure that it benefits both sides and um I want to be able to help the team as much as I can you know and that’s that’s as much as I can say about it so when you see guys like Jefferson and and brown get new deals what does your react what is your reaction oh it’s a great day in the hill household man everybody waking up happy wife waking up happy my oldest son waking up happy um so it’s a great day um but at the same time for me though it’s like a lot of pressure for me though because cuz at the same time though I like I said I I want to be able to help the team as much as I can um and obviously we already know being greedy ain’t going to help the team so whatever happens happens man is it challenging for you to compartmentalize it separate it and you know not worry about that when you’re out there and and do everything that you need to do out there and put it all put it all to the side no it’s not no it’s not man cuz I know when I’m at work it’s time to go to work um and then when it’s ever and whenever it’s time to talk contract with my agent or whatever the case may be it’s time to talk contract so wherever my feet are are at that’s where my head is at so same thing when I go home with my family I go home my family I don’t think about football think about where I’m going be cooking so come on Jason and to be Mentor it’s great it’s been awesome man like just to see his just like his whole development from where he’s come from because when I first got here um there were a lot of things that needed to be clean cleaned up and I was the same way too though young pup very explosive fast could could move with some of the best of them but um as far as with Jaylen he’s done a great job of you know taking um on like some of the things what I’ve been telling him and we have such a tremendous receiver coach in West worker that um he’s been listening to him also so just just to see him get paid just to see him you know um get recognized as one of the top guys in this league is awesome man so it’s fun all so now his new now his new nickname for me is 28 every time I see him I say what’s up 28 so it’s fun Ty you said a lot about how you want to retire a dolphin yeah mik Daniel talked about it today for you if it comes down to maximizing your earnings or ensuring that you’re a dolphin for Life what out uh uring I’m a dolphin for life that’s number one man that’s priority number one man um but this is obviously the best situation for myself and and my that’s a good answer thank you um I I don’t think could get any better you know um whether it’s you know um just the living establishment the state the taxes and just everything the weather just it just everything that comes with just living in Miami is just beautiful man so we love it um and it’s awesome man just to be here you know coaches are a wonderful teammates are wonderful man and I’m like 20 minute fight from the bah so I can just go this guy do for show that that’s like I feel like people should now he’s asking about two and is a deal getting if you feel like you top five or something that’s like if you work at Amazon if you like one of the best Amazon delivery drivers you going to feel like you going to feel some you going to feel a certain type of way you going to go to your boss and say hey bro I’m doing 100 routes and this person only doing 65 routes I supposed to be the top paid person you feel me so if you feel like you deserve something go get it you feel me five you feel about situation in terms of the fact that the contract still has to got done T should have been paid I’ve been saying this all offseason man and I know we got a great you know front office with uh Greer and Shore um and they going they going to get it done um obviously a lot of people are um comparing to Jared golf situation and stuff like that but I mean I feel like T is supposed to be up there with some of them guys in pass some of them guys man because just understanding his story and just the progression of how he’s getting better each every year and how he’s carrying this offense um it’s crazy so he’s going to continue to get better cuz I feel like when you get a new contract they they not paying you for what you did they paying you like it’s almost like a it’s almost like a investment you feel me it’s not yeah it’s almost like an investment of what you going to do in the future so he’s continually getting better he’s gradually getting better each and every year last year was proo this year going to be playoff win and all much more so two what should have been play so there you go Tyreek Hill comes to the defense of two Tong of aloa saying he should have been paid already then Tyreek Hill there’s a lot of positives now he could be just saying the right things but it seems to him and this is just what I’m gathering from it I I think his family behind the scenes is saying yo you got to get this done you got to stay we want to stay in Miami we don’t want to leave I think he’s feeling pressure from the F from his family his wife and his kids too they don’t want to leave Miami and who wouldn’t I mean I come down there you know for a week and I don’t want to leave you know what I mean so I can’t imagine living there so I think you know he said the right things he said he would rather retire he would rather ensure they can retire he’s a dolphin than basically get as much money as possible so that’s a very positive thing and that’s going to be relayed to AJ sorry to Drew rosenhouse the problem is he’s falling outside the top five of being paid you look at this only receiver with backto back only receiver with back toback 1700 plus yard seasons and 170 plus targets so I think he just wants to be in that I don’t even think he wants to be number one necessarily I think he just wants to get back in that top five he has no guaranteed money left and he wants more money guarant he wants more security that’s all he knows him and rosenhouse know they ain’t hitting that $56 Million number so they want and the lack of guaranteed money starts next year so they knew they had to get something reworked and redone I think they’ll tack on a couple extra years when this is all said and done stretch it out and turn a lot of that money into real money and make them happy so guys smash that like button subscribe if you’re new I appreciate each and every one of you for coming through go subscribe to the sidelines Z podcast and I will be live tomorrow at 5:00 pm until then Fin’s up all day every day and I’ll see y’all on the next one take it easy guys and gals love all


  1. We could probably save a couple million signing the 4 year younger Aiyuk then giving Hill a new deal.

  2. They better stop playing Tua and pay that man ; before he goes to another team and lights us up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. lol lol i cant like are fans and or people and media blind and or retatrded if i can say so , tua is him ! we have seen it more than 1 time. wtf is all the questioning about sign the mfuckin dude and lets roll there is no other how hard is that to understand. enough said.

  4. I love these reporters asking these multimillionaire players if its so hard for them to focus on football ,while they have this horrible situation of worrying about getting another additional million or 2. ,what a joke

  5. 2024/2025 all comes down to O-Line play. Last year injuries on defense and across the O-Line derailed what could’ve been a Super Bowl season.

    O-Line this year is worse so any injuries will end their season again.

  6. All this hype SMH we will see guys. His ability to play isn’t in question his ability to show up and make any kind of a positive difference in big games most certainly is ! We shall see.

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