Stop Rushing The Downswing Trick – First Move

This first move to start your downswing will change everything for your contact issues…
#golfswing #golfcourse #pga

I want to make sure that the very first move as I start my downswing I’m allowing this club to shallow a little bit and I’m kind of moving into the ground so here’s at the top here’s my back swing plane as I start down I’m going to have a little bit of a shallowing of this club and my left wrist is going to be starting to bow out like that so I’m starting to close the club face also when I do this looks something like this there’s that shallowing and Boe of the club now I got a position where I have a lot of lag I’m kind of feeling like I’m bending it down into to the ground and then I’m going to whip that on through contact release all that into what I call my straight line release in the top speed gol system so we want to make sure that we’re nice and soft as we start down and allow that club to shallow a bit and that’s going to get us in a position to where we can really whip that club on through and it’s going to be on the the plane that we’re going to have coming into the downswing

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