Which Bridgestone Golf Ball Is Best For Your Game

Are you struggling to choose the right golf ball for your game? Join us as we explore the Bridgestone golf ball range, from firm to soft feel, high to low spin, and even launch characteristics. Subscribe for expert insights on finding the perfect golf ball match for your playing style!

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all right Golf Shop onliners I’ve got the TB range of Bridgestone golf balls here we’re going to order them to try and make you realize what golf ball might be better for your golf game so we’ve started with feel the kick us off so how that ball feels if it’s clicky if it’s soft so we start up at the firmer side here these three are Firma these are mid feel to soft and these are the soft to feel so we are the RX the X and the E6 up here in the fir of feeling golf ball so if you want a firmer feeling golf ball and you want tall spins or not we’re going to move them into the other categories in a second you’ve got an array in the mid we’ve got the Xs and the E12 they’re both mid feeling this one feeling slightly softer than this one so softs what you’re after you might and you’re in that middle range here you might go that slightly softer remember these aren’t pric long distance E9 and then the rx5 so all T be bridg down golf balls these are the softest two feelings so let’s see how that equates maybe now to launch and move them into launch order so we’ve got the Bridgestone balls now ordered in launch characteristics now if you want higher launching balls we’re up at the XS the rxs and the E6 if you want to try and get a little bit more launch on those golf balls mid- ranging we are the E9 and E12 in mid launch and then we are the TB X in that mid launch as well now they do have a lower launching ball in the RX lots of the manufacturers don’t like to put the word low launching but they do have one down there so we are now in spin order so highest spin would be in excess that’s going to give you your highest spin then rxs and RX are going to give you high spin so all three of these are high in spin with highest in the blue box there mid to high is E12 E9 and X now X I would have thought was more of a higher spinning Ball but I mean it is mid to high it kind of sits about here and then we come down into the lower spinning balls in the E6 so what we also see now is price premium price premium mid mid price and down to the cheaper so as with all the manufacturers what Bridgestone do is they do offer a low launching which other manufacturers don’t often say that but their price order is very sing in with their spin numbers so if you want High spinning here to here in the mid to high and then low spinning and lower price down at the bottom end what is your buying criteria for a golf ball let us know as always if you’re looking for a bridgstone golf ball they’re covering every base

1 Comment

  1. I thought the Bridgestone tagline for the RX was "The Tour Ball for Slower Swings." Doesn't make sense that the RX would be the lowest launching, since us old guys need help keeping the ball up in air

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