I bought cleats from TEMU

today we’re going on the Forbidden site if you don’t know what teu is chinese-owned government going to take over USA they’re taking our data blah blah blah anyway they sell a lot of crap for free for very cheap you know the chines scammers stay away what should we type in soccer CLE Predators okay they don’t really have I mean it’s not going to say Adidas Predator on a teu site why not is it illegal what they’re doing they just can’t name the name the brand the Chinese man they do what they want that’s crazy look at this teu what is going on with this Mikey G pornic G pornic so moreles saying they’re faithful to size very beautiful do not be afraid to purchase so I’m very afraid all right guys so after extensive research we’re going to go with these right here the men’s FG football boots professional outdoor anti-skid breathable lace up FG CLE winter Autumn the reason we’re picking these one is cuz it looks like it has some texture to it either way we’re just we’re just losing money it’s 30 bucks okay 30 bucks 30 bucks and they kind of look like you know like the Nike with the vapors kind of with that symbol going on I’m pretty sure they are probably but and then we’re also going kind of with a similar one but just in case we get scammed these obviously look scummy I’m not going to lie they look like trash but it’s 15 bucks so look at this 100 $16 discount $16 discount I mean can’t really beat that we got it fellas it has arrived the teu boots straight from China look at the packaging on this I I’m feeling it right now there’s no box nothing I wonder what child packaged this for me okay not bad I think those are the $15 Bad Boys ooh the premium 30 bucks Look At That official Chinese sh qua from soaring genka specialty whatever the heck that means you know te I think this is legit we’ll do the 15 bucks first I was SC oh my gosh what the heck these are fake Nikes right yes look at this Nike Swoosh it’s a literally you no they can’t sell a Nike product Oh my gosh they’re legit fake oh my this looks stupid Bean be bean beow I thought this they manipulated the screen online and we were going to get Nike shoes for 15 bucks I guess I’m the idiot for thinking that they don’t they don’t feel terrible they definitely don’t feel good though I can’t even I can’t put this in like there’s no hole there’s no hole like there’s no hole for the for the lace there’s nothing I had to poke a hole you have a knife oh my gosh dude what look at my words they’re so loose they feel like slips do they look big like they look big like an idiot like there’s no support I can look at this I I choked them and I can take smiley face realistically they feel pretty cheap feels like a child made it which they probably did these ones were $15 we’ll try the $30 double the price I’m expecting double the quality so we got these bad boys $30 worth they W okay I’m already feeling better they already feel better in the hands they don’t feel as big and bulky the U Nike Swoosh very beautiful very pristine limited edition Nike only makes these once every year it’s night and day from the the $30 ones to the $15 ones 9 a day it’s a little wide on the ankle support but they feel way better than the BB B Classics for 30 bucks I’m not going to complain too much these ones unwearable I do not recommend buying $15 fats off t-u these ones the $30 ones they feel better is a good no definitely doesn’t form to your feet materials cheap I might roll an ankle tear an NCL but hey if you’re in a pinch I might throw these on hi guys I’m here with June SLE Jun no June wait what is it we’re here at Mexican League our good friend George has invited us out probably only going to play half but it’s chill you know we’re just here have a good time June’s first ever Mexican League but also June check out these bad boys we got going limited edition what AliExpress AliExpress my God wello I bet you these aren’t going to last a game I’m not going to lie I don’t know man these might be these might be better than umbros though they’re definitely they’re going to be better we’re going to test it out in game see what’s up what do you think about the team dude from far I was like dud these look nasty and then I come up close actually no they still look pretty good up close hey they not look terrible saying don’t hyp that up dude they actually don’t look that see George dud honestly when I from there I was like those are the coolest CES this sh has a smile dude if they do the job dud I’m going get te new client oh it actually looks clean you think so you think they look nice it look I actually think they look nice if you tell me I’ve been like oh like those aren’t bad wow oh wait this is not even n oh it’s a you dude I didn’t even know all right ladies and Gentlemen let’s talk about these Teemu boots here straight up these $15 ones they’re ass this is a straight Chinese robbery scam they’re feeding you on the outside it may pass the test a little bit like you know it feels looks like a boot once you slip these on you just know you got robbed normal boots they form to your feet and you kind of have to break them in a little bit but these ones they’re just like blocks dude there’s no form to your foot whatsoever I feel like you’re going to roll an ankle hair and ACL it’s not worth it I didn’t even put these on for a game or anything to get some footage on I was like I can’t play in these they’re unplayable practically these are ass they’re straight up these are ass oh bad D but when you upgrade to the $30 teu specials here they’re also scamming you but it doesn’t feel as much as of a scam these are also ass straight up like let’s call a spade a spade but these ones pass the eye test like if you didn’t know any better from afar and sometimes even up close like they look like a real shoe they got some nice texture good color way it’s slim it’s form fitting like it passes the eye test for sure hey Tuma what do you think about these I don’t know it looks no looks kind of cheap though looks kind of cheap yeah the material doesn’t look that great wait is that Nike though no right no dude they’re freaking fake just what do you think about my shoes cool cool yeah you like them yeah and when you first put them on these feel nice like they don’t feel feel terrible but the ingame performance is where you can really just tell the difference of how cheap these actually are when I was playing them I was scared to cut Dice and whatever cuz I just felt my foot was sliding all over the place F like I didn’t really have good grip either and also felt like it was about to rip every time I did like a sharp turn I felt like this bottom area over here was just going to fall off and peel off it was just not comfortable to be honest I think it was getting in my head too cuz it making my touch worse just not comfortable not feeling good also the tongue was going all over the place I mean at the end of the day I just do not recommend the teu boots I mean obviously they’re 30 bucks I don’t know what I expected but but hey if you didn’t know any better these do pass the test but let’s be real save your money guys don’t buy it don’t buy either of these $15 $30 just go eat a nice meal and that would be more beneficial than buying these save your money and also save your data timu Chinese government they’re just going to be stealing your stuff hacking your credit card hey that’s not what you want no mamas guys that’s not what you want


  1. Try dhgate bro, they are fake but they 1:1 people don't even notice that you are wearing reps

  2. Try some adler japan soccer cleats. The yatagarashu, they are on sale rn! You’ll like them.

  3. This guy randomly popped up on my recommended and when i first saw his face , i thought he was Heung-Min Son. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Btw they sell authentic cleats too which obviously are are more expensive than the fake ones but there prices are discounted i bought a nike vapor 15 academy turf not too long ago

  5. Dean at nike clearance stores you can find mecurials and tiempos and phantom gxs for around 30 bucks and they are legit. They are also usually the pro and elite versions of cleats!

  6. It’s ok to be racist like I don’t like Indians and kinda Chinese ppl but don’t show it. Especially when you have a big viewership. A large portion of ur viewers is prolly Chinese

  7. Glad to see Son has started a YouTube channel. He could go pro you know, maybe even Tottenham!

  8. The cleats made for the domestic chinese market, which is what these are, totally suck. I was dying for some real Sambas while I was living over there.

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