Golf Babe

Linn Grant is determined to recapture the trophy in Helsingborg | Volvo Car Scandinavian Mixed

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Lynn back at the Scandinavian mixed here in Sweden obviously a bit different this year because we’re in your hometown what’s it like being in housing Borg and having a golf tournament here very exciting uh excited to be staying at home this week um I really look forward to kind of I mean showcasing not just obviously not just my golf but the T both tourist golf here Lynn I know you’ll have lots of family and friends coming out to support you this week how much does it mean that they’ll all be able to come and see you play golf I mean a lot it’s not very often I get to play at home so I mean being able to just see them walking the fairways when I play it’s always like that extra support that it’s just very nice to have and um regardless of how we play it’s always nice to see some familiar faces when you look around I was going to say I’ve spoken to Madeline and Caroline and they so they keep getting stopped every so often is that is it a bit like that for you this week I mean I hope so I think that’s kind of what I’m mentally prepared for that I want to be home and kind of be present but um like I’m obviously here for myself but I’m also here because I think it’s important to really as a Swedish player come back to Sweden whenever we can to play and kind of Bring Back Golf or everyone who watches it from back here and speaking of the field obviously mine and Caroline both played in Sim with you last year and from the men’s side obviously quite strong strong side with swedes and Danes here um just how good is it to have that caliber of player playing here obviously really fun I think it kind of pushes the tournament a bit more than the other years which I mean it’s one thing like having both men and women on the same V venue but also um having like really great players um it really UPS the tournament and um makes it more exciting and like I said for everyone else that comes out and buys tickets um I hope they’re excited for a good week and how have you been feeling with your game coming into this week um I mean obviously playing used open last week which was golf wise in my game not horrendous but a very different course from this week so um I feel like I have a lot of energy but also um it feels very light playing now um I mean last week was a lot of thinking this week is just kind of enjoying the week and um really enjoying being home and here and the golf course I know this isn’t your home course it’s not too far away but um what do you have to do well around vasor o I think it’s going to come down to the putting um I mean it’s a wide course so I mean I feel like I can hit my driver pretty much everywhere um and kind of really feed on distance but other than that just putting putting putting putting um hitting a lot of greens and making a lot of putts and are there any expectations for the end of the week or you just as you say enjoying it having your family here friends here I think I play my best when I enjoy it but I’m obviously here to play well and I always have that win in mind um and it would be really awesome to kind of hold up the trophy once again


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