Golf Players

Minnesota Twins players were shocked to see Edouard Julien get sent down

Minnesota Twins sending down Edouard Julien was a shock to some teammates; Trevor Plouffe joins to show to give some insight on the news; Who plays second base with Julien gone; The team’s results when Chris Paddack starts; Twins have a healthy surplus of prospects and dumb questions for Trevor Plouffe.

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#MinnesotaTwins #Twins #MLB

[Music] it’s the score North Twin shell basball here he is Trevor ploof Tuesday coming to you from the Big Apple from the johnboy studios he’s had at least one oldfashioned in New York City maybe more I had two two you had two I did the the whiskey the the the Rye the the Andy what kind of oldfashioned do you bbon I’m not I’m not a liquor Drinker I just needed one last night and so I just what I say is give me your house oldfashioned yeah and like they just make one so are you more of like a like red wine what’s your what’s your jam uh beer and wine for sure okay yeah try to keep it tight yeah little craft I ipas you know I used to do that a lot uh and now I’m more just like give me Mello or something like that okay something or do we have a beer sponsor on the show whatever that whatever that is moment yeah Modell we’re open for business I so Trevor plof is in New York he’s on the ground and uh Royce Lewis will be joining him at the stadium today making his second appearance in a twins uniform this year we can get into the Edward Julian demotion but let’s just let’s just start with Royce Lewis is coming back the twins have the fifth best record in the American League they keep winning Series so twins Vibes are blank right now Trev I think they’re the mostly High I think there’s a little bit of a you know I don’t want to say like a riff going through the clubhouse but I think the Julian thing was was a shock I think for a lot of people um and the first person I saw when I walked into the hotel last night was Royce Lewis he looks great he’s happy he’s ready to go so I think that’s something that twins fans will like to hear um but I think yeah it’s it’s mainly High especially coming into a series like this I mean the Yankees are playing some of the best ball in all of baseball right now like you want like having Royce is you know almost Paramount in a series like this so I think that’s uh that’s a good thing but definitely the Julian news I think probably that shocked quite a few people especially um some of the people that I talked to the Julian news though Trev from a front office standpoint makes sense right like I I was going through this you know in the month of May um so from I’m sorry from April 28th to June 1st 31 games hit 173 Ops 457 his last home run actually had come on April 27th so I I guess my question is what what what was the shock when I think they’re actually doing him a favor to send him down and allow himself to get right and not insisting that he keep bangging his head against the wall in the big leagues which I’m guessing although you played is incredibly frustrating to try and get right against big league pitching yeah I I don’t think it’s like the wrong move necessarily uh but my understanding was even up in till you know like a week ago when they knew Royce Lewis was coming back like he was kind of almost being assured that it wasn’t going to be him so like let’s continue to work through it so I think I think the thought process probably changed I I do agree with you if you’re a front office uh person uh you know you paid Kyle farmer uh to come play for you um you brought in man Manny Margo those are the two guys that are probably closest to being sent out if it wasn’t Julian so you can keep those guys your offes and Acquisitions or you bring Kyle back and he’s making some money and you’re right I mean Julian needs to go work on things he needs to go figure some stuff out and I sent him a message and I said look man like right now when like as a player when this happens to you you feel like the entire world is watching you and you’ve let everybody down and I just said hey man like everybody goes through this like you can name the people that don’t get sent down ever in the big leagues on like one hand two hands like it’s it’s very few people get up and stay up you know this is just part of the game it’s part of the learning experience and um I I think he will be better for it I think the thing that kind of shocks me is like who who’s going to play second base now I think I think Castro is gonna play get like you know a lot of starts at second base like I’m curious to see if they think about putting Miranda there or maybe putting Rey there like you kind of want to keep Miranda his Bat somewhere like is he gonna play first base like I think there’s a lot of moving parts now because Julian is out feels like to Trev if if he he can go down there uh Julian that is and just work on trying to flick those breaking balls that are on the outside corner and just become more of a well-rounded hitter like I don’t look at the demotion as like this is a career altering decision for him and this is just like a he’s never going to come back up here in fact like I still think he’s higher up on the pecking order than you know some other guys that have failed in in previous twins years but if he can work on some of those things even with the automated Strike Zone in Triple A CU I know there’s some fans being like well what’s he going to do he’s just going to take the automated strikes and he’s not going to flip it like I think him trying to figure out how to hit breaking balls that’s like the missing piece from this guy literally being not just a nice hitter like a perennial Allstar and a guy who has made great strides defensively I think that this is going to be a great thing for him long term still yeah I mean he has to learn how to do that and that’s the thing about the big leagues is like they bully you if you are deficient in one area they’re just going to keep pressing that button where the kids call spamming I’m going to spam that breaking ball on you and it just and they won’t stop until you do something about it they won’t stop and maybe they see you make a a quick little ingame adjustment they’ll go somewhere else right away it is you have to learn to combat that the things that you’re that you can’t do you got to figure those out you got to work on those too so yeah I think I even asked I was sitting with a couple guys last night um when I got in down at the hotel bar I said you know I watch Julian Z bats and I’m like he’s like his approach is still good like you know what what was it is just like is he in between is it mental and and that was kind of like the gist of it was yeah like he just kind of got in his own head and like you know like he just has to be able to make that adjustment with the breaking balls and it’s and you know honestly it’s it’s easy like he’ll be able to do that if he goes and focuses on that and and you know when you’re in Triple A you don’t have to worry about your stats especially if they tell you go work on something and that’s really hard to do you want to put numbers up so because you feel like I better do that so I get called back up but really the reality of the situation is he needs to just go solely focus on that nobody gives a [ __ ] what your numbers are in Triple A especially if you’ve proven you can do it at the big Le level you know we I think Jud was the first one on yesterday’s show to bring up the Tory Hunter example and I just went and looked this up on baseball reference so Tory Hunter came up he actually came up for uh for one game in 1997 with the twins as a 21- year old but then his first then I think he was another September call up in ’98 his first real season was 99 and and he was like great defensive center fielder but would Chase those breaking balls off the outer edge so he starts the 2000 season with the twins struggles gets sent down as a 24 year-old he goes down for 55 games in the middle of the 2000 season after being a big Leaguer for the entire previous season 1999 and he hits 18 home runs in 55 games with a 1,100 Ops and basically said never again am I going to be put in this situation then he comes up he was red hot to end the season and boom 2001 going forward Allstar one of the best players in in modern twins history um I hope that’s what happens with Eddie Julian I want to go back to what you were saying too about do you think there’s a chance with how hot Miranda has been you kind of floated the idea would they go to Royce Lewis and say hey man we probably can’t put Miranda at second base I mean he’s played there before but we think you’re a better defensive second baseman we just you’re just a better athlete so would you mind playing second base Rand to place third while we figure this out do you think that’s a real possibility or is it just four guys on microphones recklessly speculating no I think I think that that could be a possibility I haven’t heard that from anyone you know I’m just thinking from your sources yeah from my sources uh no I I just think that I think that it’s a possibility and it could be like a shortterm thing like you’re saying like we need to figure out figure out what’s going on I I I think what’s will happen is maybe Miranda plays first base and we see Willie Castro at second base that’s probably the most logical thing um or you know Jeffers catches a lot more and the DH spot is open so Roy dh’s or Miranda DH is something like that I think will happen but you know playing second base isn’t that easy like it it’s become easier in today’s game because you know you can’t take guys out at second base that was always the thing like you know around second base your footwork better be correct because guys will blow you up but they can’t really do that anymore so it’s gotten a little bit easier but still like the if you’re a left side of the infield Guy moving over to that side like it’s a everything’s completely different so it’s not it’s just not that easy as just hey go go play second base like you you definitely sacrifice some defense I don’t care who you are as a Defender it’s going to take like there’s a learning curve there um but Nish Nish yoka learned that the hard way one time yeah he did know you could take guys out at the time yeah I I think I think there’s going to have to be guys willing to go all over the place and um it wouldn’t shock me if we saw Miranda at second base game um you I think I think Farmer’s going to get a couple starts there you know there’s they have options at least but but from my understanding Willie is going to get the first kind of crack at it yeah okay I’m a little bit concerned too because we we sort of had the same the same in-depth deep discussions in spring training about oh my God who’s going to play where and you know the fact is one Bal Deli made it clear on Sunday that Roy is not going to play every day right away like they’re going to he’s going to play a day he might take a day off and plus you know he’s got to prove I mean the one thing that he still has to prove Trev and it’s not his fault but can he stay healthy consistently I mean going into spring training we’re like who’s going to play where Miranda’s screwed for sure because he’s not going to be back and you know it wasn’t a game in Roy gets hurt so unfortunately in sports these things sometimes work themselves out like we have these deep discussions about well you’re going to have to trade somebody and then next thing the next thing you know Jose Miranda comes back in April and you’re like oh thank God so I thought we might get the fake the fake Phantom injured list thing here I thought that was maybe in play where okay Julian did enough to stay and so let’s go to Kyle and say how does your elbow feel what do you mean no you have a sore elbow let’s put cuz that that happens all the time I feel like in baseball it does but I I really think they also want Julian to go kind of figure it out he’s he’s a long-term uh solution at second base and I they truly believe that so it was almost like hey man it’s June 4th like let’s just go down there give us three weeks go show what you can do and then you know you’ll be better for it so I mean I think later on in the season this move probably wouldn’t have been made but because we’re still kind of earlier in the season that it was probably the right move I think also Trev with uh Trevor L’s kind of getting over that foot issue that was plaguing him to only DH for the most part now he’s starting to play a little bit more in the field that opens things up a little bit too from a roster construction and who DH is who doesn’t DH situation and lck has like maybe turned into their next leadoff man because they’ve they’ve been trying to figure out a good one since Julian uh struggled with it kiroff they threw in there for a little bit you know lck hits some balls hard man and I I wonder if they finally figured out if they have a consistent productive leadoff hitter it it feels like it’s one thing if they can get that going in their lineup you know like the rest in 234 kareah Jeffers Etc are going to start driving in more guys I wonder if Trevor lck’s been like maybe the missing ingredient for the top of the lineup he could be and like obviously not a prototypical leadoff guy but I mean you just want someone that could put good good at bats together in in any of those top spots I mean just put the guys that can hit the ball and and put together good at bats and then just try to get them as many at bats as possible but yeah I agree uh he’s uh you know uh this will benefit him as well I believe and I I think that um I think that he kind of like needs this opportunity like he needs they need to give him some leeway and kind of see what he can do he’s kind of at that point of his career uh we found this stat from Dean golf stats and information here yes so that’s where I go for my information LLC yeah Dean golf stats and information you pay by mod you know what what is the monthly membership for deing golf stats information Not Just Sports by the way it’s a wide ranging statistical department so the twins are 15 and5 in starts made by Paddock and Simeon Woods Richardson whoa they’re they’re 18 and 17 in starts made by Pablo Joe and Bailey so do you are you are you turning a side eye at the 500 record by the three best pitchers or are you looking at the 15 and five by Paddock and Simeon Woods Richardson as wow boy that’s interesting that that’s that’s very interesting I mean the Run support is a a thing or is it runs per game or is it just I know we to dig deeper does does Dean stats and information have like the Run support information see crazy you didn’t flush us out dein well it is it is weird because it’s like look and I actually really like what Simeon Woods Richardson has brought um to the team too after basically just kind of being the penil in spot starter after Louis Vin didn’t work and and speaking of like Phantom injury stints like I don’t know what they’re eventually going to do with Paddock like he has thrown the most Innings since 2021 they really want they really want to be careful here David Festa is tearing it up in Triple A like I wouldn’t be surprised they the twins released that those Diamond videos like throughout the season on like their YouTube channel and at one point after like a win I don’t and I think it was after a Chris Paddock win he had like this crazy IV situation with his arm wrapped up and that he was connected to a machine and like obviously he’s doing pul recovery I’m not trying to say like he was hurt then but I do wonder if there’s like a phantom iel stint but it is back to the main point weird that like Paddock and SWR have been like their two guys that have kind of given them the best chance to win I know pitcher wins is a is a taboo still subject but kind of interesting that those the four and five starters are the guys that have gotten better results real quick uh so Simeon Woods Richardson I think he’s always like the last couple years he’s been kind of this afterthought because he hasn’t really torn it up in the minors or in the majors when he’s been given a shot but he’s a second round pick he was a key piece to it was him and Austin Martin two key pieces in that BOS trade right nine starts in he has the lowest ER on the team 3.05 his FIP is is second lowest behind Joe Ryan at 3.57 home runs per nine by far the best among every starter like he keeps the ball in the ballpark I don’t know doesn’t seem like it’s fake to me the uh the guys I was talking with last night who should remain nameless uh they these guys gave me crap all the time like oh yeah go go talk about this on John Bo go talk about this on your twin show I’m like okay like relax guys here we go this is it this is for you Anonymous twins people right now yeah so they said you know make sure like Woods Richardson he’s he’s worked to like get his body aligned and on plane so he’s actually added V and his stuff is playing better because of it so it’s not like a fluke thing like he’s actually like made these adjustments and to be honest with you I haven’t looked up if he’s added V they said it so I’m W so you might be spewing live this be fake news I’m assuming Dean’s going right now to baseball Savant to see if he’s added V uh but this is what lost four miles an hour is what he’s throwing a knuckle ball it’s CRA he got deep throat man parking garage he’s like okay here’s here’s what you know it’s his arm angle too that he changed in the offseason that is that that’s been a big that’s been the big change for his stuff and for the V too so yeah his arm angle he mixes in a ton of Sliders that’s been like a a very good pitch for him so it was a completely different arm angle that they switched up this off seon and it’s resulted in some some big time numbers for him man hey by the way yeah go ahead uh found found the Run support too Chris Paddock is getting six runs per game of run support in an average start that’ll do six six runs per game well I’m sitting in a Yankees office I mean everybody out here we got I how many people are here I know 40 people right here it’s probably are they all just staring at you Yankees fan no they’re they’re I’m in a in a room right now I wish you guys could see it as is a great room but our camera the show they they’ve come out Jake’s been on before and Jake’s the best do you feel the Yanke dominance even while doing a twins podcast in a twins podcast Studio do you feel it’s a little bit l y I don’t ever feel that told you guys I don’t care about the Yankees um but so you know our guy Jimmy johnboy he’s he was all over Paddock tipping his pitches and uh they communicate with a bunch of people in the Yankees organization and they were like uh they were talking about it’s it’s a thing and and I believe last start or the last couple starts after um God who did they face when it happened I forget who it was Yankees it was the Yankees at home yeah you got you got bopped by the Yankees and then since Cleveland he’s gone from here he gone away from that exactly gloves at his chest yeah and I was I was texting a guy when Jimmy was texting me and I immediately texted somebody in twins organization saying tell Paddock to stop tipping his pictures this is what he’s doing uh so yeah he’s completely changed too and like those little things like that man that could could change a lot but yeah we’re not seeing this anymore this is the podcasters are the ones who are sniffing out these tells this this is the problem when when a team fesses up right it gets out there and then you basically tell the picture instead of be instead of being Hush Hush so that the next time Paddock comes around the Yankees know exactly what’s coming you see this this happened with were you on the team this happened with Chris S when he was with the white socks no it didn’t happen everyone says we had his stuff it it we didn’t or I think I’ve said this on the show before I’ve talked about it before I don’t think we have have we doer felt like he had a tell on sale he said he could tell in his facial expression what he was GNA throw and I was like dude I am I’m good at this and I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about like we just eybrow came up he’s mouthing fast ball before he throws it that’s what doer said and he did I’m like whatever power to you Brian because what if you see it and you believe it then it’s real whatever um wait so you guys hung like a like a 9 in a season on Chris Sale without picking anything up he would have had like a one erra if he would have just pitched like he did against everybody else like we were the outlier in that year and I remember every Tyler Flowers their catcher at the time what do you guys got on him what do you guys got on him I was like man he’s just not that good bro and you know just just talk crap um but I really we didn’t have anything at least I mean like I said doer thought he did but like nobody else saw it you know what though the confidence you must feel if you think you know exactly what’s coming and he throws yeah s the lack of confidence being like I don’t know what I’m doing and how to change it you know like he’s just GNA throw underhanded SM meant curveball smile meant fast ball if if he frowned change up yeah something you always knew that hey question on uh I believe he’s actually gonna start for the Yankees tonight Luis heel all right yes yes now this is a while ago so we haven’t talked about it much okay but it’s interesting that for twin yes the for yes exactly right who was involved we’re going down that path here in the JK in the J cave trade but here’s my question is this one that got away or is this a guy who is having a lot of success right now but you see things that that um scream regression is coming like what do you see year I mean he he has an injury history that’s it everything else is like wow like um there’s a lot of data on his fast ball and like there’s been comparisons to Garrett Cole and and kind of the numbers and the start that he’s had to the season I mean look is he gonna have a one a one the like the rest of the year probably not so if you want to say regression in that regard sure like you know but he’s right a very very capable starting pitcher who’s can be dominant at times and I mean like you can’t fault the twins he was what like 18 in the Dominican in summer league when they traded him I believe so yeah you know like you can’t always get him right but it’s definitely you look back you’re like oh twins could probably use a Louis he right now Jud love the trade because jud’s a huge Jake cave fanach can I just run by you Jake J cave the last time I saw him he was diving in center field for a ball he had no chance at and it was rolling to the damn wall which you did against the Yankees in 19 the no in that Series against the Yankees in July which was a great Series in 19 he Dove for a ball and it rolled to the wall and it just drove me crazy yeah it’s a tough one in the twins trade history for sure yeah no doubt no doubt the Yankees are reaping the benefit of that and I saw this guy you know we do all these you know team profile and projections is what we call him we kind of go over the roster and some of the guys they’re obviously very familiar with the Yankees farm system and I saw this guy pitch in spring training I was like who is this monster on the hill like oh this is this guy like he’s not even going to be in the rotation he’s going to be in Triple A I was like what and then G Cole gets hurt and all of a sudden he’s in the rotation he’s just taking full advantage of the opportunity so yeah he’s he’s a stud we were going through just speaking of trade pieces on yesterday’s show and Dex you brought up David Festa is another one who’s for the Saints he’s made 11 starts the series striking out 14 batters per nine innings and and if you look at some some of the position players like twins Top 10 Prospects right now almost everybody on this list at least seven of them are just tearing it up at whatever level or or they or it’s Brooks Lee coming back from an injury Walker Jenkins I think those guys are Untouchable but it’s going to be really interesting I think it was you Trev that brought up Vlad Jr you know look look at some of these teams but the Walker Jenkins Brooks Lee Emanuel Rodriguez Gabriel Gonzalez David Festa uh Luke khaw second round pick from a couple years ago they’ve got a stash of of trade pieces here or poker chips if you will if they wanted to make a move and if they had room to bring on $510 million in pro-rated salary I think the next two months are going to be interesting to watch from from that perspective well what we seeing around the league and and I don’t think this organization wants to spend money I mean they’ve kind of been outward about that but that doesn’t mean you can’t go and sign some of these guys what we’ve seen around the league is especially like what what the Mets have done the last couple couple years is they’ll pay the salaries of these guys if you give them a better Prospect so if you’re willing to give up some of these guys me know Pete Alonzo is can be had you know like you just were GNA have to give a better Prospect now then it’s up to the front office and organization to decide well do we want a part is this the time for us to to push it in I I honestly can’t tell where we lie the twins organization lies in like a window like is this the window is are we do we think we’ll be better in two years three years and then we push everything in like I I I I don’t really have a firm grasp on where they think you know we are in this window I think it’s kind of nowc so Carlos kareah and if you listen to the Mets or the Giants doctors they’d tell you that his ankle’s a ticking time bomb and like if he’s healthy now don’t take it for granted Pablo you never know when high-end pitchers are going to fall off a cliff or you know have an arm problem and Royce Lewis if you get a healthy stretch from him now for the last four or five months I don’t know they they’ve got some bones here if buckon comes around at some point offensively too I think the team is good but I mean look you look at the standings are in third place in the AL Central I know it’s the fifth best record in Cleveland doesn’t lose so like you have to they have to decide I mean I I I would love for them to go out and get Pete or Vlad or anybody tell your sources this Trev yeah while you’re enjoying Old Fashioned number three say why don’t you push a few damn chips in you’ve you’ve already save we talked about it um like I we’ve said this on the show too ree Hoskins was like he was the perfect fit for this team yeah would have given them this like awesome Edge that he’s given Milwaukee and like he was the perfect uh guy but they weren’t going to go spend that money apparently you’re right yeah yeah um hey before we get to some dumb baseball questions to round out this episode we have have a fun little event happening on Thursday June 20th at CHS field you can come hang out with the scor North Twin show and we’re told that one or all of us is throwing out the first pitch at that Saints game I one baseball or three I think it’s one of us one of us and it’s we got to make Jud do it then right yes Jud think no it’s got to be Dean he he to do it but I would also love the video reaction of Jud throwing a first pitch too for should be ja ja wants to do marri in July I think the young man I’ve had my Thrills I’m 54 I just want to see what kind of surgery you would need after throwing out one p my arm does hurt like I don’t know why but it hurts I don’t know if I’d go to the mound I think I’d be in front your arm hurts right now when I throw it hurts is it your left arm you might have some problems no I got I don’t know man you get old stuff happens stuff starts to go wrong you guys wait you guys are young still you guys wait so basically if you want to see Jud tear his rotator cuff throwing out the first pitch at the Saints game on Thursday June 20th and if you want to hang out with us you can register to win a pair of tickets to the game and hang out with us for a pregame meal and some drinks uh go to the scar app it’s free to download you can register and uh and you can hang out with us at that Saints game on Thursday June 20th also our friends at Dennis Kirk are here for riding season so for all of you who like to ride motorcycles ATVs utvs dirt bikes you name it they have all the top brand brands with the most stock available for All Brands compared to all of their closest competitors same day shipping free shipping on orders over $89 uh and there’s also a ride finder tool where you enter your make your model and your year and you can find parts that’ll fit uh whatever you’re looking for okay dumb baseball question here hit us up in the YouTube comment section uh the scoro YouTube channel it’s our third and newest YouTube channel here this one comes from Chad BB Stan dumb baseball question for Coach Trev how tough is it for guys to be a quad a player like the type of guys that Mash in the minor leagues they Mash at triaa they’re 30 years old 31 and it just never Clicks in the big leagues to be up and down and to not be good enough to be in the majors but mashing at triaa what is that like for players I mean I’ve definitely been that guy at times it’s um you’ve also hit yeah plus home runs in the actual major leagues give yourself a little credit I’ve done both thanks thank you um yeah it’s difficult it’s difficult because I think a lot a lot of those guys uh that are in that position feel like they just need one real opportunity you know and if if you haven’t gotten that when you if you’ve just you mashed a triple A but maybe you don’t have a position you don’t play defense that well and you just kind of get sporadic at bats in the big leagues that’s probably the most frustrating uh part of something like that you feel like if I just had the real opportunity to get some at bats I could be a big League hitter and then you know if you don’t get that I mean you feel like you a you want to leave the organization or B like you just feel like you’re you got slided so I think that’s the most difficult part of it uh for guys that actually have gotten the opportunity and just haven’t done anything with it I think that you’re you can just honestly tell yourself well shoot like I need to do something different or maybe I’m not good enough but but I think at least if you got a real opportunity you know for sure I think when you don’t when you’re just getting sporadic AB bats you’re pinch hitting you’re up for a week or you get sent down you’re like on that schedule it’s uh it’s probably more difficult to handle I would think does like does a I suppose if you’re like married and have kids and you get to be in your late 20s early 30s maybe you didn’t get like a first round signing bonus when you’re 18 or 20 I suppose that conversation comes into play too cuz these minor Leaguers aren’t raking it in like you would if you’re on even a league minimum contract right and that used to be like that was why like when we got the minor leagues kind of down to three leagues or whatever it is now I was actually happy I know like people towns lost teams and people’s people lost jobs because there weren’t enough coaching there’s not a lot of coaching jobs anymore but like the dirty side of of pro baseball is you had a bunch of guys who you know either signed out of high school or went two years three years in college um play for six seven seven years in the minor leagues going through all the leagues and all of a sudden you don’t you don’t make it and you get released now you’re 26 27 years old have no you know work experience you still haven’t graduated college uh you didn’t really make any money in the minor league so you’re just like you’re just so far behind in life and that happened way more than the success stories like there was it was just that that was kind of the norm and people don’t really talk about you know and it is you chase your dream you chase your dream but like a lot of guys got left with with nothing one of one of my like best friends was one of those guys he he found his footing he’s an agent at CA now but uh I remember when he got done playing he was like I got nothing like I gave everything to this game and I I I left with absolutely nothing so like I don’t know it’s it’s uh it can be dark sometimes yeah no it’s I mean you get to play baseball for like 10 years but then like yeah you’re very far behind in life yeah yeah yeah two for two off position players Trev you got that for you right right th batting average two home run best ever against position players Trevor no one’s I mean tell me somebody better we need like an obscure wing of the Hall of Fame that needs to be in Cooperstown right there yeah two for two if you perfect opposition players everyone who once everyone who once led the league in one stat like you led the league in GDP is one or GPS one year that’s right in a year in which you also had a bunch of ribs C did too people all the time that is a very you know uh like really is like the alltime leader in GPS Harman Kerber’s done it I believe like uh you know Tory Hunter I don’t know there’s a lot of guys that have done it Miguel Cabrera’s done it instance I just tell people that means I hit the ball really hard when you hit scorching one Hoppers there’s no you’re not beating it out I’m sorry so it’s just my swing there he is from the johnboy studios Trevor plof doing some clue thing over old fashions for all of you twins fans enjoy the series and get at least one win okay oh we’re going to do it we’re going to do it I’m putting just get one win just some somebody just get one win I like it awesome man all right thank you Trevor Trevor ploof Tuesday is here on the scone Earth twin show


  1. They’ve got a lot of full spots. Matt Walner in AAA is starting to get his game going. Who do we trade for pitching

  2. The difference in the best pitchers record vs. the fifth and sixth pitcher record is nothing other than the team facing equal better pitchers of the other team and lesser pitchers of the other team. The statistics isn’t worth a thing

  3. Shouldn't of been to shocked he's been terrible hitter this year you weren't gonna dfa anyone this early or send down a hitter who's been better it makes sense if guess if he gets on track in st paul he will be right back in a week or so

  4. No Miranda is a DH and should never be in the field. When you have Lewis/ Lee as gold glove types you don’t need Miranda. Plus Julian defense has improved.

  5. I understand this is a Twins show but I have a youth baseball question for Coach Trev: As a father and former big leaguer, is the increase of "select teams" or pay-to-play teams such as Perfect Game, ruining youth baseball? I have a buddy that is a baseball instructor in the Phoenix area and has said 7u baseball has turned into the transfer portal, on top of parents already buying their kids the best new bats and gloves yearly. Could the answer be as simple as parent egos getting in the way of what is best for their child?

  6. Where do you guys come up with this dream world stuff on Julien? I defensive numbers (DRS, Rtot, range factors) are every bit as bad this year as last year and even his fielding % is down. On the hitting side, he's been pretty awful since the middle of last July. His BA peaked at .318 on July 21 after that he hit .217 with a .370 slugging the rest of the year. This isn't a 2 month thing going on here, it's more like 4 1/2 months. Somebody with some brains should have seen this coming last year. I was certainly telling people last year but then what do I know.

    With 4 plus months and a career of being a certain way, IF he can figure it out, it's probably gonna take him a lot longer than one month in St. Paul. But at this point, that's a big IF, not a small one.

  7. Secondly, Pablo is not an ace. Aces are consistently solid. Pablo has never been that way. A couple of good starts then he'll give you some real clunkers. That's his entire career. And look at his splits by teams. Most of his career is still against NL East teams. His career ERA against the Nationals: 5.53, the Mets: 5.54, the Braves: 5.40. It's only the Phillies where he's been decent and they the team he faced least by 3-5 starts than the other 3: 2.72. That would indicate that the more teams see of him, the worse he does because 3 of those 4 teams are well above his career ERA of just under 4.00.

    Mean while in San Diego, the guy they gave up to keep a minor league second baseman and an average pitcher is leading MLB in hitting for the 2nd year in a row. Hope those two prospects work out for you.

  8. He’ll be back soon and he’ll rake again. Just needs a chance to adjust and reset. His bat will play and his defensive improvement shows he can still learn and improve. His numbers look about the same as Kirilloff’s, Santana’s and Buxton’s. He just struggled at a time in his career when they can afford to have him work out the bugs in AAA.
    Excited to have Royce back and I trust I’ll be excited to have a better version of Julien back real soon.

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