Golf Players

Rory Laird Presser June 4

Lairdy address the media ahead of our Thursday night clash against the Tigers.

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uh you’re training indoors today Ro did your good mate text too much or no not not this time of a week mate not usual for him but um yeah he’s a test tomorrow just in terms of getting through a bit more training um he’s obviously very sore on the weekend in the last couple of days and with a short turnaround give him as much time to let that settle before he does a little bit so um yeah with with the team tomorrow we’ll sort of test him there obviously last time he missed you know he’s out for a little bit with the back he’s that kind of sim feeling that he’s going to be a struggle for him to get up I think any 5day turnaround is usually a bit of a test for those kind of injuries but um he’s actually responded really well to that extra time off during the game and actually got up pretty early before it got worse and um and then he’s had two days of not doing a whole heap and actually just rehabilitating that so um he is actually looking better than he he first thought he thought he was in a bit of strife but um he’s responded well and um yeah as I said there’ll be a a test tomorrow for him and then we’ll go from there how Flats everyone for M given be great year that he’s been able to put together so far oh I just feel for him he’s just sort of got himself back playing some fantastic footy and um off the back of last year the end of last year and um yeah been pivotal for us through that Midfield role that he’s been playing and um pretty sort of fair effort to go out and and do it in the first 10 minutes and play you know a pretty good game at the end of it so um play through that soreness so um yeah I know he’s frustrated but that’s the ups and downs of footy he’s been through these long-term injuries before and um I know he’ll be um still really invested and he’ll get that done this week and then be back in the club as soon as possible he just have a did he just have a meeting then like team meeting then or anything Rory uh we had a meeting just before yeah that was that was it couple of uh see like um there was an announcement of some sort can you dis what that was that’s actually about me I’m I’m getting dunked tomorrow for the f m andd so um there was a player vote last week um and crouchy got voted but obviously he’s got one arm at the moment so I said he could probably still come out with one arm but they said no I’ve got to do it so there was a bit of an up roll for that where you getting duck at late overal yeah so um I’m not too sure the ins and outs but I know it’s going to be cold and I’ve been uh put up by the players so I’m happy to do it obviously are you sorry for the bad segue but are you happy to step up for Maddie as well a bit more in the Midfield as well you I guess your role has been slightly different this year do you think you’ll spend a bit more time inside now yeah I I think um you know MD and I have similar traits in our games and um I’ve played a little bit more forward and back and um bit more um you know all around the shop this year and um obviously I was playing that same sort of role last year so um not only me I think you see Jake celo stepped up a bit um Sam Barry has played a few games with us this year and there and um Jordi Dawson as well so um but in saying that I think you know the Midfield role is probably for me at the moment have you found being moved around a bit this year you know three time Club Champion you made a you know you’ve sort of met your name in that engine room in the last couple of years has it been uh a challenge for you to sort of adjust just to not being b b time on B yeah it’s always different it’s hard to sort of at times when you’re chopping and changing to get sort of set in a role but um I’m happy to sort of see what the game is and what we’re what we’re playing like um obviously Matt’s been playing really well dors and suly as well has been playing some fantastic footy so don’t want to step on their toes or anything so I’m happy to sort of pinch in and pinch out and uh I think sort of my forms fluctuated a little bit with that but um you know the last couple of weeks have been pretty strong and um yeah if I can sort of do you know 758 % of what mat is doing he’s doing a pretty large role for us I’ll be pretty happy with that fans are pretty angry at the moment I mean disappointed as well at the forance against what do you I mean how do you kind of win them back in a way oh it’s got to start in two days time really we have to um you know come out as as we did against West Coast and that sort of start and not do what we did on the weekend it was just a terrible mindset that we were in um they come out and and punched Us in the face and we weren’t sort of ready for it so um it was obviously a really disappointing performance probably one of our our lower ones for the year and um it starts this week and then we’ve got a obviously a big challenge next week against Sydney you say terrible mindset is that something that you can affect or was that something you felt at the time that we’re not going to be ready here or is it just when you look back that you went in the R Spot yeah I think it’s it’s probably the million dollar question in footy like wide teams start like that and for whatever reason hawthor were just on top of us and and you know nearly every asset of the game early on so um it’s not not a thing that we just go out and go oh yeah we’re not we’re not going to try today like we obviously didn’t do that so um it’s a pretty even competition it just shows if you’re 10 15% off because I think besides the first quarter and a half we actually played some okay footy but it’s too even of a competition and hathor are too good and we can’t get the margin back from there just when you say that about the mindset can you just clarify is that how you went the game or or how it unfolded in the game and your sense to drop off or oh it’s probably bit of both to be honest um it’s it’s a hard thing to be absolutely on edge all the time but you can’t allow teams to have that 10 15% for even a quarter like we had on the weekend it just shows the margin is too hard to to get back and they end up winning by five goals even though we you know the next three quarters were okay uh it just shows how even it is and um a lot of results around the whole league you sort of see that you see teams that are off by you know 10 15% they just get blown out the water so it’s too hard AFL level and um it’s just disappointing because what we did the week before was we did the same thing to West Coast you know the first 10 minutes were AB absolutely on edge and um we need to do that again against an up Ando Richmond side now what’s the goal for the rest of the season for the team or do you have to look at it you know like one week at a time now into after last week yeah was a bit of a cliche but it sort of is like that like I don’t know how you can sort of look forward with you know where our record is and what we’re um you know where we are on the ladder and and sort of who we’ve got to play against like I don’t think you can look through or four weeks ahead I don’t think there’s much point to that so um it starts on Thursday night it’s a quick 5day turnaround which is actually probably the best result for us to get back and play but then we’ve got as I said another huge test against you know red hot Sydney the week after so we’ll deal with um Thursday night first and then we move on from there is a group aware of the the weight of this game I mean this is a game that you should win and you’re expected to win even though you’ve got injuries the tigers are absolutely decimated there’s no Dustin Martin among 15 other players you can’t lose this game in terms of we because if you do the pressure is going to go to another level particularly on your coach so is it on you players to turn this around and make sure that they the H doesn’t ramp up when you coach yeah I think it’s it’s a lot to do with the players if not all of it like there is a coaching aspect but they’re not the one out there playing the playing the games but in saying the the pressure of the the games at the moment like even the Hawthorn game was big on the west coast um game they came out red hot and um I think the position we put ourselves in with a bit of a a slower start to the season is every game is super important and yeah there is some expectation to win and and we obviously want to go out there and as I said start like we did against West Coast so um there’s not too much room for error at the moment for us for the rest of the season but as I said you can’t get caught up in 3 or 4 weeks time so we start with Thursday night do you think that you overachieved last year or just just why getting toward the halfway stage of the season have things been below standard no I don’t think there’s an overachievement part of it I think um it’s as I said it’s very even um we probably weren’t playing uh up to that standard the first four or five weeks but at the same time I think we had opportunities to actually uh take some of those games and win some of those games and it’s interesting that you say that if there had been three or four games that go the other way by you know three or four points we’re looking at you know seven and four Etc so um we are around the mark but as I said you know there’s a lot of results at the moment they’re very even and um yeah teams are beating other teams like everyone’s beating everyone last how’s the group going you talk about that expectations that was set for you thus far falling below it you’ve got you know FL R out for the season is it is it tough at the moment I think AFL foot is a bit of a tough grind at times and um you know getting to the middle of the year and yeah there’s probably been some frustration especially early on but um I think you see with games that we play and as a group we don’t want to give up and we we never will to be honest like it just seems to be a thing in our team we’re a hardworking team and um we always think we’re um still in the game like you see games that you think that oh this is going to be a blowing out of the water kind of result that we just keep fighting and um yeah we keep doing that for the season like as I said it is a cliche and it’s been asked but it actually seriously is now weaker work at a time for us like we need to win as many as we can and that’s always our goal but now that we’re in this position we really need to keep winning how do you think you young guys um handling this sort of Moment Like You Know under heat Joshua shell spoke to nine yesterday about sort of May being a little bit unsure his role and things like that so how do you get around those players particularly when there’s talk that maybe a lck of a curtain or a Dowling or should come into this side yeah I think it’s it’s um a learning Cod for these young players you forget how young some of these guys are and how many sort of games they played they’ve played you know 30 40 games it’s all new to them and they’re still learning and um I know the coaches are all over that in terms of the clarity and their roles and and there’s a lot of um connectivity between us as as teammates so I know rash speaks to Taylor Walker a lot for example you know they’re playing the same line down forward so um yeah at times there is you know this is what you need to do better but at times as well there is some sort of putting your arms around each other and say hey this is what we expect this is what you’re doing well this is what you’re not doing so it is still learning curve and we are still young but at the same time we are expected to win some of these games so and I understand it’s a performance-based industry


  1. This guy is a huge issue, needs to be put up for trade while he’s still worth something. He’s not a first choice midfielder anymore. We don’t need more 30 possession useless stat padded games

  2. While I've been for Laird spending less minutes in the mid this season, with Crouch down he is going to be important for pressure and distribution. Now that he's not having a(nother) B&F quality season the whingiest fans have turned on him pretty quick but he held our midfield together during our deepest rebuild years. We also need to pray that Tex and Dawson get over the line. Our side is really struggling to cover the injuries/form this season due to the relative lack of depth. Hopefully we can get a couple at the trade and free agency table this off season to take the strain off of that in 2025

  3. Smith has had a poor season so far.
    Time try play the younger players.
    Kieran Strachan plays a block
    of games otherwise this time
    I know Collingwood will offer
    him a significant deal to move
    at the end of the year.
    Kieran as a player is not valued
    by the Crows Coaches.
    Time to leave KS.

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