Can I Beat GM Golf With The Cheapest Clubs On Amazon?

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can I beat GM Golf with the cheapest set of golf clubs on Amazon let’s find out wait this is like the same loft is my 3-wood that’s not even a driver sit I don’t like you I really don’t dude Bryson’s on a mission he’s just taking down everyone in YouTube golf with clubs that don’t fit him we’re going to try and give you a chance a little bit of a chance but just take a look it’s another one of these like Junior set stuff yeah good luck this one actually isn’t a junior set listen guys’s he’s currently 0 for one against me on these challenges that’s right I I got up to hot start in that last video with you but what is this what the heck full men’s set on Amazon full full men’s set it’s at least long enough to play oh my gosh this is what it came with with a driver not a driver that’s not even a driver oh are you kidding me what if I break it first swing of the day well then you be down a club I guess so you’re right USGA rules apply here folks the the other advantage that I have is you also haven’t warmed up with these clubs at all not at all so the the driving range is actually closed because of the storms that came through Dallas days oh bad it was 80 mph winds 75 M hour winds we went to the tornado shelter I woke up to sirens for the second night or second morning in a row Teri that’s wild they pack these things in here it’s no joke man I can’t believe this you guys keep messing with me man you’re playing with these clubs and you’re still finishing second in the PGA Championship it’s crazy not many people could say that actually nobody it’s Bryson I mean you can hit whatever you give him he can hit a broomstick or a shovel whatever he’s going to play well with whatever you give him this is a a a seven wood heavenwood as we would call it so I got to turn this down actually this is a par five first swing of the day how am I going to do I’m not even going to do a warm-up swing not even I want to see what I can do oh I feel so weird [Music] that’s so much spin go okay that’s fine I’ll take that that was actually good it only went like one yard though I literally look at where it hit you can see the mark you actually see [Music] that it’s over the bunker it’s not the right bunker that’s so far right and that’s bunker it’s in it it’s bunker that’s fine f it is what it is all right you like your chances after that first shot uh I do I actually do the only problem is I can’t get the ball out there very far cuz it’s like a seven wood it’s a heavenwood well did you did you hit the three or the seven uh the three-wood but it it’s lofted to like dud it’s literally like 40° of Loft I feel that laun straight in the air though it’s probably like 25° of Loft I feel like it’s weird are you in the bunker I don’t know no I might be wait you’re perfect I’m perfect I didn’t think it carried the bunker I hit it that far yeah okay it’s wait wait this is 200 this is 300 yards in oh my gosh I can’t reach it you can get it there with this imagine oh yeah it cuz I hit that thing we played the tips I hit a 288 I mean dude it’s down when you get everything you got I’m trying to egg them on right now I say go for it it as hard as you can actually this might be a reality I’ve got a seven wood it’s my three-wood but I don’t know how much loft this thing look at this thing it’s got so much loft on it 300 yards I’m going to play a little left that’s kind of where you need to be a lot of strategy today yeah I can’t miss this in the wrong place okay that’s in the right area that’s great had to slow down on that one perfect spot to be severe handicap today severe I feel like a a 10 handicap right now now how well do you think you’re going to have to play today I think I got to shoot 100 to win I have 300 yards I’m actually going for it cuz why not clean carry that first one is it in that bunker yeah you’re starting to look like Grant just going from bunker to Bunker I didn’t even see I think you were on my team today I thought we were going to have storm today yeah compared to what we thought was going to happen it’s actually turned out to be a beautiful day that’s unbelievable we’re not even carts cart paths only I can’t believe that they drained well really well luckily wait all no like for everyone that doesn’t know we literally a tornado got hammered torn attic winds an insane amount of rain flooding ooh tough wow tough it’s going to be a tough shot it’s a beautiful day for the beach though give my floaties Chase I’m right where I belong right now on the beach my little sun tan going all right this is a tough shot downhill eye it almost wanted to skip through didn’t it it tried it tried to and then it bounced back in yeah that’s your fault this there’s like not the sand is kind of weird cuz we just got a storm so I don’t know how this is going to come out oh oh it came out so clean too clean spin you ah that was a good shot too clean I just didn’t know how it was going to come out but obviously it just came out a little bit more clean than I expected that’s what she said I love the office by the way that’s like my favorite show hey good job Chase good job Chase good pick on the clubs baby come on wait this is it I don’t get a higher lofted Club wait this is like the same Loft as my 3-wood what this is literally like my three-wood loft here got 47 yards I just came up with that in my own I don’t think it’s actually 47 but I can throw it right next to the flag let’s see how far this goes sit I don’t like you I really don’t that’s not bad it’s a little past stash H I’m stashing it out what do you guys think of the stash give me a rating you might just hit the Amazon set wedge closer than your actual wedge these greens are a little bit hairy I can tell so I’m just looking for a two putt at this point start off one down go go oh that’s there that’s good that’s there that’s there oh good putt oh my goodness what is this slope right here look at this thing dude oh my gosh I hope you make that I’m definitely rooting for you right now you sure you are all right I’ll take a par this is going to be difficult we go good par by the way yeah good shot up here I didn’t really expect anything different I can’t like I’m I’m just waiting for the day that Bryson just goes off with these clubs and I hope it’s not today but I could see it here we go yeah good birdie nice little birdie to start off no warmup baby that is what I’m talking about I I expected it little pig little pig hey but guess what I started one down last time that’s true that’s all I’m saying that is true it’s all I’m saying I’m coming home yep I’m going to have to De off the heck out of this I’m going to like a punch shot out there you got the three wood again the three funny no drives today no drives No be good cut good ball is that okay I think it’s fine it’s short enough 210 yards later dude I almost missed this thing that’s a small head super small head I’m not used to that oh toe ball stop sit we’re in the same region not great it’s all right this thing might actually be a benefit to me today just keeping it in the Fairway I don’t know man you may have really picked the wrong clubs Chase I know chase you might have you might have screwed me man 204 yards into of the wind 220 2 2 215 to 220 uh I got to hit the five iron here I think let’s see is that the right LOF oh that’ll be good let’s see what I got here I’m in a nice little draw [Music] oh that’s perfect is that good all right you found your ball Garrett that’s tough I actually don’t have much of a shot here I’m going to try and play a big hook but I just don’t know if I can hook it enough where is it I didn’t see it oh it I see it it’s just uh right edge of the green something like that I think you’re okay that hook he’s in a bit of a dire situation right now he’s got to get up and down I got to get up and down lucky I didn’t get in the bunker normally it goes in the bunker but it’s a bowl so it’s everything’s going to slope down to it so you just got to get it trickling over the greens are semi aied today and so it’s going to make it a little bit more difficult to control and judge that speed up and over Ridge 60° here trying to skip one back there if I can put one close it might add a hair pressure to Bryson came out way too hot sit way too hot uhoh uh-oh woo I didn’t expect that one to jump like that but it’s make a putt well this is somewhat of an easy shot I just got to chip it and let it trickle down the slope it’s going to go a little left it didn’t break it didn’t break I thought that was going to break a lot more wow okay as of last video we filmed the putting was feeling good hold a lot of important putts when I needed to hopefully it’s the same way right now oh yeah yeah that was a good ide effort good try yeah yeah did your purse come with that yeah it actually did skirt blew up on that one it’s thought so okay all right that’s unfortunate that was just a terrible effort Chase I mean it’s just outside the hole it’s a downhill putt a little slow a little bumpy see if I can roll this end over end sure okay it’s good pot take that that a big putt there up and down two down through two oh no that’s not good that is not what we want plenty golf though four holes guys this is uh getting quite out of hand D this is crazy he’s one under with clubs he’s never hit from Amazon that’s insane all right this is where it starts he’s going to shank one off the teeth birdie he’s hitting in the tall grass here at Chase yeah I could see that fogy birdie back to even right here yeah so you got to hit it close though yeah okay what is it 170 170 it’s straight down wind wait wait wait is it straight down wind yeah does I feel it blowing to me sorry got him I I don’t know how far these clubs go playing like 185 I think the 7on is going to be good 7 is like 35° 9on 170 yeah it’s just under full one of these 180 180 right here dud stop I don’t know I just have no idea if that’s the right distance or not oh it’s too far come back come on Frick that was pure that was a smoke talk about how like perfectly struck that was dude that was good hey oh these things feel nice might have to take a new design here I here Vector plus the r is red that makes it go farther all right I got a seven iron as well clean oh wow that’s sit sit did you hit the back bunker by chance oh no that’s perfect okay you scared me there I was like did you actually hit the wrong number for us in the bush or the I it’s definitely it was definitely 170 but I just thought mine was sailing Into the Bunker I’m going to be very real with you right now mhm I have not puted like this in a while with a normal standard length put I’ve done the junior set one like that but it’s just different this is actually a normal do you still have the extra like long shaft for your putter do you still have do you dud dude this pen is crazy yeah it’s a wild one yeah definitely should have hit ad iron here Tas and I’m blaming you that’s on you yeah it’s your fault little right and a little left to the left to the left everything you own in a box to the left Shout Out Beyonce or what is that her is is that Alicia Keys or Beyonce I don’t you know I one of the other yeah shout out to them though for real oh no oh my gosh they’re so slow oh no don’t roll back oh no I hate that you did that super unfortunate yeah he’s actually cre he just kind creeped the door open just a little bit got to give this one more of a run two putt would be nice but just scare the hole that’s my goal that’s a good roll whoa keep turning bro great roll 14t here going play about 14 feet I got to make this that’s a bummer yeah right as I started talking about how good my putting was putt it’s kind of the curse of the golf Gods right there this is a big pot I don’t know why this this is a big putt little nervous no just hope the greens react right yep yeah perfect just rammed it through it jeez dude imagine that thing misses the hole another one of those putts coming back yeah what is your thoughts on that like in tournaments you have like a two-footer do you ram them or are you ding man um I try to hit 2 feet by every single time the greens are usually really good so yeah I’m just trying to hit the right two feet by every single time we’re very lucky putting on on greens like this that are a little bit more hairy way more difficult for a tour pro because we don’t experience it that much so we’re pretty blessed uh and live golf and on tour just to be able to and in Majors to be able to play great greens all the time yeah um okay what do we do here uh I’m going to go for the green we got one two three more holes left and I’m one up I’m even par you’re one over one over one over okay back to within one drive par 4 kind of going for it if anything you want to air on the right side dude you did that on a whole one bro what the father sister brother is that sit spin back I don’t give me some good news chase that was awful I don’t know what to say after that I’m kind of stumped right now Haven seen you a shot like that in a while okay I’m just going to three-wood down the middle try to come on I want to pump one yeah let’s see it yeah get after it Bryson come on this one hard oh you’re killing me okay focus 136 CL speed shush oh look at the spin yeah that’s good ball that should be short of it oh that’ll be perfect that’s where I was going yeah that’s money right in the Fairway there I see yours too Garrett actually yeah you’re good come on Chase yeah son of a gun that’s huge you’re kidding me yes yeah I mean Bryson just hit the Amazon 3-wood as far as your driver thanks for being on my team today Chase appreciate that uh I got 102 right now uphill a little bit uh I think this is going to be a nice little 10:00 shot here 102 it’s play like 105 yeah it’s going to be just over 10 o’ get left it’s a little long I think but I think that’s okay that’s on the green again I have no idea how close that is but it’s a good strike and I’m actually happy with the way these clips feel surprisingly is this your favorite set so far of the Walmart and Thrift no I like the junior PGA set I think it’s so funny all right well I’m in the Fairway as well 78 yards into the wind I’ve heard you’ve lost a lot of picks I have Underdog fantasy recently dude well here’s the deal no no no here’s the deal I was on a losing streak with Underdog mostly placing picks on the NBA games right now finals but yeah I was on like a losing streak and then I went on a six day win streak oh my God and I was like dude I was just cooking everything was hitting oh my gosh great that’s amazing it just yeah it just makes games more entertaining to watch when you have like a little something on the line even if it’s 10 bucks guys even if it’s 10 bucks um 78 yards 60° in hand just trying to make it I need a birdie bad yeah I hit mine way too long oh that’s nice sit down no it needs a go oh it does yeah just a hair I can’t I can’t tell with my clubs so oh thank you so as we’re talking about Underdog I do have to let you know that I’m an under Underdog partner as well that’s sick y I’m sure you’ll find it but like when you start placing some picks on like your favorite players stats and whatnot like you just go higher or lower and then depending on how they do you could win or you could lose but it just makes it more to watch the game you’re like especially if you’re with friends you guys all riding like your same pck and that’s the thing for me like when I watch sports recently it’s been so like boring but whenever I start putting a little bit of pcks on there and just seeing what’s going to hit and what’s not going to hit it literally changes the whole momentum of my perception of the game 100% it went it goes from at least for me like oh the Mavs won tonight to oh the Mavs won tonight but Kyrie hit the higher you know also Anthony Edward so much deeper exactly Anthony Edwards also hit to hire had them both like it’s just I don’t know it’s a lot of fun but I enjoy it and I’m sure you will too I’m excited okay for so 42 ft here it’s going to play like man 55 ft here I I got to get this [Music] close go go that rolled really good though that was end over end for these screens that’s awesome good par that solid two putt here we go I think I got the read but I’m not [Music] sure oh my gosh that is a heartbreaker yeah I thought that was going left that was weird Heartbreaker what’s that song oh really all right so you guys know what to do you got to download the app and use code Bryson for $250 off uh your next picks um I mean you know all about that right yeah they’ll give you uh $250 in bonus cash code Bryson so do you think I could fly this with this with the club uh yeah yeah probably just take it over okay I think maybe the right side if anything I think I can I know I can can you carry Bryson it’s 240 I don’t know if I can carry to be honest with you I might not be able to carry stay out of the bunker dude n get just get lucky okay I think I can carry ah it’s bunker thanks Jas that’s my third bunker of the day okay I got to hit this perfectly to get over the water right now this is his time to make do for me I could hit in the water and just keep hitting it in the water cuz I don’t know if I can get it over I’m going to smoke this though you ready for this yeah I’m ready see what I got that’s it’s definitely caring jeez go please you don’t think that’s carrying I I not oh my gosh I told you oh and you hit that like as good as you could too I smoked that too that’s crazy is your house done by the way no really it’s close it’s close it’s when it supposed to be done like two years ago but you know hey good things take time okay absolutely dude that’s going to be such a cool video whenever you like are you going to do a whole tour oh yeah the whole I’m going to do the full thing oh my God it’s going to be nuts yeah guys it’s insane I can’t wait for everyone to see that you got to come see it if you got a chance I’m ready whenever it it’s freaking sick okay I don’t know what I need to hit so I’m going to bring quite a few things looks like it might even need be a nine iron I barely got over that water Chase I told you it was going to be a long shot into the wind 240 with that thing my gosh I did I barely made it if it went in the water i’ have been so sad but we’re here can you shoot it and then shoot me y 139 plus 37 39 plus 37 that’s 76 75 76 you got it close into the wind play like a 85 shot just like a 1031 of these oh no get left where is that it’s fine I don’t know it should be fine I got a 52° here we’ll take that yeah got to put it birdie it’s all we can ask for after that bad t- shot you know you’ve really been able to avoid using that that wedge today that was great distance yeah I was lucky um not really using this too much which is fantastic but I actually might use it here just to get it up to slope cuz I’d have to smoke this putt so I’m actually going to use it I’m going to try and land it into the hill and have it bounce up and roll down there what do you think Chase I think that’s perfect okay go left go left that’s a pretty good shot Chase good shot bounc right but I’ll take that all day with this wedge didn’t expect anything different okay I got to make this hey Chase we’re got to lock in here we gotta lock in cu the next hole is Par 3 is probably not making worse than par so make this here changes the game a little bit come on that looks good quit it quit it ah good pot good good yeah no no no no I’m I’m okay yes I appreciate the offer I knew you should have just hit it like 2 in right is that really what it was it did Miss 2 in left so that makes sense playing this just right edge here I feel like this almost breaks right I okay now this guy this guy just got to have soft delicate hands right here something I’m not accustomed to yeah oh easy peasy and squeezy let’s go all right that is even part of one over even part of one over even part of one over Dude Bryson’s on a mission he’s just taking down everyone in YouTube golf with clubs that don’t fit him so we have 130 here guys wind off the right I feel like I could get the sand wedge there but I don’t know I still have no idea this is the fun part about it not knowing how far it goes it’s just a whole sort of luck Factor 1:30 be 10:00 there going to be full I’m going to try and hit a full one here just so I know I not going to go too far 130 130 okay like 125 I would just hate to see one go long with the green it’s like a 50° so I’m going to go it actually make me sad I’m going to for Bryson today 130 so I’m going to go just under full come on wind where are you where are you oh my gosh that’s deep oh no that’s in the trees you got your wish I know I said I would hate to see it Go long how did that go that far I don’t know oh my gosh that’s a bummer such a bummer actually so sad all right wow now I’m like taking less Club cuz I saw that I don’t know if that’s smart play but I am I have a 56 it looks good where is it green yeah it’s it’s short all right but it’s on the green I got a putt you’re a little scared after seeing what I did I did took less Club should have just trusted it we might have ourselves a match here folks I think we do we might we might do have it what’ you hit uh sand wedge yeah you never know with those glubs no I have no idea oh no oh boy oh no where is it okay cool good oh cart gave him some luck I got lucky I have to take a drop here and there’s no red Hazard line so full relief it’s going to be like right here and I’m going to put okay right there okay there we go now I got The Sand Wedge to deal with the most difficult shot of the day right here if I had higher lofted Club this would be easy shot oh no that’s a bummer that came out so hot got to make this a save and Par now what a swinging putt too oh my gosh I should have played like a bump and run actually and I could have actually gone up here I didn’t know that shoot this is a this could be a dagger oh the heart oh I needed that one over it’s not great but it’s I guess not the worst thing in the world I got to make this 25 footer 24 footer Place make this to win Bryson look at this curling putt this is going to be ridiculous if I make this no way oh my gosh oh man that sucks damn it’s a good roll I I honestly I thought you did that yeah that would have been good I didn’t know I could throw it up there and it would probably come all the way back down okay tied in regulation we got to go to a put off now we’re going to go to the front of the green and see who can hit it closer the question is this might come down to a t flip do you get to watch the opponent or you have to stay turned away you have to stay turned away okay all right and then whoever’s up there mark like Mark his ball but don’t show me cuz I’m not going to look look all right that’s pretty good it seemed like he said all right too quick like almost as if it might have been short of the ridge but I don’t really know it’s tough to say cuz this is just a tough Putt in general let me know when he’s marked it okay oh no way so close who’s who you beat me I’m right here oh you came back I can’t believe it oh my gosh good playing dude damn I mean it’s it was a tie it was a tie in regulation obviously still I don’t know if either of those putts should count those sucked yeah they really did kind of suck huh [Music]


  1. It’s actually not going to be long before the guys are actually going to give Bryson a broom and shovel, still fancy him to win weirdly 😂

  2. Bryson is going to run ideas how to nerf his game against the youtube golfers. But, we all want to see more… LOL. Maybe do a series of taking all the clubs you recently got and do a break 65 from white/blue tees?

  3. These videos are just constantly stroking Bryson's ego; hes gotta be one of the more insecure people on tour. However, hes fun to watch…

  4. beyonce compared to who? alicia who? what? is that a joke sir? alicia keys, 2 songs maximum. and she didn't write any of it.

  5. I just can't compute how he can flush it right outta the middle without even taking a practice swing to check out the shaft flex. Just amazing, dude.

  6. Bryson love the content man…………. But I have a challenge for you, what do you think you could shoot 9 holes with Hickory golf clubs, would love to see that ! Keep on progressing & moving golf forward 👏🏽

  7. Might actually be the first "mou-stash" that fits, – thinking of the new trend. BD looks better with it, and that's f-ing rare.

  8. @brysondechambeau will you be willing to mud wrestle in USO tour pen against a Scores model and earn keeping your facial hair. No intentional losing to live out your shaving desires in exhibitionist form. Time between appearances depends on growth rate. At least the mud wrestle suggestion is what sparked the pairing to support the troops together. Find vape sponsor to Vape-A-preVet. They can make a cigar flavour eliquid.

  9. The super small head I’m not used to that, after referencing the office earlier, and no that’s what she said.

  10. It would be great if you guys could post the distance in each shot instead of just showing the yardage of the hole every time

  11. I pray that everyone reading this will have an amazing and blessed life from here on out. You are an AMAZING PERSON! U hear me? You will get through what ever troubles you're going through! Much love and positivity your way.

  12. With the amount of times that Garret or Grant have said Bryson could hit a broomstick I think we need to see it

  13. Love Bryson and the content, but gambling ads are kinda cringe. I know it probably helps pay your team, but, idk. Don't hate me 😂

  14. Bryson, the content is great, try to be aware of good golf average viewers age. Promoting gambling to minors is bad.

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