The PERFECT golf clubs for a 14 HANDICAP!

Take a look through Westy’s 2024 what’s in the bag set up! Starting with his putter and moving all the way through his bag to driver… then finishing in THE MOST HILARIOUSLY SAD way!


Check out the full video now!

all right welcome back those that know us and those that don’t know us I’m Moy from the golf supply two or three videos ago Ash done a what’s in the bag and there was a couple of comments not mad not loads and loads of people that wanted this but there’s a couple of people that did want to what’s in the bag from me see Ash plays off plus one I play off 14 so there might be variations in the bag and what I use and why I use it and so forth Al you we’re down at the beautiful thoron thank you very much for hosting us again for another watch in the bag we will start with poter so we’ll start poter walk up to driver take the head covers off [Music] one right those that have stuck around for a little while know that I don’t Tinker as much as Ash with my bag uh we do have the same po I say we do have the same Potter but obviously Ash Tinkers around a lot I think he’s only to his fourth or fifth this season as it is I’ve stayed true to the Ping answer 2 PL all blacked out custom fit and length to 35 in in the blade obviously I think this is one of the purest looking Putters on the market to be honest with you I think the head cover its class as well and everything about it from the pistol grip all the way down is just blacked out and it looks pure admittingly that is one reason why I did pick it I’ll be honest just cuz it looks pure secondly I did obviously go for a poter fitting and a blade at that time suited me perhaps not now I ped a few times of aala and Ash has obviously just had or I don’t think you’ve revealed it yet so I won’t um but Ash just picked up a new poter again shockingly but uh no I have tinkered around with mallets but I’m still staying true to the blade pting is one of my better things at the minute um maybe there might be a might be a change or [Music] not right moving on to probably the the best looking clubs in my bag um recent Edition the most recent Edition and obviously some of the newest clubs on the market so it’s none other than titus’s sm10 or vogi design sm10 I’ve got in the new nickel um so before in the sm9 I had it in Brush still which I really liked I like the color but I did find that sometimes playing abroad I know first world problems get in the comments hate on me it did Shine up a little bit occasionally when I was hitting a wed shop but this nickel I think is absolutely pure so these are only up a quarter of an inch I don’t really feel like I need to go up an entire inch on my wedges fully blacked out True Temper AMT s3000 I think it’s Onyx Black shafts which look the dogs rxs just nothing less than a bob vogi standard Golf Pride grip so going into degrees of what I play so I played a in the past a 52 54 58 I’ve played a 60° before with a 56 and 52 this time I’ve decided to go 58 54 and a 48° uh and that’s just because the pitching wedge in my set is at 43 so hopefully it’s a little bit tighter between pitch and wed all the way up to 58 now Right Moving On Up lucky enough again to be fit by Titus again thank you very much James and the team um I’ve been fit into the titless T200 the golfer ego in me would have loved maybe t-50s I wouldn’t have like t100’s just a little bit too sort of gamey for me but T1 15s would have been nice but neveress I was fit to t00 which I don’t hate I’ve got these in pitch and wedge all the way up to four iron um and like I said the pitching wedge is set at 43° for me like these feel nice off the face I had before had mauno jpx 921 Forge and Well Done West yeah you like that yeah maybe I’ll get into my take a little bit more but no uh I had them before and they did seem for me personally a little bit sort of clunky and whatnot um I think Titus and Mauna are the top boys Ry but these just feel a little bit softer at the face when I do hit it pure when I deliver it nicer I don’t feel it so much coming off the face it does feel soft um I’ve got exactly the same shars in these as I have in my wedges I got True Temper AMT s3000 but just in a silvery it’s actually called Tor white but just not in the beautiful Onyx Black um which I don’t hate I don’t Ash’s got black shafts and his I don’t I don’t mind like a traditional Silver shaft in an IR but uh like I say these these have served me well for best part of this year to be fair and I probably don’t think I’ll change them anytime [Music] soon Woods which is my Achilles heel at the minute I wouldn’t say I’ve ever really been good at hitting a three-wood uh but I did go through a really good honeymoon period with the fivewood but I have got the mauno St Max I think these mauno wood actually look pure but I have got this in a fivewood traditional at 18° shaft is a 70 G just stiff FX this is my only club that hasn’t been custom fit I don’t think that’ll make too much of a difference maybe it will maybe it won’t but the way my game is at the minute with the severe lefts uh that is just heightened when I go up to the woods but nevertheless moving on up to the Freewood which I’ve had for probably about a year and a half but I’ve got the Ping g430 Max again traditional 3-wood 15° there’s nothing special about this 70 G extra stiff shaft I was custom fit for this but I was custom fit at a time where I was a little bit worse at golf so I probably do need a re jig I don’t think if I going and get custom fit for a wood it’s going to M it’s going to mean I’m going to pull it out all the time or massively change my game but I do think I need to go and have a re jig and I if I’m honest I think I probably look to take a free word out my bag cuz I don’t think it suits where my game’s at at the minute I’m hitting dri relatively well I can hit forarm relatively far so maybe if I can just try and squish that down without a three-w I don’t think even in playing the coures we play there’s much need for a free with Eva so I’ll have to have a look at it but nevertheless ping g430 Max looks nice last CB in the bag which is surprisingly if you’re a fan of the channel and you’ve been watching for longer than 6 months you’ll know that again this was an Achilles Hill and I never pulled it out ping g430 Max I’ve got this set it come it’s a 9° head but I’ve set this up too so actually that means 11° isn’t it is that how that rolls in the driver I’m not a Tech head so excuse I don’t think there’s many mid- handicappers that are probably Tech heads are the tech heads get down when we get to like real nitty-gritty golf extra stiff 60 G I’m not going to go into like for me I’m not going to go into like the brands and whatnot I don’t think anyone’s relatively interested um but like I say I’ve had this for I had this pretty much when it it come out to be fair I never had the g425 I would like to upgrade if I’m honest to the 10K and I say that because I don’t think at my level of golf a golf club is going to change my game massively I think swing changes and lessons will be how I Advance forward now go back and watch my video on the Ping g430 versus the g430 10K and it was just like light and day which I don’t understand but I’m not going to argue of it this is not up and inch I forgot to say although I said my fivewood isn’t custom fit my three-wood and Driver although they are custom fit are not changed in length so just complete standard length which I think is the dumb thing I don’t think many people who are tall who lengthen irons and wedges actually lengthen drivers and woods but yeah the satel I’m using at the minute we’ve all gone pencil we’re hip we get it we’re cool we’re edgy we’re short I’m not really but I just think they’re nice um at the minute I’ve got this maners Jonesy I don’t know if this is I think they’re on their site I don’t think they’re that special edition but I’m luy enough that we won them at the maners Invitational if you haven’t watched that video it’s about four or five videos back and you’ll see how I won this bag um by the minute silver and white I think the color is pure very neutral color although I’m not the most edgy and fashionista I like to look good and I like to be presentable and gray just goes with every color that you’re wearing so I think it compliments I do think about these things so it complement any outfit you wear black gray colors so yeah I’m a big fan of this gray and white nice lever nice and small nice and light big padded um shoulder strap which is decent that’s it looks pure I think and I think most of you will agree [Music] right oh no and uh live announcement and Ash knows what I’ve done your on the buggy this is a live announcement right now joking you’re lying play where here you’re lying so I always take the right so I did have a bushel V5 rer and Ash did have two bush5 frers but he left them on the Bucky are you ly no I’m not and me and Ash always have this ongoing joke where when we play together he’s got the V6 minute we always go yeah just going stick yours on the buy stick yours on we use yours today and we have this ongoing joke and someone eventually gives up and says yeah I’ll stick it on I never ever forget mine cuz my admin’s good and I did think to myself earlier my pouch seems a bit empty but yeah live announcement um normally below my the go Supply team ouch I have a range finder Bush V5 and as you can see not there left it on a buggy at this golf club so golf B moving on to golf balls uh I still just order grade a/ pole grade balls off eBay I lose far too many to buy I I treat myself sometimes I play a nice course but normally when I do treat myself and whatever I buy off eBay I do just buy a titless pro v1x I’ve I’ve played these for a while now I haven’t been fit for a ball but obviously I do like to play premium ball for that off chance that I spin or nip a wedge abroad I can get something if I’m not playing too well I will lower down the titless food chain of golf balls yeah well you can share that despair with me cuz that was actually live but uh yeah thanks for those that watch like comment subscribe let me know what you think of my setup let me know what you think I should change if I should change anything strong points weak points R VY ra I’ll let you know if I change pter and Driver as will ash in the future other than that thank you very much for watching those that are new stick around those that are already been sticking around thank you very much they’ll have it’ll be in the Pro you’re reck yeah I’ll ring tomorrow


  1. Ash finally found that Jailbird he was after then?

    Disappointed there were no putts hit by Westy on the range…

  2. Nice kit Westy. If it works then stick with it. Let's see that handicap fall this year. Best of luck. 🫡👍

  3. Might as well buy a chain to stick round your bonce so you don't keep wanking away rangefinders 😂😂😂

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