The VIP Golf Show – Leah Bathgate, Josh Fleming, and others – 06-02-24

Murray McCourt and Curtis Stock are back with another episode of The VIP Golf Show!

Today’s guests:

Leah Bathgate – Alberta Golf Tour

Stacey Disotell – Owner of Ardent Roof Systems

Josh Fleming – Owner of 365 GOLF

Dave Grey – GM/Executive Golf Professional at the Devon Golf & Country Club

Jordan Jeske – Owner of PROJCT Athletics

Leah Bathgate joins to talk about what the Alberta Golf Tour is about, what they’ve been up to and what they got in the works!

Stacey Disotell pops by to share some information on the upcoming charity golf tournament for Ardent Roof Systems.

Josh Fleming gets on the show to tell fans what 365 GOLF is about and what they’ve got going on! After that, he gives some useful tips for golfers and shares some insight on teaching the game!

Dave Grey calls into the show to talk about the Devon Golf & Country Club and the big things they’ve worked on for this year.

The boys then got their open segment where they discuss the question(s) of the day and check out what’s going on with the local golf scene.

Curtis Stock and Murray McCourt play some trivia to give away a $50 gift card to The Keg and a complementary fitting from Taylor Made!

After playing some trivia, Jordan Jeske from PROJCT Athletics joins to share what he likes about working with golfers and what PROJCT Athletics is about!

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e e e e e e e e e e welcome to the VIP Golf Show presented by ardan roofing systems with your hosts Murray mccort and Curtis stock only on your Clear Choice For Sports Edmonton Sports Talk good morning and welcome to the VIP Golf Show presented by Ardent Roof Systems here on Edmonton Sports Talk my name is Marie mccort I’m the general manager and executive golf professional at the ranch golfing Country Club and host of the VIP Golf Show here this morning along with Curtis stock thanks so much for tuning in to our show as you do each and every week we appreciate your support in and watching and enjoying what we do you can uh jump in and join us by text at 78218 9999 let us know what’s on your mind this week our lineup includes our first guest Leah Bathgate will join us in a couple minutes followed by our presenting sponsor Stacy disel from Ardent Roof Systems going to talk about their big charity tournament that that’s upcoming Josh Fleming joins us to give you some golf tips and instructions Dave gray will from the Devon Golf Club will join us as we go around yeg and our final guest of the day will be Jordan Jesy giving you some golf fitness tips and information as Jordan is the expert on that in the city as always at 9:40 we will have our trivia contest where one lucky listener will win a fitting at the tailor made performance center and a gift card to The Keg Steakhouse and bar this week’s question of the week that you can chime in on is what is Your Bucket List golf course you would love to play but haven’t got there quite yet we’re going to add a second one though are the Edmonton Oilers going to make it to the Stanley Cup Final so text in 78218 9999 and this segment is brought to you by the Edmonton Elks celebrate 75 Seasons with us this summer by hosting your next corporate event in one of the exclusive Suites limited availability remains for all elks home games visit go to book your private site today and how you doing Mr stock terrible this weather outside is driving me crazy when is spring coming I don’t think we’re going to have spring I think I think we’re jumping straight in from garbage to Summer yeah it’s been terrible well it has windy every day yeah windy or rainy like tomorrow was supposed to be a rain day again and I’m playing again in the rain tomorrow just uh I I I hear you stalker it’s annoying and frustrating and I think we’ve all had enough of this we’ve had enough we’re bring back Josh CLA in here see we maybe he can straighten we can slap Josh around a little bit and and get him giving us some good weather that’s right well that would be good now if you do look at the forecast later this week I think Friday’s sunny and 26 that would be good we’re all going to feel like like 26 we haven’t seen that in like 7 months we’re all going to melt but that’s right but it’ll feel good I’ll I’ll be happy in that weather for sure yeah me too all right well good stuff well I see she’s joined us on the video chat how you doing this morning Leah I’m great how are you guys good good yeah well hard to complain outside of the weather are you hating this weather you know what we were actually Medicine Hat yesterday and it wasn’t too bad um it was like 22 it was windy of course but um yeah sick of the wind we’ve had some nice temperatures our only other event really was out at uh Copper Point on Mother’s Day weekend and it went from the forecast being 113 in rain to 26 and no wind and no clouds so we’ve been we’ we’ve been lucky so far this year good for you so uh you own the Alberta Golf Tour tell us what the tour is all about and how long has it been around this is our 12th season which is kind of crazy to think about yeah 12 years already yeah I know um yeah it’s a flighted amateur tour and actually I got to point out what’s happening today because it’s it might be the craziest age dispersion and handicap dispersion we’ve ever had um we’re at olds today and we’ve got a field of 80 players and our youngest player is 15 and our oldest is 73 and I just think not all that old come on now I but the dispersion between 15 and 3 right um but it just truly shows you that it’s it is for everyone it’s for all ages all handicapped factors and and I just I think it’s really cool we also yesterday in Medicine Hat had a 72y old win his flight he’s been playing all 12 years it’s his first win on tour and he was playing with Hickory clubs no really yeah the same tease as everyone else in that flight so I thought that was really really cool but yeah flight of amateur tour we travel all over the province and into the the cies because everyone’s like why do you go to BC because M Standard Time Golf Tour doesn’t roll off the tongue the same way but there’s good golf out there right so um we do mostly one day events and we have three Majors which are two-day events um and then at the end of the year we do a 4-day championship kind of like real PGA Tour style type of stuff and yeah lots of fun why did why did you start this what was the impetus for it uh there was another tour out there um we’ve kind of talked about that one before that um it just it it didn’t it just felt very impersonal and um so I guess came home actually ended up um getting laid off for my golf job the day I got home from this big National Tournament with them and I was like you know what I’ve got time and so kind of phoned up all the other Alberta people that were down there and I was like were we serious about maybe doing our own thing because I I have time now so might as well and yeah those first tournaments only had like the eight of us and grown to yeah we’ve got about uh 200 and some members but also um we have non-members that play that we’re up to about 300 unique players who can play anyone anyone with a valid golf Canada handicap actor because um they’ve got to be able to uh track their handicap and and I’m I’m pretty tight on any sand begging that may potentially occur anything like that I keep a very close eye on everyone’s handicaps so you are flighted by handicap and then you play usually straight up gross stroke play within each of your flights except for the dlight which is the higher handicaps just because that one usually goes anywhere from 13 or 14 all the way up to 30 potentially so do you get confused ever with the Alberta Golf Association because uh the name both sound a little the same but they’re two completely different things yeah sometimes we kind of just forward emails to each other when that happens and uh yeah it happens because you’re the big thing behind your tour is that it’s flighted right so that everybody stands an even chance of winning exactly yeah and so you know a lot of our players do go into Alberta Golf and play those provincial championships but yeah they use our tournaments typically to practice for those because tournament golf is different um it’s a different mental game when all of a sudden every shot matters and you need to actually make those three- Footers at the end of of the day so it’s um it’s kind of cool to see you know Alberta golf’s had a bunch of their qualifiers for the men’s am and the mid and the open happening lately so it’s really cool to kind of track those leaderboards and watch my players and see how they’re doing and if they’ve qualified and then I love going out to those events to support them joining us on the VIP show presented by ENT Roof Systems is Leah Bathgate from the Alberta Golf Tour now Leah you mentioned a former tour that used to be around and maybe the environment of that tour wasn’t wasn’t the best talk about the vibe on your tour and the different events that you have oh that’s got to be my favorite thing to talk about now um it’s I I’ve now it’s funny it’s taken me a lot of years to get to this point but um I always kind of pick up on what the players are saying and a few years ago someone called called my tour kind of like the beer league hockey of golf and I was like oh my God that’s exactly that’s it that’s we’re we’re not there to be like stuffy we we are competitive and we play by the rules and but you’re just kind of there to have a good time and you know play for a score that matters against fun people and at the end of the day I I really liked that description of us we’re the beer league hockey of golf um so if you want to come out and actually play by the rules but have a few drinks at the same time you can’t do that in the provincial championships right so um yeah it’s a super laid-back Vibe and I would say you know 95% of the people that play on it are are there for the exact same kind of laidback yeah they don’t want to get too too competitive in there you mentioned uh majors and uh Premier Events the the latter Calgary playing at Calgary’s magnificent Glenco and then Alberta’s newest Jim Mickelson and the former is Jasper and point Copper Point so there’s some great golf courses you got lined up yeah you know what and I feel like that’s been part of why we’ve grown and seen the success that we have is we go to these High Caliber golf courses and you know they’re courses that people have maybe always wanted to play but never had a reason to travel all the way there like Jasper for example right um so this kind of gives them that reason and I hear that a lot lot from people even you know you’ve got people from Calgary coming up north to you know we’ve got one at barhead this year oh well I always heard barhead was good but reason to go all the way there it is it’s it’s great I don’t think people understand um because our numbers are actually pretty low for that one every time we go there and I don’t think people truly realize how no good of a condition course that is like it’s the drive for sure but but boy is it good it’s worth the drive yeah it’s a great layout yeah but you’ve got a lot like name some of the other courses you’re playing oh man now you’re going to quiz me on my schedule we we were at Desert Bloom yesterday which again was that drive situation so it was a smaller field um but everyone that came out was like holy cow wasn’t expecting that in Medicine Hat Alberta right no that’s a good course yeah really and and with old having 80 people today I think the Secret’s out about their course I mean the greens are phenom phen Al it’s so good uh we’re actually uh we got Strathmore on the schedule for the first time um in a couple weeks and then we’ve got delor as well um so that’s a lynxy one in the Calgary region that one’s great um this weekend I guess coming up we’re actually heading up to Edmonton and Saturday we’re going to be at Cardiff and Sunday we’re at the ranch so at the ran yeah it’s gonna be a good weekend the weather the good weather will follow us yeah supposed to be good weather so how many players like you said you have over 200 members that’s awesome but like 200 you don’t have 200 playing in each event so what is a what’s typical for an event yeah it’s it’s so dependent on the course and like the location of the course definitely um you know out at Copper Point it’s it’s early season and that course is always in such good shape early season so we’re we’re usually around 60 for that one um yesterday we only had 34 I think and and today we’re at 80 so it it can be literally anywhere from kind of 40 to 90 depending on the course and the date and the time um I would say average we’re usually around the mid-50s okay well if people are looking for more information on the Alberta Gulf tour how can they find it uh pretty active on social media if you find us on Instagram or Facebook at Alberta gol Tour all one word or the website at Alberta got to ask you about your son Tyler kid we had him on the show last year two hole in ones in one round really uh you know having uh you know had a fabulous year played pretty well in the Canadian Junior uh so what’s going on with him this year as he signed to go to a school yet even though he’s uh just heading into grade 10 what give us an update on Tyler he uh so it was a hole in one and an albatross oh right yeah shot 62 and um yeah it was wild um no it’s it’s a really important college recruiting year he’s in he’s just finishing grade 11 right now going into grade 12 and um a few kids from his graduating year have signed already he hasn’t um lots of Interest we’ve got coaches flying out and watching him play tournaments right now which a little nerve-wracking um but it’s tough because he’s kind of one of those golfers that heats up once the summer comes along so he’s kind of like a he he peaks in July so he’s not shooting these super super low scores right now um he’s making Cuts he’s getting he’s getting by um but we’re expecting probably to see some of those offers roll in towards the end of summer uh the Canadian Junior this year is here in Alberta it’s at Innisfil in August so that’s cool it’s kind of a homec course Advantage for the boys because that those greens um in a spil are it’s not easy no so I think the Alberta boys should be able to to play that course a little bit better with some home Homeland know knowledge there um but yeah he’s uh he’s he’s talking to coaches but hasn’t committed to anything quite yet and it’s it’s kind of that this is the most important summer for recruiting so it’ll be interesting he just got into the men’s so we’ll be up I saw qualified for that now I I love seeing the like the twinkle in the proudness in your face when you’re talking about I mean and you should be uh our question of the week on the show is what’s your bucket list course that you’ve never played that you you need to get to oh my that’s tough I I heard you say that in your intro and I started thinking about it and it you know it’s funny it’s different I feel like for women um like you know a lot of people are going to answer this with either Augusta or Pebble Beach but I don’t think I would actually score well on either of those golf courses so they’re kind of off my list you know what is on my list I think After experiencing cabat links and cliffs a few years ago yeah um I’d love to see cabat St Lucia yeah that’ll be that’s my bucket list answer all right did you hear that Augusta might be letting the general public onto the course in the couple years for 10 grand $10,000 yeah going to charity I’d think about it yeah I would too Augusta last Quick One For You Leah are the Edmonton ERS going to be playing in the standing Cup Final oh gosh I’m scared to answer this because I don’t want to do my little Sports Jinx situation but so far it’s been good yes they are all right well thanks for your time we’ll see you up here at the ranch next Sunday and have yourself a great day today at your tournament in olds thanks guys all right he thanks thanks Leah that was Leah Bathgate from the Alberta Golf Tour on the other side of the break we’re going to chat with our presenting sponsor of the show Stacy disel from Ardent rof systems and chat about his upcoming charity Golf Tournament this is the VIP Golf Show on Edmonton Sports Talk from the fairways of Edmonton to the greens of the BC Rockies you’ll never miss a course with VIP golf VIP golf members enjoy preferred rates at over 70 top courses in Alberta and BC they play 7 days a week and average 40 to 60% off regular rates with no payments due with the course just book with VIP golf show your ID that and grip it and rip it with so many courses under one umbrella it’s no wonder they’re the membership of choice for so many albertans to learn more visit their website today at VIP matters so if you’re going to put it onto something it’s going to be tough enough to be useful tough stuff promotions works as hard as you do to create personalized swag that’s tough enough for your hardworking name whether it’s promotional items branded clothing industrial work Weare golf or Athletics tough stuff works hard for hardworking folks get the tough stuff you need when you need it for easy ordering call 78047 4545 or visit tough stuff great news Goose hmet golf resort is now part of Country Club tour just outside the city minutes north of Edmonton nestled amidst nature forest and interlocking ponds you’ll find your tranquil Escape Goose Hummock a first class full service golf experience that speaks directly to Rookies and champions alike twisting Scottish architecture mixes with an Everglade aesthetic to make the goose a Wonder to see and a Marvel to play just visit countryclub to discover how you can make the most out of this golf season goose humm Golf Resort the place to be in yeeg every driver has an inertia number the higher the number the more forgiving the driver now golf is about to discover the first ever driver that combines tailor made speed with the Forgiveness of 10K inertia the allnew qi1 more forgiveness means more long straight drives even on offc Center strikes the days of missing the Fairway are numbered get ready to experience your drives in 10k with the allnew qi1 only from tailor made visit tailor with confidence introducing the T 36024 by Adidas refined style meets Elite Performance as the tour 360 wraps you in the confidence to elevate your game crafted from premium materials and boasting Cutting Edge performance this shoe offers the perfect fit maximum comfort and unparalleled performance right now during our AIU promotion when you purchase any 2024 Adidas golf shoe like the 2 or 36024 you’ll receive $50 towards any additional Adidas golf items from the Pro Shop bring confidence to your game escape the ordinary and experience golfing Paradise at Coal Creek Golf Resort immerse yourself in our exceptional layout and enjoy excellent conditions that will take your game to the next level challenge yourself with a unique twist tackle the only black sand traps in all of Alberta and why not extend your stay relax in one of her spacious RV lots offering the Perfect Blend of comfort and convenience visit KC now to book your tea time and plan your Unforgettable getaway at Coal Creek Golf Resort your perfect golfing Escape awaits immerse yourself in a world where golf intertwines with the historic Valor of the Canadian Armed Forces at the Edmonton Garrison Memorial Golf Club every round connects you with the courageous stories of our military’s past with Fairways set against genuine combat equipment and historic monuments your game becomes a meaningful link to the legacy of those who’ve served and make sure to aim carefully to avoid a memorable shot off a tank get your membership and celebrate the challenge of golf in the honor of our Armed Forces visit egm for more do not miss the Ardent Roof Systems charity golf tournament presented by Pioneer golf company canadian-made golf accessories Friday July 5th the ranch golf and country club one of Alberta’s Premier Championship golf courses for sponsorship info or to register go to Ardent roof your round includes breakfast the famous Ranch steak dinner a massive silent auction and a chance to get back to an unbelievable cost the staller Child Life program the art and Roof Systems annual charity golf tournament one of the best tournaments of the summer why te off at the ranch golfing Country Club a fun unique layout offering Premier conditions the ranch has been ranked as one of the top public courses in Canada unmatched value score Golf Magazine rate at the ranch as the best value in Edmonton the service from tournaments to special events to the Pro Shop Superior Service that makes every visit exceptional the ranch golfing Country Club a laid-back environment where anyone can enjoy an amazing day on the fairways for details visit the ranch here’s something we bet you didn’t know the hosts of the VIP Golf Show are also published authors that’s right your golf show host Curtis STC and Murray mccort both have incredible books out right now search on Amazon for the turot the remarkable story of a horse racing Dynasty by Curtis stock and outside the te- boox my personal journey and secrets to success in the golf business by Murray mccort order your copies today available on Amazon now you know we return to the VIP Golf Show presented by ardan roofing systems with your hosts Murray mccort and Curtis stalk only on your Clear Choice For Sports Edmonton Sports Talk welcome back to the VIP golf show presented by Art and Roof Systems here on epon Sports Talk I’m Murray McCord here along with Curtis St this segment brought to you by the Quarry whether you’re looking for a casual R of golf with friends a corporate tournament or a perfect venue for your special event meeting or party the Quarry has you covered visit us online at www.the or by phone at 78477 the Q and later on the show not sure exactly when we’ll see how it fits in but Edmonton Sports Talk is doing a hole-in-one contest where one per winner if you get a hole-in-one you can win $100,000 stalker perfect when is the date uh July 3rd I want to say is when it is H but later on this show our listeners are going to have a chance to text in and qualify with Stacy disel from our presenting sponsor on the show this year Ard Stacy disel from ardent Roof Systems good morning Stacy how you doing good morning guys how you doing good yeah hanging in there who my my mic’s falling over live radio right there see we were having a talk this week and you’re like uh is this live or can you clean some stuff up later and look at that my mic’s falling over in front of me this is live radio stalker live radio absolutely how’s my feed for you guys can you hear me okay can hear you perfectly Stacy you bet uh so tell us about ENT Roof System and what sets you apart from other roofing companies well we started the company about 10 years ago and we have built our way up through the industry by providing Superior Products Superior Service and managing to get connected with Owens Corning and elevating ourselves up to the Platinum contractor status which allows us to be one of only five Canadas in western Canada five companies sorry in western Canada that can offer a 50-year nonpr rated warranty and they back our workmanship for 25 years so it’s a pretty Elite status and it was kind of humbling that we went down to San Diego this year for the OC Awards and we actually took uh MVP for top performer for 20124 okay congratulations that’s awesome thank you yeah your company tagline says there’s more to your roof than just s shingles what does that mean it’s when we first came up with it we thought it was kind of tacky because it’s like well we’re a roofing company and it’s all about shingles but over the years we’ve learned that yeah there is a lot more to your roof than just shingles there’s everything that can impact it from ventilation to attic work to so many variables that you don’t necessarily think about so when we considered how we’re going to put a strong warranty behind the work that we do we had to make sure that we brought all elements of what could affect the performance to the roof not just changing up the shingles you’ve run a very successful charity golf tournament for several years now so maybe just tell us about the charity support where the tournament is what the dates are everything like that well the this is going to be our fifth year running the golf tournament and the charity is for the Child Life program at the staler and what that is it’s a program within the hospital itself that gives a place for kids to get out of the room and go and be around other kids and do activities and there’s lots of volunteers from um dog companionship to the music therapy program that this whole charity puts the money towards so I’m hoping this year after this tournament we have surpassed $100,000 raised for the Child Life program that’s my go and of course it’s gonna be at the number one golf course in central Alberta The Ranch Golf and Country Club of course you m this is so share details of the tournament when is it and how can people sign up Stacy the tournament is July 5th and you can just visit our website artroof it’s right on the front Banner if you want to put in a team you can register if you’re looking at sponsorship opportunities they’re still available if you think that there’s something you want to donate as a charity uh gift for the live auctions and the silent auctions afterwards or if you want to think of anything creative just reach out to me anytime I’ll take any support for this charity in any way or any form are you still looking for sponsors yes we are yeah if so help out doing whole sponsorship uh doing any of the activity sponsorships around uh the golf tournament excuse me as well as donating selling auction prizes uh or even just donating money to the charity on behalf of the tournament the staller can’t be that my daughter unfortunately has had many visits at the staly she’s too old for it now but but when she was younger she spent a lot a lot of time at the staly and it’s it’s unbelievable what they do we were there just uh a week or so ago shooting some video of the the beach and what’s their veloping right now hopefully to be open this year the Enchanted Forest which is right adjacent to the beach and uh we’re hoping that those videos will get approved by the foundation and now we can actually post them on our social media up on our website so people can literally look at the videos and see exactly what this charity is all about and having spent a lot of time in children’s hospitals myself growing up I know how important these type of things are within the hospital and how often they’re forgotten about so yeah yeah for sure how’s your golf game so far this year Stacy do we have to get into that this is a golf show you know I know uh it’s getting better I’ve been playing a lot than I had the last couple years well if uh listeners are are needing any Roofing work done at their home or business how can they connect with you again go to ENT roof um if they have had work done with us in the past we even have a referral program so if you want to refer us to somebody that you know um there’s a referral program that you can enter put in the submission and if we close business with them we’ll give you guys a $100 gift card of your choice and the rest of it is just book an appointment and we’ll gladly come out visit the house take a look at everything and put together a list of recommendations and a solid quote question of the week on the show this week is what’s your bucket List golf course that you’ve never been to that you you got to get to before uh you know before your golfing career is over not that I could ever play I’d have to show up with a bucket of balls but probably Pebble Beach Pebble Beach all right good choice and one last Quick one for you are the Edmonton orders going to get it done this series and play for the Stanley Cup Championship oh without a doubt of course tonight’s going to be a burn burner yeah it sure should be all right well thanks for your time best of luck uh your up golf tournament and uh we’ll we’ll catch up with you soon and really appreciate your support of our show you’ve been an Advertiser with us for for a long time and we certainly appreciate it my pleasure guys and thanks for having me on this morning thank you all right that was Stacey disel now stalker we got to get to a bunch of texts here okay because texts have been uh been blowing up here so uh I’ve never one texter Pizza guide Justin any courses in mind Pizza guide Justin Pizza guide Justin is texted any courses in mind I should give a go in Northern Ontario now I’ve never played golf in Northern Ontario have you no well and unfortunately then Justin we’re unable to help you on that one but uh hopefully uh you can you can find some good courses to play out there someone text it in it’s game day beers for the Oilers punching their ticket to the standing Cup Final let’s effing go that’s lots of that going on here today uh uh oh someone just texted in said morning gentlemen have a good show now there’s one that I’m missing here where did it go I think here here we go this another one good morning jents well uh no one took Riley last week so you were both sitting at three and the four shot Advantage I know we didn’t we thought shler would mow him down but didn’t happen another guy going into Sunday with a four-stroke lead can anyone beat McIntyre at our Canadian open and I am not going to give up four strokes this week I’m saying McIntyre will hang on as much as I want to see a Canadian comeback from yeah I don’t think it’s going to happen today what do you think think going to happen either no he I think he got to go with McIntyre he’s from Oban I had to look him up because I’d never heard about him but from oband Scotland where they make my favorite Scotch oh yeah yeah old B it gets to it’s ridiculously priced now but it’s still my favorite rich guy like you can afford the best scotch stalker no no all right another text to get to well hopefully Hughes can make a charge that would be nice or the Scotsman come back to the field today to make this one interesting nothing would be worse if McIntyre shoots 66 today and wins by six I agree that would make it a boring finish for sure well he went what five under in his last five holes yesterday McIntyre well yeah cuz I I saw I was watching for a while and it was getting close I’m like here we go this is going to this is going to get interesting then he went birdie birdie birdie on the par three Eagle on the par five and Par the last hole well and our boy will B he made will will will yeah wish he would have shown him more on TV well I didn’t even I didn’t watch the whole thing but I I did did so did they show any of his shots yeah but not a lot no well he he didn’t play his best yesterday no no but come back he did he in there he made the cut that’s you know great at one time he was as high as 13th I want to say yeah he was he was tied for 13th well yeah so hopefully he can I’d love to see tournament because the top what is it the top six get to play next week again top uh top 10 I think get to on this week I don’t think he’ll get to climb back in it that much but you know either way if he can you know shoot a couple under part A Day finish you know top 25 top 30 that’s spectacular for me this guy if he gets it done on the corn fairy tour this year he can play on the PJ tour he’s good enough oh sure he is lots of guys on that corn fairy tour yeah you know you could take you could take a dozen guys from the corn fery tour put them onto the PGA Tour and nobody would know yeah exactly right but our boy will baitman from Edington is one of them he is he’s there well we’re going to do this right now folks so if you are listening or watching on YouTube this is your chance to get into the Edmonton Sports Talk $100,000 hole inone contest uh so swing by that’s sponsored by golf town so swing by this Father’s Day and find dad or yourself the perfect gift at GF Town save big with huge deals on tailor made in store and online now through June 9th don’t miss their top deals like the tailor made Sim 2 driver for only $329.90 25% off all tailor bags two dozen prior gen tp5 golf balls for only $80 plus much more this Father’s Day give the gift of golf visit Us in store or at for more details some exclusions apply GF toown your ultimate destination for Father’s Day gifts and matanic comes up with these words so you need to text in this is I I got to give him heck again because he the words that he comes up with it’s it’s golf so he comes up with golf words the word to text in is draw you’re going to draw the golf ball d r a w you have to text it in as it’s spelled properly to qualify so text in Draw d a w to 78218 9999 and you will be one of the six qualifiers that they are going to draw from and one of those six people will be in the $100,000 hole inone contest again I think it’s July 3rd at the ranch on our 17th hole 180 yards first one of the 25 qualifiers at dunks one would win $100,000 that’s the deal so text it in right now draw 780 218 9999 Zack tooms on it he’s going to let us know who the qualifier is and stalker 100,000 bucks one swing 180 yards what on 17 of the ranch what club you using one more than you think maybe a club and a half more than you think six irons six iron what you would hit yeah it’s uh it’s a tough green to hit I mean it’s elevated it’s got a sort of a false front to it a little bit yeah and it’s well protected and uh I never I usually never have enough clubs so so that you hit it in the water then if you don’t have enough Club stalker yeah or yeah in water Lots mostly right though I struggle with that all yeah yeah it’s it’s a good one no question well on the other side of the break we’re going to get some golf tips with the two-time Alberta Teacher of the Year Josh Fleming stay with us this is the VIP Golf Show on Evington Sports Talk do not miss the Ardent Roof Systems charity golf tournament been presented by Pioneer golf company canadian-made golf accessories Friday July 5th the ranch golf and country club one of Alberta’s Premier Championship golf courses for sponsorship info or to register go to Ardent roof your round includes breakfast the famous Ranch steak dinner a massive silent auction and a chance to get back to an unbelievable cost the stery Child Life program the art and Roof Systems annual charity golf tournament one of the best tournaments of the summer there’s still time to book your tournament at the ranch dolphin Country Club as one of Alberta’s top Turney courses the ranch makes hosting fun and easy for any group or business no matter how unique or unusual they’ll accommodate your vision for an event no one will soon forget start planning your tournament today at their beautifully landscaped course on the outskirts of West Edmonton on-site event coordinators are here to help but hurry availability is limited and booking fast visit the ranch Trestle Creek Golf Resort Just 4 5 minutes west of emont is one of the best RV resorts in Alberta with a championship golf course Water Park Sports Park and spectacular views you won’t have to leave spend your time relaxing and getting back to the Great Outdoors Phase 5 lots are selling now with prices starting at $889,000 you can live year round or just spend the summer either way Trestle Creek has you covered with plenty of year round activities book your tour or tea time at Trestle [Music] I came in to under par I ended up in the pond again whether you’re an old Pro or just out for fun Devon GF is the course to hit no matter how skilled you are just 30 minutes from Edmonton Devon golf boasts Scenic Valley views and incredible conditions golf 18 Tree Line holes along the Norse es skatan River or if you’re just here for the postgame celebration check out The Greens restaurant for a bite on their patio Devon golf truly a Hidden Gem to book your tea time visit Devon from the fairways of Edmonton to the greens of the BC Rockies you’ll never miss a course with VIP golf VIP golf members enjoy preferred rates at over 75 top courses in Alberta NBC they play 7 days a week and average 40 to 60% off regular rates with no payments due at the course just book with VIP golf show your ID then grip it and rip it with so many courses under one umbrella it’s no wonder that the membership of choice for so many albertans to learn more visit their website today at VIP Acme Scrap Iron and Metals offers fast friendly and reliable service they will supply containers of different sizes to remove all types of metals and for the removal of demolition waste plus they buy steel cast iron copper aluminum brass and more with 48 years in business Acme Scrap Iron and Metals has created a strong commitment to the proper handling of materials and adhere to environmental standards visit Acme scrapmetal tocom for hours of operation and call 78447 1623 to arrange for a container wake up with the neelon show with Dustin neelon and Lieutenant Eric weekday mornings 6:00 to 9: on Emon Sports your logo matters so if you’re going to put it onto something it’s going to be tough enough to be useful tough stuff promotions works as hard as you do to create personalized swag that’s tough enough for your hardworking name whether it’s promotional items branded clothing and industrial work Weare golf or Athletics tough stuff works hard for hardworking folks get the tough stuff you need when you need it for easy ordering call 78047 4545 or visit tough stuff let your perfect day of golf start at the 27 hole Legends golfing country club with pictures views over the river valley and only 4 minutes off the RM Road exit off the hyai The Legends also features a large grass driving te- range and the world’s largest golf car museum visit the Legends [Music] call 78449 4911 this summer across the province Alberta Golf is running Elite amateur championships including an all abilities event for the disabled golfing Community our recreational brand upswing will have events and activations to help all golfers find their fun upswing is offering $220,000 in Grants for your event more at upswing youth on course program has t times for $5 if you’re an avid golfer or new to the game we have something for everyone more at Alberta we return to the VIP Golf Show presented by ardan roofing systems with your hosts Murray mccort and Curtis stalk only on your Clear Choice For Sports Edmonton Sports Talk welcome back to the VIP golf show presented by ENT Roof Systems here on amonton Sports stock thanks for being with us my name is Murray mccor here along with Curtis stock this segment brought to you by the PGA of Alberta looking to shed strokes this summer Alberta’s PGA professionals know their stuff from equipment and Technology to technique they’re your most trusted resource for getting more out of the game you love visit pgf home to thrilling live th bread quarter horse and standard brace standard bread racing action exciting slots and electronic table games vibrant dining and more Sentry mile is the entertainment destination located next to the international airport for more information visit centry and stalker what is your tip of the week this week well I saw a horse running Friday night Murray that was unbelievable performance uh the horse’s name is decoy he uh the track has really been favoring speed he was dead last down the backstretch and he was like four wide and he just came motoring past these horses it was in the journal handicap uh so he was testing the best horses on the grounds and he blew by them under a wrap and uh he’s not going to be uh a long shot but I see a big gear coming out of this horse he’s had 14 career starts six wins 6 seconds in the third uh Olivia kon’s got him this year for Dale and Barb Saunders and decoy is the horse to watch I think all year all right well thanks for that stalker uh always fun to get your tips making some people money that’s right all right well now we’re going to get you some golf tips so maybe you can take some money off of your golfing buddies that sounds good that does sound good doesn’t it and we’re going to be chatting here with Josh Fleming owner of 365 Golf and the two-time Alberta PGA teacher of the Year good morning Josh how are you doing I’m really good today how are you guys doing good Josh all good uh so Josh you and your business partner Tyler lethier both teach out of 365 Golf and Calgary can you tell us a little bit about 365 Golf and what that is all about yeah you bet um I started 365 back uh couple years ago with the vision of just helping golfers be able to enjoy the game so everything that we do at 365 is is modeled around the premise of helping golfers enjoy the game to their fullest uh and have fun doing it so you know in calary here we’re the One-Stop shop for indoor golf uh and indoor golfing needs you know we have a fantastic simulator gameplay experience um humbly speaking I think that we provide fantastic coaching uh by both myself and my partner Tyler and we custom fit Callaway Golf Clubs as well so like I say that One-Stop shop for for indoor golf when it comes to playing uh We’ve created what I think is probably the most immersive experience in the city uh we’ve got 10 55 to 65 inch televisions with an unreal audio visual experience so when you’re there playing golf watching the hockey game as much as I hate to say maybe even watching the Oilers right now um we’re a great place to do you guys got nothing to watch I don’t disagree I don’t disagree I’m chearing for McDavid I’ll tell you that you’ve uh got4 40 fstar reviews on Google with a perfect 5.0 rating now that’s that’s pretty impressive what is it about 365 golf that makes your facility so popular you know what I think it just comes down to um the personalities um in our Center uh meaning the the myself and Tyler putting oursel forward every day trying to offer the absolute best customer service and experience that we can um I know everybody says that but you know we really mean it we want to get to know our clients we want to build friendships with our clients and that’s super super important so everything we do puts the customer first uh and when we coach golf uh I think it’s really important that we put the results of our students at the Forefront and uh it’s really important for us to get results when we coach um because if you don’t uh it’s it’s hard to maintain a customer so I’m really proud of those Google reviews um I only wrote a few of them no jokes of course but I think it does speak to the customer service uh that we provide and putting the customer first and when it comes to the simulator experience simply put man we just try and make it the most enjoyable experience possible uh we’re a small Center very Boutique like just two bays uh only 1,400 square feet so we try and just create that that best experience we can well maray mentioned that you’re the 2021 and 2023 Alberta teacher year en tiers the 2023 PGA Alberta teacher of the year finalist so uh a lot of good credentials there how did those Awards make you feel you know what it’s really good if I were to be honest you know those those awards are voted on by our peers right and uh to know that your your peers are looking you in that light um it means a lot um you know I’ve I’ve put a careers’s worth and more into coaching golf um I have a lot of people to thank for that um definitely my former employer golf Tech was absolutely amazing at uh training and developing the coaching and teaching skills so forever thankful for that toddler was a former golf Tech coach as well so uh those experiences there mean a lot um but the credentials you know what they’re just a they’re just a result of working hard and putting the student first and and that’s what we always do just try to make our students better and then on top of that giving back to the Golf Community uh myself given back as a board member and a committee chair of a couple different committees in the PJ of Alberta and and I’ll continue to do that because I think it’s it’s about more than just coaching good golf to be a good teacher you got to give back and learn from your peers and and share those experiences joining us on the VIP Golf Show presented by ENT Roof Systems is Josh Fleming owner of 365 golf uh now Josh let’s dive into teaching a little more what teaching methods and techniques do you employ to ensure effective and personalized instruction for golfers of all skill levels and with that how do you measure your success as an instructor and coach of the game of golf for sure uh I’m going to take the second part of that question first how do I measure success as an instructor and coach of the game I ask my student the only opinion that matters when you’re coaching Golf and teaching golf is does your student feel as though they are getting better or they have the tools to get better now that second part is important because sometimes we all know as golfers when you’re learning the golf swing it can be quite frustrating and there’s certainly some dips but understand understanding that the student at least knows the tools that they need to employ in their own game to play better um that’s how I measure my success right that that tells me that I’ve delivered the information properly uh in terms of methods and techniques at 365 we employ a lot of Technology we have K coach we have body track that measures pressure in the ground hack motion measures wrist angles if you will through the golf swing uh and also of course we use trackman which uh I believe is one the most fantastic launch monitors out there but it’s one thing to have technology it’s another to use it properly so um when it comes to teaching both myself and Tyler we we interview the student and we really try and understand how is it that that person learns the best if someone tells me that they’re an artist and they love nature and so forth I think that maybe they’re more creative I’m going to be using a lot of visuals here in Calgary uh there’s an abundance of Engineers when I get the engineer come in I know that I need to use some data in coaching that person so that’s how we go about um our teaching style is really catering it to the person in front of us and how we think that that person might learn give me your best tip oh man best tip yeah keep your head down jokes of course um best swing tip you know I think create motion um when golfers are playing poorly we have the tendency to not want to move as much maybe in the back swing we shorten our rotations uh we do keep our head down and that stops us from following through properly so you know one of the better tips I think I could give someone is don’t be afraid to create rotation and motion and a nice Strong finish position um because motion motion helps with distance it can help with club path there’s all sorts of benefits that can come from it and of course Club head speed if you’re doing it right so don’t be afraid to move in the golf swing is there a certain level of player or type of player you enjoy helping the most yeah that’s a it’s a really good question you know at 365 um of course we’re welcoming to every demographic of golfer every style of golfer um but I really enjoy one of the the people that we get in a lot and I don’t know necessarily why it is maybe our website caters to it but is the working professional who needs to start playing a little bit more golf for work uh we get a lot of that here in Calgary you know the 30 to 40 year old fella or lady who’s starting to play a little bit more but now their career is progressing and they’re getting more opportunity to play on the golf course um for social reasons and business reasons and I really really help liking that player get a little bit better and then the second one that you know we teach a lot of here at 365 is um golfers who are getting near retirement whose skill isn’t quite where they want to and they want to play a lot of golf in retirement so helping those golfers create a golf game that will age gracefully um yeah those are those are kind of my two favorites um but again you know there’s so many different types of golfers out there and levels of players I’m happy to help anyone who’s who’s looking to listen joining us on the VIP golf show is Josh Fleming owner of 365 golf in Calgary uh in your experience Josh talk about some of the common challenges that golfers face and what you do to help them fix these challenges yeah um you know one of the common challenges is is golfers who have watched too much social media there don’t get me wrong there’s there’s so many good Clips online um whether it be through Tik Tok Instagram or or Facebook whatever platform you’re watching and there’s some really good personalities online and some really fantastic coaches but there’s also some information that’s not always great so you know understanding and looking at the source I like to help you know student understand hey you know be careful with what type of information you’re listening to online and then helping golfers understand one of the challenges is that hey you need to understand your own golf swing before you can really start to watch social media Clips so that’s that is a common challenge golfers SP these days is um the content that’s online out there and then of course you know the common swing fault in terms of just what I see every day the common challenge of of coming over the top and hitting a Big Slice right open face to path that is by far and way the largest common flaw on the golf swing so lucky for most golfers out there a good coach can can get you on the right path really quickly if you will um no pun intended there yeah you got that see how I did that R I got that that was a good one I like it well most golfers who slice tend to move more and more to the aim left and and that just makes it worse oh Curtis you’re right man it’s it’s kind of this uh Snowball Effect right you you see it fade a little and then you aim a little more left and or right and it’s just you know it’s it’s a hard one to fix for some people but we like trying to do it that’s for sure and the same goes for the person that hooks the golf ball too much right they they start hooking it so they aim too far right and then that exacerbates the problem too and um from a personal standpoint I really enjoy helping the person who over hooks the golf ball because uh we don’t get to do it all the time because so many people slice it but it’s a fun one to help people with for sure why do people slice what’s the what’s the swing fault main one you know what the number one swing fault I’ll give you two uh lack of rotation in the back swing yeah and poor wrist positions at the top right so if you don’t rotate properly you’re forced to use your wrists in an improper way that opens the club face and then from there you have no motion to do except swing across the ball and wave at it as it goes to the right trees that’s right yeah I got one guy I play with a lot he’s got a big slice and when it’s windy look out oh boy well Josh if people are looking to get more information on 365 or getting instruction for you or Tyler how can they connect with you yeah absolutely uh you can give us a call in the center our phone number is 587 333-4485 uh that number is also on our website which is just 365 365 well our question of the week on the show is what’s your bucket list list course that you’ve got to get to and play that you haven’t yet Josh that’s a good question um you know what I’ve played Pebble Beach no I wish I had um I’ve played Pebble Beach on the simulator uh more times than I can count so I’d really like to play there uh and then the other one would be TPC Saw Grass really like to play TPC again it’s one that you get to experience on a simulator quite often so I’d love to play there awesome well are the oers goingon to make it to the standing Cup Final I know you’re a calgarian but are you rooting for us or what you know what I’m a true Alberton too um I’m not an Oilers fan but if if someone’s going to make it I think McDavid and uh his buddies deserve a cup so I’ll cheer for him all right well thanks very much for your time appreciate it as always fine sir right on thank you so much Curtis thanks Murray all right have a good day yeah that was Josh Fleming owner of 365 golf now the qualifier for the Hoin one uh at the ranch for the Emon Sports Talk is Lou from St Albert so Lou is one of six people that are going to be in the drive believe they’re doing it tomorrow is that right Zach tomorrow on the neelon show in the morning Lou is one of six people that have the opportunity to qualify for the $100,000 hole in one and I’m going to get my phone back open here again and let’s see we have for a bucket list course I’d say TPC Scottdale went to the open last year fantastic course go Oilers so that’s another one on the list uh and here’s another text can tell you the Vintage but uh they are definitely original if it’s okay I can oh that’s not even really about this I thought it was but it wasn’t awesome all right well on the other side of the break we are going to go around yeg and chat with Dave gray the general manager of the Devon Golf Club this is the VIP Golf Show on Evon Sports Talk grab your clubs and tea up for the ultimate summer of golf with Country Club tour get access to seven Premier 18-hole courses plus indoor facilities it doesn’t matter if you’re Season Pro or just starting out Country Club tour has a course for every level of golfer get the most out of this golf season at Great Courses like Goose Hummock red tail Landing Sandpiper River Ridge Raven Crest White Tail Crossing or Montgomery Glenn make the most out of this golf season at countryclub every golfer swing is different tailor made Master Fitters customize clubs based on size speed and ability from tour pro to the Casual golfer everyone can benefit from clubs that are custom fit for their game featuring the most extensive range of custom Club components from driver through to putter tailor made performance centers offer one-on-one tour level fittings and trackman launch monitor technology visit the tailor made performance center at the ranch golf and country club to take your golf game to the next level and dial in your equipment for more details and to book your fitting visit tailormade fitting. CA here’s something we bet you didn’t know the hosts of the VIP Golf Show are also published authors that’s right your golf show hosts Curtis stock and Murray mccort both have incredible books out right now search on Amazon for the turot the remarkable story of a horse racing Dynasty by Curtis stock and outside the te- boox my personal journey and secrets to success in the golf business by Murray mccort order your copies today available on Amazon now you know are you a business leader looking to connect with other Business Leaders and grow your business corporate connections is where you want to be with corporate connections you’ll unlock a world of possibilities our platform helps create and accelerate business opportunities where members continuously collaborate to move businesses forward prepare for Extraordinary experiences as members are empowered to expand their Horizons knowledge and perspectives don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow your business locally nationally or even worldwide visit our website at corporate today corporate connections building relationships that matter great news Goose hmck golf resort is now part of Country Club tour just outside the city minutes north of Edmonton nestled admidst nature forest and interlocking ponds you’ll find your tranquil Escape Goose Hummock a first class full service golf experience that speaks directly to Rookies and champions alike twisting Scottish architecture mixes with an Everglade aesthetic to make the goose a Wonder to see and a Marvel to play just visit countryclub to discover how you can make the most of of this golf season goose Hammet Golf Resort the place to be in yeg arant Roof Systems is one of only five companies in western Canada with a platinum preferred contractor status from Owens Corning and the recent recipient of the Owens Corning top performer in award if your roof has seen too many Elbert and Winters it’s time to give Stacy and the Gang from Arden a call from repairs to replacement ardan will take care of you even if you have another quote get them out to have a look for more info hit Ardent roof and you can thank me later the millcraft Bar and Kitchen your spot to unwind after work a place to catch up with friends over local craft beers and Cocktails where you can indulge in incredible dishes like Smash Burgers and brisket always made from Alberta beef the mill craft Bar and Kitchen make the most of your night out and head to the mill drink dine enjoy call up your friends let’s meet at the Mill check out their event calendar to see their patio events where you can enter for a travel voucher to Mexico see the calendar at the Mill cbk doca every goal for swing is different tailor made Master Fitters customize clubs based on size speed and ability from tour pro to the Casual golfer everyone can benefit from clubs that are custom fit for their game featuring the most extensive range of custom Club components from driver through to putter tailor made performance centers offer one-on-one tour level fittings and trackman launch monitor technology visit the tailor made performance center at the ranch golf and country club to take your golf game to the next level and dial in your equipment for more details and to book your fitting visit tailormade fitting. CA immerse yourself in a world where golf intertwines with the historic Valor of the Canadian Armed Forces at the Edmonton Garrison Memorial Golf Club every round connects you with the courageous stories of our military’s past with Fairways set against genuine combat equipment and historic monuments your game becomes a meaningful link to the legacy of those who’ve served and make sure to aim carefully to avoid a memorable shot off a tank get your membership and celebrate the challenge of golf and the honor of our Armed Forces visit egm for more from the fairways of Edmonton to the greens of the BC Rockies you’ll never miss a course with VIP golf VIP golf members enjoy preferred rates at over 70 top courses in Alberta and PC they play 7 days a week and average 40 to 60% off regular rates with no payments due at the course just book with VIP golf show your ID then grip it and rip it with so many courses under one umbrella it’s no wonder they’re the membership of choice for so many Alberton to learn more visit their website today at VIP to the VIP Golf Show presented by ardan roofing systems with your hosts Murray mccort and Curtis stalk only on your Clear Choice for sport Sports Edmonton Sports Talk welcome back to the VIP Golf Show presented by Ardent Roof Systems here on Edmonton Sports Talk I’m Maria mccort here along with Curtis talk this segment brought to you by the twin Willows Golf Club part of Edmonton’s Golf Community since 1965 visit us at Twin Willows and if you are playing at Twin Willows today look out producer Zach playing his first game of his life at Twin Willows today and stalker do you believe it he’s already gambling he already has a bet that’s great that’s got that’s that’s what I like seeing a little action he’s learned from you already stalker another quick text if I’m looking at big name course the old course at St Andrews if you’re looking for more local and more doable courses Predator Ridge Choice good choice it’s amazing Predator tobiano cabat Cliffs and JPL well yeah he’s got a good look that wasek what’s that my wife was at JPL last week and good yeah yeah they cool it was really cold but uh that’s this spring in a nutshell stalker out toes and four jackets well we are now going to head around yeg and welcome Dave gray the GM of the Devon Golf Club good morning Dave how are you doing today can’t hear him Zach what where’s Dave Dave are you there oh there I hear I hear him how you doing Dave I got you good how are you guys yeah are doing well good stuff well hey Dave uh I know you got a big event out there this morning so you don’t have a ton of time but hey you guys uh it sounds like you’ve done a lot of work at your course uh last fall what have you guys been up to in that regard yeah with the uh uh late fall we had uh we’ve been uh doing a lot of tree work around the golf course that’s kind of been neglected over the past three to five years uh at the cor so uh we were lucky enough to have a a great call to do that we actually um we’re in hoodies and t-shirts until middle of November clearing trees so uh we hit about uh five to six holes that uh uh mostly off the teas uh that were growing in and to try and get some uh growth into uh especially our number eight ke box that was really kind of uh closed in so we’ve opened up a bunch of stuff and I think uh everybody’s received it uh awesome when they come out because now we can actually left-handers actually like us now so I have to apologize I was supposed to play Devin on Thursday had it all set up and uh two of the guys that I play with uh wimped out I guess that’s what you say they thought it was too windy so I have to try to get out there next week but I was looking forward to it yeah it it I’ve never seen quite that much wind um down here so probably a good day with u you know with our tree line Fairways and our trees ctis so we we’ll get you just hit me up yeah just uh like speaking of that like I mean you are sheltered so it it the wind doesn’t affect you guys as much as other courses yeah that’s true uh being down in the river valley uh we do get sheltered quite a bit but right when it does come through we know there’s something brewing in the air you’re looking to grow your membership base Devon what what do you offer for membership options yeah this year uh we our our rates did go up a little bit this year but um you know we we we always want to be very affordable for uh anybody within the surrounding areas um you know we’re only 30 minutes from St Albert uh Spruce Grove Edmonton so uh this year uh if you haven’t joined a club or you’re looking to maybe take that jump from paying green fees to uh get a membership you can join us right now for the rest of the season seven days a week for just under it’s 1675 and five days a week so Monday through Friday for just under 1400 so that’s a good price plus yeah it’s uh if you’re looking to join the club and come see what part of vote here we’d love to have you if you don’t join you got a good Twilight rate too oh we have awesome Twilight rids especially I think our lucky thing in Alberta is you know it’s light out until 10 or 10:30 once we get the summer uh but basically after 4:00 you can play for 40 bucks after five o’clock 35 bucks and after six for 30 usually that six o’clock time you’ll be close to getting it all in so that’s pretty good deal how did the cor winter we wintered very well uh we did some different uh fertilized programs um in the fall we we did U fertilize our Fairways uh with fungicide um or I I guess braid um which we’ve never done before and uh we were very happy with the way everything came through uh the greens are in great shape Let’s uh sorry joining us on the VIP Golf Show presented by arnet Roof Systems is Dave gray general manager of the Devon golf club uh talk about your restaurant what can golfers expect when visiting the 19th hole at your Club yeah we’ve uh the last couple years we’ve really tried to make make it a a more kind of atmosphere uh to enjoy a bevy and some food after the rounds so uh we always got great specials on the team does a great job we smoke uh brisket in house uh that’s always a popular item with all our tournament groups and uh even just coming in for lunch uh we have an awesome view with the music plane overlooking our 18th pole so if you’re forth and want to make some bets on those golfers on the 18th green making or missing pot it’s a perfect place to come yeah some people tell me that the best place to eat in Devon is at your course yeah we uh we we’re very proud of the the food and beverage team and the product they put out so um over the last few years we’ve definitely seen it start to um increase uh not only from the golfers but uh just for people looking to go for lunch we’re very happy of that as well let’s talk about the course itself what are uh what are the memorable holes for you on uh at Devon uh there there’s a few uh our n Pole now that we’ve uh we cleared out the left side and the right side trees so uh you can stand anywhere on that tea box now which has opened up a lot more playing area for us okay and it’s a it’s a downhills um uh anywhere from an eight iron to a six iron off that tea and you can actually now see the pond and the bunkers on the left side of the green which is great uh one of my favorite ones is uh the fif ble which you’re kind of up on an elevated te uh hitting to a top of the hill and then it kind of starts to slope down to the green funnel to the green uh and uh 17th hole is a beauty one too we got two large trees that protect the green or the green on that hole and um I’m sure a lot of people in the past were a little irritated by the the tree branches that you had to play pitching wedges under actually um yeah we’ve actually cleared those trees up a little way so actually hit a nice full shot in there now without being penalized or have to play some kind of Mickey Mouse shot I might be getting the uh number wrong but is number four the par five with a green that’s surrounded by water yeah that’s correct Curtis that’s another good uh good par five on our golf yeah I took a big number there I remember very well yeah that’s a tricky one it is a tough hole it’s pretty hole but it’s tough yes yeah yeah it sure is now I I got to go back to your comment that you made a couple questions ago about people actually sit up on your deck and have some cocktails and bet on whether guys on 18 are going to make their putts or not that’s yeah we we have a really good members group uh that plays in the morning so they like to uh they like to jab uh jab at them while they’re putting out there so does get a little competitive for sure well that’s right up stalkers Al you need to get a membership out there stalker because you can sit there and gamble on people make a pot yeah get the profile get the handicap of the guy and check them out and have a long list and sit on the deck and make your best that’s hilarious now now Dave you mentioned uh to me this week that you have an event out there this morning you guys do a bunch of tournaments what what what do you offer in that regard yeah we um we really um since uh I started here we really tried to uh enhance our kind of the tournament experience at the club so we do around 40 to 5050 kind of uh tournaments which we our our tournaments are anywhere from 40 60 to 144 people um so uh during the week you can get that service uh for $105 a player and then it’s 1228 on weekend uh and that’s all in that’s your meal carts um and golf um uh tournament setup with our team uh sponsor holes all kinds of stuff so uh we’ve actually um we’re we’re we’re almost full for our tournament so if you are looking to host one definitely contact us and smoke brisket for the meal that sounds pretty darn good in my books yeah let’s go better popular choice making their buts it does sound like I’m not a gammer at all but that does sound kind of fun do sound fun yeah I like it so Dave if people are looking to get out and play at Devon how can they book a tea time yeah just visit us on the web at Deon golf. CA uh that’s easiest uh click on book at P times it’ll take you right to the booking engine and we’ll get you set up at whenever you want to get out now our question of the day on the show is what’s your bucket list course that uh you haven’t got to yet but you sure need to oh boy um I would probably say across the pond I think uh any golf course across the pwn would be uh on my bucket list for sure all right and one last one for you Emon ERS have two games to win one to get to the Stanley Cup Final are they doing it of course they’re gonna do it of course they’re going to do it all right I I like the confidence Dave well appreciate your time I know you got lots going on out there today so we won’t uh keep you you better get back to work my friend I appreciate it good luck to Zach today um in his first round and uh thanks for in for everything you guys do for golf and Edmonton we really appreciate it awesome well thank you Dave uh we’ll see you this week all right was Dave gray general manager of the Devon Golf and gambling Club I love that I thought I couldn’t stop smiling after he said that I thought that was just so so funny well on the other side of the break we are going to have our open segment where stalker and I will talk all things local golf thanks for listening this is or watching this is the VIP Golf Show on Edington Sports Talk escap the AR and experience golfing Paradise at Coal Creek Golf Resort immerse yourself in our exceptional layout and enjoy excellent conditions that will take your game to the next level challenge yourself with a unique twist tackle the only black sand traps in all of Alberta and why not extend your stay relax in one of our spacious RV lots offering the Perfect Blend of comfort and convenience visit KC now to book your tea time and plan your Unforgettable getaway at Coal Creek Golf Resort your perfect golfing Escape awaits this summer across the province Alberta Golf is running Elite amateur championships including an all abilities event for the disabled golfing Community our recreational brand upswing will have events and activations to help all golfers find their fun upswing is offering $20,000 in Grants for your event more at upswing youth on course program has tea times for $5 if you’re an avid golfer or new to the game we have something for everyone more at Alberto Trestle Creek Golf Resort just 45 minutes west of Edmonton is one of the best RV resorts in Alberta with a championship golf course Water Park Sports Park and spectacular views you won’t want to leave spend your time relaxing and getting back to the Great Outdoors Phase 5 lots are selling now with prices starting at 89,000 you can live year round or just spend the summer either way Trestle Creek has you covered with plenty of yearr round activities book your tour or tea time at Trestle get all the latest news and takes on everything Oilers with Dustin neelen and Tom gazola on the oil stream live at noon Monday Wednesday and Fridays only on Emmon Sports from the fairways of Edmonton to the greens of the BC Rockies you’ll never miss a course with VIP golf VIP golf members enjoy preferred rates at over 75 top courses in Alberta NBC they play 7 days a week and average 40 to 60% off regular rates with no payments due at the course just book with VIP golf show your ID then grip it and rip it with so many courses under one umbrella it’s no wonder they’re the membership of choice for so many albertans to learn more visit their website today at VIP Golf Resort just 45 minutes west of Edmonton is one of the best RV resorts in Alberta with a championship golf course Park Sports Park and spectacular views you won’t want to leave spend your time relaxing and getting back to the Great Outdoors phase five lots are selling now with prices starting at 89,000 you can live year round or just spend the summer either way Trestle Creek has you covered with plenty of yearr round activities book your tour or tea time at Trestle come get your game on at the ranch the ranch lets it all hang out with a championship caliber design Premier conditions and a above all a fun laid-back experience get top-notch service and unmatch value every time you play at the ranch think you have what it takes to go low the best value for your golfing Buck is always the ranch the ranch golfing Country Club 10501 10200 round packs on sale the ranch let your perfect day of golf start at the 27 hole Legends golfing country club with pictures views over the river valley and only 4 minutes off the RM Road exit off the hyai The Legends also features a large grass driving t- range and the world’s largest golf car museum visit the Legends finest full facility 27 hole golf course call 78449 4911 I came in 200 under par I ended up in the pond again whether you’re an old Pro or just out for fun Devon golf is a course to hit no matter how skilled you are just 30 minutes from Edmonton Devon golf boasts Scenic Valley views and incredible conditions Golf 18 Treeline holes along the Norse es skatan River or if you’re just here for the postgame celebration check out The Greens restaurant for a bite on their patio Devon golf truly a Hidden Gem to book your tea time visit Devon with confidence introducing the T 36024 badas refined style meets Elite Performance as a tour 360 wraps you in the confidence to elevate your game crafted from premium materials and boasting Cutting Edge performance this shoe offers the perfect fit maximum comfort and unparalleled performance right now during our Addie buuck promotion when you purchase any 2024 Adidas golf shoe like to 2 or 36024 you’ll receive $50 towards any additional Adidas golf items from the Pro Shop bring confidence to your game we return to the VIP Golf Show presented by ardan roofing system with your hosts Murray mccort and Curtis St only on your Clear Choice For Sports Edmonton Sports Talk welcome back to the VIP Golf Show presented by Ardent Roof Systems here on Edmonton Sports Talk I’m Murray mccort here along with Curtis St the segment brought to you by corporate connections are you a business leader looking to connect with other Business Leaders to create and accelerate business opportunities experience the extraordinary make smarter decisions faster and ultimately grow your business if so corporate connections is where you want to be email executive director Pat stride P stridec corporate or visit the website at corporate and stalker open segment time text in your bucket list course 278 218 9999 let us know where you need to get in play that you haven’t had the chance yet and what about you stalker I I know you’re Crossing something off your list three off my list uh hopefully it works this time in in September uh W was wanted to play cabat Cliffs and cabat links in Nova Scotia cat links and CIT CS are both world renowned they’re Golf Digest had cat links number 35 in the world and cap Cliff number 11 in the world so darn hey I’m looking forward to that and then I’m going to crowbush Cove and Prince Edward Island so take those those three off I still got a couple left though all right what what’s left I mean I’m so jealous of that because we’ll get to mine a second but right there underlined cabit and you’re going yeah so okay what are the other ones on your list well peble Beach and I was stupid uh I was about uh oh I want to say 30 years ago and uh my wife and I were uh at p and uh went in and checked how much it was to pay play and they said 200 and I thought at that time it was too much I never played that was stupid yeah man I never got to play Pebble Beach and now it’s like 800 I think so yeah yeah something like that yeah unbelievable well I mean obviously great choices for sure but but okay so we’ll get in mind because then we’re going to circle back to something you brought it up earlier but for sure on on my list is cabin I mean my goodness gracious is that uh you know in our back backyard I got to get there and my wife went to college out there so it’ be great to College in Nova Scotia so it’d be great to get out there and and visit uh you know that area and get to play those golf courses but cabin is opening a course in BC oh is it yeah I can’t remember Rebel Stoke maybe and that one when that opens that’s pretty close to home I’m getting there I’m going to get there but and is Whitman doing it yeah same same group same everything I’ve seen some pictures already and oh boy does it look good Whitman’s genius yeah so I can’t wait for that but I I got to go with the one like Augusta man like yeah are you kidding me gotta play Augusta and what is the is the studio falling apart Zach what’s going on out there uh well yeah I gotta play Augusta and you know you mentioned earlier that they’re talking about opening it up yeah for10 ,000 Green fee for public play and they thinking about trying it for a year and just seeing what the response is going to be like it be tell you the response is going to be out of this world isn’t it yeah it’ll be full yeah like now but you think about that it’s 10,000 bucks for the Green fee it’s not a cheap place to get to because it’s not like a a plane just flies direct to Augusta Georgia you got to fly from Edmonton you’re going to probably get two connectors and get somewhere and then drive an hour and a half or something like that yeah that’s I took the a bus and a train so okay so if I want to take my wife and play Augusta 20,000 bucks for the two green fees and then and probably 10,000 bucks in travel so it’s a $30,000 hit oh that but it’s austa it’s austa yeah I I just 30,000 might be a little much well don’t invite your wife simp she she might be listening well she might say well you and Curtis go that is a little cheaper she she might I don’t know you know this is how good my wife is though I got invited to go to Augusta to watch the tournament uh I guess it’d be like six or whatever seven years ago my wife was pregnant and my son ended up being born on April 22nd so two weeks before the tournament of course have no idea when the baby’s actually going to come and my wife said oh you got to go you can go and I’m like nope I’m not going because if Luke would have been born when I was gone I had never forgiven myself for that but my wife gave me the green light to go and it was that said no I better better sit this one out you and Scotty I’ve never had the opportunity to go again and someday someday but what do you do well I remember uh when I got to Augusta for the first time I’ve been there four times now and uh cab picked me up at the airport and said where to and I said uh the name of the motel on Boy Scout Road I remember it was on Boy Scout Road and the cab driver shook his head head and I said what is you’re shaking your head what does that mean he said you didn’t get a good one I said he said what are you paying and I said 120 and he said regular 1999 that’s what they charge during the week when there’s no Masters on oh boy isn’t that something well walking Gage local former Ebon orderer goalie he is part of eon Sports Talk I’m buddies with him and he used to play in the miners down there at Augusta yeah and played hockey and he he’s not a golfer really but he just decided he went for a walk one day and just started walking onto the property at Augusta and he said there was Security on him so fast and he said he was lucky he didn’t get like he he had no idea he said I’m just trying to get to the pro I want to buy something and they’re like get out of here and yeah it’s just it’s just a different place it is different and it’s special yeah absolutely hole in ones in the city this week stalker well we only got one hole in one uh Cody Robinson at Trestle Creek uh a gap wedge from 134 yards in number seven on the jackpine nine that’s the only one we got otherwise I guess because of the wind I don’t know but uh we only got one hole in one well yeah because of that wind I’m telling you it’s not easy it’s never easy to get a hole in one but with that wind my goodness gracious stalker it’s making golf pretty darn tough yeah it is it’s way tougher to play in the wind than it is the rain yeah I hear you now uh for local events you were in PG Alberta event and God only knows how but you won it I did with your partner carrying you no words I played I played extremely well it was it was something else like the weather sucked we’re down in olds and we talked about olds last week and Leah was talking about having one of her and talked about the greens and I talked about the greens lastek The Greens at olds are good like un believably good but yeah so the event it was windy as hell what was the tournament it was the PGA mentorship tournament so uh old grizzled veterans like me get paired up with young assistant Pros that are just kind of getting into the business and uh and my mentee is Matt zerone Young assistant pro at Milwood and so he can just use me as an extra reference beside his uh you know the head pro and general manager at Milwood to be able to bounce thoughts and IDE off of me and his career and and things like that and so it’s a mentor menty tournament and it’s it was nine holes scramble nine holes best ball and uh you we we started off he birdies the first hole like I was like oh that’s a good start and then the second hole I didn’t realize he hit his t- shot out of bounds I hit mine just a little bit left and so I didn’t real I thought he was in play I I get after mine felt no pressure because I thought he was he was fine hit it to about six feet and then find out oh he’s out of bounds oh good thing I hit it 6 feet I make the putt oh good and so anyways in the best ball portion I either there two or three under on my own ball in that hurricane wind wearing three layers and had a touque on and and uh just th playing great yeah it was Thursday and then we went on to the scramble portion and you know he made a couple of great putts I made a couple we did make a late Bogey and you know the nerves were starting to get there you can see the leaderboard and and knew that we were right there and we were leading pretty much all day but you know we shook off the nerves and uh you know was pretty fun I haven’t won a PGA event for a number of years and to be in the winter circle is a lot of fun and I got to say one more thing about it they had a couple proximity markers on the tournament I’m not a young guy stalker there was a long drive you win it oh yeah baby really long drive I hit it 360 good for wind assisted though I can’t hit a 360 uh without a little wind at my back but I absolutely pumped it it was a par five and then hit a little uh wedge into about 8 ft and left the eagle putt on the doorstep and had to tap in for my birdie but that was a a fun little hole but it’s a great tournament olds is great get out and play olds it is it is really really worth it but yeah stalker I I got a win I like it a lot of fun and and thanks to to Matt zerone for being my partner and we had we had a great day together and it was a lot of fun good yeah now was that the only local event that was the only local event well should I talk about winning a little more yeah well what about you what did you get up to for golf this week just Victoria in the men’s league the was supposed to play gu I said at Devon on Thursday but the other guys wimped out that it was too windy and uh we played Victoria it was nice day it was Wednesday morning uh 7:46 so no wind it was it was nice yeah well the only other you know what that they’re saying what what they what are they saying at Victoria you got to watch out for for guys coming down and taking cell phones and wallets out of your carts on the back nine you know that hole that goes straight up the hill never played Victoria oh come on you don’t live in Edmonton if you’ve never played Victoria I guess I’m not I don’t live in Edmonton then 12 hole goes straight up the hill anyway you take your cart and you go around and you then walk down to the green on the other side and you also walk down to the next t- box yeah so you sort of elevate it and it’s all surrounded by Bush and I guess they’re waiting in the bushes they come down and they’ve been taking wallets and cell phones so be careful when you’re at the back line at Victoria well that’s not very good no wow yeah you don’t want to you don’t want to see have a situation like that cuz I I I’d be chasing him with my putter yeah me too no kidding yeah the the only other game I played my Sunday match last week stalker I was on fire early I shot 33 on the front in my big Sunday match with KK then jeez this weather we keep talking about man just got nasty rain last Sunday we were getting poured on and my gack meter went in the tank in a big hurry and I didn’t want to be out there anymore I was just drenched I didn’t have my rain suit with me and all wasn’t fun after but 33 on the front stalker then the rest of that’s we won’t talk about yeah not worth it but what about this week anything going on this week for you I’m going to get to Devon you’re going to get to Devon all right yeah I’m also going to try to get the twin Willows those are two courses that got ear Mark to play well this is just not you you played one round of golf you’re retired that’s all you do is play golf stalker and not this week but I get it the weather is just not been good knocking wood I got a good a good week ahead with weather tomorrow a little iffy but playing today my Sunday match so knock on wood we avoid some weather and can actually enjoy playing 18 Holes without getting wet or freezing to death or something tomorrow playing a PGA event at mil Woods oh yeah so always the greasy fast greens at mil Woods is always a lot of fun but the forecast just sucks yeah I know little worried about that then Friday this week get to play in a charity event the smash out Ms tournament that Scotty alapa tinsky puts on that tournament is a barn burer a lot of fun it’s at the ranch and so I am uh a celebrity in the tournament so I get paired up with a group and looking forward to that and having a lot of fun raising some money for uh for MS and good and uh yeah look look forward to that and you know the other thing I want to talk about is up coming next Saturday let’s let’s hypothetically say the Amington orders win tonight or in game seven game one of the Stanley Cup Final is get that out of your head they just win tonight then next Saturday game one of the staning cup final which would be in Florida also home opener of the Evington Elks where they’re celebrating 75 years and who’s who in the zoo of all the superstars from Evington esimo Elks history are going to be in town oh is that right for the home opener now coming I don’t think ke is I got a text from Mike Riley this week he’s coming so he’s get get to hook up with Mike Riley again this week which will be awesome but it what a sports day in Edmonton next Saturday if the Oilers win Oilers game one in Cup Final celebrating 75 years of Evington ES SL Elks history yeah that’s going to be like one of the biggest best sports days in Edington in a long long time y so for sure that is a big one Canadian open stalker you know we talked about it last week are we going to be able to see a repeat of the craziness and the drama and a Canadian winning and all of that we’re probably not going to see that unless we get this big comeback I know our boy will baitman bogey the first two holes today but unfortunately yeah what are your thoughts through three days in a few holes now of the Canadian open this week well Robert McIntyre you got to go with him he’s got a four-shot lead I don’t know much about uh uh the guy that he’s died with but uh McKenzie uses right there so I like to see him do it and uh Rory Rory’s what seven back and uh yeah he played really well yesterday Rory did so he did yeah he’ll probably he’ll probably make a little noise today but he’s too far back to to probably but you know I I have a buddy that is out there at the at the tournament uh right now Daniel wagge is his name and he just went out there by himself and he’s falling around and he keeps texting me videos and pictures and like he’s just raving about the golf course he say I got to get back and play this place it’s just yeah he does and he’s not he’s not the best golfer in the history of the world but he’s telling me this place looks so hard he says I don’t think I could shoot under 20 on this golf course from the te’s they’re playing oh is that right golf country club yeah you’re looking at the scores these guys are posting yeah I mean it’s boy they’re not posting it at the US Women’s Open holy smokes is that course playing hard what what’s the leader at right now I don’t even know what she’s at right now sorry uh but uh the this they’re playing at a stroke average overp par something like two like I mean making the cut I think was plus five and Nelly Corda made a 10 on the yeah on the one hole it’s rated the toughest hole I think she put three balls in the water yeah it’s it’s definitely playing tough and we talked about that when last week when we were talking about the majors Like Us open on the men’s side Us open on the women’s side supposed to be tough but is that too tough is it twoo penal me if you’re shooting uh you know a 100 well nobody on the LPGA is shooting 100 well there’s some big numbers being pull yeah absolutely well we we should check that out in the break and see see what’s leading cuz it’s it’s definitely I I don’t mind that though in a US Open I I think that’s what the us open’s all about yeah make it tough and and let them battle it out and see how it goes well on the other side of the break we are going to talk golf Fitness with Jordan Jesy owner of the project he’s the best in the business in Evon so be sure to stay with us for that this is the VIP Golf Show on Evon Sports Talk this summer across the province Alberta Golf is running Elite amateur championships including an allil event for the disabled golfing Community our recreational brand upswing will have events and activations to help all golfers find their fun upswing is offering $20,000 in Grants for your event more at upswing youth on course program has tea times for $5 if you’re an avid golfer or new to the game we have something for everyone more at Alberta your logo matters so if you’re going to put it on to something it’s going to be tough enough to be useful tough stuff promotions works as hard as you do to create personalized swag that’s tough enough for your hardworking name whether it’s promotional items branded clothing industrial work Weare golf or Athletics tough stuff works hard for hardworking folks get the tough stuff you need when you need it for easy ordering call 78047 4545 or visit tough stuff YT off at the ranch golfing Country Club a fun unique layouts offering Premier conditions the ranch has been ranked as one of the top public courses in Canada unmatched value score Golf Magazine rate at the ranch as the best value in Edmonton the service from tournaments to special events to the Pro Shop Superior Service that makes every visit exceptional the ranch golfing Country Club a laid-back environment where anyone can enjoy an amazing day on the fairways for details visit the ranch here’s something we bet you didn’t know the hosts of the VIP Golf Show are also published authors that’s right your golf show hosts Curtis stock and Murray mccort both have incredible books out right now search on Amazon for the turot the remarkable story of a horse racing Dynasty by Curtis stock and outside the tea boox my personal journey and secrets to success in the golf business by Murray mccort order your copies today available on Amazon now you know Acme Scrap Iron and Metals offers fast friendly L and reliable service they will supply containers of different sizes to remove all types of metals and for the removal of demolition waste plus they buy steel cast iron copper aluminum brass and more with 48 years in business Acme Scrap Iron and Metals has created a strong commitment to the proper handling of materials and adhere to environmental standards visit acesp for hours of operation and call 78447 1623 to arrange for a container let your perfect day of golf start at the 27 hole Legends golfing country club with pictures views over the river valley and only 4 minutes off the RM Road exit off the hyai The Legends also features a large grass driving te- range and the world’s largest golf car museum visit the Legends over all 39s to book your tea time at Edmonton’s finest full facility 27 hole golf course call 78449 4911 immerse yourself in a world where golf intertwines with the historic Valor of the Canadian Armed Forces at the Edmonton Garrison Memorial Golf Club every round connects you with the courageous stories of our military’s past with Fairways set against genuine combat equipment and historic monuments your game becomes a meaningful link to the legacy of those who’ve served and make sure to aim carefully to avoid a memorable shot off a tank get your membership and celebrate the challenge of golf and the honor of our Armed Forces visit egm for more do not miss the Ardent Roof System charity golf tournament presented by Pioneer golf company canadian-made golf accessories Friday July 5th the ranch golf and country club one of elbert’s Premier Championship golf courses for sponsorship info or to register go to Ardent roof your round includes breakfast the famous Ranch steak dinner a massive silent auction and a chance to get back to an unbelievable cost the staly Child Life program the art and rub systems annual charity golf tournament one of the best tournaments of the summer are you a business leader looking to connect with other Business Leaders and grow your business corporate connections is where you want to be with corporate connections you’ll unlock a world of possibilities our platform helps create and accelerate business opportunities where members continuously collaborate to move businesses forward prepare for Extraordinary experiences as members are empowered to expand their Horizons knowledge and perspectives don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow your business locally nationally or even worldwide visit our website at corporate today corporate connections building relationship that matter the mill craft Bar and Kitchen your spot to unwind after work a place to catch up with friends over local craft beers and Cocktails where you can indulge in incredible dishes like Smash Burgers and brisket always made from Alberta beef the mill craft Bar and Kitchen make the most of your night out and head to the mill drink dine enjoy call up your friends let’s meet at the Mill check out their event calendar to see their patio events and plan your night out at the Mill see the calendar at the Mill cbk CA we return to the VIP Golf Show presented by ardan roofing systems with your hosts Murray mccort and Curtis St only on your Clear Choice For Sports Edmonton Sports Talk welcome back to the VIP Golf Show presented by Ardent Roof Systems here on Edmonton Sports St my name is Murray mccort here along with Curtis stock this segment is brought to you by the Stony plane Golf Club whether you’re looking to get custom fit clubs or lessons to improve your swing check out the Stony plane Golf Course at golf quick text uh for The Bucket List golf course payes Valley in the Missouri Ozarks go Oilers from T hup and it is now trivia time our trivia contest is brought to you by tough stuff promotions tough stuff works as hard as you do to create personalized swag that’s tough enough for your hardworking name call 78047 4545 or visit tough stof for all your logal merchand needs the winner of the contest will get a custom fitting from the tailor made performance center and a gift card to the Kake Steakhouse and bar with five locations around Edmonton why why not tonight and the trivia question this week is well with the Canadian opens final round today we naturally have a Canadian open trivia question last year as we all know Nick Taylor won with that 1,000 foot part who is the previous Canadian to win the Canadian open before Nick Taylor who is the previous Canadian to win the Canadian open and you have to go a long way back cuz it happened years 1954 1954 that’s right all right so if you want to get in on that text in to 78218 9999 who won the Canadian open prior to Nick Taylor and we welcome Mr Jordan Jessie to the show how are you this morning jordo I’m doing great gentlemen how you guys doing good yeah all good here now I got to say Zach our producer said is this a spelling mistake you hear have here on the project so so it’s not a spelling mistake is it jordo it’s not a spelling mistake no that that’s just your business no e in Project how come well hey you know what just make some uh just like your producer Zach he’s asking about it talking about it right uh when we started it we wanted obviously the project for us when I started the gym is to kind of change the perspective of how people view their their bodies and Lifestyles as a series of projects working to improve upon and create something new but um we just wanted to change it up a lot of Brands kind of taking out vowels and different things like that so uh we decided to do the same just to kind of stick out so well that’s awesome now Jordan you are a golf specific train I mean you work with other people too but you love working with golfers tell us why I love it um I love the game myself I got into it after I stopped playing kind of football basketball um some injuries and kind of got into my kind of early mid 20s fell in love with the game fell in love with the process of of uh kind of dissecting the game and and um and just kind of you know you can play a course so many different ways and so when I got into um doing golf specific training with golfers it was a lot of fun because a it was a great way for people that you know maybe just played golf and they didn’t do much other training in a little set entry in the rest of their lives they kind of have something to train for and so it really allowed we got a lot of um uh kind of middle-aged gentlemen especially and women coming in they’re like hey this is what I do this is what I you know I’m retired now um but I know I need to take care of my body a little bit more um and if I can do that and get better at golf then what better way to do it and then it’s just it’s really cool for the golfers like when you can really kind of um see the the light bulb kind of go off and connect right when they’re you’re going through some Mobility stuff showing them hey if you have a hard time doing this this is how it’ll show up in the golf swing and they’re like oh yeah that’s what I do and it’s just uh it’s just a lot of fun so what do you think the most important thing is for golfers to work on uh there’s a number of things but I think one of the biggest things that we try to do with the project is create more movement awareness yeah um so give our give our golfers a higher movement IQ on how they personally and uniquely move um and then how that directly affects the golf swing so um you know we’ve had a lot of golfers I’ve worked with a lot of range of golfers from beginners to to Pros um and so just giving them that understanding and awareness of of you know breaking the body down in different moving parts and how it all kind of um fits back together and then again like I said you kind of see that light bulb go off like oh yeah that’s I’ve been trying to turn for my hips more I’ve been trying I thought I was moving from my teeth spine but I wasn’t this is actually what t-spine or upper back movement feels like and should look like um and all those pieces come together so that’s very important for sure what’s the process like for golfers when they come in and see you yeah so when a golfer comes and see us we start every golfer off with a TPI movement assessment so TPI is the Titleist performance Institute uh one of the leaders in golf health and fitness around the world and so a lot of tour Pros um have TPI professionals from swing coaching to Medical practitioners to um Fitness professionals like myself on their team and so we’re going to take bring a golfer in we’re going to take him through a movement assessment like I mentioned already and how um take him through some Mobility stuff and show them how what kind of limitations they may have in their body and how that will directly affect the golf swing uh we have a full swing uh launch monitor and hitting Bay in the gym um so we’ll get them on the launch monitor hit some balls um kind of just see how their body is moving um we’re not trying to make any swing Corrections and things like that we’ll leave that up to the pros but then we bring them and we take them through some exercises some foundational exercises um some core stuff some hip stability stuff and then we’ll have them hit some balls again and so from that kind of little test retest um and seeing the difference of the two swings we can start to see just some little changes and again once they have more awareness of the positions they’re in um to then rehit again they’re like oh yeah I can feel that I can feel this um and we can Ser sometimes see some differences right on that full swing launch monitor with just some of your just some of the numbers the swing speeds and and distances and stuff so that’s the the main process and then we every golfer leaves with a foundational program so it’s about a 60 to 75 minute process and they leave with a program um and then we have a whole um kind of setup after that that if golfers want to take it to the next level um we have a whole thing that they can continue and make progress on so what type of improvement should golfers expect if they come in and and you guys work with them yeah like I said like the biggest thing is awareness right so we there’s something called pelvic tilting so we always talk about kind of like our our we’ll have a lot of golfers come in and be like hey like I know I need I feel like it’s all in my core and even though we like most of us need to work on our core strength it’s not necessarily always the case but when we take some golfers through we talk about kind of like ribs stacking over pelvis and we call it like our canister position and so we’ll take our ass athletes through some awareness of how to move their pelvis and their rib cuge effectively so that a when they’re hinged over for a long time in the golf swing they’re now in a better stronger position so their you know back doesn’t start to take over later in the round and things like that um and so once they have that awareness they almost every single golfer leaves be like oh yeah like that kind of pelvic tilting that that kind of reinforces my core that breathing and bracing makes a massive difference not only in their golf game but in the rest of their lives they sit at a death job quite AIT bits or whatever it is that they do we need that strong foundational core and kind of our hips in our in our core to be able to you know withstand everything else in life and so that’s usually number one thing that we focus on and that our golfers start to really feel a difference is like yeah like my you know my low back doesn’t hurt as much when I wake up or when I play golf or other activities and that’s huge so just it’s not only going to help your golf game but it’s goingon to help your your overall way of life yeah yeah I got a bad back I got two bad knees and my neck is hurting I’ve been going for physio on my knee my my bad knee was bad there’s no ligaments left in it I tore them all and the right knee now is uh getting bad too so I’ve been going for physio and doing exercises and trying to build up the muscles in the around them let just old stalker I know I know now uh joining us on the VIP Golf Show presented by AR Roof Systems is Jordan Jesy owner of the project uh with golf Fitness training now Jord as you know I’m a fitness junkie so in season here’s my question for you part of Fitness is mobility part of Fitness is cardio part of Fitness is lifting prioritize that in season yeah so I guess it all depends right is the the type of golfer so if I’m talking to a professional or competitive golfer we’re going to be focusing on their schedule and kind of what they what it looks like right so a lot of Pros if they’re you know doing a practice round early in the week and then they you know they play Thursday Friday if they make the cut we’re going to do like you know a lifting Day on on the Monday or Tuesday right just something light just low volume but still kind of keep that intensity up and then we’re going to be working on again just lots of recovery Mobility but a lot of stability stuff so um whenever we mobilize a joint we always want to stabilize it afterwards so a lot of times what the issue is you know we do a little bit of stretching we do a little bit of foam rolling or whatever it is to kind of mobilize something but we need to Now teach our body how to maintain that new range of motion so creating lots of stability work is going to be important if you’re average golfer that’s getting out you know a couple times a week I have some golfers you know it’s funny it’s like I don’t want to be sore for my round I get it but you know you’re not a professional golfer let’s still think about Golf and life at the same time let’s find ways to prioritize it so um your your workouts in the gym don’t have to be 6090 minutes long right you can just do we give golfers we have a free Mobility uh group that we um just add golfers too so if anyone’s interested in that we can get them on board with that but um you know do 15 minutes here of some stability or just do a quick little strength set just to keep things up and going especially if you have a busy summer and then in the fall when things slow down or we don’t have as much going on that’s where we can kind of push it a little bit more and then again thinking about your Fitness is it’s cyclical right and it’s not always about burning calories losing weight there’s times and seasons for different things and um it kind of all depends on what our golfers kind of main needs are for sure does this type of work help in other areas of life just beyond the golf course yeah absolutely I think honestly the biggest thing like anyone that comes into the gym um is going to benefit from the stuff that we do um whether you’re a golfer or not and so we just look at this stuff through the lens of the golf swing if someone came in is a you know as a hockey player or a baseball player or whatever it is I can view it in the lens of that specific sport um but again the main focus is to get you moving and feeling better on and off the course so getting your joints your back your hips everything moving better the majority your average golfer coming into the gym just needs better Mobility doesn’t even have to be quote unquote golf specific or golf focused it’s just like hey that hip isn’t moving the way we want to and as you’re turning through your gol swing it’s pulling on your low back and that you know fires up and around the 15th hole you start you know having back pain or spasms yeah so just in general as a human being you need more hit mobility and then that’s what we’ll work on right and so as the golfer gets better as the golfer is a more experienced or more competitive golfer that’s where we need to be really more dialed in as coaches um because we’re trying to find that extra one or two% of things that can kind of you know uh separate them and get a Competitive Edge U but for your for your average golfer just getting them in obviously we have specific quote unquote golf moves and and drills um that are that will help but um in the end anything anyone coming in is going to get the benefits across the across the board do you have any uh resources for golfers to check out yeah like I mentioned earlier we have uh free Mobility free Mobility group so we have t-spine hips shoulders all sorts of stuff um golf warm-ups and so that’s a free group that we just a free resource that we just give to our golfers um so if you guys wanted to just email at Jordan Jesy the easiest one to kind of get to um I can send you the link for that it’s also on our Instagram and Facebook Project golf p r o JCT golf um and just reach out to us on there and we can uh send you the link and and join the group and join our community so Jordan our question of the week on the show is what’s your bucket List golf course that you haven’t got to that you you’re you’re dying to get to oh man um I just had some buddies that like yeah he just got back from Bandon Dunes so I would say we were kind of chatting about his experience and it’s definitely on the list so I would say banon Dunes would be yeah a trip I’d like to get on to get out all right we’ got what how many courses are been in Dunes now 11 is it that many they aot yeah there’s a lot now stay there for two weeks and and yeah exactly and get it done all right one last one for you George Oilers are they going to be playing for the Stanley Cup Championship man they look good man I think like like Dr Sidle said our best beats anyone’s best they look really good full 60 Minutes the other day so I am pretty confident with the last two games that we’ve had going into tonight all right um the boys seem a lot more resilient so let’s go Oilers all right well thanks for your time thanks thanks fellas I appreciate it all right have yourself a good one all right stalker trivia question what was the answer the answer was Pat Fletcher in 19 54 he was the uh previous Canadian after Nick Taylor to win the Canadian open so awesome all right the winner congratulations to Patty drozak I will reach out to you and get you your prize and so that uh wraps up another week of the VIP Golf Show so thank you so much for tuning in to our show presented by Ardent Ruth systems here on Edmonton Sports Talk we appreciate your support you can find us on Twitter at Curtis jto or myself at Marie mccort next next week on the show we will chat with Randy Rob to preview the mikkelson Invitational golf tournament lots of great golf going to be happening down there at that event we’ll chat with Craig K to preview the US Open Bob mcder to discuss opportunities in golf for those with disabilities we’ll get you some golf tips from local Mike Belin at the Royal Mayfair and we go around yeeg and check in with the Trestle Creek Golf Resort so hopefully the weather’s a little bit better this week you get out and play some golf and be sure to tune in next Sunday morning right here Edmonton Sports Talk for the VIP Golf Show have a good one are you a business leader looking to connect with other Business Leaders and grow your business corporate connections is where you want to be with corporate connections you’ll unlock a world of possibilities our platform helps create and accelerate business opportunities where members continuously collaborate to move businesses forward prepare for Extraordinary experiences as members are empowered to expand their Horizons knowledge and perspectives don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow your business locally nationally or even worldwide visit our website at corporate today corporate connections building relationships that matter escape the ordinary and experience golfing Paradise at Cole Creek Golf Resort immerse yourself in our exceptional layout and enjoy excellent conditions that will take your game to the next level challenge yourself with the unique twist tackle the only black sand traps in all of Alberta and why not extend your stay relax in one of her spacious RV lots offering the Perfect Blend of comfort and convenience visit KC now to to book your tea time and plan your Unforgettable getaway at Cole Creek Golf Resort your perfect golfing Escape awaits there’s still time to book your tournament at the ranch golf and country club as one of Alberta’s top tning courses the ranch mak’s hosting fun and easy for any group or business no matter how unique or unusual they’ll accommodate your vision for an event no one will soon forget start planning your tournament today at their beautifully landscaped course on the outskirts of West Edmonton on site and coordinators are here to help but hurry availability is limited and booking fast visit the ranch your logo matters so if you’re going to put it onto something it’s going to be tough enough to be useful tough stuff promotions works as hard as you do to create personalized swag that’s tough enough for your hardworking name whether it’s promotional items branded clothing industrial work Weare golf or Athletics tough stuff works hard for hardworking folks get the tough stuff you need when you need it for easy ordering call 78047 4545 or visit tough stuff do not miss the Ardent Roof Systems charity golf tournament presented by Pioneer golf company canadian-made golf accessories Friday July 5th the ranch golf and country club one of Alberta’s Premier Championship golf courses for sponsorship info or to register go to Ardent roof your round includes breakfast the famous Ranch steak dinner a massive silent auction and a chance to get back to an unbelievable cost the staller Child Life program the art and Roof Systems annual charity golf tournament one of the best tournaments of the summer I came in to under par I ended up in the pond again whether you’re an old Pro or just out for fun Devon golf is the course to hit no matter how skilled you are just 30 minutes from Edmonton Devon golf boasts Scenic Valley views and incredible conditions Golf 18 treelined holes along the Norse es skatan River or if you’re just here for the postgame celebration check out The Greens restaurant for a bite on their patio Devol truly a Hidden Gem to book your tea time visit Devon of the VIP Golf Show are also published authors that’s right your golf show hosts Curtis STC and Murray mccort both have incredible books out right now search on Amazon for the turot the remarkable story of a horse racing Dynasty by Curtis stock and outside the t- boox my personal journey in secrets to success in the golf business by Murray mccort order your copies today available on Amazon now you know from the fairways of Edmonton to the greens of the BC Rockies you’ll never miss a course with VIP golf VIP golf members enjoy preferred rates at over 70 top courses in Alberta and BC they play 7 days a week and average 40 to 60% off regular rates with no payments due at the course just book with VIP golf show your ID then grip it and rip it with so many courses under one umbrella it’s no wonder they’re the membership of choice for so many albertans to learn more visit their website today at VIP tea up for your best golf season yet hone your skills and improve your game at the Country Club golf tour Academy it doesn’t matter if you’re a Season Pro or just starting out Country Club tour offers the best lesson programs for every level of golfer take your skill set to a higher level and train with their simulators launch monitors and PGA of Canada’s teaching professionals you can train all year long at their seven golf courses and Indoor Golf Center sign up for lessons with the CCT Golf Academy today and countryclub

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