Golf Players

Welcome Back Reception: 2024 PGA Championship

all right well once again thanks for being here everyone um we will uh start out with some questions that got turned into to us and some that we came up and then we after we’re going done going through these we’ll open the floor to any questions that you may have so uh we’ll get started here Jeremy Chan how was this year’s preparation for the PGA Championship different from last year’s being that you’ve already been there so first of all thank you to everyone for being here um Cypress like’s home for me and when I go up there and you can see all the video I mean it’s a long week every day is extremely exhilarating and really difficult uh I got to go back to my caddy Chris black at the bar like caddy um he was with me in Texas for like seven nights seven days at the qualifier for this 9 days later I got to Balla I was there for seven or eight days I mean it’s not my day job a lot of effort goes into it it’s great to have the club behind me um and to feel the support from all of you while I was up there so thanks for that and thanks for being here it really [Applause] matters as far as how last year was different from this year I think I had a better understanding of how busy it is in those nine days between the club pro and the PGA um I didn’t do as many interviews before I kind of said no or ignored a couple more things which gave me a little more time to just get my energy up and uh I didn’t play quite as many practice rounds and I think that really helped me to just conserve energy um whether it’s going good or it’s going bad like emotions are really high at an event like that and it’s very difficult so I played a little less and uh took a little easier the main differences um how would you say oakill golf course was different from valal has anyone played oakill here Valhalla anyone played both um Oak Hill for those of you played there I think a big group went up last year by the way if you need anything in Bill ask for uh just say Tom Turner and it’ll be delivered right to you um the fairways are fast and they’re sloping and the rough’s thick so any shot that’s not hit perfectly off the te goes into the rough and you can’t really Advance it to the green no matter what so there’s a lot of like Auto bogeys or pitching it out to 80 yards trying to get it up and down Valhalla pretty much wherever you hit it you had a chance to get the ball up on the green or near the the green so it just played a little wider and longer but the big difference it’s just more room and uh par pies were a little easier what would you say your favorite moment of the week was there’s a lot I could probably give one each day um you saw it on the video I chipped that ball in on Friday afternoon it was my eighth poll about 40 minutes before that I was 4 under par for the tournament I was probably like top 20 and when I Shi that ball in i’ gone from four under to one over already and I was kind of dropping back and uh I didn’t hit a very good shot to end up right there and if I make bogey there and go to two over I got 10 holes to play the cuts going to be one or two under it’s going to be kind of tough sledding and I worked really hard on my pitching um it’s gotten so much better and when I made that chip I was back to even par one shot out of the cut line and when the ball went in it’s a hard shot and when it went when it went in my wife my kids my parents were like directly behind the hole and uh it’s very memorable I got a lot of good videos of that but I I just pointed right at my daughter who uh was like jumping up and down it was really cool so that was that was when it kind of turned uh back to being good I guess your your family was in the the right place at the right time that just kind of fueled you to put the pedal to the metal and and get back on track and finished the the next nine what one 100 200 I think I was couple under after that I made the cut by two or by actually you only played seven of the next nine ho on that front side right yep we all know what happened after that we’ll get to more questions in regards to the weight and had to take go through to make the cup all right next question we’ll get we’ll get to that I’m sure it’s com um what were you thinking on number 13 on the last day when your playing partner toasty pulled out his driver and drove the green first off what were you thinking before he hit the shot I think I just bogey the last hole so I wasn’t thinking much good um the 13th hole of noala is like a 250 yard layup off the te and then a lob wedge to the green and it’s an island green like 17 at Saw Grass so if you miss the green you’re in the water the carry is probably 300 20 30 yard something like that to the front of the green but it’s downhill and when I was walking up up to the tea I was thinking like I wonder if they’ll move this tea up you know it’s the last day would they ever make this like a 300 yard hole so people could go for it and I walked up the hill and the tea was where it normally was and uh there’s a great video of me and my caddy when toasty pulled out driver and I always wear sunglasses so you never tell what I’m doing but uh like this will be interesting and we kind of smirk that he just launches this ball there’s 500 people around nobody knows like I don’t know what they’re thinking and he just hits it as hard as he can it never leaves leaves the flag nobody claps we don’t know anything and uh he takes out his rang finder he’s Argentinian and uh he just starts he just yells it’s you know it’s 10 ft from the hole and the whole crowd just cracks up I mean it was really it was a cool moment you watched it on it was all over social media when I finished it was really cool pretty cool be their firstand to see that yeah um on you get to play a practice round with Scotty Sheffer and Max H tell everybody how that came about or how you stbl upon being able to play a practice round with the number one player in the world yeah so Wednesday at like 11:00 I went up to the 10th hole I wanted to play nine holes and pretty much Wednesday is the day before the tournament nobody’s going to play 18 holes there’s too many people there it’s too slow so I wanted to play the back so I walked up the hill to number 10 and they were like I didn’t have anybody there’s like 10 golfers there waiting to tea off so for them goes and um another group’s on the tea and I’m kind of like behind that and I was talking to a golfer named Ben Griffin and Ben said he was going to play with Max and Scotty and obviously I figure that’s Scotty Sheffer and somebody else and I figured I would just follow them so like 10 minutes later they’re next still on the tea and Scotty shuffler caddy comes over and shakes my hand Ted Scott introduces himself Max H introduces himself we put my bag on the tea and cuz their fourth like wasn’t going to show up and in the blink of an eye there’s 5,000 people around watching this practice round and uh you know part five driver it was a good hole to start on I guess it helped maxom hit it like hit this nasty like slice into the trees he hit first so I actually hit the Fairway and uh we tea off right and Scotty Sheffer still hasn’t gotten to the tea so we’re like 200 yards up the Fairway and Sheffer Just Hits over our head into the Fairway which the crowd like loves and uh introduc UC myself and off we went it was it works out like that happened really quickly but that was one of the best things I did all week to get to play with those guys cuz on Wednesday I mean I don’t know if any of you could imagine hitting a ball in front of this entire room right now with everybody watching you um but like times 50 with the best golfer in the world in another great golfer there’s nothing to get me more like nervous or pumped up than that right well that was just a practice round so when I teed off Thursday morning it was like 30 people watching and I knew like 20 of them you know so it felt it was work it worked out really well for me another time being in the right place at the right time sure um did you speak to Scotty after the incident I I did not catch him for a comment after the incident and uh being that his charges were dropped today did you have anything to do with that that was very interesting to wake up to on Friday morning um how was it playing with Martin kimer and Tyrell Hatton on Saturday so Martin kimer um very quiet very hard worker you can tell great player I think he won a couple Majors number one golfer in the world he and Hatton are both live now so that was interesting to like play with them and sort of see what they were wearing they have all lived year they don’t wear Callaway they don’t wear Brands they play whatever clubs um the kimer was kind respectful funny world class golfer um Hatton to play with he’s a tough pairing because like the 30 seconds before he hits and the 30 seconds after you basically just have to try not to listen to anything he says um for instance Par Four was this driveable par 4 he hit it to like 20 ft I hit it left in a hazard takes like 10 minutes to get a rolling I drop hit this pitch off dirt pass the pin spins back to like eight feet I have eight feet for par I hit a great shot I can still make par he hits it to 20 ft he misses his putt by an inch TAPS in for birdie and it just goes on a tie rate about alter balla is and so for but then I got to make this eight foot like I got to make my fifth six-footer in a row for par just like trdy water out here this guy’s just crushing me and he couldn’t be any more miserable but in between shots fantastic and he stood out to me like um obviously Scotty Sheffer is the best golfer in the world but I thought TL hatton’s game I’d never seen any anything like it with how well he could control the golf ball I mean there’s zero thoughts this guy’s like a Sant and just what he’s able to do um I never experienced it I thought it was really really cool um on Friday night what was it like going to sleep with two holes still to play having you had to do plus one or better on those two holes to make the cut what were what were you thinking about a lot um that was a tough deal I mean it was a bit of a bad break not that it happens when you play there’s a wave either to you off early late or late early on Thursday Friday and there can be weather there can be delays and I left Valhalla long story short my 16th Haul on Friday um I was within the cut line I had three easy holes to play for that Golf Course and it took me like an hour or plus to play my 16th hole because there’s a big ruling in front of us and then the horn blew for darkness when I was on the green so we had to come back the next morning um had that delay not happen or the rolling I would have finished that round I would have made the cut I would have gotten to tea time at like 10:00 or 11:00 I would have been able to sleep but instead I left balla at 9:40 at night and I was back at uh like4 to 6: in the morning and and as far as what it was like uh you can think some pretty poor thoughts when you have to make two fars to accomplish the biggest accomplishment of your entire career um I remember waking up at like 3 I didn’t sleep very well I woke up at like 3 and I was just like you could birdie both holes and that’s all I thought about until I went back to sleep and then I woke up again and you know it was it was pretty pretty tough uh warmed up in the dark went to the te supposed to te at 7:15 ball rolled in and uh went back to the clubhouse I don’t think I hit the played those two holes until like 10:00 that morning or 9:45 and that took a lot of energy out of me for sure so going after you make the cut y you got a little bit of time in between the second and third rounds what what did you do to pass that time and and how’d you deal with it so I never relaxed until I made this like 15inch putt to make the cut I mean even that feels hard at the time um and I walked up the hill hug my wife kids we have a great video of it when I made the cut I mean that’s the biggest accomplishment imaginable for clu Pro um so cool signed my scorecard that was at 1050 and there was a little note right there next to the scorecard that said the first tea time for uh the third round is going to be at 1120 so that’s 1050 something and the first tea time’s at 1120 but nobody knows their tea time yet because there’s still golfers on the golf course so again would have been nice to like Catch My Breath but we just went down to the range and hit a couple balls there were like a well not 100 but there’s probably 50 golfers on the Range just waiting to see when their tea time is cu if they call you to the first tea you got to go um I ended up getting like two hours and in that time you know got some food tried the rest got some food tried to rest and uh s hear you can’t hear sounds that’s working got some food tried to rest and uh teed off for my third round probably at 1 and I was exhausted it’s great time of my life Birdie the first two holes or something I’m like the guy now and it was like being it was like my kid being in arcade for like eight hours I mean I just I think it just finally crashed so it was a lot a lot of uh it was a lot of stuff also with you had a lot of delays throughout the entire week um what did you do to pass the time in those delays even during the practice round just do your best try to plan it out try to keep eating keep drinking food try to stay try to not think about it uh stay positive Chris and I in Texas this it was a really good prep in Texas we uh I don’t know ate a lot of food dehydrated uh it’s just a it’s incredibly taxing on on me with these delays with the amount of time that goes into this because it’s not what I’m used to right I think these guys you know you have good weeks you have bad weeks you have weeks that take longer weeks that go to plan and they’re kind of used to it but in this case yeah those delays are they’re very very difficult to feel any sort of routine or schedule you’re just at the mercy of whatever Scotty Sheffer getting arrested I don’t know whe um favorite hole I I like the golf course overall I can’t say I had a favorite a hole I like that little island o it’s memorable 13 it’s not too gimmicky it’s really pretty um there’s a lot of gry holes at that place I really enjoyed the course um you you show me these sh all right you showed you can play with the guys on tour at the championship um nothing take away from you but what would you say is different between your game and the guys on tour so the biggest thing I’d say three things um one is like to use a fancy word dispersion or variance like they’re bad shots are better than my bad shots not all of them not every time but playing with Scotty sheffler he’s like leaning over here and from 220 yards and his ball goes to like 25 ft and he makes it right I’m leaning like this and my Ball’s like on the edge of the property line over here is what it feels like sometimes um so I think just tighter misses um these golfers I I hope I explain a little bit about somebody like Hatton who was a little better than I realized he’s not sweating it he’s not if he doesn’t play well he doesn’t play well he’s going to be an elite worldclass golfer next year in a few years he’s still going to be better than everybody except the top I don’t know 20 players in the world and he knows that I’ve had to like build this thing up you get better and better while I’m working a day job so I think someone like him probably has a touch more confidence coming into a major championship test than I do so which is natural I mean it’s getting better this this was huge for me but I would say their misses are better probably a little more confident which is obvious um and I think because of that they don’t waste as much energy um sweating the cut line or playing practice rounds or having range sessions after their rounds like I got to do really good to play their all four days and those guys I think they’re looking at more as season long um you know race to continue to improve and have a great year and they can kind of take it a little easier and I think that helps on uh Saturday or Sunday I was kind of the happy to be be here guy on Saturday and Sunday for this year absolutely um I think it’s working out uh if everyone probably followed Jeremy along on the uh shot tracker for the championship Y and you might have known the last round on uh on number 18 it went way left you want to explain that to them to everybody here that it wasn’t really that bad of a shot so if you guys remember Tiger Woods had a really good battle with Bob May at the PGA Championship at Valhalla um tiger won then Rory won and then this year Xander won so this was two times ago tiger was playing against B May who was kind of a normal PGA Tour player and on the 18th hole tiger hit driver left and if you haven’t seen this go watch the replay it’s unreal his ball like hit this cart path went forwards into this really bad area and like 3 seconds later the ball just shot like straight out and it was fine and it’s always been speculated that someone like threw the ball out or it’s very mysterious there’s no good camera angle but he got like the best break in the world so I birdie 17 which was great I play my last to of aala the place is packed where the first group out and I hit the same sort of Drive kind of just a little Pole to the left and I just walk off the T box and start walking down the Fairway I know I’m in the left rough it’s fine and the ball either hit a shotlink tower which is what tracks all the golf shots or like the corner of the cart path and it ricocheted like ERS went kind of this way mine went like 70 yard straight left into the worst place you could put a golf ball I believe it said into the Unown it’s very unknown and I don’t know how they found the ball um I don’t know how I got to the ball physically but I got over there and it’s going to be an unplayable no way I could even I could hardly pick the ball up much less hit it and when you take an unplayable you can take two Club lengths and a penalty and hit from there and that was that was not going to be helpful um or you can take the flag and where you are and you can go straight back on that line so I’m like looking around and uh I see the entrance Road ironically like right up from where Scotty shuffer got arrested the day before and it’s kind of like Valhalla me Entrance Road like back by the red teas on number one pretty much at our golf course but I know I can go there and then I can hit it over all these people and trees and like get back onto the golf course and it would be better than going to the tea like I get them all further so we have like two officials thousand people and uh they’re helping us yelling laugh I don’t know it’s a low moment but I end up over here on the road and the grass is like this thick and then it’s the road so obviously I have to drop the ball on the road which you can hit a ball off the road fine but I have to move the we’re moving these like metal barriers just what this round to be over with like I want to go home I want to do this right and I have a rangefinder I know that this tree up here if I hit it 120 yards past this one tree it’s going to get me to the fair away so long story short I’m hitting five iron off the entrance Road for my third shot dead sideways just to get back to the Fairway traffic’s been sto for like five minutes I hit yell at my caddy and uh start walking back through the bushes back up the hill everybody’s cheering yelling it’s ridiculous well Jim Nance apparently was sitting in a golf cart from me to that wall just watching this whole thing cuz he’s trying to get up the hill it’s like 12:00 in the morning it’s 12:00 noon he’s trying to get up the hill to do coverage of the afternoon and he’s just watching this whole spectacle it is cart and I really wish I would have seen him because I think I would have broke character and asked him to call my shot you know to just give you a little but uh yeah that was 18 and then I chopped it around in the rough and it was a it felt like an eight it looked like an eight it was an eight it was fine um that concludes my questions any questions from the floor I’ve got one Mr Anderson yeah I when you were playing with Scotty being the instructor you are did you have anything to say about his footwork the question was when you played with Scotty and being the instructor you are you have any say anything to say about his footwork I did not have anything to say about his footwork other than it’s perfect did toasty sit down did toasty sit down I he was great I didn’t see anything you know we’re like bottom of the field do sweeping on the last day I don’t think he was as intense as normal he was fine fun to play with super talented he hits it like 30 past me which nobody does I would say distance wise I um my boss it’s like 178 180 distance-wise uh top 30% out there when I hit it definitely top 40% and that guy I mean he smoked me he’s like close to bryon’s level distance-wise and he’s 5 five but no I didn’t nothing crazy anybody else yeah over here Mr towns Jeremy so if you put the time in that they put in where you where would you put yourself in in that category like top 50 top 100 if you had the coaches if you had the the team if you had the time that they put in where would that put you all right so the question was if you had the time the coaches where would where would that that puts you amongst all of them I mean it’s a really good hypothetical um but I I’ll deflect a little bit I love my family I love our lifestyle I love my career here at cypess Lake um but I really love competing and improving so at the club pro level of golf um I also just made the PGA cup which is the top 10 Club Pros in the country we play a Ryder Cup against Europe it’s on TV it’s in Oregon it’s every two years [Applause] um my wife she has to buy a gala dress for the evening with the Europeans I mean it’s the same format and the same event as the actual Ryder Cup so there’s there’s things that I’m still unlocking while doing this kind of my way that are plenty for me to pursue um as far as playing full I mean I can get a coach I can do more within my sort of life and that’s kind of more how I would look at it as far as just hanging it up but trying to play fulltime I’ve done it before and I wasn’t nearly as good as I am now but I at this point in my life it’s not really a active thought next Mr Stevens you have a comment just so St and I Steve and I were there and it’s really pretty neat experience so if you ever get chance hopefully he’ll be back next year he gets to he gets to play uh pass every go to the uh Championship again so um if you ever get a chance to do it it’s it’s really a cool experience holl was a very long walk like we walk probably 10 miles 15 miles a day it’s very so it is is a very very long walk um to be actually there and watch him is pretty pretty neat because he keeps up with everything I mean the drives are out there R distance chipping the does this weird thing he walks like this I don’t know what he’s doing but that and then also he does his weird thing so like when you’re watching the when you’re watching somebody’s putt from behind and you’re in a tournament you know you kind of stand there you look like this well he does this thing where he’s over he goes and he runs over tries to look at the the putt so um but anyway it was it was really neat experience and uh watching Germany was great we came up to to the for his uh practice round and we saw that and we were standing there talking because he came over to the to the thing and there’s a great picture Jeremy and I that made the PGA um Instagram account came out really nice but um and I’m not you know the other thing is I did go I did not go to bail Scotty she I even know they asked me to but I didn’t go one of the other things is that uh he he needed my help every morning uh his wife would call and say he’s not coming out of bed you got to call him he’s he’s not going to be able so in any event um he he really really played well uh is it is uh very draining just watching it but the last thing I’ll say is we were standing there on the tth pole waiting for him to tea off and he was talking to us and then St I looked over and we’re like that looks like Scotty sheff or Max hom you playing with them and he’s like I don’t know and then it turned out that he he went over there and uh they were standing there and all of a sudden he’s taking off and we’re thinking God what a great deal we get to watch Jeremy and we get to watch Scotty Sheffer what he didn’t tell you is he we he goes all the way down to the to the second shot they hit their second shots and they take off and Steve and I are standing there go God they left him they left him in the Fairway they’re already way down there and we’re like oh they really got mad they they don’t want Jeremy to play with them and so then like I don’t know a few minutes go by and Scotty shepher turns around he waves he waves Jeremy over to go hit his ball because apparently Jeremy was trying to reach three and two and those guys were reaching trying to do three shot so but it was kind of funny because we’re all standing and there was about 10 or 15 us from the club so and then we got to watch the uh the first round um and do that too which was really fun because you got to get up the close and um and his kids were there his wife was there and his family his brother um so it was fun but anyway uh from from Steve and I thank you very much also we made about $5,000 on the tickets that you had for Saturday and Sunday you haven’t seen any of that anyway congratulations than [Applause] anybody else question I was just curious your experience with the course at Hollow you played over have you played theal before the championship or is it new to you uh no I hadn’t played it p played it anybody I’ve talked to has played there Craig played it um they liked it they said I was going to like it and it’s a very comfortable feeling golf course there is some space out there it’s not as claustrophobic as some of these setups which I enjoyed um but no no experience there I’m from Virginia so it feels kind of close to where I grew up um and I’m used to that kind of golf course uh for those of you who go up north at all bent grass scens like significantly easier to putt on than down here um so I’ve played similar courses but i’ never been on property till this week back there buddy if you haven’t had the pleasure of watching jemy golf striking shocking we talked about that a little bit what’s the is it is it the game or is ital aspect so the the question was is for preparing for next year at call Hollow we all know he’s going to make it how do you prepare me more mentally physically what’s that next step so I think this year that’s somewhere I got a lot better from last year with the preparation um buddy came out John came out we went to Texas two weeks before the national Club Pro we played the golf courses um one it’s good to see the courses but it’s two it’s good for me to get away from work and be able to actually work on my golf game yeah I stand outside on the lesson te all day but I hit like five golf balls most days so to make time in my schedule during the latter part of season um I did more of that this year like I forced myself to actually prepare um that’s difficult being someone who I you all pay me you’re you know I teach golf lessons for a living so if I’m not given a lesson then is it worthwhile for me to practice but in this case as season pushes on and this opportunity comes up with the national Club Pro and then an evly the PGA Championship just taking more time being better usage of my time when I have it um for practice and then I might get some help I might get an opinion about my golf swing just a couple things to kind of continue to push forward and improve I mean I do everything pretty much in entirely on my own um I’ll film my swing I’ll look at it and I’ll you know work on it I’ve done that for years but even the best golfers in the world like me they’re always working on something but they have somebody who’s like pretty Elite helping them so probably going to go that route uh at some point over the summer and just get a couple questions answered um and then physically it’s really tiring uh as Craig alluded to just walking around um just got to keep you know my fitness up and be ready for the opportunity um that was I made a big push in that in the last year or two and that’s really helped so more of the same I would say to answer your question question back there how are you doing how are you doing how are you doing good tired uh it’s been a blur you know my whole life’s been a contingen for about a month since I went to Texas um season’s really busy this is really fun but it’s really difficult I am thankful for a break when the Club closes kids L school I’m going to hang with them next week and then we’re going to Maine for a week where we go for vacation every year I think in that period of time there’ll be some good reflection and uh kind of be able to relax but it’s been busy thanks for asking so what is your fitness workout routine and system what’s your Fitness how do you keep your body in shape and ready Beachbody [Laughter] 2.0 I don’t do like golf specific necessarily stuff um I work on out in the morning so I go to the uh we have a neighborhood gym and I get in like before 5:30 and then I’m home at like 6:20 to wake my kids up and we leave by 700 so pretty much the only time I can go with three kids and my job my wife’s job is early um I’ll either lift for 45 minutes or do cardio and I try to go four or five days um I try to go four days in the week and then I’ll go a day or two on the weekend so like probably five days on average when it’s all said and done so trying to be consistent and uh my wife’s got us on these meals or something this like meal plan thing it’s good nutrition’s important too so always learning okay yeah thanks for asking Mr Nicholson yes the ages of your children ages of your children my oldest Mason’s seven uh he’ll be eight in July my second close is six and our youngest Kindle will be three in August so Mason just finished second grade Chloe just finished kindergarten and kall’s chugging along playing catchup did you have any conversations with Scotty Max during your practice round any uh conversations with Scotty or Max during the practice round they were great and there was a third player named Ben Griffin who kind of gets left out but Ben’s uh in his 20s he’s on tour he’s a great golfer their friends um it felt like playing with three of my friends I mean very normal conversation you get this idea in your head that these people are world class and they’re going to kind of talk down to you or whatever but the conversation was very simple normal enjoyable um sports kids family they all like just had their first kid so I’m kind of like the older guy in that sense so that’s fun at least I have some sort of experience on them um and I would ask uh a couple questions so like I remember people Craig remembers this uh people just like to yell at you for some reason like I’m from me to you and person just screams well as loud as they can and I’m just walking down the Fairway and they’re just walking that way like it happens all the time it’s kind of bizarre uh so I it’s to like Scotty Sheffer and Max hom especially like it’s just ridiculous so we’re in conversation and people are just screaming the most bizarre things you’ve ever heard and I’m like hey man how do you do you like get used to this or and uh I asked that to Scotty and uh he said it took him a while but in the last year like he’s been at the top for probably two and a half three years now but he said in the last year he’s been able to phase it out a lot better um similar to some of the stuff I’ve said tonight like he limits his amount of time so if he signing autographs he sets a timer for 10 minutes and when it hits 10 minutes he goes because like people will keep coming at you as long as you’re standing there so that was one thing I learned from him uh Max H’s really funny enjoyable you know interview guy social media a guy stuff I follow in person extremely Qui like he might be paying somebody to do all this social media for as far as I know nice guy but like what you see on TV is not necessarily what you get I would say overall way more cial normal calm demeanors out there than I would expect from the outside looking in about Scott so the question was about Scott velt uh SVP he was out there for our practice round my quick impromptu Scotty sheffler maxom practice round so vanel is on the commentary for ESPN Thursday through Sunday so that was Wednesday so he’s out doing his job watching them golf he basically he’s like 66 and he just walks around and people yell at him but instead of ignoring them he just engages with everybody um but I did spend a good bit of time talking to him he’s from Maryland right up the road from where I grew up in Virginia so we talked about some golf courses and his schedule and this and that and again like he’s humorous he’s funny he’s relaxed he’s not there to play golf but uh pretty cool I probably spent 20 minutes of that practice round talking to him between shots and uh felt felt pretty that was a cool moment for sure Jeremy did anybody ask for your phone number question was did anyone ask for my phone number um not me but uh there was a certain golfer who announced a divorce early that week and there were there was a lot of noise directed his way any other questions I got one thing to share um so I met Jeremy when he got back from the airport and he’s there with his family and this goes back to last year and there at Valhalla and his his little son Mason they’re in the the players only area in the clubhouse and John Rob walks by he idolizes John He says Dad is that John Ram yeah it is Buddy so I said remember that last year I said well your dad beat John ROM this year John ROM didn’t make a p so that was a cool story that I have but anybody else have any other questions I got one more serious your kids everything yeah everything my kids will be out here in the summer a little bit doing golf when it’s not as busy but baseball soccer dance swimming yeah we’re going at it the weekend did you get a check or cash check or cash uh direct deposit all right any other questions B’s not let have cash all right well once again thank you everybody for coming out tonight let’s give Jeremy one more round of applause with uh with his fine play he’s Exempted to next year’s National Club Pro again which is in Florida over on the east coast and hopefully we’ll see him back at Quail Hollow have a great great evening ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming than

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