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WHO WILL MAKE WOMEN’S WEEK HISTORY? πŸ†| MODUS Super Series | Women’s Week | Finals Night

WHO WILL MAKE WOMEN’S WEEK HISTORY? πŸ†| MODUS Super Series | Women’s Week | Finals Night

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what a shot indeed [Music] game sh and the Moda Super Series week n Champion Bo greeves it’s history for Bo Greaves yeah welcome along to finals night of the first ever women’s week here at the mod of Super Series and what a week it has been we’ve seen some dominance from the top two but all the other ladies have certainly stepped their game up as well and one of them is with us tonight Laura Turner didn’t quite make it through but still got to go to the ball absolutely yeah I think you know it would have been lovely to be back here and playing I really enjoyed the experience but at least I get to be up here with you guys and Scott Mitchell you’ve been here for most of the week just give us your impressions of what it’s been like the first one I think it’s been a massive thing for the ladies darts and uh I think we’ve showcased them really well and they showcased themselves and uh uh we’ve seen some magic games and I think everybody’s enjoyed the viewings have been up on YouTube so hey we got to have another one haven’t we absolutely Laura let’s just get this bit out of the way let’s talk about your experience this week look Thursday was a day to forget but some positives on Friday yeah and actually you know going even even Thursday there were positives I could take out of it in the way that you know I felt comfortable on the stage you know I felt like I settled into it because i’ never done it before I mean I’m much comfier set up in the coms box but yeah just just to get that first win on your belt because I kind of came here thought it’s just another stage that I’m just not going to win on so to actually come up here get a win that was that was great and then back it up with another one yeah and we’re just watching that that winning moment now a bit of relief uh there I’m sure you felt those moments before Scott when you’ve sort of come with a purpose and it hasn’t quite gone your way but eventually just getting that monkey off your back yeah absolutely I had a very similar experience to Laura on my first occasion is it’s very different playing here than it is being sat up in the Box talking about it and uh yeah you just desperately get here and get your first win and the longer that goes on the more difficult it is to come but um I found this place a lovely place to play it’s my favorite stage it’s my favorite place to play and um yeah I I loved it I just absolutely love being here right let’s talk about the players that have made it here are the six finalists here at Women’s week Bo Greaves fall and sherik many had penciled them them in before a dart was thrown Vicky PR and Cy vinne Conan both making it through uh daa Hedman and Riano Sullivan two very experienced players Laura you’ll know all of them quite well are you surprised to see any of them there no absolutely not I think you could have made cases I mean l r went I thought was really unlucky I probably had the same kind of first day experience as myself and just not getting that win came back really narrowly missed out just on leg difference but I I called Cy beforehand as well because I see what she does on the tour I mean not so many people may have known about her but she’s played for a very long time and as as Vicky puim you know all all those women play very very well and deserve deserve their sport we’ll recap how they all got here starting with groupe and Bo Greaves was the dominant force in it losing just one match actually it was against ciry vinin and um but Scott she was irresistible at times absolutely I was I was watching that those bits from home and uh I was actually lucky enough to play in the week that she won or unlucky enough to play in the week that she won um and she came here and she was very open-minded about it all very laidback about it all and that’s the way she seems to play the game lore it it just it just suits her coming here just suits her it took our time to get her here you know Finding finding the dates but once she’s got here she now absolutely loves it and I don’t think we’re ever going to stop her coming here she’s going to be emailing an email M she wants to come back there seems to be every every week at the moment doesn’t she B Grieves and let’s not forget the achievement of making the semifinals of the entire series just last Saturday yeah of course I mean she’s she picked up that win which was you know it was historic in itself no woman have done that before so she’s lifted that come back again as you saying Champions week and it was narrowly edged out by Harrison as well it was a 4-3 defeat it could have very easily have gone the other way so they had to come back again on consecutive week’s top group a once again I mean there aren’t enough superlatives to quite describe how good Bo Greaves is yeah played some absolutely fantastic stuff as we’re seeing right now um but also some some record breaking stuff uh we could just look at some stats now you’ll enjoy this Scott because Bo Greaves she is the third highest average in a group a campaign ever on women on her M Super Series week and that’s just astonishing as well to think that she’s only came here sort three weeks ago for the first time three or four weeks ago um like you say she loves the place she’s really feels at home she’s had a good good chance to feel at home home but to to get up there amongst those players and how many how many weeks have we been here how many men’s groups have we had here and then just to have one women’s week and she just pops her name in there at number three in in the highest average of group eight it’s just it’s just astonishing and phenomenal really be honest were you happy that she lost one because you’ve got a 14 out of 15 record here as well haven’t you absolutely yeah she’s on the same stat sheet as me now so I’m right at the very bottom because I lost a lot more legs but yeah I’m I’m happy to be on the same stat she as Bo gree at any point in time right she didn’t have to play Thursday and Friday Group B and Group C were played over those two days and this is what happened in group b Fallon Sherk she also lost a game actually beaten by Vicky prume last night but it was a pretty dominant display from Fallon in group b yeah and you know she just kind of picked up where she left off in group a she was unlucky she just ran into as we’ve mentioned a very very strong version of Bo Greaves so um I would have expected to see her at the top but it’s good to see she’s being pushed I mean again Vicky pin maybe not some a name that most people are aware of outside of the the kind of darting world but she is another formidable player she’s represented her country for many years so again doesn’t surprise me those results so I guess it’s it was always quite hard to pick who wouldn’t get through as opposed to who would and she really seemed to up her game for the evening sessions this week yeah she really did I think I think she settled in nicely um like Laura saying we I’ve known her from sort of World Cups and Europe cups with England and so she’s a new name to some but certainly not to us and she has the experience so experience you cannot buy you have to have it you have to have done the yards and the miles to do it and she came up here and just settled in lovely and and we saw the better Vicki we really did there were one of two players Laura that couldn’t make it the likes of Lisa rashton makuru Suzuki enabled opportunities for others and a couple of them have gone through in this group tell us about Vicky prume because she’s in really good form at the moment but I’m sure you’ve had your battles with her over the years she’s been around a long time yeah there was one very painful one where uh last League decided to see who qualified for the World Championships many years ago and uh yeah Vicki just got the better of me there so we definitely have had a few battles over the years but like Scott was saying she’s got that experience and she really has brought it to the four I mean she’s come in here off the back of winning one of the ADC tournaments as well um just last weekend so in terms of in terms of how she is as a player she knows how to win we might not have seen her in so many of the larger competitions picking up those big trophies but she knows how to win and she’s a very determined player and it’s great to to see her hitting her form at the right time and Scott the other one ciry vinen you were here last night when she qualified she was so overwhelmed and emotional after that I don’t think she realized the situation I I think she’s admitted that she she did not realize that if she won the game that she could get through she thought she was out and then uh yeah Owen I think turns to tell her and said well don’t see you Saturday and she was like excuse me um yeah I don’t think she realized the the the the what that game entailed would she have won it had she had known that’s the question for me um that would been immense pressure uh but she didn’t have any of that cuz she wasn’t aware so sometimes it’s best not to look at the scoreboard and just come up here and throw your darts well speaking of not looking at things Laura cover your eyes now Group C table is coming up and look you managed to lift yourself off the bottom after uh no wins on Thursday a couple yesterday but just give us your sense as to how the top two played because they were on it from the beginning weren’t they yeah very much so I mean ranne again she’s one of those players that I spoke about when we when we were in coms in on Monday in group a she is another just formidable player in my opinion you know Welsh team captain you know she’s a two time runner up and that was because of the dominance of Trina at the time she really did bring it in group C and she just showed what she could do um same with daa I mean you talk about experience of ran I mean where do you start with the experience of someone like daa hman so yeah I’m not surprised to see him there you know I think they were pushed at times but you know the top two doesn’t surprise me yeah fellow England captain of course um lost the first match as Laura just mentioned then won nine games on the spin deta Hedman brings her into tonight in really good form doesn’t it yeah definitely I think um she had the advance of of being here on the ADC thing and winning that um but for me she was really really special it would easy easiest thing to do was come up here lose your first game kind of lose your head a little bit but she knew she had to graft she had to get on and graft you couldn’t sort of like get all worried about losing that one game she had to to put her head down put the toe to the metal and go and that’s exactly what she did some of the games she only just got by and and and scraped by but that’s what daa does she does whatever each game needs if it’s a grinder she’ll grind one out if it needs to be blasted out she’ll blast it out and that’s just how deta plays I do want to ask you about playing Rano Sullivan because she is so quick if she plays well those games can be over in a matter of minutes can’t they yeah you can get caught up in a whirlwind I mean and B the same actually I know she’s not quite as big a Speedster but again just because of the high scoring you you blinking it’s over so yeah it can be difficult but I’m quite lucky I like that pace I actually think playing in a Pac game brings that better in me but it does not work for everyone because you can totally get enveloped and just lose your pace I mean I don’t know how you feel about it I couldn’t think of anything worse I couldn’t think of anything worse fast players banam yeah absolutely not cut quite your style is it let’s have a look at tonight’s groups then the players are separated into two groups and all play each other once and the top two will make it through to the semi-finals and look Bo and Fallon by winning their groups A and B are in separate groups everyone’s still thinking it’s going to be that collision course but who can you see being the the spoiler in those groups absolutely any one of them I really genuinely believe that I mean we’ve saw with Cy been a kind and she missed match DS on Monday to beat Bo then she did find that one win over Bo G the only one that Bo suffered this week so cury more than capable but some of the rest I think it’s also a case that both Bo and Fallon know that the other four are capable so they are on their mind as well it can happen the other way around a reversal so um I I think that they both know that those four are more than capable will turn them over if they don’t play their a game it really is that simple they certainly are but for the purpose of this it’ll spoil on little feature so let’s just talk about Bo and Fallon for a moment and compare their stats for the week now there is a bit of a discrepancy here of course because Fallon has played more matches but the difference there for Bo in terms of the average in terms of the amount that she’s lost is quite big isn’t it yeah I agree it is quite big but I do think that uh you know those extra games uh do make it very difficult to keep your average right up there if we selected Fallon’s averages at the same amount of games that Bo had we could probably select the averages and put F and above Bose’s average to be fair cuz she did do like a few ton averages in the middle of the week so and and that high average as well is pretty similar so they’ve both got an incredible level that would be good enough not just to win a women’s week any week which B’s already done of course yeah 100% And I think I think the thing for me with Bo and with Fallon to be fair is their consistency they can actually find that level and consistently play at that level and when that happens that’s a big big kind of it’s very hard for The Other Women to breach that because you’d have to be at the top of your game and then probably 10 points more to to actually deal with them so yeah it is interesting when you put them side by side but I always think the hard bit is getting here now it is completely this is Cutthroat this is you know you do it tonight or you don’t do it at all so that has another element to it as well well let’s have a look at the betting this is how the bookies see it and they are going with Bo Greaves as a strong oddson favorite um Fallon Sherk second favorite at 9-2 everybody else exactly the same price as Laura was saying anybody could cause that surprise couldn’t they yeah and I absolutely agree with that as well I I really do and and I think that uh it’s it’s just one game it’s one game and the format is short it’s not the longest of formats if the go the format was first to five then the advantage probably goes to Fallon and Bo massively but by keeping it short anybody can win those short games if you just got to make one mistake one silly mistake and then the next leg make two silly throws because you’ve made a mistake cuz it’s still on your mind and the game can be gone who’s going to win this evening B Laura as a player in this tournament it would be unfair of me to ask now I’ve been totally silly I’m going to ask you for a prediction I wanted to sit on the fence like those odds if I’m honest CU yeah but I I I can’t disagree I just think B’s level and her just the way that she can play at that consistent level both of me but it wouldn’t surprise me if someone else wins there you go there’s my fence sitting as well I hope you both enjoy open andc certainly both dressed for the occasion by the way can we just get a look at Scott Mitchell’s shoes they are incredible look at those Bobby dazers from Scott Mitchell believe you turned up in trainers that’s a sackable offense I’m afraid oh well see you next week he’ll be back they’ll both be back in comms and the action is about to get underway Bo Greaves is taking on Riano Sullivan In The Opening match of the evening and before play got underway I spoke to both players ran long week um just give us your feelings about how you’ve played and how it’s been for you this week um I think it took me a couple of days just to settle in to be honest but um happier with my form but again doubles are yeah I’m not quite at where I can play but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it yeah you had a fantastic day particularly on Thursday won all five of your matches and did show everyone that you could be a danger tonight how are you feeling going into this evening oh um no I hope it’s going to be a good game or games and uh see how it goes you’ve got a lot of experience in darts this is something different the first ever women’s week just what’s been your general sense of this tournament I I think it’s progression for the ladies game and I think I’m all for it so it’s and hopefully there’s more and more opportunities for us to grow no game so and difference tonight obviously we’ve got a bit of an audience in it’s a chance of real celebration of the ladies game as well but there’s some very good players there you’re one of them um how much are you going to enjoy being up on that stage tonight yeah I think it’s more of what we’re used to a bit more crowd and and I think you’ve you’ve got to be switched on or you’re not going to do anything tonight and one last question because it has been noticed how quick you throw how can you be that fast and that accurate I don’t know I thought i’ slowed down a bit but um I don’t know no that’s just how I’ve always played so well it’s it’s a mystery it served you well so far good luck tonight thank you so much bo back at the Super Series on a Saturday night must be a bit of a familiar Feeling by now yeah I mean it’s always good to it’s what you aim for at the start of the week so um it’s nice to come back after a few days off and I’m looking forward to it a little bit different to the last two times you’ve been here of course this has been our first ever women’s week as the dominant player in ladies darts at the moment how big of a deal would it be for you to win this yeah you know it it’d be great I think it’s nice that they’ve put a ladies week on for us and hopefully can have a few more opportunities down the line but it’s just nice that we’re all sort of just mixing a bit better and it’s nice to see some some good D has been played this week so yeah we’ll see what happens tonight how would you assess your own performances this week I played decent I think I’ve been steady I think it’s just trying to the consistency of it all just putting it all together but I’m not going to not miss for it I mean I’ve had some played some good stuff and uh yeah just just pleased overall and have you had a chance to take in the rest of the girls battling it out uh Thursday and Friday yeah I watched a bit of it um the other night it’s just I think as well it’s just nice to sort of watch it I think um a lot of the ladies just want to do well and want to prove themselves a bit but um yeah I’m a big fan of ladies darts anyway so uh kept T it and uh yeah there was some good games last night and back to tonight obviously last week you I mean brilliant performance got to the semi-finals to get the chance to come back the following Saturday and maybe get your hands on the trophy what would it mean to you yeah it’d be great obvious a little bit disappointed last week but it’s just starts in it you never know what’s going to happen so I’m definitely going to have to play well tonight to like I say get the trophy but I’m up to the challenge and um hopefully I’ve got a bit of look on my side and I’m stood there at the end of the night enjoy it good luck thanks love beautifully d by B as she gets the better Trina GLI absolutely brilliant she didn’t even have to go for it and she gets it with a fabulous T topping check out of 103 so she finds a way she always finds a way it’s seven heav dou 6D for the comeback qun and Bo grees once again is [Music] impeccable yeah who else could open the show on a women’s Week final Bo Greaves takes to the stage having dominated group a and one week on from her Champions week exploits where of course she reached the final four of the entire Series in modus Super Series 7 she now is looking to get her hands on the trophy at the first ever women’s week gavves still just 20 years of age has got a whole host of titles including two World Championship crowns the donc cter data takes on the Welsh woman Rianne O Sullivan twice a runner up in the world championship and on Thursday here at the Super Series she won every single one of her five matches she could give gavves a game here remember it only a race to three and talking you through all of tonight’s darting Jewels are our darting Duo of Laura Turner and Scott Mitchell yeah thank you very much Chris to throw first myself squ what an opening match we’ve got in front of us a repeat of what we saw at the wdf just back in 2023 in December and to me it’s an exciting one as we were saying at the top of for the show 60 I do think that anything can happen in this short format B has been the dominant Force it’s undisputable but anything can happen yeah I think the format is perfect for this situation some will say yeah we want to see more legs from the ladies but I think that would probably favor the top ladies which is not a wrong thing to favor the better players I I I get that and you shouldn’t have said it because of that and what a start from Bo grees that 180 did not take long 60 now and I do wonder how much he’s benefited from having those couple of days off obviously toping group a she does get the luxury of kind of sitting back and watching throughout Thursday and Friday and I think it can be really beneficial especially when you look that Bo’s been here for two consecutive weeks yeah I mean we I know how hard it is to do a group a and then not get through and then uh then drop into a group C B it is a tough tough week and then making the the finals night as well so 6 days on the Trot is is quite difficult it is uh that that’s protour territory that is it’s not what us uh humble human players do you know it’s um we’re not used to that 180 back from lovely jely this is really even Steven here 102 doesn’t she look focused Bo really really focused yeah good to see good to see as a spectator perhaps not so good for the rest of the field 87 Bo require 25 pressure applied from O Sullivan but this is something that this young lady doesn’t seem to feel his pressure nice 25 kill for 17 D opening leg against ran to throw first game on and I wonder we’ve seen a lot of three tws o over this the whole week and I do wonder how big having the advantage of throw will actually end up being I think the shorter the format the more Advantage it is because you have less chances to break it really is that that simple um it is going to affect how it goes the way that ranne got here obviously she was in that group C with her and daa were ding donging all the way down and 60 daa’s first loss was ranne and Ran’s loss was Natalie Gilbert so um yeah it it was one of those and and it came down to a head-to-head between them in the end which is the way you want to settle any group stage but we knew at that point that the winner of the group would avoid playing this first game against Bo but what it did do is winning the group put you in Fallon’s group on the other half so was it any better sixes of one and half a dozen of the other really isn’t it 137 [Applause] 22 and there the slips that you just can’t afford to have you could see the the reaction for ran she knows but that just comes under the pressure of she left a double after 15 DS and against 80% of the women’s field you’re going to get back at that but not with B 121 B requires give a response there from o but you feel the way that b started off this 70 is going to go needs tops 50 R Miss again you feel this one has to go for ran 93 but your require 20 game this is what she does she just does not take too many darts at a double and that’s how you get those averages is not having five or six darts at a double I remember back in the day when Phil Taylor was dominating in the PDC and I I remember an interview with Shane burges and Shane burges say yeah yeah yeah Phil gives you a chance 146 158 164 and this is a very similar thing is what um Bo and Fallon to be fair do to the rest of you girls 100 yeah 100% And it that comes with its own pressure because then when you do actually have an opportunity when you do have a shot at the Double we saw it from Cy VI vinan in that first day had two darts to beat boat and that like I say brings an additional pressure because you don’t normally get that many chances no absolutely not 100 I do say I I am a big ran fan I I I’ve known her for a long time now and as you said she she’s lost out in the world final twice to Trina when Trina was dominating but I think Rihanna refound that type of form I think she’s she she’s gone away for a couple of years or whatever but now she is right back in there and she’s right up there you know she’s she’s doing these things you’re seeing the averages in the women’s series and stuff it’s she she’s right there she’s um a very Determan Welsh lady and I like the way she’s bounced back and maybe maybe it’s cuz she’s got a bit of sponsorship now and that helps her out and and makes you feel more confident but whatever it is long may it continue cuz she’s right up there again require 100 14 say 14 tops for the match 94 it’s almost like you called this he got a chance it just happens to be a 160 well you know it’s not my first rodeo didn’t want to bring a horse sort of reference in there this early but yeah fair play double f five yeah pulls it low so no score Ops the bus require 119 yeah the 41 leaves that awkward 119 and that’s for the reason why 79 once again she’s left the double and just be fingers crossed whether she gets back but I think we know the answer and there is your answer so our Opening match this evening goes with The Bookies favorite it’s Mo griev she wins 3-0 8671 and 8276 RAM was there and thereabouts and as we said on the buildup to the show slight mistakes are going to cost you in this format and that’s exactly what happened for ran we’re going to to head into a short break and we’ll be back after that with Fallon sherik versus ciry Vin Kanan [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back so the first game goes with the throw goes with the bow so to speak Laura um dominant stuff kind of what was expected but there were little chances in there as you and Scott were discussing for Riano Sullivan yeah there were um and even towards the tail end of that last leg it was just a few mistakes from ranne that just cost her cost her at least an opportunity at the the leg it’s self but you know it’s a good start 86 882 I mean it I think it’s just the dominance of bow that actually maybe makes the the opponents look like they haven’t performed as well as they have and this shorter format this week should lend itself to more volatility so to still be that dominant really says a lot doesn’t it yeah no it really really does and I know that you know as I said there’s there’s a lot of words that we can use to describe Bo but she got it right in her interview it’s consistency and especially in this kind of short format it’s Cutthroat so she knows that and she she came out with a lot of focus and F coming out next just quickly in that practice room what would it be like for Fallon and the other players to see B starting like that does that change their approach for the evening at all no because I don’t think it’s unexpected if I’m honest I think you know we know what levels Bose’s actually got but so’s Fallon and and so is the rest of the field so I think they just need to focus on their their game their own game um and for me I saw it very much when F went into Group B there was a another there was a more determined more Steely Focus because then she knew you know this this becomes last trans Saloon and this is very much you know the last chance if you want to lift that title absolutely right we’ll get the next game and well let you head back to comms it is Fallon against ciry vinan and I the pleasure of speaking to both a little earlier ciry you’ve made it to finals night just sum up first of all how you felt when you realized you qualified last night I I was so surprised because I I really didn’t know that I could qualify that that I could make it for today so I was really surprised then we could see he became quite emotional does it mean a lot to you yes it does how do you feel about your performances in general this week how do you think you’ve played uh it have been a good games and also not that good games and I have not reached in that level I do know I can play but it is it’s have been any way in a good experience and it’s l to be here and I really have done my best what I can part of the first one as well the first women’s week we’ve had here at the Moda Super Series and obviously part of the first Finals night now last week we saw a player from Sweden in Andreas Harrison win the Champions Week Tonight I know you live in Sweden now as well how big is it or you don’t live in Sweden anymore no not anymore you did live in Sweden I did yes for just a couple year how big would it be or how big is it for for darts in that part of the world anyway to see players like yourself andreus doing what he did here how much more interest are you getting in darts in that part of the world um it does and it is really important that uh it’s coming also in Scandinavian and out of there people and playing and showing that they can play also a good Dot and just finally your thoughts on tonight first match against Val and Sherk difficult group it’s going to be on a finals night but how are you feeling excited nervous ahead of this evening yeah exciting also nervous but uh I going to I’m going to do my best that’s all I can do and we’ll see well good luck enjoy it thank you felon another finals night here at the Super Series but one of the difference the first ever women’s week we’ve had just sum up how you felt the tournament’s gone I think the tournament’s gone very well I think you know a lot of women showboated you know what they can do um yes there’s been a couple of players that hasn’t you know kind of reached their potential but for you know first week doing it I think overall it’s been really good and I think the publicity behind it’s been great and how would you analyze your own performances this week yeah no I’ve really enjoyed my performances this week you know um I think like usual I start off in the week okay and then use Thursday and Friday and just kind of my game increases a little bit so yeah Thursday and Friday’s performances I’m a lot happier than what I was at the start of the week but I always use kind of the whole week to kind of build up for tonight yeah the first three days a b played really well and then Thursday and Friday as you say youve played really well everyone thinks there’s this Collision Course between you and her in the final is that what you’re expecting this evening I’m hoping to get to the final and if I play Bo in the final that’ be great as well but I really just hope me and Bo if we do get to the final you know put on a really good showcase for everyone and you know get them 100 averages but you know all the ladies playing tonight they’re all capable of beating us and playing really well so who knows who’s going to get to the final but yeah that’s obviously my ambition is to get there tonight and you are a player who’s had a habit of doing things first in your career what would it mean to you to be the first to win the motor Super Series women’s week oh yeah no I think in general just to win on a modor super series week would be like a first for me like I would be so proud of myself but yeah I’ll just take it game as it comes but yeah it would mean a lot good luck thank you [Music] [Applause] how about that F and Sher all of a sudden there’s a leg away from the perfect night she needs 2N aass third it’s difficult you’ve got to get your head down and try and weather the storm but sh the storm keeps coming it kept coming indeed a one 60 to finish off topper for1 24 someway to St [Music] Sher a few all Fallon 7 T topping finishes that she’s produced this week at Women’s week at the Super Series on show there and she’ll be hoping to add a few more on this finals night she has of course reached a finals night before she’s reached a fin before in a standard Super Series week lost it to Moreno mels but tonight well she will be hoping to go one better potentially that Collision Course with Bo Greaves in the final they are in different groups but as has been said throughout the show by our pundits and the players themselves anybody is capable of springing a surprise the scalp here would be Fallon sherik MBA the 29-year-old Women’s World match play Champion the inaugural one of course and all of the other stuff she did before that is well documented lesser known Cy vinan but she has managed to get the biggest scalp so far this week the only player to beat Bo GRE can she add Fallon sherik to that hit list we will find out in the company of Scott and Laura yeah cheers M this is our second game on women’s week finals night B opened it up in superb fashion an absolute demo job on O Sullivan ran O Sullivan but this is a little bit more about contrasting Styles as well Laura with Fallon really likes to do not throw pacy but she has a certain Rhythm to her throw when she is playing well and ciry is very much a slow methodic thrower isn’t she yeah very methodical in her approach Cy Vin and but for Cy I think when you look back at the week she hasn’t been able to find that that Top Gear to get close to to Fallon she’s lost to all five of their encounters so far they’ve either been 3-1 or 3-0 but as we’ve been you know as we’ve said before this is this is where they’ve all been playing to get to now they’re here there’s no more doovers there’s no coming back tomorrow it’s all or nothing no indeed and waran thing for the Le ladies is also poked four T pluses in two nights in that group b and that’s got to be frightening as well she had a 160 120 124 and a 150 and you you just stand there and you’re just astounded you think surely she can’t keep hitting these and she does she just consistently does and and that’s why her levels are there and that’s why these two of the new girls on the Block and it’s nothing new you know we it’s been sort of trainer and Anastasia at times hasn’t it there’s always been a rival it was trainer and Francis Hansel it was it’s gone back through the women’s game these these these sort of top top two rivalries are not new to the women’s game no indeed and long way they continue because what I what I am quite a believer in is when you do get a couple of players that are just you know that that bit ahead of the field it encourages the rest of the field to catch up because that is the only way that you’re going to beat them the way you’re going to be competitive yeah you for want of a better word you you get dragged along with the situation and I think what it does and it’s the same for for male players play mvg and and people like that you concentrate so well against those players and you throw so well you have to because you know you have to it’s like in in your subconscious that you have to do it whereas another game where you play an opponent where you feel you should be beaten quite concentrate so much and when it starts going wrong you allow it to go wrong between your ears and then you’re in all sorts of trouble 98 Cy requires 68 visit from Cy Le 168 this would be a break of throat if she can convert it game this is what we’re talking about with the short format you allow your opponent to get a dart at it and it’s a break or throw as well it’s C to throw first Cy hit that 98 to get herself that shot it was the setup play that put the pressure on Fallon to have to go for the the ball 97 this is where you usually see Fallon now bounce back she gets a bit of red rag to the ball losing her leg she gets a little bit disappointed and and then she turns up and replies like this and it was interesting hearing her speaking to Chris earlier on and something that we’ve discussed with Al and I before that she does have those first three days when she’s doing a full week here she said to herself it takes takes her a little bit of time just to get into it and we saw that in terms of the performances that she provided in group b but yeah we discussed it in here before the evening started it’s a very different thing to come here have to lose a game maybe I’m not the B and fellow lose but to come here and lose a game and then 15 minutes later there could be a game on and then you’re back on having lost where or most of the stuff that we play these days are Knockouts and we’re we’re not back on in 15 minutes we’re in the car on the way home so and your mind is Switched Off you you don’t have to switch it back on so quickly usually to then try and come and win another game it does afford you time though that’s what I quite liked about it I say it was my first playing experience here and the fact that you know until you get to the last stages of the last day of your group you know that you have you have got that bit of time but that doesn’t always work in your advantage either because you you might like you say you might not be as switched on as possible yeah sometimes you can go I’ve lost this one all right I’ll get it the next one then the next one comes you don’t get that and he’s oh it’s all right I’ll get the next one before you know the groups passed you by the one for me being in Group B I found the toughest and it should be the easiest because three go through from five but it isn’t the games come pretty quickly and you start looking at the table after three games and you’re already running out of games to try and get in that top three it’s um but it’s it’s done for a reason it’s done for the entertainment and it’s done because people en enjoy watching that 100 Fallon re and that just taing on the shoulder of Fallon sherik so 92 left 6p bread there oh wow 112 she’s one of those players she she will speak to herself if it goes slightly all right 38 F require 40 game on the second does find the Target that break back as we say in this short format it’s important Third Leg it’s Fallon to throw first game on 80 so we’ve got two breaks of throw the important one was the fou and break because obviously curses doesn’t really count as a break cuz I an old man wise man told me that a break isn’t a break until you hold your own throw after 60 and she was unfortunately not able to hold her own throw after unfortunate for her her but more than fortunate for Fallon cuz she was better in the leg and that’s the the bottom line and that’s how the game works compared to the rest of the week I’d say this match it just feels tentative I mean you saw the emotion you saw how much it actually meant to cury when she found out that she she actually qualified and then you’ve got bring yourself back up cuz I guess in her mind she thought she was out so the fact that she’s coming back again to compete in this first ever finals night of the women’s week Fallon doesn’t look settled quite yet for me and I don’t think it’s about being settled I think she’s raring to go and ready to go but I I do think the contrast in Styles is not being very productive for’s [Applause] game no I’ve played as you said as well you you play players of all Paces you have to learn that that is something you’re going to have to factor into your game it’s how you do it for me when someone’s slower it’s the approach that I take to the oy afterwards because my Pace will be you know approach the oy throw a secret is to put your foot to the oy as you say throw your pace and do your thing and then once they’re gone you can pretty much do what you want um if you want to walk back slower because your opponent’s slower walk back slower you know if you don’t want to be there watching her hit a 180 don’t run around in a circle watch hit 180s why would you do that and put yourself off this is something I’ve seen from Cy quite a bit she won’t be rushed to mean she’s she’s working out what she’s got now she’s working up the route but she stoes herself once again does find the target intended 76 was a fear with that that you hit the ball no score Cy require 36 hear it shouts on the crowd of unlucky that was desperately close but just the wrong side of the Target and this is massive opportunity for Cy and in these nervy opportunities I like to see that dark on the outside because I think it means you’re not over committing if you overc commit with that first start sometimes in a really pressure nervy situation which this is for Cy let’s not let’s not tonight she’s playing one of the best lady players that has ever been on the planet here in Fallon and it was just a super sensible using experience don’t go silly at the 36 and hit a big one you know because then that affects you as a player and here she goes now 180 she’s taken the confidence for what she’s doing and now she’s really starting to believe and this is when Fallon kicks in2 great adjustment on the last there from Fallon sherik as you say ciry those first couple of legs I think just settled her into what she has to do here tonight 100 we’re all good when we’re in front at this game Laura aren’t we no matter who we’re playing absolutely if if if Fallen was not having bad luck in this game she’d have no luck at all yeah you could see that from the reaction from Fallon and sometimes that’s all you can do is kind of smile shake your head and try again C is in again and threw that second one a little bit quicker she’s getting excited the blood is pumping here but Fallon still fighting and finds another 18 [Applause] 18036 in that situation you do have to relax and throw and that’s exactly what she did there four 45 Fallon you require space there would have been a ton you would have just wanted to hit a ton you wouldn’t have tried to hit the 136 you just wanted a ton to put Fallon under pressure for this 120 100 CU he required so where did she go 91 did she go 25 or did she go straight at the treble 17 I mean to me she’s more of an old school traditional player so I’m thinking treble 17 goes into the two so 89 left now she’s thinking to herself not now not now ciry she’s thinking 43 valon required 20 two a piece and another break should be a good guide for Fallon she can’t use it so Cy been a kind and back for 48 lack of trying they were they were just well thrown darts they just didn’t go into the desired segment that she wanted and now V kind to produce the shock the first shock of the evening and that’s exactly what it is look at her face she can’t believe it herself are we going to see more tears no she’s getting the hang of it I just wanted to make sure yeah she’s she she’s had a moment but look at those averages when Fallon drops down to those averages 79 and 78 you do offer yourself up to be beaten but fair play to ciry she opens her night with a win that will see her relax in the next game we will go into a short break and on the other side we will return with Riano zivan and Vicky PR he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he yeah welcome back to the action here at Women’s week finals night Scott the first match going the way everybody expected the second game there cury Vin and beating Fallon sherik something of a shock yeah of course it was a little bit of a shock but but what you have to say is that Fallon dropped down off of her aame into that territory where she then becomes hunted by the people that are doing that as a as a run-of-the-mill game which is it’s one of their better games to be fair um yeah very difficult one Fon missed darts at this point four of them in that in that leg to to get level uh but vinan I mean similar to the reaction she looked in shock herself to beating Fallon Sherk I thought she was going to blob I’m not going to lie I thought she when she put her hands to her face I thought she was going to go I it’s a massive win for her as an individual but it’s it’s also when we talk about you know where she’s from from Scandinavia and she’s over here and she’s doing this lots of them would be watching that tonight you know that is a massive moment for her in her own country and in their own area so yeah fair play to her she held her nerves she she she does she’s experienced and when you give her opportunities she n s out of 10 will take them and she’s got a chance to play D Hedman next it means that Fallon Cher against deta later might be a straight shootout who would have thought that who’ have thought it indeed and how many times have those two played it you know pe’s Partners in in Fallon’s younger years when she was coming up through the ring so not an easy game to play when you’re playing somebody that you’re really friendly with absolutely right next game is Vicki pre against ran O Sullivan ran having lost to B needs to win this one if prune wins it she will be through taking Bo Greaves with her and I had a little chat with Vicki earlier tonight Vicki welcome to finals night here on the first ever women’s week just what does it mean to be part of this no it’s great that’s what I was hoping for at the start when we played and uh to make it through it’s it’s good the timing of this week’s been pretty good for you as well hasn’t it cuz you’ve been in excellent form recently and you seem to have carried it on this week yeah I’m playing all right lately so I’m not complaining at all um how much are you looking forward to tonight in front of an audience as well as uh having the six fantastic players in a different kind of format as well yeah it’s going to be a little bit of a change of course with the audience but it’s always nice to have cheers and the noise I think most of us are more used to that than playing in a quiet environment there has been sort of a perception from the women’s series from the wdf that Bo Greaves is a dominant player Fallen sherik then sort of not far behind her but there were six players in action tonight how much are you fancying your chances of maybe causing what might be seen as an upset well anything can happen if I play my aame they’ll have to play well to beat me if they do that hats off to them so anything can happen and of course we did see you beat Fallon last night as well we’ve seen that you’ve produced some really good performances um the format has well he is pretty short do you think that is a little bit of a feeds into that that Anything Can Happen yeah I think so I think if if it’s a longer format it plays in the favor of the better players like Fallon and and Bo cuz they’re more used to playing that but in a short format they know they can’t make any mistakes if any of us play on our aame they know they have to be on their toes cuz it’s one mistake and mean the end of it and just in general how much have you enjoyed the experience this week very much I did it’s been great absolutely great I hope you enjoy even more tonight good luck oh so thank you thank and Vicky prum comes into this week and into this finals not an excellent form she’s had a couple of successes on the wadc circuit that is the Women’s Amateur Dart circuit and really has carried that into her women’s week bow at the Super Series now as mentioned when I was chatting with Scott Mitchell there Riano still his need of a win here because of that 3-0 defeat to Bo Greaves the Welsh woman would be out if she’s defeated by prume which means of course Vicki and Bo would go through with a game against each other to spare so I’ll hand you back to the comms team Scott Mitchell has rejoined La returner thanks very much Chris yeah very much Last Chance Saloon here for Riano Sullivan did come up against a good performing Bo Greaves 8671 but key thing for me in that match has even had the opportunity at the outer ring yet she didn’t get a chance at a double in that first match and I don’t know how you feel about it but sometimes just getting that first leg under your belt just act as a real settler oh it’s it’s massively important I I do probably um half on a about it when I’m here it’s when you come here and you’re on finals night the first thing you want to do is your first trouble 20 is quickly as you can and then you want to get your first leg under your belt and get that double just convince yourself done it all week and you’ve won loads of games to get here but you haven’t done it on this night at finals night and and sometimes you can put finals night in your head as being a little bit bigger than what it is and you know your friends are all messaging you overnight and all day to day and you get a few more messages than you usually would have you know good luck mate and all the rest of it which is absolutely lovely and and and you’re lovely to receive them but it does add a little bit of pressure to the night so when you can get yourself settled down nice and quickly there is an advantage to this the fact that Ran’s gone up there and lost but she has been up there where Vicki hasn’t been up there yet this evening and that’s the other thing so Vicki hasn’t been up there and she’s against the darts so it it I mean if you think about it logically you can convince yourself back into the group 100 yeah and her performance against Bo wasn’t it was not bad by any stretch of the imagination she had just under an 83 average which you know that will win you quite a lot of games here at the super series 27 average in old money in our old money you know what I mean a county game if you’re doing 27 averages there you’re happy lady absolutely 100% 13 that’s a good visit there puts all the pressure on this 134 for oant not going to convert so really well timed visit from Vicky Vicky require 43 well obviously not the intended target but looking at Double 17 goes for it well I I call it the Lesser spotted double 17 but actually they’re both sat on it yeah yeah you had some good odds on that game Shan the first there ran I won’t say anything about it being rianne’s height on the board and perfect for her because get Vicky to throw first she is well and she will punch me when she watches it back and bumps into me again yeah she might be having some words Scott 45 it’s all right be an angry Welsh person you never understand the first few words from an angry Welsh person so they start to slow down it’s all good now it was a it was a nice Dart as well because it was an over-the-top Dart it was a it was a a cultured Dart rather than blasting straight at it because she had blockers in the way but double 17 is always a dodgy double I do think the other the other element that tonight has that the rest of the week hasn’t had is obviously you’ve got the crowd in as well so you’ve actually got that physical support there from from people that have traveled a long way I know Vick’s friends and family are in the audience that’s quite some distance they’ve traveled to be here today and that adds pressure within itself doesn’t it as well that you don’t want to come down they’ve come all that way and and disappoint I know that’s how I felt on my first first uh finals night I came here and some friends came with came up from Paul and some Dorset players and I I did not want to be gone at the end of the group stage and have two games and that’s exactly what happened I was gone by game three 100 so uh yeah it’s it’s hard it does add added pressure but um look you’ve just got to pull your Big B pants up and get on with it 138 I got several pairs 40 yeah I wear pink weekends me too I got big big girl boxers game the second ran this is much better from Ranos Sullivant doing everything she possibly can to remain within the tournament ran to throw first and I think we’re going back to your point about getting that first double under your belt and and since she’s hit that first double she’s look very calm and calculated yeah we’re currently just averaging just over 86 atart I think Ran’s one of those people she’ll Analyze This Week afterwards and she look at those first three days and I think it just took her a while to settle in ended up finding herself in group C which 41 I get on very very well with ran but I did not want to see her in group C to be fair I didn’t really want to see any of the others in group C but uh you know I was surprised that she was there and maybe not in group b no no I agree I I think I think that was the surprise to go to group C but she she openly admitted in an interview before the group C started that you know it was new surrounded it was so quiet she wasn’t used to you could hear an ambulance going up the road um I don’t know other venues that you know that but if an ambulance goes up the road tonight you wouldn’t hear it because there’s people in now so it and and you think no it doesn’t change much it actually changes the atmosphere a lot in the playing conditions yeah I’ve openly spoken about it when when I start playing these games I can’t help but do a little bit of commentary in my head when I’m playing when the ambulance went past I actually pinched a leg at that time I didn’t know what it was I did think SE it they’re coming to arrest me they are coming to find me cuz I have totally stolen this leg off the player it is funny what goes through your head when you’re up there doesn’t it particularly having having being a commentator and you you’ll make a mistake and you and you sit there going oh no they are going to cane me for that upstairs yeah the best On’s the counting mistakes when you leave yourself on a non-f finish like 169 168 I’ve done that so many times and as soon as I let go of that last do I’ve realized what I’ve done and I can just I can hear them sometimes you get over cautious not trying to leave a bogey number and you leave a bogey number because you’re being over cautious and Counting wrongly if you’d have just carried on nine times out of 10 it would be an autopilot and you do the right thing but when you’re thinking about doing the right thing it’s when it goes wrong 60 well I will say if Vicki pram does go down 3 nil hereit it’s going to be a very big task for her because her last group match will be against Bo Greaves 100 170 43 Vicky rqu 46 dou 18 that well taken from Vicky Lany come all the way down to support VI to thr first game on N Gilbert’s out there as well yeah a few of the players have stayed around trainers out there as well 60 60 45 nice 140 there from ran 140 and rianne’s there throwing on stage and there’s a nemesis in the two World Finals Trina guliver that ranne played in tune in earlier on in the week and uh one of the questions that came off obviously it goes to it the greatest of all time I’ve always said Trina as the goat you know I grew up watching her she inspired me to to play to play darts and yeah to me not that I want to create any online debates once again but she would definitely be mine yeah I know she was mine she she managed to get me involved in a darts deal which which went on for 16 years 106 so I will always be forever grateful for her help 43 Vicky this is a massive opportunity for Vicky PRM double 15 once again very well taken and you can see the reaction there from Vicki think she like that I think I think she did but she had to go that route it had to be 2020 ball at the minimum requirement to get a dart or something to win a leg a lot of people forget that you’ve got to you’ve got to try and get a d Summit to win the leg otherwise you can’t win the leg wow wow wow Quality quality from Rano Sullivan the most capped International women’s player in the world on 92 caps she is for w s No Other Woman 92 caps for their country anywhere that is some record to have yeah and this is some performance this is not what Vicki would have wanted to see she’s got the advantage of throw 180 backs it up with a 140 down to 181 in just six starts and back in that red bit once again 145 she slowed down for that one made sure and 36 after nine is not too shabby in any game and that’s a 10 da to win the match from ran O Sullivan the most capped lady player in the world shows her class their 10 Dart leg what a women’s week this has been it just keeps giving doesn’t it there’s the averages very similar to her average against Bo Greaves 83 again for O Sullivan but the all important thing three from five on the checkout 60% masterful that is Vicky Prim has now got a tough game to try and stay in the evening against Bo Greaves but we’re heading to a short break and when we return it will be cury vinan versus dieta hman [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] but a really interesting evening so far and Rano suan she looked kind of dead and buried she had to win that match and God she did it in style yeah didn’t she just I mean the tend da at the end aside which I think was absolutely you know was unbelievable considering the pressure she probably would have felt under um just to come back after that 3-0 defeat I mentioned in com she hadn’t actually had a shot at the outer ring against B um and just getting that first leg it did prove I think to be that settler that she really needed and wow did she push on she really did let’s just have a recap of the results from this evening so far so Bo Greaves as Laura just mentioned got the 3-0 win against Rano suiv and after that cursy ven in group two with a shock win over Fen Sher that’s made things very very interesting in that group and Rihanna’s kept her hopes alive meaning that at this point nobody is yet through uh Vicky prum can still get through she’d have to beat Bo grees to do it it’s very very interesting stuff and then vinin and Hedman coming up next ciry has actually put herself in a position that group where she doesn’t even need to win she only needs two legs to qualify yeah and that’s brilliant and I love it I love it from Cy especially you see it from other players but just the reaction you can see the emotion she’s lost five times this week to Fallon sherik so then to come here when it really does matter the most find that performance against someone of the class of fallen sherik and put herself in that position she must be elated D Hedman though she hasn’t appeared yet tonight but she’s been really dominant in group C nine wins on the boun she comes into uh this group including two against you I’m afraid sorry about that but look she’s got all the experience in the world and she will be expecting to go up there win a couple of games and get through yeah and I think that’s what she will expect of herself she’ll look to push on from what she’s done so far this week and she has been a very strong contender in obviously in group C but it’s a different night you know it’s a different pressure you’re back out here in front of the crowd however she say the experience of daa Hedman if you can’t draw on that then what can you draw her on and and as cury speaking of drawing on something I mean drawing on the fact that she’s beaten both B Greaves and F and Sherk this yeah the two favorites and she’s the you know she’s the only one to get that win over Bo Greaves as well so yeah it must bring loads of confidence but it’s a different day you know and you want to make sure that when you come here you can settle in so the only one we haven’t really seen perform yet obviously is daa so it’s how she just settles in because we saw it with ranne if you you know if you miss those key opportunities that game can be over very quickly and that game is ready to get underway but first let’s hear from data Hedman DCH we’ve made you’ve made it through to the first women’s week finals night how do you feel about that I feel absolutely super to be here yeah and of course during your group c campaign you lost your first match but then won nine on the spin so just some up how you feel about your form and your performances this week to be fair all I had in my head was win as many games as you can if possible and one of the most things I ever always have is I like to play a good game win or lose but put on a good performance because women are always under the pressure to play well to be fair and when you get the opportunity is just to show that you can place good darts I know that you have been should we say having a quite word with the organizers over the years to put a a women’s week on here at the Super Series how special has it been for you to have been part of it oh my goodness the first one fantastic and I do hope they continue to do it because there’s so many other good girls out there it’s just been given the opportunity to show what they can do it’s been an excellent standard now you do have the advantage of having won on that stage before of course we saw you win the women’s ADC event last year you’ve got a lot of experiences in darts but do you think that experience can help you tonight in fairness every game you play is so different because you’re playing different people because the ones that was here for the ADC final are all totally different girls I don’t think there was any of the girls out here this week that was there that week so you know it’s all different every game is different everyone is different on each day so I see what happens yeah we’ll see if today is your day good luck enjoy it thank you very much so here we go then D edman appearing for the first time at this finals night but not the first time on that stage and she has won on that stage I just mentioned a winner of a an ADC women’s event last year here here at the live Lounge but she knows that she’s going to have a tough task here because Fen sherik didn’t manage to do the job against Cy vinan earlier on ciry getting that win has made this group much more complicated if Fallon won that data would know a win here and she’d be through uh a win of a 3-0 margin would see Hedman go through with a game to spare Cy though only needs two legs just to clarify from the other group by the way Bo Greaves is through and Riano Sullivan will go through with her unless Vicky prum can beat Bo in that one but back in this one ciry she has already managed to defeat one great of the women’s game in Fallen sherck the queen of the palish can she Dethrone daa Hedman on this occasion and book her place in the semi-finals or will headman the lady with the most titles to her name in this sport get off to a winning start let’s find out back to Laura and Scott yeah cheers Mur what an Achi be beat two such ladies on the same evening one after the other particularly for a region and particularly for ladies dance and to show that hey you know there are others out there and that’s what this lady’s week has done and no more so than for 85 V kind and yeah it was interesting hearing daa speak then and obviously imploring that this isn’t the only women’s week for me personally I think it’s been really successful really has been a joy to watch but those people that she was so missing I do wanted to give a shout out to Lisa rashton who’s over in Switzerland she she won that title over there today with a victory over Arena Armstrong 53 yeah I know there was a few others invited Robin burns on holiday I think and um yeah just one of those things but I’m sure if there’s another women’s week there’ll be more chances some more new faces brought to the public on the big screen and I think it’s really important for the development for those it’s all like playing great on the floor all the time you need to be getting here and learning this stage part of it and I’ve I’ve tried to reiterate how great the super series is and this women’s week is four players by by trying to explain I went to Lakeside took me three years on the Trot to get three games on telly it took me three years is you get that in the morning here you get that in the morning in group and and so that experience you wouldn’t have had to waited three years and so sometimes that’s why players took time to develop because the TV opportunities weren’t there and with the way that the modern day game has gone and the way that that YouTube has happened and and live streaming all that that wasn’t around back then so you know we’ve got to use it to our advantage at darts yeah I couldn’t say it better myself just say 95 spoken about it just like you said there and you do you go that whole year you go and I think people maybe underestimate the amount of effort it takes to actually qualify for a world championship you know the amount of SLO you do the different countries you go to and there your best performances on the floor so then what you just want to make the most of the opportunity and you don’t have that stage experience I’ve struggled with it very much so so you know this was a fantastic opportunity for me but I think if you got a go again you would see it in a totally different light and you would set yourself up in a different way and um it’s like anything that that you haven’t ever done before it doesn’t matter whe it’s driving a car or whatever you you build yourself up to what you think it’s going to be like in your head but the actual reality is it’s nothing like it at all when you actually go to do it 100 CU he require tentative start here from deta Hedman so ven with a an opportunity is a hold but as we said I’d imagine Cy looking at the reaction yesterday when she realized she was through she may not realize that it is just a couple of legs that she requires 40 no I I would I would advise her not to think like that I would advise her to come and try and win the game that’s that’s the the mental state it has to be the disadvantage here for for data is that she hasn’t had a game up there yet and Cy has and she’s also throwing second to a somebody that’s already won so it would be very easy for Di to go up there and feel you know everything’s against her yeah again just taking a Time adjusting ever so slightly five yeah over just a bit too much there did you require 116 these are the sorts of things your top players finish and here we go Hedman trouble 20 with the first she’s staying there and it was a mistake maybe she should have come out 63 it’s quite easy for us to sit here and say it but actually when you when you look at that it was the target was quite blocked needed to get it higher but those little D points do get out the way don’t they yeah that is true I’ve seen D obviously play on so many occasions but even now I have to do a double take when those darts hit the board just make sure it’s not my eyesight failing me game sh the first there Cy V so first Blood to cury and second leg against daa to throw first that will settle her down in a what’s a big game she just needs one more of those and she’s guaranteed to be through but as Laura said earlier I don’t think she’ll know I don’t think she’ll know I don’t either 92 yeah good switch there from [Applause] DET like we said earlier people are confident when they’re leading they play slightly differently I was hearing comms on Monday and I spoke to ciry after that first day she said how nervous she felt and that really does affect a player obviously if you don’t have all your nerves in control very difficult she’s just built up and up as the week’s gone on and to say it’s resulted in that early win against R Sher and she’s one up on D headman yeah indeed I just saw Shannon Reeves there she’s a World Cup winner with the youth for England back in the day well about four years ago whatever it was you know how always feels back in the day now I’m getting old one year just falls into another now yeah I’m just waiting for that next comment of it during the war from you yeah me and Uncle Albert he used to live down our way too you know 60 she’s throwing really well still isn’t she these are these are wellth thrown darts and I commented yesterday about the type of flight she used makes that Dart a very positive Dart because not a lot of drag on the flight it’s a very thin and long flight so that makes it a very positive Dart to throw 60 doesn’t have a massive parabolic Arc as it throws through the air so it it will fly fairly flat it will yeah no I am impressed with the the wordage that and I’m impressed with these darts once again from Cy Vin a kind yeah you must be careful saying parabolic with a mouse full of peanuts I can tell you but yes sorry I’m just catching my breath there it’s all right I can explain it to you if you want it’s The Arc in which the AR flies I know what it is it’s just you know let you say feels risky is risky 16 the mouth full of salted nuts right anyway back to the darts yeah wild Dart there from curs even a kind of 30 but this 1 through1 did if that’s a shot I leave it’s not a nice shot is it no I commented in the week 130 is lovely 132 is okay but 131 is a bit hit two troubles to get 131 where 130 you 57 get away with one and get D the ball the same with the 25 need one treble to get a dart back at the ball that was a big safe 18 as well so Bullseye it is 61 and not a Million Miles Away reques 74 headman the England Captain is under all sorts of pressure here for this 74 no risk taken going for the trouble 13 it was a big 13 and now herot of the ball 39 require 25 I think that showed what pressure she was under yeah 100% yet nowhere near the intended target Cy back here for 25 finds the nine but only just yeah see that been using thick of points that would have been a 14 game sh the second but you cannot cannot knock the way she hit the double eight and those two legs see her through to the semifinals to throw first game on she is safely through yeah and it does make this final match of this group very very interesting with d to set to face fall and sherik yeah that leg is opened up a whole can of worms in group two hey but we said it at the start any of these women up here are capable they’ve done all they needed to do to get to this point if you can have your best day at the right time Anything Can Happen well she’s having a great day hi it’s you won this time yesterday she didn’t really know she was through so now although she probably still doesn’t realize she’s through um she’s in the semi-final 95 and obviously there are Financial rewards involved with that for her so yeah of course yep you get the price bunny obviously increasing as you head towards that final 64 I know that’s is a factor and it’s an important one you for the amount of travel that we have to do however when you’re up there when not it’s all about the trophy isn’t it absolutely absolutely the money will come and go but the trophy the name stays on forever I remember an interview Richie berett saying that he he’d earned two fortunes at D spent three that’s a very richet thing to say yeah this match maybe resembling slightly daa’s Opening match in her group c campaign where she did lose 3-2 to Rano Sullivan the only match that she has lost so far this week it is a match where you can quite say that Cy is dictating the pace of the [Applause] game I do think Di’s one of those methodical players as well in terms of her step up her approach she’s very much in control of you know what she can do with in her time I don’t think it bothers her as much as maybe it was Ring Fallon and disrupting her Rhythm no no I agree but I think daa does have a different pace she can go up a couple of notches but she’s also quite comfortable going down a couple of notches to a slower pace and I think that’s also what’s given data longevity in the game being able to deal with that 162 cury 79 effing out troubled 18 well there had darts sit slightly flatter sometimes although it looks like there’s a lot of Gap it’s quite easy to clatter into those flights yeah our camera angle is from a lower angle isn’t it there at the board so um it doesn’t show exactly how flat the dart is sitting is uh slly de8 we do have a lovely overhead shot that shows very much so how the darts sit but just going to stay there on treble 18 and that is marvelously close and what wait there’s no right or wrong way to go for that to me is very traditional still the 18s route you see a lot of players now utilizing that travel 20 cuz it’s the target you go for more times than not Cy and I are of an age that we don’t like change I’ve only just started stopping 42 tops for 82 oh Scot I get it you you have it set in your mind of what you want but this is a massive opportunity for cury here to beat d hman three legs to nil 65 required that’s an awkward one it’s got to be 11 ball now or is she going to go with a 25 because she feels that she’s nice safe 11 no no silliness going for the Trel it’s Paul’s eye 35 T requ not a bad leave but you would think Hedman would take this out but you never know when you’re two n down you know there’s pressure nice high one with the first one so it’s double 10 game the third we go double double and now what that England Captain her shoulders have come up with a bit of as we said earlier getting that first double and first leg on the board for the evening does calm you down and give you a bit of confidence yeah and it’ll be interesting to see how important that leg may actually end up being because lost 31 to cury any leg that di can actually add on here could be a 3-2 win could be a 3-2 loss could be a 3-1 loss but every leg I think is going to help in that last matchup where did you take some valent [Applause] 100 so far in the opening leg here You’ have to say Advantage cury with the a big big treble 19 for headman there and this is the overhead shot so you can see more of the angle that that Dart sits is rather flatter than it looks from this angle and dier is very similar actually hers are going quite a flat angle 60 yeah it’s always interesting to kind of see from almost like the kind of players perspective what they’re seeing there is quite a flick involved with Cy’s throw and when she gets the timing of the forward motion and the flick of the dart wrong that can sometimes result in being a little Wayward and you don’t want to be offering deta opportunities to think that you’re being Wayward because she’ll do that to you and come back into the [Applause] match yeah cury once again just taking a time and I like that a lot of players would potentially go up there and even if they are a slower player would still feel that pressure to kind of rush into what they need to do Cy doesn’t seem not worried about it whatsoever she needs to make sure you know that she’s right like I say she’s been to lots of World Cups and Europe cups that I’ve been at and I’m although she is younger than me I still feel a little bit of a spring chicken in those she’s been to many more of those than I have she has bags and bags of experience 140 only recently that she’s been traveling and we’re seeing this game that she’s producing obviously they’ve seen it in their home Nations and in Scandinavia an awful lot but we’re now starting to see it here and 6 D I think no matter what happens for here for her making the semi semifinals is a success story for her and the and the ladies in the Scandinavian area yeah and I think one of the things you can possibly attribute it to is the format of the women’s series and how that has developed I think that’s why you’re seeing ran back on the circuit as much as she is you’re obviously seeing more of c and and other players as well because it’s attracted them back to the sport yeah it has he’s high out this Cy’s High out in group B was a one 12 six and that was on the ball she’s not going to take this 120 so offers headman the chance 24 now we’re chasing round the board double six game [Applause] many times she’s been under pressure in her career and then that got to be many game you don’t have over 250 titles ranking titles that is that’s not the Dog and Duck ones she’s probably won a couple under of those as well yeah very very accomplished player that’s some kind of CV from DJ hman but and this is very much echoing the last match between Riano sullan and Vicky puin ran went into that two-nil lead Vicki brought it back similar to deta here but what ran had in a locker was a 10 dark leg to see out the match yeah totally agree great spot that is this game has has become a game that because of its Pace it’s become a game that Every dart is being thrown is felt you’re not throwing three as a sequence and she’s just up to a pace a little here and the result was 125 you can get very illed in these type of matches can’t you because both can sense an opportunity in terms of their performances around about the 70 average Mark and that’s under what they’ve performed throughout the you know their average throughout the week so it’s is a massive chance say ciry probably thinks that she needs to win this leg to secure that place in the semi-final so both will be feeling the pressure I think I think I think it’s their B minus C game that’s that’s what this game is 100 but I just noticed that Cy realized that that slower Pace was not working the experience she has the last two throw she’s up the pace and here we go 125 100 the fear of doing that and up in the pace you do make things easier for your opponent and DET started to come with her neck and neck very tight but just this 80 Point buffer if Cy can find one or two trebles and there is one of them she’s going to put some real daylight between the pet 172 125 wow wow wow big pickup I was wrong was one 68 yeah absolutely massive Dart there from curs and the kind and it was difficult the angle was quite hard to get through but she persevered now she’s got time from this 108 to win the match it’s back over on the 18s where she was before and we saw her go still go for the treble when that Dart was in that position 30 in the ball 78 you would normally go back there again but it looks fairly blocked looks like she’s going there she’s going to stay there again oh4 oh that was sweet blocked what are you talking about Scott no idea what I’m talking about yeah Fab Dart from ciry vinant don’t know what I’m talking about bad shoes honestly I think my days are numbered here 55 see required mat winning opportunity here for cury vinan 24 required she stepped back and reseted that time no score those are nervy darts for me those are nervy darts I wonder if she’s thinking that she has to win this game to go through I imagine she is I imagine she is could feel every single Dart she threw there but she’s got a bit of time daa really trying to hone in on that treble 20 she does find it start of asking Cy require 24 three more at Double 12 she only needs one Cy Vin Kanan two wins from two in group b she tops that now there we go 71 average similar to her earlier game in the 70s three from 12 but deta hman just couldn’t get herself enough shots at a double so that leaves Group B as an absolute shootout WID takes all for daa Hedman and Fallon Sherk ciry ver Kan and no such problem she’s through to the semi-finals we head into a short break and we’ll be back after that with a Vicky Prim versus Bo Greaves welcome to the party and ports here at the modus liveline they’ve both got the talent where it just real off leg after leg and dish out with heavy defeats what a way to start the day we’re up and running here on Champions week with a maximum well what a way to finish a 12 leg beautiful check out there from cam Crabtree only needs the one on the second leg darus what are you saying about efficiency on the third leg re the moment that ree Robinson comes alive in this crucial Clash looks like he’s going to go for it and it is right next to his favorite double top he gets the job done with the earliest possibility that is crab tree through case not so har Harrison gets the all important win game shot on the second leg Darius laow game shot Darius laow to me a long time that clinch fist he gets the job done in the end was nodding total agre second leg on the fourth FL [Music] can see she can unlock at any moment that is quality from harison this would be a wake [Music] up welcome to the party in Pete should be a good marker for him and is it was a great gu on the first leg Andre Harris a breaker throw for Andreas Harrison on the second leg consecutive breaker throw double 16 and he does lead not 11 but it’s a beautiful 12 Pro 17 but she gets Bullseye for the win absolutely incredible by Andreas Harrison he Andreas to haris [Applause] so more twists and turns on the women’s week finals night the first ever here at the modus Super Series and it’s Cy vinin and the Finn who well not the best known woman player but she’s managed to win her group a group that also features D Hedman and Fallon Sherk who will face off in a straight shootout to qualify alongside vinar and that will take place after this game between Bo Greaves and Vicky prune Bo got off to a flying start earlier tonight a 3-0 win over Rian O Sullivan and then ranne got a comeback Victory against Vicki meaning prum now needs to win this match to qualify gavves needs a couple of legs to ensure she tops group if that happens then the likelihood is that if Fallon beats dieta they will meet in the semis but if Prim can win this one 3-0 or 3-1 she would win the group and the chances of that final between Bo grees and F would still be possible not going according to the script so far can Vicky prum plot another twist here let’s find out with Scott and Laura yeah thanks very much Chris and that was almost a perfect start there from Vicki puim who will be throwing everything at this match and I think she’s going to have to to beat a player that is playing the way that Bo Greaves is 6 I think the pace will suit one another here 44 they both like to get on with the job yeah and now both of them had that game up on the stage so that element 13 now gone and Vicki was unlucky she had she she had a really good fight back in that 3-2 loss against Riano Sullivan was two-nil down 140 but it was just the strength of Rano Sullivan in that last leg decid of 10 darts you know Vicki would have had to have found a nine D to beat up becauseivan had the throw 59 yeah good look there Vicki making sure and that’s a great setup shot well she would have rather the 17 I think yeah but she would rather not have had the double 17 so I think she made sure of that 81 Vicky requires six yeah for the opening leg no score o require 167 difficult one there should you twoed it up well she’s gone away with it and she’s got that option in front of her once again 81 she has but now that b is so close it now feels like you’re giving a dart Away by Towing it up three yeah and it’s one of those it’s one of those doubles is you want to go for it but you throw it very tentative because what you don’t want to do with what Vicki just did there and hit that three you know what’s coming here don’t you another 18 to leave 32 requ lovely set up no score oh that’s unlucky she’s thrown it high just to make sure and just overshot it so 32 for a breaker throw here for Greaves game sh so after dominating the first leg dominating it and nine darts to Second leg five darts to get the job done it was that one stray Dart into the seven to trouble 17 that caused all the problems 39 yes so as we say we know that b is already through to the semi-final but one more leg here would ensure that she TOS the [Applause] group 40 just going a bit low here for bow and second up proved a bit of a blocker so I had to switch 60 60 after a frantic start the game is sort of leveled out oh no it hasn’t 180 you can’t leave 60 as a double trouble 20 you look at the I we’re only two 161 they’re all pointing the way of Vicky P 100 thrown 340s 180 just the two tons for Bo Greaves at this stage 41 once again board management there that one under the treble 20 causes all sorts of problems for her to get by B has the same problem and moves to the clear Target lead to 170 also hits the 92 double top for 111 80 and again that one was nearly too close that second D wasn’t it it was a it’s what we do isn’t it try and throw it that bit high but it does cause issues 60 Vicky rire 40 game on the second this live this time leaves a more sensible double and it becomes a more sensible outcome for Vick Vicky for sure game on yeah and hopefully that will sett her back down because we’re now back on throw Bo got the first leg which was a break and just broke straight back she has opened up with an absolute M here 140 that was music to Bo gaves his ears when Vicky just scored 40 what she did and now we’ve got darts bouncing out all over the place and having no luck 57 the same thing just a bit low for Bo gree’s liking I think the pace is slightly slower from from B’s throw she’s she’s trying to put them in she’s trying to be more deliberate for me 90 yeah picks up a big trouble there which was much needed yeah but once again Vicky PR did all the hard work in that last leg and now he’s just not able to make the of it and another good opportunity for B to find a Break 6 100 by 154 could find that first treble so just looking to something finds the ball she nearly threw it 15 was the shot5 so now pressure applied to this 65 that’s an eight 17 for Tops 25 Vicki requires 75 big opportunity here once again for Vicki so 18 for Tops self and this time does find the target it’s 2-1 now to Vicky [Applause] PR 75 shot out and I just say that Vicki in the last couple of days she shot out 80 78 76 7 a 72 a 90 this evening and now a 75 92 I’d say that’s her sort of range well I think as players and and definitely Spectators you love seeing those big finishes you like the 160 we’ve seen from Fallon we love a love a big fish we’ve had a 132 from from Bo but as dark players it’s those shots in between those 60 to 70 range and there you can see the stance of Bo Groves absolutely solid very very limited movement absolutely those are the shots the bread and butter shots 100 when you hit them they’re bread and butter with a bit of peanut butter on the top cuz they’re good I don’t even like peanut butter by the way I’m not a fan pulling a face at you there don’t even start me off pineapple on a pizza no 100 I will publicly admit that that is always on my pizza well done you I knew we had loads of common 140 yeah but this is better from Bo Greaves down to a finish now after just 12 81 120 44 this is what Vicki’s been doing she’s been doing big shots coming in 95 to the home straight yeah again precious Bose 76 I was going to say the setup play has been very strong from Vicki yeah B they’re missing the single number so 85 Vicky PR here theying down 85 for a 3-1 victory over Bo Greaves double five for the match 80 B you require 40 she’s had darts every leg in this match has Vicki Gage on the I agre you don’t have to give her a second opportunity that does mean that she’s top the group VI to throw first game on 6 yeah and how much will Vicky p r missing that d double five cuz Bo started to find her scoring boots and that Trel 20 95 not been quite as kind to Vicki these last couple of legs [Applause] 100 46 [Music] 137 that was a good visit but that could have gone disastrously wrong if she hadn’t found that second with that Trel 20 on the second art 60 129 Trel 20 doesn’t need to go for it but is the ball doesn’t need to but Ops to and leaves herself on 25 with a bit of time on a side yeah I follow our YouTube channel cuz I subscribed and I saw her a quick fire Quest and she always goes for it 60 require 25 double eight for the match yeah and that is double eight for the match Bo Greaves she was pushed the whole way by Vicky per and it was little of a doubling disaster for Vicki the outcome Bo Greaves she TOS the table see the averages there 78 and a half a bow just under a 75 of Vicky pram but it was that two from 11 on the outer ring that eventually cost Vicky puam and that does tie up the first group but we’ve got one more group stage game left so do join us after the short break where dieta hman will face Fallen sherik [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Well everybody’s played their part tonight at the women’s week finals night but it all comes down to this for the final place in the last four Fallon sherik having been beaten by ciry vinin and the Finnish player finds herself needing to beat deta Hedman in what is a straight shooter because vinan also got the better of Hedman meaning that she has won group two and will’ll play Riano Sullivan in the second semi-final the winner of this one will take on the group one winner Bo Greaves in the first a huge match here and it is Winner Takes all for the last spot in the semis it’s sherik versus headman and talking you through it it is Scott Mitchell and Laura CER first leg it’s D here we are we’re game six in the evening and I I don’t think we saw this match coming as a Winner Takes Allen and that’s only to be second in the group as well yeah very much Testament to how good Percy venan has been tonight okay average wise they’re probably not as high as what we would expected from Fallon orida but as players you recognize just getting over the line against players in this situation where you’re at finals night it’s your first time here TR a very long distance and to actually get those wins to get across the line I think that’s impressive in itself yeah I agree so so with that statement do you wholeheartedly think that once we get to The Knockout stage of the semi-final it’s a knockout that’ll be the situation they’re almost used to no it’s a different Dynamic isn’t it because having like playing in the group stages after the first date it’s never a complete disaster never you know you know you’re going to come back especially in group a yeah it can run away from you it’s quite easily done but you’re getting those extra opportunities that extra stage time you kind of it’s a learning experience as well when you come here so when you get to those semi-finals that’s what we played that is is what that’s to use another butter reference for you it’s our bread and butter it’s what we’re used to doing 100 no I totally agree I totally agree does hman have a Massage Advantage here with short format and having the start I mean yeah obviously in a short format if you’ve got the throw and you can make advantage of it then 100% but I don’t think we’ve seen the best from either of them detail when losing 3-2 to cury she lost with a 66 average which is way below what we’ve seen from her so far fallam was up just under an 80 average 39 they play to that form again it goes the way of Fallon absolutely I don’t think anybody wins the bull up on a best of five and then says oh now you go first so that’s the advantage I’d say 100% 13 if anyone wants to do that against me in the future I’ll be happy to take it yeah Phil Taylor used to get the ball’s eye away when it was first of three sets and stuff but not sure best of five he would have done so 44 no and that Vis it there couldn’t find a treble opens the door up slightly here for Val sherik if she can find something she doesn’t find one she finds two you acquire 126 you’re now starting to think this has to go and I think for me whoever out of these two does lose the match and obviously exits the tournament here they look back on tonight slightly disappointed because they haven’t had the performance levels that we’ve seen so far this week for whether that’s a mental issue and and they’ve approached it slightly wrong in their mind D’s picking out every trouble she doesn’t need here in our last couple of throws again I I always felt you had to make sure of that single 20 worst case scenario so had to go that a little bit more protective than that eight DT require 56 Valen there visibly not happy ignore that smile I’m telling you now she’s not happy she’s missing these opportunities D are having to check whether that’s in a 16 Fallon had four darts at a double already and squandered gets one Dart and takes it but isn’t that the way with dart sometimes it’s always easier to hit a a double when your opponent is missed the problem is you take a massive Risk by letting your opponent have it a go before you do 86 y all the work now for Fallon to do n my attitude if I was in this situation I would and I was in Fallon situation I’d be saying well that was just for a chance of a break or throw that’s what I’d have to I’ve got the throw now I’m going to go 111 that has to be the attitude yeah I agree 100% And that 180 there we’ll go a long way to helping her bring it back to one I think you got to have that belief hav you in that confidence I don’t think D’s particularly look comfortable up there tonight Fallon just needs to remind herself she knows what she can do she know how often she can hit that trouble 20 she’s a massive scorer so if she can just get that business end right around that outer ring she may be able to find a way 140 physically up the pace now you can see that she’s gaps between darts a little quicker 128 [Applause] 195 game straight it second sherff she probably had time to turn that up 10 or six that up if she wanted to but first game on confidence says straight at it and now data knows she’s confident as well by going straight at it sometimes it’s not always what you do in the lift it gives yourself it can obviously get to your opponent a little bit as well and start make them thinking she’s on it [Applause] here yeah I think both players as you say picking up that pace there’s a sense of urgency that Finishing Line comes around very quickly as alen Sher fires in her second 180 of the match brings their average so far just over 101 we write down about significant shots during the weekend when the players are playing and Fallon has taught four ton plus shot outs but significant other shots of sort of 70s and 80s she only has three but that’s because her scoring is so good she doesn’t leave herself out there it’s 56 61 134 [Applause] yeah this is very much improved from both players and Fallon did threaten that breaker throw in the first leg doing it once again here D to the first one to a finish but if she can find that red bit once again we’ll leave herself on something very handy indeed 37 DT require 141 you would feel that one has to go she’s missed this 141 on Double 12 two or three times this week she cannot afford to miss it now you can’t miss it any closer than that 50 by The Narrows of margins but 32 now for a 2-1 win to sherik just squeezes it in the corner Sher full flag it’s to say that is what she does game on once again she did allow D to have a double before she got one herself and that was very tight on the double 12 141 hasn’t worked for her this week I think that’s three or four times D’s missed the 141 on Double 12 but ironically I think she took out 144 61 oh no she missed the 144 and the double 12 as well it’s 114 that she taken out twice 140 and fall she has the darts now in this leg this is the leg that she’s going to want to wrap everything up she won’t want to put it back in the hands of dieta Hedman really has made a solid Start 45 feel that as a dejected look from headman melam to the other side of that double 12 and she would have been the one 97 the happier of the two in the momentum all with her but lovely kill of 50 from Fallon sherik and now it’s all about her 100 B 164 yeah now there’s a little bit of time afforded to Fallon sherik just trying to tea up just checking with the referee what’s left 100 128 and that’s very good play so will these be D’s last three darts and SP of play in the last couple of legs from Fallen Sher Cena rise to a 45 1074 average which will probably drop off here because it starts at a double but she won’t worry about that she’ll be worried about the winner takes all game she wins it 3-1 she goes through let’s run her up in group two a big pressure situation and look at that look at those average difference 84 for daa Hedman and 103.5 five from the queen of the palace has she finally arrived well she’s in the semifinals so we will soon see we’ll head into a short break and we’ll be back with your semi-finals after that [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well plenty two and pick from the group stages here um we’ve got Laura and Scott to do that we’re going to get the match between Fallon and Bo but maybe a game earlier than we thought we yeah I I think we all thought because of what we’ve seen throughout this week you that both Bo and F were going to top their group didn’t quite go to plan but we said there’s going to be some spoilers in there and I think just for Fallon it will be relief that she’s she’s made it through that group stage she’s still in the tournament and a lot of the credit for that goes to a certain cury vinan Scott yeah very much so she’s stuck to her task she she’s gone around her job she she’s averaged about what she’s been averaging as a as a middle of the road game for most of the week and when those girls came down to her average then she was the one most comfortable yeah we’ll just recap the results from tonight this is what has happened in women’s week finals night so Bo got the better of Rano suiv at that point it looked pretty conventional but in that same group I mean Vicky PR you’ve got to feel for a a head in the match against so svan who wins with a 10 darta and then missed all those doubles against Bo Greaves yeah she has been mightly unlucky as you say she’s she is such a a fighter formidable player and to get two 32 losses trust me I know the pain I had a few of them myself um but to to get to this stage I think that was Vicki’s main goal she was very unlucky and just I think just those last leg deciders just forced her out the tournament and Scott I’ll ask you about the player departing the other group deta Hedman losing that match to ciry I mean having seen ciry beat Fallon that might have actually made her think there’s a real chance for me to go and win this group she ended up not even winning a game I think that would have been the idea I think that would have gone through ahead I think if if we’d have been in there and we were in that group and that would have happened to us we’d have thought exactly the same we would have been rubbing our hands going happy day and sometimes that can be the wrong attitude to have and it and it hasn’t worked for her but I think um it it was the first game that was the undoing I think if she’d have played a little better on the first game averaged a little better she may have had more confidence going in to the Fallon game but you can say that both of them sort of never had their best games in the first one and it was just going to be who had the mental strength or who could get in front and uh you know that 141 will probably do haunt data she’s she’s missed it three times this week uh and she’s missed it one the double 12 on on a 144 so um it’s not Millions miles away but millimeters the difference between winning and losing yeah those two bouts certainly not disgracefully good performances from them but let’s talk about the players that are through what have you made of Bo Greaves tonight yeah I I don’t I would say she doesn’t look comfortable up there but we haven’t seen the performances I guess that we’ve just come to to think of when it comes to B she hasn’t had those big averages you know she’s been pulling them slightly lower than what she would like as well so having to adjust and she has been pushed I mean she was very much pushed right to the wire by Vicky puim so yeah she’s I think for me she’s just proven that there is a bit of fallibility there um so I think the rest of the the the actual field will think oh you know is this an opportunity is there sense I mean I’ve never really got that from Bo but is there a sense of complacency because last week she really did up a game against obviously a field of men but in the field where she is a dominant player she hasn’t quite reached those standards tonight no she hasn’t we we touched on it in commentary earlier about being a favorite in a game and not and not being the favorite um it’s much easier sometimes when you’re chasing and you concentrate better because you know you have to be on your game because the player is better than you I don’t think there’s anybody here other than Fallon that Bo feels that she would probably would have had to have done that she would have probably been thinking I’m the favorite here I have to win this game and that’s kind of where sometimes you come off your top game it’s not possible to play that I think we’re going to see an absolute Ripper between the two of them now I think the gloves will be off and we we’ll see an absolute be they’ve played each other so many times first nine DS or so could be really nervy but then I think it’s going to be fireworks after that what an opportunity Laura for the other two players Ranos toan and Cy vinin and let’s start with ran because she had to bounce back from that disappointing opening defeat she actually produced the better leg of the night to to get herself through yeah she she did and that’s that’s what we’ve been talking about that’s what we know ran can do at two a piece you know most people may may feel a bit edgy may feel a bit nervy but ran just found that 10 dark leg to to secure you know the actual Victory which she needed if she lost she would have been out of the tournament so what we’re seeing from her I think if she can keep that confidence and keep that level of play again you know any of them that t has got to make her confident she’s got to be sat in that back room feeling very Dandy indeed knowing that she needed that last leg and not only needed it she then goes and gets a $10 she’s got me feeling really confident but it is a contrasting Styles between the two it’s slow slow quick quick slow so it’s how who reacts to which which other ones Pace it really is Cy Varden she’s a woman that at different times this week has kind of had the expression of someone who can’t believe she’s even here but she is here she’s in the semi-finals and how is she going to keep her emotions in check to try and build on that I think it’s kind of I mean she’s got the experience like we say we’ve seen her play for for many years and I think that is why she takes that extra bit of time sometimes she seems to be very much keeping her emotions in check while she’s playing and then as we’ve seen before at the end of a match when she when she beat Fallon you could just see the emotion pouring out of her I think she holds it all together while she plays and then as soon as that was that that’s done then you see the emotion it’s going to be a contrast as you said Scott will that be a factor in that semi-final between O Sullivan and vinan uh yeah possibly and and there could be a factor of she’s made the semifinals now um she could be happy with just being to the semi-finals and that may mean that she’ll lift her levels cuz she’ll throw with a bit of Freedom she may have come here and set herself a goal and a Target which was to get to tonight anything after that’s a bonus she’s now in the semi-finals could she actually throw a bit of Freedom could she actually make the final why not not we do get that match between Fallon and Bo so Sherk playing gries in the first semi-final they probably weren’t expecting to me at this stage um we saw him of course play in group a b winning all of those matches Fallon did have a run of five straight wins against Bo on the women’s Series last year they tend to go in streaks do you think Bo comes in with a slight Edge I’m I’m not sure I think with darts it is all on the day it’s all on the night now i’ we’ve seen the kind of standout overall performance in terms of consistency that’s come from Fallon in that win that she’s just had she she was just averaging around 107 I think it was at one point and then finished on a 103 uh so in terms of stats and the way that she came back in a must-win match that’s been very impressive and I don’t think Bo’s found those levels but Bo would have been sat out the back she would have seen what’s happened she knows what game to bring so I’m with Scott I think it’s going to be fireworks I think Bo if she can find a pace she is the stronger player at the moment but I’m not writing off alen one little bit and she seems to have played her way into form this week she was much better on Thursday and Friday than she was Monday to Wednesday fallen cherk and she seems to be doing that tonight as well she really upped a game didn’t she against daa there yeah she did and and like she she openly admits it takes her a few days to get going and and she she uses it as practice practice games and match practice is very hard to come by and if she’s using that the first few days for that she’s she’s started to turn up she started to be here she’ll be disappointed with the first game but you’ve got to go in that back room and then start thinking well i’ put myself under an awful lot of pressure there having to beat de Hedman and I’ve just come through that so she should be feeling good is there an argument as well to say they’d rather play each other in the semi-final than the final just because it kind of is slightly less pressure than the big match at the end of the tournament yeah perhaps I think I mean I don’t necessarily think everyone thinks about when they’re going to play someone for me it was just you know you’ve got to play the opponent this in front of you so that that’s the task in hand I just think perhaps their masters commentators Spectators it’s the fairy tale finish if it was the final but it’s not so you’ve just got to get on with you know the game that’s in front of you who’s winning it if I was playing in that semi-final I’d be thinking the Winner’s coming from here yeah yeah that would be my attitude going into that semi-final this is my biggest game of the night because I think whoever’s going to win this one wins it so for you this it’s kind of in their mind the final yeah yeah absolutely it’s the final in their mind the next one they they’d have taken playing either of the other two girls in the final and that’s not being big eded they they would have done they’d have been if you said oh you’ve got ran or ciry in the final to either one of these two they’d have taken that all day long but I think we better sit back and enjoy it 100% looking forward to it hope you enjoy it as well the first semi-final is about to get underway and it is the Collision of two darting Stars it’s Fallon sherik against Bo [Music] Greaves and there is your answer it’s our Opening match this [Music] evening she won’t worry about that she’ll be worried about the winner takes all game good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the motor Super Series here at the live Lounge in portsman it is women’s week and it’s time to introduce the semi-finalists would you firstly please welcome to the stage she is the two times champion of the world it’s bow and arrow B GR [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and now would you please welcome her opponent she’s the winner of the 2022 Women’s World match play It’s the queen of the palace ven Cher who’s telling them to walk that [Applause] [Music] way so here we go then Fen Sherk and Bo Greaves playing in the semi-finals of women’s week the first ever women’s week here at the modus Super Series many people’s final it happens a game earlier only one of them can make the show piece occasion many will think the winner may come from this match but Rano Sullivan and ciry vinan will have a thing or two to say about that of course vinan has managed to beat both of them this week including Fallon tonight but Grieves did win all three of the meetings between this pair in group a earlier in the week will that Trend continue or can the queen of the palace move one step closer to the Super Series Crown let’s find out in the company of your commentary team Laura Turner and Scott Mitchell yeah thanks very much Chris yeah very exciting lineup and as we were talking about Scott up on the balcony there for me I don’t think we’ve seen the best of Bo as of yet but Bo would have seen exactly what falland had just done to qualify 10355 average so first he knows it’s going to be game on but I agree with you I think this could be a tentative start I could be proven wrong it could be fireworks from the very outset but this could be a as well could the difference be having the darts in such a short format [Music] [Applause] 10040 good to hear the crowd here at the mod of Super Series they’re supporting their players 100 does having the darts make you the hunted and not the hunter 37 I think if you’re the one that doesn’t have the darts if the first does go slightly in know arai let’s say if if you don’t quite make an impact it’s no big panic because then you come back it’s when you come back with the darts if that goes wrong then you’re in a world of trouble with that dart on the floor the throw has been turned in the favor of sherik 100 yeah Bo just knocking the doart out of her hand 78 she used that last do well because I think that that annoyed her because it’s upsetting the pace well she didn’t have to go for it but that is an opening 124 from Fallon sherik that is a break of Thro second leg get Fallon to throw first more than that it’s a statement more than that it’s the fifth t plus shot out for in three days more than that the break of throw now gives her the [Applause] advantage and I wonder how much of an advantage it would be for Fallon who’s just come off the back of that that win over D HEB when it was the last game before the this semi-final so she’s coming in pretty much match ready very much warmed up I know it wasn’t much longer before when Bo was there but I don’t know the confidence that she’s maybe bringing into this match no still a more than valid point actually yeah you’re right still the more than valid point because she have been out there just throwing at the board probably while fallam was here playing 59 Bo just missing those treble 20s by the narrowest of margins pal Sher looking for a third consecutive plus score 134 13 140 down to 93 and just nine that one two4 on the ball definitely gave her the momentum 140 193 double 16 game four and now 93 goes as well the average for Fallon sherik after a couple of legs 12525 yeah that’s two consecutive 12 Dart legs for Fallon sherik 57 Queen of the palace is definitely brought her A+ game to this one we are on the London Road here 60 yeah a bit frustration just creeping into the game of gaves and you do have to say it has been for Bo you know a couple of weeks down here in Portsmouth yes she had the advantage of having those couple of days off by topping group eight then you’re coming back into this Arena and you’re not maybe as mat ready as people that have played in group b and Group C one thing I do know is that this young lady b geves does never make an excuse for anything 81 she plays her heart out whatever it is on that day and if it isn’t enough it isn’t enough she tries to make sure it’s enough the next time but she needs something here she needs a big big treble oh and she does it with that last D just to keep her in [Applause] touch 60 y just reaching for that last do boat you feel he going to have to keep finding the treble does find it again last start of asking and is the first to a finish but when she’s finding it last start that’ll be music to sherk’s ears if she’s finding treble first start then she still has two in her hand to find more 100 by 134 41 fqu 81 double 16 she steps back has a good look and Nails it for a 3-0 win what a brilliant performance from Fallen sherik it was the big game everybody wanted to see Sher takes that 3-0 10736 her fifth t plus of the week I don’t think you can argue with that in fatic absolutely emphatic 100% on the doubles three out of three games don’t come much better than that we’ll head into a short break and then we will return with semi-final number two with ciry vinin and playing ran o salivan [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] well only at Women’s week here at the Super Series does a 10 time world champion casually pop up for a chat Trina gulli Delight to have you here with us this weekend tonight what a night it’s been so far oh amazing darts all nights and uh you know they’ve done ladies darts proud you’ve got to feel a little bit for Bo Greaves of course she she wins her group f Sherk doesn’t and then she runs into Fon who puts in 107 average well that’s just amazing isn’t it that’s uh bo didn’t didn’t find a game really tonight and uh F has just played an absolute dream there that’s absolutely outstanding we’ve seen in recent times uh more and more things come in play for women’s darts the PDC women’s series may be the first of them now here for the first time we have a dedicated women’s week you’ve been part of it how’s it how’s it gone how have you felt I think it’s been absolutely brilliant this week you know I’ve really enjoyed it I think all the girls have you know um and it gives us another platform to to play on and um you know we’re enjoying it and and you know thanks to Moda s of given this us this opportunity and um yeah it’s been great just on your own experience this week and particularly in group you made a really good start didn’t you and then deer and ran just kind of got away how would you sum up your week yeah started off well and um and then you derer and and uh ranne I I fell the last herdle kind of thing with them and uh but yeah it’s U I mean I I think I’ve played all right this week you know I’ve played pretty well and um so I’m happy kind of like happy with that but also disappointed that I didn’t qualify I couldn’t keep it going and just back on tonight of course with Fon and Bo meeting one St it presents an opportunity for somebody else um we’ll talk about those two players first of all ranne um she really turned it on earlier tonight got a t daughter in her deciding leg so she’s shown that can mix it with anybody well she can I mean rianne’s been around for a long time and uh you know she’s a quality Dart player and uh she’s shown that all this week and if she does get through she’ll just be happy not to be meeting you in a big stage final yeah yeah met a few times in the uh Lakes side World Championship so um yeah she’ll be she’ll be glad about that and Cy Vin maybe lesser known to some of our viewers but I know she’s been around for for quite a long time um she really has produced some Shock she’s beaten both Bo and Fallon this week and finds herself in the semi-final yeah absolutely I mean I I know ciry from from way back you know um playing in European and World Cups and um and and this to be fair I think she’s a better player now than what she was back then so she’s she’s having a good week as well have you got any thoughts about the way you see it going this one I think I think ran might just pop this one but uh you never know because cir’s playing so well and she’s taking her time and playing well under the pressure so you know um it’s going to be close yeah let’s hope so well who am I to argue thanks for joining us a pleasure to have your company for having me this week and certainly if there’s a next women’s week we hope to have you back I hope there is well hopefully there will be I’m sure there will be it’s been fantastic so far but the second semi-final this one is about to get underway is ciry vinan against ran O Sullivan [Music] gain on the second but you cannot you cannot knock the way she hit the double eight in any game and that’s a 10 data to win the match from [Music] Riv good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the motor Super Series here at the live Lou in portsman [Music] it is women’s week and it’s time to introduce the second set of semi-finalists would you firstly please welcome to the stage from Finland it’s ciry [Music] [Applause] [Music] Veno and and now would you please welcome her opponent from Wales ran o [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sal so semi-final 2 about to get underway for the right to face fallen sherik in the final this is the penultimate match of a very successful women’s week it got Trina gul’s approval so that is good enough for all of us here at the modus Super Series but which one of these players will be taking their place in the final will it be the player who lost two World Finals too between aiv ran o solivan the Welsh woman the Speedy Slinger or would it be the more methodical fin ciry vinan who has been on the circuit for some time but is playing the darts of her life and she could end up having the day day of her darting life come the end of this evening it will be a real contrast in Styles as discussed by our top-notch commentary team who are waiting to guide you through this one back to Lauren Scott cheers MAF I hope you’ve got out of that headlock that Trina GLI had you in there she’s pretty adamant she wants another week here so uh that was uh that was lovely to hear from Trina and yeah quite rightly a big opportunity for these two girls in semi-final number two an opportunity knocks who is going to be kicking the door down will it be Sullivan or will it be vinan yeah you can almost hear a pin drop start of this match and 6 I think I’m with you and what you were saying before is that does Cy throw with this additional level of Freedom now she’s she’s made the semi-final they’re into knockout stages they they know this warat so much better or is the pressure of being within touching distance of the final and then the actual whole event can that prove a bit too much 96 well she’s changed nothing about how she’s going about her business has cury she’s going to play that 100 pace and that’s what she’s done all week and that’s the success she had to get her here and I’m I’m all for slow and steady win the race Brigade you don’t say [Laughter] Scott 26 they could even put a stairlift in here to get me to the commentary box and it’ still be faster than me coming up the stairs 140 what I will say with ran obviously they’ve met a few times this week already ran will be very much aware of the pace of vinant I think when you’re a speedy player and you do play someone that is at a slower place however that can affect concentration obviously we talk about the Rhythm but it can actually gives you more time to think in between throws sometimes you don’t want that time you just want to get on with the match absolutely and because it’s an individual Sport and you do bump into a sort of slower player or a faster player whatever because we’re dark players we think me me me and we’re thinking that they’re doing it to put me off that’s that’s how everybody thinks they don’t look at the situation say well no they’ve been do 10 years 14 I’ve got to deal with it now they go was me me me doing it to me on purpose one and that’s anything that’s that’s taking your time at the water table that’s doing anything players have their own little traits all of all of them are different indeed but that last visit there from Rano Sullivan offers up a really early opportunity for this break she will need a breaker throw if she is going to progress to the final game Shan the first does find it Rano [Applause] Sullivan second get ran to throw first puff of the lips there from oan knows how important that break is but Cy venan has been in 104 last World Cup semifinal out in Denmark for Finland and I believe she was defeated by daa headman I think well she one most definitely got her revenge tonight C beating daa at the group stage is 3-2 140 I think it’s quite hard to argue that Opening match between ran and boat bit tentative ran didn’t actually get shot at a double but really did come back in some Style to beat Vicky per 32 to secure a place here in the semi-final 83 41 45 Salan really has up to level a bit in this match lost that opener as I said before with an 82 average had an 83 in that victory over Vicky PRM Aver just over 90 at the moment almost 15 points clear of her opposition she’s not far off the averages that she’s been doing all evening though is cury she’s been very consistent I’d say some of the results for Cy tonight have actually been dictated because of the way that her opponents have played against her she’s just been there to to sweep up those opportunities and it’s full credit to her because you have to create them then you have to take them yeah rianne’s been on that 82 883 84 Mark in her first two matches she’s now just shy of 88 so she’s upped it a little she’s come to the party require 40 game lead and a good hold of throw is she final bound Cy to throw first game on and if Cy vak has got any nerves you don’t tend to see them I do think she does keep everything very calm in terms of her approach and the way she is at the board everything’s in check that’s quite a hard skill to perfect no I totally agree it is 40 it is very hard to stay still when somebody’s outside you rattling your cage 100 she does at times just throw that little quick throw in for a couple of throws as well to change things up a little 41 it’s just whether that’s a conscious thing if that’s actually a decision because sometimes when you get actually wrapped up into a game you get slightly embroiled and then that can affect your your throw and your style say it’s only ninal but actually it has wielded some good results for C when she sped up yes it’s been working this leg up to now 60 salivan won’t be too bothered here she knows she’s got them to throw in the next leg maybe she will Target that but you you fear doing that because then if you get to that next leg and have a poor start you just offer it up to your opponent don’t you yeah she found herself in this situation earlier against Vicky pram not yeah against Vicky pram sorry where she did go into that two-nil lead Vicki then clawed it back and okay it was a superb leg but that doesn’t happen every time no it sure doesn’t the travel 20 reli double top here and oh 23 she’s disappointed with that one but we do reiterate that it’s a lot easier setting up when you’re a couple of legs in front than it is when you’re a couple of legs down and the young at the world now will go 19 tops tops wouldn’t they yeah 100% I think well management I think you can get that nailed as well if you know the shots and you know the roots to go and even just setting up those big finishes it’s those small margins that are making all the difference 59 well she stayed fairly safe there on those last two darts to make sure that she’s sat on 40 knowing no matter what Sullivan does to her scoring wise she knows she’s got three darts to take the leg and hold throw that is so tight no score she went safe with the first one really went with the second twoo a big number is missed there by O Sullivan that means ciry and again means Cy is going to get another three darts at this tops which she won’t have been expecting to do could be relief here for vinan just to keep her hopes alive need double tent and this time does fine Double T two one ran Sullivan just needing the one leg now does have the advantage of throw see what she can do when she has it yeah vian’s double stats are one from five but all five of those have been in this leg and salivan is two from four and obviously those are from the two legs that she won 140 here we go it’s a great start on her own Thro putting vinan under the K already have we seen this week she doesn’t mind being woken up now and again 25 yeah you just saw that nod in the background from o solivan just she’s one of those players that when you play against her she does acknowledge good DS from the opponent she’s a very very generous with you her praise when you are playing against her I can’t do that necessarily it kind of puts me off but do appreciate it one H that’s in rianne’s makeup that is she’s always been like that I think was it Sam curtain turned her over on the England game with a big shot to finish she was just so pleased for Sam just a genuine nice person yeah very very much uh liked and respected on the women’s circuit on the dark cirkuit in general 60 we 126 a little bit of exasperation there from R Salan very unlucky not to have found that treble but she wouldn’t have had to have gone for the ball the reaction there tells me I think she probably would have 60 R requir 72 so will it be 16s no she goes 12 route double top 32 first chance to win the match goes to O Sullivan kind and she’s going to want to find something big can’t find that first treble so more incoming match winning opportunities for Riano Sullivan 140 pressure well and truly applied and even then ran oan is still tapping a leg saying well done 30 yeah and you can just see when they have additional bit of pressure and it’s a match winning opportunity not always easy to convert and we could be at two legs all and then it’s Advantage v no Score first one was a wild one and the second one rire 10 was an over adjustment straight for it double five we thought maybe she’d have gone for the two but no it’s a 3-1 win for ran OS we now know our finalists it will be England versus Wales A S smile there from Rano Sullivan you can see she was on an 88 average for a long time in that game but got penned back and embroiled in what was a tense nervous headache finish so our finalist will be Fallon sherik and ran O Sullivan we will head into a short break and we will see the final on the other side [Music] [Music] [Music] so the final is set here the Super Series R suan will take on fall and sherik Scott Mitchell you’ve been watching the action tonight and we’ve got two players that had a terrible start to the night that have managed to find themselves to the final yeah that can be we come into it saying that the finals night is is sort of the be all in the end of it and you know and the the Monday to Friday is L the floor show to just qualify for the Big Show and they both kind of froze didn’t they on their first games it was um with all the experience that both have in in big games you would have thought that they would have lapped it up but the lovely thing about the game of dartes you have to remind yourself sometimes of the things you’ve learned in the past and I think both of them had that situation tonight in the early game yep it’s not about you start it’s about how you finish and both players have certainly shown that to be the case tonight if you look at the results from this evening you’ll see that Rano Sullivan went down 3-0 to Bo Greaves the almost impossible position but then managed to come back win against Vicki prum capped off with the tend daa before gavves beat prum and it meant that O Sullivan went through alongside her Fallen Sher a shock defeat to Cy vinan in the group that then meant that she needed to beat dedman she did with 103 average but then has to play Bo Greaves in the semi-final what about that performance from Fallon 107 and change in the semi to see off Greaves yeah it was a little nervy to start but then once Fallon got that leg it was away she went and uh the queen of the palace on the London Road as I said at the time here in Portsmouth she she’d got the job done and um just was in the right mental place at the right time I think sometimes having that first game and having a bit of a loss it does remind yourself that hang on a minute I am human I’ve got to apply myself a little bit here and uh yeah she was just emphatic in that 107 just emphatic and the start of the show tonight we spoke about the comparison between Bo Greaves and F and Sherk their highest average of the week was both around that 178 Mark so even though B had been more consistent across the week Fallon had the same ceiling and she ended up showing it in the match against Bo yeah and it was actually the ceiling was in the match that it had to come out in that’s that’s the biggest thing for me it was it was it came out in the right match and uh it was three from three on the doubles as well everything was topnotch and it has to be it has to be to trouble Bo Greaves you have got to have your A+ game to trouble Bo will Bo gaves be a little bit troubled now I know she’s sat out in the audience now watching the rest of it but it’s two weeks in a row where she’s been here on a Saturday night and lost in the semi-finals despite being the favorite before a d was thrown I don’t I don’t think she’ll Overlook that I think I think Bo is probably more of a glass half full type person than half empty I believe that she has to stay that way because that’s how you go on and keep winning and keep winning and keep driving yourself uh if you start thinking your you you know your glass half empty and you keep coming down on yourself like a ton of bricks eventually you do destroy your own confidence so it’s not a good thing to be had um I think she’ll be fine with it I think like any other player you need your 10 15 minutes and every time she sees somebody and she’ll she’ll say she’ll open with that but I think deep down one one when the sort of dust is all settled and she gets into the start of the week she’ll look back at the last couple of weeks and think yeah that that could have gone better but it could have gone an awful lot worse as well quickly on the other player that lost in the semi-finals cury Vin I mean she’s going to have to look back on this week with Incredible Pride oh absolutely I mean she should have an open top Bus Around Helsinki for me I mean for for The Finnish lady to come here and and make a semi-finals we know she had the credentials she played great at the end of last year here we are middle of the Year again in the following year she lost in the semi-final of the World Cup to data uh who then went on and lost to Bow ironically um but yeah they should they should be making things of her over there and she she will be encouraging the younger players over there this is a this is a massive thing for Scandinavian women’s DS in my opinion but Rano Sullivan got the job done um she’s been Sensational at times this week other times it hasn’t really gone her way but we’ve seen those moments tonight that suggests she could spring a surprise in this final well the tend da I mean nobody else has done a tend da this week we’re talking about averages we’re talking about 180s we talked about all sorts of things but the T da this week came from ran and and and she will she’d have gone into that the way that I said in the break earlier about Bowen and Fallon would have been thinking with the winner come from here ran would have been in the other half thinking wow what an opportunity to get to the final and if we get to the final anything can happen because it’s a final you never know what’s going to happen and she’s actually handled that mental side of it very well to win that game 3-1 and put herself in a position to really put Fallon under the under the C if she can but I’ll get your prediction for the final in just a moment but we’ll break for a second and have a look at next week’s action here at the mod of Super Series because it is the start of of series 8 and the first week features Martin Adams the three-time world champion along with Chris gilled and the former Super Series runner up Tom syes in group a three ADC players as well including Bradley Roose who was at Champions week and then we’ve got Group B with Jamie Kelly Justin Smith and Andy Hamilton stevenh Johnson Martin Turner and Jack m in group C not a bad start to a new series Scott no absolutely not and uh don’t the series is come around quite quick now you know how how are we on series 8 already it’s uh um it’s it’s become a store of the darts industry now this super series and everybody’s wanted to play it another new series starting with a lineup like that who doesn’t want to play in that and I’m going to give it a bit of an exclusive here um I’ve had a chat with the powers that b and Fallon cherk of course she’s played in Super Series before so as Bo agrees Rano Sullivan having reached the final she will be invited to the main series that’s a nice little exclusive for you there Scott absolutely does ran not yet no we don’t want to tell it before the final of course yeah yeah keep it to our keep it until afterwards um but just quickly on the final which way do you see it going um I I think Fallon wins it I mean just on averages alone and and and setups but it’s a final Anything Can Happen me me head says hen Fallon but me heart says that ran can do it and ran has won the ball so that does that change things a little bit it’s only still eras to Three Legs um if she goes 140 140 off the bat yes that does change things a little bit but um I think I think Fallon’s at a place where she’s not worried whether she’s got the ball or not I think she she’ll she’ll uh just more concentrate to get her game out there I’m not writing ran off in any way shape or form she’s a former World finalist on two occasions so look she she has the pedigree um but but my my head says fallen and my heart hopes foran perfect well we’ll let you go and enjoy it the action is about to get underway maybe not the final everybody was expecting but two deserving dats in it it’s Fallon sherik against Riano [Music] Sullivan and Nail’s it for 30-0 win what a brilliant performance for it double five we thought maybe go good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the motor Super Series here are the live Lounge in portsman it is women’s week and it’s time to introduce the finalists would you firstly please welcome to the stage she’s a two times World Championship finalist it’s ran oh [Applause] [Applause] Sal and would you please welcome to the stage her opponent she is the winner of 17 PDC women Series titles it’s the queen of the palace Fallon [Music] [Applause] Sher it I and so it all comes down to this the final match of women’s week here at the modus Super Series the inaugural event and it will be back I feel certain but who will be the first first winner of it it won’t be bo Greaves that we saw sportingly giving Fallon sherik some encouragement during the walk on there she was beaten by a fine performance from Fallon in the semi-finals but Rano Sullivan who was beaten by grief 3-0 in the first match has forced her way through as well a final appearance for her against the queen of the palace the former World match play champion who had those incredible moments on the biggest stage of all she has played in a super series final before as well lost to Mareno mikel’s a couple of series ago can she finally get her hands on the trophy or Will O Sullivan be taking the silver where we’re about to find out it’s another race to Three Legs guiding you through it for one last time it is Scott Mitchell and Laura Turner yeah thank you very much Chris I’m very much looking forward to this a whole week of play from both these players 60 both started out on Monday in group eight Fallen found herself in group group b top that Rano Sullivan finished second in group C to secure her place here in the final 97 it has been a wellin evening I’d say for both of them it has been mentioned neither had the ideal stop losing three nil to Bo grees finding a fantastic performance included that 10 Dart leg when she beat Vicky puim Fallen lost to KY V aan but found again just that next level against D hman came out a 3-1 winner for me just the way the Fallon’s played off the back of that disappointing Opening match for her 103 average 107 average if she can find anything like that then she’s going to cause ranne a whole lot of trouble she is but ran tends to3 have the the the better player that she plays the higher the ceiling she has 60 yeah it was interesting to hear when Trina was talking earlier she come back and she thinks that Rihanna is actually a better player now than what she was when she did make those two well finals yeah I I would agree I think I think she’s got better bounce back ability now um I think she would she could be hiding games and and and then disappear and she doesn’t do that now she she’s been around a bit now she knows that that isn’t the case 36 if you keep plugging away you will get chances yeah we’re talking of chances this is a chance here for Fallon to find an early break and she does find it third of asking once again just see that generosity from Rano clapping that as it goes in at the end yeah 15 Dart breaker throw so now you would say it’s Advantage Sher 60 the Bulls are in the back room now kind of eradicated but it’s not a proper break until you hold your own throw yep totally agree he’s going to have to back up that break with an another strong leg here 96 I had noticed a couple of days ago that Fallon used to play in trainers and now she’s gone back to her little sort of slip on doly shoes and I’m wondering if that’s a conscious thing she’s done lately yeah not to get into the Realms of Footwear too deeply but especially for female players I mean I started off playing in stilettos you know they’re all very fashionable at the time but then when you start doing tournaments that last two three days yeah your feet do start to suffer it was throughout Co when I started to kind of lower the the hill level and now playing trainers it is an adjustment it’s called getting older my love stop it 48 yeah it’s unfortunate but it’s probably quite true 60 yeah good to see some of the players still sat there watching the others deter in the crowd B sat there in the front 57 R 158 double 19 yeah and that’s an absolutely fabulous finish there from ran 158 goes back to what you said that break now proves irrelevant because we’re back on throw with ran with the darts and you would say the momentum is with her as well and that’s got to give her a massive lift and confidence and you have to play on confidence you can practice and practice and practice is all you like if you’ve got no match confidence and don’t believe you can do things within a game then you can’t win matches and talk about belief there [Applause] 58 I remember doing one of those in 2015 in a final we came back to during the war no jas6 it was a long time ago you were still wearing high heels back then I was 60 yeah cuz by Gemma hater in the crowd as well that she’s just recently come back to playing darts and wow she’s made an amazing impression in her first couple of women Series yeah I did see my my dear old pears partner from back in the day in my early days uh Steph SME was here in the crowd as well she made a world championship semi-final yeah beating Francis Hansel in the quarters back in the days where there was only eight ladies 140 101 TR blazer for Hampshire she was 45 Fallon require 100 that spectacular 158 from Rano Sullivan to level it up at one a piece valon now staring down a 108 finds the treble for double 18 90 just pulled it low 56 so big chance here 36 let’s go on begging F 18 that is close can she use it as a guide over adjust back to the O for double 10 I bet she didn’t think she was going to get another chance to get back wow ran these are chances that are being offered to her by Fallon from Fallon missing yeah Fallon one from seven on the on the doubl in stats ran two from four and that sometimes can be all the difference it can be gets a fair few of those doesn’t she that just drop out because of the pace of of the dart hitting the other flight there we go there’s JMA hater there we just saw her and shot4 but we know Fallon Fallon sherik definitely has levels and she’s definitely one of those players that likes to be the first to do things first woman here hit the nine data she hasn’t yet won a week and I’m sure she’d love to put her name on the uh first women Super Series 57 yeah there’s no better thing to do than put your name on a trophy for the first time 100 60 I just tried to lift that over the top overshot it slightly and ran back in the treble 20 100 F rire 148 just doing enough to keep self interested right smile there from Fallon 60 almost perfect adjustment have it going very much unpunished here from o suivant 21 Val require 88 can’t leave finish not leaving a shot that is a that is a cardinal sin from there even 45 would have left a shot 63 it’s again Fallon going for it a quick fire freshing she said she always goes for it yeah but really now tapping on the shoulder of Sher game pressure what pressure sh just dispatches that down the Dog and Duck on a Monday afternoon having a practice that’s one thing that I’ve consistently said ever since we saw a step up against teds back in 2019 100 almost makes the perfect start to this deciding leg composure Fallon has got it in abundance 59 100 what a last start find that is now the bullup and winning the bullup is coming to the four 96 that last AR from Fallen keeping her in contention but Sullivan is punishing the treble 20 down to 121 in nine mive mahive 140 100 round of 121 double 18 for the title couldn’t have got any closer she will be back can f put any kind of pressure she needs to find a treble and she knows it 97 does fine but back for the title she takes it she wins it it’s women’s weak winner rad O Sullivan you won’t find a more popular winner amongst the ladies the Brianne what a game from her she just stuck there around that mid 80s average she’s been doing it all evening and wow the 158 what a game changer that was there’s your winner she’s holding on to the table now and having a good Swig of water I think she’s she’s surprised herself there but just a word for Fallon what a game that was takes two to tango it 8738 Pio Sullivan 8261 for Fallon but it was that three from six for me including that wonderful out check 158 checkout which made all the difference and it is the Welsh Captain it is Riano Sullivan who lifts the first ever women’s week title here at the modor Super Series loved the reaction afterwards very much ran and ran and I think we can go down and join them on on the stage with Chris Murphy yeah we certainly can thank you Laura and Scott in commentary ran a very popular winner um just just try and sum up for us how are you feeling I am um more shocked than anything else but I’m delighted to win this yeah obviously it’s our first ever women’s week here at the motor Super Series you’ve been through some ups and downs you had a day where you didn’t win a match you had a day where you won every match just tell us what a roller coaster it’s been for you oh absolutely up and down and everything else in between but um amazing experience and I hope we get invited again so we certainly are going to have another women’s week but I can also tell you that having won this week we’re going to invite you to the normal super series as well amazing yeah great I can assume you’re going to accept that invite yeah well hopefully I win some games in that one but yeah happy and and just on tonight obviously you started tonight by being beaten three- n by a certain Bo Greaves down there you’ve had to she’s apologizing but you’ve you’ve had to bounce back from that just there’s so many good stuff you’ve done a 10 dter in the next game as well um you’ve just got that ability haven’t you to turn it on at any time well yeah I think so but um no I’ve enjoyed it and I’ve said to myself right one game at a time one leg at a time cuz the standard of the ladies here this weekend has been our week has been amazing so yeah 12 top players you’re the one that’s come out on top how proud are you of this achievement I am over the moon with that I I got to say I can’t believe it so congratulations we’ll let you lift the trophy in a second but well done um we are now going to hand you over to our MC for the presentation Owen Binks okay ladies and gentlemen would you please show your appreciation for the very first ever modus Super Series women’s week Champion Brian [Music] o ladies and gentlemen one more time your women’s week Champion ran o salivan [Applause] [Music] well Rano Sullivan enjoying that fabulous moment and what a moment it was for her as well in a week that has included Fallen Sher Bo Greaves the 10 time world champion in Trina Gulliver she is the woman who’s come out on top and Laura Turner and Scott met alongside me Laura what a moment for her oh absolutely I I’m absolutely thrilled for her and I was just saying to Scott the reaction afterwards she was just like pointing at herself saying me I’ve done it I’ve got over the line she’s such an unassuming player and you know one that I think we all hold in such high regard you know across the the women’s circuit and yeah I think I think everyone’s absolutely made up for her we can see a few of the other players in the audience there Fallon obviously graceful as she left the stage but Bo Greaves was sat there de Hedman she seems very popular amongst her peers as well yeah I think she always has been I I I think she’s one of those that is because she’s so I think unaware of how good she is I think she leaves it when she’s up there but she doesn’t take a compliment well she’s not I don’t know whether she’s not used to them but she’s always been that good and it’s just sometimes you feel that she needed to win something big maybe back in the day it might have been that World Championship where Trina was stopping her is this the one now that’s going to make her believe it’s women’s week it’s the first if she’s not believing now she never will yeah she’s she’s done something here winning with this field of plays particularly with Bo and Fallon in the field what does it do for well the likes of you the rest of you to see that it’s not just those two that are going to have to share all the titles no it’s great isn’t it and I’ve always said it I think the depth of the talent that we’ve got within the women’s game you know it’s it’s getting better and better stronger and stronger and that’s just a you know proof of that um The Front Runners to me still always are the likes of Bo and Fallon who are here but you’ve obviously got Lisa makuru you know I could list off loads and I’m probably going to miss someone off so I’m sorry if I do but yeah just to see her lift that title just goes to show that you know the the Gap is narrowing the rest of the field are trying to keep up and every so often you know that’s something like this happens and the News Scott that she’s going to play in a a normal super series she could end up in your group you’ve got something to fear there do you know what I said exactly the same to Laura when we went off there I I bet she’s in my group that’ be my luck um look I think it’s great for her I think it’s great for ladies darts to have somebody else as well another face in amongst the Super Series it really is good we’ve we’ve had McCurry we’ve had bo we’ve had why not aan she’s proved that she can be there and who’s going to want to play her during those 58s not me and at that pace as well it really is sort of easy on the eye isn’t it oh yeah she’s she’s wonderful to watch and if you’re a rhythmical player as we said before I think you know her Pace lends to like those very exciting watches um the 158 it was actually one of the only times I think during the match that she took a little pause she actually stopped but used it to good effect um I think she just knew it was a big moment and possibly a gamechanging moment because her confidence grew and possibly just knock Val ever so slightly right let’s just recap the results from this evening Fallon sherik and Rano Sullivan both lost their first games but they were the two that ended up in the final it just goes to show the beauty of the Super Series really a defeat doesn’t mean a disaster no and it proved it tonight as you say um I think you want to go out there you want to do well you want to win everything it makes it so much easier for yourself but I think for both Fallon and ranne I think the way that they dealt with the loss came back even stronger it just felt like it was actually meant to be towards the tail end strange little things happen tonight Bo Greaves twice now has lost in semi-finals two weeks in the row I know she has won a week here before of course to get to Champions week that’s F and sherk’s second final defeat on that stage as well both of them will be really disappointed weren’t they Scott yeah nobody comes here to lose do they you know nobody when when when the when the prize money comes out nobody looks at the third place prize money you always look at the top one and and it’s and that’s the way it is um yes should we just disappointed but like I said earlier she she’s one of those half glass half full types people that you know yeah she’ll be disappointed for a day or two after that she’ll be fine and and she’ll take the lessons from this and and remember them that’s the worrying thing with her yeah and of course people have talked rightly so about Fallon and Bo in the buildup and throughout this week but the moment belongs to ran doesn’t it how much sort of Praise can you lavish upon her yeah as much as you like how long have we got honestly like I say she’s she’s an absolute you Joy to to be around but also what she’s producing on the oy it is it is fantastic and it’s good that she’s been able to find that form because she was really nervous she made a really tentative start to group a found herself in group C which is notoriously one of the toughest to get out of because it’s two from six uh played much better in group C found her feet and okay she was a bit nervy in her first game tonight but like I said the bounce back ability that she’s got that perhaps she wouldn’t have had a few years ago that’s what’s shining through and yeah I think I I don’t don’t think there’s anyone that wouldn’t be made up for her and don’t forget the wel starting Community don’t need too many excuses to have a party they’ll be on that one tonight that’s for sure this is the latest in a long line of very very good well started players as well so there’ll be a lot of Pride won’t they back in Wales yeah absolutely and and they’re a nation that back their own they never KN their own they back their own and that’s why she’s come here and done so well and and that’s why they all wear that lovely dragon on their sleeve they’re proud to perform and and be part of that as a nation and uh they’re only a little Nation but they’ve got big hearts I just want both of your thoughts overall on the women’s week in its entir so I’ll start with you Scott you’ve been here in comms and doing some punditry how much have you enjoyed it and how much of a boost has it been for the women’s game I think for me hearing the women how much they’ve enjoyed it the girls that have all been involved the fact that you know you um Katie Sheldon coming here she was just like she was like a box of frogs wasn’t she she was she was just so in awe of what was going on here and and it was so good and then to hear the ladies talk about each other going yeah yeah we’re always in the room together but we don’t often sit together so so there’s another Dynamic to what the Super Series brings to the practice room and I and I just think that it’s been a success the viewing figur have been great on YouTube I mean we we’ve got to have another one of these and you’ve had every aspect you’ve been part of it in comms on Monday and here tonight obviously playing Thursday and Friday just give us your overall assessment of the week yeah I can’t really add add too much more really to what Scott was saying I think you know from my point of view first time I’ve ever had the opportunity to play here you don’t know what you’re going to do when you turn up and I’ve you know I found it a wonderful venue to play in and like you said it’s nice to actually get to know some of the women a bit better we’ve all had like really good camaraderie in the back room which is it it makes it conducive for you know a really comfortable playing environment so from that point of view it’s been fantastic but as a spectator and a commentator wow these women have really put in some performances and like Trina said you got to have another one well you well we will see about that you guys have been fantastic company thank you for that um we may well have another women’s week here at the Moda super series after the success of O Sullivan in this one but next week we’ve got a whole new series coming your way [Music] [Applause] [Music] the te super chion it’s the nuke Luke leg [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]


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