Learn THIS in your Golf Swing BEFORE Adding Speed!

GRF Golf Head Coach Marcus shows Tom how learning how to put spin on the ball with an understanding of the club face and swing path is the ideal way to the facilitate ground reaction forces and speed in the golf swing.

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Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

nice strike just a bit clean but the same kind of shape what does that shape of shot tell you what feedback are you getting there slicey yeah so what’s the club doing coming over like that yeah so the clubs going to the left what about the club face where would the club face be pointing when you’re striking the golf ball out like that a bit open yeah yeah where the ball starts is mainly influenced by where the club fa is pointing at that moment in time and the shape on the ball is the direction the club’s traveling the path so we’ve got a ball starting fairly straight so your face is pointing fairly straight and then you’ve got a path that’s moving across the golf ball like that so if we’re getting shots like that that’s okay if we intend to do it are you trying to hit the ball straight or are you trying to play for a f so you’re trying to play straight so if we did want to play straight there’s nothing wrong which playing straight yeah but to straighten that shot what do we need to do so if we know the club’s traveling to the left at the moment how would we straighten that shot up more to the right more to the right the intention is to swing it more to the right yeah how does that feel to you and then when we actually do it does it happen the way we intend so we’re matching the action to the intention that’s the important thing so are we actually moving the way we intend to move right and that’s why we need to a gol for so we’ll hit another one or two or three or four what we’ll do is we’ll play around with this and see what what do you send to swing to the right that f felt like I was aiming out that way more and coming in brilliant and again and that stayed out yeah not bad though see it’s holding its line when you get a fairly straight shot like that yeah what that what’s that telling you about your face and your path everything’s neutral everything’s neutral so if that’s the club face where the ball starts that club face that’s pointing in that direction the ball starts there the ball flew pretty straight so we didn’t really have much side spin so you’re absolutely bang on they’re all pretty neutral together so now we know where we’re swinging right so if we want to draw the ball all we’ve got to do we don’t need to change the swing we just need to make sure we close the face more right okay so now what would happen is the ball would start a bit more to the left and it’s going to draw is that that’s turning the face with your your wrists more now than exactly we’re going to find out we’re going to find out what you feel is rotating the face right okay so you can recognize how you’re orientating the golf club at speed and you can sense it at any point in the motion you know it’s open it’s closed it’s open it’s closed it’s open it’s closed anyway that’s to the right that’s the left that’s down that’s up so if you know if you’re going up or down right or left and it’s open or closing you can control this thing before we start to go into the forces cuz once we start to introduce bigger forces we’re going to amplify all this and this is going to become less recognizable cuz it’s going to be at speed right okay so if we start to L basically you don’t learn to drive your car you don’t go straight onto the M1 into the fast lane in your first lesson right it be a complete Carnage so what we’ got to do first is just still maintaining the motion but we’re just scaling it down a little bit giving oursel time to just recognize what’s taking place this golf club does not move itself you’ve got to move it and now you’re moving it you’re moving it with this bit Yeah so you’ve got to recognize what you’re doing here and the effect it has there what do we intend to do here so the first thing we need to do like any ball sport is we’ve got to be able to spin it the way we intend so your balls are doing this at the minute they’re doing that they’re just curving a bit left or right what we’ve got to do is immediately flip it not that way that was what you just did yeah so I know my path to the right both the path and the face matched up so now I know I need to close the face earlier and then it comes around some dra yeah yeah so you can go from shot to shot to shot now you if you’re practicing this once a week and you’ve got all all these balls you can start to develop a level of awareness which attunes you to these ball flights and allows you to start to regulate it and you recognize what’s too much to too much draw too much face was too closed what’s it like to go to the right can do that yeah so now I can hook it down the middle and then can you take out can you take away the a bit of the hawk it’s lovely being able to just change it like that that’s yeah and the but notice these are just like half three4 swings yeah yeah so there’s a level of feel that’s enabling this to happen and look I can’t do it great otherwise I’d be uh i’ be you’d be on TV ear running and it’s going to play in that ain’t going to happen so but having a level of ability to adapt gives you confidence to play yeah massive massively so when you can curve a ball you’ve got basically a level of kind of predictability to what you’re doing and that’s consistency we’re not going to hit a perfect shot every time no absolutely not and everyone is going to get a few good shots in round of golf but it’s not those shots that make you score it’s all the others so what are you doing with all the other shots yeah we’ve got to make sure we’re in the in play we’ve got to make sure we get around the golf course with one ball but to do that we’ve got to keep the ball in the playing field and we’ve got to do it with a level of confidence and it’s the confidence we’ve got to grow that comes from having awareness and being able to execute that’s going to start with spinning the ball so what I want to do now I want you to see if you can close the f I have a couple of shots and so you’re going to do what I just did your go swing was bang on before can you close the face he give it a g fantastic okay now that was quite a lot yeah okay now do it again felt nice that was brilant so that one faded so what does that tell you about where your golf swing was going more my neutral getting there it’s what about the shape though where must you have been swinging for that b to curve like that were you swinging left or were you swinging right through the ball I’m swinging more left more left so now can you swing right left and right and can you can you swing to the right and close the face okay it’s the same FL any what we’re doing is with practice we’re challenging ourselves and the areas that we’re struggling with are absolutely the areas we need to double down and focus on okay because that’s the area of distortion in the system so go have another shot and let’s see if you can find where right is for you even if you go excessive doesn’t matter how do we swing out there to the right that was better and see the ball’s curvy never so slightly when it bounced it bounces to the left can you see yeah so he puts them right to left spin on which was fantastic that was the objective we haven’t got a Target in mind here all we’ve got is is all fly all we’ve got is spin can we spin a ball just like football you right footed and right-handed yeah yeah right yeah yeah so curling a ball top corner it’s kind of that’s the club face it’s the same as the foot it’s just doing the same thing across the ball yeah it’s funny that yeah like that’s the one thing you curling it I wouldn’t even think about what you’re doing I just know that I’m going that’s basically that there that’s that yeah so have another go so this is exactly where we need to be so what we’re identifying first of all at this level is do we recognize where the club is and the face yeah definitely not yeah yeah so there’s no point thinking of anything else as in what am I doing with my vertical forces or what we’re doing with shoulders or any other thing because we first of all we’ve got to attune ourselves to this and then everything else can help facilitate the swinging of the club to get more distance right so what we need to do now is grab you’ve got a seven is eight eight grab let’s grab a seven as well all wait to do is just swing the cord back and forth like that just with your wrist that’s it’s like a barn door really opening closing you can let the forearm move you can let the whole that’s keep your grip for me so you can let your Club just let your arm roll that’s it let your arm swing and then you can roll it so feel that’s it yeah wow yeah there’s no tension now the let the elbow just soften so there’s no tension in the arm it’s swinging from the shoulder freely here just that’s it it’s swinging through from here that’s it that’s lovely that’s perfect yeah not don’t feel the tension doing that can you feel the ark the club head’s making like a circle yeah so just start to change the direction of the circle more to more out to the ride yeah so you might need to turn your shoulders on the way back turn your body on the way back to let your arm swing out to the right so think about where I am okay where would the corresponding place be on the other side behind you that matches to where I am where would you need to go yeah now you can just let that swing out to me good now hold it there this action you’re making is for a shot that’s going over here yes yeah okay so because in go we’re St at the side of the ball so the ball’s there we’re here we’re swinging whatever we’re holding is going to go left right so most people do what you do is they fade or slice it yeah because as soon as you start rotated as soon as you start swinging you’re rotating everything’s going left left left left left yep yep our job is to go right okay and that might look like even with a golf club you might think God I’m going so far right so far yeah but in a couple of hundreds of a second you’re there wow yeah that’s amazing yeah okay and then you’re there wow and you’ve got no time it’s gone so it’s like very quickly we going left so we’ve got to make sure we can go right because what’s also happening now is the club fa is Clos in as well and that’s going to influence where the ball starts and your swing is going to put the spin on it right put the club in your right hand down and just use your left hand step back on the mat for me and just do that left hand swim towards me brilliant different feeling oh massive massive feels like I’ve got so much I’ve never gone there before and you’re you’re now just turning your torso just to assist swinging your arm I think I’ve always been quite scared going in there yeah going in that over there most people in in this space trying to go straight that feels alien yeah so just try that for me and then just swing it to me like beautiful now both hands on the club see how that feels like same swing to me both hands just turning back same thing and then to me awesome feel different H yeah lot more sort of time maybe yeah have a couple of shots see what happens see if that does it yes fantastic so we got the ball drawing in now that shot there you’ve got a face that’s closing to the path that’s inviting us to change to adapt what we want to do now is swing out that way more okay take that shape you just hit cuz we’ve got the shape what we need to do is we need to go to this space so now over here just swing over there same thing over this with hitting the ball yeah yeah yeah let’s play a few shots in this direction so you’re moving moving over into this space well done and a bit more fur over here that’s it awesome so you got a ball starting right and drawing back yeah just a little draw so you become sensitive to the ball fly really highly attuned even if it’s a bit of draw you’ve got to be able to recognize it because if you’d have just done that with a driver it would be this right because the Loft as you increase the Loft okay you get less deviation okay as you reduce the Loft you get a lot more curvature so you could be making the same swing and with your 79 you might just get a bit of fade but you do the same thing with your driver and you get a slice yeah and you think I’m you’re doing something different or you might think oh I’m hitting my seven9 okay but I can’t hit my driver but actually you’re doing the same thing right okay right sense it does make sense yes so if I show you this it’s just understanding the tools really so say it’s a wedge and I twist it doesn’t really move much yep yep but if that was a three iron now and ioft it it’s really over there oh god wow then you yeah so if that was a nine iron or an eighton or a wedge I’m hitting it fairly straight the same swing with a four iron or a three suddenly I’m off the planet with a driver I can’t get the golf course that’s how I hit my hybrids so it’s like now it’s like you’re doing the same thing it’s just the golf club is kind of disguising it it’s masking it you’ve just done a brilliant job there by swinging out to the right and letting the face closed cuz your swing normally goes to the left and has an open face yes yes so that was fantastic I you just get a few more for me yeah feeling that path to the right and letting the face rotate there’s a draw lovely now more to the right that’s awesome wow and what’s going to start to happen you keep holding the club for me there sure is as you let this face close you’re dof in it you’re going to be able to compress the ball right but that would send it left but when you twist when you sequence your golf swing if you just twist your hips and shoulders to the Target going turn your shoulders keep turn everything look what happens oh right wow squares up oh wow so your body even though you’re Clos in the face as you rotate it does this wow so now you get a strong Loft you compress the ball that ball flight come out hot go a bit further goes further getting that club head for Turf contact yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wow so it’s kind of yeah you’re starting to use the golf club in a more efficient way [Music]

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