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Cam Smith and Denan Kemp preview Game I – SEN 1170 THE CAPTAIN’S RUN

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back to the captain’s run with Cameron Smith we’re here for Chemist Warehouse get discounted prescriptions and save more money at Chemist Warehouse uh now let’s get straight into it shall we uh some consternation around who kicks goals uh now reportedly hind has put his hand up I think he also has the best percentage and we’re hearing that Hines will probably be goal kicker uh what are your thoughts in in because it because it’s origin it’s almost a little bit different to club because yes two points are important in club but in origin two points are like gold yeah well I think niik will take it okay if he doesn’t I I think that that that shows that there is concern over his C okay right now just trying to protect that so I think nik’s the man um if not Steven cr’s come out and said what there’s been about six of them there’s been about six players haven’t shot at go they got kickers so in a way that’s a good thing but you know determining who kicks it’ll either be Hines or or Steve Kon okay yeah I think so I think um you know although Critter is not their first choice kicker at the dogs Matt Burn’s been kicking Max is pretty good as well LX is all right I think out of out of hindes crud and and lowmax I think they’ve got the I think lmax has got the lowest percentage yep so I reckon crit okay he’s a sharpshooter but that but man like I think that’s the least of their worries they got to score tries first yeah absolutely you what I mean absolutely so where’s that going to come from it’s that’s the most interesting thing about this selection is don’t get me wrong they absolutely have X Factor you can look at this side you know obviously Teddy you know Toto crit Suite LX but you would suggest that when you look at the Queensland side when they get down to New South Wales side there is going to be no question as to can they put points on um as in they should be out to it at the very least now New South Wales May defend incredibly whereas you look at uh New South Wales and you go yes obviously points can be scored but I’m not as sure that for example Teddy has the ball playing of a Reese Walsh that can can do that what do you think from your Southwest yeah well he just like for starters he just doesn’t possess the speed of of a Walsh there’s no player in the game that does but you know Teddy in his in his prime like in his younger days he he had those similar traits where he would burn Defenders with his speed whereas now he’s slowed down a little bit and that’s that’s just a natural thing right um with getting older uh but you know that when you look at their lineup it’s more about a p game so they’re worrying about big back five let’s get the ball out of our own in Kick Kick long like they’re they’re just going to be playing from from looking at their lineup I think New South Wales are just thinking field field position all night yeah so let’s just let’s just get lots of meters let’s just kick and back our defense to keep Queensland out of our own end keep keep keep Queensland away from our TR line um as best we can for as long as we can because there’s no doubt that I think Queensland have a greater threat with the football yeah now conditions I I think with what’s predicted um it’s meant to start raining before kickoff um and and I think it’s going to R rain pretty much the whole game that’s that’s what it looks like with with the forecast right so we’ll have to wait and see what happens later tonight but um I think it it helps New South Wales with with those slippery conditions and wet conditions because when you when you look on the other side of the field with Queensland like they’re a footy side that wants to go and actually play footy yeah they want to use the football they want to use great width they want to use long passes they want to go side to side it’s a style of footy that Billy Slater loves yeah and it’s would have promoted to these guys to say Hey listen let’s go play Let’s Go score points let’s put let’s put Newar Under Pressure there’s no doubt that the side that that mag McGuire has picked is very much defensively minded um when you look at you know the starting lineup of you know cam mckinness Liam Martin Ree Robson Jake trovich those guys they are high work rate players yeah they’re not so much about you know impact or or you know punching big holes it’s it’s it’s all about making tackles um and and trying to put pressure on the opposition with their defense yeah it’s uh it’s funnily enough it’s like the Polar Polar Opposites of game plans to a degree yeah you know it’s like and and both coaches obviously there’ll be some twinks when they get out in the night and they’ll be you know trying to deceive each other and all that but really it is pretty obvious as to what te both teams will be doing you know for example if there is a lot of field position I’m assuming Billy will be like well when we’re coming out overend let’s try and do two passs and land on their three Defenders and spread the their defense a bit Yeah and and if we do do that maybe we do get length of the field situations and I’m sure m is saying and on the flip side of that if they do break us sometimes Don’t Panic don’t start thinking we need to play their kind of footy do you think do you think they’ll line up with so in the centers and LX on the wing or do you reckon they’ll flip because there’s there’s a bit of a a theory going around that that so will go to the wing okay and Low Max Center because he hasn’t really played that’s a specialist position defensively centers and he wasn’t you know Su wasn’t that good at center for the roosters he was okay but he wasn’t as nowhere near as damaging as he is as a Winger do you think that could be a late change see to be hon definitely could be a late change I’m the most thing I’m most surprised at is the fact that they’ve G they’re going to go with so far those two rookies together are on an edge and they’re not going to split it up with maybe putting C out there because you’d have to be you know I’m assuming Billy Slater is saying Reese Welter as soon as you get an opportunity just go cuz basically what you’re you’re going to have hin Su LX and probably Martin all those boys a haven’t played together B three of I know Hines played Off the Bench but three of them are debutant essentially essentially yeah and so I’m that’s they play like eight minutes so that surprises me the most is that they’re not putting an experienced and I know CR is not that experienced but he’s a really good defensive Center and he has played origin before I’m surprised they haven’t switch that yeah well we’ve seen in the past mate last couple years there’s been late changes for both sides like like Billy’s Billy’s made late changes you know Freddy when he was coaching he made late changes as well it’s it’s you the trade of of the modern day football side and the modern coach and even the players like they’re adaptable and maybe why like we we’ve seen very little vision of of New South Wales this week yeah they they have been locked down mate they have been locked down like mes I think M’s allowed um you know media into like the warm-up 10 minutes bang that’s it shut off yeah wow get out wow so who knows like you know we’re just we’re all sort of you know trying to make up sort of different scenarios and different things that that we think may happen um but we won’t know until later tonight when they run out and we see how they line up for the first time I’d love to get your thoughts on you know and this is getting very nitpicky and you know maybe I’m thinking too much about it but the the thoughts on the move from Ki to the Blue Mountains now I don’t know where I land on this whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing the proof will be in the pudding the proof will be in the pudding but uh is there am I think about it too much where I go is there a concern you take them all the way out to the Blue Mountains there’s not much to do you know you got a lot of downtime you’re sitting around thinking L is is there a chance you almost play the game before you get out there or not really when you’re in origin Camp you’re you’re in the origin Camp you’re good to go M I’m I’m not sure because they’ve been out there all week right it’s a lot it’s a lot of downtime out to be out in the Blue Mountains yeah and when they when they left the Blue Mountains um I believe they went straight back to homebush so there’s not much doing out there either yeah true true both places you know so um but I think the reason for that for going out to um to the blue Mounds was just to take away any sort of distraction that that could take place I think down sort of in Sydney or usually like sometimes they do a camp at Eastern suburbs like Ci or something so kui usually the camp yeah so I I I think that’s the reason that’s well that’s the only reason I can think of is to take all distraction away um you know from family and friends and um all all different types of things you know walking around in the general public they just m just want their their entire Focus being on their preparation and this game as well I think two it probably worked out well and it would have been planned before all this stuff happened but like the Nick ohin sort of circus if they were down in town yeah okay and yeah there was question marks over his Fitness and all that sort of stuff like there would have been plenty of attention on him if they were if they were in in in the city so it’s probably it’s probably helped being out of it a little bit the only question I have is um you know have they have they been removed from it that much that it hasn’t felt like a buildup origin because it’s different mate yeah it’s not it’s not just an NRL game this is state of origin yeah okay like because if you’re removed from pretty much you know the the whole Spotlight of it all and the buildup and the height because people people love this yeah they love it it’s like Christmas seriously so like I remember you know in my playing days like if we ever did this little sort of um little mini camps we used to do one in the go Coast Hinterland in the early days right we used to do one in the go Coast tin land um but we go there for the first couple of days okay for a bit of preparation like first couple of days of Camp you know just to get our focus on and then we we’d come back down into the city but you know I used to love being around the general public people be yelling out to you wishing your good luck they’ve been coming up patting you on the back and you know just getting you going and it was a great feeling yeah um I I just don’t know with you know what’s what’s sort of feeling it’s been like out in that camp but that they’re the reasons why I think m done it um and you know like he’s an experienced coach so he knows what he’s doing we’ll have to see tonight mate whether it’s whether it’s wored absolutely absolutely we’re going to head to a break after the break we’ve still got plenty more origin rugby league to talk about what’s up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of the captain’s R we’ already we’ve already said that but we’ll say it again cuz we’re that ke but I was just about to say we got a new intro how good we do have a new intro actually how good what when that Stu Alex speak to us you’re the man mate we’ve been running with um bit of what we got there we got um the bander escaping me but it’s chase that feeling in the mood particularly for uh for origin we’re going places yeah yeah H’s taken up he’s taking care of that’s it now SM I’d love to get your thoughts on and it’s funny because I feel like today’s game the forward rotation it is so unique to each game because so many things can happen like you can genu like so many hias so many injuries where I feel like there was a period of footy where you pretty good you could na before the game started who’s coming on at what time and all that kind of stuff what’s been big talking point for New South Wales is this forward rotation you know how long is Jake trovich going to play is is coming on at 13 is he coming on front row is Cam mckinness going to play nine for a period is Robinson going to be expected to play 80 what do you reckon they and also they’ve obviously got young U and Spencer they’ve got to get them on at some stage but Angus kryon and Liam Martin they both can play 80 on an edge Y what are your thoughts about the and what will happen um well look I think cam mckinness is going to play long minutes you whether he plays whether he stays in the rock or or goes in and spends a bit of time at dummy half he hasn’t played a lot of dummy half not not at all like not at all the last what three four years you reckon since he arrived pretty much at the sharies yeah he’s been mostly what utility um Off the Bench or or playing lock right but you know like he he played majority of his career he’s played a dummy half so it’s not like he’ll forget how to play it um you know so like and he’s a he’s an experienced player so it’s so he can slot him in there um you know question mark on on how long Reese Robson will get will he play 80 it’s a it’s a it’s a big ask in the modern game to play 80 minutes at dummy half um because he goes he’s high work rate um and and will’ll get through a a lot of lot of defensive work sorry just quickly on that because it is a very specific role that ree Robson plays because a way that a a hooker can save energy is you know in defense they’ll get line speed but they’re not necessarily looking to win the contact they’re they’re probably looking to hold the person up other people come in whereas the unique thing about well not unique thing but part of R robson’s style is to win the contact cuz he is quite nuggety yeah and that is quite fatiguing so it is it is tough to do that for 80 minutes yeah well every time you you throw your body into an opposition player you running that year take it’s such energy you know there’s no doubt about that so he’s going to be making you know 40 plus tackles tonight there’s no doubt about same with Cam McKinnis so we got to see how that unfolds um M they’ll have a plan in place to to think well look if he if he blows out then you know we’ve got a guy there that can go to dummy half cam mckinness right um how they use o yo now because McKinnis plays such long minutes I don’t think there’ll be a straight swap for him in the first half okay I I just don’t think so I think they’ll try and use up cam mckinness as long as they can so when yo gets on the field maybe it’s four Jake choic or a pay har so essentially he’s going on replacing a front rower but he he’ll just play that same style that he plays for pen yeah right he’ll play as a bit of a link player cam mckinness will be will more than go into a role of just using you know his smaller stature and faster feed around the rock okay trying to get quick play the balls um whereas you know yo will become the link man with with the halves um you know Hudson young you know who gets a rest there out of Martin and Kon probably Martin under an injury Cloud you probably don’t want him out there for 80 minutes because I know he’s good to go but the more fatigue you put in a soft tisue injury the more chance it’s going to go yep yeah look it’s it’s it’s a it’s an interesting question because you know you sort of look at it and go well how are the all these players going to get on the field and how are they going to get used there’s a lock um two back rowers and a and a dead set Rock player Spencer lenu he’s the guy that’s going to create the impact Spencer lenu um question mark over how many minutes he’ll play y because he does blow out pretty Qui I reck 10 either half that’s what I thinking well that’s what I’m thinking mate too like I think they’ll try and I reckon they’ll try and get pain pain house at least 30 okay 35 um and get Spencer lenu on there just before halftime so he can just go mad yeah he can just go mad for at least at least you know six or eight minutes maybe 10 just go mad for 10 minutes mate cause a bit of chaos on the field try and Skittle a few queenslanders okay then he gets a halftime break of 15 minutes and then ask him for another you know 10 or 12 minutes didn’t and then P har gets back out there to finish the game is there a could you rotate it in the way where he gets on for let’s say you know the 50th minute or the 55th minute to the the 75th minute to to almost stop the Queens like for example let’s say he comes on just before half time and he gets 10 minutes y then then also the queenslanders get 10 minut 15 minutes breaks as well so is there a world where you go well hang on a sec let’s get him out there for just a 20 minute straight stint so get no breaks from him or at the very least they need to bring someone off to put someone on to yeah keep up yeah I I think um I don’t think there’ll be a a locked in sort of time okay for spenc lenu I think they I think M might look at it and just look at scenarios and and where the game’s at y if they actually need something if they need some um a guy to come on and change the momentum of the game I think that’s when they’ll want to use him if they’re if they’re traveling nicely before half timee say say they lead Queensland and everything’s well they’ve got high completion rate they’re handling the queenslanders he he may not he might he may not see the see the game in the first half yeah he he might wait until like you said like to to sort of blow it right open yeah okay in that in that sort of 15 minute 20 minute period in the second half yeah it’s uh how do you see Hudson young getting used well well I don’t know like obviously I’ve been but mag McGuire has been denying this all week right but I I still feel I still feel that Matt Burton might find himself in the 78 okay okay really he’s been pretty firm on it too saying yeah no he’s saying no no no but what do he say like I’ve seen a headline saying no he denies Matt burton all play but in the direct quotes from mag Maguire he all he said was no no we’re locked we’re locked in with our 17 players what does that mean yeah what does that mean mat Burton Matt Burton might be in that 1 give us a call 4577 36736 give us a text match what’s going on what’s doing well he wouldn’t be much like be listening much yeah well no they might be they were mate he would have been finished lunch they’re at at home Bush they got there’s nothing to do yeah mate except for listening to the captain’s run give us a call match let us know mate give us the scoop mate we spoke to Brandy last year we had the inside SC Brandy and I tried to RIS him good luck and he said mate there’s no good luck here yeah um what game was that for oh I think it was was over I think it was number one Adel sorry jeez I’m I’m getting all my time zones micked up I’m going to Perth later for the UFC I’m going to Perth later this year for the UFC um everywhere M I’m everywhere per I know it’s the best ever so lucky and like I’m getting paid to talk about sport what a joke serious joke so I’m I’m a bit of a is that would that be a conspiracy theory no that’s gone too far that’s not a I’m I’m with you I think it’s a conspiracy theory okay let’s go conspiracy the Matt Burton um goes in goes in yeah uh now we’re going to head to a break and we’re going to when we get back we’re going to talk about Loui Hines what kind of game plan will they play with ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the captain run time for The Good oil thanks to cob estate Australia’s most awarded extra virgin olive oil grown harvested and first cold pressed in Northern Victoria now onto Queensland wow okay so Queensland the biggest the biggest I guess um I would say bombshell but the biggest selection would have probably been San COBO on the bench now I kind of feel as the selection has kind of eased in and we’ve sat back and had time to kind of think about it and look at Stats and everything it does seem like most p or most fans understanding of the decision but I’d love to get your thoughts this close to the game such a big decision a bench spot to an outside back what do you reckon yeah I um I was a little bit surprised actually by the amount of people that said oh Jes that’s a strange selection given given the form of sell and Cobo and also um what what Queensland has gone through over the last couple of series and and I think Billy has outlined that fairly um extensively throughout his his press conferences during the week particularly the first one when they when he was asked about um Cobo being on the bench and he said well four out of the last six matches we’ve lost an the outside back in in these games so um we’ve had to you know reshuffle our football side we’ve had to have guys um playing out of position I think um you know off the top of my head I think you know Ben Hunt played in the centers for a little bit um Ruben Cotter was another guy that we had to Chuck into the centers for a little bit too just forer as well just a cover for feder you know not ideal not ideal when when you when you’re putting those guys out in the centers and you’re looking up and you’re marking guys like Steven kryon and Su Le not not ideal at all so um you know kobbo he he represents um great versatility for Billy and the Queensland side given he can play anywhere in the back five so wing wing Center’s fullback um has been playing for the Broncos in in those positions and playing extremely good football too as well um on top of that could play six at a pinch too if you had to I know you don’t need a six but at a pinch yeah could he could do it um but also like you throw him in the middle and he wouldn’t look at of place he’s actually bigger than a couple of the Fords he’s big you know you look at some of the for like he’s bigger than Ruben Cotter um he’d be bigger he’s bigger than um he’s bigger than mckinness all of them yeah there’s a lot there like he’s um you know Hudson young he’s bigger than him as well like he’s a giant of a human so if he had to if Billy has to throw him in the back row or even in the middle and say mate just go hard mate just carry the ball strong right and get your body in front of people okay just just do that and and make sure you talk a lot and he’ll be okay I haven’t seen any I haven’t had a chance to get up into the queens and Camp during the week um but I’m sure I’m sure he spent some time in the middle of the field yeah there’s no doubt about that like we all know how particular you know you Billy is with his preparation and and making sure that he’s on top of everything and and across all different scenarios right he would have spent some time you know defending um and attacking in the middle of the field just so he’s ready to go in case something happens in case something happens I I I actually don’t mind it at all mate I don’t mind at all because I’ll tell you what if if if Queens lands to lose an outside back touch would they don’t but if they do early well all of a sudden Billy slay is a genius yeah absolutely and also like there’s not going to be made so Cobo has been playing the best out of nearly all their outside backs so not only not only do you get SN be a to jump in you get a guy that’s playing at the very least as good as these guys that have been selected y uh I think I think also the first time something happens and it’s not that necessarily the first time Freddy did or whatever but I guess as clear as it’s been like you know he’s been very clear he’s the data as to why we did it yes um so it’s all kind of laid out for for why it happened it’s always a bit strange and a bit weird I I do think though that with the game the way the game is going I think we’re going to see this a lot more an outside back on the bench a big outside back on the bench because like you watch any game and and Gus G released the stat recently if you lose an outside back in the first half I think yeah you only have a I think it’s a 12 or 15 really low like we’re talking Max 15% chance of winning y so you you’ve got 85% chance to lose and that’s the that’s conservative I think it was actually close to 10 or 12% Y and so that stat alone is like it was was going to force a lot of coaches to put an outside back on the bench and and look Billy would have done his homework on that as well like he would have understood that um very clear to himself that you know what has happened over the last couple of series and the effect it had on on I guess the lineup and and the way that the game was played and he probably sat back and thought to himself in a lot of those well after the last two series and thought well how what could we have done better you know how can I better place this squad together and have all of the bases covered right have allario scenarios um taken care of and the one glaring fact would have been that there was no outside back on the bench there’s no outside back on the bench and and maybe maybe he took a little bit of that way of thinking away from his playing days too because I know Craig Bellamy he used to love that as well back he used to love an outside back on the bench like you think the 2020 Grand Final niiko Hines on the bench so true didn’t get on the field yeah but he was there just in case but he was there right he was there so maybe he took some away from that and oh who knows he might have spoke with Craig and and got some advice and thought well mate this is what I’m thinking what what do you reckon Reon we could see potentially Billy Slater putting himself on the bench M mate but mate the last couple of years when I’ve been in Camp with the queenslanders right helping out he he loves it right he puts his footy boots on really he’s Coach man he puts he puts the boots on gets out there and M so when when the team’s doing opposed right and so there’s not there’s not quite two teams yeah not quite enough for 13 um he puts the boots on mate he carves them up he carves them up I going to go over there and say mate settle down that’s not good for their confidence oh that is so good it’s not good for their confidence mate when you got a 40y old their 40-year Old Coach is making line breaks so he quite easily could do it I don’t know how long he had last but if you need something if the scores are locked five minutes to go hey Billy Slater he’s in the coaches what runs down gets a kid on could you do it m it would be the best thing ever could the coach on the sidelines in the kit directing directing things he’s so good um okay let’s get to some other positions we’ve already spoken out for feda so I guess that like that’s done and dusted the team is here we announced it y um in regards do you think there will be any changes now last year Tino and Ruben Cotter came on to start yeah uh after the name was announced where is I think lindsy Collins and I’m forgetting apologies flegler I think was named to start potentially y but that actually changed on game day do you think we could see changes this game day I don’t think so no I don’t think so I I think what what’s been named I think that will start so you got Cotter um and Collins up front with Benny hunt I think that’ll be your front row um Su and I and carrian in the back row I think it stays as it is I really don’t think it changes if anything um maybe you see a hop good hop good possibly starting um and Ruben Cotter maybe going into the back row okay for either s or naai and those guys come off the bench and and Patty moves into more of a front row position yeah well mate front row 13 it’s it’s almost the same thing right and and those two guys too hop good and and carrian similar style players Patty carrigan’s bigger body probably got a little bit more speed y um but very good very good ball skills both players yeah so Patty plays as like that that link guy in the middle um similar to like an Isaiah yo hop good for me he’s a guy that that he he can produce like he’s got lovely hands he’s got a late offload yeah um if he can get a few of those away when he’s on the field um particularly with um you know sort of when Harry Grant gets on the field like he’ll be there waiting for that late offload um and then you look at our you know queensland’s man in number one ree Walsh that could cause some real headaches for New South Wales yeah and then you got other Spees like Hammer homes yeah could just flood through the middle but as far as changes are concerned I think I think they’ll they’ll go out as is the only way I I see A change is possibly yeah hob could going into the Rock um one of the back rowers going back onto the bench and and possibly Ruben sliding into the back row to start because he’s he’s done that in the past yeah yeah now how important do you think winning tackle one and two is for Queensland do you think it’s almost game defining because obviously we know New South Wales game plan and it is outside backs that are fraking massage Mass massive that are going to get you two 150 to 200 M if they get a quick play of the ball on play one the whole set’s nearly all over because they’re so big and powerful yeah do you think that the game plan is just genuinely kick long win tackle one and two under no circumstances lose those first two tackles I think that have been I reckon that have been at the top of the list this week with their preparation particularly with their defensive systems um and their game plan around how to best defend new southw it all starts with the kick Chase and minimizing the back the back five um and their meters so kick return meters on Tesco um and then you probably you go to tackle three even mate so you’re plus one and you plus two so that which is your third tackle yeah because Tesco is going to bring the ball back right um then you’re going to have Brian tole bringing the ball and then you’re going to have either s LI or Lomax just returning the ball they’re all big bodies all big bodies like Brian to is not tall but he’s like a front rower yeah it’s you know like and he’s he’s in As Good As form as he’s ever been in as well like we’re talking about L being in good form like Brian TOS playing Amazing footy so they’ve got big bodies returning the ball hard that will be that will be their that will be their number one job tonight given to him by match is hey boys we need 100 plus meters out of his yeah PL like I I’m talking plus like it’ll be 120 140s 150s if they get those numbers then they’ve played their role for New South Wales yeah I was saying on my podcast on Monday I think you’ll actually find New South Wales forwards when you look at the stats at the end of the game won’t actually have that many meters it’ll be the backs will be a good indication as to whether the game plan has worked or not yeah so uh you know thinking about the way they want to return the football out of their out of their own half it’s it’s going to be a massive job massive job for well first and foremost dce and Tommy Deon to make sure that they their kicking plan um they they get that done right um they make sure that they’re kicking deep and they’re they’re putting them in positions that are difficult to come out of right so Corners make sure they’re not kicking down middle of the field take away options of their back three and that they have a good kick Chase game and they they they have to be physical have to be physical like you give Brian totall an opportunity to break a couple of tackles all of a sudden you know like an 8 meter carry turns into a a a 12 14 16 meter carry well like that that just puts New South Wales in position where they can start to attack they can think about move using the football a little bit rather than getting tackled you know Tim years out from their line and you know using up those those vital early tackles just trying to trying to make ground yeah I’m just imagining like you know a Toto S lowmax one two and three carry I mean it’s some of the best you’ve ever seen seriously they are they are unbelievable carriers out of their own end yeah and and you know what like that’s their strength so like it can’t be a surprise to Queensland what’s coming yeah like you said it at the start of the show mate like there’s no there’s no hiding how both sides are going to play so I’d like to think that um the mindset of Queensland is all about a strong kick Chase game yeah


  1. So much better having these two in the same studio. Whatever it costs SEN should always make sure they can have these 2 together! Best podcast in league. The Australian captain and the league podcast captain

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