5 EASY Ways To SHALLOW The Club In The Golf Swing!

In this video Me and My Golf are going to cover one the most popular topics on YouTube…How to shallow the golf club in your golf swing! By following these 5 easy steps you will get one step closer to shallowing that club in the downswing!

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so what does it take to shallow the golf club in your down swing we see so many golfers swinging over the top whether it be lessons or online and they’re really struggling to fix it definitely in today’s video we’re going to share with you five really simple tips that’s going to help you shallow the club get more inside and really help your overall consistency and these tips have worked with loads of our students if you’re not yet a subscriber to this Channel and you want to improve your game we release videos every single week so make sure you hit the button down below okay so tip number one this is very simple we and we’ve seen this a lot recently in live lessons so we’ seeing golfers aim miles right now if you aim miles right the only way you can get it back on the target is by swinging massively over the top so again we can see that one there the path actually got pretty good it was zeroed out pretty much but I’m aiming miles right and then swinging over the top to do that imagine what it would be like for you if you’re aiming miles right and then you had to shallow the golf club how much you’d actually have to hook the golf ball to get it back on target it’s not realistic so we need to get you aiming squarer and this is how we’re going to do it we’ve got an alignment stick we’re going to drop it down parallel to our Target line and from here now we’ve got a reference now this doesn’t mean that you’re automatically going to be able to shallow the club from here but as soon as you know where you’re aiming and you’ve got Square alignments now that’s the next step then to fixing that over the top so now that you are actually Square the body can actually move a lot better as we said it’s not going to guarantee stopping coming over the top but this is the first step a lot of people are actually aiming right because they think it’s going to make them shallow it actually does the opposite so make sure you get the alignment sixs down and get yourself as Square as possible and start moving that body in a better way second tip is all in the hips the hips play a huge role probably one of the biggest things in the golf s that you need to work on really talk through P so if we see golfers who are really struggling with a hip rotation or they swaying in their back swing we’ll often see this so you’ll have no turn on the way back and then you hit the shot with the power we can see we’ve got a big curve to the to the right there a big Fade 115° to the left so what happens is if we think of this when you’re not turning it’s hard for you to get your arms around your body so if you haven’t got any turn here we can see that club is almost on my toe line as soon as I from here just turn my hips more wow look at that the club now goes a lot more behind me so I’m just going to do that again so notice where the club is when I so so notice where it is there no turn as soon as I turn the club goes more behind me more on my heel line almost and then from there we can hit the shot is a little bit thin but that was definitely a draw that path is absolutely going to be out to the right 3 to the right so yeah I mean look the hips will massively influence the path think about people like Brooks kepka very limited hip turn doesn’t really turn that much gets the arms high he plays fade his path will be left but then you’ve got other people have more of a rotation the more we rotate the hips the more space we’ve got for the arms to swing down more closer to plane this is really important for me if I see a golfer who’s not turning their hips well in their back swing I’m like Peter Finch just recently on a live lesson that was the key the Catalyst to now getting that club shallower on the way down it’s not just about trying to do it with the arms that we going through this in a really important order these hips will have a massive influence you got to check this if you do this first you may not have to do anything else exactly so here’s a great drill I’m actually going to combine one of ours and something that Pete Caren and David lead better would uh do as well so the rule that we do is we talk about swap Pockets so let’s get this front pocket and put it in the back pocket so let’s push it back into that back pocket so you can see what I’m doing this is a great rotation and there’s no lateral sway over here I’m going to point out a couple of things that are really important for you to see here to things notice when Pierce does this notice this front knee this front knee Moves In which is really important and as we do this notice that his actual right leg straightens a little bit and I can actually get a an alignment stick between his knees not to but I can get that between his knees this creates some space now for his hips and torso to move in a much better way yeah absolutely so if we combine that great point if we can combine that with the feeling that David Le better and Pete K talk about they often talk about like a the pivot in the back string of almost being like a an upward motion like a cork screw or a spiral staircase so if you were to get your hand your Trail hand on your leg by the the knee there off of mine goes all the way down there the length of my arms but if we actually just focus now on getting a good pivot but almost applying pressure in my leg so I’m pushing into my leg I’m allowing my leg to be pushed back and that front pocket to be pushed back as well this is a great way of getting this pivot almost going up which makes us not move too much away from the target keep in a great posture as well it keeps us bent forward in this great posture this left shoulder stays low really important to get the turn and keep it in the posture so many benefits from doing it that way but then when you hit the golf shot keep it really simple just put that that front pocket in the back pocket that was nice beautiful that really nice third one then this is to do with the arms this is about having a narrow back swing I think this is the one that might annoy if if you ever got annoyed Andy I think this is the one that’s closest for you isn’t it I think this this most frustrating I would say this this fault we’ll call it a fault is probably the one of the number one faults out there that golfers aren’t even paying attention to that’s what I’d say they don’t even realize they’re doing this and it and it pees him off as well it does he’s not going to say it but it does so what we’re seeing is we’re seeing look I had one of our members sent me a video just just yesterday on this and I’m like wow this we got to sort this out so what is is we’re talking about the arms and how they move around your body now if your arms go very narrow on the way back so this Trail arm this right arm gets sucked into the body and by the way some people are trying to do this please stop doing this if you’re trying to do this it’s not going to help but if we get this position here where we really cramped on the way back it’s so easy for the when you’re cramped here you put the power on and again you swing swing massively over the top so be because you’ve got no room to swing you’re going from extremely narrow 12.6 to the left from extremely narrow to then trying to create the space when you put the power on there’s no space there so you’re forced over the top one thing I’ll add to this as well is that when we get narrow here there’s no way that we are going to sequence the body in the right way cuz everything will be left behind so what Pierce is demonstrating is when we get narrow is that we can’t drive the lower body so we have to start with this which throws everything over and sequence is key in terms of being able to get your Club in a great delivery point and this is why having a which we’re going to go going to show you now having this wider back swing is really going to help again really steep attack angle on that as well as what you can tell from that so look what we’re after is this is a great image I think Andy was mentioning Mark imman PJ tour broadcaster and a great golf coach he talks about standing in a door frame and then getting your hands in the corner of the door frame I think that’s a great image for us we’re keeping our body pretty much in the middle so we don’t want to be moving to the edge of that in the corner of that door frame we’re actually just saying I’m just going to hit this one Andy so get to the top where it’s really wide feeling that your your arms and hands are in the top of the door frame and then from there hit the golf shot great thing about this is what Pierce did there he stopping at the top of the Swing to know that he’s in this sort of wider position with the trail arm this right arm is a little more out here and from there the lower body can sequence better and it’s going to be so much easier think of John Ram very wide on the way back it’s going to be so much easier to use the lower body and drive in a good way and it’s not necessarily about having you know a really long swing it’s just width in the golf swing and let’s make sure we’re not confusing this with you’ve got to keep your left arm straight because we’re not saying that we’re not saying you’ve got to keep your left arm straight what we are really saying is you’ve got to get the width in that right arm we got to make sure that that right arm is away from the body and then put your hand on the club there’s the width that you need if there’s a little bit of Bend in that left elbow that’s okay as long as you’ve got the width in the right arm do that again just right arm only and just want to show you this cuz we I’m just going to show you here look a lot of people are trying to get this upper arm connected to the chest that isn’t going to help you and from more from from the the coaching that we’ve done the more connected this is to the body the the worse it is so you can see when Pierce does this here wider it just helps sequence the whole thing and helps the lower body work in a better way and look look it depends look we’ve seen Justin Rose put things underneath his arm and talk about that that’s fine but we just need to understand what the place for it is so the way that we can look at this is if you are getting this width in your back swing from there as we then swing down now it’s going to be a whole lot easier for you to shallow the club and then get the right arm closer and Tighter to the body when you’re moving you may want to tear it up when you do this but stop at the top get it in the corner of the door frame and then pull the trigger that was really nice gra a few more golf ball we’re getting out of golf balls here we’re out okay so let’s get into tip number four so tip number four is all about the transition I’ve heard I’ve actually heard Bernard Langer talk about this in the past where this is a swing thought that he had just talked through this one yeah okay so this is the so when we’re talking about transition specifically we’re talking about the Torso what is the upper body doing when we do this so what we’ll see is we’ll see a lot of golfers from here and they’ll move very quickly with the upper body they’re very upper body dominant They Might Be Stiff in the lower body but they’re really trying to get the club coming down we Square very early here with the should shoulders look shoulders are really Square really early but look where the club is look how high it is my attack angle from there let’s have a go at doing one of these this is going to be starting it with the upper body and again we know we don’t need a full swing to tell us on that one but that’s going to be at least 12 to 13 left 13° to the left just because I’m doing it all with the upper body and it’s really interesting before we got into this lesson one of the members here at the Grand we told him we were doing this video he says I bet you’re not going to mention the fact that what about golfers who just get a bit tight and a bit nervous and they and they Rush their down swing in their transition well this is kind of it if we combine the hip rotation and the drill I’m about to show you that will give you the time that you need to start your Dan swing you’ll be less anxious which I think is a big part of this this drill we’re going to give you now this is actually from I heard this about 20 years ago from Jim flick Jim flick spent a lot of time with Jack Nicholas coaching him so we should probably listen to this guy but what he would talk about I’m G to hit this one is we would swing to the top of the back swing and we would delay the upper body as much as possible now I’ve tow ended that one out to the right but I guarantee the path is going to be huge out to the right 5° to the right so all we’re saying is from here I’ll I’ll slow this down get to the top and delay your upper body don’t let it move back towards a Target keep the back facing to the Target whilst we let the arms hands and arms just drop now you’re probably saying Pierce surely you’re going out of sequence there you don’t want to start the downswing with the arms well we do want to get the arms working in the correct direction if this torso is doing all of the work because that’s a bad sequence as well so this is just a way of explaining to our brain almost what it feels like like to get the arms working better this is certainly just a feel and you know we spent time we lovely shot there Pierce maybe just overdid that one we spent time with Sergio te up te up Sergio Garcia where he talks about this and he’s got a little bit of stick from this because he’s going you need to pull the chain from here now that’s his feeling to make sure that he doesn’t go too far so having the feeling here of going okay from here keeping the back the target letting the arms work down here here it’s just a feeling remember not a reality and Justin Rose talks about that again about getting the arms coming down the chest I’ve got to do another one of those CU that was not very good that was terrible P I was just doing it a bit too slow if anything so on this one again I’m just going to delay that upper body and you’ll see the arms do more of the work and it’s it’s it’s probably the easiest way to get a big high draw yeah yeah you can see the hands work a little bit more there as well let’s have a quick look at the full swing 4.6 de to the right so tip number five we’re actually going to get our impact bag in to help us with this but this is all about how we’re going to get a good transition with our hands at the top of the back swing now we’ve got I’ve got a drill that I’ve been doing for a long time it guarantees to shallow the golf club but there’s a massive warning with this you need to do this drill correctly otherwise it will actually make you worse there there’s one other thing that needs to happen yes you can’t do this if you’ve got poor of everything else that we’ve just talked about absolutely you need to have a great pivot motion great alignment all the things that we’ve just talked about you need to do this all those first so that that’s that was that’s the first thing and there’s another thing that we need to talk about in this as well so what we’re looking at is a drill that I would do whether it would be a three hammers or whether it be Peron when we were first coaching would be a club or a ball on the wall and basically what this is you’d have a wall behind you about 18 Ines behind you for a 7 IR you swing back up and then you pause at the top and then you put the club head or if it was like an orange Whip and a ball you put that on the wall and then from there you will drag the club down the wall you’re feeling you’re trying to push the wall over you’re trying to break the wall with your club by pointing your thumbs away from your head now the key with this is you the feeling is and if you’ve actually got a wall keep the club on there for as long as possible when as soon as it comes off you have to excuse me you have to square the club face up because this is what happens when someone does this for the first time they get great at shallowing the club and then they come in like this now guess what disaster you cannot hit a golf ball with a club face like that so you have to learn how to square the face and that’s why we’ve got the impact bag but again let’s just give you a feel on this so ball on the wall then turn your body drag the club down the wall as soon as it comes off bam Square the face and that’s why we got the impact bag CU I’m hitting it with that square face now if you do not Square the face this drill will actually make you worse as opposed to better just quick one a quick observation from face on do the bad one for me Pierce where you just keep coming down slowly for us keep coming keep get the face wide open hold it there notice the tailor made logo now is facing the camera here face is wide open let’s look at the difference when he gets the club face Square now so he’ll Shadow the club club is on the wall down to impact now what we’ve got here now the tailor made logo now is facing down the target such a key component and now you got feedback to go what does it feel like all the way down to impact most important thing and don’t forget if you’re over the top you’re probably you’re probably doing some of this through the ball anyway having the face open so you’re going to have to work doubly hard but it’s a great way of you actually shallowing in the club it can work really well impact bag great tool to have yeah in your locker okay let’s uh put that into a feeling then Pierce just should naturally have that that was okay it was a little bit Healy pretty straight shot though viewers would definitely love that you know nice straight shots look at the actual path two de to the right so again shows you the shallowness there five really simple ways that we know that will really help hope you enjoyed that if you did you’re going to love this video here and don’t forget if you haven’t already check out M and or download the M my golf app and we’ll see you next time


  1. Thanks, Guys! There’s been so many instructions about ‘shallowing’ and this has been the one that makes the most sense to me.

  2. Some great tips there. Keeping your back to target longer is the one the resonates with me most

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