This NEW 2024 Golf Ball Is Basically a BUDGET PRO-V1!

This NEW 2024 Golf Ball Is Basically a BUDGET PRO-V1! When buying new golf balls we often think about factors around what is the best golf ball of 2024? Surely the best golf balls of 2024 are the best golf balls ever made? The Titleist Pro-V1? But what about the best cheap golf balls? What are the best cheap golf balls? The best budget golf balls could well be the best high handicap golf ball due to the amount you might lose. Or even the best mid handicap golf ball because of the price and performance… is this new Inesis 900 golf ball the best affordable golf ball of all time and is it killing the pro v1? Let’s find out…

you could say I am a man on a mission a mission to find cheaper golf balls without sacrificing performance today we have the brand new inys T 900 golf balls and we have a friend Gaz how are you I’m good thanks and I can’t wait to see these balls I’m really looking forward to this so as you can see I’ve um I’ve used this sleeve already I’ve used sleeve already because I was that excited to use them we’ve been under embargo actually and very rare do I get any kind of product from da cathlon that’s under embargo but the really excited about the these are a three-piece urethan golf ball they’re $29.99 so that’s I mean Prov ones are 50 Quid now are they they are yeah it’s a really that’s quite a big saving and the thing that people will always H back to is the Costco Kirkland Signature Performance Plus golf ball I know that’s a mouthful but they’re a lot cheaper they’re about a pound of ball but my golf spice that they’re actually not that good this year and I’ve been testing them and using them and I have seen some inconsistencies I’ll say so if you can find some Middle Ground where you’re still saving the money we’re going to use these today we’re going to have a little bit of a match I’m looking forward to this I’m looking forward to trying a new ball yeah because realistically if you can go to the cathlon where they do lots of kind of outdoor sports and things like that and pick up some premium yet affordable golf balls actually look really really good they’re a urethane cover so they’re nice and soft they have a high elastic core or rubber core got to get the tooth test AR we oh not not again is it come out soft then you no yeah don’t show that size he does too many tooth test he not in all his teeth out guys here at willly Park today we’re going to test these out on the course it’s a gorgeous day so why not hit that subscribe button if you want to see more daily golf related videos that could save you money but help your game how’s it feel feels all right too right so first P of call how do they feel and for me they actually feel really really good as I said I have used these already I’ve I’ve used a sleeve up and rather enjoyed them that’s a lovely strike that felt really nice yeah that sounded fantastic and sound is a big thing with golf balls isn’t it yeah I’m a number four straight away cuz sometimes you can tell with the first hit of a golf ball can’t you if they’re not for you if they’re a little bit firm that’s a nice sound when you hit it into yeah I’m impressed with those so a big question here how many golf balls do you lose a year oh oh God I mean to be fair you know I I don’t actually use a lot of new golf balls due to cost I’m always looking for secondhand golf balls but I can’t I don’t know I don’t could put a number on it you know I think i’ probably go through I mean I play a lot of golf but I probably go through three or four dozen a season yeah so if you think like three or four dozen you’re saving 20 pound a dozen potentially saving 80 upwards of 80 I don’t know what it is when it comes to go PS I’m happy to spend big money on a driver or a set of R but you know what I can’t put myself you never lose your driver do that’s a good point and and I guess you guys home be saying you just can’t I can’t put myself through spending 50 on dozen balls I don’t know why tight one just say a lot of me lessons are raving about these Anis balls not use this premium t ball yeah but they’re using sort of more the there are quite a few different versions as Inus 500 Inus 100 which is a really kind of two-piece cheaper Ball but I like the middle ground element I like that you can potentially get the three-piece uine um and see just how they go head-to-head to a prov1 those Ducks were there yesterday to a prov1 to a tp5 to a chrom soft to anything like that because golf is getting too expensive I mean it’s always been expensive I think it’s getting too expensive now so if you can just kind of rain it back a little bit and I these videos always title very similar is this the end or the death of the Prov one or whatever but I honestly believe at some point it will do cuz people will realize that Prov ones are so expensive because Titleist have to spend that money on advertising on marketing that’s why you’re spending 5060 in some places on Prov v1s inys however I don’t know what we’ve done with those in there aren’t spending anything like that are Marketing in fact I don’t think they’re spending anything um what do we have in here right the pf1 says we have 142 playing 137 down wind 52° wedge it’s quite windy today as well guys so it’s a really good day for testing balls like this it’s not a flag you’re going to try and attack at all that although I’ve pulled it onto it kick right oh no he’s going the bunker oh that is disgraceful that is awful we’ll get to see some spin now I think I honestly thought I’d pulled that a little bit and I thought I was just going to catch that Ridge and go down to the flag and it kicked left into the bunker that’s position Zed using your teeth again sorry yeah yeah I think they look really really good I think the name’s nice the Brandon’s nice nice alignment on them what what more would you really want unless they came out with some visual technology on them like a a PIX or a truis or something like that it just looks soft when you look down it as well you can tell with the urethan can’t you the quality of the plastic I’ve not been in in wedge as well so here we go hopefully this is a good one nice it’s safe as hous as we’re mining the bunker just a bit short that’s all right safely aboard right so mine is in the bunker and gaz’s is just it’s on the green but it’s short would you put that down to strike could you blame the ball for the distance or oh definitely not no definitely nothing to do with the ball u i mean it actually felt really nice and if you saw it land yeah it quite mind Cannon forward and ended up there so it’s funny how sometimes you just have to blame yourself that’s all you can do blame yourself let’s see what it’s like at the bunk let’s see it’s like around the greens I’m interested to see if it marks up as well because sometimes these urethene covers do mark up quickly but then if you want soft golf ball it’s going to do so over to me this is awful guys onto a down slope not a lot to work with we need two things here well three rid of that stone Landing angle and a little bit of check I got the check I didn’t get the landing angle he’s like on a bit of a down slope think I could have done much better to be honest you having a put gas yeah no marks on ball anyway after that first wedge shot that’s handy disappointing after that massive warmup a put in we’ve just done this will put the cat amongst the pigeons yeah if that goes in I’ll be fuming no way a chance yeah just to go one up I’m not leaving this one short I have as well short does it feel too soft or um do you know what no I wouldn’t say it feels too soft probably quite the opposite actually think it’s sort of like not not too hard but it’s got a bit of a click to it aren’t it when you to yeah I don’t mind it I think it does feel prob 1es kind of right Haring bogers yeah it does feel nice but not too soft how’s my ball looking after the bunker of the bar call not bad no maybe a little bit of a scuff there but no there we go that’s what we’re looking for a little bit of a scuff but it’s a soft golf ball what you expect this is what everyone wants to see it’s time for Big Dog does it change your idea a little bit with it being a cheaper ball is to you’re not as worried if you lose it uh no I’m still be worried if I lose it I don’t like losing balls right I’m going to drive and see just what kind of ball flight we can get with this cuz a golf ball I think it’s only as good as the flight you can get with driver uh spin rate ball speed and flight window that you ideally want to see I’m obsessed with it sound when you’re bouncing it up off fish actually yeah I must admit I I didn’t think it would feel that soft yeah but it does oh wow I’ve not seen you at a drive like that in a long time I know yeah that were a nice trajectory that as well that sound incredible yeah I like that I mean I honestly I’m really open-minded to trying these new you know like different balls yeah if you you know five years ago there weren’t that many choices were there no and now we have we have obviously inesis Kirkland seed Vice yeah there’s so many isn’t there and I think I think what it’s probably doing for the bigger Brands as well like Titus Calla Taylor Maid those lower-end balls that are 2030 pound yeah the not good value for money anymore whereas it used to be CU people think oh well the shcks in ad triple 3 25 qu doesn’t I’ll just get them because they’re a bit cheaper and they’re decent these are great golf balls for that price the ureth the threepiece and people are starting to be aware now I feel that a ureth golf ball does generally feel better than an IR or a sirloin but sirine sirloin I can never say that right and a three-piece golf ball generally performs better than a two-piece golf ball yeah so if you know that and you’ve tested them and you know the’re cheaper he sounds bad but when people pick up a St purchase you know like um let’s say Ad TR for a and soft field actually feel a bit bad for him yeah that you know there’s better value products out there get them told shot stay there that was a bit towy actually safe as ours as though still felt good as well I’ll take that for a bad strike now I honestly can’t believe that I’m only this far behind you I stru that terrible and I’ll go as far as saying where is your to be fair yeah if it were on the same line I think you’d be pretty much same distance you but that goes to show again like is there such thing as forgiveness in a golf ball i’ I’ve never really thought there is but then with that one I mean it’s done all right isn’t it oh yeah definitely I mean what you could have said it weren’t your best Strat and it’s not like spun up and lost a lot of distance or performance has it right let’s see what we get out of the roof out of the roof not a lot of green with downwind 99 yeah it’s like an awful position to be isn’t it oh I honestly couldn’t play that any better wow what a shot felt great performed great the flight window I wanted to be it went the distance it was out the roof ticking boxes as we go along stopped quick didn’t it that it sto me it stopped quick it went up the bank and came it might go in I don’t know we can’t see it can we it might have gone in G might be one down what have you got guys 65 yards tight lie tight uh pretty much my nightmare at minute this we’re not very confident with wedges probably too close really yeah definitely I’d prefer to have 100 yards yeah and it a full shot but shame someone told you drive off the te weren’t see what we can get you mean you can’t physically stop with spin can you well You’ got yeah I’m going to struggle I mean if I can just get it on the green that’s my goal here that is a really good effort go on oh Gaz that’s outstanding and that did have some spin on you see that stop yeah to land that there and get it to finish there I think even with a a 200b golf ball which I’ve tested they weren’t amazing but more Lu than judgment but it sto well it sto well Gaz has just come with an interesting point why can’t they just make it a bit cheaper $29.99 it’s a good price it’s a fair price but it’s still 30 quid isn’t it yeah I think you know you put them at 25 pound it becomes like you just buy them without even question better bargain isn’t it yeah I mean AD go for as well why can’t the big Brands because golf balls are going up and up I remember a time where provy wants with $29.99 doesn’t I’m sure you do as well definitely now they double that almost some some shops like 52.99 UK yeah yeah I think RP’s above that but when you when you look at it how much money do they need to make off you that’s the thing that I always think because the only thing that’s really stabilizing is profit margin isn’t it yeah but that’s a different argument for a different day two birdie puts and the wind’s up nicely now this well so I this to half the hog’s man I think it is you know interesting that you’re not using the alignment Aid you’re using the Inus logo is that just a square put to face up um do you know what I’m a bit guilty of probably not spending enough time Alig it ball uh well that’s been not lining it up no that wouldn’t give it that wouldn’t give it I’ll give you that okay okay was a nice roll I could tell the feedback from the line going end over end so it’s a PA felt good as well I’m enjoying the feel of it bad read still Level I just thinking like you know more I’m playing with this ball I’m starting to not enjoy it as much you’re struggling with putting definitely I mean you can say that the the pace isn’t there anyway but I’m a firm believer that what cover you play with on a golf ball does affect your putting in your distance control I just think with a putter it probably don’t feel as soft as I would like I weren’t convinced on first all but after the second all I feel like I’m hitting it but it’s not reacting like I’m expecting it to it’s like coming a bit shorter it’s not as hot off the face it’s fair enough but it feels firm but then it don’t seem to roll as much I don’t know why it’s probably just a different cover that I’m used to potentially we’ll test that again on this next hole not 79 it’s a nine this is an awful flag position as well by the way awful flag position literally blocked out by the those trees if you wanted to go straight at it I know I’d say like distance off T is normal for like full shots but just feels a bit like quiet off face for puts 146 playing 151 what if you got eight no I’ve got nine actually I’ve got nine I don’t know if it’s enough I think you miss Club me I’m literally just just got the number got to remember it’s a match as well oh that’s a little bit puling and it might be a little bit long with that aan no that’s nicely on the green it’s going to be down that other tier so it would be a difficult one do you think the wind was going to bring that I did yeah and I didn’t hit it 100% either I kind of hit it about 80% sure sure tell you what I hit that really good as well yeah that’s absolutely died into the wind and that’s going to be an awful ship but we get to test eases balls for short game again this is why I enjoy doing these videos cuz even when you hit a bad shot it gives you the opportunity to then test the product or the ball or the wedges or whatever it is in the position where let’s face it we spend a lot of our time I spend a lot of my time anyway all right yep I think realistic for there that’s had too much spin on it I mean it landed on this bank here and it’s rolled all the way down there it’s obviously a false front it’s obviously a bank I thought hit the club for the yardage to be honest I thought it was a good one I think you said it was you said it looked good in the air at the time know it were a good strike you could tell youd Struck it well let’s see how much spin we can get here from a tight [Music] lie good shot thought we had it is that good that’s good put you in the bag then was your hot in your mouth though yeah it was it spin that it spun nicely yeah yeah really good this and then we finish on the driveable Par Four right this to go one up TR to get the pace he struggled on the greens with them I’m going to hit this a little harder and even there I’m still struggling to get it there yeah still just a bit short wasn’t it really struggling with that pace well done all right guys the match goes down to the driveable Par Four fourth hole into the wind I think this Ball’s good I think it struggles into the wind I think it spins a little bit much can we carry the out of bounds and can we get on the green I’m going to say as well can I say this show on I I don’t think I’d buy this ball no no fa enough I think I think it’s being great te to Green but for some reason I’m just not getting used to the feel I’m usually not a bad putter uh I mean you feeling you didn’t p i don’t mind it I I think personally with me it did feel a bit clicky on the second hole but I think the problem is the Kirkland the Kirkland are that I’ve said they’ve been a bit inconsistent but when you get a good batch they’re really really good and you pay is it24 for two doesn’t it’s a pound a ball so realistically that’s great value and you almost don’t mind having a couple of good on I’d rather use a kirking a feeling controller out EDG green for me I like it yeah would you would you rather use this or pay the money for pro1 probably pay money I’d probably buy pom balls Pro V1 I know you don’t like the idea but that’s a PJ professional ladies and gentlemen until he drives his hole and knocks in for Eagle then he’s buying three dozen that’s it I C T green it’s being absolutely lovely and it might just be me might be how it reacts with that insert on your putter to be fair it could be just the fact that I probably need to adapt to the ball don’t I you can’t expect to go out with brand new ball and it just be perfect and say you know Beauty about human evolution isn’t it guys adapting nice he’s not going for the corner but that’s going to be safe as houses Nice Shot cheers not not F of taking it on it’s a long drive that today I mean I did actually go to cut a bit more than that but I’ll take it this is it it’s all bust and this is where a golf ball has to perform CU if it gives you mate the bragging rights are you going for green oh I oh that is a long way left to where I’ve aimed it but it’s safe that’s 70 yards left of where I wanted it same distance as mine though is it yeah mean it’s a it’s a powerful hit I can’t blame the ball for the accuracy un can’t argue with distance off te though no you can’t no distance off the tea I think it’s it’s up there with pretty much anything yeah just guys doesn’t like the feel and that isn’t the flag position position I wanted to see missing this one to the left I might just be all right we’re in the roof again uh and it’s just tucked behind that bunker there gazes nicely in the Fairway it’s going to be 56 again distance wise off the T I’m finding myself hitting lots of 56 degrees in so that’s positive just a nice sensible shot to the left leave yourself 20 ft roll it in fist pump G way we go shot wow do that’ll do that will uh that’s a bit too good for my like it block it 30 yard right leave yourself a six footer what you got 56 yards so I’m going to try to play like a low 50 I put now hav’t I 4 degre press is on that’s what I want a little slidy one oh yeah look at this go on then go on then oh lovely we’re all right would you have expected us to check more no it did check did it yeah it checked you say it landed in The Fringe check nicely F into in front of green yeah it landed in the uh the old under the peak Fringe right that’s enough talk of hair transplants guys um I think it’s on me it is yeah just which I’m I’m a bit worried about cuz you seem a bit more dangerous than me this morning with putting I’m not sure I’ve got the pace I think but I’ll uh certainly try and put a better stroke on it than I have been doing I’m almost thinking about retiring the swag for a bit really yeah fancying a change just being cold last few weeks it’s weird is it are a change a putter can just change things I think a threat a threat to a putter can change stuff hoping that’s what happens here no okay no too firm on that line that’s a park as you’ve got that to take Victory with the inys 900 you’re right though I mean we’ve all placed an order and then as old products started working and it yeah so I have enjoyed it I think I would potentially spend the money on them if I was looking for an alternative to the high-end expensive balls still think the Kirkland the seeds in particular are a fantastic option instead of these see what C does I rolled it in as well oh round the world as well all you need to do is take your glasses off I know do you know what I think there’s something in that


  1. Engaging with such a knowledgeable group of individuals is a privilege I don't take for granted. There's so much to learn from each other.😚

  2. The depth of understanding demonstrated by participants is humbling. It's like being in the presence of intellectual giants.🍭

  3. Ahh they are fine, I use the 500 balls and love the spin of them. I have used these plus they deliver to ASDA.

  4. Seen the Wilson Staff & Triad balls in 3 for two deals in various golf shops and there are 4 for 3 deals on a lot of premium balls at the moment like Pro V1, Srixon Z star and Callaway Tour Gold etc!

  5. Hi James, you should test the OnCore Elixir golf ball. It's a three piece urethane ball for $29.99 per dozen, currently on sale on a buy two dozen, get one free deal or $20.00 per dozen. I quite enjoy this ball and stock up when they are $20.00 per dozen.

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