Golf Players

Adam vs. Toa 3.0

Toa was great at 9, better at 11… and NOW… at 14… he’s on another level!

Thanks to The Songstress for help with translations. Thanks to Takashi and Yumi Matsushima and the whole fam, Haruhiko Ikebukuro for all of the help and Taichi Nagahisa for the photography and other help.

My previous matches with Toa:
Adam vs. Toa 2.0

Adam vs. Toa Matsushima –

This was played at: Muko Civic Gymnasium in Kyoto, Japan.

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#tabletennis #pingpong #adambobrow

Keyword: table tennis, ping pong, Adam Bobrow, Toa, Toa Matsushima, 14 year old vs. Adult, Sora, Sora Matsushima, Miku, Japan, Miku Matsushima, little girl, kawaii, cute, pro, professional table tennis player, Kyoto, 6-year-old pro, 8-year-old pro, 10-year-old pro, Adam vs., child prodigy, awesome little kid

[Music] I’m going to challenge toam matu Shima the younger brother of Sora matsushima TOA has just turned 14 years old and he’s already among the top 16 players in the under 18 category in all of Japan right now to is attending a special table tennis school to further improve his skills and today I’m going to challenge him again to a rematch the first time we played I barely won and the last time we played he beat me and now after almost 2 and 1/2 years he may not be much taller but I can tell you he is much better so we’re going to play a best of five match with me starting every game with a four-point lead whoever wins three games first wins the match also we’ll have coaches toa’s younger sisters IRA and Miku Ira will Coach TOA in this match and Miku will Coach me so let the games begin [Music] [Music] ah hey this you [Music] yeah no what happened rapid h [Music] [Music] y getting closer Adam just two more points for the first game wow wow so strong yes I [Applause] am wow my man he just won five points in a row his attacks are getting really good and now he’s just one point away from winning the first game game points okay I will fight harder okayy [Music] H get pressive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he’s playing it perfectly into my middle no come on come on F come on now I’m just two points away from winning my first game but he’s very close behind me I have to stop him wow what can I do TOA now has a onepoint lead and if he beats me in this game I’ll need to win all the remaining games game point points oh my God what should I do okay I will [Music] fight this game is my last chance because if he wins this game he’ll take the match oh my goodness can’t touch me man even a four-point lead isn’t helping me now now he’s just a single point behind I have to win this game at any cost come onist [Music] [Applause] go nice thanks why fire oh chance just one more Point Adam let’s go game [Music] point in the eye drop shots aren’t easy game point [Applause] thanks okay less misses got it I will try that [Music] good dang the power I haven’t won a single point in this game yet and he’s won five in a row he’s not even giving me a chance finally no that’s incredible he’s running me around like crazy I don’t know if I have the stamina for this oh sorry D it’s gone snake yes yes I want to try [Music] too Mission failed game is still on I just need one more point to win the fourth game you got this Adam game points nice game point oh so spinny [Music] [Music] Deuce what he just won three points in a row and now he has a match point [Music] wow TOA has improved so much backand crazy feeling crazy thank you for having fun with me you gave me a very tough match you’re very strong I will come back again okay in two years I will see you you’ll be here maybe here like Sora yeah okay this was the final episode of this Trilogy for the third time all four of the matsushima kids have improved so much since the last time I was here I don’t know what the future holds but it seems like we’ll hear a lot more about this family in the near future it’s been a ton of fun and Incredibly fulfilling to watch this family grow up and I feel grateful that I was able to meet them 5 years ago their parents and I hop that they would be this good and to see this becoming a reality is still amazing if you’ve been subscribed from the start I know this journey would be a close one to your heart too and you and I also know that the future is incredibly bright for the Matsu Shima family and I’m quite excited to visit them again and have them back on my channel until then keep on ponging peace [Music]


  1. Toa's improved SO MUCH! Thanks for coming on this journey with me and I hope you'll sss'scribe and join me in my mission to grow table tennis… and who knows… maybe I'll play a match with Sora in the future as well. 😀

  2. His playing voice is so satisfying. Like a game character. Not only cute since it's a kid voice, but also he does that while destroying Adam 😂

  3. Toa ha tsuyoi :o… such a happy go lucky family. Looking forward to see how much more they improverd in two years. And Adam, Ganbare!

  4. Its definitely a bright future for those kids. He's the only one even with all the professionals that Adam played that has figured out exactly how to beat Adam at his game. Imagine if Adam wasn't 4 points ahead on the games. What a gem #Toa is. In 5yrs, he will be deadly good.

  5. why ist english so bad in a well developed country like japan..a leading export country with i assume, an excellent educational system..strange

  6. Little dude is SCARY good. Totally controlled the match. Made Adam doing all the running around while he conserved the energy.

  7. At his age he can definitely defeat an adult. How much more if he becomes an adult. His skills is at par with an adult

  8. You could immediately see Toa's not actually trying. He's giving Adam some free points, and trolling. And even with all that he's still making it look easy. He could have probably won 3-0, but he gave Adam a game. Toa's not only good technique wise, but also with mental game. He played a lot of smart plays.

  9. Either this kid is better than all the other pros or I realized just now how all the pros were not tryharding at all

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