Golf Players

Does everyone really want a RedBull helmet?

After seeing Ronan Dunne get a RedBull lid over the weekend it got me thinking, how does this actually work, they make it a surprise by getting another RedBull athlete (Matt Jones) to give Ronan the helmet but make it seem like there has been no talks prior to this happening.

It would be quite awkward if you were in talks with another helmet sponsor and this happened at a large event like this.

Do you guys know how this works?

so Ronan D gets the Red Bull helmet now I feel like he’s been sponsoring Red Bull with how many he drinks the last few years and he’s someone that it can’t be good for your heart he drinks like I think at one day he was drinking like seven before he raced a World Cup and he is yeah you you definitely know that when he’s got that can that it’s actually got Red Bull in it you know with a lot of um Motocross athletes and other athletes like they hold the the um the drink bottle but it’s got water in it like Ronan D is definitely drinking that Red Bull so he got the Red Bull helmet but one thing I was thinking about where obviously these guys get surprised with the Red Bull helmet they don’t know about it until it’s like they’ve hand been handed it but what happens if you don’t want the helmet what happens if you’re in talks with another company whether it be someone like how Cliff bar like how Greg was sponsored by Cliff bar or just another brand even monster something like that and then these guys pull out a Red Bull helmet and give it to you and then they get the exposure off your name doing it but you don’t actually want it now obviously in this most Action Sports most athletes I guess will always go for Red Bull helmet like it’s seen as like the top Pinnacle of athletes like you see someone in a Red Bull hat or Red Bull helmet and you go hey you’re really good at whatever it is you do like it’s not an easy feat to get that lid but I just thought it was interesting and I’d love to talk to Ronan or even another Red Bull athlete I actually messaged my friend Cory Tunis who’s on Red Bull and just to ask them what the process is to actually get the helmet whether they’re in talks with their manager whether they’ve messaged them before about a possible thing because it’s like do you get the helmet and then go okay this is the deal and if you go I don’t like that deal I don’t want to ride for Red Bull if that’s what I’m getting like it’s kind of weird to then take the helmet back so just a bit interested to see like what the process I don’t know if anyone knows about what the process is with a Red Bull helmet and how it works with contracts if like some has been discussed prior or whether it’s just yeah it’d be cool to get on and then we give you a helmet and then we work out the deal afterwards so I just think it’d be funny um getting off at a Red Bull helmet in a very public event like Red Bull Hardline and you just go I don’t want it like I don’t like the drink I don’t think it’s good for or healthy I don’t know like you could say anything and then give it back would be a bit it wouldn’t be a good look on Red Bull but also yeah it’s like what like is it a set price you’re getting 50 Grand or 60 Grand or whatever it may be plus obviously all the benefits of being on Red Bull like the training facilities the coaches the rehab all of these stuff that comes along with Red Bull I guess is such a big factor on why being on the team is so helpful because they keep you here it’s not so much a money value I guess I guess it’s the exposure the the facilities the connections the community of people on that brand SL team that is kind of bigger than the dollar value you’d probably get paid to be on that brand so it’s going to be interesting to see also just a side note it was funny because I remember Ronan dun I think he showed me like a mood board of all the things he wanted and on it was like I think it was a car it was a Red Bull helmet I think he wanted to be on syndicate and there was a few other things and it’s just funny how he slowly making this all come to life so if ever you question manifestation and putting it out there and really putting the work into to make it happen I think Ronan do a perfect example that you can make it happen and he is so yeah hats off to Ronan um I might throw a little interview I did with him back in monsan in 2022 um either in the uh description or put is a video that’s about to pop up now because the video is ending and you guys can see that and see how hum humble he was and is is and the kind of yeah how far he’s progressed over the last few years and how he’s become this different Rider which is the at the pointy end of World Cup racing so yeah hats off to Rona D and congratulations on a Red Bull Hardline win number two The champ is here by right guys


  1. I feel like a bunch of Matt Jones’ money came from RedBull. He was rockin’ the Lambo and house before his YouTube got above like 150k subscribers and before all of his Helfare stuff with Ben.

  2. Why everytime I see Monster helmet it makes me think its the 2nd place or the 3rd place guy. Redbull always out there looking for the Champ

  3. I think of any of the ‘redbull helmet’ athletes, Ronin actually consumes more of their fizzy drinks than any of their other athletes. A university should do a study on the long term effects of his legendary ingestion of the Jekyll and Hyde drink (as it clearly amps up his performance – is it more mental or physical or how much of both? Or a placebo?)

  4. You are having a laugh, right?
    It's the presentation of the custom helmet that is the surprise, the contract and all that comes with the sponsorship had already been done.
    It would be ridiculous to assume that the helmet would be the first indication that Ronan had that he would be a Red bull athlete.
    It's the final part of the deal not the first.
    He alluded to the deal well before Hardline and had talked about it a couple of podcasts.

  5. If u dont have a sponsor on ur head, ur not turning away a redbull helmet and the cheque it comes with. With a redbull helmet on ur head you can negotiate a better deal with others u were talking to u. Beauty of capitalism

  6. I know in skateboarding they must wear it and if they lose the hat they get fined. Dont know if they still do that tho.

  7. Jess Belwitt explained it in a podcast. Normally their manager is settling the deal. At the time she didn’t had a manager so she made the deal with Red Bull herself but didn’t know when she will get it.

  8. They gotta be in talks before getting the helmet. Once they get the lid, then they're a Redbull Sponsored athlete/influencer, there are terms and payments attached to that surely, which necessitates a contract.

  9. If you sign for Red Bull, do you have to drink it? Because that would be a massive hurdle for me. That and not having any discernible talent.

  10. You can tell by his reaction that he knew already. If you think.. Red bull would need to get the helmet he is sponsored to paint it etc. it's like a job, you have to sign contracts before it goes out to the media. My guess is that they all pretend it's a surprise.

  11. Deano, why don't you ask moi moi on how he ended up on monster, I'm sure it's the same, they may do it another way, like Ronan did get an alpinestars redbull helmet so I am assuming they must've contacted him and his sponsors, plus someone to paint it, if anyone is going to tell the truth about it's the morriset mad dog moi moi.

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