Golf Players

Divots and Pivots- S3 EP22 – RBC Canadian Open

The tour is headed to Ontario for the RBC Canadian Open. Andrew is joined by special guest Keith Flemming tonight to discuss:

– Grayson Murray
– Harry Higgs
– Lexi Thompson
– Davis Riley
– Emergency 9 Rankings

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what’s going on tonight it’s Tuesday night here on divots and pivots on the that Sports podcast I work I’m Andre leuk aka Mr Mard as always and yes tonight as you can see Bud Copeland is not joining us tonight uh instead we have special guest Keith Fleming joining us if you recognize Keith he joined us for the master special from Gate City Casino uh what was that like a month month and a half ago now I forget how longer the matches was it feels like ages uh but Keith how are you doing tonight thank you for joining us I know last minute request but I appreciate you stepping in and uh and talking some golf with me tonight because there’s a lot to talk about but how’s your night going before we get to all that it’s good man uh been enjoying like one of my favorite events every year that I know doesn’t get a lot of Buzz because there’s not really gambling or DFS on it but I love the collegiate men’s and women’s championship and it was actually pretty cool today was the first time uh I believe ever the the five six seven and eight seed uh in the man’s quarterfinals All Advance they beat the top four seeds uh and they’re actually battling it out right now I’m a Georgia fan but uh Tech kind of like the little brother you feel sorry for so I always root for them uh and uh other events and they’re actually looking like they may be moving on to the championship tomorrow which is great for them they have quite a you know golf history M coocher Etc but uh just one of my absolute favorite events and uh appreciate the Golf Channel for the coverage and stuff they do I wish the PGA Tour covered jir it more where they just show a lot of golf to where I swear lately maybe this is just me and Drew when you watch PGA coverage they will stick with a player to go through a five minute routine or rule change or whatever and it’s just like there’s got to be somebody out there hitting shots or something else you could do with this time golf is a sledge anyway you know to watch like even for people like me and you they love it well that’s why like we’ve always said come Masters time like the like the Masters app the way they do it just I wish I wish I mean and you can kind of do it on when you watch on ESPN plus you can you can kind of get a little bit more custom with it but the Masters have the way they do that where you can make your own group literally does just jump jump jump nonstop cuz yeah like for some moments the comment the commentary is is great it’s entertaining I like to get the context of what’s going on big picture with the tournament and what this specific shot means for the big picture but yeah when they’re just you know this this times like you’re saying what the guy’s just doing is warm up and no one’s talking you literally just hear the birds chirping you hear everything else going on but and they’re just sitting there um I don’t mind the smiley Kaufman stuff like like when he gets out there no yeah it it was need to do more of that in my opinion is like I’ve been saying forever it’s a TV show uh you want us to root in these people have stuff ready like have the highlights of a player’s rounds through one through three have an interview you know tid bit just anything to kind of give you more information because half these guys like Davis Raley is a prime example most people have no idea who the hell that dude is uh and he’s all over the coverage Saturday and Sunday and I don’t feel like they did a very good job of you know painting a picture of exactly who he is and you know why it’s cool that he’s winning this event yeah and that is and that’s you’re right I don’t disagree with you that they do need to do better job kind of filling in the blanks for your casual golf fan that is either just slipping through or even just sitting down at the bar and it’s on in the background it’s they’re gonna they’re hoping for something to capture their attention and yeah they look up and they just see a bunch of this guy Davis riy that they’ve ever heard of they’re probably going to stop paying attention to it yeah because that’s just natural um but we’ll get we’ll get to more Davis Riley I do want just kick off the show um with obviously the big the big news because this this is the news could easily take over the entire show I want to give it its due respect but at the same time I don’t want to spend the whole show on it um but obviously Grayson Murray uh Saturday morning uh the the passing it came out on Sunday later the family um put it out there suicide um just absolutely devastating brutal story um I don’t want to say too much on it because I don’t want to sit here and pretend like I knew the guy personally obviously because I didn’t um and and I don’t want to put words in people’s mouths um but it’s just sad like I don’t know how else to describe it just I when I got the news Saturday night I was hanging out with friends and I got I read the news as if I did know him like that’s how it just felt because as just a 30-year-old man uh in the spotlight just feeling like he had to go there it’s devastating to me it shines a light on um other men in the world Sports industry athletes or whatever just anybody any man out there who just doesn’t feel like he has a place to talk doesn’t feel like he has a place to be to be heard um that’s devastating to me that’s the saddest part and we just got to do more to change that I I don’t know I don’t have all the answers uh we we’ll talk more about Harry higs he had some words on it as well but um I mean what would do you have anything you want to say specifically on Grayson Murray I obviously know how you feel about it but is there anything you would like to say the subject uh I mean unfortunately I have lost uh three friends in my lifetime like pretty good friends to Suicide so I am well aware of just what his family friends Etc are going through because it’s human nature to then question what could I have done uh it’s just sad to know that and this is what I’ve always you know told people I hate when people use a term like easy way out stuff like that when a person has reached that point uh I not imagine the mental anguish that they are going through on a day through day you know basis to just reach to that point and then finally is just to me like one of the golden golden rules of life is just be kind to others uh if you can uh don’t get me wrong we all have our bad moments I am definitely as somebody who Rants and gets upset about stuff I don’t always handle St stuff the best but if you go into every situation trying to treat people with kindness and patience and just think that you have no idea what is going on with the other person that you’re having this altercation from they could be having the worst day month year ever uh I just think this world would be a better place uh and then obviously again it’s just you know I know it’s easy as we get older to time passes by I know I’m guilty of it you have friends family Etc that you’re not nearly as close to as you used to be but you never know the impact it can have from just reaching out on a regular basis just to check up on people uh because depending on their situation they may not have anybody uh doing that and I know a phone text messaging all that stuff it works both ways but at the end of the day I don’t think you’re ever going to feel sorry for reaching out for somebody that you consider a friend family M someone you love care about uh and it it can have a really positive impact yeah and that’s like because I know just with even growing up with over the years with my group of friends as we’ve gotten older um you do sometimes have that feeling where you don’t want to uh put your problems on anybody else’s shoulders and mind and you don’t on the other hand you don’t want to intrude on other people’s lives but yeah sometimes to to just send a random text and like hey how you like like how are you and what what I really mean is how are you like let’s I’m not just trying to start a conversation I really want to make sure you’re doing good um and look if you’re if you’re intruding on their life they’ll let you know one way or another you’ll find out if if you should have or shouldn’t have but whether verbally or they just stop hitting you back you usually get the it never hurts exact try man it doesn’t hurt to try and if anything it just shows them that even if they don’t need or want you in that moment for a shoulder to be hurt or whatever um they know that you you might be there in the again again in the future if they need you just it’s just to me the the basic human connection that uh I think everyone just needs to be really mindful of so um we obviously send our our prayers our thoughts um and our condolences to the Murray family um can’t even imagine or put words to any more than that so I’m gonna respectfully stop it there um and try to move on because I thought Harry higs is someone who uh who who handled the moment on Sunday after winning his second straight corn fairy Tour event um I thought he used the moment to Tastefully say pretty much exactly what we were just saying here um but obviously in a much bigger stage and a bigger opportunity um and I just hope that his words got through but Harry higs uh went out there uh and and won again the corn fairy tour and if you’re not familiar with the way the corn faery tour works uh he’s one win one win away from getting back on the PGA tour now get and then and not even just that if he gets that one more win he’s immediately effective back on the PGA tour if you’re not familiar with that so which just to clarify he’s gonna be he he’s getting back to the PJ tour worst case next year but to your point yeah why not go ahead and get half of a free year where you could get you know exemptions and other things moving forward and it’s basically a free role because he’s still G to get all of next year whether he qualifies by winning that third event and start now or whether it’s just being one of the top 25 which again with two wins he’s you know assured to do at this point yeah and he’s number I believe I saw he’s number two right now so uh that yeah like you said that’s pretty much a lock um I do want to point out so the last time because like I said this is his second win in a row two straight weeks um so the last time or not the last time because this actually happened I think it was last year or two years ago someone won their way on a midseason into the PJ Tri I forget who it was um but back in 2005 uh Jason Gore was the last guy to do it um in such a small span he won three times in a month uh in a four-week span so uh we’re we’re talking about something that Harry higs has a chance to do here that hasn’t been done since 2005 so um keep your eyes on the corn fairy tour um because history is coming and Harry higs look he’s not someone who when he’s on the PGA events uh blows it out of the water but he is for sure popped up in my rankings in the past uh he’s a solid golfer who who I think carries himself with with a lot of integrity and a lot of uh kind of swagger to to know what to do when he’s out there in the spotlight and the tour needs guys like Harry higs right now like part of the issue with the is there’s not enough characters Xander Schley is an incredible golfer not exactly a fun hang uh Scotty Sheffer uh you know I know it’s it’s it’s amazing what getting locked up will do uh it’s the sheers and stuff seem to be a lot more for Sheffer right I guess now that thug life going but uh again not exactly an exciting guy uh Harry higs is amazing he’s a guy that took his shirt off at the waist management uh after huling a putt while they rained beers on them like I mean just somebody who jumps off the page uh and not to mention he looks different right like he’s not your prototypical PGA Tour player I don’t think he’s hitting the weights very hard I definitely uh enjoys a cold beverage and more than anything on top of that seeing what you know he did with such a stage that he had after his you know second win to spend that talking about a friend and you know to be fair and Grayson Murray but still like it just shows he’s a good person and the tour needs those kind of guys I hope he wins the third event but either way I’m looking forward to Harry higs being you know back on the PGA tour and me inevitably betting on him and him probably disappointing me yeah does tend to happen it does tend to happen but that it’s you hit a good point there that that I I don’t know if there’s exactly a correlation I think it’s just a kind of a pocket of the PGA time that we’re in right now is that a lot of the character that we do view as characters and big personalities and fun personalities they’re not necessarily playing the best golf right now unfortunately uh you know and I think there’s opportunity we’re seeing guys like Davis Riley we’re seeing U some of these younger guys or lesser known guys to the the casual golf fan uh winning tournaments throughout this year that I think they have a chance to kind of fill that personality role if they kind of stay up in there but um yeah you’re right guy I mean guys like Jordan Speed Justin Thomas they have fun personalities that you can sit out there and watch they share their emotions but neither one of them are necessarily on top of their game right now um Xander yeah Xander’s just quiet is it does seem to be an issue right now and I think that’s part of why Liv is still alive because y they we we have I think I think we the the talent has been bridged I I I don’t think there’s a massive Talent disparity yes Liv has some guys that we’ve talked about here in this show um I think a lot of those guys are kind of happy with just playing a part-time schedule uh and just playing the majors in their with that so they wouldn’t be doing much for the PGA anyways uh so but I the talent is whatever I I but the personality sure Liv’s got some personality over there right now now I they do a better presentation too which is something that again I have such a problem with p and I’m not one these people that’s like oh I can do it so much better but if I work for the comms team I’m going okay the biggest hit you’ve had in the last few years by far was full swing why not do something like that during the season where you could show that stuff through the event when a player comes up that you’re following you could show what they’ve been doing for the week and we talked about this on my ESPN uh inside drive you know appearance each week that why not like concentrate on the guys that are on the bubble because that’s such a different life than the guys that they’re on full swing who are all multi multi-millionaires and if they never won another golf tournament they’re going to be fine going to be living basically the life they’re living right now it’s a totally different game for these guys that are grinding week to week trying to make a career at it trying to stay on the PGA tour and I think that would just bring so much interest to the game but they’re just so stuck and shock or you know in the game of golf that people are stucking their ways and they don’t want to change things but it’s a television product at the end of the day that’s what it is is a television product and I just feel there’s so much better ways for them to use the time that they have on air to build Stars much quicker than that they’re just going by results which is basically what they’re banking on yeah I mean just just mirror Hard Knocks The Way HBO has done it for years with the NFL it’s the the exact same thing that you’re laying out right here and and even think about the the biggest success that have come out of full swing the stories and the players that people have gravitated to your drel diamonds who lives on the bubble right now but everybody loves his story from both season I think you know he was still the star of even the second season but guys like Tom Kim who are like not quite there yet but we know they’re going to be there like there’s so many opportunities there and let’s be honest there is going to be live golf on Netflix soon like it’s going to happen now that they’ve signed the deal to get a game or two of the NFL like live sports is slowly gonna be creeping its way into Netflix there’s even more opportunities they can do to then like follow those they they can even use Clips because it’s all in house during the tournament clips from like the whatever you want I don’t know what you would call it what would you call it you think like the hardar version you know they already got full swing you can’t do it that like what would be a good name to call something like that actually I don’t know maybe like golf be beyond the ropes something like that you know just golfers be I mean just it doesn’t really matter it’s just the fact that again there’s all this dead time is what I call it during a PGA Tour event where we’re not gaining anything as viewers they’re not giving any breaking groundbreaking information why not have video packages and stuff to set up to again get us to know the golfers I am a huge wrestling fan always have been okay wrestling is at its best when they’re telling great stories outside of the Ring no matter how good the match is in between the ropes when there’s interesting angles from outside the ring it enhances the product golf would be no different everything is I mean that’s why ESPN in a lot of ways has turned into uh as Britney my wife calls it the Saab story right like where you get like especially the NFL and like NBA draft it’s like you know one of the profiles is just gonna be God Al my like L little Timmy stuck in the well uh but it’s entertaining right like it at least gets you to where you feel like you know this person more than just a guy who looks and dresses a lot like almost every other golfer on tour just with a different name and I I think that it just it would help them build stars and what a great time to try something like this because you lost so much talent to the live tool and Liv does this too like Liv has a bunch of cool stuff whether it be on social media YouTube whatever like I don’t understand why the PGA Tour is not literally just copying that even if it’s not in The Telecast why not have more stuff on social media where you could say during The Telecast if you go to our YouTube page you can see a profile on this player who is contending for this you know Championship on Saturday or Sunday well and even that you got to what’s unique about golf when compared to other sports obviously the out of the the big four you know Hockey baseball basketball football like that’s kind of that’s 32 teams that people already have built-in reasons to cheer for a group of guys the stories can be kind of second like cherries on top of all that but with golf with you know any given week 150 160 guys half of most of those people don’t really know anything about you got to give them something to cheer for like and I’ve noticed that even with you know I’ve told the story before my own my girlfriend Anna here she started watching golf with me but what Drew her in was full swing and learning about wam Clark’s story and she was absolutely touched by his story his rise of overcoming what he overcame and now anytime he’s in a tournament she’s asking me you know oh how’s my guy Clark doing like now she’s a fan of somebody like and it’s not a it’s not just like a small example like that happens so much more often You Gotta Give F1 is a prime example I never watched F1 and all a sudden I’m watching the Netflix series I know who all these guys are and you know if I races on I actually watch it even though I have no idea what’s going on but it just gives you a rooting to your point it can get more casuals which let’s be honest golf has proven over the years they’re not going to lose the die hards we’re g to be there correct no matter what but it’s adapt or die and it’s like if you want to grow your audience you got to get people outside of those people that are going to be there every single week and grow those numbers and especially grow younger people which we know by being on a streaming service being on YouTube whatever it’s more likely that’s how they’re viewing stuff anyway whether they ever watch a telecast or not correct and that I think that’s where that’s where baseball failed you know they they bed so long on that generation that is now frankly 55 and over that’s their main viewing generation now and and and we’re not even see like the changes they made to bring down the game time which from what I can tell has actually been very successful they’ve got the G average game time down by quite a bit it seems um and I’m not even watching games but I just know from the time I get a notification that the Red Sox started to the time that says the games end I’ll look at the time and say wow that’s pretty damn fast so they made these changes but it was almost like it was too late and I don’t want to see the PGA end up in that same boat because you know baseball I think has a better chance to recover from something like that than necessarily the PGA does unfortunately so wake up I hope I hope they start and it seems like they’re on that path honestly the the even just the fact that they opened up that Q uh tournament for the Myrtle Beach Classic the YouTubers and one like that complely agree y they’re they’re starting to dip their toe in as long as they keep doing things like that or that at least on the same kind of trying it with these matches and stuff like I’ll give them credit there’s just so much more they could be doing and it’s not that expensive is what drives me crazy it’s like with the production you’re already doing God throwing up a YouTube you need a phone for God’s sakes and a few golfers to agree to do a par three challenge with a driver I mean it’s easy stuff that they’re doing both on the European tour and also uh on live yeah nope it’s so true and uh so we’ll we’ll see with the PJ if they continue that I hope they do uh but let’s not we touched on Davis Ry earlier Davis rley came out this past week comfortably wins The Charles swab challenge um I know Scotty sheff was trying to make a push there at the end but I mean he’s Riley still ends up winning by five um he really just seemed to be in the zone all week I honestly didn’t watch too much of this tournament it’s the Charles swab challenge it just it is what it is did you catch a lot of it did you or or were you in the same boat as me no I did uh again I got issues uh mostly because I’m a degenerate and also because we were hanging out at my in-laws they have a pool I’m not the tannest guy in the world so it’s like I can spend a little time out there if I spend too much longer I’m G to be red so I’m like yeah go and watch golf uh it was actually his Saturday round that I was just like holy cows this dude zoned in he started with a four shot lead in case you missed it freaking pipe drive on one the par five hit it to like 20 feet didn’t hit a great putt two putt birdie easiest can be again hit a monster laser drive like 340 yards on one of the tightest Fairways you’ll ever see okay dead center hit it stiff makes birdie he’s too under through two all a sudden the lead six and just all week whenever he needed it his ball striking was out of you know just basically on another level but again it’s also funny when these guys have good putting weeks that are ball Strikers they end up usually winning and he was like first in the field and stroes gain te to Green you know and stroes G off the te but he was also like third in putting and fifth around the grd so when that happens good things but I’m also just amazed at guys like Davis Riley who now this is his second win uh one of them was a team event but he’s also been in a playoff it’s just weird for these guys like the ones I have the hardest time figuring out are the guys that seem to just either struggle or they’re going to contend yeah and it’s crazy because there’s so many other guys that like they’ll finish top 20 all day long but they never really get close to winning Riley is one of these guys that I mean for so early in his career he was a studed Alabama again I told you I love the Collegiate championships I watched him when Alabama won a national championship be a big player in that uh he just like when he’s on he’s really good it is surprising though that the guy that’s now won two events and you know basically won a third he lost in the playoff but you know at the end of the tournament he was tied for the lead uh and I mean he can’t you know finish in the top 50 most weeks yeah it’s and you know who that guy for me always is it’s Keegan Bradley for me and now Keegan Bradley is obviously one a major like it’s a little bit different pedigree than what we’re talking about here with Davis rley but just the notion of like guys that I can never get right and that’s why I’ve just hit the point where anytime if Keegan Bradley Pops in my model he’s going to contend if he doesn’t if he doesn’t pop up in my top 10 at all that means he’s missing the cut it doesn’t mean if he’s just outside of it at 15 that doesn’t matter if he’s he could be 11 he’s missing the cut it doesn’t matter he’s got to be top 10 in my math model in order for me to play play him because he will contend those weeks that’s why I always said if Bradley Pops I don’t care I gotta play him so CH re another guy for me like that that it seems like he wins every few years and other than that he almost struggles for his card year after I think he actually lost it one or two years in the last six seven but he does about every two and a half years he’s gonna win an event and I’ll be interested to see what Riley does moving forward because again he proved this week not only does he have the game what to me was more impressive was Saturday again he came out put his foot on people’s throat that’s what used to do and his ha not obviously compared to David Tiger but it’s a good sign right when you’re going out being the aggressor trying to extend the lead let’s get this thing over with and then I’m not gonna lie even being four shots ahead with Sheffer and the fact that he had not have made a bogey now and like I don’t know was 40 yeah I thought for sure was gonna win this and he and he did not fold at all like he really didn’t he made the one mistake on the front and other than that I thought he played really well and most importantly again like what tiger in his he he didn’t do anything special but he knew I had this buffer let me just not make the mistakes and if these guys get closer then I’ll adjust and just correct played really well he’s an impressive player and I just I just want to see more consistency for him because I like Davis Riley a lot it’s you know gol yeah it was almost pretty much a perfect week for him um and yeah you reference his team win I believe that was with Aaron Ry at the the Zurich I think it was the Zurich one year um y yeah I was gonna say I know it was recent so yeah um so so that’s great and yeah like I said Sheffer the door was wide open in my opinion but you know Riley came in and did what he did um sher’s been going through some stuff to be fair had a baby got arrested you know so and he still keeps showing up which I’m shock I keep thinking yeah oh he’s gonna back out and it’s again why I just l no he just keeps showing up like yeah I’ll play which did you see the the newest video that came out this past week the other angle of the arrest that it was taken from like a building security camera something did did you T that I did and did you have any thoughts on it just that I’m shocked the head of the police said that we’re gonna let the video speak for itself it’s like [ __ ] are you serious like because I still contradicted the report completely contradicted the report I just again it it’s mind-blowing to me because even the court said when they met that we’re going to allow the police to investigate if this arrest was handled correctly we already know immediately without seeing the video the answer to that is no it was not because it is a law in Louisville he’s supposed to turn on his camera did he do that no and it’s already an illegal yeah it’s already an illegal arrest in that sense right there and then on top of that this I just like again the the coordination was really messed up for this because in some ways I feel for the cop because he was not involved with the tournament so he’s going look at this unbelievable dude just you know driving yeah when Sheffer and them this is what they do in these tournament this is how they get to the event even though traffic is backed up a mile as they’re told you just drive around and the cops see that seal on the side with the tournament they go okay it’s basically like a being a an extra police car you have the ability to kind of go wherever you want but the fact that there was no coordination the day of the event even when he was arrested afterward and now it just feels like the police are just dug in to where they don’t want to admit their mistake and I just like I don’t understand to me it would have been such an easy thing just come out like look uh we took it very seriously because somebody had died and this person was not abiding by the police officer knowing now the situation and what is the norm for PGA Tour players and and what sheffler was trying to do this was just a huge misunderstanding we’re gonna let bygones be bygones and I think neither looks bad but now that you’re digging in it’s like what’s your agenda here well that’s the thing because that cop was wasn’t part of the the tour kind of crew he was there because of obviously the emergency that happened with the accident with the bus um he wasn’t a part of any of the event briefings for throughout the week that these guys are are kind of told how it works because it that’s I think people the things people forget about here is that you know yes they’re police this is their town like they’re you know quote unquote in charge but they are essentially kind of being rented out for this event they contractors abolutely they’re contractor for the event and they need so they are told kind of how it works and and they just do it abidingly and um yeah and before that video came out this past week I was very much on the fence of okay like I get why they arrested Scotty that scene was hectic it’s dark it’s early in the morning no one was expecting this and their emotions are highly I get it from their point of view all they saw was a car driving over and they did what they had to do and then I said I think the charges will probably be dropped and everybody will move on and be their happy way yeah and I saw that video and I was like this is it’s not cool that you can put a a police officer can put a report out there in writing and submit it and it have very little factual evidence in it to match a host Allen who’s an africanamerican and is from like that area he goes welcome to how black people have felt in Louisville for years because he said this is the way the cops are they’re Ultra aggressive usually overreact a lot of times their reports don’t match like when they’ve had video evidence what actually occurred and it was just like I mean the the minute I saw him slam the windshield when y Jeffer couldn’t have been moving seriously 5 10 miles an hour at the most like it was a deal right just turned and it’s like that was enough for me to see okay and ju and just the laughable part of like his pants were damaged Beyond repair it’s like really that I mean that would have better and his hand hurt from holding oh from slamming his hand probably down there was no there was the key things I saw is there was no dragging Sheffer stopped like the second he after he made the turn because he saw cops were closing in on him basically um and now I think he also felt safe if he got in the property because that’s basically what he did was he pulled onto the property okay now somebody here will understand what I was doing even if this cop’s going crazy yeah now obviously the one thing because his body cam wasn’t on the one missing information we have is what was said to each other in in that 30 seconds before he was taken out of the car and when he was stopped at the window there that I’m not saying that’s going to change anything enough because nothing was put in the report about what was said there so as far as I can tell Sheffer handed himself respectfully um but that’s just the one missing bit of information that I would love I see shefer though from all I know about him and again I don’t know Scotty Sheffer but even my wife made the comment this is the most boring vanilla nice guy I’ve ever seen in my life from watching the full swing so I just don’t see new daddy Scotty Sheffer being like [ __ ] you you don’t tell me what to do yeah like you know with this air of you know arrogance or whatever that I’m getting in I mean I just to me I always think back to him being walked off in handcuffs and it was pitiful hearing him like ask the ESPN guy can you help me like he sounded like a person that was terrified and my biggest concern I keep saying this is we talk about golf trauma all the time and you think about Jordan spe hitting at the water at 12 at Augusta when he won two majors and he’s never been the same Scotty Sheffer went through real trauma at a major championship and there’s no telling how that’s going to affect his psyche moving forward I don’t really look at this last event but I’m very interested to see how he does at the US Open and I’m very interested to see how he does at the Open Championship because this is a guy that kind of grabbed major championships by the throats sure and if for being honest may have had a major stolen here from this situation considering he shot four under his first round without having played in five weeks a competitive round and then shot five under immediately after this and just unfortunately I really feel like if Ted Scott would have been there on Saturday exact he been it was just a bad time like I love that Sheffer let him take the day off because that’s what they’re all about they’re all about family first you know God family all that stuff but if there was ever a time he needed to said Scott it was Saturday when I think everything had sunk in and he wasn’t rushing to the golf course cuz everybody’s like well how do he play Friday I’m like I don’t think he even thought about everything that was going on because everything happened so fast that within four hours he was arrested processed released and then teeing off so I just think that it could have affected him potentially winning another major and I’m worried he’s goingon to have Scar Tissue moving forward from the trauma of the entire experience well it’ll definitely be a storyline to to be watching going forward uh that Saga is not over real fast let’s let’s hear from Underdog fantasy here and then we’ll we come back going to quickly touch on the Lexi Thompson retiring and then we will get into the fantasy uh implications and emergencies uh emergency 9 rankings for this week uh at the RBC Canadian Open Season off in the win column with best ball what is best ball it’s quite simply the EAS easiest way to win no Team Management no trades no waivers it’s their biggest contest ever and it has only gotten bigger you simply have to sit and win you don’t even have to set your lineup always get your best score every week just enter a contest draft your team and Underdog will do the rest what could make this even better how about free money up to $100 using our exclusive promo code go online now and use the promo code dib PIV to double your deposit up to $100 you tell them gingerbread sent good girl that’s right gingerbread never steers us wrong each and every week here um Lexi Thompson though obviously big news that came out today um retiring at the end of this season she will finish this season out um it I was a little curious by the wording of the announcement saying that she’s going to retire from full-time golf at the age of 29 um so I’ll be curious to see if that means anything in the coming Seasons she’s joining the Liv tour in a couple of weeks oh hey now I don’t think I don’t I don’t I also don’t think that’s happen but that’s first I was gonna say I don’t know if the Saud would exactly be cool with that what I know about him this is a this a good point uh but she cites uh once again she cites mental health here um she had a a bunch of quotes in the in the announcement about um you know how it how it feels to to go out there doing something they love um but obviously there’s going to be people out there who talk negatively who expect more than you can handle at 100% every single day and it is a reality as we touched on with Grayson Murray earli it’s a reality that um I think is easy to lose sight of uh but has massive effects on people uh when we do lose sight of it so um I commend her for stepping away if that’s what she feels like she needs to do especially because she is obviously one of the biggest stars in the LPG LPGA winning 15 times um I believe she only has the one major though right she does just us but fine they’re actually playing us still I’m not trying to take anything away from I just want to make sure I had that right know yeah so uh but so Lexi Thompson we’ll see what uh full-time retirement me or you know retiring from full-time means but uh obviously the LPGA losing um a star uh Nelly cord has obviously taken over that whole uh uh that whole league basically U followed closely behind with rose Zang so I think LPGA is in good hands um and is exciting moving forward um anything do you have any good Lexi Thompson stories on top the top of your head or are you ready to move right into uh fantasy golf here I just always like to remind people because yes she only won one major it’s kind of like Michelle we um but I just want to remind people she first started qualifying for us opens at 13 years of age and she’s made it every every year whether through qualifying or as just her status on the lpj where she automatically qualifies C so she’s also had a really long career which it’s easy to kind of forget that but I think she was pro at 16 won 16 so I think she won the first one at 16 yeah so I mean when you think about it that way that’s a long time to be on the grind of the PGA Tour or lpj tour and again I’m a huge wrestling fan the biggest thing when you hear in these autobiographies and stuff that people do not account enough for is the travel and the fact that you were on the road all the time and think about how much you enjoy being at your home I know I love nothing better than being in my recliner at my house and just that on the road all the time I think it really takes a toll on it makes it really tough to have significant relationships we saw this with Tony fow who really had a Renaissance on the PGA tour we fin us out through full swing when he finally said f it I’m taking the entire Bunch with me on the road even though in the inter room this may be difficult but I think overall for his mental health and everything it helped him so I totally understand and support what she’s doing and I think with her status she’ll be able to if she wants to just playing majors and stuff and I feel like that again for somebody who’s been on the tour since she was like 15 16 years old she’s earned the right to do that and and you know kind of also step aside for these young people that you’re talking about that again the women’s game is just got a embarrassment of Richmonds with more young women players coming up every day yeah I think the women’s game is in a great state right now and I I like I said I have no no issue obviously I don’t have the right to have an issue with Lexi th retiring but even if I did I would have no issue understand it it’s kind of more yeah yeah I understand it it makes sense and I like I said I if anything I commend her um for kind of keeping the important things in life right in the foreground and and knowing that this is what she wants to do if anything she she knows exactly what she wants to do with the life right now and I commend her for following that because I think a lot of people are sometimes afraid to take that step that is a big step to to continue following that dream so good for you Lexi Thompson we wish you well uh in your retirement um but let’s get into uh the fantasy golf because we got the RBC Canadian open this week Hamilton Golf and Country Club um similar to last week we have another par 70 but uh this week we’re we’re taking 200 yards off compared to what we had last week because last week we had a monster par 70 this week we’re about more average 7,084 yards um I I don’t expect anything too crazy tough about this course other than the fact that um I I think there’s going to be some safety plays off the te and I I think there’s going to be a lot of longer shots into the green so I’m looking for guys who can hit approach shots from your 200 plus yardage is out um and for those who uh who need to play it safe even from there I’m looking for guys with good short game because I think some guys will be coming up a little short or maybe a little wide left or right around the greens I want short game uh proximity 200 plus I want guys who are good at par fours 400 to 450 and then my TW my typical always go to is my Approach and my putting those are my five key stats that I’m watching this week um when it comes to tackling the Hamilton golf in country club now uh for our viewership obviously we we talked to Mid Masters last time we had you on so we haven’t had you on pre-tournament yet how do you like to tackle your research when going into finding your bets or even your DFS plays or however you choose to to go about trying to make money off these golf tournaments so this is a weird week because again this venue has not hosted a Canadian open since 2019 I think it’s like six total in the history and we need another caveat they’ve done a really big renovation of this golf course since the tournament was last here held here in 2019 and if I learned anything from the freaking coverage last week it’s man when they redo the greens these guys it it’s excusable that they can’t read a puck because they must have said a thousand freaking times all these new greens these guys just don’t know the real like he supposed to be the best golfers in the world Cry Me a freaking River but normally I look at historic dat like that that’s always what I go to like I belong to bet spurt that’s uh a newer site Ron close who I think is the best data guy in the business he uh migrated over there I migrated with my dollars over there with him because he’s very very smart and one thing I love about that is they will go through in his article which I think is free if it’s not uh it’s very affordable to join his membership he usually includes for events what categories have historically over the last five tournaments held there been weighted more like where have we seen the guys that are in the top 10 top 20 when Etc what categories have been most important and then usually that is where I start and diverge on a week like this uh GH full Kobe Bryant shoot your shot there is no bad shot if you got a feeling about somebody go right ahead but to me you’re completely on Pace anytime I don’t know a golf course I’m going to look immediately at Strokes gain approach I looked at good drives gained this week uh whether it be total driving Strokes SK all all those I mean it’s potato potato in a lot of ways but I just I do agree with you that I think that in a lot of ways these guys are going to lay back Rory won’t uh if you watched his performance in 2019 but um those are great and then I always what what I like about this venue and again this something I liked about bpur was I did lean heavily into strug gained around the green off tight surfaces because almost every Green yep the complex around it very tight lies these are going to have a lot of rolloffs tight lies I think Scotty Sheffer who’s I think the best in the world right now at doing that but one great thing about that spurt is they have a feature where I literally just searched uh off of what you consider courses with tight uh Fairways around the greens I leaned very heavily into that and then the other thing I really looked into was birdie or better percentage this week on par fours uh to your point you know the par fours is going to play a huge factor and it’s one of the weird weeks that actually look more into par three and Par Four scoring than par five to where like when we were going into the PGA par five par five par five because there was three par FS they were like the only three super easy holes on the golf course I needed to know guys at least were going to get theirs on those holes uh but I mean each week you attack it different but this to me is truly a week where don’t like don’t feel like you have to explain yourself to anybody nobody freaking knows they ain’t had an event here since 2019 they can have a hunch of which way the data goes but there is no concrete data that will give you a leg up this week so whatever you’re feeling this is one of those weeks I think it’s fun both for betting cards and DFS because you can get really creative and if anybody tries to tell you that’s a dumb play tell to go f themselves yeah and to your point that like you said the power five the there’s only two power FS this week uh they’re both the 17th and 18th the well it’s not the whole number but they’re ranking the easiest golf golf holes on the course uh and then to your other point the par 3’s uh Par 3 six is the SEC the second hardest on the course the par 38 is the third hardest the part three 13th is the fourth hard so like yeah that’s a solid point right there the part 3es are going to be what it’s going to eat these guys alive it seems um and it’s probably like you said the roll off and the tight lies on the green so I bet you if you adjust a fraction off it you’re going to end up uh with a a bogey putt long you know very quickly um so so those are what we’re kind of looking at here now the way we typically do this do this Keith is I’m gonna quickly kind of run through my nine here I’m going to give my nine rank as we call it the emergency nine and then from there um you can give however many rankings you want or if you just want to kind of talk about the guys you like I’m also cool with that uh but uh stay consistent let’s get into the emergency N9 real fast [Music] so to kick us off as always we’re going to start at the bottom at number nine uh I want to throw Shane Lowry in here he wasn’t necessarily um heavily popping my model he wasn’t far off but Shane Lowry just seems to be a guy that is uh he’s in the right head space right now he he’s he’s playing good golf but I also do like what I’m seeing out of him um on social media talking about the time spending with his family he just seems to be kind of in the smooth happy motion right now those are guys that they tend to carry that onto the golf course so Shane L I got to get in there at number nine uh number eight uh Andrew Novak number seven McKenzie Hughes uh number six I’m going to go with sah theala a guy who was actually ranking higher in my model but I just can’t find myself to trust him fully at this moment um number five decision number five Kelly craft uh number four party Marty Martin L uh number three Alex Soren number two AE batia and the number one Rory Moy uh those are my nine rankings uh and you can find those on social media uh in the coming days leading up to the tournament um so first of all what do you think about that do you think I’m way off I mean I know you said shoot your shot it doesn’t matter I want to tell you but how do you feel when I when I were there any names that popped out of you that you just felt like oh what is he thinking on this one uh again for this venue I mean I I can’t say anybody is like oh my God I will say that as biat is on my [ __ ] list right now uh well this cut last week did not help two weeks in a row he killed a bunch of DFS lineups in the I’m talking about I had I had my number one guy last week everywhere with be with freaking ashet at the PGA so I’m kind of upset at him you know it’s just one of those deals where I’m mad at him I really like the Kelly craft play um I know there’s not a a big sample size here recently but his skill set equates to this venue uh and what it’s going to take I also really like the Robert McIntyre play he is somebody who I feel like is gaining momentum uh honestly I was shocked he hasn’t done better uh because I think he’s one of the better players to come from yeah I mean and again I love Robert McIntyre if for nothing else in the first event that the caddies could wear whatever on their bibs he put the freaking Ryder Cup score playing with one of the Americans I don’t remember which one of those in the r cups like I love that that’s a guy who needs to be in future Rider cups just for that he’s gonna bring that energy I love the pettiness um I am shocked that you’ll go out on Lim with Rory being number one considering he’s W I think what three out of the last four of these that he’s played in uh and this again if you don’t remember 2019 he dominated the course like absolutely dominated and if he gets that driver going like we know he’s capable of if you watched his last when um it could be the same thing uh where I think he runs away with it again that sucks for a betting purpose uh because God there’s no value it’s just it’s disgusting man like and also I just want to say like screw you to DK and FanDuel and those place because used to the props was where I ate yeah because you could find outrageous top 20 top 10 odds on guys and because now you have these conglomerates doing it that they’re so used to the data from football and basketball like they’re different than the casinos I’m sorry it is it’s a different avenue I think they’re actually better and if you look they’ve set the market at the casinos now with these props to where you just can’t make the money that you used to or at least not get the return on your investment that you used to where like I I always think back to Phil Mickelson two years at the Masters he was 22 two to one to top 10 going into that and I’m going really like Phil Mickelson I’m getting 22 to1 odds at this venue I’ll take that all day um Rory is my favorite DK player this week I do mostly cash game lineups he’s gonna anchor pretty predominant all them I’ve been doing it with Sheffer this year take the talent especially in a weak field you talked about he’s won it first stroke and strokes gain total in Canada last 36 rounds third Strokes gained approach she’s basically good at freaking everything uh Aaron Ry I really like this week he’s part of my official DK lineup Aaron Ry was close for me too he was he was on the the bubble so he’s 8,900 I like him 35 to one to win plus 350 top 10 39th they’re better in eight of his last 10 starts on tour Fifth and good drive percentage last 24 that’s big he’s third in Strokes game total at Canada over his last 36 and just absolute ball Striker we talked about he’s 3 second and part three scoring uh I think Tom Kim’s an extreme value in DFS this week he’s going to be in my official lineup he’s 8600 also screw it 35 to1 to win plus 750 top five he’s finished 30 if they’re better than 46 after a really slow start to the season I know he had a disastrous round Sunday but I actually was encouraged that again that was three or four out last six he’s played pretty well 13th in driving actually which we talked about didn’t get it in the in the fair six in proximity this year from the Fairway so if he gets in theway that’s big 14th in total birdies and then the big thing for me top 10 in comp courses uh Strokes gain total and that is going by uh basically again just something that bet spurt uses and I’m trusting their instincts on that uh mcken Hughes who you mentioned 8300 gotta take a Canadian in this vent uh you have to they cut two or three times in the Canadian open including the T14 actually at this venue in 2019 so I like that uh Patton kazir is the fifth guy in my lineup he 6,300 130 to1 to win 11 to1 to top 10 had a horrible start to a season don’t get me wrong three consec finishes a t24 better six in Strokes gain approach on the season third in Green in regulation percentage ninth in proximity what I liked he’s seventh on tour putting inside 10 feet this year 10th and biring average but this is the big one for me second in par four scoring third and Par Four scoring average you finished t38 last year at the Canadian open kazir is the kind of guy I would not be shocked at off he ends up winning this event and then because I use Rory because you know that’s gonna mean I gotta go real to the bottom of the barrel Robbie Shelton I like him 5700 he’s 11 to1 to top 10 plus 550 to top 20 he’s eighth in Strokes gain around the greens he’s really good off those tight lies tent don’t approaches from 125 to 150 yards you know this isn’t an overly long golf course and then the big thing first and par three birdie or better percentage I like to hear that and then real quickly just some other DK play bets I have I’m with you on theala I am gonna bet him 18 to one this build’s so weak that I feel like that it’s it’s disgusting but in like today’s terms it’s not that disgusting I do really like him at four to one to top five on DK I think that’s a good place he’s made the cut and both Canadian open starts eighth and par 4 birdie or better percentage quietly putting really well Fifth and strokes game putting his last 24 rounds 10th and par three scoring 30th and Par Four so he shouldn’t have issues with that I am going back to Fleetwood 10,300 16 to one to win plus 360 top five lost in a playoff here in 2023 his Canadian Open start before that finished T6 in 2018 so for whatever reason he likes playing in Canada Fifth and strokes game on tight lies around the greens uh somebody again that has finished 13th or better in three of his last five starts third in driving accuracy this year seventh in uh scrambling and 12th in par four scoring 12 Par Four so guys need to eat that again you mentioned McIntyre I like him as well 7100 71 to win plus 650 top 10 13th or better to last three STS he is fourth scrambling around tight lies the big thing here finished T6 I know this is a stretch this is what we’re looking forek like this he finished T6 in the 2019 Open Championship which was designed by the same guy who did the redesign of this course Martin Ebert there are some similarities from what I’ve read and then rounding it out I love Kevin TW this week 6700 on DK Kevin TW haven’t heard made the cut here in 2019 four straight cuts made three top 25 finishes in that span on tour I watched Tay TW last week because again I’m a degenerate and I didn’t have nothing else going on his ball striking was Unreal and he actually had for this season a bad putting weekend or he would have really been right there and actually had a chance to like finish runner up or third his average proximity from the Fairway this year 16 feet that is ball striking he’s gain Strokes or more on the season and total Strokes total around the greens and putting he has not played enough events rounds to qualify for rankings but I can promise you 16 feet on Fairway proximity would be top 10 uh I didn’t have time to look it up I actually think it may be first overall so that’s the kind of ball striking he’s doing I think this is a course that’ll set up well for him and twice a m when he gets playing well it’s usually by his ball striking and he’s just gonna continue to make Cuts because he hits it so it’s almost like a mini Lucas Glover in many ways I love that and while you were talking there I was quickly pulling up some uh some projected ownerships for some of the guys you were throwing out there um and uh so both AE and uh Tom Kim are gonna be looking to be sitting around 12 133% owned on DraftKings which I’ll take that especially like I said on a week they’re most likely gonna have to pay up for Rory mroy who’s going to be also 22% y 23% ownership like you’re going to have to get some guys in those lower teams and definitely in the single dig um so definitely like that uh as well Kevin TW someone you mentioned 7% projected ownership Andrew Novak 6% and I think I want to say I forget who it was now one of the guys you said oh Pat and gazay are down around 3% ownership so that could be a massive play as well as Robert McIntyre between three and four% ownership so couple guys that you mentioned that that could really pop and land a top 10 top five finish year um you could in the areas around it very similar to kind of the open Scottish what you’re used to playing over in you know that part of the country no surprise Roy won here in 2019 and obviously Robert McIntyre is a great link style I know it’s not technically a link style Golf Course to Green but it is similar to a link style course in the sense that the greens are extremely undulated lot of runoff probably won’t be super fast because again you can’t do that with all that undulation and that’s kind of why we we feasted here in 2019 and again I think he’s a heavy favorite I would be terrified with the way that I me even the way he played at the PJ but definitely the way he played at Wells spr if he drives it like that I don’t even think anybody in the thrat has a chance yeah yeah so we’ll see if he can uh if he steps up this week um look that’s gonna pretty much do it for us here as we wrap up the RBC RBC Canadian open um before we leave Keith uh I know you’re you’re going to be heading on to your next show here where can people find you to watch that show listen to that show um that you got coming up here uh later tonight well it’s wrestling so again you’ve got to be a redneck or a little bit immature for AG to enjoy that but that is actually the inside squared Circle me and three of my buddy started that a few months ago uh we just get together shoot the [ __ ] on wrestling we actually do talk old wrestling The Nostalgia part which a lot of places don’t do but tonight we’ll be covering the two pay-per-views from WWE and aw this weekend uh you can find all my stuff though at Keith Fleming doing content for both fantasy 6pack and fantasy and Frames both amazing websites check those out uh going on ESPN Northwest Florida every Wednesday for about 45 minutes this time of year talking golf the inside drive we’ll do that tomorrow preview in this event because I’m a mass this I’m gonna talk about the worst Atlanta sports team gut punches uh oh jeez in my lifetime and the reason this is being brought up is because with Luca’s Ascension and looking like he may be five games away from winning a title just to remind people we drafted him and traded him for Trey young uh it’s a tough but it’s very on brand for Atlanta uh and then the other thing because I love the underdog stuff you guys got going on I’ve gotten to best balls the last couple years I cannot recommend them enough it’s the way to go I think it’s I really think it’s the wave of the future for this if you’re not a DFS degenerate like I am but my good friend Stacy Perez with fantasy frames every Thursday night on fantasy and Frames she does a draft show uh myself Kevin Tomkins rual sickles going on there and she’ll get into one of these whether it be on Underdog or FC uh fcpp whatever it may be and actually do a draft and not gonna lie the commentary does not always stay 100% on brand with the draft but we have a good time and it does give you a chance to just kind of see where these drafts are going if you listen like on Spotify we always post a link with the screenshot of how the draft actually went but if you are somebody that is looking for a way to get better in your fantasy leagues this is the kind of thing that’s a great way to do that because it’s one thing to watch a bunch of macd drafts on some of these sites with a bunch of Schmo these things actually cost money to get into so people are taking them a little bit more seriously and it’ll give you a better idea especially post-draft of kind of where are you going to have to get these guys and your drafts come you know Late July August Etc I think it’s a really good show I’m proud of Stacy who I think is one of the best in the business and she’s really good at baseball too you should check that show out it’s every Thursday night at 900m on fantasy and Frames love it well thank you again for coming on Keith uh always a pleasure to have you we’ll have you on again sometime um but that is going to do it for us here in divots and pivots enjoy your night everybody check us out every Tuesday night 8 o’clock on that Sports podcast Network and as always Stay classy friends s [Music]

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