DFS Golf Preview: PGA Championship 2024 Fantasy Golf Picks, Data & Strategy for DraftKings

DFS Golf Preview: 2024 PGA Championship Fantasy Golf Picks, Data & Strategy for DraftKings. Ben uses the Stokastic PGA DFS data to break down the course, tournament field, and best PGA DFS picks for the PGA Championship 2024.

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00:00 PGA Strategy
1:30 Course Preview
4:00 Top Tier
8:30 Underdog
14:30 Mid Range
22:30 Salary Savers


#PGAChampionship #PGADFS #GolfDFS #Genesis #FantasyGolf #

what’s up everybody benr here for stochastic and it’s a PJ Championship which means it’s time to talk some golf we’re going to break down the entire field I’m going to talk about the course I’m G to talk about the players I’m going to showcase our tools talk about what else is going on find some angles hopefully to make us a boatload of money because that is the trick there’s a ton of it up for grabs in the DFS streets across all the sites let’s talk about it I do want to welcome you into stochastic maybe you come here all the time checking out other sports maybe you come here for PGA uh either way it is appreciated if you’re new to this it take a look around see what we got going on again it’s all tools breakdown strategy to be a better DFS player and most importantly make ourselves a little money I’m not going to waste a ton of time here because we’ve got a ton to get to it’s the second major of the season the PGA Championship I’ll be honest it’s my least favorite of the four but this year I am super excited to see this I like Val Hall the course that they’re going to I like this field I like this position in the calendar I think the PGA is stepping up uh and I couldn’t be more excited about it so let’s dive into some things first things first no I’m not I I’m going to bring up the players but we’ll get there in a second before we talk to the Players let’s talk about the course uh because you can’t you know really break down everything that you want to if you don’t know what skill set you may want to attack I’m always an advocate of not just stacking skill sets but at least visualizing what do we need what could be the theme of this course so the how is a long par 71 7600 yards that’s a beast how difficult is it going to play I think that’s more Up For Debate to be honest uh you know the rough is really long if you really spray it but we’ve seen kind of that intermediate cut uh you know variations doesn’t look as punishing in terms of the weather it seems like it’s going to rain a ton but Thursday should be ideal scoring conditions and we’re going to talk about how to potentially exploit that in just a few minutes over at Underdog uh but right now I’m just treating it pretty straight up weatherwise I think there could be some stoppages some delays of course may play a little longer uh could be a little softer and they could attack I think guys will be able to score you’ve got a driveable Par Four you’ve got three par fives to really attack um again there’s some long holes there’s no doubt about it there’s some serious tests you’ve got you know 500 yard par fours that seems quite difficult but at the same time you know you need to be able to ball strike anytime you’re in a major championship that’s not going to change here so what are the big takeaways from Val Hall one driving distance is not going to hurt you in fact it certainly may help if you want to comp this to Quail if you want to comp this to Rivier if you want to comp this to mirfield Village all those type of courses Olympia Fields I think you need to drive the ball well uh it doesn’t have to be pure bombing but it would help total driving is a stat you could look to obviously ball striking but then then we start to get into the classic I want good drivers who can hit good irons but if they miss they’re good scramblers and then of course I want a good putter well that sounds like a pretty damn good golfer if you have that just play those guys most of them don’t exist uh you have to take the skill sets where you can find them for me I’m G to put an emphasis on Long irons driving distance uh I don’t think around the green is going to be massive maybe I’ll stack some of those skill sets you know putting is putting I think the greens Will Roll pretty fast maybe the water will slow them down again it’s a major championship field the best of the best and then we get the live guys I’m not as concern concerned with a gimmicky uh skill set because I think this is just a pretty fair test of golf I expect guys to be able to score you have to take advantage of the par five so par five scoring could factor in but overall you want to play some good players and that’s what we’re about to figure out so let’s see what we can do with the top of the board and then I will get into I think a little way to not exploit but find some edges particularly in round one but we’ll start with the top tier right now so we brought up the stochastic data Hub again one of the many things we got going on I’ll talk about that as well uh Scotty Sheffer leads us off at 13,200 why not uh just make him 177,000 where you can’t even put him into a lineup that would make my life a lot easier he’s on fire he had a baby congratulations his numbers are ridiculous he’s one I mean this doesn’t even make sense first first second first first uh in his last five okay um just automatic the putting hasn’t been as bad and now when he putts even remotely good he just wins following up the masters with a win at Heritage was ridiculous he gained another 12 and a half T to Green we know sheffler we know Rory both of them are playing comically good golf right now Rory’s coming off back-to-back wins in his own right where sheffler wasn’t playing of course he won at Quail Hollow he won the team event uh at Wells Fargo Rory was vintage Rory dominant dominant off the te he gained over six Strokes off the te his ball striking was pure he putted well he gained across the board and he hunted Xander down you know it’s no surprise to see these two as the favorites in the odds board uh obviously their prices make it very difficult to I don’t even know if you can build with them together I’m not going to entertain that uh good starting points obviously we’ll see what ownership comes in at it’ll refresh and update as we go along uh again it is available it’s just a column that I’m not showing right now it’s over here somewhere what do we’ve got yeah 24 and 22 but again that’s going to update uh as we get more and more info closer to lock so you’ve got them two you’ve got Rah Xander Brooks a bear and morawa and Klay so a lot of 10K plus options here let’s sift through them a little bit um you’ve got a couple live guys in Brooks and ROM you’ve got Xander who’s playing good golf but can’t seem to win a bear who’s nursing a knee and then you got morawa and Klay who I think is playing the worst of all of them I kind of like Ram to be honest if you want to go against the grain of course there’s some unknowns with the live guys not in terms of just how they’re playing but even you know are the Reps the same is the form the same we saw Rah at the Masters and he did not look great he really didn’t contend at all but it’s one tournament it’s four rounds you know I don’t think we need to overreact to anything like that if you want to be a little different I think Rah is a natural starting point in tournaments to leverage because i’ i’ assume most people are going to click Scotty or Rory and if they don’t they’ll go very balanced I think the dead range will be Rah morawa can’t lay Brooks will get some love it’s Brooks uh there’s no doubt about it and Xander is playing really good golf consistently good golf and I do think that he he may be app pairing two guys above him if you want to go stars and scrubs you know Rory Xander sheffler Xander even ROM Xander which I think is pretty interesting build not a lot of people are going to do that uh so you know this are the best players in the world not super actionable up here if you’re playing a bunch of lineups I think you’re going to have a healthy portfolio if you Sim out using our simulations you’re going to get a lot of these guys in there uh the top six percentages you know going to be pretty high let’s see the leverage let’s see let’s just take a Peak at leverage um I’m gonna actually bring this over so we can see it this is what we can do again it makes my life a lot easier these things can and will change but it’s not bad to have a glimpse of them um leverage you know again Rory’s getting a lot of love we got Rah as the leverage and that makes sense to me it doesn’t mean that he’s just going to be the best play but I do think all in all you could get some uh under the radar leverage on a guy like Rah just because he’s in a huge opportunity cost he’s in an isolated price range $500 to Xander $600 to Rory uh that is kind of interesting more cow and can I’m kind of neutron a bear I’m okay with I don’t think the injury is a massive deal but I also don’t think it’s nothing um this is a guy that has the off the te game to clearly contend this is a guy that doesn’t need experience he was second at the Masters uh he followed up with tent at Heritage you hope everything’s good to go because I’d love to see him at the height of his powers and off the T he is ridiculous so no doubt that you can make a case for a bear as well uh I want to scroll down to the second part the top range but I I I think there’s no better time to mention one of the ways as I said there’s so many ways to get exposure this week and Underdog fantasy is just another way uh if you haven’t been over to Underdog first of all come on in uh awesome site doing really cool things you’re projecting you know higher or lower on various categories for all these different sports you can string them together and get that multiplier payout I’ll actually bring it up on the screen why not uh Underdog here you go and I actually have golf up because I was just building uh one out and you’ve got these type of things so for round run you know Rory look at these options you can go over under or higher or lower on his Strokes his finishing position birdies are better all these type of guys uh for me I think with the soft conditions you could build something out with some correlation that guys are going to go low so Rory under or lower than his Strokes you’ve got Justin Thomas lower than 70 and a half strokes and then I got a little dangerous with Bryson higher than a half of Eagle so take advantage of one of the par fivs please or just hold out for me put that together I mean you’re talking about Big Time payouts you have the flex structure the standard structure I know I’m just breezing through this if you want to learn more about Underdog definitely see what we’ve got going on and sign on up they are offering a really really enticing uh for firsttime depositors 50% match up to $250 so if you put in $500 you’re getting $250 on top of it obviously you can do less uh but the link is below to sign on up to Underdog a really good opportunity uh and one that I definitely would advise taking advantage of so if you have any questions on that always let us know and last thing from Underdog they’ve got a free free Square style thing higher than a half a stroke for cheffer uh yeah so you come on in new customer special just to welcome people in there’s a lot of good things going on at Underdog again the link is below to take advantage now let’s get back to the board and see what we can do see see what we can find we’ve got cam Smith uh oh this where it always gets dangerous for me not there but cam Smith Max hom Bryson Windam Clark these type of players for me get very very tricky because I look and I say okay are they a starting point not really uh are they someone that I’m looking to put as my second man in not really to be honest so is it a dead range and then start to say okay if I cut out this range in apologies as I Center this up for everyone so we can see uh I I really find myself looking at it and saying okay I’m probably going north of them to morawa to Klay or I’m gonna start in the lower 9k range so I don’t want to gloss over cam Smith Max homet and Bryson and even Windam Clark because I think there is some utility there they gred out pretty neutral uh it’s more for me some skill set things Max hom is the most interesting he’s got obviously a Quail Hollow comp he seems to play better in tough environments he is not intimidated uh by strong Fields he’s certainly not intimidated by long difficult challenging courses the big question for him was well he can’t get it done in in the majors how about a third at Augusta he broke through there uh I think it’s just a matter of time before he starts peppering the board with top 10s and maybe even hoisting a trophy in a major so absolutely on board with them obviously Bryson’s got the off the te wind Clark same thing Wen Neiman I bet him I want to be honest 40 to1 in the outright Market again you can see all that on OD choer grades out his positive leverage he is playing fantastic golf now it’s on live the guy is dealing though there’s no doubt about it uh I I like him I think I’m not gonna start there but second man in him and JT I think are both very interesting for different reasons Justin Thomas it’s been a it’s has it been an year I don’t know you tell me it hasn’t been great but it’s not a disaster either I mean the guy’s got what five top 10 uh you know he was third at AMX sixth at Pebble he was fifth at Heritage 12th at API 12th at Waste Management yeah he missed the cut at the players and the master so he’s got to be better there in the biggest events there’s no doubt about it mostly putting Centric though he’s been putting like garbage uh needs to flip that he’s got a couple pgaas on the resume already of course it’s ation of course I don’t think that means much but at the same time I expect JT to be ready to play another guy that I’m not sure I’m going to start with but I’m I’m pitching my lineups pairing one of sheffler Rory Ram with one of these guys or going like Xander and then two of these guys potentially if I can squeeze that in you’ve got havlin who if you weigh off the uh around the green you’re not going to get to uh but other than that if you weigh driving distance or anything like that could be sneaky will cam young young this is two guys that I I was going to keep going now I stopped myself because Willie and cam young both are serious serious uh Firepower with the driver Camy young five good showings in majors and 11 starts you’re talking about about a guy that’s been a walking top 10 in Majors yes he’s looking for his first career win not first career Major first career win on the PGA tour but a lot of guys would kill for his major resume when you’re talking about five top 10 and Majors this early that’s serious business and you could say the same thing about will Z big thing about will Z the big question is he hurt I don’t know uh I’m treating him that he’s okay and I think he is someone that I’m very comfortable with too so when I look at the 9k range it’s the bottom for me JT cam young will Z Neeman more so than cam Smith Bryon Windam Clark and those type of names uh let’s keep it going let’s go to the mid-range and see what we’ve got here with Fitzy spe Fleetwood Hadi he’s back uh he withdrew last week I’m I’m playing him straight up I think he’s a good DraftKings play I like the spot I know he doesn’t great out his great leverage but to me he’s a boom bust option and again these numbers uh they will continue to marinate and and mature as we get closer to lock Sam Burns Shane Lowry fow Hatton theala DJ and Reed Couple live guys at the bottom you’ve got Tony you’ve got Burns great trades out well again I think the softer it plays and the easier it plays if Sam Burns can score that’s more his speed than someone that I I picture in a very brutal difficult condition I like him when he really has the opportunity to score he was 13th at Wells Fargo last week he gained nearly three Strokes off the te cting off the te the combo it works when it works it works uh when it doesn’t it doesn’t but cam cam not cam Sam Burns uh is definitely someone that I think think belongs in the pool Hatton I don’t know what to make of DJ and Reed I think are just tournament plays uh ownership dependent you know if we get very very low ownership if they come up in my sim runs I’ll be more than happy to do that not actively forcing them in I’m gonna short the gala it could burn me he does not grade out well right now he is someone that his abilities off the tea are positive and negative in the that he really does gain and it’s with distance but at times he can get himself into a lot of trouble and around the green at times can get himself into a lot of trouble now his putter is really strong his off the te game is really strong and he’s a good player there’s no doubt he finds his way through hasn’t missed a cut since Sony that was in early January I mean the guy has has been really good he made the cut the Masters he was ninth at the Players sixth at API runner up at Heritage more technical tracks than this this is an absolute brute and a beast I’m you can’t play everybody I’m sure shorting the gala I would rather have uh certainly Burns decky fow even some of the live guys but they’re not a priority either let’s keep it moving scrolling down again just shows the depth of these fields I mean you’re talking about 7K golfers in sunj in Jason day in my man Benny an who’s playing awesome uh kind of crazy that he’s 7,800 in a major but it’s warranted he’s playing really quality Golf and this is a range I think no matter what build you have you’re probably going to land here more often than not uh if you go stars and scrubs this is probably going to be on the bottom of the lineup maybe that intermediate fourth or fifth guy if you go balanced you know this could be towards the top and you have two or three of these guys looking at the board uh I like Jason day uh 7900 he’s playing good golf he he had a good showing last week he’s someone that can get himself into trouble off the tea there’s no doubt but if he keeps it relatively stable the around the green and putting combo is back at Wells Fargo and again it’s just one event gained across the board but he gained five Strokes around the green and another four putting not overly sustainable but day when he was at his best was an elite putter one of the best in the world he was 30th at Augusta he was ninth at Genesis I like to see that um he’s a good solid play at at 7900 if you don’t want to play him you definitely have pivots Benny on I’m buying right in I know he might be a little over owned and a little popular I I would try to be cognizant of that in Benny on builds make sure that I’ve appropriately leveraged but he’s just playing unbelievable he’s fourth at Byron Nelson third at Wells Fargo he is amongst the number one player on tour in driving distance lately the guy is absolutely smashing the ball his off the te game has been Elite he has lost Strokes off the tea once since February his putter comes and goes but it used to just be goes at least now he has some upside with the putter he has been better lately I think he makes a lot of sense here too uh this is a range where I definitely see myself pairing a couple of guys that are on the screen right now as we scroll down kind of sort him out for this is how I do it I sort him like Tom Tom Kim uh certainly the distance could be an issue but iron’s good you’ve got sewu minwu Lee uh I never have a good read on him doesn’t grade out really favorably but he’s just indifferent Cory Connor is someone who’s going to gain off the te without being overly long you want to lean on irons uh always Staple in Majors a lot of people use them you know Cory Conor for cash a lot reliable he makes Cuts kind of knows what he’s doing sep sta is playing fantastic golf as well that’s a name that I’ve seen in some of the outright markets totally get it uh 16th Fifth and eighth in his last three and those are at the Masters Wells Fargo no problems with just continuing to buy on a guy who’s clearly in form gu is in the middle you know he came over he’s been you know his live comments and whatnot uh he’s a talented player there’s no doubt about it I think ownership will tell the tale for me when I run my Sims again uh all part of what we’ve got going on here at stochastic If he if he comes up I might manually boost him a little bit but I I’m not overly where I’m just going to admit him from the pool or anything I prefer straa and I prefer Connor but I also believe that the field does as well uh scrolling down Harmon hoard Ricky here Adam scottt Henley noren baa Jagger Keegan burer shank to round out the sevens you got a lot of different names here if you’re just going straight by leverage uh H guard grades out really well got baa with slight positive leverage you’ve got Keegan with slight positive leverage uh I like Keegan he’s a good driver of the ball he’s a long time ago but he’s won big tournaments uh he putts at times TGA is a perfect type of setup for him uh and he hasn’t been overly you know his 2024 when you look at it not bad at all um kind of doing what Keegan does some Miss Cuts some near Win Second at Sony 22nd at the Masters 21st at Wells Fargo last week irons have been good putter has been bad but kein Bradley does uh you’re talking about a guy 7100 you make the cut we’re in business uh burmaster playing fantastic golf over on live for those that are not aware another long hitter of the ball fits a lot of builds don’t think he will be that sneaky but he’s someone to keep in mind I’m going to go up for a second though to Adam Scott and Alex norren Alex noren’s my guy watching this video uh and you’ve watched me for a while first of all it’s appreciated second of all you know I can’t quit Alex norn the guy’s playing Great Golf uh I’m just goingon to Rattle it off since March 9th 19th 11th 14th 23rd 3rd and 24th it’s been positive T to Green in every single one of those starts what’s not to like uh yes this is a step up from corales or Valero or those type of tournaments but good golf is good golf uh and the price reflects it he’s a good good Scrambler hold it together off the te and we’re going to be just fine there Adam Scott consistent shows up knows what he’s doing 73 could be a cash value made five straight cuts not giving me the upside that I I’ve wanted you know that we want to see but you know these 22nd 29th type finishes it can be very pertinent and very important in lineups if you’ve got some full send guys you know you pair them I’m not saying you have to pair them with Bryson but he comes to mind where Bryson’s like you could win the tournament going away and then you just want consistency uh you can take some shots around a guy like Adam St I I put him in the Cory Conor’s bucket of pretty reliable in a sport really uh there’s no such thing as reliable uh so before we crash into the 6K range and the 5K range and the value plays I want to make sure you guys aware of everything we’ve got going on here at stochastic and of course at odd Shopper if you like to bet uh this what I’m using right now is our data Hub super easy it’s all part of the stochastic PGA package you get this it feeds into the Sims this is just the data portion powerful powerful stuff you’ve seen the screenshots you’ve seen the leaderboards the tools that we are using here they really do make the difference they’re customizable they’re simplistic uh and most importantly for someone like me that had a process that I’ve used for years they didn’t unwind everything I did they just added to it uh so you’re here definitely worth checking out the link is below click it read about it and see the tools in action we’d love to have you as part of the team we want we want these tools in the hands of everybody uh to make sure you have the opportunities uh that the members here at stochastic have it’s been a great time it’s been a fun year come on in and test it out PJ champ ship no better time all sorts of packages available at stochastic but no matter what you’re using to build we got to find some salary Savers and that’s what we’re here to do Chris Kirk Justin Rose is playing very very very bad golf not gonna do that uh Matthew Pavone talk about Bad Golf unfortunately last week it wasn’t good uh tiger glad he’s here not gonna play him Aaron Ry Keith Mitchell Bez Cameron Davis all right well we’re going to start with Bez my guy not good uh off the te relative to what you might need at Valhalla but the game relative to the range is very good great putter great great putter he has gained Strokes putting in every single event since Genesis back in February he has gained six straight around the green putting around the green that type of mentality that type of skill set it can translate there’s no doubt about it now if you lose five Strokes off the T we’re in big trouble if you gain zero Strokes off the T we could be in business uh and I think the best is playing really really good golf 6600 really nice price point and you’ve got names down here Cam Davis if you think it plays easier really can score uh Kurt kyama um bust we’ve seen him tackle a you know very legitimate Fields he’s come over here he’s won you want him to be a tournament type guy last man in I at it better off the tea and with the approach than around the green and putting more of a ball Striker than anything else it starts to get thin down here uh you know again you’re not going to see a lot of ownership but you’re also not going to see a lot of players that don’t have some red flags and that’s just kind of what we have to embrace here Hollywood hogi ball Striker Ryan Fox uh obviously got some skills off the te Denny M MC putts Elite putter Jake knap this is a name he first of all positive leverage which you always like to see even early uh I’m filming this early on a Wednesday Jake nap’s doing some things I actually think he sets up pretty well he can mash the ball when he needs to eighth at Byron made the cut at Wells Fargo made the cut at the Masters made the cut at the Players fourth at Classic one in Mexico 28th at Waste Management third at Farmers gained across the board there this guy can play uh you’re talking about a price point of $6,300 not going to be super popular and it seems like uh he’s actually built for some of these conditions now majors and whatnot he doesn’t have a ton of experience there but he did go to austa and find his way through I like that farmers data point quite a bit Wells Fargo he was great off the tea and awful with the approach so we have to dig into that a little more but when you’re talking about a flyer at this level I think nap it really interests me a lot more than guys like you know dri Billy Ho Taylor Moore’s playing good golf Nick Taylor Phil and then the last guy on the screen I think is my favorite of the what do we got nine names on here right now that’s Taylor pendrith Taylor pendrith was a of course not to complain but spting Taylor pendrith basically all year uh you know in March January he didn’t play much in February but then he wins just a couple months too late he’s playing Great Golf he was 11th at caralis then he won it Byron Nelson follows it up with a tent that Wells Fargo his putter is a Elite right now off the te is extremely strong he is playing really good golf and this is a price point at flat six I mean he’s going to be your last man in fifth man in if you’re going extremely aggressive I like this quite a bit I think that pendrith is one of my favorite pay down options he’s got the right skill set he’s got the recent form the price hasn’t I’m not GNA say adjusted because I don’t think it’s a misprice per se it’s just a spot that I’m willing to get to at flat six and when you look at the names around him not a huge opportunity cost for me we’re about to crash into the 5K range which it gets triple dangerous at this point uh Lucas say bear Woodland CT pan okay Maverick Bobby Mack I mean these are names but you know you’re down here for for a reason on a macro level it’s just spotty form game not in great shape McKenzie Hughes is someone I always like to highlight because his skill set is pretty unique he is in the Bez spe Jason day really crafty if you think it’s absolutely wild and guys are going to be missing greens all over the place Mackenzie Hughes gets a big bump you think it’s a pure iron contest uh off the te contest I’m not sure that McKenzie Hughes is where I want to go you’ve got Bo Hustler P Dunlap EVR another strong off the te player obviously he’s had his moments this year and really re-energized the game got her up speaking of re-energizing the game down here though not a ton that that stands out Matt Wallace at 57 let’s dig into Matt Wallace a little bit we’re gonna do this on the Fly he’s someone I didn’t look at a ton uh but he just kind of caught my eye just now off the te just knowing Matt Wallace is probably the big issue and it is yeah he was fourth of Byron Nelson bad before that um okay yeah it’s about you’re getting what you get crafty can get hot with the irons probably gets eaten alive off the T if you’re putting an emphasis there not sure that’s where I want to go but you could do worse in the fives and then we’re about to fall off the cliff uh we’ve got Luke list and Grio my guys hubard SMY KH Lee I mean you have some players here Patrick Rogers is probably a name that will get some interest just because of the way he plays at times he’s got that ability off the tea and he’s got that putting combination off the tea and putting is a Formula that has work for a lot of players uh Patrick Rogers being one of them now the Breakthrough you know in a big time tournament has not come but fifth at Heritage 29th at Wells Fargo last week he gained off the T and three straight putting comes and goes the irons have been bad he has lost an eight of nine tournaments with the irons that does make it really difficult but if you’re saying you know what he can mask some of that off the te and then he can mask even more of bit by making the putts I get what you’re doing there um we have officially crossed crossed over to the portion of the show where I don’t know who the players are no offense to Tim wiing um Ryo and canaya Doug gim Thor born the thunderbears down here I have one name that I do want to mention and it’s right here Jordan L Smith this is a guy that I think has some really interesting angles first of all he’s been playing over he’s been well traveled he’s been playing all over the place but you know the DP world tour playing quality golf he’s getting in reps he’s got major experience so he’s made three of the last four Cuts over the last two years in the majors that he was in you know made it at the open the US Open uh then the open again he missed at the PGA Championship he has the top 10 in a major it’s going way back and it happened to be at a PGA Championship and it actually happened to be at qu Hollow uh which I do like to see and this is a guy off the te think you can hang in there he’s got a putting uh combination that can work he’s just a pretty well-rounded player he knows what he’s doing you know a big step up for him but when you’re talking about 5,500 you know you’re down there with a lot of guys that I don’t think have much of a shot I think Jordan L Smith deserves to be in the pool I think you could say the same thing about thunderbear if you want to but I like Jordan Smith this week it’s not someone I’m GNA Jam in but when I run my Sims again you know you make your pool uh you simulate and you see what you get I hope he shows up and if he doesn’t I’ll probably give a little boost uh to him and see if we can get him into some of my line s because I absolutely think that he belongs in the pool this week and there is a chance that he is my last man in because I don’t have much to say down here there’s another senson a second senson okay Alexander buor don’t think he can hanging off the t uh I do like him Martin kimer Grayson’s at 53 uh off the T it’s Grayson he’s got some things if he can get through he’s a good score and and we have seen him you know play better golf this year that’s why he’s in these tournaments he was 10th at Wells Fargo last week despite losing off the te really bailed himself out with around the green and putting that’s more an exception than the rule it hasn’t been great before that obviously going way back he’s had his moments but uh I just think it’s more of an unnecessary risk if you have a if you have a lineup and you’re like I am I’m in love with this lineup I love everything about it and I just need one guy 5300 I think it would be Grayson uh I don’t think that that’s something that I want to entertain though just looking at what we’ve got available and that is about it folks this is not a range you want to get to these are all guys that have basically no chance and trying to Hero call them is not worth your time uh so I would cut it off around here make sure that you give yourself a reasonable angle for that uh before I bounce on out here I do want to mention of course if I didn’t get to a player just tweet me jazr DFS I am happy to help of course if you’re in our Discord which is available with any package whether it’s odd Shopper on the betting side just go to odd hop on in or stochastic again these Sims uh lineup generated it is all available for you guys right here you see data Hub contest generator pre-contest late swap post contest all this is in the palm of your hands but definitely let me know if there’s anything I can do always happy to answer questions I’m in Discord all the time and available on Twitter I want to see someone win this Millie uh I hope that person is me and then we can all celebrate but if it’s not I hope it’s someone watching this video uh because there’s a lot of money up for grabs and it’s going to be a great tournament you have any questions as I mentioned hit me up there and let’s just have a great tournament for me for everyone here at stochastic shout out to Underdog as well you’re helping to power this show go sign up over there that link is below take advantage of that 50% uh deposit match up to $250 and for the second major of the year it’s going to be a good one enjoy the golf enjoy the tournament good luck to everybody I’ll talk to you guys soon [Music]


  1. Funny you choose Tim Widing as the name you didn't know, only because he's dominating Korn Ferry with 2 event wins, back to back. He already secured his PGA card for next year. He's a big name to watch, maybe not this major.

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