How to Use Your Eyes In the Golf Swing

How to Use the Eyes In the Golf Swing. In this video Jackson and TJ go over how to properly use your eyes when swinging the golf club. The way you move your head and neck can have a big roll in the shape of your backswing.

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today we get to talk about how to use the eyes in the golf swing let’s get into it let’s get into [Music] it how we use the eyes in the golf swing how do we use the eyes in the golf swing well obviously we want to look at the ball duh we want to look at the ball so that’s that’s a really important sort of First Step here can you set up to that ball for me absolutely okay so so Jackson’s got um basically some cones in his in his eyeballs okay he’s got this Central visual field which is basically the object of his attention so the object of his attention when you’re hitting a golf ball should be the golf ball the golf ball that Central visual field is called the fal field Jackson’s also got his peripheral field so if he was to turn his his ey line over this way he might be able to see the golf ball out of the corner of his eyes is that true yep but that’s the peripheral field so ideally um for our internal targeting systems to work the best we we want to be able to see the ball out of the central part of our visual field so so Jackson the first thing I want you to do is just make a swing okay okay no no real thought to it just make your your most comfortable swing good and what you can notice about that swing if we were to slow that back down and look at it what you’ll see is as Jackson starts his golf swing you’ll see his ey lines start to shift slightly in this direction now now does that mean you’re not looking at the golf ball anymore no focus is still your focus is on the golf ball however the upper part of his Jackson spine if you want to go ahead and turn around and face that way what’s happening is the very uppermost part of the Spiral line here is starting to bend and twist this way okay this is basically the start of stretching out that spiral line that fascial sling so we got this fascial sling that runs from lead hip up and across the chest Up and Under the trail shoulder here okay well it spirals up the back up into the neck up into the eyeline so by basically having this as a trigger where we sort of start stretching the neck maybe moving the eyes off in this direction it starts to set us up in a way where we’re more likely to use the spiral line to move up into the back swing so almost feeling like eyes are tracing this alignment stick here yes but they’re staying on a fixed Point yeah so the the line of the eyes or the neck is is obviously tilting this way yep well now my eyeballs can move in their sockets right so my eyeballs can be looking at the ball as I’m doing that so I’m stretching out the fascial lines but I’m keeping my internal targeting system focused on the golf here yep one common mistake that we generally see is players will sort of watch their Club as they take the take the club away when they watch their club we generally get yeah this orientation right so you’re actually more more more bending in in this orientation as opposed to this orientation using the spiral so when we Bend in this orientation what happens to the eyes they go all over this way yeah they go that way cuz we’re we’re watching the club go away they’re on a curve now instead a straight line there you go the implications of that are really really interesting so if you set it back up to that ball again and you start to trace your eyes in maybe the in appropriate fashion okay now start to take the club up to the top okay so you can’t really see the ball any no so what happens here is our internal targeting system kind of goes Haywire our balls the target that’s where we’re trying to direct our energy to so go back up to the top of the Swing again so inappropriate would be that way right it’s already hard to do yeah it’s it’s cuz he’s so used to doing it the right way however if we sort of leave the ball the eyeline starts tracking this way generally what happens is the player wants to get their eyes back on the ball as quickly as possible what just happened to the club there it just came way over backwards sh way over the top right so we we think about this idea of shapes a lot and the most common shape that we see especially from a beginner golfer or or just starting the game is we see this shape okay in to out so you could think about that is where are my eyes pointing right so if we set this thing up step up in that little uh figure eight there for me Jackson okay what you’d want to do is you’d want your neck or upper spine to start tracking more on this part of the figure eight okay this part of the figure eight sort of out away this way it ensures your takeaway stays a little bit more in front of you yep Club stays a little bit more vertical well then in transition we can start to stretch the spiral stretch the eyes in a way where we come back to this part of the Figure 8 see how your ey line is still behind the golf ball in space totally behind it and you’ve got a track here where the club can start to swing from the inside right this is straight out of like you like Leo’s old book The Old figure eight stuff right so you could think about that in terms of the eyes I’m going here there well now I’m approaching from the inside now I’ve got more of an ability to actually rotate and keep the body moving through the strike instead of stalling out stalling out extending trying to flip it exactly absolutely yeah okay so the inappropriate way would be if your eyes start tracking on that the inside the inside what happens to the eyes and then what happens to the eyes on the transition oh there goes the over the top yep okay so the shape the Infinity the spiral can be seen in all parts of the body all parts of the body it’s very very interesting to play with the intention of where the eyes are pointing because if you can sort of keep your eyes fixated on the point that you want to strike it on so a lot of people use this idea of hammering a nail into the back of the ball yep hammering a nail in the back of the ball so I want to keep my eyes fixated on that point if I do so I’m more apt to spiral in a way that facilitates that sort of movement proper hit right the proper hit if I don’t have my eyes focused on that targeting system well things get a little bit out of whack yes they oh I’ve I’m a big big guy on that that was my biggest tendency is watch the club to like watch the club right P one and a half or P one and a half P2 and now I’ve got to find it again and it makes a big difference when you don’t do that right huge difference huge difference good exercise here to feel this out be if we stretch The Palms down let’s imagine like we’re pushing a be ball down in the water right okay well we’re going to we’re going to push the beach ball like down and out following this part of the Spiral we’re going to spiral back making this little figure eight eyes and hands are going to trace on this part of the figure eight then we’re going to rotate around balanced up into the finish so it’s a really really good way that you can sort of feel this and get a sense of where your body is where your eyes are in space how you’re using the spiral to move one thing go ahead I was going to say I think a big thing when when we’re doing these ones is obviously um like we don’t want to overdo what’s happening up here yeah so we don’t want to see people obviously like you’ll get dizzy pretty fast right well then your eyes leave the ball your eyes are leaving the ball exactly so this is a subtle movement where you’re moving your neck you’re you’re bending in a way where you can still will keep your eyes fixated on the object you’re trying to hit and focusing kind of on what what what it feels like in the body when you do that yes if I start to trace again up and out this way yeah I’ve seen I’ve seen the light bulb go off for a lot of people who like have a hard time feeling the spiral line right when you start thinking about it up here in the neck in the head and the eyes they start going oh I can finally feel this thing right right very very interesting um so maybe we can um give an idea of what it’s going to look like when we actually hit a golf ball right this is a good exercise to kind of feel it working mhm right well what happens when we actually hit one again so go and grab that club we’ll show a couple different angles here and I’ll slow it down for the for the viewer so let’s do down the line first inappropriate first okay so I’m going to trace spiral this way yep eyes come off now I got to come over oh yeah that doesn’t feel right doesn’t feel right good now let’s do the appropriate Trace spiral [Music] out good very nice so if we slow those down you’ll be able to see very very clearly the difference between if my eyes are tracing the wrong path versus if my eyes are tracing the right path correct and remember that with these bends with these tilts with these stretches we’re feeling across the SP spiral line the objective is to do all of that without losing your sense of the internal targeting system where you’re trying to direct your energy that’s the golf ball correct and I think what that also leads into as you start to feel this better is you know you’ll probably see a an uptick and better contact I would think so yeah cuz now you’re you’ve got a focus point of or focal point of hitting that object spiraling around in in proper movement but it’s still a hit action still a hit it’s still a hit still what am I trying to do down there yep right that’s great great all right so that’s uh that’s how to use the eyes in the golf swing if you got any questions on this video uh type them down in the comments below we’ll get to those thanks for watching please like subscribe see you later have a good one guys


  1. Another great video that ties together spiral line. I find that if I use the left rib to initiate the backswing to take the club above the plane and then initiate the downswing with the right rib, the eyes stay look at the ball beautifully!

  2. Eyes tracing the club is an excellent point you guys make. Was so unaware of this and just not realizing how much I do this subconsciously which ruins the sequencing. Since we practice on our own most of the time, using mirrors as reference rather than video review, it trains in the habit of eye-line drifting ever so slightly away.. am sure not just for me, but for many others too.

    Thanks EGS, excellent great video as always folks, keep it up!

  3. I can do this with my irons but I can’t hit a driver like this … I have to feel like I’m throwing my hands over (best way I can explain it ) but my drives are great and go a long way but if my timing is off I will hit it right or pull it left .. guess I just need to keep trying to learn

  4. This is the only video I’ve seen that’s discussed eyes. I have a tendency to watch the club from address to P2 and then shift my eyes back to the ball (I can actually see my eyes darting from the ball to the club at P2 and back to the ball on DTL video of myself)

    During technical practice sessions I’ve looked at P2 so many times it’s gotten into my real swing that starring solely at the ball now feels weird and sometimes prevents sequencing. I understand the importance of keeping the eyes ON the ball.

    Almost no coaches catch this issue

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