Snell Prime 4.0 Golf Ball Review

We just got done with Vice. Snell has a ton of competition for the 2024 season. How does the new Snell Prime 4.0 stack up? There have been many changes this year to the Snell Prime, are they all for the better? Let’s find out if the four piece offering from Snell is worth the wait!


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00:00 Intro
2:40 Design
3:46 Chipping and Putting
8:37 50 Yard Pitch
10:52 9 Iron
12:24 7 Iron
14:06 5 Hybrid
16:13 Driver
17:38 Durability
20:11 Conclusion

welcome back addicts to another golf ball review We are continuing the snil line and we wrap it up with their new 2024 lineup with the Snell 4.0 let’s dive in all right so to catch you up to speed Snell had an amazing 2023 they did a whole Rebrand they changed their logo they came out with uh the new MTB Prime and Prime X now they’ve of course come out with a little bit of a change to the Rebrand they’ve done the 2.0 the 3.0 and the 4.0 we of course first started off by reviewing the 2.0 which was the two-piece urethane the 3.0 which was the three-piece urethane and now we have moved into the last more for fast swinger model that Snell is offering the 4.0 which of course is their four-piece model uh so essentially the way you know Snell is advertising their golf balls this year is they’re really buying into the whole seven iron thing uh how far you hit your seven iron is going to be dependent on on which ball you use which is cool I mean I definitely trust Dean Snell if that’s how he he thinks it should be done but I will say that uh it’s a little weird to see you know if you hit 125 yards or less that’s the 2.0 is what it recommends if you hit it anywhere between 125 and 175 or something like that I I’ll put it here on the screen that means that you should play the regular and then if you hit it over the 3.0 excuse me and then if you hit over 275 then that’s the 4.0 that’s a really big genre in the middle there um I of course hit my 7even iron around 155 at this point 150 is kind of the normal but since upping my swing speed 155 somewhere in there so I actually should fall right in the middle of what that 3.0 should be but we test all golf balls on this channel so I’m still going to test the 4.0 even though technically according to the website it’s not for my swing speed this should be like most four piece golf balls it should be firmer clicker for faster swing speeds be able to bend it a little bit more uh probably a lower launch angle things like that so we will test that see first of all let’s get into the price point still look snail’s kept it awesome uh it’s one of my favorite things about snails their price point uh $33 a dozen is incredible for a urethane golf ball of of this level I’ve talked about it on the other reviews if you haven’t seen them you know I’ll I’ll spare it to you this time but I just I love what they’ve done as far as being direct to Consumer and keeping that pricing it’s incredible also note that if you purchase them in bulk as the same as the 3.0 you get it for these prices you can actually get them for $29.99 dozen if you buy five or more so it just becomes an even better more amazing deal especially when you consider you’re getting a ball made by Dean Snell arguably one of the best to ever do it all right so let’s dive into the design of the golf ball I’ve talked about it a bunch so far if you haven’t seen I I’ll spare you but I love Snell’s redesign I love their logo this one actually has the red number just like the 2.0 so the 2.0 has a red number the 3.0 is all black and then now the 4.0 has the red number again I I kind of wish they’ have made him a little different just because now you know if you have someone you’re playing with a 2.0 with your partner and they have a 4.0 I I know that’s kind of a rare occurrence but I just it’s going to be the same and even like me I’m I’m reviewing them and I have them all over the place and I’ll I’ll pick one up and go this is my 4.0 and I’m like no it’s a 2.0 or oh where’s my 2.0 oh that’s a make them a different color there’s not only two colors black and red you can make them a different color but that’s small that’s small um again great coating of urethane feels really good uh design-wise it really checks all boxes I have nothing and I love what they’ve done um with the alignment tool there as you can see on the sides the two line it’s not it’s not in your face it’s not abundant like the Tor stripe is or like a 360 line but it gets the job done it’s definitely better than just putting Prime and not having those lines those lines really help so checks all the boxes there let’s go ahead and get out to the chipping and putting green and let’s see if we can get any more spin now that we have a four piece all right snow 4.0 I expect these to actually be a little clicker um you know compared to the 3.0 and the 2.0 let’s see okay so not super spinning it was a little Mish hit but it had a good amount of spin here oh that was a good hit oh really good checkup actually really forgiving I like that a lot and let’s check here a little blade oh yeah just too much it didn’t spin all right so 4.0 we’ll do the the putting motion now just try to get some good strike see if it’ll really oh come on give me me a break all right really good strike there boy I’m just I’m just not getting a lot of checkup um just not getting a lot of checkup get in there wow wow all right so I don’t know what to expect anymore uh the 2.0 and the 3.0 with the Mallet putter both felt really squishy you know no feedback almost just very minimal uh let’s see what we got here oh my goodness wow I am so surprised guys I mean unbelievable good distance there just not right angle let’s see if we can get another one be the one ah no it’s a little ride isn’t it and a little short boy it feels a lot like the 3.0 uh maybe just like a hair yeah maybe a hair with the Mallet or I’m sorry the blade I have a blade putter now maybe a slightly higher click with the blade but boy it’s just so close that was dead I mean all right fair enough all right so with the Snell 4.0 I’m I’m at a loss for words I don’t know what to think uh I expect a four-piece golf ball to usually be very firm very clicky very traditional not the case here when it came off the wedge it felt exactly like the 3.0 the other thing that surprised me is not as much spin as the 3.0 it actually released pretty firm pretty true there was a lot more forgiveness than the 3.0 now granted with four layers sometimes the case is you have to be a little farther out if I was maybe 30 yards out and it was pitching into the green I bet that this would probably have a little bit more uh backside spin but that’s not the case here I’m just simply testing it around the green and with those little chips and using the shoulders and using a putting motion I’m just not getting that that same uh you know Back Spin release like I was getting with the 3.0 and you know what I would even say with the 2.0 this golf ball really had the most forgiving release out of all three models which is weird for a 4.0 um the other thing that surprised me is when I moved to the putter you know the 2.0 and the 3.0 had the same feel with the Mallet putter I expected this one to be firm cck icky loud not the case it feels exactly to a te the same with the Mallet putter as it did with the 3.0 and the 2.0 now granted when I moved to uh the blade putter it did feel maybe maybe just this much more clicker than the 3.0 and the 3.0 was just this much clicker than the 2.0 but all these golf balls are really in the same realm as far as how they feel how they come off the putter super springy super bouncy ball effect I barely have to come back and the ball just rolls forever it almost I don’t want to say hinders the golf ball but it is weird because coming from a guy like me who really loves a traditional style feel around the greens I love that click I love that feedback I love that true roll none of these golf balls whether it’s a 2.0 3.0 or 4.0 all did that they were more of a more modern style feel uh which is maybe what Snell’s trying to do it’s not a bad thing it’s just different Snell has always been traditional Snell has always been Tor feeling now it feels a little bit more modern and it’s definitely just different I mean it’s just different so if you’re someone coming into this 4.0 model and you’re thinking W I want that true traditional feel I want to click I want to hear it I want to have that true role you’re not going to get that here this is more modern you’re going to barely come back and hit it and it’s going to bounce off like a bouncy club now or bouncy ball excuse me now don’t get me wrong it’s not like the golf ball Springs off so hard and it has the Chug effect there’s no chug effect here it doesn’t chug off and then kind of roll it rolls smooth and true but it’s just it’s so springy I barely have to come back and it feels like it’s going 10 15 20 ft it’s just different than any other snowball I’ve ever played and maybe that’s not a bad thing all right so real quick I do want to talk about the feel across all clubs with this golf ball um the 2.0 was very soft dead squishy minimal feedback the 3.0 was uh soft little bit squishy a little bit of bouncy ball effect but really for the most part it was pretty subdued it was not a clicky golf ball at all they had taken a lot of that traditional tour feel away way and made it more modern made it more springy and fun to hit and boy the numbers reflected that this one surprising enough is still pretty close to that now it is firmer it does feel a little firmer but again when you play a snail golf ball in the past especially the the prime X model and before that I think it was the black those golf balls had a really firm traditional style feel to where you m hit it it kind of shook your hands a little bit which is you know how most golf balls were 2000s 9s things like that it’s not necessarily A Bad Thing some people prefer that feel um it’s just we’ve kind of changed it a little bit we’ve gone more with a type of bouncy ball feel where you hit it it Springs off the club it just comes off like a rocket and it feels good it really puts a smile on your face this one again has all those great characteristics that the 3.0 had it feels amazing but it it’s just slightly clicker you are going to now notice that click when you hit it right for feedback and if you do M hit it expect to feel it a little I like it a lot so let’s see how these numbers are we’ll start with the Back Spin 50 yard pitch 8,155 and I love to see that and the only and the main reason I bring that up is because the Snell 3.0 got such a bad number because of the forgiveness I was Mish hitting the 3.0 and you know let’s say you don’t quite hit the center of the wedge you hit a little bit on the bottom or you maybe a little on the toe I was only getting like 3,000 or 4,000 RPM with it not the case here this one seemed to forgive me which is interesting the 4.0 have been doing that the last few times which isn’t normal but again they’re changing the feel they’re changing the compression they’re making a lot of changes now for 2024 all golf ball makers are and so maybe that’s where that’s coming from but 8,155 it’s an excellent number to have and I’m so glad because when I I got such a low number with a 3.0 I was a little concerned but that shows right there that if you’re someone who really values that Back Spin you want to see it rip back to you on 50- yard pitches the scoff ball will do that which is nice so let’s keep it going with the nine iron uh let’s start of course with the smash Factor 1.24 that’s 0.1 or 01 however you want to call it less than the 3.0 13.2 uh 130.4 100.9 um 7,070 on your Spin and a launch angle of 24 which actually was higher than the 3.0 and the 2.0 that’s kind of interesting um so those numbers are interesting first of all those numbers are great they’re all great across the board I love that we broke 100 mph ball speed again um I love that it went over 130 again anytime I hit over 130 average with a 9 for me on the channel that’s just incredible um it’s still fantastic it’s just slightly less than the 3.0 which makes sense again this is a firmer golf ball most of the time with firmer golf balls short irons just don’t do worth a hoot they just don’t because it’s such a firm golf ball and I’m swinging so slow with a wedge cuz it’s so much shorter I just don’t compress it but this one still was able to get that which boy if that’s how golf balls are going to be going forward the competition is just going to keep getting more tight and more tight and boy it’s it’s going to be a lot funner going forward when I compile these top 10 lists cuz I mean it’s it’s tight I mean it’s really tight so uh love that I still got all those amazing numbers with it uh love what I see there still great spin um you know nine iron it’s going to stick a green which is awesome uh I was surprised it did launch a little higher um than the the 3.0 just because I expect usually the four piece to go a little lower but not all of them do anymore like I said they’re they’re making a lot of changes so let’s get into the 7even iron now starting with the smash Factor 1.35 which is 05 more than the 3. and as well as the 2.0 so that’s interesting I actually was compressing this golf ball the best uh out of the the three snail balls not that they’re comparable I’m not comparing them I’m just saying that for the sake of of showing you the Snell lineup that’s why I’m doing it 161.5 163.160 which is just incredible uh across the board uh 5575 low low low spin so I did expect that and then it actually launched directly mid uh with the the launch angle as well um hard not to be impressed with those numbers I mean wow so there have been very I sorry I had to look there there have been very few times a handful of times I’ve ever averaged 160 with any club or with any ball excuse me with my seven iron the 4.0 I got four more yards than the 3.0 I got eight and a half more yards than the 2.0 that’s awesome so now that the ball is firmer now that I’m using a mid iron opposed to a short iron now we’ve seen it flip-flop and we actually have some records there which is well which is awesome uh I love to see that the ball m per hour speed is just through the roof it actually even beats the Vice Pro Plus which is awesome that’s actually more of a direct comparison that would be good um I just love that the low spin might bother me a little bit just because it’s going so far and it’s coming off the club so fast not being able to stick it immediately might bother me um I’d have to see how it reacts on the course but if I can’t get it to stop I might have a few roll them to the back of the green which would be kind of an amp but as far as ball speed and distance wow hopefully we keep that going with the five hybrid here uh 1.38 on the smash Factor really good really close to the 3.0 just 01 less 185.5 but I got way more distance 190.5 amazing numbers there 127.5 that ball speed is through the roof and once again that’s another record boy we just keep setting records on the channel that’s just so fun uh 4,419 though so there’s your big thing right there there’s there’s that 13.9 it actually launched really low so now here’s what happens and you guys know this and I talk about it all the time but I will add a couple details here when I review golf balls that are four four pieces firmer higher compression what usually happens traditionally is short on Mid iron eh and then once I get to the woods the five hybrid and the driver they really take off because at that point I’m swinging hard enough and the clubs are heavy enough being woods they can compress the golf ball and I start to see some really exciting pop off the page numbers um a little different here because now what’s happening is because they’re taking these 4.0 golf balls four piece more firmer ones the Vice Pro Plus whatever 2024 the 4.0 and essentially they’re lowering the compression a little bit making them more soft and Squishy and still having bouncy ball effect what I’m seeing is is that the short iron you lose a little bit you know you lose a little tiny bit and then the the mid iron the seven iron amazing it compresses it’s fantastic it appeals to a bigger crowd which is awesome uh and then now getting into the five hybrid it’s just the numbers are popping off the charts and what I’d also like to put in there is that now you see the ball launching low now you see the ball um having low spin and the reason it’s doing that is because I’m properly compressing it now that I have my five hybrid out when I had the nine iron out and it wasn’t launching low it was launching High and the spin was you know it was good but it wasn’t great um that’s what’s happening because it’s not being properly compressed whereas now we properly compress it I get way less Spin and the golf ball starts to show its true colors about who it’s for not a bad thing but it’s good to see now that it is supposed it is reacting how it’s supposed to getting into the driver 1.43 on the smash Factor so that’s that’s the same smash factor I got with the 2.0 which again shows that if if the ball is not in the right compression for you that’s what can happen so the Snell 3.0 was 1.4 49 and then now 1.43 with both looking at the numbers there you can see 22 24.4 I got about the same as the 2.0 233.356 3 uh little higher than the the the 2.0 and then 14.1 it wanted to launch low it absolutely wanted to launch low so again compressing it getting what I’m supposed to out of it uh but I wasn’t compressing it still the best because as you can from those numbers I compressed the 3.0 way better and got way more distance driver distance as far as the 3.0 compared to the 4.0 nine a N9 yard gain with a 3.0 compared to the 4.0 it’s for faster swingers and even though now I am getting up to 97 98 mph with the driver it’s just not really enough to compress this this is going to be for your 105 your 110 crowd that’s what’s going to see the proper 100% results across the board now I didn’t have that issue with the Vice Pro Plus I was able to use it as a 98 swinger and boy just everything record-breaking incredible all right before I give you my final closing thoughts I do want to touch on the durability um if you haven’t seen the other two reviews long story short you know it holds up for the most part but there is a glaring issue with these snow golf balls in the past they have had cuts abrasions it’s kind of like you get a few lemons here and there but what I’ve experienced with this new lineup over the last uh couple golf balls I’ve tested the 2.0 and the 3.0 is that they start flaking on the paint and if you look here and you look close you’ll see there’s actually quite a few spots here 1 2 3 4 five oh my goodness six six to seven I mean SE almost 10 spots on this golf ball after about 100 shots where the paint is essentially flaking up my thoughts on this are I can’t trust that it’s going to have a true flight path anymore I can’t trust that it’s going to roll and this is actually the worst out of the three I’ve tested this one’s by far the the roughest I can even feel some stuff on there too so you know most of them I’ve been given like a six out of 10 this one’s probably a 5 out of 10 it will probably last you a round if if you’re shooting in the 70s or 80s 100% this is going to last you round and at that point it needs to be tossed out period so does that mean the durability is bad not P not per se because if if you can get through a whole round with it that’s actually pretty good some golf balls you only hit 30 times in their toast so the golf ball does get through the round and what I do like is that I’m not seeing any deep abrasion cuts from grooves like I was when I had my lemons from last year it’s better but there’s still some room for improvement especially when you consider the direct comparator being Vice vice’s durability was on point you know it was nine out of 10 10 out of 10 nine out of 10 really good there and so I think Snell has made some improvements I still think they’re the second best director consumer Ball but gosh it’s just a little bit better on that durability and you’ll be great now I know I again I give SN respect because they’ve kept the price at 33 a dozen I know that you keep the price there and you don’t increase it there’s going to be some issues like you have to sacrifice somewhere usually it’s durability so it doesn’t make it a deal breaker but just keep in mind that after a round you have to toss this I see some of you on the channel like oh yeah I made it to my fourth round the golf Ball’s no good anymore at that point even after I mean even if you get the best durability ball on the market two rounds is Max once you’ve hit it that many times it’s it’s lost everything and I get it you might you might look at the ball and go oh it’s still in good condition it still feels I promise you it’s not I’ve never seen a golf ball to where I would be I’d feel comfortable after two rounds using it it just isn’t that way so after a round toss it all right so closing thoughts um you know I I I love that we’ve gotten through the vice line I love that we’ve now gotten the new Snell line it’s been so fun um I love the golfball I love what it does it’s not for me though it’s definitely for faster swingers I love that I was able to get some decent numbers with it because an issue I had last year is that when I used the X model the prime X model for faster swingers for 2023 I ran into an issue where my numbers really weren’t good at all I mean they were actually less than average so this year when I was testing the 4.0 I was kind of worried it was going to be the same way not the case there have been tons out of all the golf balls they’ve had and theyve made improvements to this is the one I’m most impressed with because I went from basically the golf ball being useless and me saying hey I can’t use it because it’s so firm I can’t even kind of compress it to yeah I mean if I had to take these out and play them on the course I can make it work I mean it’s not 100% toward my game I mean it’s probably 80 so I mean I’d have to like understand I’m going to lose 10 yards of distance and stuff but as far as using irons and wedges and playing with it out on the weekend weekend warrior style yeah I can make it work absolutely I didn’t have that option before um so as far as how it performs with a faster swing speed I don’t know but it’s definitely worth a shot because again you have a golf ball that is very competitive on price you can’t be having it at half the price of the prov1 designed by the same guy who designed the prov1 I mean it’s just what are you doing it checks so many boxes well it does so many things great um yeah it has a couple issues here or there but I think we forget sometimes we’ve been testing so many great golf balls and I had the top 10 the top 20 you know a couple months ago I think we sometimes forget that most golf balls aren’t perfect they’re really not there’s always an issue somewhere um it just when you test the the go the golf balls we’ve tested this year so far it’s just crazy cuz we’ve been so blessed to test so many great ones I think we forget that they’re going to have issues sometimes this one does have a couple flaws the durability it could be better um I wish it was a little bit more consistent on its uh performance as far as with 100 mph swing speed but like I said it’s probably just for faster than that so as far as if you’re wondering 3.0 versus 4.0 I actually got to give Snell credit here I would follow what they say on their website the whole seven iron theory if you hit your seven iron 175 or more absolutely then use the 4.0 because I hit mine like I said like 155 that’s 15 to 20 yards depending on the day shorter than what they anticipate I should be using and keep in mind I have a seven iron that is strongly lofted 29 and a half strongly most seven irons are 34 36 if they’re really traditional so the fact that I’m actually hitting it 20 yards less and I have it really strongly you know uh lofted definitely I’m definitely not playing the right ball with the 4.0 it’s going to be the 3.0 for the majority of players but if you do swing 105 105 to 110 or higher somewhere in that range and you do hit your seven iron 175 yards definitely give this one a try it’s definitely worth your time it’s definitely worth a shot and let me know your feedback on it if you do if you use any of them let me know how you like them so guys as always I appreciate it keep watching to keep saving and keep learning until next time


  1. Actually you are within 5 mph of the low end range of the 4.0. There is an overlap to both sides, which makes sense. You should test both at the ends of the ranges, which shrinks the overall range as well.

  2. I did try the 2024 Snell Tester Pack – – I liked both golf balls, but had the same paint/blemish issues with both 3.0 and 4.0 – – I think Dean Snell is on to something, but might not quite be there yet with their covers.

  3. The quality of the ball is not where it should be, for any of them. If they are competing with the other DTC or bigger brands they definitely have to improve that quality after 100 shots.
    However, it they were $10 cheaper I'm all in.

  4. I have the tour test pack, hope to try them within the next 7 days. I was very disappointed with the cover wear on last years MTB. However, I've had more birdies with the Get Sum ball than any other balls I've played.

  5. I would love to see what's inside. Maybe a cut in half added to the test's. Keep up the great work!!

  6. When a ball is priced similar to Vice, the performance needs to be in that league. This ball simply isn’t there.


  8. Could you find a higher club head speed player to hit balls? Driver swing at 115 plus. Would really help us lower handicap players

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