How to Stop Hanging Back and Get Through the Golf Ball

Learn how to stop hanging back and get through the golf ball at impact for the perfect golf follow through.

In this VLS Golf swing lesson from Todd Kolb, we are going to learn how to fix a nasty reverse pivot golf swing to stop hanging back!

so I had a lesson with Jeff and he had the most common mistake that amateur golfers make when they struggle with contact he had what we call a reverse pivot the beauty is we fixed it in just a couple minutes let me share with you what we did now one of the biggest reasons why golfers struggle with contact with their irons is because they don’t pivot correctly and one of the things that you’ve probably been learning here as you’ve been following us at VLS Golf and Us Golf TV is that where the weight is at on our feet has a huge impact on where the club hits the ground so reverse pivot I’m going show you what a reverse pivot is and I’m going to show you how we fixed it for Jeff so reverse pivot is basically this when the club goes One Direction I.E the club is going away from the target back to my main man Nick give him the thumbs up there’s Nick okay the club’s going back towards Nick but my weight’s going forward that’s what we call reverse pivot and then as I as I start the club towards the target my weight goes the other way so let me just demonstrate it in slow motion and I’m going to show you what Jeff and I did to fix it because if you’re struggling with contact more than likely it’s in your pivot so here we go Jeff had a pretty good setup weight went forward as Club went back as Club went forward weight went back so look like this here we goes forward all right so if this finish right here looks pretty familiar okay we’re going to fix that here’s what we did the first thing is is that and I got a this wonderful drill at the end I’m going to share with you it’s called our right left it’s probably our most popular one but we want the club to be moving the same direction as the weight on our feet okay so when the club moves to the right as a right-handed golfer when the club moves to the right the weight should move to the right as the club moves towards the target the weight should move towards the target all right I want those two things to work in unison when the club and the weight go One Direction the club and the weight go the other direction okay so let me just go ahead and demonstrate that demonstrate it for you I’m going to give you a couple drills to work on that so here we go I’m going to move the club and my weight towards my trail foot and then back to my lead foot so here we go Trail lead now that was a tad thin but it was definitely more Sol you see where I was at where I finished so with Jeff the first thing that we did is we did the step away drill because I wanted him to feel his weight going to his Trail foot as he’s hold the club back versus going towards his lead foot so it looks something like this I said all right Jeff here’s what I want you to do put your feet together and as you swing the club back towards the camera back back where Nick is at just step away boom we just did that we did a thre Setter right we love the three setters all right and be sure to subscribe also tell us where you’re from we love hearing where you’re from it’s one of our favorite things so feet together step swing it up and I just we did like I said a thre Setter so now we had that Feel So Right said you got that feel of the weight going he’s like yeah I got that so I said all right let’s just hit one regular setup move the weight to the trail foot and then forward oh that was more solid I hope we got that one Nick because that one was more solid that got the weight going in the right direction on the takeway but that’s just half of the equation that’s half right what about the other half what about getting the weight going towards the target so we just did the opposite I said not feet together again Jeff swing it back and as you swing it Forward step forward so did a thre Setter again all right so that’s the forward swing club goes forward weight goes for so now I got the feel I’ve trained the club and weight going away I trained the club and weight going forward let me hit one and we’re going to tie all this together with my favorite alltime drill club and weight go towards the trail club and weight go towards the lead here we go Trail lead oh much better here’s one of the things I’m a big believer in and that is that we can’t have a lot of Swing thoughts right Jeff and I work through these couple drills the ones I just shared with you but I said when you head to the golf course when you walk to that first T here’s what I want you to do in your routine I want you to do the right left drill okay now I know Nick’s laughing he’s like oh my God here we go again C light right left drill again yes yes we’re going there again okay because in the vertical line swing we love to keep the game simple and when the club is in continuous motion right left right left right left when the club is in continuous motion your weight and your athet letic ISM naturally follow that so this right left drill okay is simply I swing the club to the right and I swing it to the left and then I move it back notice I’m not stopping and notice I’m not swinging fast and when that club is in continuous motion then I find balance and I find Rhythm so let’s tie it all together this is his routine this is what Jeff did I said all right give me a little thre Setter right left right left right left I said all right let’s step up let’s go ahead and hit it right left oh best one of the day right there that is how you fix a reverse pivot and that’s what I did with Jeff to fix his reverse pivot improve his contact now I’m going to give you three other things that you can do to improve your contact before you even start your swing check it out right here in my next video


  1. Hello Todd, for the past month, I've been utilizing the Stack and Tilt swing method, and I wanted to get your thoughts on that swing technique.

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