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Latest surrounding Falcons, Eagles tampering resolutions | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

Mike Florio and Chris Simms dive into the two different cases of tampering, explain the ways in which they are different, map out potential ramifications and more. #NBCSports #ProFootballTalk #NFL
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Latest surrounding Falcons, Eagles tampering resolutions | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

and the Philadelphia Eagles have been under investigation since free agency really saw the dust settle for tampering two very different cases but both have moved forward and it was just before the draft that Adam shefter reported that resolution could be announced in both cases draft week the NFL quickly said no it’s not now on Sunday shefer reported the resolutions are likely to come this this week and he added citing an unnamed source that the Falcons are expected to get it worse than the Eagles because the Falcons case is beli to be more egregious now let’s start with the Eagles because that’s the easiest one to explain yeah James Franklin the head coach of Penn State the week that saquan Barkley jumped from the Giants to the Eagles Franklin said that when they were recruiting Barkley Hoy Roseman pointed out how many Penn State fans are in the Eagles fan base that was it something Franklin said it wasn’t anything Barkley said Barkley denied it it wasn’t anything Roseman said it was James Franklin now the fact that the way shefer is couching this implies that the Eagles are going to get whacked and it clearly implies the Eagles are in trouble that apparently whatever Franklin said was accurate and that Barkley’s denial doesn’t hold water and that they were able to investigate and determine that there was a communication that Roseman was involved in we know the precedent for that if the league cares about precedent consistency they took a third round pick from the Chiefs in 2016 for talking directly to Jeremy mlin then if the Eagles during the negotiating window when you’re not allowed to speak directly to the player so it should be a third round pick and I say that because if the Falcons are going to get it significantly worse than the Eagles and the Baseline for the Eagles is a three if we care about consistency and precedent the Falcons might really get hammered here I I I don’t disagree I I mean I’m definitely interested to see where the Falcons thing goes the the Eagles thing was surprising just because the fact that yeah the fact that shefer put it out there made it like oh wait so this this is real it it’s this is really going to happen I don’t have any inside info there on that but that was one where I was like I don’t know if that’s anything’s going to stick there right it seemed like who knows right Jame James Franklin might have been talking like hey I talk to this person who told me this right I it’s like third person conversations I I didn’t know what the think of it but obviously there’s something there and you know obviously there was some tampering or reaching out to saquan to let them know of interest and all that but yeah the Falcons won Mike I I’m I’m with you there you know again that that seems egregious by at every angle we discuss right and I would think that yes something significant comes down on them here when this comes down one last point on the Eagles I mean let’s think about this unless the Eagles just decided to be completely candid and honest and admit that they did it okay which most teams would not do let’s face it their attitude would be you have to prove it we’re not admitting anything now maybe they scared the Eagles into not lying to them that if we find out you’re lying just call Shawn pton and ask him how that went for him yeah when they lied to us about the bounty scandal in 2012 they typically don’t react well when you lie and I could see the Eagles convening a meeting their brain trust and running through all the various possibilities just like analytics on whether or not to go for it on fourth down what happens if we tell the truth what happens if we lie what happens if they prove we lied how much worse is it going to be for us if we just don’t admit what we did if they did it but I mean think about it if everybody is committed to saying this didn’t happen how do you prove it happened so I think and I’m a big proponent of aam’s Razer I think the simplest explanation is always the right one I think the Eagles just admitted it because they didn’t want if if this implication from shef’s reporting is accurate it would suggest the Eagles realized we’re going to get this a hell of a lot worse if we lie and then they find out we lied let’s just go ahead and do the right thing because our our best interests are served by doing the right thing and telling the truth that would explain how they got them because I don’t know how else you prove it be your phone records like you know H how we not dumb he’ll call the agent and then the agent third parties sequan in so it would show a call to the agent it wouldn’t show a call to saquon Barkley they’re not going to be dumb enough to have a digital trail of communications directly with saquon Barkley so I think the only way we get to this point where there’s a presumption that Eagles are going to get whacked is number one it happened and number two they admitted it yeah and something some something along along those lines I mean I think you’re right in the fact that you know we’ve seen the NFL when you lie or mislead inves ators they hold that against you and they might punish punish you a little more excessively than they would have otherwise you know you’ve wasted their time you lied to them all of that right so there’s something but yeah I don’t know what it is I I really don’t uh and you’re right I don’t know how you prove it right unless there was something of a significant like just an obvious text right there’s something like that which I’m with you I would go man that’s you know a pretty you know big blunder to make that’s a Min League mistake there to be doing that for for Major League football right I mean that that’s where I would just be shocked by it but you know has it gone through my mind that like hey we saw Andy Reid right uh text Hollywood Brown when free agency come open hey think red today specifically Chiefs red right or whatever you know did he give something like that a little tongue and cheek something to sequan like hey we’re just down the Jersey Turnpike you know we got some different colors but we’re damn good and it was that and they just know wait there is a little bit of a paper trail I don’t know but obviously something something’s going down here they all justify doing it because number one everyone does it and number two teams rarely get busted for it and frankly if James Franklin doesn’t run his mouth nobody knows it’s not an issue it’s not an issue right so I I I’ll say this I I want to be careful not to go farther than I should with what I reported at the time but when I saw that Franklin had said it I reached out to the team for comment and I maybe I got the impression in the process of trying to get comment that that it’s possible Franklin spoke the truth I I don’t no one said that but the reaction generally seemed to be oh crap of like oh yeah right yeah not not not oh oh Franklin’s you know what’s he’s just wrong I mean but I so anyway that’s the starting point the implication from shef’s report the Eagles are going to get it and if they’re going to get anything it means Franklin was accurate and you would if you care about precedent and consistency it would be a third round pick for the Falcons and God love Kirk Cousins I tried to give him and it wasn’t tongue and cheek it was real in an industry that is chalk full of people who lie strategically because they have to this guy’s just too honest like you ask him hey would you have SED with the Falcons if you’d known they were going to take Michael penx he doesn’t lie to you he just says I don’t want to answer hypotheticals because we know what the truthful answer would be hell no I wouldn’t have signed with the Falcons if I’d known they were taking Michael penck so he’s very honest and he was both honest and completely unprepared he walked right into it he stepped on the rake in his introductory press conference he admitted to up to four different ways up to four different ways the Falcons tampered with him in violation of the rules that you can’t talk directly to the player during the 52-hour negotiating window that’s why the Falcons are going to get hammered here because cousins went in and he and it wasn’t like he was facing a interrogation under a hot light like Newman sweating under his own hot light he just went out there and started blurting his stuff out like no one had bothered to tell him you should probably be discreet yeah about talking to the trainer yesterday or talking to Ryan the director of player Personnel before 4:00 Eastern today or being directly involved in recruiting Darnell Mooney to join us from the Bears when you weren’t even our employee yet and you were recruiting Mooney to come join us or KY Pitts for the last two weeks right working on you and talking about who’s going to wear number eight that’s how detailed it got and Pitts was smart enough to deny it all when I had mentioned it and cousins just put it all out there so that’s why the Falcons are in hot water and you know I I mean it’s people are all over the map people I talk to some will say they’re just going to slap him on the wrist because Rich McKay has too much juice with the commissioner and others are saying I think they’re going to get a first round draft pick stripped I I I think it’s going to be something strong I do I don’t know if that’s first rounder but I you know first maybe you know second round something significant I mean you know th those are egregious you know even for the NFL which like you said is about tampering and all that and it goes on and we all know it does right that that’s a little above and beyond the normal tampering issues you see right there and yeah I mean Kirk Cousins certainly wasn’t prepared for it it was like the only thing he caught himself was a little bit with like the trainer right he tried to say he tried to like kind of he started to say we met met he said met and see and and this gets to a great Point Chris how aggressively did they investigate this did they go all the way down the rabbit hole did they have the same antenna go up that we had go up when he said meeting with I mean talking to right so so maybe he’s not as honest as we gave him credit for but that would at least as a former lawyer who’s trying to like put that behind him and forget about those days that is still hardwired into me you hear that and you think oh oh well well we have to take a closer look at this let’s look at surveillance cameras let’s let’s look at phones how that’s my real question and we’re not going to get a Ted Wells report how aggressively did they push this how far down the rabbit hole did they go and and that’s what some somebody said to me back when it happened if he actually met with the trainer it’s at least a first round pick that needs to be taken away I I yeah I I would think so you know I I’m you know when you get that far down the road and there’s that many things that we can kind of speak of just right off the top of our head you know it also would make me believe there’s even more than that that you know and as we as as we spitballed at the time I mean yeah that was an aggressive contract for a guy in his situation with that injury and all that I think we we both kind of thought like man they are we sure they didn’t get a look at him they didn’t get to touch his ankle a little bit and look at it I mean and and you know with what you would believe and what we know right now I would think that some of that stuff went down yeah and that’s an important point I’m glad you mentioned it before cousins went out there and just said all these different ways they tampered with him we were already suspicious how do you get to the point two hours into the negotiating window when all you can be doing is talk to his agent that based on a video of him throwing passes on a tennis court you’re willing to commit a100 million with no exception remember this we reported this a few weeks ago there’s no exception in there for the Achilles Like the Jimmy Garoppolo contract from last year all he has to do is rehab under the offices of the team do what they tell him to do to rehab it and the $100 million is fully and completely guaranteed period end of discussion how do you get to to the point it’s irresponsible to get to the point that you’re going to make a $100 million investment sight unseen or based on his tennis court hey look I can throw a football at one quarter speed at best so what did they do and that’s the other side of this how aggressive was the league did did somebody get pissed off and say all right all right sorry Rich sorry we we know you’re the chair of the competition committee but you know what this stinks and we’re going to find out exactly what you guys did and it’s going to be more than who talk to cousins between noon Eastern on Monday and 4 Eastern on Wednesday because you know what those idiots on PFT live they they usually say a lot of dumb but we think they’re kind of on to something here how did you get to the point where you’re willing to give the guy a $100 million based on that stupid video of him throwing a football on a tennis court surely you did more than that that is even beyond the scope of the normal tampering that happens in the 52 hours there it is there it is if you’re a GU $100 million based on that and that alone as the proof that he’s recovered from his ACL or his a killes excuse me that’s an irresponsible expenditure of money period yeah yeah I I I I I would agree I I would almost you know there’s a part of me that would say yeah I’d feel better to know that they did cheat or tamper or do homework before they gave him 180 million rather than just going into it blind uh but yeah this one is I’m I’m it’s going to be very interesting what do we see Miami lost a first first rounder a few years ago one and a three one and a three for tampering with Shawn pyton and Tom Brady and they never ended up getting either one of them that’s where it was attempted tampering where I was going to go with it but but they didn’t get them they L the next or the the the one that I go to to go was the most egregious right trying to Skirt the Rules in the NFL screw over two organizations and do something like that that we can see and yeah I’m not know I don’t know if it’s as egregious is that but it it’s close it is and and yeah I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s multiple picks I would not I still have a memory of two years ago where you and I collaborated on the reporting of the effort to get Shawn pton and Tom Brady and we weaved it together we talked about it on here we were texting on a Friday night and you texted me and you said I’m getting us I’m getting these weird feeling that this is going on and I was like hm funny you should say that because I know this is going on with one part of it and we started to slowly but surely put it together and no one believe us for like five months and no one believed us and no one believed us and then it happened and look I don’t care as long as the check clears but when it finally happened there weren’t many people that said those idiots were right all along maybe the next time they say something that we say boy that seems odd we won’t just dismiss it and this gets back to the thing Jay Glazer told me years ago the only true journalism that happens in this world is the stuff they don’t want you to know know like the Vikings trying to trade up to get Malik neighbors they don’t want you to know that 99% of what happens is a transaction that’s going to be announced anyway is leaked to someone five minutes in advance and that gets applauded as journalism it’s just having the relationship in place where someone hands you something they’re going to announce anyway all right we need to take a break but anyway this week we’ll see com right and I’m going to be very curious what the in how much they tell us about what they did to investigate what they tell us about what the penalties are I the whole thing I I I want to know how open they are with what occurred and I’m going to be watching very carefully because I really still think that at some level Rich McKay’s relationship with the league might make it better for the Falcons oh I know I want to say one thing I filibustered there long enough so I could remember it people were suggesting to me after the draft Yeah readers that the Falcons took penic at at eight overall because they anticipate not having a first rounder next year so if we’re going to take a quarterback to be the successor to cousins we got to do it now and I dismissed that yeah I had somebody from another team say last night you know what I’m starting to think they took penic in part because they know they’re going to get hammered well so we’ll see yeah I there might be some logic to that there right there there might be some I think what I do know from Atlanta’s standpoint to a degree right is they think they’re going to be good if Kirk Cousins plays the way they think he can play they’re not going to have any high draft picks and anytime soon right and from what I know they viewed Michael penx as like the best quarterback to come out in football like the last few years that that’s how special they thought he was so they were willing to do that but maybe your thing there plays in in the part with that and you know there is some logic there and here’s the favor of Rich McKay that isn’t going to be obvious delaying the outcome so they didn’t lose the penck pick they’re losing a first rounder if that’s what happens next year that’s going to be a hell of a lot lower than number eight that’s a subtle way just tap the breaks we’re not going to do it before this draft they use the eighth overall pick on their quarterback moving forward and then we’ll take away their first rounder for next year first round is a first rounder but as we know there’s a huge difference between one and 32 and all points in between the first rounder they ultimately lose is going to be a lot less valuable if they lose one in the first rounder they would have lost if this had been done as it should have been before this year’s draft hi it’s Mike Florio thanks thanks for watching PFT on YouTube hit subscribe for the latest news and Analysis from pro football talk


  1. Kirk has been in talks since he got hurt. They need to just get rid of these phony tampering rules if you’re pending free agency

  2. Bs it’s a witch hunt with the Eagles 🦅 situation the Giants are mad 😡 because the Eagles signed there only elite talent on offense when they signed Barkley there’s no evidence of tampering

  3. The $100 million deal based on a video of Cousins throwing on a tennis court would be odd until you consider that after signing Cousins they drafted Penix. 🤦

  4. Only the 28-3 brilliant owner could do something to risk losing draft capital and then immediately undermine the reason for the penalty. Great job Arthur 28-3 Blank. As well as not hiring the coach that outcoached his hires in the biggest stage. LOL… idiots.

  5. Yes, I Absolutely agree, the falcons should have been hit hard BEFORE this yrs draft. The fact that they were not is complete BS! I was so pissed and you could CLEARLY see the reason the were not old man blank (i don't think we tampered) and of course mckay being on the board. Is that a shocker that the freaken nfl would play favorites.

    I called the nfl on their comment line and left a Scathing message about the entire process. I commented on how flawed, sorry, how CORRUPT their BS system is. Also mentioning how much I distaste and distrust goodell.

    Also, i did not simply pull my dislike for goodell out of the proverbial hat. My very negative thoughts about him go back some years. Heck, you can review his Complete mismanagement of the ray rice investigation. Talk about incompetence and stupidity! He is the nfl's FIXER!!!

    I along with millions of people have watched football/nfl since i was a little kid – it is and has been #1 for MANYYY yrs, at least in my book. However, it has changed so drastically in the last 10yrs, maybe 15yrs. that IF the nfl shut down tomorrow, I Sincerely would not have a problem with it. Because of goodell I do NOT trust ANYTHING the nfl says.

    Being against the nfl management does NOT mean I am pro 100% for the players. I stand 50/50 for both players/owners. But, I am simply SICK of what the woke nfl has become, along with other issues created by both the players and owners! IF they should fail or experience financial hardships in the future that severely hinders their yearly growth, NO tears from me!

    The nfl has simply grown too BIG and that is NOT good! Most people with a brain know that when any individual person or entity reaches such enormity – know that they WILL be Abusing their Power in the not to distant future!

    Who is stuck taking the shaft – of course we the people are the ones who Always get S – – – – D!

  6. its entirely possible the falcons drafted penix because kirk blabbed and wanted to protect themselves at the position going forward

  7. The Falcons deal is clearly a lack of sophistication by people that are supposedly more sophisticated. Either that or a huge amount of hubris displayed by their GM.

  8. Using words like egregious and whacked to try and turn some sparklers into artillery shells is comical. Got that SKOL Speedo on tight today ehhh FLO-RIO?

  9. Anyone else realize that florio is the only media influencer who talks about this topic. No one else, he is so butt hurt over kirk leaving Minnesota. Also if you want to be mad at someone for tampering how about the NFL stops having Adam Scheftner announcing breaking news days before it happens.

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