Golf Players

the Memorial Tournament | Fantasy Golf Preview & Picks, Sleepers, Data – DFS Golf & DraftKings

The TOUR heads to Muirfield Village Golf Club in Dublin, Ohio for the the Memorial Tournament. Rick uses data to breakdown the courses, field and much more!

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0:00 Intro
0:44 Course Preview
9:44 10K Range
15:42 9K Range
22:15 8K Range
28:08 7K Range
35:26 6K Range
37:50 Custom Model
40:35 Outro
#memorialtournament #muirfieldvillagegc #PGATOUR #DFS #Golf​ #FantasyGolf #PGA​ #OneAndDone ​#RickRunGood​​ #draftkings #underdogfantasy

what’s up guys Rick here with your preview for this week’s Memorial Tournament and this starts an unbelievable stretch of golf first off if you’re watching this on Monday when I’ve released it it’s the longest day in golf final qualifying for the US Open signature event this week Jack’s Place unbelievable course obviously a great Field US Open next week unfortunately I won’t be there little little bit disappointed in that but uh it’s show biz we’ll move on and then the week following the US Open is The Travelers Championship which is another signature event so lots of great stuff coming let’s jump right into this week and talk about mirfield Village and let me just tell you this is Big Boy golf okay are you a big boy because that’s what it’s going to take to win this week you know mirfield Village could host a major champion ship on like two hours notice right jack loves to beat these guys up and you’ve got to have a complete game to get around here if you’re looking at this which is my website rickun basically everything you see is from my website giant database for Fantasy Golf and golf betting the shot values the SC the whole values from last year are almost a joke I mean right I mean 16 17 18 play combined 1.1 Strokes over a part that’s three holes okay um there are the three most difficult holes on the course if you then if you start in the back and have to make the turn there you will play seven consecutive holes that played over par last year because the first four out of the gate also were quite difficult and it’s not like there’s a reprieve a lot of places throughout this round 15 the par five that’s the most getable but other than that you’re kind of kind of tough scene kind of tough scene take apart the par fivs um couple of things to note here before we get to the regression model and I’ll I’ll scroll down to you can see that this is a a pretty rare combination that you get on the PGA tour and I’m actually writing something uh I’m writing something in my newsletter about this right now it’ll probably go out on Tuesday so um if you’re not subscribed it’s rickun newsletter or there’s a link in the description it’s 100% free it’s pretty rare to have a golf course that is long and also with small greens and that is what mirfield village is right so you’ve got it’s a top five longest course on this on the tour schedule and it’s a top five smallest greens the only other course that is that is top five in both of those was Valhalla or a major championship okay so turn your brain towards that you’re probably going to have to be Uber talented to not only beat this field but beat this golf course if you look at the regression model if you’ve never seen this before it’s a very simple you know regression model is well exactly what it is it it looks at every stat on the PGA tour for the last Dozen Years and it Compares it to um Strokes gain to success to finishing positions and it figures out which types of golfers have had the most success at mirfield Village we have a lot of great data here right not we’ve played it every single year and also we got the bonus week which was the workday charity open in 2020 they played they played here back-to-back weeks um they were vastly different one of them was like 17 underpar 18 underpar I think col Mo Cowell won it and then it was like the very next week I think it was like six under or something like that so it played very different but we we do have a lot of data from this golf course and and what you’re going to see is uh right here T to Green play T2 green play uh is the strongest correlator to success at mirfield Village um and it makes sense you have to be good off the tea keep it in the Short Grass hit it long approach play is incredibly important and then if you do miss these so so what you’re going to end up doing and if I scroll down you’ll be able to see this you’re going to end up hitting a lot of long shots into small greens so 2third of the shots uh approach shots are coming from outside 150 yards 25% of them coming from over 200 yards right so you are you’re looking at um like I said long shots into small greens you are going to miss a lot of greens which is why the stroke gained around the green number is pretty highly correlated to success here 14th which means there’s only 13 other courses in which Strokes gained around the green is more correlated to success than here at mirfield Village uh putting is 34th so it’s about middle of the pack so that’s why you see the drop off from uh Strokes gain total to to Strokes gain tto green or the vice versa because Strokes gain tto green is is so much more valuable so that’s what we’re looking for we’re looking for strong well-rounded players where you’re just going to have to hit shots if we take those numbers and look at the last 36 rounds for everybody on the PGA tour no surprise that Scotty sheffler gets The Bu best adjusted fit he’s the best TD green player in the world it’s not even close so he if if that is being magnified here uh Scotty sheffler’s name is going to be at the top of this adjusted fit number Xander shley is number two probably still no surprise right he always ranks highly in a lot of um Tia green correlations he ranks highly and well-rounded correlation stuff he’s coming off the win at the PGA Championship so yeah he gets the second best adjusted fit Rory mroy Hideki Matsuyama there’s one here what twice um ludvic oberg that’s the top five little bit surprised to see Justin Thomas and Cory Connors six and seven not that I think those guys are bad but um just interesting I think that I think the top five are like the guys that I would expect to have a lot of great success at mirfield Village and then oh yeah JT and Cory Connors although JT was in that playoff with uh Colin at the Work Day in 2020 okay the other thing I’m going to do because I know a lot of you like like this a lot of you like this I’m going to show you the satellite imagery and I’m just going to show you a couple of items here um unlike in Canada where you could carry a lot of the trouble you’re going to be very hard pressed to carry the trouble at um at mirfield Village without taking on significant risk here’s just number one it’s a really good example you’ll see s something similar on 18 the carry the the you know the line that you would want to take um if you could carry everything would have to be like 347 yards okay now wind and te dependent and all that stuff 347 but it’s the the Fairway bunkers being on the inside of the dog leg any Mish hit at all those Fairway bunkers just gobble up these golf balls and even if you do play it down the line just right down the middle at 300 yards the 300 yard Fairway width is only 31 yards and if you’re longer than that so if you’re like 320 it actually gets a little tighter 22 yards you’re you’ll see something similar those you know inside bunkers it kind of inside bunkers on dog legs it almost wants you to um try to cut some of it off it’s it’s it’s trying to show you the risk all that stuff right it’s it’s it’s it’s uh egging you on um I’m going to show you the final three holes because those are the three that we talked about here so 16 is just a long part three and you understand why it’s a difficult hole right it’s a it’s a 200 yard part three that is uh the Water uh short and left is basically cutting into the surface of the green it’s well protected by bunkers on every other side that those are basically pinching in on the green and then if you just look at you know run some dispersion here here’s 50 shots 50 shots for a professional from 200 yards these are your misses right you’re getting a couple in the water you’ve got a dozen that are hitting the bank and going in um when you when you add some more shots you’ll see like there’s going to be plenty of water balls there’s going to be balls that get into the back uh the back bunkers here and this is using a Target I mean this is ideal conditions no wind nothing right this is ideal conditions and also using a Target that is the middle of the green if you move that Target you know if you see guys trying to take on let’s call it a front pin position those dispersions are getting now a lot more Into the Bunker a lot more into the water you can understand why that’s a difficult hole 17 same thing what are you going to do besides stand up there and just have to hit a strong shot if you can get it past this pinching in Fairway bunker at 322 you’ve got another one on the left hand side that that’s 340 probably not many people getting there but even even so Fairway with 30 yards and then you’re having to hit another strong shot into this green and then of course 18 which plays back up into the uh the clubhouse here and has that natural Amphitheater same thing inside inside dog leg bunkering asking you to take on and cut off some of this um this is a this this this bunker over here by this tree in this Hillside is a very popular Mist for guys they just it is right if you if you Mish hit it at all you’re winding up over there because some of them are trying to cut it at 320 is so and even and again even if you hit it through or even if you land it on The Fairway uh no no guarantee you can hold the hold the Fairway although it has been kind of wet in Dublin this year and then if you go really Wayward you get this Creek up the left hand side so I I I hope I’ve done a good job of illustrating that you you are going to have to be a strong T green player and your guys are going to make Bogies this week now a lot of that is is condition we’ll see how firm and how fast they could get it I know they did get like I said they got a lot of rain this year but um this is going to be awesome it’s going to be a sick test here’s the cheat sheet at rickun and there are four golfers over $10,000 and they’re all obviously fascinating for a variety of reasons Scotty shuffler is 12,500 so he has not dipped up into that $113,000 range which means yeah yeah we only have golfers down to $6,000 this week we do not go into that 5K range what is there to say about Scotty I’ll pull up the power rankings here for the last 36 rounds just to put this into perspective if you are a two-stroke per round player you are probably a top five player in the world uh you might be the best player in the world anything over that when you start getting into two and a half you’re almost certainly the best player in the world and the and the Gap is getting larger when you get to like three Strokes per round you’re entering Tiger Woods territory and where Scotty’s at right now is 3.2 Strokes per round yes it’s only 36 rounds but I mean let’s open it up to 50 how how how much farther does he does he drop 2.8 still number one player in the world by a mile how about last 100 rounds for everybody in this field is he still over two and a half close 2.44 so this is not just a recent thing obviously you look at his stat profile it is uh almost a joke it looks like a typo never have we really seen a complete golfer like this just gaining massive amounts in every single category in fact he has not lost Strokes in any category since Riviera which is by the way where I basically played him in all my one andd which is just phenomenal but that’s a different kind of story and now that he’s fixed the putter it’s scary stuff remember this event last year so this was the event in which yeah he gained 20 and a half Strokes from Tia green lost eight and a half putting and finished third which is just an absolute joke um by the way he’s a much better putter now I I I just don’t I just see a lot of ways that Scotty wins this golf tournament quite frankly and um if he doesn’t win it he very likely ends up in the uh optimal lineup so we’ll see what the industry does we’ll do a live chat on Wednesday 3 p.m. eastern time we’ll have a better idea of the projected ownership I don’t think you could really go wrong with a lot of these guys Rory Mander shley Victor havland you know Rory to me should have won last week uh if you want to take the positives out of it his Friday round was pretty miserable I think it was a 71 and he lost like three Strokes on approach yeah it was one of the worst approach rounds of his of his career but he bounces back with with two really good rounds on Saturday and Sunday and still finishes T4 so if you have a bad round a a horrible statistic round you didn’t really drive it well all week and you still finish T4 that’s a really good sign for for Rory Moy if you look at his um oh I always do that M uh Memorial history it’s good not great right t7 t18 t18 t32 miscut are his last five trips uh you’d expect to see some wins in there if you’re Rory m so if you’re looking for tie Breakers this hasn’t necessarily been I mean there are other guys that have better course history in fact we can just do that right let’s just go to the Holy Grail here load up everybody in their entire career in this field and let’s say uh well actually what we could do is we could do mirfield Village as the course which will also give us that workday charity open that a second event in 2020 so Patrick Klay best in terms of Strokes game gained here 2.5 over 32 rounds Scotty shuffler is second col MOA Lee Hodes has only played four rounds here but he’s he’s technically fourth finished 12th last year coocher Justin Rose Xander shley Rory mroy I mean it’s still very good for Rory 44 rounds 1.4 Strokes gained per round but you don’t often see Rory M eth on a course history chart where he’s played a lot of rounds right usually the more rounds he plays and uh a good golf course for him he has more success it’s not bad it’s obviously still very very good but it’s worth noting Xander Schley and Rory mroy um Xander also you know he’s got a lot of really good spots on the PGA tour this is a place that he’s finished exactly 11 between 11th and 24th in each of his last six trips um I think it’s a good not great spot for him we’ll we’ll be interested to see what uh every I’m interest to see what everybody does with his with his ownership right we haven’t seen him since the PGA Championship he’s coming off the runner up the Wells Fargo the win of the PGA Championship if he’s the Forgotten man I’m very interested in that and then Victor hin is probably the most interesting right you know there since the last time we’ve done a video where Victor havins played there’s kind of been a lot of changes right he’s back with Joe Mayo in the short game that immediately pays dividends and he gains 1.5 around the greens he putted very well at the PGA Championship and he finished third I I followed this group uh a lot during the week especially on Sunday and it felt like Victor was going to win had a lot of opportunities coming in basically a birdie putt on every hole on the back nine uh stopped making birdies around 13 or 14 and just just kind of lost ground this is a really good golf course for him statistically right it it asks for great driving um you know the spots around the greens he’s he’s been able to handle he’s your defending Champion here and it’s starting to feel like he’s playing like himself again you know we were getting the ball striking stuff back basically since Riviera but now that the short game might be cleaned up um he’s pretty dangerous here and and I think people are going to kind of flock to that because he’s a popular guy he’s your past Champion played well at the PGA Championship we’ll see what what the top does here or what the industry does with the top here the 9k range is really interesting and I’m I’m interested to see what people do with basically the top three here that’s col Mora lud goergen and Patrick KL um you know quickly on ludvig misses the cut of the PGA Championship which is like the first time he’s disappointed you since he’s since he’s turned professional um you know I I actually asked him one of the questions in his presser before the week started about his knee um he played it off wasn’t a big deal um the the advanced metrics aren’t horrible in fact he played much better on Friday than he did on um Thursday and he missed the cut on the number at a major championship I don’t think it’s that big of a deal and also I saw that he was you know on Instagram playing golf in the last couple of weeks so I I I don’t really think the knee is an issue right he would be resting as OPP post out there playing more golf so I I think ludig is kind of a Full Throttle go here I do worry a little bit about um lack of experience not that it has stunted him at all during this campaign but you know mirfield Village I I would like a little bit of experience here because that’s what you’re competing against you’re competing against a lot of really good history but we we looked at the key stats and and ludvig is one of the best adjusted fit players in this field fifth uh when it comes to putting his metrics over what has been statistically important mirfield Village so interested to see what people do there but I’m I’m in on ludvic uh Klay is probably the most fascinating right and and I imagine that Patrick Klay is the goto oneand done selection for this week uh a lot of people want to play course history he is the ultimate course horse we showed that earlier he’s got 32 rounds here two and a half Strokes gained per round twice a winner couple other top five finishes um just really really awesome stuff the the thing that I’m struggling with is just this lackluster 2024 season that we’ve gotten from Patrick Klay and it is not well-rounded like it normally is he is not really driving it well like he normally does the putter has cooled off I mean there are a lot of I don’t know if they’re red flags but they’re at least like pink flags and I’m waiting for him to break through maybe this is the spot but I I don’t really want to be involved if it’s a 25% owned Patrick Klay if he’s super popular and one and done I think there are enough reasons to be concerned about this which leaves us with Colin morawa and this is kind of an interesting situation here because um and there’s a lot of layers to this so so Colin you know was not having a good 2024 but we’ve started to see his metrics return to honestly Elite levels driving it well again hasn’t lost Strokes off the tea since API that was in March um three of his last five measured events have been very good Elite iron weeks which were the Masters the PGA Championship and Charles Schwab the short game very positive and the putter has been very good in four of his last five so he has returned to form I believe in the long game and is running a pretty hot putter right now if you look at his so that’s kind of layer one but if you look at just the cheat sheet here you’re going to see a wd in 2023 a miscut in 2022 yes he finished runner up in 2021 but like you wouldn’t be very excited about that however I will remind you that his Strokes gained numbers are a lot better because this is the event in which um he withdrew I think he was two shots back on Sunday last year his back flared up like the first time he’s ever dealt with an injury back spasms he withdrew he could have won that event right I mean think about how differently we would be talking about him if if he makes up he was two shots off the lead makes up a two- shot lead on Sunday he had gained seven strokes to the field in three rounds that week so while it says WD it was a very very positive week Plus on top of that I know was a different setup he won here at the workday charity open so if you’re only looking at um Memorial history it is going to look a lot worse than what is actually happening here because you’re not going to get the 17 Strokes he gains at the workday and you’re not going to get the 7.1 e gains before the WD so if you look at it on a Strokes gain perspective it’s 17 rounds 2.3 it’s the third best rate of any body at this golf course in this field so I’m hoping most people just look at the you know the first layer and move on and leave us with with colum morawa um the rest of this 9k range I’ve spent a lot of time on this 9k range already um Tommy Fleetwood is probably just the odd man out for me he’s been he’s been great I have no reason to think he’s not going to have more decent success but kind of the odd man out if I’m feeling very frisky um I would consider Hideki Matsuyama I understand that he burned everybody oh gosh where did he withdraw withdraw before the tournament started right um Byron Nelson is that right uh I believe that’s right so kind of burned everybody there this is a really good golf course for him I will only I will only be interested if he is if he is super overlooked and then Justin Thomas if you guys have been watching or following along at all um you know I’m I’m I’m I’m All Aboard right I’ve been I’ve been banging the drum on Justin Thomas for a while uh it’s starting to pay off fifth at the fifth at Harbortown 21st at Wells Fargo eth at the PGA Championship with Elite Tia green stuff which is what you’re going to need around here yes of course I worry about the putter if you go back and look at uh mirfield Village history he finished runner up to colum morow at that workday charity open then finished 18th the next week um I remember that vividly because I was stuck on live TV uh during that playoff because we thought that was that two back-to-back sick putts on the S second hole and we thought the tournament was going to be over it went to a playoff and we got stuck doing live shot by shot coverage but um he has good fourth in 2017 e8th in 2018 I know there’s been work done since then but um you’re not going to get me off of off of Justin Thomas at at this rate as we get into the 8K range here uh just remind you if you find any of this valuable hit the like button it it really helps my channel Windam Clark is at the top of this range and Russell Henley Sun JM are at the at the bottom of this range and there’s a couple things I want to point out um Windam Clark is awesome Windam Clark is not safe right so if you’re looking for significant upside and risk that’s Windam Clark right a couple of runner-up finishes to Scotty he’s already won this year he had a third at Harbortown but he missed the cut of the Masters he missed the cut of the PGA Championship he disappointed you at Wells Fargo right that that’s kind of what he does probably disappointed you at the Houston open as well the trends tool which shows how much of goer is playing compared to themselves so their 36 round version compared to their 100 round version the highest trending golfer in the 8K range is Alex norin he’s playing two-thirds of a stroke better than his Baseline which makes him trending wise like a top five player in this field and then wam Clark is next um better than better than Cory Connor is better than Colin morawa he’s playing a half a shot per round over his Baseline and he’s doing it via the TAA green playay which is really what you want to be seeing so this is uh you you just have to understand what you’re getting yourself into with Windam Clark you also have to understand what you’re getting yourself into with Jordan Speed uh Jordan spe has a very good record around mirfield Village I’ll I’ll pull it up here in a second and let’s see mirfield mirfield whoops both of them um look at this run so four top 18s in a row fifth 18th 18th 13th he missed the cut at the Work Day in 2020 and finished 7th at the memorial in 2019 so if you’re just looking at Memorial stuff it is five straight top 18s and six of seven if you go back to 2017 okay what is he doing now um Believe It or Not Jordan Speed is driving the ball like a madman okay plus two at Byron Nelson plus five at Wells par Fargo plus two at the PGA Championship plus four at Charles Schwab that’s an insane run this dates back to the players the problem is here the second shot and I understand its value this week but there’s something pretty tempting about Jordan Speed uh because he’s driving it great his his around the green play has been good the putter is not as important and that’s actually been the one thing that hasn’t worked for him it just feels like we are one one click away right just one something away for spe which I I I understand is probably like a mental like a mental illness that I have um couple more guys that I think are interesting Sam Burns is Sam Burns breaking out of this slump because Sam Burns since we left California since we left the West Coast has has not been good right and last week was his first top 10 since Riviera couple miscuts in there now he had a he had a child and there’s a lot of other things that are going on but the stat profile that we saw from Sam Burns was phenomenal last week in Canada he gained Strokes throughout the uh throughout the bag which is the first time he has done that this year um last time he did it was the Tour Championship and that’s I mean listen it’s a tough feat to accomplish but he did it five times last year so it is it is certainly possible and well within his game so I’m hoping that that Sam Burns is is is back a little bit here I also see Russell Henley lurking here at $8,000 and you know he’s a very I feel like he is more popular um in weeks where he’s like the eighth best player or or more um on weeks where he’s like the 30th best player in the field I don’t feel like he’s all that popular you know the last signature event that we got was the Wells Fargo he was 5.6% owned the PGA Championship he was he was single digits and both of those he finished inside the top 25 in fact at at Quail Hollow he finished T10 and that is not unusual Russell Henley’s having an unbelievable year um he’s missed one cut that was the PLAYERS Championship that happens he’s got a bunch of top 10 bunch of top 15s really good metrics the other thing that I wanted to do um and you can get really freaky here with the Holy Grail and one of the things that I was just kind of messing around with was this combination of a long golf course and a and a small green golf course right so when you start looking at at golf courses you know where the greens are like 5200 Square ft or smaller since the start of I don’t know how far you want to go back here 2022 2023 either way um Russell Henley shows up in like the top 10 of that list right which makes sense he is you small greens are usually on shorter golf courses and he is very accurate and he is very dialed with his second shot so it makes sense that he picks up a lot of Strokes on golf courses with small greens the the thing where he’s going to falter is because he does lack the length is he is going to struggle on golf courses that are let’s call it 7400 yards or longer right he’s going to drop down the list there but he also gets a little bit of a bump on courses where playing out of the Fairway is pretty critical and it’s not like he’s bad on long golf course he’s gaining 78 Strokes per round there um so it’s not impossible for I I just think that this is a pretty decent setup for him where he’s having an unbelievable year he’s probably going to come in at single digit ownership and we’re all going to act like we’re shocked when he finishes T9 The Listener league is already live on Splash so this is our weekly tiers contest it’s completely guaranteed so 5400 bucks in the purse 100% guaranteed there so no no matter how many people sign up you’re getting the full payouts uh $20 an entry it’s 300 entries it’s CA there there’s already 75 in it and um this is the first time I’ve opened it opened it up up for the week so you’ll pick one golfer from each of six tiers it’s been really fun I get a lot of good uh comments about that which is which is always cool the sevenk range is a group of guys that I cannot figure out right actually I think I do a pretty good job on Shane Lowry um figuring out which weeks he’s gonna play well and which which he’s not I do not get Tony fow I do not get Cam young I never get suu Kim right like okay just you know a variety of of of guys here but let’s let’s talk through this and see what what we can figure F out I want to see if we’re getting any signs of life from Tony now um because in theory this would be a pretty decent spot for him um let’s do this so back-to-back top 20s PGA Championship Charles Schwab T to Green play great if that putter hovers around to zero I’m cool with Tony right you can’t have this you can’t have losing two three four five six seven eight Strokes with the putter you can have small losses less than one that’s fine so cautiously optimistic here on Tony F out Tom Kim are we what are we getting out of Tom Kim made a run at the end of the Canadian open now has three straight top 25s one of them was the PGA Championship hasn’t missed the cut since the Texas open these squares on rickr are starting to get a lot more green gain throughout the bag last week fow’s thing that he needs is the putter Tom Kims is the second shot 4.3 G Strokes gained on approach tiny loss on Thursday gains the other three days that’s a good sign um I want to pull up his his his uh mirfield Village history missed the cut here last year how was he playing leading into this event last year he missed the cut at the PGA Championship but he was hit it well if I was cautiously optimistic on Tony I think I’m cautiously pessimistic on Tom Kim I like what I’m seeing this has got to be one of the worst spots for him right and I would I’m I’m interested to see like I’m happy to go to him after this maybe US Open maybe a Travelers Championship he’s in the M he’s playing a lot of golf right so he’s played Byron Nelson Wells Fargo PGA Charles Schwab Canadian open that’s five in a row this will be six he’s gonna play the US Open that’s seven is he gonna take The Travelers off or is he gonna play eight that’s a signature event he’s playing a ton of golf but he’s he’s getting into form he’s young um he can handle it okay the the guys that I’ve been ranting and raving about Justin Thomas Keegan Bradley are are like finally starting to pay dividends right three straight top 25s from Keegan four out of his last five H the game the game is sharp again look at this 12 Strokes gained off the T at the PJ championship and Charles Schwab combined the putter more black and green than red these are good signs his history at mirfield Village I don’t know it off the top of my head we’re GNA find out together not not anything I’d be super excited about 30th last year 37th the year before that missed the cut the year before that then he went through this stretch where he could not putt on these greens now I’ll tell you what uh correct me if I’m wrong they did the redesign after 2020 right so they were ripping up this golf course as that second week was coming to an end since they did that Keegan has not lost Strokes putting here so maybe he likes the new surfaces a little bit better I’m I’m always in I’m always in on Keegan the rest of the 7K offers a couple more interesting names uh and I’ll try to go quick here you know first off will zorus is 7500 if this is a major championship venue and we think will zorus is a major championship player 7500 is much too cheap I hate the way he’s been putting but I will give him credit for gaining a stroke and a half putting at the PGA Championship and he gained on approach in three of those four rounds there he was 9100 he’s now $1600 cheaper in a smaller field on a golf course that should be similarly as good form okay so that’s part one part two is Billy horel who is seriously in the best stretch of golf that we have seen in play since he won the FedEx Cup which was God 10 years ago 12 years ago 14 you might have won it in 2010 it’s forever ago he’s playing the best golf and he has a really good history at this place I think he has a lot of ties to the area as well I don’t know if that’s true or not but won this in 2022 he did miss the cut last year but he missed the cut everywhere last year 13th in 2020 9th in 2019 couple more top 15s years and years ago but this is a pretty cool spot to deploy Billy horel and then I’m not sure if I’m ready to run him out because I don’t know how sustainable this is but I do want to point out the guy that led the field in Strokes gain approach last week was not Rory mroy it was not Bob McIntyre actually Bobby McIntyre was not even close it was not anybody but Ben Griffin who I think we have started to see this coming a little bit more so if you go back to last year or the start of this year he he did not hit it well you know the end of 2023 until the start of 2024 he lost Strokes on approach in eight straight then you started to see him turn this around a little bit and he was getting small gains small gains small gains Players Championship through punana then he started to figure it out even more Byron Nelson Myrtle beat you picks up three and a half in each of those gives some back at the PGA and the Charles Schwab it’s golf that happens then he snaps off and gain seven strokes on approach last week and I’ll tell you what the rest of his game the long game the long game has gotten better because he’s driving it better as well and he always had a good short game so it does feel like a little bit like you’re chasing right now trying to get greatness from Ben Griffin again try to get I mean literally that second place finish was the best finish of his career so you’re looking you’re are trying to get that again but I don’t think it’s as much of a flash in the pan as other results we’ve seen from other guys he’s been trending towards this and if he starts settling into a plus three approach guy and a plus one off the te guy and he remains with his short game like that’s a that’s a that’s a very good profile especially for somebody who’s only 7,200 bucks the 6K range you really start to lose a lot of that uh Memorial history or at least good success here Adam shank finished t7 last year t26 the year before that that’s almost the best putam finished fifth last year but missed the cut the year prior to that and then a lot of guys were just you know middling to to to poor finishes so you lose you lose a lot of that um for me it’s it’s a lot of similar names as Taylor pendrith at 6700 it’s Davis Thompson at 6,400 but I do want to point out uh two more so it’s Sheamus power and it’s uh Nick Dunlap I think both of these guys are really starting to Trend so Sheamus again was kind of miserable um at the end of last year and then is is starting to figure it out a little bit more but he’s now gained Strokes on approach basically every event dating back to API the putter is still a problem but I think he can figure that out he’s he’s been a good putter in his career the other thing is he’s currently playing in a US Open qualifier in Ohio uh as I speak which is which is Monday morning or Monday afternoon on the East Coast um he shot a 647 under in round one I know it is completely different but this is a feel I mean this field that he’s competing against is it’s got Luke list it has Andrew putam it’s got Hayden Buckley it’s got brandan Todd it’s got MJ Duffy Patrick Fishburn it has Kevin tway I mean it has PGA Tour players in cley I could go on and on there’s more you got to shoot a 64 he’s try to play himself into the US Open and I don’t know if he’s going to get in or not but I I like that he is playing good golf during this week Nick dunlap’s another one that we’ve been keeping a really close eye on um the gift and the curse of winning the American Express right and just being thrown into professional golf probably before you were ready and he started to figure it out around Houston and he started to make more Cuts than he was missing and the metric started to come back a little bit missed the cut at the PGA Championship I’m I’m not going to crush him for that very talented player and I think we’re just starting to get his his his feet underneath him so just two kind of Cheaper guys that could open up a little bit of salary cap relief then you know Wednesday during the live chat I’ll certainly know who has made the US Open how they played in those two rounds we’ll have a little bit more competitive golf coverage for a handful of these guys custom model let’s run a model here so you can run models for PGA Tour European tour corn fairy tour and there’s a live event this week as well in which we you can run models for and some of those guys are playing in US Open qualifiers too so here’s what I’m going to do here um gonna heavily wait uh Strokes gain TAA green right I mean I think that’s just it just just has to be so what we’re going to do is we’re going to do 20 off the te last 36 20 on approach last 36 20 around the green on the last 36 so that is 60 on weighted Strokes gained or excuse me uh I apologize that’s 60 on Strokes gained teer green we are also going to do um 10 on Strokes gained long courses 10 on Strokes gained hard courses and 10 on mirfield Village Course history okay our final 10 will then go it should probably just go on putting right if we if we want to be smart about this it should probably just go on putting so let’s do do bonus putting fast greens we could do bent let’s do bent let’s do our last on Strokes game bent grass our number one golfer is Scotty sheffler no surprise uh good luck trying to find somebody else in a model although it’s very close a very small Gap to Xander shle so Rory’s at uh Scotty’s at 9.9 Xander’s at 89.8 that’s like the closest anybody’s been to Scotty in quite some time Rory is three look who’s four Alex snor look who’s five k morow look who’s six Justin Thomas I think so man I think JT and Colin are trending norin I know he’s coming off the miscut but he’s been really good Hideki feno ludvig and Patrick Klay are 10th and even though Klay gets all that run for strokes gain hard Strokes gain mirfield Village Strokes gain long courses which he ranks top seven in all of those including first in mirfield Village those tto green ones are really beating him up which is interesting um Shane Lowry is 11 sew is 12 Victor is 13 Jordan be is 14 will Z Taurus is 15 that’s a fun one like that a lot okay well if you want to run a model you can go sign up at rickun and run as many models as you want and save them and Export them and upload them and do whatever you want but for now we’re going to stop there um I’m really excited for this week I’m really excited for the next couple weeks it’s going to be an absolute thrill a lot of great stuff coming to the website I’ll see you at the live chat on on Wednesday and uh yeah best of luck see you


  1. I somehow lucked my way into playing Muirfield twice, once before the redesign and once after. You don’t need to hear it from me, but it’s as tough as advertised. Accuracy off the tee and spin and distance control with the irons felt like the biggest requirements. The one thing that always stood out to me was the difficulty of the Par 3’s. All of them are demanding and have no clear bailout spots. As an amateur, I made my worst scores on those holes both times I played it

  2. That comment on Billy Ho was funny…”he missed the cut last year, he was missing cuts everywhere last year…” or something. I laughed out loud. But to Billy’s credit, he’s playing really well now.

  3. Speith has a hitch ion his swing. He can only drive off the tee because it’s elevated off the gourd. Don’t know why I should be sharing this information, but yeah watch the videos

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