Golf Babe

Bella McCauley is CLUTCH 🔥 #golf #ncaaregionals #nationalchampionship

I looked at my coach my assistant coach Matt and I said hey I hate playoffs like I hate playoffs like that is the worst feeling it’s not a good feeling it’s just there’s the pressure is heightened if whatever pressure was there it’s heightened times 10 and I said I hate it and he goes well do something about it then and I was like okay um I and I birdied the last hole in like crazy fashion made a 25 lter I was really thinking you know it was downhill breaking left to right so not the most comfort I’ve most of the time you’re ever over a left or WR or you know and but I was I was in the zone and I was kind of like all right let’s keep it close have good speed but I just had a really good feeling about this about this read and so I just when I hit it I mean it was like seven feet from the hole and I knew it was going in

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