How To Start The Golf Downswing Correctly

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In this video, Michael demonstrates the proper way to avoid rushing the downswing and create a smooth, fluid swing.

Michael Mitnick, the face behind ‘That Golf Grind’ is not just an influencer but a dedicated golfer passionate about improving his game. Through his relatable content, he provides a fresh approach to make it enjoyable for golfers of all skill levels.

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one of the biggest things I see people in the golf swing is they get up to the top and they get so excited they speed up almost the down swing we’re going to show you today how to not rush the down swing and create a nice fluid smooth swing hey guys it’s Michael welcome back to scratch Golf Academy today we’re going to talk about how to not rush the down swing and create a nice smooth Tempo in your swing you see the guys on TV they swing it so soaky smooth and you’re like how is it possible they’re hitting it so far it really doesn’t look like swing that hard well that’s kind of the Beauty and the mechanics of how they’ve been able to figure out their golf swing and you’ll learn that it’s slow as smooth smooth as fast that’s kind of the mindset we’re going to have you can have a nice F hard fast swing but if you’re not making good contact in the center of the face it’s not going to go very far so a nice slow smooth swing with good contact it’s going to reap way better shots out in the course and it’s going to be a lot more repeatable too so let’s talk about this issue that I see a lot of people do they get up to the top of the swing and one of the biggest things I see in my students is they’re getting up to the top of the swing like this and they haven’t even reached the top and now before they’ve reached the top everything starts to go forward they almost start the down swing before their hands have reached the top of the Swing now that’s a big problem because if we don’t let our hands properly set at the top right we don’t want our lower body or anything else to start to go before we get to the top cuz Watch What Happens we’re going here say I start lower body first now my hands are really really stuck behind my body is way out in front and then you’re probably going to miss it out to the right stab it into the ground not anything good right so I want you to think of this drill right here it’s a little bit silly one may say but I think it’s going to really help you out you’re almost going to feel a slight pause at the swing but I like to do is think of a nice two syllable word in my head so like think of a nice smooth Tempo you can even put a metronome here so I’m just going to use the word ice cream right now I know it’s a little bit silly but two syllables it works well so what I want you to think of in the first syllable of the word that is where you get the club to the top here now for the second syllable then you come through there’s the slightest bit of pause in between the two syllables right so if I’m like ice cream right if I’m saying that word there’s a slight pause I don’t want to rush the downwing where you’re saying ice cream right that’s that’s way too fast feel a distinct pause you don’t have to do the silly two syllable word thing but it it allows you to have something in your head to at least feel like you’re slowing down more likely than not even if you felt a pause at the top of your swing you wouldn’t be pausing in reality right you could say okay I’m going to you should pause at the top for one second and a lot of people would think they’re up here for eternity and then come through and they’re really not going to do that it looks like a normal swing right so the two- syllable word thing really helps you out and slows you down you can even think of like a snapping motion right a nice smooth sort of Rhythm and Tempo that can help as well but I want you to feel is nothing on the lower body starts until you have completed the back swing so until you get to a nice top position right here no weight has shifted no hips have gone you’re waiting until you’ve got to the top of your swing you’re nice and good here now you can come on through there’s almost a delayed reaction there when you practice this it might feel like you’re waiting forever but really feel like it’s two separate parts we’re getting to the top here and then now everything starts to go if we start rushing things now we’re in a really poor position to make this contact so nice and smooth feel distinct pause a distinct separation now go so we can try that two syllable word if that works for you or just a little pause here feel the pause no lower body has moved yet now go wasn’t the best contact but you don’t even need to hit a ball for the drill bring it to the top feel a pause nothing on the lower body has gone now go on and go through super important to feel distinct separation between back swing and downswing it’s going to help you out a lot so full speed here this is what it’s going to look like nice and smooth we’ll go one more I’m really just trying to slow everything down another thing that I’ve seen that has helped me is deliberately trying to slow down my back swing because if I Rush the back swing and especially the takeaway the whole Rhythm seems to be off so slowing that down seems to help try one more slow slow slow there we go a little out to the right but nonetheless good contact good Tempo is going to come with practice repetition all that good stuff if you find yourself moving too fast on the Range take a break take a drink of water slow yourself down you’re not going to get any better by hitting four shots in a row so give those things a try make sure to subscribe to scratch golf we have a ton of good stuff on here to help you out for free check out my stuff over on that golf grind I’ll see you guys out here real soon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]


  1. This is the opposite of what Adam Bazalgette teaches. And when you watch the pros, their hips shift forward before the hands reach the top of the swing.

  2. I totally agree. When I am too fast, I pull everything to the left. When I have an even tempo my swing is always in sync and I hit a great ball.

  3. Excellent job Michael on describing how to start the downswing correctly. I find myself not finishing my backswing which in turn throws me out of rhythm in making my downswing. Maybe your idea of "ice cream" will be a help in helping to get my transition right! We'll give it a try!

  4. Ice cream drill might really help some of us. I find hitting the driver to be still awkward after 50 years of trying to hit it. The 7 iron feels fine. Maybe ill finally start finding my swing …. the two words ice and cream ….. on my way ….

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