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CELTIC 2 RANGERS 1: Brendan Rodgers Places One Hand On Another Title After Glasgow Derby Win!

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Friday the 24th of May 20 minute Tims live at the Barz art design center our now famous end of season live podcast we be looking back on the season gone by we’ll be looking forward to the Cup Final the very next day and we’ll be handing out our end of season awards that are limited tickets left the link is every single place you’re watching this and on our Twitter 20 minute Tims live 24th of May bar art design center come and join us for an end of season podcast party now Stephen and Melly we booked this yeah when things are very much in the balance but like the end the season thing we like doing that don’t we that the same we did keep the H we kept The Hil the whole time and we booked the event thinking Celtic could be on it hiding nothing here if it doesn’t go our way and it all came down at this match basically on Saturday Mele and well Celtic did the business they did the business and look wasn’t he the best of games in the second half but when that final whistle goes and that sweet sweet relief Celtic are all but champions again and sometimes when you’re at the game you get lost in it but to basically seal the title by beating your biggest Rivals is a Sweet Sweet Sensation that you don’t get a lot of the time so when you do enjoy it enjoy every second of it oh definitely it’s it’s gone virtually to the wire this season it’s been a it’s been a long and challenging season and I don’t want to get too far ahead of ourselves there is one point to gain yeah there’s one one final point to collect and we better do it over the next couple of games make us look right mugs I just this is not the first time we have booked a venue for our end of season live show when things were looking a bit a bit dodgy and just first season was the first time we ever did it and we booked it for two nights after they our Europa League finals imagine imagine they end up winning the league and winning the Europa League we need to go there and do our pissing [ __ ] gags on stage in front of people trying to G up an atmosphere but thankfully Celtic have delivered for us and it should be a lot of fun this time around but the day itself absolutely Brant I’m not going to pretend anyone who will have heard out at the match podcast will be aware that I did not enjoy a single second of the second half because it was very very tense and I’ve looked back on it now I’ve watched I’ve watched the game back and it was clearly nowhere near as tense watching it the second time as it as in the stadium that’s that’s what the atmosphere is there really for but it was it was dodgy at times in the second half I thought but that just makes it all the more all the more sweet so you’ve already used meele but the relief see when see when colum finally blew that whistle after it felt like about 12 minutes of injury time even though it wasn’t the the atmosphere just the weight just lifted off absolutely every it was Party Time really I could not hack it I honestly I could barely hold it together that second half every straight pass the guy next to me had to be like well you calm down I’m like mate you don’t know how much as riding on this you’re try booking up venue no it’s not it’s just that the Rangers fans the comments I know everything that we’ve had thrown at his off season I was like there so many jokes I’ve got hanging off the back of this but the G so many receipts so many receipts but even just like the game itself it was so tense and the way Celtic it was I was just like taking it in five minute blocks I’m right okay that five minutes out the way it was like do you know what it’s like it was like like getting a tattoo or something you know you just sort of switch off and endure the pain like now again watching it back it wasn’t as tense as on the moment but in the stand I was like oh I was tearing my head out I could not cope same is that what happened that’s what happened I thought it was in this podcast with Mele very neatly done when I was teing the one by one very close on top now but I I know I I totally feel you it was like Celtic contributed to that thought but even that like it’s clear watching it back again there was a game plan at play here right I could see what Celtic was trying to do but even the problems with that I thought were in the second half it became quite apparent to me I could only speculate of course what was going through Brendon rogers’s head but it looked like Celtic were very much showing Rangers that look we’re taking the sting out of this game we’re slowing this right down what you going to do about it the problem with that is right if you slow it right down it feels like all of our team are a bit flat footed we’re kind of diling on Dilly ding on the ball a little bit we’re inviting them onto his they stick on a couple of fast players so they stuck on mland and Yas later on the second half and we we look great we look Cal and then pass the ball R hat and all of a sudden it’s Panic stations he just gives it away so that contributed to the tension a little bit I feel and I think as well Mele what tributed to tension me for my part was we know there’s weaknesses in this Celtic team we know this isn’t a vintage Celtic team and the way Rangers scored their goal I mean we all basically could have predicted how Rangers goal was going to end up in the back of the net cross to the back post and it and it goes you just think one of those one of those again you get caught under that and it can all go AR ey and that that is the problem isn’t it because this Celtic team have conceded a lot of late goals this season uh our game Management on the field hasn’t been great we’ve seen Subs come on and cause absolute Anarchy for us rather than the other team so I think with a Celtic team it’s not a vintage team like you say and we don’t have that team that they could just think this team will just see this out the last 10 minutes we’ll just keep ball because we honestly we don’t have the players to do it a lot of the time and that game just sort of encapsulated the whole season I think we went into this game thinking right there’s that Hearts game just do that again this team are incapable of doing that they’ve got over the line they’ve done very well to get over the line but this just encapsulated everything we had a brilliant performance in the first half where you had a bit of everything in there we had a bit of VAR in there as well you had a penalty Miss in there and you had a second half where Celtic looked like they could have thrown it away really and conceded a late goal it just had everything about this season encapsulated into this game didn’t mention the red card there by the way but so we’ll come to that the red card the penalty mess it was just everything even the penalty mess has got to be a strong Contender for the worst penalty we had this season it’s a it’s a pretty it’s a pretty busy category as well and I think that is that has won it so there’s a bit of everything in there and look the team got over the line but that I think that’s just what this season is going to be isn’t it getting over the line but they be left a title at the end so take it every day well I know but if you’re Rangers I mean Philip kog to come to the managers right we’re going to come to Brandon Rogers obviously but film clont I was listening to his pre-match press conference for the dunde game today and see if I’m a Rangers Fan what both watching that team and listening to that manager he’s fallen into the same trap a lot of these other didies have fallen into before and he’s vastly underestimating Celtic he is massively underestimate a team that he’s not managed to beat all season three times three times a team he’s not managed to beat he’s like well over the last six months we’ve only been one point the XG was at this is glasgo no the cares about XG when you’re no you know second as last remember H Bill absolutely slaughtered van broadcasting a lot of things blaming him for all his misgivings and all that this is kind of falling into the same trap it’s no my team it’s it’s all the same excuses all before see what I’m hearing I’m talking about XG and so many points over the past it means the guy doesn’t get it and it’s great because as a c fan I I just thought the one thing that we’ve enjoyed is dominance over Rangers it’s 12 title wins in 13 years you’ve never seen a likees and the one they won was in Co so does the count was at it right but watching this manager make the same mistakes and he’s just underestimating Celtic as a team and he’s underestimating Brandon Rogers as a manager you’re never going to get a better chance to win a league no that is the worst Celtic team I’ve ever seen win a league against a Rangers team genuinely one of the worst Celtic teams since we’ve been doing this podcast for sure but the way he underestimated Brendon Rogers after after the match Brendon Rogers came up with some scores to settle he was talking about how he he was going through the motions he’s been treated like a novice and I thought to myself there’s there’s probably a bit in that for or there probably was some reserve for Philip clemont because I think Brandon Rogers has done a honestly a magnificent job with with this I think he has had he’s had to all the sort of analogies that Apollo 13 it’s been almost F so I think Brandon Rogers has had to work harder to get this title over the line maybe than any other title he’s ever won or anything else he’s ever won anywhere because unquestionably in terms of his titles I think this is by far the most challing in terms of achievements in terms of anthy’s done at Swansea or an he did at Liverpool I think this he’s had to work as hard than he’s talking about these 12 hour days that he puts in and how after he finishes at Lenox town he goes back and he watches more football because that’s what it took that that’s what it took and I think every utterance every press conference every from we’ll write our own story to we’ll not finished yet to bringing back James Forest to trying a million different players to rely on all these wee bits and Bobs that Brandon Rogers probably didn’t want to do but ended up having to do to get this title over the line that’s the difference between these two managers I think so and even if Philip clemont is not actually he’s not literally underestimating Celtic and Brendon Rogers what he’s doing is performatively doing it in public which is just as dangerous isn’t it it’s it’s really the the end result is the same if he’s out there talking about how again we’ve seen it so many times we’ve seen it all before next season will be different see when I get I know he’s not literally saying this but that that becomes very quickly The Narrative when it comes to Rangers fans see when he gets his own players see when remember the the B thing about how the first game of this season was his first game I I won my first six games even though he’d been there for like six months prior to that but Spot the Difference in the manager see wasn’t going Brandon Rogers way a couple of months ago not one excuse came out of that guy’s mouth responsibility single excuse as M said responsibility accountability it’s not over yet we’ll write our own story not one time that they go I well I’ve got these players are injured and I’ve get this it’s that he’s just like that trust me you took the words right out of my mouth because I’ll take it on he has said a lot of things this season and at times we are winsing thinking oh see that I’ll see you in May or come back and see me in May stuff see that or you can you can winse a little bit when you hear that cuz you think that’s going to that’s going to be the story of this season if if it doesn’t go well but In fairness to Brandon Rogers he has not shied away from any of it he has not backed down a single step he has not made a single excuse for the season yes he has criticized the overall quality of the of the team but he’s not pulled that out of nowhere we all agreed on this we all we all examined the squad and and thought just as you said there Jim is is one of the weakest overall squads that we’ve we’ve had as a a title winner against any Rangers team for for a very long time so we did have a have a go at the overall quality but he hasn’t started going well you know see if you start the points from this part of the season see actually look up see disregard all that stuff I’m actually doing quite a good job really if you if you discount all the stuff I’ve done badly I’m actually a really good manager playing well M he’s no saying I don’t have Rio I don’t have C Carter Vickers when these guys come back things will be different what he was doing was I’ll fix it I’ll fix it trust me he fix it and he did and he deserves enormous credit for it I think you know there’s been as you said in the post match there’s been question marks over Brandon Rogers this year and from the press and fans and just other people sort of saying like I don’t know if he’s in it I don’t know if it’s hearts in I don’t know if it’s going to work out maybe he’s maybe he’s finished as a minute maybe he’s but it’s just I just think that this is no I don’t think if you swap managers will you win the league I don’t think if there’s many other managers in charge of this Celtic team this League titles won I think it takes somebody the level of Brandon Rogers to get this over the line in the way that he did oh definitely because with this team I just don’t see it a lot of the time and the game showed that the weekend is that you can get a good half and then you get a poor half but I think with Brendon Rogers it’s always been we’ll sort it we’ll come up with ways we’ll work on things but with clont it’s just it’s the usual it’s try to save face for him like we since I came in I got a job but the reason you’re in the job is because the guy before you wasn’t doing well so you can he just go and start from scratch you get to do that next season but you’re putting yourself on the back foot already this sorry sorry Carri on interrupted you there no it’s just he’s put himself in the back foot already because look he might go out and win the Scottish cup hopefully not but if Celtic win the Scottish cup that’s four games he’ll have against us that he’s failed to win going into next season the first games at Celtic Park if you go into the first couple of games of the Season you don’t go through in the Champions League then you’ve got a game at Celtic Park which will probably be the about the fourth game in it usually is if you lose that it’s just the same cycle the last two managers of the or the last however many managers of Rangers have been on so you just need to come in we were told it was different man of substance he’s clearly got something he doesn’t take anything off mday all I’m seeing is a guy doing the same things he’s honestly a signing away a signing of a long thrower away from being Tony pulis for me it’s just agricultural stuff get the ball full back launch up and see what you can work off that’s all I see from him the last word I’m going to have on clont is he only came in in September and Celtic have won now what as I said 12 with the last 13 they’ve scooped up absolutely everything Brandon Rogers as a manager wins everything every time he sets foot in Scotland hardly anybody take set off him they get knocked out The League Cup this season was the first time that’s ever happened to him why clont couldn’t just said I’ve been here 6 months they win everything all the time we will get there eventually but it’s not going to be instant we’re going to have to work hard at it but it’s not it’s what you say Stephen it’s this constant need to save face all the time and it just doesn’t it doesn’t wash with me and it’s this was the best chance you get this was your chance to be a Rangers manager that won a title and you below it you below it I wish I was eating a Sandage I great reference there Top Notch but um even even stuff yeah I’ve caught the I haven’t seen the whole thing but I saw the clip of Philip clont making the injuries excuse and I know that in this specific game he’s probably right Rangers had a few injuries Celtic were quite strong in comparison to this season but that’s in compar in comparison to this season Celtic have been dealing with injuries to key players the whole time the whole the whole time and even look I know that he wasn’t necessarily responsible it turned up to I Brooks with scales and lagera in central defense for various selections like Yang and Palma and all that have played and have completely Fallen at the picture ever since the Celtic have it’s not exactly been plain sailing and any implication of that is completely ludicrous for me I know that on that on that day Celtic probably had the the stronger Squad do something about it then work work with that don’t make ridiculous subs don’t put your best player at Center half just so you can take a center half off and try playing a bit of football yeah yeah don’t don’t have your your main Hardman midfielder get himself sent off within 44 minutes or whatever it was he’s not like to do that by the way I learned this we’ll talk about this right because it’s caused Kenny Miller a lot of disconcertion if that’s a word right but clont said that John lrom knows he’s not allowed to tackle from that far out it’s one of the key components of our team it’s written up on the dressing room wall and I want to know the exact wording of that no no long no slides is that one the rules live laugh love no ludicrous Sadies from 40 yards we’ve all got our work in the morning no sles yeah win score don’t get sent off yeah that’s Bas simple stuff yeah but I think with clont I’m looking at how I watched the game back and watching how Rangers play even before they went down to 10 men long before it it was get the ball to a center half for a fieldb and play it down the line and hope for the best but when I look at the Celtics defense the thing that they struggle with is when the ball is out wide and Crosses are coming so work the ball out wide in a better way rather than working off scraps but Liam scales for all his faults the one thing he will do is head any ball away and that’s all Rangers done was plant balls on him and C Vickers thank you for my favorite food it so like I said I don’t know what Rangers are doing are they employing the same manager over and over or are they employing different managers but they just get inbred into this way of playing that it has to I’m not going to correct you like I me it gets put in that they just have to play like this and have to get the ball forward and dig in mid field and all that but it doesn’t work gen I think it’s sorry to jump in I I genuinely think it’s a club culture thing now because it can’t be a coincidence that they keep employing these managers with exactly the same approach to games and it’s exactly the same excuse making that we see we’ve already said this twice so far since we’ve started it that it’s a pattern emerging so every manager comes out and starts making excuses about how it’s going to be different next season and every manager employs the same tactics so it must be something that when you get in the door at Rangers someone tells you what it’s all about and you need to stick to that you need to save face in this absurd manner where you just start making excuses and telling us stuff telling us this guy is green because we all assumed it was Jimmy Bell it’s not him anymore not him anymore unless that’s written in the dressing room as well he he left his stone tablets that they consult before before these Derbies every time yeah I think the problem is really you Rangers come up against Celtic the look at our Midfield of hatti Callum McGregor and especially Mt who we going to talk about later on the podcast and they just think there’s no way we can compete with that and I really think it’s that simple I think all these Rangers managers have had the same problem because largely they’ve had the same players they come up against an absolutely tremendous Midfield especially with C McGregor especially with M he’s going to go I’ll just kick off their heads it’s hard to argue with that but when we are getting told sent is oh we’ve just signed a 12 million pound player rasan was the next big thing wasn’t he Todd can’t well brilliant but they even Off the Bench doesn’t start these games was that not the second or third one he started on the bench Lawrence diam oh he’s the it’s always the next guy is the best and it’s always a midfielder yet they don’t go up against it Celtic go into these games and pretty much go into every game they don’t change what they do to suit other teams but Rangers come into these games go ah see that our most creative player we can’t trust him in these games so we’ll need to take him out see these guys we need to bring in players they bring in different players and put them in different positions to try and negate Celtic play your own game but they don’t have that within them right we need to talk about the the the tackle that sent Kenny Miller into the moon talking about the Joo one that sent him into space this that’s a in many ways I don’t think he ever recovered no I don’t think itly appears not this a John lundstrom thing I mean at the game I thought it was a bad tackle but I didn’t think it was a red and then as I came out of the game and I saw the replays I thought I that’s a or at halftime rather whenever I saw the replay is pretty obvious every single person on the planet minus one that that that is a red card tackle but then Kenny Miller goes in this mad tied of it’s I this day the walk mind virus of V means that’s a red and Chris I think some BR least even it’s a red card in 197 and it’s a red card today oh there was some good rebuttal to what he was saying but I’ll get into that but Kenny Miller completely embarrassed himself I’m not saying anything new he completely showed his ass on live TV and it was mortifying really of course like everyone in this room we were all at the game so we weren’t parted to this at the time we only found out about Kenny Miller’s ramblings of a mad man later on right so once i’ consumed that I was kind of astonished at what he was he was doing I would go as far to say and I’m trying not to be hyperbolic about this but I I would go as far to say it is possibly in another strong category possibly the most embarrassing piece of punditry I’ve ever consumed in my life and not just because of how wrong he was because it was very very wrong and it was very very clear that he was very very wrong from the the word go and everyone in the studio told him he was being ridiculous everyone involved but because not just because he was so wrong but he couldn’t stand up a single inch of it so he couldn’t he couldn’t back up anything what what he was trying to express other than Akino it’s just this V I think he was trying to raid that wave so I thinks I think he was trying to sort of jump on this bandwagon of well every hates V if I like V will all agree with me but it it doesn’t extend to that that that’s nonsense at that point he he completely embarrassed himself and he couldn’t stand up to any scrutiny and there was actually a rare piece of bruant punditry from James mcfaden at the time so he basically how that that sequence of events was he kept denying everything he wasn’t out of control he didn’t go in too hard this that it was a a clear yellow if far doesn’t get involved nobody cares that that’s a yellow Etc so James mcfaden in a very rare turn away from pundits not specifically James mcfaden but pundits often just settle into football speak James M F parted the football speak to one side and actually used some normal person logic so if he’s in control here and he lands on Al Johnson Shin he meant it oh you saying he meant it no I’m that’s not what I’m saying but listen to what you’re saying he’s under control and the final result of his controlled tackle was the plant his shin or plant his foot directly on aliser Johnson Shin that’s a direct contradiction of what you’re saying here if the if what you set out to do is different to what the outcome was you were in no control of it whatsoever so by definition he was completely out of control’s problem was he couldn’t understand that logic either he’s like what you’re using lots of words yeah yeah can I don’t know where you’re going but it’s annoying me that I don’t have any sort of but and he get angrier and angri and I think the best thing for me was this Kenny Miller thing was he he then felt the need as it’s quite a modern thing with pundit tree isn’t it he then felt the need from all these other media appearances that they hold that same go because this is my opinion now so he’s on BBC he’s got to stick with that and then whatever else on when M all I could have said was do you know what see in the moment I did get caught up and I thought it wasn’t worth the red and I thought I better back myself up a wee bit but actually haven’t seen it a couple of times clear red but there’s just there’s none of that in punditry now is there it’s and there’s like this need to be you must being correct is the most important thing even when you’re incorrect even when you’re incorrect it’s not like your usual Chris Boyd where he’s got the tinted specs on and he’s just doing it for there a bit of cheekiness behind it the up and he knows what he’s doing and he wants Chris Boyd to be talked about it wasn’t he that it was just she lunacy from the guy when I got home from the game I hadn’t seen it all but look on Twitter and then it’s seven minutes like I’m not going to watch that I watched every second I was like see if I’m ever struggling a we bit I’ll just put that on and go things AR that bad it was just Preposterous what he was saying Chris Sutton making these faces beside him every single person in the studi giv him the opportunity to say we’re giving you the chance to change your and he just it and then he go beyond that go f and talk about again you’re embarrassing CU we see a lot of punditry like Steven saying where people are arguing and you go this is getting a wee bit too much it’s no nice to watch that but the Kenny Miller thing like please I just keep going keep going just keep embarrassing yourself because it’s just one of those words even the next day when you wake up like didn’t even have B an excuse you have no excuses yeah another classic from Ghost Face Miller once once again see aside from the hilarity of it and the ideasy of it it’s just barefaced ignorance it’s just a denial of the rules it’s this it’s it’s no better an opinion than your average guy pulled at the loud didn’t he talk to to talk to sky sport often the case is it it’s it’s a denial of the rules as well so there’s this weird thing where we find it acceptable again we we seem to get the media we deserve in this country because people will go in there and be like Oh class he gets up the Tims brilliant well again we we get what we deserve in that regard if you stand up for for these guys just making a tool of themselves and and indeed the audience then that’s exactly what we’ll get but there’s this weird thing where they think it’s necessary to say well all the decisions are wrong but even if they’re right it’s the rules that are wrong so there no the the game’s gone it’s but I’m sorry again this doesn’t apply no as you said like that that’s a red card in the in the 1970s as Chris Sutton said there is no decade of my life where I’ve I’ve been on this planet where that is not a straight red card and I’ll admit as well when I saw it in the stadium my my view is not good of it cuz it’s way over the other side of the pitch and it happens very fast to me it looked in the in in full speed like lrom had maybe slid past Johnston and the way he kind of went down it looked as if he’d maybe swept his ankles away on the way past but when you see it back it’s just it’s undeniable and it’s inarguable so why are we wasting time letting this lunatic argue about it on on the TV it made for it made for great entertainment but again it boils down to this is the way that the game is covered in this country and it’s just not good enough what H do you think that was what caused the injury Johnson cuz he was he was struggling we always hear about potential leg Breakers and you’re always like come on that was a potential that is what they talk about and it’s another Kenny Miller has just set back any talk of VAR being Bend with his utter lunacy again hasn’t he that is why V’s there the referee missed it and to be fair to the referee probably in this time because of the view we had I think he was looking at our side you can see why maybe fought in the the how fast it went maybe he just caught him and that was it and he was quick out with the yellow card hoping to diffuse the situation but as soon as you see it again it’s a blatant red card for all to see and it’s another one where you think maybe we do need V for moments like this cuz we can always go on about the referees but in that instance I’m not too sure if he was to blame for not red carding them but as soon as you see again it’s a total red card it couldn’t be anymore so it helped us out again and it’s that one again right we want benar but also refs miss a lot don’t they that that the whole VAR thing right again we’ve had many complaints about VAR we we’ve had it all season we’ve the recurring segment on here talking about how bad VAR is but on this rare occasion actually worked it’s actually served its purpose here and Kenny Miller’s whole thing was it’s just all this modern rubbish as if as if a tackle like that two years ago would have been absolutely fine it’s completely and utterly ridiculous I mean still the rare situation the the referee standing bu his his own penalty call on that I thought that was I still don’t know if it was a I still don’t know if it was a penalty I mean he but we have but again by the standard that we set just a couple of weeks ago at I Brooks any form of contact in the box is basically a penalty now not the penalty seem to do is very well because as you said stepen it was probably the worst you said the worst penalty the worst penalty season but I thought if we scored that penalty we were on four or five I thought it would be party time after that and I so desperately wanted another goal in the game it felt like we needed it at that point as well because 21 feels dangerous especially having gone two n up and then conceded within what a minute and a half or something that felt like maybe maybe slightly longer than that I can’t remember was condensed into that sort of probably five minutes of play was two go three goals and a red card but because of the stoppages and all that was probably a bit longer very very frantic the the penalty itself I I try my best to remain consistent on what I generally believe about decisions and rules and all that I accept I know well I don’t always know what the rules are but when I have it explained to me I think you know that’s fair enough i’ I’ve learned something there it kind of falls into the same category as the excuse me bust into tears there The Lager bioka thing on Des from earlier this season I reacted to that by thinking we’ve got away with one there that that’s a a weird decision but then I had the rule explained to me and I thought right okay do I agree with that not necessarily but it makes sense if that’s what the rules are so that this penalty again fell into that category I thought it was it kind of one of those ones where I don’t know if diandy could have done much about it but the the rule is that if you block someone from playing the ball who is in control of the ball at the time then that is therefore a f and it’s the exact same thing as so hilariously there was Rangers fans all over Twitter or X rather um claiming that oh we want this consistency and there was like a side by-side picture of those um those decisions being made I’m like that that’s the same it’s the same decision being made in both instances the add dictionary definition of consistency I don’t know what you are talking about here but if I’m honest I wouldn’t have been too upset had we not been given that because it’s just one of those ones it’s a kind of gray area there was a a touch there but again we go back to what we said at the time what we learned at the time is if you touch someone in the Box you’re in danger of coning a penalty that’s what happened with Fabio Silva and alist Johnson so if it’s a penalty so be it listen I’m I’m going to let mat really off for missing because he was absolutely brilliant I see the Player of the Year Awards at the hydro last night as we recall this Player of the Year young Player of the Year players Player of the Year mat is absolutely unbelievable melee and on in that game in particular he was dead on his feet by the end of the match but I just thought he was just imperious and he was he was it took him a as he said he took him a we about to get his eye in for his goal but I thought he took his goal absolutely brilliantly he’s he’s such a pivotal and crucial player in these games do you think he turned up to the hydro like one of those people who go in holiday and take an extra suitcase so they can bring back like vodka and [ __ ] and all that as well so he he thought I’m going to be taking a lot home here I’m going to need I’m going to need luggage here he took he took well there was that was all the awards to win was that part for goal of the Season kyogo won that for his goal against Rangers but everything else m o really sweep to but in the game m o was just brilliant I’m really going to I think the writings on the wall come Sumer for M but I just think these he going to be a player that we look back on especially in these big games we just think the class above yeah it’s got to the point now but it’s just look enjoy him because we know it’s inevitable what’s going to happen because he is too good he’s too good for this league he’s too good to be playing the bums in this league isn’t he Rangers can’t challenge him so he has to move on because he’s at that level now like we’ve seen with guys like van dijk and DeBell where it’s just you’re not going to get much better playing here are you like if he did stay at be brilliant and we’ve got eight Champions League games but if he could go elsewhere and play teams at that level all the time and that’s not to say he’s going to be go on and be a world beater but there’s certain players that just look too good at Celtic and he’s one of them but there’s players that come and go and you think they’re sort of working the ticket or they’re ready to move on mat’s just done everything perfect for me by that penalties came in embraced Celtic embraced the culture he spoke about it and he speech last night how when he first came he didn’t quite understand it but now he knows how massive the club and he lives and breathes it and I he’s just done everything right and it’s just everything about him’s been brilliant performances have done it but he’s been brilliant how many times is that he’s played against Rangers and get M of the match I think that’s at least three maybe I can remember we had a couple of goals couple of shots a free kick which I thought from when it was in the ground I thought it was in the back of the net he just he’s just one of these players that you just know is going to turn up in these ranges he’s he’s really becoming a bit of a I know it’s a bit sad as another play want to talk about later but is a bit of an icon he’s like of this era definitely M cuz at the end of last season I remember we were talking about about sort of players that we could maybe push on now and there was a sky sports article about him how he was like first for everything tackles one in the opposition half passes into the opposition area you get the most assists last season you think it’s just goals he’s missing and this year he’s brought that to his game so there’s nothing else this guy can do really he’s been Absolut Majestic tremendous player on the par looks brilliant just has the full package and it’s going to he’s going to be solely Miss he’s Irreplaceable so Celtic need to do something they haven’t done in a long time and is buy good players because even just looking at that match the lineup for the match not a single player bought in the last two windows started that game and if you want to go further back the last four windows it’s alist Johnston was the only guy that started the Celtic are going to have a big hole in the Midfield but they need to fill the rest of the team with good players cuz quite simply you’re not going to get another M you can forget about it you’re just going to have to get another player and make the rest of the team better around them Steven 1.5 million robbery isn’t it disgraceful people keep retweeting that post from middlesburg gloating that they got Ry mcre yeah yeah who who it’s Destin to always be part of that story isn’t it what what could have been it’s it’s one of those ones where for once Celtic have benefited out of it because quite often the the narratives that build up these transfers is that we could have had Ivan Tony but went for Al or we we had David janola in the in the building back in the day but went for I don’t know Reggie blinker or something whatever it was back in the day so for once it’s actually nicely worked out for Celtic R mcgree might have been a very good player for Celtic as well I’m sure he would have been but it just shows you that it’s not always about like getting your number one target or that it everything else is a failure M really was like a maybe just seen as like a backup option yeah if we don’t get R mcgree he’s the he’s the guy the manager wants he’s worked with him with Australia but this guy might be able to do a job and then he comes in and a couple of years later he’s an absolute main stay and as you describe him a potential icon of the club for this era so I I don’t want to fall too easily into the Trap of talking about what it’s going to be like when he when he’s gone but I think we’ve all come to terms with there’s not really much point in talking about it I I I dismayed at the time I wasn’t happy about people just writing him off this season not writing him off but people having a got him for having his head turned after the Atletico links or atico approach actually it wasn’t it just links for all B accounts that actually happened and I remember I was thinking recently about how we were saying at the time look if you even think about selling if you even dream dream about mat sing m in this January window you better wake up and apologize to this quite frankly because you think back in how this season played out sell him at that point we have chucked away this league completely chucked away we’re never winning this league without him but I remember the The Talk t about how he’s he’d kind of down TOS or his head been turned and he wasn’t trying as hard but he went I buy that for a minute rubish he went through a bit of a bad dip that that was it the rest of the team it’s going to it’s going to happen to a 22 23 year old footballer during the course of a season you’re not going to have a a full season where you’re absolutely Flawless you can’t maintain that level of output that M was putting in but he was scoring left and right massive goals at last minute goal at motherwell and all that like huge goals huge contributions this season I think even at the end of the season here he scored something like five in his last six or seven games or something like that 16 goals and 17 assists off season and that includes twice against Rangers once in that um semi-final he’s been the the massive moments he’s been involved in this season are numerous so I think he’s a a worthy winner of Player of the Year there couple of candidates in there it’s not been a great a vintage season as we all decided but it was actually quite surprising to me how close it was between and Joe Hart there was a lot of people voting for Joe Hart in terms of the players but I think it’s comfortably M really and you know I know we spoke about this last week about how you know shankland was always going to get it because of the number of goals he scored but I think that’s just an unfortunate thing that you score that number of goals it’s it’s difficult to ignore but m is the best player in this country by that’s why I was so scun by this shank thing I’m like it doesn’t matter like players vote for their own player and whatever and I don’t know how much I don’t know how much voting actually takes place but there is no doubt to me that mat is the best player in this league by a m by a huge distance he absolutely loves these games against Rangers Mele and so does dies in MAA he is another he in his in his he’s whereas o might be an icon I think maa’s becoming a bit of a cult hero for Celtic he’s just he loves these games throws himself right into the crowd comes out after the game post on X saying I didn’t realize you got booked and like doesn’t matter wholesome as always from he’s allowed that but again he just he done he did on Saturday what McGregor did the week before in that tracking back I think was a point in the second half maybe he just bust yeah track him back and got to the ball back you think that is it that’s why we need you guys I’m so glad we’ve got him nailed down yeah I think the start the season we’re about new contract for him and not TW sure how he’s going to fit into Rogers but we’ve seen when he’s been out the team that we really miss this guy it’s so difficult to describe him like I don’t know if we’ll ever we’ve never had or whatever will have another player like him because everybody can see what he brings but you can also see what he doesn’t bring but you forget all of that because of what he does do for us and the tracking back the FY puts into Rangers a guy that sometimes you think I see against the bottom of the league might not be the best game to play him but see any good team you put him in straight away it’s a a very weird situation but he’s just tremendous like that touch was absolutely Sublime where he takes the ball down puts in a good Ball but if he tries to do that again it might not work out for him he does always best finish him when he’s caught offside yeah yeah yeah but for the the second goal that just in that crazy sort of spell where Cameron cter Vickers did exactly what Rangers were trying to do the whole game in failing has picked out his own player with that he’s away he’s at tavener cuts the ball back and then the ball’s in the net and him jumping into the crowd will be one of those iconic moments when we’re looking back on this period of success which we’ve had quite a lot of but when you look back on this you’ve got the things like J and when he jumped into the crowd at dundy United or when he done the celebration against Rangers da MAA is going to be right up there with that he’s absolutely brilliant just a great character a great person to have around the sister-in-law met him in Kelvin Grove Park after the game out with his kids just the GL life AB absolutely loving it like we talk about the the fear that he brings to Rangers as as you’ve just described it’s like a meme but it’s true yeah that’s exactly what I mean it’s like we talk about it in the abstract there a was just this sort of idea they’re going to be terrified but you look at the the actual evidence of it you look at the the tangible benefits that Celtic get from it that’s the two games in a row against Rangers where Celtic have scored goals purely by D and made just willing it into into existence so he chased down toer who smashed the off him into the bottom corner at I Brooks this time he puts the fear into their into their defense puts it across and you did Lun of the services you said the ball ended up in the back of the net without acknowledging what a great finish it was wow hque one I don’t know what he was trying because his body position the ball’s coming from here and the Go’s there and he opens up his whole body and passes it right at the back he’s on net I think he’s tried to pull out just at the last second because you see him kind of see him kind of draw his foot back but at that point it’s too late it’s just a beautiful finish point at something else if it’s there I saw that I did it was it was a very half-hearted point I think he was pointing at colum because column got in his way away bit when he was running back but how you link that to him smashing into the bottom corner from about six Tav because again Taver both goals come down that don’t they come on but D was left to say about the guy absolutely brilliant again crucial and I think it’s it’s probably overstated now how supposedly limited he is in terms of his you know football and Technical ability yeah it does have shortcomings those crosses are absolutely wild at times but if you take that pace and that closing down and all those sort of other things and he’s only got his football technical ability like he’s not very good yeah but you add that X Factor and the dies in X Factor and this is what makes the guy yeah of course and again it’s the obvious there a big cliche but if you put all of that together he’s never at a million years he’s playing for Atletico Madrid or something so you need to kind of take that off with the smooth because there’s an awful lot of smooth when it comes to playing against Rangers is is the the secret weapon that no team can really plan for I don’t it’s all very well having speed and you know determination and all that but as I said like he’s he’s basically forcing them into seeding goals against Celtic purely by his presence purely by the pressure that he puts on that team it’s not just I mean Rangers will play against fast players all the time it’s it’s not something that’s unique to Celtic or unique to dais they’ve played European games even in Scotland there there some plenty quick players around but no one quite with that that intensity about it it’s it’s really hard to replicate and they don’t know how to deal with it it’s quite ironic though because as meley said earlier on quite rightly Rangers quite often change things to to combat what they think or stop Celtic doing the attacking and playing the way they want to play but the one thing they never change is Tav on dies Maya and the one thing we know that does work is Tav for them is Taver On Da MAA and they went out in the summer as you pointed out before we even switched the M on and signed a right back who kind of get a sniff at right back because they’re so wedded to playing Taver at right back he just get he terrorized by my literally terrorized I mean he must dread these games he really must dread these games because he’s completely ineffectual and wa the opposite that he causes Rangers goals yeah the only thing he’s got is like he does get them a lot of goals but it’s always set pieces isn’t it it’s always penalties fre kicks corners but I think we is that where set pieces are yeah that’s it that’s the definition of it I think with MAA a lot of Rangers play was get out to the left back and then go down the line maybe that’s just like this is the furthest away point we can get from MAA surely if we get it down that side he can’t be back cuz what you’re talking about is like what the Rangers do to sort of stop him because Silva was miles ahead of him da is basically not in the picture and then gets back in and sil’s like can I what can I he did Taver very early on tavir went on a run from right back to try and drift inside so he drifted in towards the kind of central Midfield area D just kind of shoulder buz him at the way and took the ball Tav went flying he was claiming for a foul and all that but it was a a brilliant intervention because there certain players like like with the arjin robin thing it’s stop him doing that but that’s easier said but with da MAA you can’t stop him running at you and get taken the ball can you he’s just he’s so fast he’s so aware of the things and that Celtic were just pressing them and pressing them and causing them havoc in that first half and even with the we’ve sort of brushed over it but the first goal one of the best goals Celtic have scored this season 13 or 14 passes the way we find the space and people drop in and M really drags somebody out wide which creates a space for K McGregor to run into great running from McGregor and then Forest holds it up quite nicely as well for was very good in the game that look up Celtics team was full of guys like Joe heart Cameron Carter Vickers car McGregor Matt Ry da ma kugo guys that have been and done it in these games and that show up in these games Rangers had none of that and they just couldn’t live with Celtic in that first half all it takes is Celtic to get in that two goal lead and where we did concede H the the goal but as soon as it got to halftime he pretty much do look we’re going to win this game but my thoughts turn to give them a doing cuz I don’t want them having anything coming up to this Scottish cup didn’t quite pan out that way but this again it’s another one where Rangers go what do we do to beat this team because that’s four times this season we’ve had three opportunities under clont boting the ball up the pitch isn’t they going to work so what’s next I thought I final thing on the the D versus Rangers thing and how they set up for it going into the game you and I spoke before the game on our at the match podcast about you get that oh thanks for asking glad you ask you can get it on 20min Tims for all for all that lovely stuff on there all that delightful content on there extra videos extra content extra podcasts extra writing all that stuff I think there’s a link in every bio and I suppose you probably think well that must be £10,000 a month yeah incorrect incorrect it’s it’s a steal starts at250 I can’t even get a match Day program for months I can’t get so you’re saying I can get a whole month of podcast support my favorite podcasts help us improve the podcast get adree listening y all for 250 a month it’s insane we’ve gone crazy happy money yes indeed it is so when when going into the game I thought well at least that’s interesting because they’ve got the Sterling out on that side that’s probably as a means to try and shut down so they can have kind of The Best of Both Worlds here you can have Taver and all the threat we’ve already spoken about the set pieces and all that meanwhile you can have a little bit more speed and athleticism on that side to maybe try and cope with that but as soon as they get a man sent off they just abandoned that and stuck him at Center half and I thought again just playing into the Celtics hands here why I don’t know we do this in Scotland don’t we you can drop your captain that’s Madness but meanwhile Sterling appears to be by quite a long way now the best player the most versatile player and that’s probably what’s holding him back now because he he just get shunted all over the pitch depend on what they need on the day when really he should have been playing right back this whole time you the solution to that is no don’t make a loser the captain of the football club yeah correct you get one and done and you B him if he’s not good enough compare just compare the stature of captains I mean you said James forest was great in the game and he came on another Master stroke from Brandon Rogers I think Callum McGregor was asked before the game about canwell some comment about kwell saying um he he’s looking forward to playing you again and he thinks he wants to win the game more than you and mcre laugh and went that’s his opinion fair enough and then lo and behold Camp doesn’t even make he didn’t make a p there he didn’t go the Ben no that’s another weird one right The Bu was caged the pigeon was caged that’s another weird one so they stick Tom Lawrence on Callum McGregor to kind of follow him around and shut them shut call McGregor down that he’s not the first rangers manager to try and identify that that’s the way to stop Celtic play as just stick somewh in K McGregor rarely works but it’s it’s something that they try and do Tom Lawrence was completely invisible in the game he made a made a mess of it he filed K McGregor quite early on K McGregor laughed at it got up and caugh it said something to the effect also the new Hardman are or something there’s a video it looks kind of like that he’s he says something about Hardman even at that L Tom Lawrence I mean he’s fine can’t well has become a bit of a joke figure for them now I mean he’s scored a few goals coming didn’t we we all saw it I can only imagine that he’s falling out with people again it’s a pattern it seems to happen to him every Club he’s at and it seems to have inevitably happened at Rangers as well but even at that there is needle there stick him in and K McGregor might be able to wind him you might be able to get something of that but they didn’t do it they they didn’t try and take advantage of there’s a we bit of history there they were at each other’s throats in the the previous game they didn’t do it we know why don’t we because K mcgreg would immediately get the better of them they know that’s a battle can’t well can’t win and you’re a man down already so he can he be trusted I’m not saying it would have worked I don’t think it would have wored at all but it’s something they definitely they definitely thought about it and they thought this guy can be trusted we’ve SE and we’ve seen the cwell thing I remember saying in a podcast AG just ago much better players have came to Glasgow than you oh yeah and made a complete ass of it and done absolutely nothing in the game and try to noise up Celtic players and try to noise up Celtic fans and thought they were you know he entered this he came to Glasgow you were talking about Matt oy came and he didn’t appreciate how big a football in City Glasgow was and how big Todd cwell did the same thing except M had the brains to shut up and appreciate it and work hard cwell didn’t realize how big it was he thought a few Tik toks a few Instagram videos a few we touches and a few photograms on Instagram and if he’s going to love me here we take our football a lot more seriously than that here and and he’s really really been shown up yeah well the problem is that Rangers do buy into that don’t they they think it’s brilliant this is what they’re all after but I think it’s again it’s that those two cultures isn’t it Rangers have got a captain who’s lost and every time they lose we are just sitting at the TV say disappointed say there it is there it is stay the L we know it’s coming but with with Celtic there was who was it I was Thiago home earlier this season remember he done the the post of his tackle and it quickly get taken down the culture itself is do your talking on the pitch Cal McGregor’s press conference on Friday didn’t even mention Rangers he just talked about us what we are doing what we’re doing we do a talking on the pitch that’s been Celtic from Scott Brown to K McGregor we do all talk on the pitch it’s the complete opposite of Rangers and they always end up with egg in their face don’t they can’t well going into the biggest game of the season doesn’t get a single minute on the pitch and then we can just use a we 56 picture next season again can’t you and probably the on Instagram at the beginning of the season are we are we let just do you know what I thought was a major M for Rangers right so the title up for grabs this week you’re coming to Celtic Park you’re paying the biggest and best team in the land right why are he handing up boxes are frosties did you see that at Mar part up to Mar partner getting personalized boxes of ryes seral losers I know the week the week in which everybody’s calling serial loser was probably trending on right and they’re handing out boxes a Ser that’s the difference we getting winners medals they’re getting boxes are crunching up going get the strip oh yeah they released an on strip as well today that that got like this transparent like look final words on Celtic because it’s been a tough look it’s been a tough old SLO it’s been a tough old SLO to get to this point but nobody has got us here except ourselves yep we have and nobody’s got to but Ruddy bloody hard work Ste has been hard work on the on the part of absolute every day the managers had some really tough decisions to make and and things like I know I keep Hing on about it but the Temptation for I think for me the Temptation not to play James Forest the temptation to stick with the guys who you had maybe a hope that would work out but didn’t work out and the fact that he’s I’m I’m just trying to articulate this thought I think his best game against Rangers I know I think Brandon Rogers has done more managing than he’s ever had to I think he’s had to reach into the managerial shed that he’s got and just use every tool he’s probably I would not be surprised if Brendon Rogers has Haven to do things this season that he’s probably not had to do since his first season or one of the other Seasons when things weren’t going his way he’s really had to dig it out and he’s he’s just not for one second accepted that we were going to be anything other than top dogs here he’s just not accepted that and it’s been and we’ve needed it because one [ __ ] in the armor for Brandon one bit of wavering one show of sort of one wrong press conference one wrong I mean Celtic fans we were up to high do it was going badly but were up to high do and the Sharks were being inflated sharks Santa C it Santa cop it sharks were being inflated and we’ve seen what happened with other Celtic managers if you come out and you say the wrong thing some of the results were horrendous but after the game Brandon Rogers managed it and it was week by week it was press conference by press conference we said it was 45 minutes by 45 minutes sometimes we’re getting through this leag and he’s worked his absolute ass off so of the players many of them have worked their ass off there’s been many mistakes made but it was it’s un I cannot believe that we are potentially going to win this league on Wednesday it’s unbelievable that we’ve got here already I can it’s no sunk in to me that come Wednesday a point is all we need that be part in the League’s done I I just kind of believe it incredible really a hugely challenging season for for a number of reasons I think it’s been very difficult at various points we have been despondent about Celtics form and basically you know never any point wrote off the title but we were sitting here some just weeks and months ago thinking we have walked ourselves into a position here but we were desperate for a Rangers collapse now how did how did it come to this we were so we were so comfortable we were rolling into lead everything was in place Brendan Rogers is back as a manager where has it all gone wrong so there have been huge challenges here and Brendan Rogers seems a little bit he’s been very relaxed recently and I think he’s been exuding that he’s been expressing that you know for a reason because he wants his players to buy into that kind of thing and probably the fans as well it didn’t really work on Saturday afternoon I was up to hide all as well but I think I think it’s been very valuable we talk again something else we talk about in the kind of abstract is that’s been there done that knows what it takes those are just kind of sentences with throw around but Brendan noes has been displaying that just very recently and he’s been through a lot this season and I’ve got absolutely no issue with them settling a few scores even if they are quite small and pet if if there are things that have upset him during the season and they all seem to be picking out the odd stray comment here and there that he has just not like Chris Sutton has been at the center of one or two of them and Brendan Rogers seems to be biting back just now he’s never any I think the going through the motions thing was fair enough because you could you should they really be criticizing unless you’ve got knowledge you shouldn’t be criticizing the guy’s work ethic you shouldn’t be doing that and that that phrase Brandon’s up here going through the motions that is something to me that sort of at the time I didn’t think much of it but when Brandon responded and I thought to myself you know what tell saying someone’s going through the motions is the same as saying they’re doing the bare minimum and I don’t I don’t think that was fair comment there was another one uh during the season which again it never named anyone but again it kind of LED back to something Chris Su had said about one of his selections about not picking a certain player in a derby or a cup G I Can’t Remember specifically what it was but it did bite back a we bit on this and there have been various things on Brendan Rogers about things he’s like stupid things he’s maybe said like that good girl thing and then more recently that we’re going to have some fun people just jumping on these things and he must be standing there honestly what can I Poss every time he opens his mouth that people are are jumping on these rather tedious things that going throughout the season so it’s been massively challenging for everyone involved and Celtic of all but right again another point to collect and then we’ll we’ll be home and dry but to get to this point to get to this position where we’ve got two games in which to seal a title is incredible cuz we all thought it was going to go down to the wire it virally did but we thought it was going to go like last day helicopter changing Direction stuff at some points the state I was in in Saturday there’s no way I would have managed it yeah and it’s it’s a massive achievement to win this league I don’t I’m not I don’t want to get too carried away I think like Brendan Rogers has achieved a lot in his career and not even just at Celtic this is a guy who a decade or so ago did so well with a club like Swansea that he was given one of the top two or three jobs in Britain if not Europe at the time he was given the Liverpool job off the back of what he had done at a relatively tiny Club at Swansea so he has achieved a lot but in terms of a a proper like grind and a challenge this is right up there in terms of in terms of in terms of proving his his steal his grit and determination as a manager because all that stuff about the for the first time around all he had it all his own way Rangers were terrible as if AB are going to win the league it’s caner to win multiple treles in a row absolute nonsense again but that’s the stuff that’s get said can I say that about this one and I know they’re trying they’re trying with this well we’ve had injuries just wait till next season sorry that that’s that’s just not valid way it doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile meley win’s winning win’s winning and we’ve been there and done it and I think that’s me’s never seen the fast in the few days which one that was the first one look it’s taken a lot to get it done this season but well I’m not going to overplay it because as we said look Celtic you need to sort this cuz if this is what we can do with this team then imagine what we could do better I think it is an achievement to win it with this team because I don’t think we’re very good at all and I think Saturday showed that but when I we look back on it I think the the game at I Brooks was you were saying it was a missed opportunity for Celtic but I was ke moreing on like Rangers had that opportunity there to bury Celtic and then go the following midweek and get ahead in the league and be top and then power on from there they didn’t take it they celebrated getting a free free draw they were going by as if it was it was done the pictures of them going around the stadium pumping the chest and all that it was just nonsense after that game Sor jump in after that game they dropped points in two consecutive games after it as well after all that chest pumping and the moral Victory they thought they’d won it yeah all the confidence they took from that last minute draw with a a freak world class goal at the end of it they went out and [ __ ] the n in two consecutive games and even like you could say a big Rangers collapse but Rangers had to beat done D in Ross County the Five Points better off Cela are still top of the league so Cela have done this off their own back they’ve went and won the games they had to win the only blemish has been that Rangers game in the Hearts game where they were down to 10 men for a lot of time so Celtic have been in great form recently one all the games Rangers form has been poor and brandan Rogers has just played it as he knows how he play it he’s just went right okay we’ll just keep doing our bit we’ll keep doing ours we’ll keep our piece and get there and lo and behold the Top Dogs come out and top and on that bombshell we should wrap up thank you so much for watching and listening joining us on the 24th of May our live end the season podcast it’s going to be a great lap the last we may do more of this stuff you we might do more of this the last two have been absolutely fantastic there’s links to buy tickets and Bs but I’m telling you right now they are very very very limited very limited um support us on patreon 2minute Tims we’re back midweek for coverage of the karut game on patreon and we will see you on the flagship next week he [Music]


  1. Brendan has made plenty of excuses this season!!! What you on about guys!! Spoke numerous times about injuries, poor quality, recruitment. C'mon guys, Balance please.
    Great pod🍀

  2. Delighted to get the win but it was a lot tighter than it ought to have been – that zombie side is as poor as anything Warburton/Pedro C served up. Rodgers is a very good motivator, has a winning mentality (which he honed at Celtic) and can handle the media pressures of the job well but he is a poor tactician and signer of players. He deserves kudos for getting us over the line but it is also true that his outdated and predictable tactics are what got us into a mess in the first place. If he sticks around, which seems very likely, then expect more of the same next season…but this time without Hart/Oriley/Reo/Kyogo etc.

  3. Celtic were easy winners, have a look back, a penalty miss,two offside goals, multiple Butland saves. and Joe Hart sunbathing.

  4. Hope Brendans and the players hard work to win this league doesn't take the heat off the board in the instance of the last few transfer windows. We all know quality is still badly needed in numerous positions 🍀🍀

  5. There’s a great photo of tavanier getting comforted by Souttar with Daizen in the background with the caption “he’s behind me, isn’t he?” 😂 Absolutely love him. Pure chaos.

  6. Mellie t-shirt watch continues as he appears to be repping Irish skiffle combo, Fontaines DC. This group's members met through a shared love of poetry and I'm certain that like the rest of us, they all want to hear more of Mellie's new poem, "Thank you for my favourite food."

  7. Kenny miller – “Johnstone put his leg in the way of Lundstram”

    What ??? I swear he said that.
    Even forgetting the whole Celtic rangers thing , I’m not saying this bcos I’m a Celtic man etc , in general I thought that was the worst show of absolute biased unprofessional commentary I’ve ever heard and it just got worse.
    As for the o Reilly one I wasn’t sure at first but the picture from the back shows the legs tangling and I totally see it’s a penalty however did he hang his leg in there… maybe …. It’s one of those , wasn’t a side , wasn’t a def pen wasn’t a def not , the ref said pen the var checked and at that point it’s not var says we think your wrong it’s having looked at it so you think you made a clear and obvious error on the field ref, he said no and I can’t really argue with that so for once the ref and var done what they should correctly.

  8. We get money for league and automatically into champs league again and if Matt goes it’s at least 25 million plus , if we can keep the rest of the team then spend a decent amount for one on a keeper , LB to fight with Taylor , a winger and striker spending on who else goes palma and for example then I’m happy and anyone above that could be a bonus . I’m willing to give myself hope that the board will have to back rodgers to a good level or he will quite rightly walk away.
    Basically I’m saying def starters next season CCV TAYLOR ,HATATAE, Maeda , cal mac , kyogo , Kuhn , I think palma will stay then there’s a few other player who are squad players , hjolm and tillio will be there but who knows if they will be out on loan , I personally would take Bernardo and you’ve got Yang so as much as yes we need changes it’s not like an absolute overhaul.
    I think two massive things will be tbe keeper we sign and can we get a centre back who will play a full season and be decent. Maybe need two keepers really cos even our squad keepers arent worth it, I’ve no doubt Bain will stay on as he just seems to get a wage for nothing lol.
    Special mention to Jota back?
    I’m excited to see what happens.

  9. Love this podcast so much but I could have KILLED Melly when I heard him ask BR the ‘fun’ question. Think he ruined a plan to bring it up before or after we lift that important trophy! 😆

  10. How on earth is this one of the worst Celtic sides to beat Rangers to a title. Squad maybe lacking depth and granted the defence could do with a bit of strengthening. Joe Hart has been very good again. CCV excellent when fit. Hatate, O’riley, Mcgregor….. excellent. Maeda, Kyogo both had good seasons. James Forrest back to his best. I find that statement bizarre 🤨

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