The Science Behind Perfect Golf Ball Contact

Fixing your club path can be so frustrating and always one step away from bad strikes and poor shots. In this video I will give you the insights to fix your club path and unlock the consistency in your game forever.

Lower scores and more fairways will make you the golfer of your dreams.

I hope you enjoy!!

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This video gives you great detail on how to hit more greens, hit more fairways and lower your golf scores and ultimately your handicap.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to improve golf ball striking
2. How to find the middle of the club face
3. Help lower your golf scores

and I hope to do all this with simple understanding to create a simple easy golf swing.

I wanted to bring you a video today about ball striking where do you strike the ball on the club face I hear more than anything when I’m coaching clients on my lesson T them react to a thin shot over a fat shot and it’s really interesting whenever someone hits it fat never a comment soon as they hit one ever so slightly clean oh that was a bit thin and it’s a really funny reaction to me because because the one that should be putting you off is the one that’s slightly heavy and I and I think that people’s perception of where they should be striking the golf ball out of the club face is a little bit a skewed which is why today I wanted to talk to you about ball striking so on the left hand side of the screen something a little bit different today I’ve got the face impact locator up and on the right hand side I’ve got the flight path then I’ve got my usual four numbers and then on the bottom right hand corner I’ve got my smash Factor now the smash factor is just giving us how much energy the ball is coming off of the club face with now there’s a few ingredients that make smash Factor go up and go down one is angle of attack the more you hit down on a golf ball the more you reduce the loft of it the more you have a closed face to path box on the right hand side just next to the club path there you reduce the face the loft of the club face so there two quite big ingredients to smash factor and so what I wanted to do is best of my ability is to repeat some swings I’ve got myself a 79 repeat some swings where get the ball out of low medium and high contact point on the club face keeping the face to path value as close to consistent as possible it’s the box in the middle of the five that’s why it’s in the middle today and the smash Factor going up and down again whilst trying to keep the angle of attack the same as well so I’ve got a bit of a job on my hands need to have the angle of attack the same the face to path the same and then move the strike point up and down the face so let’s let’s start us off with your typical strike from a golfer it’s on the thumbnail that I put up it would be somewhere between the Amber and the red strike point on that club face which would be hanging out around here a high strike point now there’s a few reasons why I believe believe this has become really prevalent in golfer’s games and I’ll come on to that in a moment but let’s get one out of the bag let’s get an open face to path and let’s get one slightly high out the face so that’s open face to path and somewhat high off the face so you can see the smash factor is down at 1.29 the number and what it actually tells us in terms of how far the ball’s going neither here nor there really but what it is telling us is that we’re losing out on some bull speed now what I want to do is I want to keep the strike the same and I want to keep uh the face to path value as close to zero as possible so face to path as zero as possible and high off the face so again high off the face it’s a wretched strike it really is a wretched strike and a fairly neutral face to path and you can see the smash factor is really very low give you an idea a face to path value well I’m not going to tell you actually I’m going to let you see what happens as we start to keep or start to change that uh strike point lower down the face so now what I’m going to do is I’m going to try and keep the face to path value much the same again it was three shut not it’ be lovely if I could just stand here and just keep on repeating zero uh zero face to Parts but I want you to see the impact that the strike location has so now I’m going to move the strike slightly lower down the face if I can and I know what’s going to happen well how do you move the face contact up and down sh that’s about 35 years of practicing 35 years of working on this game and feeling like this golf club is an extension my body ultimately I’ve I’ve worked on it over the years and you need to work on it too in the same way you work on being prise with anything that you’re going to hit with an object so let’s go lower on the face so that was low on the face but unfortunately that was an open face to path but look what’s happened to the bll speed or the smash Factor now we’re up at 1.37 and that’s a that’s a two Groove differential I’ve not really changed it from a heel or a tow strike I’ve just moved it down the face a touch more and so with the face to path value still at 2° open it’s a small fade but what we have produced is a is a smash Factor that’s gone from 1.22 up to 1.37 I’m going to go even lower if I can and I’m going to now again trying to keep this face to path value as as neutral as possible so that was even lower that was quite a nice lined up swing as well now look at the smash Factor now I’m up to 1.41 with a face to path value that’s neutral again attack angle is having an impact on this I’m five down quite a nice angle of attack wouldn’t want to go much more than that but what I want to do is I really want to get one a lot lower on the face to see if we can get this below the center of gravity line there there we go that’s a bit lower down down on the face and we can see I’ve kept the face to path value much the same slightly heelside took a little bit bit of energy off but look what’s happened to the energy the smash Factor off the face look how it’s leapt from that high stroke to way more ball speed way more energy and I’m just going to again these Cubs are a little bit down on Endy when you start to go towards the heel I’m just going to see if I can get it that low and keep it a bit more towards the toe if I can again that was quite low on the face hopefully I got a decent face to path on that one so pretty good again 136 now bear in mind this is much much lower much much lower than a lot of you golfers out there will be thinking about striking the golf ball when you’re thinking about taking divot so many of you believe that the club needs to strike the ground make a decent Turf dispersion which means that you’re going to hit down unfortunately the interaction with the turf means nothing you can get people hitting the ball and the turf and having an angle of attack of only minus one down and you can have people hitting Turf and hitting seven down the amount of turf you take has no bearing at all on your angle of attack absolutely none the angle of attack is M merely The Descent angle it’s got nothing to do with the bottom of the circle so I’m hitting down here and because I’m hitting low on the face if I was hitting golf shots outside the divot would be absolutely minimal so again I’m going to look to keep that face to path as neutral as possible get the contact low on the face oh that was a super low one and slightly more towards the toe as well so that was three grooves up from the bottom I had a face to path that’s closed at 3° but I’ve got a smash almost at 140 I’m going to try and do exactly the same thing so that would be where the impact or the the the spot was on the thumbnail in the green location so really quite a low way down then I’m going to try and do exactly the same and now I’m going to try and get that strike point high on the face so you heard way more mat got a much higher strike and now look at where the look at where the the smash factor is down at 1.21 really really low now I’m going to hear enough people out there probably say ah yeah but your angle of attack to is only minus one down let’s see if I can increase that a little bit more for you so certainly got a bit more angle of attack on that one still high on the face though down at 120 and that was with a face to path value of six shot I’m still down at 1.2 smash Factor as I say the bigger the number the more energy off the face so this belief that you need to strike the ball somewhere in this region of the club face is nonsense now a lot of golf clubs will encourage you to do that they’ll put the weight up there that’s part of the weight waiting of the club but my advice to you and I want to I want to give a little shout out to a video that Precision golf did on their Channel about bladed irons go check that out because that’s a real cracker of a video that Simon talked about uh bladed golf clubs but bladed golf clubs really sort of dial in your attention of where you’re trying to strike the ball and never more so have we started to try to get strike points too high up with when there is so much energy to be had low on the face and that was probably the lowest one of all of the shots I’ve here look how low that was on the face and that was 1.32 that was 0.1 more than the shot that I hit with a sh six shut face to path and that’s a 2° open face to path so that ball had more energy on it see if I can get the same thing with a face to path that’s close CL oh no that’s that was too low that was a flat out thin that was a flat out th let’s see if we go one more keep that one for the outtakes wheel okay so that was a that was just a fairly fairly regular strike that one there you know middle of the face close face the path and 141 so you can see that there is premium there is premium for hitting a golf shot from the middle downwards use the lower half of the club face people you are going to get way more energy off the ball if you’re tired of paying too much for premium leather golf gloves do head over and check out my channel sponsor GX golf gloves these gloves are trusted by Elite amateurs and tour players alike use my code good coaching to receive 10% on your next order and to just cover why I believe that we’ve become High Strikers of contact when we think about the prevalence of sharling and as I’ve explained on many many videos of mine you encourage sharling it opens the face up then what you do is you turn the face down so now what ends up happening is you have a golfer that has a shaft that’s lent forwards and a face that’s turned over what you end up doing is striking the golf ball super high off the face of course this is exaggerated but that’s the direction golfers are being pushed towards with this sharlan bowing of the left wrist nonsense I hope you found something useful in this video today that allows you to relocate your contact for straighter more compressed shots do consider subscribing while you’re here 60% of you are not subscribed that watching my channel it mean a great deal to me if you subscribe and join me along with this fantastic ride that’s going to hopefully improve your golf because that my friends is good coaching [Music]


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