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Race Day Las Vegas – June 1, 2024

Host Ralph Siraco brings you daily Race and Sports programming from ‘The Gaming Capital of the World’: Las Vegas, Nevada.

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from the South Point Studio The Perfect Blend of sports but I think the Niners are going to wear them down Detroit Pistons lost their 36 G comedy see over under on that relationship lasting I’m going to put mayo in the coffee I am beautiful a whole lot of Pittsburg in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh join Ryan McCormick that’s at least two picks outside of our own in the first round next year Oro and host Frank nicio I look at the watch punchlines live at noon every weekday South Point Casino is the perfect place to be our Race book is completely separate from the sports book and totally dedicated to the horse player with 52 overhead TVs free Wi-Fi and cocktail service bring your tablet or smartphone and plug into the USB ports to look up your favorite handicapping website without draining your battery want a wager from your seat no problem with our IPS just sign up make a deposit and you’re Off to the Races plus you’ll earn points for dining Hotel movies entertainment and the spa just by using the club card when wagering South Point casino’s Race book has you covered who is there for heroes or the families Left Behind when a service member or first responder dies or is catastrophically injured in the line of duty who helps our country’s homeless veterans and who helps our nation to never forget 9/11 let me tell you who the tunnel to Towers Foundation the the foundation’s gold star Fallen first responder smart home and homeless veteran programs comprise their in the line of duty programs they’re all dedicated to honoring our nation’s Heroes and their families the foundations never forget programs engage people in 911 remembrance Across America over 80 runs walks and climbs a year dozens of golf outings and the tunnel to Towers 911 Institute is educating kids in kindergarten through 12th grade to help our nation keep its vow to never forget more than 95 cents of every you donate to tunnel to Towers goes to its programs never forget the sacrifices of our country’s greatest heroes donate $11 a month to tunnel to Towers at T2 that’s T the number2 the following is a race Day Las Vegas presentation in association with srao Productions limited on the race Day Las Vegas Radio Network [Music] live from the gaming capital of the world time for race day Las Vegas covering the sport of Kings with a Las Vegas person perspective now to the race desk with your host Ralph sraco from the backstretch to the turf blub at the race books and on the internet to all horse players around the world a good morning [Music] the program for this Saturday morning we come to you live and direct from the gaming capital of the World Las Vegas Nevada right here at our studio the South Point Studios on the South Point studi streaming Network at YouTube you can hear us and see us right there right here right now from the South Point Hotel Casino complex in Las Vegas on Las Vegas Boulevard and of course we welcome you to the show and we welcome all of you who are watching us on YouTube by the way you know if you watch us on YouTube and you haven’t don’t forget to subscribe just hit the Subscribe button there on your computer or your uh your phone your cell phone and um it’s free and you can subscribe to the show as well and of course uh we come to you on our other platforms that we have simoc casting our show around the world that includes here in Las Vegas our our Homebase uh radio station in case you’re zipping around early this morning on a beautiful beautiful morning here in Las Vegas at sports talk 1400 a.m. 107.1 FM as well and of course uh we got you covered on your devices your apps uh your phone apps you can get the U kshp uh app for your devices so you can hear us and the YouTube app so you can hear and see us as well on the South Point Studio streaming Network and of course you can get that for your iPhones and your Androids and anywhere you get your podcasting as well we welcome you to the show well it’s h kind of an interesting Saturday uh today’s a Saturday without any r ing in New York uh but stand by folks because it’s going to get really really in the fast lane in New York uh next week when of course we go to Saratoga for the Belmont Stakes uh Belmont um racing Festival that’ll happen coming up on Thursday Friday Saturday one week from today of course the Belmont Stakes and Sunday but for today no racing in New York but we have plenty of racing around the country a really neat card going on at Churchill Downs and of course San Anita as well we’ll get into all that plus your racing menu of course Jonathan Hardon standing by he going to help us out maybe take a look at a few of those nice races stakes races at Churchill Downs John Linda will be with us along with Rich Ang and Jerry jackowitz and with Jerry selections there for San Anita and of course looking ahead to the Belmont Stakes weather here in Las Vegas right now outside it is beautiful the sun is shining and it’s getting a little warm it’s 82° now at about uh what is it about 10 10 minutes after 7:00 a.m. Pacific time here it’s 82 we’re going to get up to 103 by Thursday and of course that is the opening of the 4-day Belmont racing Festival meet at Saratoga by Thursday here it’s going to be 111 degrees so you want you’re going to want to be in the The Race book somewhere playing the races that’s for sure on Thursday but this is the type of weather we get now because after all look at your calendar we turned the page Mar May is gone we’re halfway we’re starting with halfway through the year this is June 1st and so we expect that here and around the country temperatures are getting to be pretty good as well Miami 86 Tampa 94 New York City 85 how about Boston 78 degrees Chicago 70 with a little bit of rain going on there Los Angeles Southern California be 71 so that’ll be fine racing there at Sanita hot spot in the country uh today is Phoenix Arizona 105° there and as far as the weather is concerned around the country you got a big swath of rain and all that rain and and and mixed weather going on right down the uh the center of the the Midwest that includes Illinois parts of Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Etc there goes right up through Wisconsin and the uh western side of the Great Lakes area so that the front is moving along and will go obviously the jet stream from west to east uh but but that’s just about the way the weather is as far as that’s concerned what’s the weather going to be like one week from today when we have the Belmont Stakes at Saratoga where’s the Weather Vein there in Saratoga well it’s just as bad as it was yesterday no really changes as far as the weather predictions uh with coming up over next week opening day Thursday uh there it’ll be a 58% chance of showers with a high of 75 Friday scattered thunderstorms 58% chance of rain high of 74 and of course that’s Friday that will be the acorn Stakes where just FYI by the way the juvenile Philly champion of last year she’s returning to the races she’ll be going into the acorn on Friday out at Saratoga uh she might have to uh have her mud shoes on so to speak on Saturday Belmont Stakes day 58% chance of rain again showers High 73 and of course closing day of the 4day meet on Sunday showers with a 46% chance and the high of 73 so it looks like there’s going to be showers hit and miss through the four days of the uh the Belmont uh Festival of racing with the of course the Belmont Stakes and a whole bunch of other great stakes races here’s the deal uh all of those stakes races they’re going to be drawing uh early uh next week but the Met mile and the Belmont Stakes itself itself will be drawn on Monday they’re going to do the draw on Monday and uh that’s around noon time Eastern time they going to do it uh the Belmont and the Met mile draw on Monday the rest of the races in those uh those days and those stakes races will be uh drawn by then as well so we’ll have a a good chance to see what’s going on with those big races as we roll up to those four days next week as far as uh today uh like I said Churchill Downs and San Anita have a lot of good stakes races going on couple of news items first of all uh we we I want to take a look at the Belmont probables right now because we do have one change and Jonathan Hun’s going to be with us a little bit later on to tell us about that but here’s the way it lines up right now before Monday’s draw for the Belmont Stakes this is uh of course what uh the probables are antiquarian one of three Todd Pletcher trainees going in the race won the Peter Pan in his last do door knno who finished 10th in the Kentucky Derby honor Marie who was slammed hard at the start of the Kentucky Derby and finished eighth an honorable really what a an amazing eighth after what he got slammed at the start I mean this horse was mugged at the Starting Gate there at Kentucky mind frame this is a winner of an allowance race of church old downs but a very talented horse mind frame for Todd Pletcher Mystic Dan of course your Kentucky Derby winner and runner up in the prus stakes in the uh in the mud at pimo you got protective that’s another Todd Pletcher promising three-year-old for Todd Pletcher protective ran uh third in the Peter Pan resilience is going in the Bellmont Stakes for Bill mot then you have the pness winner sees the gray you got sier Leon who was second by a nose in the Kentucky Derby the wine Stewart who was uh second in the Peter Pan and a possibility that thorpedo Annie or thorpedo Anna I should say the winner of the Kentucky Oaks may be dropped into the Bellmont as well by Kenny mCP we don’t know but he’s uh he’s on the fence about this one and tuskin gold another starter for Chad Brown Chad Brown also have Sierra Leon in the race so that’s what it looks like right now for the Belmont Stakes coming up one week from today all righty um wanted to just mention there was a great story on the daily racing forum website yesterday I read it about Russell baze you remember Russell base who by the way is North America’s winningest jockey of all time and what he’s doing now in retirement Etc an amazing story about Russell baze who is now retired and living in Arizona and hardly keeps up with the racing industry anymore but uh uh there was a great article about him uh in today on the website uh at daily racing forum uh and he of course was asked about the demise of Bay Meadows when he was riding there and now a Golden Gate which will be closing coming up in a couple of days Golden Gate will have its last races in a couple of days Al righty heisa is at it again heisa has given trainer Patricia pharoh who is a Pennsylvania bred uh you know based trainer a suspension of four years 4year suspension for Patricia Pharaoh uh and she is the third trainer that’s based out a Parks racing that’s has got uh you know got a suspension of uh quite a length she got suspended because a couple of her horses were racing what they called uh two horses were racing that they caught with Cobalt salt now I don’t know much about that but that’s got to be uh very um got to be serious if heisa has given her fouryear suspension for that so the higho welfare unit gives that trainer four years on the bench we’ll wait and see if there’s any uh repercussions off of that or any appeals for that all right coming up Jonathan ardun John Lindo rang and Jerry Jay and of course you got your racing menu coming up next so we’ll take our first break on this Saturday beautiful day in our neighborhood hope it’s a beautiful day where you’re at as as well it’s always a great day if you can spend some time playing the races and we’ll try to do that for you as well we’ll be right back South Point Casino is the perfect place to be our Race book is completely separate from the sports book and totally dedicated to the horse player with 52 overhead TVs free Wi-Fi and cocktail service bring your tablet or smartphone and plug into the USB ports to look up your favorite handicapping website without draining your battery want to wager from your seat no problem with our IPS just sign up make a deposit and you’re Off to the Races plus you’ll earn points for dining Hotel movies entertainment and the spa just by using the club card when wagering South Point casino’s Race book has you covered [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay back on race day for this Saturday and uh let’s take a look at what happened last night yesterday at Penn National remember they had that big pen uh pen mile the $400,000 race there six stakes races overall uh they uh ran the leard as the third race on the card the winner there was Stern Chaser Paco Lopez $9 even for Mike matz then you had the uh with anticipation Stakes won by Fierce and strong with the Juan Hernandez not the same as the one in Southern California however another one this horse went wire to wire in the mile and 16th Turf race and paid $20 even for Michael Savio Savio Jr as the trainer uh there and uh chrisper uh the horse that Jonathan Hardon like finished a fast closing second in that race then we had the pen Oaks the $150,000 pen Oaks for three-year-old Phillies at a mile on the turf the winner there was poolside with Slim in a fantastic finish with Frankie Doria board poolside with slim pays 560 as the favorite there Rusty Arnold trained nice as Pi was second and pounce another horse that uh Jonathan liked finished third in that race then we had the 11th running of the $400,000 grade three pen mile at a mile on the turf for three-year-olds and then a driving three horse photo finish a Dr atic three horse photo finish the winner Bion o was first world war with Frankie dor aboard for Brendan Walsh $8.80 for the win there uh aspenite was a nose away in second big long shot there who ran a hell of a race in this race and finishing third was the favorite trari trari of course finished third in that race three noses on the wire in that one Mana was a driving finish so Frankie Dori when two of the biggest Stakes race R last night at Penn Pen National and I believe he’s uh I don’t know where he’s going next he’s either going back to Kentucky or maybe southern California for some races there anyhow to wrap it up the fabulous strike Stakes won by get set paying 620 and the uh Penn ladies Dash won by new hire uh for uh that was of course a horse that that race Jonathan ardun said this horse towered over the rest new hire got there and paid 320 for that that win there at Penn National yesterday as far as San Anita was concerned uh you get your highest priced winner at santanita yesterday paid $15.80 and that was in the first race a 2-year-old Philly running on the turf five fongs on Turf first Turf race for two-year-olds in the nation Luis Mendes trained runin Rio ran away from them with the Gonzalez aboard paying $15.80 and that was the biggest price of the day Steve knap had a winner Peter Miller had a winner uh Juan Hernandez had a win in the sixth race it was rich Ang’s selection on the show Malibu Coast paying 340 and uh that was Juan Hernandez by the way second win of the day Edwin Maldonado had a couple of wins as well with the winner in the last race that last race winner ISAC court and that was uh that was the winner there in that race we had a blonde bombshell pulled up and there was a disqualification as a result as well but but it didn’t affect the winner it affected second third and fourth place finishers there at San Anita yesterday and as far as Churchill Downs uh Francisco ariata had a couple of wins second winner paid 1780 Sher devau had a nice win with uh the sixth race at $578 Jonathan adun horse finished third in that one uh Brad Cox checked in with a winner with ero mischievous at $322 and trainer Mike maker had a couple of winners yesterday a win came with what say thee which was also Louis sayz the second winner at $836 and Jose Ortiz had a couple of winners yesterday as well so arietta uh Siz and Ortiz had uh two wins a piece yesterday at church hold Downs all right time to get started with your racing menu of racetracks available today in the race book sast centers and racetracks around the country want to remind you the first post times rebroadcast on this racing menu each and every day reflect that of the Pacific time zone so if you’re listening here in Las Vegas not a problem these will be the first post times that roll out in our race books today here at the South Point if you’re not in the Pacific time zone adjust to the Pacific time zone so you you don’t miss anything like I miss Mom and Dad okay here then is the menu for today first post times are in the Pacific time zone start times all right we begin with horseshoe Indianapolis horseshoe Indianapolis has Quarter Horses 12 quarter horse races today and there’ll be five trials for three-year-olds at 400 yard yards in those quarter horses and a couple of nice stakes races besides that as well it all starts at Horseshoe Indianapolis at 7:45 so we’re looking coming up there they’ll be racing there before the show is over 7:45 is their first Post foru Indianapolis all right Bela Park is next they have eight races their first post time is 9:15 9:15 at Bela Laurel Park back at Laurel after a little stint there at uh pimo Laurel park has a small pick six jackpot carry over $961 their first post time at Laurel Park today for 10 races is at 9:25 Delaware Park is next they have eight races their first post time is at 9:30 and we got Churchill Downs nice great racing card really today at Churchill Downs full Fields competitive races 11 races at church Downs today six stakes races all with a purse value of $275,000 it begins with the Arlington Stakes sixth race on the card then you have the arist stakes in the seventh race at six furong this race features Skelly who is going for his 10th win out of 15 career starts this horse has been in the money first or second 14 times Skelly will be the favorite in the atitis seventh race on the card eighth race will be the Shaun e Stakes Phillies and May’s four-year-olds and up the ninth race will be the regret for three-year-old Phillies at a mile and 1/8 on the the turf if they stay on the turf the 10th race will be the blame Stakes that’s at a mile man for four-year-olds and up blame the only horse ever beat Zenyatta blame in the Breeders Cup Classic that year and of course the 11th race the ottobon stakes at a mile eth on tour for three rolls six stakes races at Churchill first post time is 945 they got a pick six jackpot carry over $89,999 45 Monmouth Park from the shores of New Jersey has a pick six jackpot carry over $64,900 th000 joyy Derby at a mile on the turf for three rolls that’s the 11th race on the card nine go to the Post before scratches move to gold is the 2 to1 favorite in that one 12 races at Monmouth first post time is at 950 950 at Monmouth Gulf Stream Park has a rainbow pick six jackpot carryover 28,500 $76 11 races feature races the $95,000 game phas Stakes for three-year-old Phillies at six furlongs 7 to five there favorite there is Holland ice that’s the 10th race on the 11 race card first post time 955 at gstream then we go north of the border to Woodbine racecourse Woodbine race has a pick six jackpot carryover $2,316 and a super high five jackpot carryover of $138,200 $110 10 races four stakes races at Woodbine the jacqu Cartier is the fifth race on the card six fongs for fouryear olds and up favoritism will be between candy overload and flag of honor and then you go to the Bell Mahone Stakes that’s the seventh on the card for Phillies and Marys at a mile and 16th uh this race sees a field of 10 wide open event at that solo album is 3 to one on the morning line then you have the eighth race the Royal North Stakes at 6 and2 fongs on the for Phillies and Mary’s four-year-olds and up 10 before scratches two to1 favorite there is play the music and then the ninth race is the eclipse Stakes uh for a mile and 16th for four-year-olds and up and in this race you have eight before scratches two to one favorite there is get smoking 10 races at Woodbine first post time is at 1010 1010 at Woodbine hathorne race course has eight races Hawthorne race course first post time is at 12:30 12:30 at hawor race course today then you have uh santanita santanita has nine races a couple of nice stakes races at Sanita short Fields though the sixth race is the triple Ben Stakes at Seven fur alongs for fouryear olds and up this grade two sees just four horses in this race favoritism will be between Big City Lights doctor vman and Tahoe sunrise and happy jack all of them are are competitive in this triple Ben right after that the seventh race is the honeymoon Stakes at a mile and 1/8 on the turf for three roll Phillies and this sees a field of seven and in this race the morning line favorite lukewarm there is Faith understood with Mike SM Mike Smith aboard first post time at Sant Anita for their nine races today is set at 1:00 this afternoon Golden Gate with just days left before they hit the wrecking ball at Golden Gate Golden Gate has a first post time for eight races today at 115 they have a super high five carry over there $1,355 that’s their carryover in the a super high five that’s a regular super high five it is not a jackpot either and their pick six jackpot carryover $ 17,46 first post time Golden Gate 115 Emerald Downs has eight races Emerald Downs has a first post time of at 1:30 130 at Emerald Downs and then next comes U Canterbury Park canterburry park has eight races their first post time is 310 evangelin DS has 10 races it’s Louisiana Louisiana Legends night racing at evangelin Downs where they feature the Louisiana breads there are will be uh six stakes races at 100,000 a piece the Melle goes as the fifth the shal goes as the sixth the turf disa goes as the seventh the Suare goes as the eighth the turf will be the ninth and the Sprint will be the 10th evangelin Downs tonight six stakes races for Louisiana Breads and a first post time at 3:30 tonight at evangelin Downs Prairie Meadows has eight Races they have a pick five jackpot carryover $ 48,287 first post time for eight races 4 p.m. charl Town pick six jackpot carry over there 22,000 $152 8 races first post time 400 p.m. and then we wrap it up with Los salidos Lo salidos this evening for the first post time of 605 features nine races one third bed four mixed breed four quarter horses and again first post time at Alamitos is at 6:05 that’s your racing menu for today now we go to uh Mr Jonathan Hardon standing by Jonathan good morning good morning Ralph by the way Frankie Dori will ride seven races today at Mammoth Park he had two wins last he had two wins last night at Pen National I wonder if that was the first time he ever wrote a pen National certainly uh could be and he won two races well I can tell you this seven at M he figured out that racetrack real quick didn’t he yeah it doesn’t take him long you know and and uh well that’s not a far travel then it’s just just from one state to another this guy’s been going across the world across the country so uh I’m sure he didn’t have to take a plane he probably just drove maybe he took a plane who knows but yeah he’ll be in Monmouth right he’s riding a New Jersey Derby today but might be the first time he ever wrode it Monmouth too don’t know yeah he’s uh hitting new new racetracks in his farewell tour which has been going on for a while now I I don’t think it’s farewell any I don’t think it’s a farewell I think it’s a here we are again tour exactly well what do you think about that big uh four-year suspension for another trainer down there in Pennsylvania there’s another trainer that’s been in the game for 30 years I don’t think she has any if may you know no serious violations that’s for sure and uh another guy had the same thing he got a year and a half I I don’t know I mean I I guess she had two positives so they made h four and someone else got all right all right all right all right tell me what this Cobalt salt is all about I have no idea I don’t either I mean I heard the other suspended drugs but Cobalt salt what does that I don’t know what that does for any horses you know maybe I don’t think that’s for diabetes I don’t think that’s for diabetes like the metaphor is this is a new one so so uh well we got smart listeners out there somebody might either uh you know email you or me what uh what the effects of cobalt salt is so so uh Des or so deep that uh they’re giving this gal four years for it and I’m interested to know did the horse win with the Cobalt salt or it doesn’t matter all right so what are we going to do about Saratoga now we all been waiting for this great 4-day meet stacked with a whole bunch of stakes races you know remember folks it’s not only the Belmont Stakes you get the Met mile you got the acorn you got all these great races coming up at Saratoga and Mother Nature’s going to rain on their parade we said it from the beginning Ralph the biggest was concern was the weather the weather was going to be the key you know again it’s a beautiful day there today and uh when they say possible showers you know unless you live in Saratoga or have been here you have no idea what that means but it could be raining on one side of the street and across the street it’s not raining that’s how crazy the weather is here so just because there’s they’re calling for showers it may miss the track I mean there are plenty of times it’s raining at my house which is two miles away from the track and it didn’t rain there and vice versa oh fantastic let’s hope it’s h spotted let’s say it’s a Swiss swiss cheese like raining yeah there pockets you know big hes so we’ll wait and see about that because you know a lot of people are getting excited about this 4day meet not only that but you got the New York race players that are they got to be jonesing today because you know even the regular players and now you got the weekend players the W they climbing the walls well maybe they could take a look at Churchill Downs I think that’s what we’ll do if you don’t mind we’re going to take a look quickly at Churchill Down see what the races are there and of course at Churchill I’ll get my sheet here at Churchill Downs uh there are six stakes races and uh we’ll just we’ll pick out just a few of them not all six of them but the aristes is the seventh race on the card named after I guess the first Kentucky Derby winner uh in its history but in this race Skelly the Steve ASM and train Ricardo Santana will reide at 4 to 5: on the morning line but this one is an absolute I mean I can’t wait for this horse and the chosen this is the Midwest version of uh of the chosen that’s what I’m saying I can’t wait until these guys get to get together yeah that would be great but anyhow I mean this horse has got 10 wins already out of 15 starts and he looks like he’s you know for all intents and purposes he’s just going to get the job done again today yeah I mean he lays over the field if you like two to five shots well that’s a horse for you well wait a minute well let’s see if we can make a chicken soup out of chicken feathers what about can we punch an exact in this race well I don’t know maybe bbon uh bourbon Heist who’s 10 to one or Toano twist who just ran horrible last time out but that was seven furlongs but it now as a race over the track he cuts back to six I mean either one of those horses could certainly complete the exact all right so three over one and six all right so we go three over one and six just to get a you kind of put in the shallow end to turn a two to five into a possible four to one yeah why not why not let’s try to do that the shaune stakes at a mile and 16th for Phillies and Mar’s four-year-olds and up is the eighth race on the card this is little bit more competitive by virtue of just the morning line you’ve got uh Zera at 2:1 you got skilla at 5 to2 you got wet paint which is a horse that we remember as a three-year-old in the three-year-old pitcher last year clavian Pratt board how do we see this thing well this is an interesting race because in my opinion the favorites are vulnerable here zagara who came back last time and she ran horrible but that race was on an off track so maybe you could draw a line through it her races last year Obviously good enough to get the job done here but again she just ran so bad in her return she got beat 40 lens and the second choice in the race skilla skill’s coming off of a huge top last time ad and she figures to react she may not put in an effort the horse I was interested in a somewhat of a price there in balore balamore uh this is a sixy May from The Steve M Barn this horse got some major Riders switch today take nothing away from Keith s m but you’re getting Tyler gaffle own you’re getting eight to one and that’s the horse that I’ll be playing there if uh she’s really a price all right so we got a little meat on the bones there number five bellamore in the eighth race 8 to1 on the morning line and then we go to the ninth race which is the regret Stakes for three-year-old Phillies at a mile and 1 18 on the turf I think this was was she not the first Philly to ever win the Kentucky Derby is that it I regret I I think you’re right all right so anyhow but that the Derby wasn’t on the turf this race is and you got 10 before any scratches and The Morning Line favorite there is Buu with Martin Garcia yeah I don’t like the race Ral Buu is a little better you know she’s a marginal favorite and uh you know she can win but she’s the most likely winner the race but I don’t really want to play her at a short price I I don’t like the race to be honest with you okay so we do a little pass on that Buu of course uh well let’s not take the favorite I mean you got Florent goo riding way to be Marie you got dancing Dixie with Jose Ortiz uh you know flavian pratts on a nice 8 to one shot sassy princess I think I might wind up trying to jump on that horse a little bit at a price why not you can’t go wrong okay and then the 10th race is the blame Stakes at the mile night for four-year-olds and up if we all remember in horse racing it was one of those moments when they ran the Breeders Cup at Churchill Downs and it was the last race for zenyatta’s career zeny and blame beat Zenyatta in a dramatic finish almost in the dark there at Churchill Downs and that’s what this this race is named after that winner blame a field of 11 and uh the favorite in that race at 5 to2 is Highland Falls with Florent goo but it looks like a good competitive race tapa Trice is also in there with flavian proud at 3 to one yeah very evenly matched group of horses I would demand somewhat of a price here because the favorites in my opinion are just as good as the price horses I like the number nine horse in here KAG kostro I guess is the way to pronounce it Sher devau having a terrific Year Jose Ortiz six to1 I think this horse is going to be tough in here all right so we’ll put the nine horse kagos stro in the race at 6 to1 with a couple of other horses there and try to make that gimmick happen finally the aabon is the 11th and final M and eighth on the turf for three-year-olds and in this race um another wide open event as as long as far as the morning line is concerned uh kuino is the 7-2 lukewarm Morning Line favorite with flavian proud is it that wide open it is that wide open but I like the number three horse in here Cameo performance a three-year-old call from the Brendan Walsh one start in this country this horse ran very well that day you know they listed at 6:00 to1 on the morning line jumping up and putting this horse straight in a stake race coming out of a maiden wind so obviously the barn is high on this horse and I think this horse has a lot of talent I like number three Cameo performance to upset and win the 11 all right we went over five of the six stakes races at Churchill you have a full sheet available there they can get the rest of what you like by the way the earlier races seem to be races that are big fields and could produce some nice prices so make sure you get Jonathan’s selections there at his website and now we’ll take your official picks and let you go let’s go to Churchill and look stay at Churchill I should say and look at the third race today and the number two horse in here just basking a three-year-old Philly from the Ian wils Barn his son-in-law Chris leros rides this horse is listed at 5 to one in the morning line three career starts each race better than the previous one I like number two just basking to upset and win today’s third race out of Churchill Downs all right Mr Landeros abort the just basking how about just getting into Winter Circle and uh put some basking dollars in our pocket third race the two horse at Churchill Downs and I would imagine where’s next Sanita no we’re going to gstream look at the ninth and final today at gam they have that big uh carryover in their jackpot pick six and their final race of the day race number nine I love the number 10 horse in here this runs for you four-year-old gelding was CLA out of his last stop by trainer Jose D’Angelo he freshened this horse up draws a good outside box going seven furlongs Miguel Perez a vquez aboard to ride seven or two on the morning line number 10 this runs for you wins today’s ninth and final it’s the ninth race but not the final there are 11 races today at golf so but that might be that might be the final race for us though so would be my final in any case the ninth race at gstream the 10 horse this runs for you and we want to thank you so much for going over some of the great races around the country today and Jonathan has you got four sheets right Jonathan uh yeah I think so stream you got Churchill GF stream s is the 11 so I’m running on fumes here I think you I think that’s right you don’t have New York so there’s only three I guess it’ll be a GF stream uh Churchill and San Anita that’s what you got just go to your website right thanks Ral j n h r d o okay we’ll talk to you tomorrow Jonathan all right we’ll thank you okay we’re going to go our break we’ll be right back Rich Ang is standing by and don’t forget John Leno and Jerry Jay Yet to Come who is there for Heroes are the families Left Behind when a service member or first responder dies or is catastrophically injured in the line of duty who helps our country’s homeless veterans and who helps our nation to never forget 9/11 let me tell you who the tunnel to Towers Foundation the foundation’s gold star Fallen first responder smart home and homeless veteran programs comprise their in the line of duty programs they’re all dedicated to honoring our nation’s Heroes and their families the foundations never forget programs engage people in 911 remembrance Across America over 80 runs walks and climbs a year dozens of golf outings and the tunnel to Towers 911 Institute is educating kids in kindergarten through 12th grade to help our nation keep its vow to never forget more than 95 cents of every dollar you donate to tunnel to Towers goes to its programs never forget the sacrifices of our country’s greatest heroes donate $11 a month to tunnel to Towers at T2 that’s T the number2 southp casino is the perfect place to be our Race book is completely separate from the sports book and totally dedicated to the horse player with 52 overhead TVs free Wi-Fi and cocktail service bring your tablet or smartphone and plug into the USB ports to look up your favorite handicapping website without draining your battery want to wager from your seat no problem with our IPS just sign up make a deposit and you’re Off to the Races plus you’ll earn points for dining Hotel movies entertainment and the spa just by using the club card when wagering South Point casino’s Race book has you covered [Applause] [Music] all righty back on the race Day Las Vegas radio program getting ready for another day of uh great racing around the country really you know you don’t have to have those big stakes races on these days but when you get a mix of big fields competitive fields and big stakes races it always is a fun day at the races now let’s go to Rich standing by Richie good morning hey good morning rafie good morning viewers good morning listeners well um we’re waiting of course for the wrap up of the NBA and the National Hockey League Seasons their Championship uh uh games are U very much close to the end here and then of course we got the baseball season through the hot summertime and then of course always uh looking ahead to football and preseason there as well and of course a lot of great horse racing over the summertime this is the time of the year when we get a lot of racetracks that are running including a lot of the fair tracks as well so it’s a lot a lot of fun to to play the races at this time of the year and it ain’t too far off until we get you know that Spa to Spa Coast to Coast stuff going on between Saratoga and delmare during their Seasons when we have breakfast lunch and dinner playing the races that’s for sure yeah you know one thing about living in Vegas Ralph as you well know the temperatures are going to be triple digits for the next few months and there’s nothing more comfortable than sitting in an air condition racing sports book and playing all the sports and all the games that you just talked about yeah it’s a lot of fun that’s for sure uh you have a sheet of course today for santanita because you cover Southern California racing at the RAC dayas website just go there and get Richie selections for today at San Anita and another winner Richie gave us yesterday although it wasn’t obviously um well it was at Sanita but um you’re on a streak again I think you started you missed a day and now you’re on another another streak right yeah I had five winners last week I got two winners this week with two more days to go and I’ll see if we can get the number up to four that would make it nine winners in two weeks so let’s see if we can get it done r nine is the number that we’re shooting for that’s for sure uh Richie and of course you’ll be doing a full Belmont day sheet of uh of uh your analysis your extensive analysis as well for the Belmont State coming up next Saturday right yeah and I heard you say the draw is going to be Monday for a lot of those races so I’ll start working on Monday night on the report for and uh knock on wood uh you know I might get done Tuesday night no later than Wednesday early uh I should have the report ready at the RAC Day Las website all right you got it we’ll have uh plenty of we’ll have a few days to to Maul over that that’s for sure uh although there have been a few defections uh for the Belmont Stakes is still coming up a very strong race I think that’s for sure today at San Anita we got nine races the two stakes races with added money and graded uh grade two and grade three came up real light the triple Ben four and the honeymoon just seven horses in the race but the triple Ben looks like there’s going to be this going to be a more of a chess game between jockey than it is actually a race I think it’s a pretty evenly matched field and uh you know the horse that’s missing is the chosen and ran who quite frankly last week uh got a paid workout in a cow breed Stakes race just had no sweat at all but these four horses in the triple Bend are pretty evenly matched Ral so you’re right it’s going to be a chess match out there and uh the the one of the favorites there the 8 to5 actual Morning Line favorite Big City Lights defected from the race with chosen Von last week because they thought this spot would be easier so we’ll wait and see about that what’s your selection for today well I’m going to go to the other Stakes race race seven is the honeymoon nine furlongs on the grass and to me Ral is actually one of the most difficult races on the card so uh I’ve got a knock against the favorite the three Faith understood this horse actually ran at Aqueduct last time and the the Philly that beat her sweet Rebecca is from Chad Brown and the next time that she ran she was a three to five favorite ran off the board so I consider that a negative uh Faith understood horse I’m going to go with is the number five circle of trust this horse a dead L closer I think we’ll get enough Pace to close strongly under Antonio fresu and uh it’s that man Philip deato on the grra you know how dangerous he is so let’s go with number five circle of trust 7 to2 race s Santa Anita the honeymoon Stakes on the turf seventh race you like the five circle of trust let’s Circle it a winner in the seventh race the five at San An and of course on a street Richie is make sure you get his sheet for the rest of the races right now at the RAC dayas websites and Richie we will talk to you tomorrow hey thanks sh good luck everybody all right when we come back our closing act you know what it is it’s John and Jerry so don’t go away we’ll be right back South Point Casino is the perfect place to be our Race book is completely separate from the sports book and totally dedicated to the horse player with 52 overhead TVs free Wi-Fi and cocktail service bring your tablet or smartphone and plug into the USB ports to look up your favorite handicapping website without draining your battery want to wager from your seat no problem with our IPS just sign up make a deposit and you’re Off to the Races plus you’ll earn points for dining Hotel movies entertainment and the spa just by using the club card when wagering southp casino’s Race book has you covered [Applause] the race Day Las Vegas show the only exclusive daily local media racing information Source in Las [Music] Vegas all righty back on race day Las Vegas for this Saturday now we go out to John lendo standing by before we get to John though I do want to make one mention that here at the South Point in our Race book here at the South Point they are now offering Australian racing now it’s later on in the day it goes into the night uh of course you got L Alamitos at night as well here but they have five different Australian racetracks coming in in the evenings here at the south point that you can play so the Aussie racing is living strong here at the South Point in the race book and uh you might want to try that out maybe after dinner a little bit that’s for sure all right John Lindo good morning good morning Ralph how you doing I’m doing fine my man did did you happen to read that column in the on the daily racing forum by Steve about Russell Bay and what he’s doing nowadays yeah living in Arizona now and doesn’t go to the races very much he used to be one of my neighbors when I lived up in Glendora near San Anita when he was racing down here uh on his uh license plate on his car Russell the muscle oh yeah that’s I tell you what uh he was sure a a great uh great writer and he talked about uh the different racetracks that he rode in in Northern California some of the ones that he thought were the safest ones that’s for sure it’s a a nice read so make sure you get to the racing forum website and read that it’s baz watches Another of his old stomping grounds disappear that’s the name of the uh article and of course talking about the the ending of Golden Gate coming up uh next this week next week actually um well we got nine races today at San to light a little bit in the stakes races yeah only four in the triple Ben it’s an evenly matched field though I I I think all four have a shot and like Rich Yang just said the honeymoon Stakes pretty wide open interesting that Faith understood number three she was entered today at Churchill Downs and they entered before San Anita and when she drew the outside Post in the regret uh the connections called an audible and shipped her to California so she scratched off the Churchill Downs card today to run at San Anita well we know for sure that she’s going to find less competitors to to deal with at San Anita than she would have at Churchill Downs that’s for sure also uh the uh the uh triple Bend uh four horse race like as you said and it’s competitive and big city lights I guess had defected from taking on to chosen Ron for this spot yeah it’s pretty interesting when you duck a cow bread race to go into graded Stakes to trying to find an easier spot but that’s apparently what they’re trying to do and he looks like he might be the speed of the race you’ve got four horses in here and they’re all kind of stalking horses so big city lights from the outside may just have to go to the front and try and take them wire to wire yeah we’ll see it’s going to be a chess game that’s for sure amongst the jockeys and there’s going to be a shuffling of announcers next week and S uh Frank mirati who is the announcer at San Anita and also the announcer during the Saratoga regular meet he’s going to go up to Saratoga to call those four race days in the racing Festival up there and in the meantime uh we got a an announcer from years ago who’s going to take the mic at Sanita yeah Alan buck doll who used to call Ood calling at Hollywood Park he’s been the backup guy for a number of years with for Trevor Denman and some of the D Johnson even way back when yeah you know he’s still around and doing different things at Santa Anita and when Frank got the call to go out to Saratoga for the Belmont Stakes San called and Allen Buckle so it’s a familiar voice you’ll hear him next week next Friday Saturday Sunday at San Anita but for today we still got Frank and we got John lindo’s Linda report right now here at the South Point free of charge in the South Point Race book covering all the races a suggested late pick four and all the goody information at the bottom one apprehensive sheet only in one place here in Las Vegas that you can get it and it’s free of charge complimentary right here at the South Point Race book because they love horse players here a selection John let’s go to race number four San Anita in the fourth race today number six Man Overboard is two sprints on dirt he’s won them both he gets back to sprinting on dirt today slight class drop and a good outside post I think he gets a really nice stocking trip four to one on the program this is what this horse wants to do number six man overboard race four San Anita all right fourth race at San Anita number six Man Overboard the six and the fourth is John lindo’s pick for the race day listeners gives us a Singleton in the early pick four and early pick five and I guess that’s the start of the pick six as well isn’t it all right yes it is yes it’s a pivotal race that’s for sure for those race over race pools so on the fourth race you like the six the rest right here at the South Point the lind report that’s for sure John we will talk to you tomorrow and we’ll talk to you early tomorrow by by the way we’re going to get you in earlier yeah I’ve got to do some work up in the studio in Anaheim so yeah we’ll talk I’ll talk to you from the studio in Anaheim tomorrow all right you got it my man thanks a lot good luck okay we go to Jerry jackit standing by now and his uh nice office at his domicile Jerry good morning good morning Ralph well um what you got you’re you’re kind of uh taken a little easy here with only one track to do for a while huh but you’re going to gear it up you’re vacation for me but that’s good I I could use it yeah I know listen yesterday um John gave out uh Quantum energy in the A and I told you we had a star horse and a vorse in the race and uh as it happens the star horse was is a court was also a pop out key and top rated on my power Page Plus yeah and U the two of them actually uh came in first and third my horse wanted paid 11 something and John’s horse and this is a really good example of putting plays together if you were if you know if you were a John fan you John’s horse would have been maybe the key horse and You’ have added mine in right or if my case I would have been using we would have been using is a court my people and we would have been adding in John’s horse what do you know they came in first and third put up and you know there was a nice Trifecta Sensational superfecta yeah and there had for there was an inquiry so just just saying that that’s putting it together is really what it’s all about yeah and there was an inquiry in that race to disqualify the horse who uh finished second but was disqualified out of the money for big interference so uh you got to get got it done that way too it doesn’t really matter when up you winner and when they take you down you’re a loser yeah that’s right that’s exactly right that’s for sure all right so what are we doing today at Sanita okay and I just a comment I have a vorse in the fourth race at santanita as well today so that you can put that with John’s horse um I got two plays for you let’s go to the second race for our first play Tempo the one horse from Steve knap this is hor is getting the starting to get a regular schedule and it’s coming back in about a month which is kind of close for that’s nice the some of the conditioning from the previous races will’ll stick with him today I like him I like him an awful lot at three to one in the second race I’ll make a good win bet here if I go to Exotics I’ll add the one over the 234 and reverse 234 over the one but I would press up one two and 1 14 all right short field one over two three four in Reverse but the key there is the one horse the wind bet on one tempo in the second race and the other we’ll go to the seventh race Ralph Faith understood ships from east to west uh nice race at Aqueduct fantastic finish beaten by a really nice horse and sweet Rebecca I think she lays over this field five to2 I’ll take three to2 here I’ll take the three over the 256 six and seven what I love here is there’s a lot of value in the underneath so I’m going to press up 32 and 37 do my reverses just to break even I’m all about the three in race number seven okay three over two 5 six s and reverse uh richang comes in the race with the five circle of trust so you at the end of the show we get a srao play in the seventh race at San Anita the Saro play is the box of 35 and of course 53 and uh your play is the three over 2 567 uh in the seventh race there power pages and I’m pressing up 32 and 37 there you go uh and of course power pages are available at Jerry jsow we wrap up this show with one more thing that Jerry’s going to say and he’s going to say it right now a great race day everybody

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