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Krantz’s Korner Dolphins Roundtable

The Usual Suspects are back once again. Jason Sarney, Mike Oliva from and DouglieDoWrong join Zach on the Korner. This week the fellas start with Tua Talk, as OTA’s have started and there has been plenty of “news” about Tua.

Also, the guys start the ALL TIME DOLPHINS DRAFT, as they will pick their own teams from any player that has played in a Fins Uniform. They started this week with their coaching staff and also had they lottery for the start of the actual draft next week.

[Music] folks welcome back to another Edition here of Cris Corner my favorite time of the week as we do our Dolphins Round Table the usual cast of characters The Usual Suspects are here with me once again dougle durong Jason SAR Mike Oliva dolphin all over the place that’s how we like it here I have my dolphin boxer briefs on thank you Mike for that by the way appreciate that that’s I always like to throw that in there uh we have we have some things we’re going to talk about here on the program today um we are going to tease you with what the next two episodes are going to be like here on Cris Corner Dolphins Round Table lots of fun we’re going to have but we’ll have a little bit of fun at the end today as well but let’s get to some business first and foremost dolphins are an otaa uh I know that there was a lot of news beforehand before the the first man walked into the facility about Tua and all the news about Tua um lots of different takes from all over the country and different analysts and people talking about this whole thing but let’s get to the real analysts right here on this panel right here Mike I’m going to start with you here there was big two of news him showing up him not being a part of other stuff blah blah blah blah blah www your thoughts and there’s anyone you need to take task with right now the floor is yours freaking twoa news unbelievable it’s not even news this yeah I got I got someone to take the task and I’m going to take them all the task right now Miami Dolphins fans that’s who I’m taking the task Dolphins fans especially the vocal group on social media now seem to have a default setting to where when there is anything ever reported on Tua it doesn’t even matter what the report is at this point they feel the need to shout down purse at and yell at the reporters even when the reports are accurate Jonathan Jones of CBS a respected reporter no dog in the fight he reports and I’m going to quote this tag of Alo has been absent for the majority of voluntary offseason work since the Dolphins reported back April 15th sources close to the situation told CBS sports that is a STK contrast to his first four seasons in the league when tabalo was present for most of the voluntary work Mike McDaniels then asked on Monday the good news about it all it’s very black and white he’s been here for offseason activities he’s not been here for offseason activities he’s been both and when Mike McDaniel was asked about if this is contract related he wouldn’t answer for the love of Christ Jonathan Jones did not do anything wrong he reported something accurately in which the head coach of the Dolphins backed up he’s been here for some he’s not been here for some and it’s not even a big deal it’s F in April it’s offseason workouts in April that don’t matter and then it came out and then it came out when he is there he’s been in on the meetings right and he doesn’t participate every day because I know there’s some pictures out there and it’s I swear to God I believe the United States states education system has failed us to a new level you see some fans oh there’s a picture of him throwing a pass that reports false he said mostly he didn’t say he was never there for any of them he said he’s mostly missed I yes we know two has been spent time in California working with his quarterback coaches at 3dqb and that’s why he’s missed some who gives a [ __ ] about any of this why are fans worked up Dolphins fans on social media are generally toxic and overly sensitive blew this story up over literally nothing Dolphins fans go outside and touch some grass talk to a girl get laid find a hobby because being outraged at every NFL reporter who doesn’t report there’s two farts smell like roses and he can turn water into wine has become unhealthy a large segment of this fan base has an unhealthy obsession with One Singular athlete and it’s gotten to the point where no reporter can even mention his name without getting the angry mob coming out of coming after him even when the report’s right and they kicker all this in closing they kicker all this you know who probably leaked this to CBS Sports to his agents why do they probably leak this to float it out there to put pressure on the Dolphins to get a deal will he show up will he not show up like he hasn’t show up we know two is agents lak this to them I mean there’s no I bet my house on that so Dolphins fans this is not a story it’s only a story because the Dolphins fans have made it a story nobody else I’m done and that’ll do it for Cris Corner this week we’ll talk to you again next week right like that’s how we go there uh sne go ahead if you could even I don’t even want to know if anyone wants to I can’t follow that he said it it’s a mountain out of a mole hill which got turned into Mount Everest which should be a grain of sand that’s that’s it it’s just nothing it’s a voluntary aspect of phase three in the offseason plan now I’m gonna flip the switch I’m not gonna say anything to what Mike said because he nailed it out of the park absolutely perfect I’m not going to look at it who wasn’t there because that list was long and it wasn’t just a quarterback it was a top paying defensive back it was the new defensive anchor when you look at Zach seela I’m not eating their lunch I’m not upset that they were there they were not at a voluntary scenario so don’t care what I care about is the amount of reps that new free agent SES got undrafted free agents got rookies got and the people who really need to acclimate and assimilate and get used to their new coaches surroundings team climate uniforms what have you I don’t care that veterans were not there the only time I will care is when the word mandatory is there but I will add one bit of beef I will call out a group and it’s not within the fan base it’s just an overall aspect of social media content creators I’m all about creating content I’m all about doing it do it responsibly don’t do it to just generate Clicks in a way where you’re so irresponsibly saying something really really egregiously false or you’re just not understanding what the rules of the NFL is fa a practice it’s that a practice it’s organized team activity that’s voluntary that’s it well said dougle good luck you’re next oh this whole thing is just it’s always something and it always has to be with Tua like it’s always I I pulled up proof right 2023 Lamar Jackson signs a big fat contract with the Baltimore Ravens May 23rd 2023 Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson missed his first day of OTAs did you did you hear anything about that no then in 2022 after the Kansas City Chiefs lost to the Cincinnati Bengals and the AFC Championship Game you would think oh there’d be a fire in Patrick Mahomes belly Patrick Mahomes among those not in attendance for day six of Chief’s OTAs but what the best part of that is the quarterback likely missed the voluntary session due to his participation and Wednesday night’s showcase golf event who cares dolphin fans care that’s the problem you know who else was at the at the golf event on Tuesday Jaylen Herz nobody said anything about that like it’s a charity event also half of the team wasn’t there like like God like they get so bent out of shape because it’s Tua oh Tua needs to do better well that’s because Patrick Mahomes won a Super Bowl and that’s because Lamar Jackson’s multiple MVP who cares man it’s some people literally are like if Tua was there on Tuesday do you think that would make him better or worse it it wouldn’t do either it I’ve heard someone it wouldn’t do either he it’s OTAs he probably would have went there thrown like maybe 15 balls and then went and talked with the receivers while the other three guys who needed more work did what they were supposed to do it’s just a big nothing burger that everyone’s like oh he’s not there oh is he gonna be there oh he wasn’t he’s there for half of the stuff it’s nothing it’s so stupid and the fact that like we have to constantly like defend it it’s just ridiculous it’s an interesting someone’s got to stand up for the reporters at some point because they’re not doing anything wrong at this point no of it’s okay first off it was just a boring news report that said nothing really he hasn’t been there for all who cares and but okay you know what he wants to report it he reported probably because he got a leak from like I said to his agents he wants to float whatever he floated out there just read it take it as it is move on with their life Dolphins fans you know they make mountains out of mole Hills for no bleeping reason at all and then they go I can’t believe everyone’s talking about you well if you you if people on social media didn’t talk about this for 247 curse out reporters go after them in like unhealthy ways nobody would be talking about it they blew it up to make stories larger than it is and this ain’t the first time this has happened this is just the most recent time it’s happened it happens all the time Dolphins fans bring this crap on themselves a lot Jonathan Jones didn’t do nothing wrong Jeremy Fowler didn’t do nothing wrong Jeff Darlington didn’t do nothing they’re all they’ve all pretty much had the same report this week all four of them said you know he wants more money it’s probably going to happen this summer and he hasn’t been there every day it’s just you know mix up the words in how they’re seeing them in what order it’s the same report four different ways and dolphins fans just get unhealthy out of bent out of shape about this and I don’t know why it’s it’s like no other fan base like with Lamar Jackson like I’m sure there was a couple lunatics every fan base has a couple but the overwhelming majority just like yeah whatever not Dolphins fans they like stop their day and just go online on a like a tweet spree of attacking people for no reason when the report’s accurate let me tell you this would only be a story in my mind is if someone from Tua Camp said we’re not reporting until we get a new contract that’s it and that would be the only story outside of that I don’t care just like the three guys said it perfectly I don’t care Tua could not show up for any of these Vol voluntary things and I wouldn’t care I wouldn’t care it doesn’t matter half these veterans don’t show up or don’t do anything when they’re there anyway except they’re there or they might be in the building or they might be watching tape it doesn’t matter once we get to the stuff where guys need to be there or get fined and then to it doesn’t show up then we know maybe it’s a bigger story because it’s a contract thing until that happens I don’t care I think it’s Mike I think you hit it right on the head it’s like we’re looking for something to [ __ ] about as out about that’s what dolphins fans do they they their hobby is attacking reporters which I don’t know and like this not even over like politics and like a like like important stuff we’re attacking football reporters over Dopey football reports and OTAs this is like it’s it’s gotten scary almost and it know it really makes the fan base look bad it makes the organization look bad really it really makes the fan base look bad and that SC let stuff slide this ain’t that important here’s the old two I don’t care if he does anything between now and the week one game show up don’t show up you know why he’s judged on what he does from week one to the end of the season I don’t give a crap what he does any time in between just like with most of these players if they can skip everything if they show up week one and play great that’s all I care about I mean fans really you know look way too much into this stuff at the end of the day it’s not just the fans it’s it’s accounts I me we’re going on Twitter now for a second I know Twitter is not a real place but it’s actually it is because it’s run by real people within these accounts so you’re gonna have idiots no offense uh fabricate and it turns into a game of telephone so whereas Johnny went skipping up a hill turns into two went golfing and he should have been in practice right like it’s it’s it’s a broken message where the original reporters did the right thing they used the word voluntary and they just said what was out there and then it’s the it’s the people that like to throw in their own context narrative and wording and then the whole thing gets convoluted and then you have other people making videos and saying this is the wrong coach because the culture is bad and then it just becomes completely yeah that’s a Buffalo Bills reference because I’ve had it with this dude it’s it’s just tremendous I love the fact that a non- news story turned into such a a social media outcry and cry from fans it is what it is like and that’s just how our fan base is right now until something changes we’re gonna have to kind of get used to it which sucks because anytime something like this happens although if it was any other player on the team there would be no as much of an outcry because it’s Tua it is I I think that has obviously everything and and everything to do with with this and why fans are getting crazy because I do think that there’s still a 5050 crowd 10 take 10 dolphin fans line him up and say do you like to or not I think you’re going to get a five on five six on four it’s going to be something crazy like that so that’s just how it is Dolphin fans are nuts we’re dolphin fans we’re just not in that fully nutty category I think at that point I I guess I don’t even think there’s any other news to come out of OTAs but this oh I got one I got one for you want me to go next I got one other guy I gotta rip into one let’s do it this Javon Holland he’s a great player Javon Holland he really is I got no problem with Javon Holland and none of us were in the locker room last year nor do we know the true relationship between Vic vanjo and end the players on defense um I know a lot of fans like to think they know nobody really knows but here’s what Holland said this week was out of line if he want if he truly thinks that way that’s fine he’s entired of his opinion but what the hell is there to gain by saying that to the media and going public with it just to hurt Vic to embarrass Vic to say hurtful things towards Vic Vic vano when he left Miami never said a word about any player in Miami he never said a bad thing about any Dolphins player he left quiet as a mouse took his job in and went away you know Holland and Ramsey and some others go on social media see what they said but Holland really this week and now you see dolphins fans are clapping seals oh if he says he’s a bad guy he’s a bad guy Vic F here’s here’s what I know about Vic Fango last year okay Holland missed five games Ramsey missed seven games Howard missed four games Phillips missed six games Jerome missed four games at linebacker and and and Elliott missed two Miami was 10th in Total Defense seventh in Rush defense and 15th in past defense with all those damn injuries I had one dumbass on social media today goes Fick wasn’t creative enough creative how the hell can you be creative when you don’t have those guys for most of the season in and out of the lineup every other week he’s just trying to survive a week with the backups and get them up to speed to win this week’s game but get creative enough like he’s got that much time in the week to you know put in new players at certain spots and let’s be creative too let’s throw everything at him in one week this you know be careful what you wish for that’s all I’m going to say Anthony Weaver was an abject failure with the Houston Texans in this same role he went to the Ravens the Ravens did not promote him to defensive coordinator his boss gets a head coaching job in Seattle he did not bring him with him to make in the defensive coordinator I’m not saying Anthony we is a bad guy I have no idea if he’ll be good in Miami but be careful what you wish for and be careful following Javon Holland blindly because Javon Holland says Vic Fel is a bad guy and it’s one 18 know enough Holland’s that’s low rent it’s low class he’s got to grow up you got to keep some things private do I have a call every week with Zach and do I bad mouth Jason and Doug of course but I don’t come on here and say it because some things don’t need to be made public and that’s that was holl’s mistake just keep some things to yourself is my point and be careful what you wish for let’s see if the Eagles this year play great and if Miami struggles on defense with Weaver Holland’s going to get a lot of questions from the press and they’re all going to be fair Dan you badmouth this guy and you guys stink on defense so he better hope that his mouth writes a check his ask can cash this year once again well said I don’t know if anyone wants to you could put your hand up if you want to follow Mike I don’t want to follow Mike after that that was perfectly said at that point uh okay so there’s your news from OTAs and all the frap that’s been going on the last week so let’s get on to the fun stuff so for the next couple weeks here on uh the round table we are going to do a Miami Dolphins alltime draft with four teams four of us are going to be represented here all of us are going to have our individual teams and what I think is going to end up happening is the next two shows are going to be the majority of all the players starting from the first round on I figured what we’ll do today is we’ll do and I put up this little fantasy draft lottery order generator with our four names in it we’ll see what happens here we’ll do a little lottery for the coaches we’ll draft our coaches we’re going to all draft a head coach offensive coordinator defensive coordinator once that is done we’ll do another generator to see who gets the first pick next episode which we all probably know who’s going to be the first pick in that draft anyway it’s going to be Pete stanovich okay so let’s go with this here you like that I know s was laughing I can’t even see bringing you back to 1995 94 season it’s just traumatic but I’m telling you that the kicker part might be the the most fun part out of that entire next two episodes I think to see who our four kickers are going to be at that point okay so Z Mike dougle and sne are in my order I know that no one’s going to believe this but I’m doing it anyway generate order pick number okay we’ll just show it pick number four is sney pick number 12 you’re definitely not gonna believe this pick number four is s pick number three is Mike pick number two is dougle and I came out with the first pick here in the coach’s draft uh this is like Ying to the Knicks in 85 but I was just about to say he’s cold you’re cold Mouse padding it right it it actually says dougle for all four picks at this point as well okay so we’ll do that for the coaches we’ll do a totally new one for and actually the funny thing is this whole thing has music and everything I should have just let it play out in real time at this point instead of saying show all at this point all right so that’s what we’re going to do here we’re going to draft coaches uh it doesn’t have to be your first pick doesn’t have to be a head coach doesn’t have to be an OC or DC it’s whatever order you want to go in just pick one okay so we go any order the three okay right so like my first pick I’ll tell you who it’s gonna be Don schul is gonna be the first pick here the coach’s draft as my head coach here right exactly uh dougle is gonna be on the on the clock now Mike and then sarney and then we’ll reverse order obviously for round two so sney you will have two picks coming up after four you’ll have four and five and they’ll go all the way back to me and then I’ll have two snake order and once we’re done with this we will discuss our coaches if we want for a second obviously Don schula being the first pick and then we’ll do another lottery for next week it’ll be a shorter episode today because the next two we are going to drown you out with content for the next two episodes after this so obviously with the number one pick in the Dolphins Roundtable coaches draft uh Team Zach picks the great Don schula Dougley is on the clock where do I want to go do I want to go head coach right this is where this is I was actually hoping not for the first pick to be honest with you because I already knew about my OC and DC I wanted and I figured I could just go with any other coach if somebody got sh I have the DC I wanted I don’t know if I have the offensive coordinator um I’m gonna go with a head coach and I’m gonna go with a guy who drafted some of my favorite players all time o and I’m going Jimmy Johnson okay Jimmy Johnson is off the board Mike is on the clock sorney get ready for two give me Bill arens Parker defensive coordinator he was the man responsible for a lot of that success in the early 70s and best defensive coordinator in the history of the organization um gonna be Bill arnsbarger baby let’s go pick number three is in I didn’t I wasn’t shocked with Doug’s pick but that pick really pissed me off Mike because that was my pick all right throws out the whole sche here but I got two now so I’m gonna take my uh the good thing is here is that s since you have the next two you could let well we don’t have a time here but I would say you could let your time a lot and then go to the next one and no one can jump here so yeah but you got two now well I’m gonna think and I’m gonna try to make this strategic here because you know the Arborg that was that was the Ace in the Hole once that was a good one right o boy oh boy but what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna get myself a guy who I can know who could rile up the locker room and I don’t care if it’s a leaky boat I don’t care if it’s coming off the worst season in the world world and I’m going to bring along a guy who’s going to be my offensive coordinator who was this man’s offensive coordinator and brought one of the more Innovative aspects of football not just for the Miami Dolphins but for a good year and a half and that’s the Wildcat so I’m gonna bring in Dan Henny as my offensive coordinator it and Tony Sano I always want to say Tony Spano right or Tony Soprano and sometimes I fumer but Tony Spano for head coach wow I like that look at that start for you right there Mike you’re back on the clock all right well since there’s only one head coach bot left I can might as well wait might just get my next best offensive coordinator here little little logic here I mean it’s ain’t got to be Scooby-Do to solve this mystery um yeah I want norf Turner because here’s the deal if I’m getting the fourth choice of head coach I better have two damn good coordinators and give me norf you know norf sucked as a head coach but he was a damn good um coordinator and he was here in Miami those years with Ricky and I know people like to say that they ranom too much you know I spoke to Ricky you can watch the shows I did with him it’s not as he said it’s not the volumes of runs give me norf he knows what the hell he’s doing calling offense I like it Norv Turner off the board Mike still needs a head coach dougle coordinator time for you and me coming up what do you got I’m going with a DC and I’m trying to think of who who I want it’s between two guys I think I’m going to go with a guy who’s kind of done it in the league throughout the league I’m gonna go Dom C Dom Caper’s defensive coordinator that would be my next choice if I didn’t take yeah that’s a good one Dom Capers well done there I like that oh man so this is it for me I got these two picks and that’s uh that’s going to be it he Choi what do I do here um offensive coordinator I’m going to go a little bit off the uh radar and he is a head coach in the league now and I think he’ll be okay with with whoever I have his quarter right now I’m g go Brian deall as my offensive coordinator uh here I love Dan Henning by the way Dan Henning would have been my pick I think at that point because he is uh he came out with my favorite line ever in the media when he we asked him about something he goes there’s no bitching and there’s no complaining here in the offensive side of the ball I like a guy that could say that to the media uh and defensive coordinator God who are the two guys I had on here left that I loved I’m actually gonna go a little new school I’m gonna go Vance Joseph as my defensive coordinator that was the other one I was gonna think of I’m gonna go Vance Joseph so there goes my coaching staff of Don schula bran dble and Vance Joseph Doug with your last no one pick Vic F I was I was honestly thinking about it I swear to you I was thinking about it just to do it here right there oh god well I’m actually going to go with another controversial coach okay this coach has the highest win percentage as an offensive coordinator for the Miami Dolphins he’s the last offensive coordinator to win us a playoff game that is chan gayy chan gayy you can’t go broke taking a profit on that one douy Doug Dougley coaching staff led by Jimmy Johnson Chan gayy Dom Capers look at old school Mike head coach the last head coach yeah this is it’s It’s tricky because here’s why you look at the Dolphins Rich history there’s only three coaches that’s ever won a playoff game so really this comes down to do I want wanad who’s 42 and 31 or do I go with an upstart un still unproven Mike McDaniel who’s gotten off to who’s you know made the playoffs twice but you know has had two teams collapsed at the end of the year here now because I got arms sparer and I got nor I got a solid staff you do carry a young head coach that’s my question or do I go you know with wanstead you know I know fans don’t like him but he actually won games love um I can’t I think because my staff is so strong I’m gonna go Mike McDaniel all right I like it you know nor nor is gonna make him run the ball in these games and he you know nor is calling the place I’ll tell you right now nor is calling the plays we’re running the ball when we have leads that’s all I’m saying Mike McDaniel Bill arensburger Norv Turner Mike’s coaching stff that’s solid New Age Old School Healy mix North calling the place sney will finish us off and finish off his coaching staff with the defensive coordinator Tony Spano and Dan Henning and who else is in the coaching staff for Jason sardy a guy slipped to me I’m very happy someone who I circled who I want this mentality I want a top 10 defensive coordinator in his tenure with the dolphins I got him he coached that last playoff Victory it’s Jim Bates J Bates well done though you’re going Anthony Weaver yeah I I’m surprised no one Weaver right not yet we need to for head coach someone wanted to be cute could have gone with Dan Campbell that’s true you’re interm coach would have counted I would have counted count that would have been if we’re building a tight end room an offensive line coach you know yeah sure if we ever get more detailed into our coaching staff drafts then he will be picked at that point there Don schula bran deall and Vance Joseph for me Dougley got Jimmy Johnson Chan gayy and Dom Capers Mike’s got Mike McDaniel Bill arensburger norf Turner and sney Tony Spano Dan Henning and Jim Bates we got some pretty solid coaching staffs here uh for our little Roundtable draft so that’s going to do it for our coaching stuff once we start next week literally this person’s going to be on the clock let me do this one more time I’m almost scared to do this at this point because if somehow my name gets first I’m just not gonna do that and I’m gonna give someone else at this point all right uh first you won I trust you I trust you if you win you win let’s do this let me refes looking at the eyes right now I want to see if the eyes go here right actually what I’m doing is I’m putting them all in different order of what they were before on the screen so sorry oh you’re going to guarantee you’re going to win again now no because I just did it right now I’m not even joking and I can’t I hear anything that a certain quarterback wouldn’t want to play in the Northeast and there’s only one warm weather owner here so I don’t want to hear that junk all right generate order pick number four is Mike pick number oh pick number three is sney good God just give me two in Siberia pick number two is dougle z and pick number one is Zack is this the same order no we just switched no I was three last time okay uh without sounding like I cheated I will be I’m on the clock for the next I think we know who you’re taking it one okay yes Jay feedler will probably be my first pick overall as I go leave Lindo Mario to me I want a Syracuse connection let me tell you something that’s who I was going to take alindo is number one kicker on my board I’m not even joking I want to fight over Lindo maray who’s going to jump on him first so there who are we going to invite to the green room right we’re gonna have to yeah there’s got to be what we’re gonna have to invite like probably eight the first two Reggie Roby probably first punter off the board and we’re gonna pick all these people anyone listening watching right now we are literally gonna have a kicker a punter a full defense and a full offense this is going to take two episodes at this point and I think we’re going to have a lot of fun with this because the four of us are pretty knowledgeable when it comes to these in any order we want just to make the team right any order if obviously let’s just say for example my first pick let’s say it’s Dan Marino as the first pick Let’s just say example at that point number two could be Richmond Webb number three could be alindo Mar that’s that’s what I was getting at it could be Jason Taylor whatever you make out the roster you make out the roster Mike I don’t want to tip any of my picks but I did text message John Denny I said be prepared right you want to get a Long Snapper who could do a couple things tab pepper I already got him on my phone I do have his phone number cuz I did interview tab pepper once on a Monday he was cut on a Thursday blocked me on Twitter like it was my fault wow W that sucks right that’s back in the day when we uh QA used to have the uh dolphin rights 100 years ago when I was an intern they would send me out once a week to do like a four or five minute player interview on a on a cassette by the way that’s dating my first couple years there on a cassette tape and I would do it and I would you know interview a guy they put it on the pregame show um I interviewed I think the first two weeks two guys and right after I interviewed them within three hours they were cut from the team so we and we still played the interviews which was impressive I couldn’t believe we did that but I felt like a piece of you know what I was like God am i g to pick a guy every week I got some other stories too which is probably should be for show in the summer when we really got nothing to talk about right save that for three episodes from now at this point three episodes from now the next two are gonna be our drafts Zack Dougley sney and Mike that is our draft order when it comes to that at that point so there you go so the three of you and me we got some homework to do for the next two weeks anyone who’s watching and listening always put in the comments any of that kind of stuff what do you think about our coach’s draft this week and what do you think about me rigging the draft to get the first pick in the coach and the player thing as what it looks like at this point okay that’s going to do it for us shorter one this week next two are going to be long I promise you that we got things to do tonight dougle work at everyone find your stuff YouTube got give up that that’s rewind that right easy for you to say dgly dur wrong find me on Twitter you also can find me at dolphin look at that sney dolphin all Twitter things fun stuff on social media Mike Dolphins we just dropped an interview today with Frank the Tank and we got two or three more big interviews coming in the next week or two stay tuned you’re not going to want to miss them dolphin love it love the teas love you watching and and supporting us we have a fun time doing this each week and hopefully the next couple weeks will be fun for all of you to watch and listen to as well any suggestions for the teams maybe we should come up with a team name outside of Zach and Doug and Mike and so if anyone in the comment section wants can we draft the logos inter because we have multiple we should name our team after past stadium names I like it I like Sun Life whatever that ised about that Zack and you’re not getting the first pick no because what I’m going to do there is I’m going to automate it in my head since the order for the regular draft is Zack dougle sney Mike the order for team name draft is GNA be Mike shy dougle than me and that’s how we’ll start off the first episode next week before we get into our actual draft I like there you go Mike actually is now on the clock instead of me uh for episode number one of our draft stuff here for the boys for Mike for Jason for dougle honestly thanks every week for watching and listening to us we get great comments Mike Will normally answer you back if you answer back oh they’re gonna love me this week everyone said about Holland and and the fans they’re gonna love me this week I love everyone in the comments direct all of our hate mail to sometimes the truth hurts I know I’m sorry right at that point otherwise we’ll come back the next couple weeks have a lot of fun with you and we’ll get you ready for the summer episodes here of do of the Dolphins round table here in Cris corner so for the boys and for me thanks again for watching and listening we’ll see you next week for our official first draft I’m excited look I’m sweating I’m so excited about it we will start with the team names and then go with the players our coaching staffs are intact at this point have a good one we’ll speak to you next week on Francis Corner the Dolphins Roundtable [Music]


  1. He is traveling back and forth to CA to work with his QB coach. Team aware. What am I missing here again?

  2. I love when Media guys who scream into the camera and never misses an opportunity to over criticize players or team to get clicks on their video's and articles shame or blame the fans who react to their non-sence. Don't blame the fans for the media you people have created.


  4. Dolphin fans that don't like Tua are the most annoying and negative people. We haven't had a QB this good in over 20 years and this fan base just whines and cries. There's 25 other teams that have a worse QB. Get a grip!

  5. Stopped playing at 15 min…Oliva yelling about how stupid people are (dolphins fans are his audience btw) is not “must see TV”..slow news week

  6. Helluva rich kickoff to the show.

    A dude looking and acting like he hasn’t left his basement in a decade telling the rest of the fanbase to go touch grass.

    Acting like a condescending chode to the same fanbase that you’re at least somewhat reliant on to even support your platform.

    Claiming the rest of the fanbase is overly sensitive, all while crying that Tua should defend the media and that Holland should leave Britney alone.

    What an absolute clown show.

  7. 10:07 SOME dolphins fans are retarded… not all. I’m too busy running my construction company and playing softball 4 nights a week up here in Minnesota. I barely tune in until right before preseason.

  8. Fangio did pretty damn good last year. The only problem is he didn’t even want to be here so I mean really how hard did he try for this team.

  9. Most reporters don’t add context to their “report”. Say why he hasn’t been there and most fans wouldn’t have said anything… They leave out pertinent information to drive clicks and cause division instead of educating fans.

  10. Mike, I believe the issue is that many in the national media go out of their way to say something negative or create something negative about tua because it’s a hot button topic. Even though this reporter knew that it was really nothing. He went ahead and made it headline because he knew it would stir the pot and get him views and hits. He accomplished that.

  11. It’s pretty obvious that Fangio is a douche bag. I didn’t need Holland to tell me. Also, Fangio did talk about players not putting forth the effort. He didn’t name them but he did say it.

  12. U guys making it a big story not all Fins making it a big deal out of it u guys getting blowing it up more. Doug repeating same story

  13. You’re wrong. You blame fans but tour first issue is Tua and then you harp on Tua. We don’t want to hear about Tua but you harp on it.

  14. Hilarious how Mike is taking shots at Holland (who he doesn't know or work for Holland taking shots at Fangio (who he does know and work with). What a joke.

  15. I was thinking about that 94 divisional game @ San Diego tonight as a matter of fact,
    that was Dan's last Best shot

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