‘Laserlike focus’ aids Yuka Saso in second USWO win | Live From the U.S. Women’s Open | Golf Channel

Live From the U.S. Women’s Open praises Yuka Saso’s ability to reset during her second career USWO win, this one coming by three strokes despite a four-putt for double bogey early in the final round. #GolfChannel #USWomensOpen #YukaSaso
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‘Laserlike focus’ aids Yuka Saso in second USWO win | Live From the U.S. Women’s Open | Golf Channel

what a week it was we are very much looking forward to putting a bow on what was an extremely interesting Championship a surprising Championship but so much credit to Yuka saso who be becomes a two-time US Women’s Open Champion brandall just how would you encapsulate everything that we saw not just in this final round but in the entire Championship tremendous week first of all the golf course was an absolute star I think you said she was a beauty I love the way you phrase that all week long she was a bey Beauty uh perfect weather we got really lucky in that regard the fans really came out in full force it was great to see that but I would say the golf from start to finish with some of the most unpredictable zus Golf and it obviously starts with Nelly Corda the overwhelming favorite making the 10 at the third hole and then as the week went on you saw players who were ranked 245 192 and 158 playing like the top 10 players in the world where the top 10 players in the world really did struggle and then on Sunday who could have predicted that one of the best ball Strikers if not the best ball striker in the women’s game in meni Lee doesn’t hit a fairway struggles with their irons and then somebody who was struggling with their irons the first three days yuc casasso came out and hit her iron’s leg I don’t know M Lee or Tiger Woods uh and we go to the back nine which is extremely difficult the three hardest holes on this course are on the back nine number 10 number 12 and number 18 now this is yuk casasso on the 10th I’m showing you the shot because her drive was 308 yards hardest Hole uh you know one of the hardest holes on the golf course and it’s just a beautiful t-shot right down there only one other player managed to hit it farther than her and it just in control spot on at the 12th the most dangerous hole on the golf course where your tournament can just go away just like that one swing of the club and that’s it you’re over you’re done you don’t have a chance to win you can tell she was aiming at the middle of the green there high soft cut really dialed in whereas the first three days she was almost dead last in Strokes Gan approach you talk about a metamorphosis and then here at the 18th the day began with their t- shot at one which went 325 yd that was the longest t- shot in the field on the first hole right down the middle at 18 this one goes 280 yards now it’s right uphill just flies that bunker that was the longest t- shot of the day at the 18th hole it reminded me of well we’ll flash back to 2016 trying to find one of the most amazing beautiful perfect t- Shots by somebody who is in control to win a US Open it was theirs to win or lose just like it was casasso Dustin Johnson 16th hole Oakmont absolutely blistered that with all of those demons from the previous year hit a great shot of course he went on to win as did yucas saso it was one of the most uh impressive impressive performances on the back nine that I have seen in a US Open mail she made my analysis on 18 look stupid because I said no one’s going to be able to carry that bunk on the right and she carried it by about 20 yards so thanks UK I appreciate appreciate the heads up but listen she said earlier in the week she say an adjustment uh when she want her first US Women’s Open she had to find her feet a little bit um I’d say she’s pretty much B her feet and she’s very comfortable now um listen I thought horion play you know we spoke about it was not up to scratch this week um especially the first well the first three rounds are definitely was not up to scratch and her putting was keeping her in contention in the tournament 422 and 11 in I’m going to round that up because I’m nice 423 feet of putt this uh of putts this week I mean that’s just phenomenal putting um listen she went to the range last night she hit some iron shots I don’t know what she did but she found something and she was a completely different player in approach shots today and that’s why she’s lifting a second US Women’s Open trophy that indeed and it was also a big day for Japanese Golf five Japanese players finishing in the top 10 the US Women’s Open Champion so some really impressive stuff some historic stuff and yucas alsoo made her own bit of history today as well she becomes the youngest play play to win a second career US Women’s Open they’re at 22 years 11 months and 13 days just incredible history that yucas saso gets to be a part of and the US Women’s Open Champion is standing by with Amy Yuka was a tough final day for everyone to top that leaderboard you came from three Strokes back to get the win what was your game plan coming into the final round um just stay patient and uh enjoy playing golf and enjoy the challenge you got emotional during the Trophy presentation when you spoke about your family what role have they played in your success and getting to this point in your career um I think just that they’re so far away and I’m here and you know um I can’t really spend time with my siblings that’s I think that’s the biggest part um I’m the eldest and they’re all young and you know I want to spend time with my sister and my brothers um but yeah I think just to see them or talk to them every day uh when I have time it makes me feel calm um so and obviously my mom as well and my dad my dad travels with me so um he cooks and drive for me and I I haven’t seen my mom um almost 6 months now so um I just can’t wait to talk to her soon you said this week you felt like no matter how well you played that luck would play a little bit of a role what role you think Luck play in your Victory today well I definitely didn’t have that luck in uh hole number what’s that uh six on the par three but um but I think having that experience I think uh would help me in the future and I think I had a little bit of luck on 18 as well with the Chip Shot um and obviously I think most luck you have to call it yourself and you know I think it’s just golf C just wanted to give me a little chance I think there was a lot of skill involved as well congratulations on another US Women’s Open title thank you so much well as you can see there yukus also understandably emotional in this moment she doesn’t get to celebrate it with her entire family tour life is kind of an Instagram versus reality thing of course it’s so glamorous and wonderful to see her out here winning but the reality of that is her family being separated her mom she hasn’t seen in 6 months as she just mentioned um but as she thinks about what transpired today when she had the four putt on six we were watching in the trailer and we kind of thought oh okay this might not be the day for her but brandle how impressed were you that she was able to keep everything together keep that focus and then go out and have the back nine that she did what interesting the first three days where she was really struggling with her irons you know where she really showed her ability to handle the adversity was when she was making 10 12 15 Footers for par it was like nothing could distract her and so early on to your point and the US opens deal out adversity in great measure more measure than any other major championship but early on when the putter seemed to leave her you thought well now she’s in some trouble because she’s really struggling with her irons and here she is at the fource she’ hit a nice iron shot in there but 9 ft away look I mean of course Players missed nine Footers but we hadn’t hardly seen her miss anything and you see that one Shuffle on down there to about 4 ft away which is interesting because at the sixth hole that’s exactly what we saw she talked about how difficult this green was that was for par so from 4 feet away Slips Away to about 6 feet so we’re talking about somebody who had led by miles in Strokes gain putting have an almost inexplicable for putt for double Bogey and you know to see someone uh who had had everything going their Direction and then hit with a four putt missing all of these putts to begin with you think well they’re going to be distracted they’re going to be off their game uh you know perhaps they get a little bit angry and to watch an athlete reset go to the next hole Focus themselves she talked all week long about how patient she was and I think this is evidence of that patience you know it’s really easy to get frustrated with yourself maybe think you’re letting it slip away all that hard work is for not you know laser likee focus great shot there at the eighth and again what’s interesting here is that this was not how she was putting the rounds together the first three days this is just one great iron shot after another at the 12 just a high soft cut right off the middle of the green the most dangerous hole Frau filled hole on the entire golf course and that was absolutely Sublime we’ll go to the 13th the par five this is really cool cuz she’s taking something off of it driving it in low uh trying to get the two Skipper and get it to stop boom boom stop beautiful right I mean that’s that’s spot on this is the Sunday of the US open on the back nine uh off the 14th from 147 uh the USGA has said all week that the one thing they loved about this golf course and what is important to them in USGA championships is that players get every Club dirty these are for 185 163 78 147 all the way through the bag I’d say she’s getting them dirty and but they’re downright mean and clean look at this one 15 188 off a hook lie to an uphill shot so easy to lose that to the left and the green slopes right to left so it been easy to miss it to the left and of course that would mistake would have been augmented High soft cut she was able to knock that down I mean unlikely tough birdie and she was able to get done but the approach shot that I think was maybe the most impressive yes is the t- shot also an approach shot when you’re as long as she is 232 yards she got over it I mean look how quickly she bends down and picks up the te no angst here she knew she’d hit it right on the button so all in all just to watch her and it’ll be interesting when she comes up here Mel I know it’s probably question you want to ask her is how did that transformation come from the person we saw the first 3 days with her approach shots to turn it around and then be that laser-like focused on the back nine that’s actually exactly what my question is going to be so none of you steal it cuz that’s the only one I’ve got for her um she was very impressive today like I said she must have found something on the Range yesterday she came out as a completely different player today um like you said K after that for per we were like oh it was a bit of a wobble and then she just kept hitting unbelievable drives first of all to set up you know a lot shorter irons than most of the players out here and she was just taking advantage of that she was just hitting iron sh after iron shot after iron shot she almost made it the back nine look easy in a effortless which it is absolutely not um you know it’s a brutal back nine here at Lancaster Country Club and very deserving Champion very deserving winner um very very impressive today just the way she’s turned it around was was amazing really looking at these iconic scen now on 18 green as she gets to take her photos with the trophy that she will cherish forever big smile on her face a well-deserved smile and you know Mel when you say that about the back nine it seems like she almost entered you what the uh the sports psychologists refer to as the Flow State these days yeah I mean every single swing like when we were watching it in the Traer almost when she finished a swing you know me and Branda would look at each other and go what a great swing like and then boom it’s within you 15 ft um she did you know even when she hit that fantastic shot on 16 um you know there was no emotion there really she kind of just gave herself a bit of a nod like right that was a great golf swing 17 even 17 when she made a bogey she was signing autographs I mean she was just in a loose Zone like it was that’s exactly want you want to be you want to be calm uh you want to be free you want to be collected and I felt like she just embraced that moment and honestly that chip on 18 I was out there this morning that is not an easy Chip Shot like that was a really hard Chip Shot and she made it look effortless um you say that she thrives in the hard chip shots right she does she we were talking about this earlier in the week I feel like she reminds me of Laura Davies a little bit Laura always Whenever there was a difficult Chip Shot you’re thinking she can’t get this within 20 ft all of a sudden it’s within 2 feet and then she’s got an easy one where she can pick six clubs and she duffs it you know Laura will be the first to admit it and she says well I feel I have too many options on an easy shot um you can has hit some unbelievably difficult chip shots this week and she’s made them look easy um and she’s actually hit a um easy chips well look there’s Dad there personal chef and chauffeur as she says it but um I mean what a cool moment as well to have her dad here and have family here watching such a unbelievable achievement I mean she’s so young it’s kind of scary how good she is at that age and to us wom is open I mean it’s incredible really it’s it’s mind-blowing yeah a really special moment for her to get to share with her dad SL Chef SL chauffeur but brandle as we take a look at this graphic you know yasas just gets to walk away with a really special piece of history with her first two lpj tour wins being major championships yeah and doing it by the age of 22 you know when I I watch her you know Mel just said that she kind of reminds her Laura Davies but I look at her gorgeous powerful golf swing and it kind of reminds me of Ki Webb you know Cari Webb swing was so powerful so beautiful of course par car Webb went on to win seven major championships I think we love Rory’s golf swing for the same reason well yasas has got a ways to go to meet wheat seven but she will be uh very happy I’m sure with these two and should be celebrating them and rightfully so well the 79th edition of the US Women’s Open is in the books yucas saso with the historic win a two-time major champion


  1. She used to represent Philippine flag , now its Japan . She was an amazing golf player , congratulations Yuka Saso .

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