What’s in the Bag for 2024? I’ll Show You!

Check out my new golf clubs in this What’s In The Bag 2024 video! From SM10 wedges to Titleist irons, Srixon woods, and an Odyssey putter, I’ve got all the gear you need for a successful round on the course.

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what is going on everybody it is 2024 and we’ve got new toys let’s go through what’s in the bag we haven’t done this one in a [Music] while all right so it’s always fun when you’re getting new toys I have always been somebody that you know tends to hang on to equipment for a while I like what I like and I if I find something I like I tend to like to keep it and not mess around with it too much and then I always kind of go to the swing stuff if I’m going to work on it but this is the year I really felt like I needed to get some new stuff and so we did we have a lot of new stuff in the bag so I’m going to take you through it this is actually going to be a two-part series because part one of it is here part two will be coming later as we get stuff coming in so I’ll talk about why I’m playing what I’m playing and we’ll go from there all right now one little disclaimer as we go through here I did join on with Team Titus I signed on as a staff member for them if you’re not familiar with how that works well basically it is in the golf industry you have professionals they will get on staff with companies where you sell enough of their product they’ll put you on they will give you golf clubs now here at Mistwood luckily we do business with everybody we do enough where it’s a choice of what staff you want to do that’s not always the case wherever you’re at so I got to choose from every single company of which one I wanted to do and I ended up going with Titus so when you see the Titus clubs yes they were sent to me I did not pay for those the rest of them I did but you know that there was a choice that I made to go with that club and those companies and I’ll explain that as we go through all right I’ll explain why all right so let’s start a little bit with some of the old here okay so we’ll start off with the big dog driver so this is not new this is my still Cobra LTD X but there is a new aspect to it I did change the shaft and this is through some testing that I’ve been doing so this is the tensi 1K black this is a stiff Flex it’s 65 G shaft but it is cut down to 45 in and specifically I tipped it a/ in so instead of being 45 and A2 it is 45 and I took that/ in off on the tip end so what that does is essentially make the shaft play a little stiffer when you do a/ in it’s basically like half a flex so this driver is essentially like a stiff and a half or a soft xflex but I really like it I’ve really been enjoying the shorter driver shaft because it really helps me hit the I feel like I just hit the center of the face more and I’m not swinging it that much slower and I’m gaining more in ball speed and also spin has come down I’ve talked about that a lot this is the ls head and I try to get spin off the golf ball so that’s something I try to do and it has helped me do that as we go all right so we move into the three-wood this is new this is new but it is not titless this is Srixon all right strion this is the ZX 3-wood this is the 3 plus it is a 13 1/ 12° 3-wood it is really meant mainly for hitting off of a t because I just need if I’m hitting my driver 285 290 I have a club that goes 240 which I’ll talk about I need something in there that has a little bit of a gap filler that I can hit off a te so I’m not leaving myself you know four or five clubs longer into a green so this club does that it is extremely low spin so I do have the red shaft the Hazardous RDX smoke red shaft in this and when we’re looking at the red shafts red shafts add launch add spin okay so we have a very low spinning head I’m counteracting that a little bit with some red shaft that’s going to send it up a little bit higher help the ball spin a little bit but this thing comes out really flat honestly not like the most functional ball flight for hitting into a green but that’s not what I’m looking for and with these longer clubs I’m trying to Gap you know basically like 20 25 yards as I go through and this fills that Gap getting out there about 260 for me all right and then we get into this new toy as well this thing is a cheat code the uboat this is the u505 this is the two iron from Titus so this guy absolutely hits Rockets it hits heaters it’s uh crazy good it feels really good it has this is the Hazardous black it’s a hybrid shaft that they shave down so this is just the stock shaft they do it is an extra stiff as we go and it’s 80 g so this thing with the head shape being so big this thing hits the ball really really flat so I was actually really surprised and this is I got this first and then realized I needed to make a change at 3-wood because this club was going going about 240 and my old three was going like 245 all right and so I can’t have that type of Gap and this club again is Just Meant to hit off of T’s really but I can get this one in the air and actually hit some decent shots into greens it actually really does work well for that as well just again from the pure head shape being so fat here this thing will really hit some missiles for you if you want to so absolutely loving this addition all right then we get into the irons irons here so we’ve got these are new again Titus t15s t-50s are just a little stronger Loft a little bit of a bigger head what I found was I just spin the golf ball too much and with my old ta3 heads that I had those spun way too much as well so taking a little bit of Loft and changing the head design getting a little bit of a fatter head on here little bit more forgiveness what that does is that actually takes spin off the ball ball launches lower and then it gets out there and then it starts to kind of peek when it’s going out there so that’s something that we talked a lot about in my fitting which if you would like to see that footage from the fitting I do have it but if you would like to see it let me know in the comments below because I can put that out if you want to see how I went through and got fit for everything I liked it because one I’m getting back some of the distance I’m cheating a little bit getting back some distance by just taking two degrees a loft that’s what all these clubs are they’re 2° stronger but I don’t want to be like some of the other clubs that are out there where I don’t feel like I need to go down as strong as some of the other golf clubs that you see that are out on the market so we went with these t-50s they’re awesome they are forged I do like forged golf clubs as well I did make a change in the golf shaft I went to Project X lzs I used to have Dynamic Gold’s 130 G shaft it was X100 I still have the shafts so kind of thought there’s a little cheat code thing for when you get fit if you’re unsure and you have the shafts already I would keep them you can always put them back in uh as you go through so I wanted to try something just a little bit softer a little tiny bit heavier so this is the project xlz 6.5 so that’s the xflex uh and it’s 125 G compared to 130 with my old clubes these these irons swing weight a little bit lighter they’re at about D1 where I was at D6 which is nuts so I might mess with that a little bit because I’m pulling the ball slightly which with the lighter swing weight makes sense but really actually liking everything about them we just got to maybe just do a little twink tinkering on the weight as we go through but t150 is they’re pretty sweet all right so here we go wedges so I actually carry four wedges in my bag so I have the pitching wedge which is from the t150 set this is a 44° pitching wedge so typically I would had a 46° pitching wedge but going down a little bit again as we explained the rest of the set sm10 so I did keep these uh fairly similar as we went through so I have a 50° I try to Gap 5° in between my wedges now obviously there’s six between the pitching wedge and the 50 but I do feel like I can maneuver it a little bit as we go but I have a 50° this is an 08f so 08 is the bounce that’s 8° of Bounce the grind is f which on those lower lofted wedges it’s going to be F grinds uh I have a 54 degree that’s bent to 55 the reason I bend it that way instead of getting like a 56 and going to 55 is you’re encouraging as you add LOF you’re encouraging More Bounce I’m somebody that tends to dig so give me some bounce but I did go with the S grind I I’m not somebody that likes the super super fat bounce you know grind on the bottom of the club the super fat sole just doesn’t sit really good with me so I like this s grind it has a little bit of forgiveness but it also is going to be just a little bit of a thinner look as we go and then the 60° actually have this new Grind that is out and I’m actually really liking it it is the 04t so 4° of ounce it’s the te grind but you can see here even though it says 4° of ounce it’s not like it’s all the same you can see this wedge is is a lot fatter it’s a lot wider so it does Play Pretty a little bit more bounced than that 4° says and actually I’m really liking again how this sits when I’m looking at wedges one I’m looking at they should all Gap pretty close as long as I get the Lofts right but I’m looking at how do they sit when I’m going to hit especially short game shots does it look like the Leading Edge is sitting in a bad spot or does it look like it’s sitting really in a nice spot that’s it’s really a look and a feel type thing and then I did raw finishes on these I do like it it will Rust as you go so I got to be careful about that but I don’t like the darker finishes they just kind of get dirty and all that but I think they look cool when you first get them but I just I guess I’m not that good at keeping them clean uh shaft wise I do have actually that same Project X in the 50 deg because I pretty much swing this one full that’s all I do is hit full shots with this for the most part and then I do have the dynamic Gold Tour issue this is the S400 so it is a stiff shaft instead of an xlex because I don’t swing my wedges is hard and I want a little bit of feel in the shaft as we go so I’m back in that Dynamic gold family on those two as we go through then we go into Old trusty we’ll see how long this actually stays in the bag uh we might have a new toy coming we’ll see but uh we have the Odyssey this is the OG the white white hot OG Rossi so this is actually a putter I had in college I got rid of it and then I was just like man I got to go get this again we did a video on me getting this last year at the superstore brought all the equipment this is just one based on how it all aligns with all the alignment I just can really get it aligned pretty good so as long as I just keep checking my alignment I actually roll it really well too not sold yet on the insert I mean I’ve used it for a while so I don’t know how I’m not sold yet but the insert sometimes gets me but I do seem to putt it and roll it at least pretty well so that one’s staying in the bag so far now you can see we got a new golf bag this is uh obviously again from Titus this is a a great bag to have light only thing I would say is I just typically don’t like the backpack style straps I like when it’s separate there’s just two straps that are separate apart to the golf ball golf ball this is actually a big big factor in why I chose what I chose is the golf ball I am a huge prob B fan um obviously they are pricey I get that but as far as testing golf balls this is easily the most consistent golf ball out there I want consistency I want to know that it goes this distance there are golf balls that I hit farther but I’ll hit it farther than a Proby sometimes then some shots it’s less than a prob and I don’t like that so I play the regular prob trying to keep the ball flight down trying to keep spin down I do sacrifice a little bit of ball speed because of that I might look at the left Dash ball that they have as we go but we have that play number 99 was the number I was in baseball people think it’s for Wayne Gretzky it’s not it’s the number I was in baseball and uh yeah that’s what we’ve got so that is my golf bag for 2024 part one again part two more to come as we see stuff getting released stay on the lookout on the tour you’re going to see some stuff but that is what I’m going to be gaming what are you gaming is what I’m curious about we do tons of fittings here I’m curious to hear what people game why they game it and what they are looking for and any questions I can answer so let me know in those comments down below and as always click that subscribe button if you’re not a subscriber we’ll see you in the next one peace


  1. Titleist is an iron I am looking at when swap out my irons next year. Currently gaming some wishon 560mc forged irons (5-aw) and then vokey sm9 55 and 60 and just put in some kbs tour c-taper lite x’s through all of them at equal length. Using the jumbo max kite grips through whole bag. Have cobra darkspeed ls driver, and taylormade tour 3w and 5w (all woods have fujikura motore-x f1 shafts), and also have a titleist u505 3 iron with same type of wood shaft but it’s a hybrid shaft. Putter is an odyssey tri-hot 5k with white face insert. Ball is pro v1x. Woods and u505 were fit into recently and my vokey wedges were fit last year. Similar to you I do wedges at 5 degree increments so bent my pw from 47/48 down to 45 and my aw down from 52 to 50. I’m a tall guy so all my stuff is really tall. I have a cart 14 bag but I struggle with keep it on the shoulder when bringing it places and def looking for a better bag setup that I can move around more easily.

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